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Society and people, Stay-at-Home Parents

Stay-at-Home Parents

Akane: Ruth, what do you think about stay-at-home parents? Ruth: Do you mean like one parent staying at home with a child? Akane: Yeah, one parent staying at home and the other one working? Ruth: Ah, I think it's really bad if a child stays at home with one parent actually. Akane: Really, why would you say that? Ruth: I think children who are brought up like that generally don't know how to socialize with other people except for their parents. Akane: Oh, well, why would you think that? Ruth: Well, they're really not given the opportunity to interact with different people, I mean, they spend pretty much all day, every day, with that one parent, and I think it's a real shame. They don't learn how to share or, you know, how to get along with and talk to different people. Akane: Well, I think that the child will actually get more interaction if there's a stay at home parent because the parent will be able to take them to different activities and to other houses to have playmates and at the same time, they'll be able to spend more time with that parent and have socializing time with family members. Ruth: But I think children could get those same experiences from different people who look after them. It wouldn't necessarily have to be there family who looked after them surely. Akane: Well, sure but, I think that it's different when a person who is not related takes care of a child. I'm sure that they do their best but the love is not there. The caretaker would not love the child as much as the parent would and at the same time if there's one person taking care of ten different children at the same time I would wonder about the amount of attention that the child would get,and safety issues as well. Ruth: But I think you've got to look at the practical aspect of this. It's not always practical for people who don't have much money to have one parent staying at home all of the time. Akane: That's true. I really agree about that. Ruth: Oh, good we agree on one thing.

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Stay-at-Home Parents Eltern, die zu Hause bleiben Padres que se quedan en casa Parents au foyer 専業主婦 재택 부모 Pais que ficam em casa Родители, которые сидят дома Starši, ki so ostali doma 居家父母 居家父母

Akane: Ruth, what do you think about stay-at-home parents? Akane: Ruth, kaj meniš o starših, ki so ostali doma? Акане: Рут, що ти думаєш про батьків, які сидять вдома? Ruth: Do you mean like one parent staying at home with a child? Ruth: Você quer dizer como um pai que fica em casa com um filho? Akane: Yeah, one parent staying at home and the other one working? Akane: Sim, um dos pais fica em casa e o outro trabalha? Ruth: Ah, I think it’s really bad if a child stays at home with one parent actually. Ruth: Ah, eu acho que é muito ruim se uma criança fica em casa com um dos pais, na verdade. Ruth: Mislim, da je zelo slabo, če otrok ostane doma z enim od staršev. Рут: Я думаю, що насправді дуже погано, якщо дитина залишається вдома з одним із батьків. Akane: Really, why would you say that? Akane: Sério, por que você diria isso? Ruth: I think children who are brought up like that generally don’t know how to socialize with other people except for their parents. |||||||||||||||socialiser||||||| Ruth: Eu acho que as crianças que são criadas assim geralmente não sabem como se socializar com outras pessoas, exceto com seus pais. Ruth: Mislim, da se otroci, ki so tako vzgojeni, na splošno ne znajo družiti z drugimi ljudmi, razen s starši. Ruth: Bence bu şekilde yetiştirilen çocuklar genellikle ebeveynleri dışında diğer insanlarla nasıl sosyalleşeceklerini bilmiyorlar. Рут: Я думаю, що діти, які виховуються в таких умовах, зазвичай не вміють спілкуватися з іншими людьми, окрім своїх батьків. Akane: Oh, well, why would you think that? Ruth: Well, they’re really not given the opportunity to interact with different people, I mean, they spend pretty much all day, every day, with that one parent, and I think it’s a real shame. |||||||||interagir|||||||||||||||||||||||| Ruth: Nun, sie haben nicht wirklich die Möglichkeit, mit anderen Menschen zu interagieren, ich meine, sie verbringen so ziemlich den ganzen Tag, jeden Tag, mit diesem einen Elternteil, und ich denke, das ist wirklich schade. Ruth: Bem, eles realmente não têm a oportunidade de interagir com pessoas diferentes, quero dizer, eles passam praticamente o dia todo, todos os dias, com aquele único pai, e eu acho que é uma pena. Ruth: Nimajo priložnosti za interakcijo z različnimi ljudmi, saj skoraj ves dan preživijo z enim staršem, in mislim, da je to res škoda. Ruth: Onlara gerçekten farklı insanlarla etkileşim kurma fırsatı verilmiyor, yani neredeyse tüm günü, her günü tek bir ebeveynle geçiriyorlar ve bence bu gerçekten utanç verici. Рут: Ну, їм дійсно не дають можливості взаємодіяти з різними людьми, я маю на увазі, що вони проводять майже весь день, кожен день, з одним з батьків, і я думаю, що це справжня ганьба. They don’t learn how to share or, you know, how to get along with and talk to different people. Sie lernen nicht, wie man teilt oder wie man mit verschiedenen Menschen auskommt und mit ihnen spricht. Eles não aprendem como compartilhar ou, você sabe, como se relacionar e conversar com pessoas diferentes. Ne naučijo se, kako deliti ali kako se razumeti in pogovarjati z različnimi ljudmi. Akane: Well, I think that the child will actually get more interaction if there’s a stay at home parent because the parent will be able to take them to different activities and to other houses to have playmates and at the same time, they’ll be able to spend more time with that parent and have socializing time with family members. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||maisons|||||||||||||||||||||socialisation|||| Akane: Bem, eu acho que a criança vai realmente ter mais interação se houver um pai que fica em casa, porque o pai poderá levá-los a diferentes atividades e a outras casas para ter companheiros e, ao mesmo tempo, eles serão capaz de passar mais tempo com aquele pai e ter tempo de socialização com os membros da família. Akane: Menim, da bo otrok dejansko imel več stikov, če bo starš ostal doma, saj ga bo lahko peljal na različne dejavnosti in v druge domove, kjer se bo lahko igral z drugimi, hkrati pa bo lahko več časa preživel s staršem in se družil z družinskimi člani. Акане: Ну, я думаю, що дитина отримає більше спілкування, якщо батьки залишаться вдома, тому що вони зможуть брати її на різні заходи та в інші будинки, де є друзі для ігор, і в той же час вона зможе проводити більше часу з цими батьками та спілкуватися з членами сім'ї. Ruth: But I think children could get those same experiences from different people who look after them. Ruth: Aber ich denke, dass Kinder die gleichen Erfahrungen von verschiedenen Personen machen können, die sich um sie kümmern. Ruth: Mas acho que as crianças podem ter as mesmas experiências de diferentes pessoas que cuidam delas. Ruth: Vendar menim, da lahko otroci pridobijo enake izkušnje od različnih ljudi, ki skrbijo zanje. Рут: Але я думаю, що діти можуть отримати той самий досвід від різних людей, які за ними доглядають. It wouldn’t necessarily have to be there family who looked after them surely. ||||||||||||sûrement Não teria necessariamente que haver uma família que cuidava deles com certeza. Zagotovo ni nujno, da je zanje skrbela družina. Це не обов'язково має бути сім'я, яка доглядає за ними. Akane: Well, sure but, I think that it’s different when a person who is not related takes care of a child. Akane: Bem, claro, mas acho que é diferente quando uma pessoa que não é parente cuida de uma criança. Akane: Seveda, ampak mislim, da je drugače, če za otroka skrbi oseba, ki ni v sorodu. Акане: Так, звичайно, але я думаю, що це зовсім інша справа, коли про дитину піклується людина, яка не є її родичем. I’m sure that they do their best but the love is not there. Tenho certeza que eles fazem o seu melhor, mas o amor não está lá. Prepričan sem, da se trudijo po svojih najboljših močeh, vendar ljubezni ni. Я впевнений, що вони роблять все можливе, але любові немає. The caretaker would not love the child as much as the parent would and at the same time if there’s one person taking care of ten different children at the same time I would wonder about the amount of attention that the child would get,and safety issues as well. |le gardien|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Die Betreuungsperson würde das Kind nicht so sehr lieben wie die Eltern, und wenn sich eine Person gleichzeitig um zehn verschiedene Kinder kümmert, würde ich mich fragen, wie viel Aufmerksamkeit das Kind bekommen würde, und auch die Sicherheit wäre gefährdet. O cuidador não amaria a criança tanto quanto os pais e, ao mesmo tempo, se houvesse uma pessoa cuidando de dez crianças diferentes ao mesmo tempo, eu me perguntaria sobre a quantidade de atenção que a criança receberia e as questões de segurança como Nós vamos. Skrbnik otroka ne bi imel tako rad kot starši, hkrati pa bi se ob skrbi ene osebe za deset različnih otrok hkrati spraševal o količini pozornosti, ki bi jo otrok dobil, in tudi o varnostnih vprašanjih. Вихователь не буде любити дитину так само сильно, як батьки, і в той же час, якщо одна людина піклується про десять різних дітей одночасно, я б замислився про кількість уваги, яку отримає дитина, а також про питання безпеки. Ruth: But I think you’ve got to look at the practical aspect of this. ||||tu as||||||||| Ruth: Mas acho que você tem que olhar para o aspecto prático disso. Ruth: Mislim, da je treba upoštevati praktični vidik tega. Рут: Але я думаю, що ви повинні дивитися на практичний аспект цього. It’s not always practical for people who don’t have much money to have one parent staying at home all of the time. Za ljudi, ki nimajo veliko denarja, ni vedno praktično, da bi eden od staršev ves čas ostal doma. Для людей, які не мають багато грошей, не завжди практично мати одного з батьків, який постійно перебуває вдома. Akane: That’s true. I really agree about that. Я дійсно згоден з цим. Ruth: Oh, good we agree on one thing. Ruth: Oh, gut, dass wir uns in einem Punkt einig sind. Рут: О, добре, що в одному ми згодні.