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Stanford Entrepreneurship corner, Tina Seelig The Art of Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation No.4

Tina Seelig The Art of Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation No.4

So let's move on to another concept and that concept is "Don't wait to be anointed." We all think that when we go into organizations, we are waiting for people to tell us what we are to do, right? We look for jobs. We wait for people to give us our assignments. But you know what? In most organizations there are endless other opportunities waiting there for you to turn into something wonderful. I realized the other day that when you get a job you aren't getting that job. You are getting the key to that building. And as soon as you're in that building it's up to you to figure out all of the other things you can do. And if you look at people who have really been successful that is what they have done. They haven't waited for other people to anoint them, for other people to tell them what to do. It's funny because this happened in my own life years ago when I started my first company. It was 1991 and I had written my first book and I said, "You have got to be kidding. There's got to be better way to market books." So I decided to start a company called BookBrowser that was a multimedia system to try to match books with buyers, and this was before the Web. It was a kiosk-based system and I pulled together all the ideas, and I put together a team, and I printed up business cards that said, "Tina L. Seelig, President." And I showed them to my dad. My dad looked at me and he said, "You've got to be kidding. You can't just call yourself President." Now, he had been a very, very successful multinational corporate executive and had risen up for the ranks from being an individual contributor, an engineer, and every couple of years getting a promotion, and promotion, and promotion, and promotion. So he looked at me as this little kid and said, "You can't just call yourself president," and I realized that was what entrepreneurs do. Entrepreneurs make their own business cards. They are the ones who are willing to build the ladder below them, as opposed to waiting for someone to put the ladder up in front of them. And this doesn't just happen with starting a company, it something that happens in any organization that you can be part of. And I'm going to play you a video clip that again came from the Innovation Tournament. This is the one with the rubber bands, and this is a team that captured the essence of the difference between that little switch between doing nothing and doing something. And how important it is if you just give yourself permission to take on challenges, you will do amazing things. So watch this: Male: I worked out for the first time in weeks. I guess I wept deeply with joy. Female: I finally took my chubby butt to the gym. Male 2: I carried a package for someone who was overburdened. Male 3: I said "thank you" more often. Female 2: I mustered up the courage to ask my crush out. Female 3: I spoke with my dear friend on the phone for an hour-and-a-half. I'm so glad to reconnect with her. True friends are treasures in life. Male 4: The Do Band is based on two insights we had. One, you can't force someone to agree with your cause. Without buy-in, nothing real is going to happen. Two, everyone has their own cause; something they should do. They want to do but they just never get to it, and this is what we're after. We want to get people over their block and get them to do it. Enter the Do Band. Female 3: The Do Band has a simple set of rules. One, put it on with a promise and don't take it off until you've fulfilled it. Two, record your success online, share your story. Three, pass it on. Male 4: Every Do Band comes with a serial number. When you record your success you can see what else your band has inspired. Each Do Band creates a chain of successes, and that's just one Do Bands, with many Do Bands it grows even quicker and with the addition of the Virtual Do Band, the numbers multiply astoundingly fast. Male 5: Do Bands, got locked by that promise. Male 6: What's happened with your Do Band? Male 5: I actually passed it off. Male 4: The Do Band creates value by appealing to our inner desires. In just 36 hours, we created social value, health value, entertainment value, and political value, to name a few. We may not have collected $500, but Do Bands kicked off a new summer camp, initiated tons of phone calls to mothers, inspired compliments and apologies, healthy eating, and many other personal contributions to the greater good. These little things add up and success is infectious. And one more thing: Actually, people did donate over $500 to the charities that they chose, and this is only in the beginning. Imagine it.

Tina Seelig: Pretty cool? It's so wonderful because a bunch of people around the world have seen this and other schools around the world had actually started doing this. Students have taken on this project and started passing around Do Bands in websites, and it's quite amazing the number of things that have been inspired just by this project. So, I want to end with a last theme, and that is "Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous." Now, this idea came out of something that happened by accident. A few years ago when I started teaching my course on creativity and innovation, I never used slides in my class. They're always, its very action oriented. But the first day of class I do so show some slides that described what's going to happen during that quarter, and on the very last slide I have some list of the things that I expect from the students, and what expect to myself. And the last bullet point is "Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous." I promise that I'm going to do my very, very best. I'm going to deliver as much as I can at every single class, and I expect the same from them. It's the first and last time I say it. But you know, this concept is incredibly sticky. And I think the reason it's so sticky is that people are waiting for this instruction. Think about it: In most classes people tell you what you need to do to get an A, and I certainly watch my kid who is now 20 years old and I watch him do the minimum amount to get an A. But could you imagine if everyone in the world only does the minimum amount to get an A, nothing amazing will happen. The key is we are all waiting to take the lid off and be told the sky's the limit. Well, let me tell you what happened with this. After I put the slide up, a few months later I kind of forgot about it and I was coming to class and there was someone, one of my students, who was sitting outside the classroom. Because she was listening to an iPod Nano, and she was kind of rocking out before class. And I said to her, "Boy Becky, I've never seen an iPod Nano before can I take a look at it?" She said, "Sure." She unplugged it and hand it to me. And apparently when you order one online you can have it engraved with whatever you want. Some people put their email address with their phone number in case it's lost. She turned it over, and what do you think was engraved on the back? "Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous." This is what she wanted to look at every single day, and I think that's what we all want to look at and especially when you're an entrepreneur. Every single day you are faced with challenges, and everyday you have to find an opportunity to be fabulous in a way that you solve problems, in the way you approach organizational issues, in the way that you deal with everything that comes your way.

So I'm going to end with a video clip that comes from a movie that was made about the Innovation Tournament. What happened is when - I told you at the beginning the Kauffman Foundation was enthusiastic about us rolling this out across the country and around the world. Well, they had a professional film crew that was capturing us, and they decided that they wanted to see what was going to happen with the Innovation Tournament. So they put film crews around the world. They were in Japan. They were in Australia. They were in India. They were in Ecuador. They were in Thailand. They were in the US, and this is a trailer of the movie they made. The movie is called "Imagine It," and this is a trailer of the movie they made about the project with Post-it notes. I think you'll recognize some of the folks in the movie. Male 1: Imagine the future the way you'd like to see it. Female 1: If you can imagine it then it can be. Male 2: Got to the problem and imagine a world where that problem has been removed and then say, "How many steps are there from this world to that world?" Female 2: Imagining a new future, a new path, a new direction. Male 3: If you had the power to imagine it and you had the power to change the world. Male 4: Imagine a more perfect world than the one we live in, and then to actually engaged in making that happen. Female 3: People think that pressure is bad. But pressure in a very short period of time can be very stimulating. Female 2: It taps into the rawest level of their creativity. Female 1: It puts down a gauntlet of challenge and inspiration. Male 5: You'll never have infinite resources. When you're given this constraint and this constraint is opposed to that. Male 6: We define the value of your own projects innovating outside the box. The box here is actually goes to you. Female 4: Entrepreneurship is an extreme sport. Getting it out and do it. Male 7: This is an important way to progress in life so the experiment can focus. Male 8: I'll bet you that you'll be blown away. Tina Seelig: So I hope you would agree that these sort of experiences in our classrooms and hopefully that many of you had an opportunity to participate in. Give students a really strong parachute even though we might push them off of a perfectly good cliff, and ask them to take some risks and try some things they've never done before. You can look at the journey as something that's really exciting. The fall is isn't a freefall; it's something that when you have all these skills when you make your own luck and never miss an opportunity to be fabulous, you end up creating this fabulous parachute for yourself. So I am going to end on that note and take any questions that you might have, and we've got a few more minutes. Thank you very, very much.

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Tina Seelig The Art of Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation No.4 Tina|Seelig|The|Art||instructional practice|Business creation skills|as well as||Number |||||Giảng dạy|||| |Seelig|||||||| ||||||کارآفرینی||نوآوری| تينا||||||||| |Tina Seelig|||||||| Tina Seelig Die Kunst, Unternehmertum und Innovation zu lehren Nr.4 Tina Seelig Η τέχνη της διδασκαλίας της επιχειρηματικότητας και της καινοτομίας Νο.4 Tina Seelig El arte de enseñar a emprender e innovar nº 4 تینا سیلیگ هنر آموزش کارآفرینی و نوآوری شماره 4 Tina Seelig L'art d'enseigner l'entrepreneuriat et l'innovation n° 4 Tina Seelig L'arte di insegnare l'imprenditorialità e l'innovazione n. 4 ティナ・シーリグ アントレプレナーシップとイノベーションの教え方 No.4 티나 실리그 기업가 정신과 혁신을 가르치는 기술 No.4 Tina Seelig Verslumo ir inovacijų mokymo menas Nr. 4 Tina Seelig De kunst van het lesgeven in ondernemerschap en innovatie Nr.4 Tina Seelig Sztuka nauczania przedsiębiorczości i innowacji nr 4 Tina Seelig A Arte de Ensinar Empreendedorismo e Inovação N.º 4 Тина Силиг Искусство преподавания предпринимательства и инноваций №4 Tina Seelig Konsten att undervisa i entreprenörskap och innovation nr 4 Tina Seelig Girişimcilik ve Yenilikçiliği Öğretme Sanatı No.4 Тіна Зееліг Мистецтво викладання підприємництва та інновацій №4 Tina Seelig 创业与创新的教学艺术No.4 蒂娜·西利格 (Tina Seelig) 創業與創新教學藝術第 4 期

So let's move on to another concept and that concept is "Don't wait to be anointed." ||||to||||||||||exist|officially chosen |||||||||||||||được xức dầu |||||||||||Yapma||||kutsanmayı bekleme |||||másik||||||||||felkent |بیایید|||||منتشر کردن/عدم انتشار||||||منتظر نمان|||مقدس شده |||||||||||||||任命された |||||||||||||||ungido لذا دعونا ننتقل إلى مفهوم آخر وهذا المفهوم هو "لا تنتظر حتى يتم مسحك". Así que pasemos a otro concepto y ese concepto es "No esperes a ser ungido". Давайте перейдем к другой концепции, и эта концепция звучит так: "Не ждите помазания". Şimdi başka bir kavrama geçelim ve bu kavram da "Meshedilmeyi beklemeyin" olsun. Vậy chúng ta hãy chuyển sang một khái niệm khác và khái niệm đó là "Đừng chờ đợi được xức dầu". We all think that when we go into organizations, we are waiting for people to tell us what we are to do, right? ||believe||||enter|||||||||||||||| نحن جميعًا نعتقد أنه عندما ندخل إلى المنظمات، فإننا ننتظر من الناس أن يخبرونا بما يجب علينا فعله، أليس كذلك؟ Todos pensamos que cuando entramos en una organización esperamos que nos digan lo que tenemos que hacer, ¿verdad? Hepimiz kuruluşlara girdiğimizde, insanların bize ne yapmamız gerektiğini söylemesini beklediğimizi düşünürüz, değil mi? We look for jobs. Buscamos trabajo. İş ararız. We wait for people to give us our assignments. نحن|||||||| ||||||||tasks Wir warten darauf, dass man uns unsere Aufträge erteilt. Esperamos a que nos asignen tareas. But you know what? de||| ¿Pero sabes qué? Но вы знаете, что? Ama ne var biliyor musun? In most organizations there are endless other opportunities waiting there for you to turn into something wonderful. ||سازمان‌ها||||||||||||به|چیزی شگفت‌انگیز| |||||endless||possibilities for growth|||||||transform into|| |||||لا نهائية||||||||||| |||||incontables||oportunidades||||||||| En la mayoría de las organizaciones hay un sinfín de oportunidades esperando a que las conviertas en algo maravilloso. В большинстве организаций вас ждет бесконечное множество других возможностей, которые вы можете превратить в нечто замечательное. Çoğu kuruluşta, harika bir şeye dönüşmeniz için sizi bekleyen sonsuz sayıda başka fırsat vardır. I realized the other day that when you get a job you aren't getting that job. |متوجه شدم|||||||||||||| El otro día me di cuenta de que cuando consigues un trabajo no estás consiguiendo ese trabajo. На днях я понял, что когда вы получаете работу, вы не получаете эту работу. Geçen gün bir işe girdiğinizde o işi almadığınızı fark ettim. You are getting the key to that building. Usted está recibiendo la llave de ese edificio. Вы получите ключ от этого здания. O binanın anahtarını alıyorsun. And as soon as you're in that building it's up to you to figure out all of the other things you can do. |||||||||||||تكتشف||||||||| Y en cuanto estás en ese edificio, te toca a ti descubrir todas las demás cosas que puedes hacer. И как только вы окажетесь в этом здании, вам предстоит выяснить, чем еще можно заняться. Ve o binaya girer girmez, yapabileceğiniz diğer tüm şeyleri bulmak size kalmış. And if you look at people who have really been successful that is what they have done. Y si nos fijamos en las personas que realmente han tenido éxito, eso es lo que han hecho. И если вы посмотрите на людей, которые действительно добились успеха, то именно так они и поступили. Ve gerçekten başarılı olmuş insanlara bakarsanız, yaptıkları şeyin bu olduğunu görürsünüz. They haven't waited for other people to anoint them, for other people to tell them what to do. |||||||kutsamak|||||||||| |||||||mengangkat|||||||||| |||||||ungir|||||||||| Sie haben nicht darauf gewartet, dass andere sie salben, dass andere ihnen sagen, was sie tun sollen. No han esperado a que otras personas les ungieran, a que otras personas les dijeran lo que tenían que hacer. Nie czekali, aż inni ludzie ich namaszczą, aż inni ludzie powiedzą im, co mają robić. Они не ждали, пока другие люди помажут их, скажут им, что делать. Başkalarının onları kutsamasını, başkalarının onlara ne yapmaları gerektiğini söylemesini beklemediler. It's funny because this happened in my own life years ago when I started my first company. Забавно, что подобное произошло и в моей жизни много лет назад, когда я основал свою первую компанию. Bu komik çünkü yıllar önce ilk şirketimi kurduğumda benim hayatımda da böyle olmuştu. It was 1991 and I had written my first book and I said, "You have got to be kidding. |بود|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||estás bromeando كان ذلك في عام 1991، وكنت قد كتبت كتابي الأول وقلت: "لا بد أنك تمزح". Es war 1991, und ich hatte mein erstes Buch geschrieben, und ich sagte: "Das ist doch wohl ein Scherz. Era 1991, había escrito mi primer libro y me dije: "Tienes que estar de broma. Это был 1991 год, я написал свою первую книгу и сказал: «Вы, должно быть, шутите. 1991 yılıydı ve ilk kitabımı yazmıştım ve dedim ki, "Şaka yapıyor olmalısın. There's got to be better way to market books." لا بد أن تكون هناك طريقة أفضل لتسويق الكتب. Tiene que haber una forma mejor de comercializar libros". Должен быть лучший способ продвижения книг на рынок". Kitapları pazarlamanın daha iyi bir yolu olmalı." So I decided to start a company called BookBrowser that was a multimedia system to try to match books with buyers, and this was before the Web. |||||||به نام||||||||||||||||||| ||قررت|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||KitapTarayıcı||||||||||||alıcılar|||||| Also beschloss ich, ein Unternehmen namens BookBrowser zu gründen, ein Multimediasystem, mit dem ich versuchte, Bücher und Käufer zusammenzubringen, und das war noch vor dem Internet. Así que decidí fundar una empresa llamada BookBrowser, un sistema multimedia que intentaba poner en contacto libros y compradores antes de que existiera la Web. Поэтому я решил основать компанию под названием BookBrowser, которая представляла собой мультимедийную систему для поиска книг и покупателей, и это было еще до появления Интернета. It was a kiosk-based system and I pulled together all the ideas, and I put together a team, and I printed up business cards that said, "Tina L. Seelig, President." ||||||||جمعت|||||||||||||||||||||| |||kiosk tabanlı sistem||||||||||||kurmak||||||bastırdım||||||||| كان النظام يعتمد على الأكشاك، وقمت بجمع كل الأفكار، وشكلّت فريقًا، وقمت بطباعة بطاقات عمل مكتوب عليها "تينا إل سيليج، الرئيسة". Es war ein kioskbasiertes System, und ich habe alle Ideen zusammengetragen, ein Team zusammengestellt und Visitenkarten mit der Aufschrift "Tina L. Seelig, Präsidentin" gedruckt. Era un sistema basado en quioscos y reuní todas las ideas, formé un equipo e imprimí tarjetas de visita que decían: "Tina L. Seelig, Presidenta". Это была система на основе киосков, и я собрала все идеи, сформировала команду и напечатала визитки с надписью "Тина Л. Силиг, президент". And I showed them to my dad. И я показал их своему отцу. My dad looked at me and he said, "You've got to be kidding. Mein Vater sah mich an und sagte: "Du machst wohl Witze. Mi padre me miró y me dijo: "Tienes que estar de broma. Отец посмотрел на меня и сказал: «Ты, должно быть, шутишь. You can't just call yourself President." |نمی‌توانی|||| Вы не можете просто так назвать себя президентом". Now, he had been a very, very successful multinational corporate executive and had risen up for the ranks from being an individual contributor, an engineer, and every couple of years getting a promotion, and promotion, and promotion, and promotion. |||||||||||||||||||быть||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||sahip olmuştu|yükselmişti||||kademelerden yükselmiş|||||bireysel katkıcı|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||naik||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||las filas|||||||ingeniero|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ترفیع شغلی لقد كان مديرًا تنفيذيًا ناجحًا للغاية في شركة متعددة الجنسيات، وترقى في المناصب من كونه مساهمًا فرديًا، إلى مهندس، وكل بضع سنوات كان يحصل على ترقية، وترقية، وترقية، وترقية. Er war eine sehr, sehr erfolgreiche Führungskraft in einem multinationalen Unternehmen gewesen und hatte sich von einem Einzelkämpfer, einem Ingenieur, der alle paar Jahre befördert wurde, zu einem höheren Posten hochgearbeitet. Había sido un ejecutivo de una multinacional de mucho éxito y había ascendido de categoría desde que era un colaborador individual, un ingeniero, y cada dos años conseguía un ascenso, y un ascenso, y un ascenso, y un ascenso. Так вот, он был очень, очень успешным руководителем многонациональной корпорации и поднялся по служебной лестнице от индивидуального сотрудника до инженера и каждые пару лет получал повышение, повышение, повышение и повышение. So he looked at me as this little kid and said, "You can't just call yourself president," and I realized that was what entrepreneurs do. ||||||||||گفت|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||business founders| Me miró como un niño pequeño y me dijo: "No puedes llamarte presidente así como así", y me di cuenta de que eso era lo que hacían los empresarios. Он посмотрел на меня, как на маленького ребенка, и сказал: "Ты не можешь просто так назвать себя президентом", и я понял, что именно так поступают предприниматели. Entrepreneurs make their own business cards. کارآفرینان||||| |||||kartvizitler 起業家||||| Przedsiębiorcy tworzą własne wizytówki. Предприниматели сами создают свои визитные карточки. They are the ones who are willing to build the ladder below them, as opposed to waiting for someone to put the ladder up in front of them. ||||||||||merdiven|||yerine|||||birisi||||||||| ||||||||||||||en oposición||||||||escalera social||||| Sie sind diejenigen, die bereit sind, die Leiter unter sich zu bauen, anstatt darauf zu warten, dass jemand die Leiter vor ihnen aufstellt. Son ellos los que están dispuestos a construir la escalera debajo de ellos, en lugar de esperar a que alguien ponga la escalera delante de ellos. Именно они готовы строить лестницу под собой, а не ждать, пока кто-то поставит лестницу перед ними. And this doesn't just happen with starting a company, it something that happens in any organization that you can be part of. |||||||||||||||سازمان|||||| И это происходит не только при создании компании, это происходит в любой организации, частью которой вы можете стать. And I'm going to play you a video clip that again came from the Innovation Tournament. |||||||||||||||torneo Und ich werde Ihnen einen Videoclip vorspielen, der wiederum vom Innovationsturnier stammt. Odtworzę klip wideo, który ponownie pochodzi z Turnieju Innowacji. This is the one with the rubber bands, and this is a team that captured the essence of the difference between that little switch between doing nothing and doing something. ||||||||||||||捉えた||||||||||||||| ||||||gomas elásticas||||||||||||||||||||||| هذا هو الشخص الذي لديه الأشرطة المطاطية، وهذا هو الفريق الذي التقط جوهر الفرق بين ذلك التبديل الصغير بين عدم القيام بأي شيء والقيام بشيء ما. Das ist der mit den Gummibändern, und das ist ein Team, das den Unterschied zwischen Nichtstun und Handeln auf den Punkt gebracht hat. Este es el de las gomas elásticas, y este es un equipo que captó la esencia de la diferencia entre ese pequeño cambio entre no hacer nada y hacer algo. Это та самая команда с резинками, которая уловила суть разницы между ничегонеделанием и ничегонеделанием. And how important it is if you just give yourself permission to take on challenges, you will do amazing things. ||||||||||||üstlenmek||||||| Y lo importante que es si te das permiso para asumir retos, harás cosas increíbles. И как важно, что если вы просто разрешите себе принимать вызовы, то добьетесь потрясающих результатов. So watch this: Male: I worked out for the first time in weeks. |||||||||||haftalardır| Dann pass mal auf: Männlich: Ich habe zum ersten Mal seit Wochen wieder trainiert. Así que mira esto: Hombre: Hice ejercicio por primera vez en semanas. Так что смотрите: Мужчина: Я занимался впервые за несколько недель. Şunu izleyin: Erkek: Haftalardır ilk kez spor yaptım. I guess I wept deeply with joy. |||cried with joy||| |||Derinden ağladım||| |||泣いた||| |||lloré||| Ich glaube, ich habe vor Freude geweint. Creo que lloré profundamente de alegría. Думаю, я плакал от радости. Sanırım sevinçten derin derin ağladım. Female: I finally took my chubby butt to the gym. |||||tombul|||| |||||ぽっちゃり|お尻||| |||||gordita|trasero gordito||| أنثى: لقد أخذت أخيرا مؤخرتي الممتلئة إلى صالة الألعاب الرياضية. Mujer: Por fin llevé mi culo regordete al gimnasio. Наконец-то я привела свою пухлую задницу в спортзал. Sonunda tombul kıçımı spor salonuna götürdüm. Male 2: I carried a package for someone who was overburdened. ||حمل کردم||||||| |||||||||aşırı yüklenmiş |||||||||terlalu terbebani |||||||||cargado excesivamente |||||||||負担が大きい Hombre 2: Llevé un paquete para alguien que estaba agobiado. Мужчина 2: Я нес посылку для того, кто был перегружен. Male 3: I said "thank you" more often. |||||بیشتر| Varón 3: Dije "gracias" más a menudo. Мужчина 3: Я чаще говорил "спасибо". Female 2: I mustered up the courage to ask my crush out. |||||||||علاقه‌مند رومانتیک| ||cesaretimi topladım|||||||| ||mengumpulkan|||||||| femenina||reuní|||valor||||amor platónico| ||勇気を振り絞った|||||||| Frau 2: Ich habe den Mut aufgebracht, meinen Schwarm um ein Date zu bitten. Mujer 2: Me armé de valor para invitar a salir a la persona que me gustaba. Женщина 2: Я набралась смелости и пригласила свою подругу на свидание. Female 3: I spoke with my dear friend on the phone for an hour-and-a-half. Frau 3: Ich habe eineinhalb Stunden lang mit meiner lieben Freundin telefoniert. Женщина 3: Я полтора часа разговаривала по телефону с моей дорогой подругой. I'm so glad to reconnect with her. ||||yeniden bağlantı kurmak|| Ich bin so froh, wieder mit ihr in Kontakt zu kommen. Я так рада, что вновь общаюсь с ней. True friends are treasures in life. |Gerçek arkadaşlar||hazinedir|| Wahre Freunde sind ein Schatz im Leben. Настоящие друзья - это сокровище в жизни. Male 4: The Do Band is based on two insights we had. ||||||||öngörüler|| Männlich 4: Das Do-Band basiert auf zwei Erkenntnissen, die wir hatten. Hombre 4: La banda Do se basa en dos ideas que tuvimos. Мужчина 4: Группа Do Band основана на двух наших идеях. Erkek 4: Do Bandosu sahip olduğumuz iki içgörüye dayanıyor. One, you can't force someone to agree with your cause. ||||誰か||||| Erstens kann man niemanden dazu zwingen, mit seiner Sache einverstanden zu sein. Uno, no puedes obligar a nadie a estar de acuerdo con tu causa. Во-первых, вы не можете заставить кого-то согласиться с вашей идеей. Birincisi, kimseyi davanıza katılmaya zorlayamazsınız. Without buy-in, nothing real is going to happen. |katılım||||||| なしで|賛同||||||| Ohne Beteiligung wird nichts wirklich passieren. Sin participación, no va a ocurrir nada real. Без участия в проекте ничего реального не произойдет. Katılım olmadan gerçek bir şey olmaz. Two, everyone has their own cause; something they should do. İkincisi|||||amaç|||| |みんな||||目的|||| Zweitens: Jeder hat seine eigene Sache, etwas, das er tun sollte. Dos, cada uno tiene su propia causa; algo que debe hacer. みんなそれぞれ自分の理由がある。やるべきことがある。 Во-вторых, у каждого есть свое дело, которое он должен сделать. They want to do but they just never get to it, and this is what we're after. Sie wollen es tun, aber sie kommen einfach nicht dazu, und das ist es, was wir wollen. Quieren hacerlo pero nunca lo consiguen, y esto es lo que buscamos. やりたいと思っているけれど、結局それに取り組めない。このことが私たちの目指していることだ。 Они хотят это сделать, но никак не могут, и именно это нам и нужно. We want to get people over their block and get them to do it. |||aşmak|||||||||| 私たち||||||||||||| Wir wollen die Leute dazu bringen, ihre Blockade zu überwinden und es zu tun. Queremos que la gente supere su bloqueo y que lo haga. 私たちは、人々がその障壁を乗り越えて、それを実行できるようにしたい。 Мы хотим, чтобы люди преодолели свой блок и сделали это. Enter the Do Band. Entra en la Do Band. ドゥバンドに参加してください。 Female 3: The Do Band has a simple set of rules. Frau 3: Das Do-Band hat einfache Regeln. 女性3:ドゥバンドにはシンプルなルールがあります。 Женщина 3: У группы Do Band есть простой набор правил. One, put it on with a promise and don't take it off until you've fulfilled it. |takmak|||||söz|||||||yerine getirdiğinde|yerine getirmek| ||||||||||||||cumplido| Erstens: Ziehen Sie es mit einem Versprechen an und nehmen Sie es erst ab, wenn Sie es erfüllt haben. Uno, póntelo con una promesa y no te lo quites hasta que la hayas cumplido. Первое - надеть его с обещанием и не снимать, пока не выполните его. Birincisi, bir söz vererek takın ve sözünüzü yerine getirene kadar çıkarmayın. Two, record your success online, share your story. Zweitens: Halten Sie Ihren Erfolg online fest, teilen Sie Ihre Geschichte. Dos, registra tu éxito en Internet, comparte tu historia. Во-вторых, зафиксируйте свой успех в Интернете, поделитесь своей историей. İki, başarınızı çevrimiçi olarak kaydedin, hikayenizi paylaşın. Three, pass it on. Drittens: Geben Sie es weiter. Tres, pásalo. В-третьих, передайте его дальше. Üç, ilet. Male 4: Every Do Band comes with a serial number. |||||||seri numarası| Мужчина 4: Каждый Do Band поставляется с серийным номером. When you record your success you can see what else your band has inspired. Wenn du deinen Erfolg festhältst, kannst du sehen, was deine Band sonst noch inspiriert hat. Cuando grabas tu éxito puedes ver en qué otras cosas se ha inspirado tu grupo. Записав свой успех, вы сможете увидеть, на что еще вдохновила вас ваша группа. Each Do Band creates a chain of successes, and that's just one Do Bands, with many Do Bands it grows even quicker and with the addition of the Virtual Do Band, the numbers multiply astoundingly fast. |||||||||||||||||||||daha hızlı||||||||||Virtual Do Band'ın||katlanarak artmak|şaşırtıcı derecede hızlı| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||secara mengejutkan| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||驚くほど| Jedes Do-Band schafft eine Kette von Erfolgen, und das ist nur ein Do-Band, mit vielen Do-Bändern wächst es noch schneller, und mit der Hinzufügung des virtuellen Do-Bands multiplizieren sich die Zahlen erstaunlich schnell. Cada Do Band crea una cadena de éxitos, y eso sólo con una Do Bands, con muchas Do Bands crece aún más rápido y con la adición de la Do Band Virtual, los números se multiplican asombrosamente rápido. Каждый Do Band создает цепочку успехов, и это только один Do Band, со многими Do Band она растет еще быстрее, а с добавлением виртуального Do Band числа умножаются поразительно быстро. Male 5: Do Bands, got locked by that promise. |Yapmak||kilitlendi|||| Male 5: Do Bands, wurde durch dieses Versprechen blockiert. Macho 5: Hacer Bandas, se quedó encerrado por esa promesa. Мужчина 5: Занимайтесь бандитизмом, заблокировав это обещание. Male 6: What's happened with your Do Band? مرد|||||| Hombre 6: ¿Qué ha pasado con tu Do Band? Pria 6: Ada apa dengan Do Bandmu? Мужчина 6: Что случилось с вашей группой Do Band? Male 5: I actually passed it off. |||رد کردم|| ||aslında|geçtim||devrettim Mann 5: Ich habe es tatsächlich weitergegeben. Hombre 5: En realidad lo pasé. Мужчина 5: На самом деле, я его пропустил. Male 4: The Do Band creates value by appealing to our inner desires. |||||||||||keinginan batin Männlich 4: Das Do-Band schafft Werte, indem es an unsere inneren Wünsche appelliert. Varón 4: La banda Do crea valor apelando a nuestros deseos internos. Мужчина 4: Do Band создает ценность, обращаясь к нашим внутренним желаниям. In just 36 hours, we created social value, health value, entertainment value, and political value, to name a few. ||||||||||||||adını saymak gerekirse||| In nur 36 Stunden haben wir einen sozialen, gesundheitlichen, unterhaltsamen und politischen Wert geschaffen, um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Всего за 36 часов мы создали социальную ценность, ценность для здоровья, ценность для развлечения и политическую ценность, и это лишь некоторые из них. We may not have collected $500, but Do Bands kicked off a new summer camp, initiated tons of phone calls to mothers, inspired compliments and apologies, healthy eating, and many other personal contributions to the greater good. ||||||||başlattı|||||||||||||ilham verdi||||||||||katkılar|||daha büyük iyilik| ||||||||||||||開始した||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||elogios||disculpas||||||||||| Wir haben zwar keine 500 Dollar gesammelt, aber Do Bands hat den Startschuss für ein neues Sommercamp gegeben, tonnenweise Anrufe bei Müttern ausgelöst, zu Komplimenten und Entschuldigungen, gesunder Ernährung und vielen anderen persönlichen Beiträgen für das Allgemeinwohl inspiriert. Puede que no hayamos recaudado 500 dólares, pero Do Bands dio el pistoletazo de salida a un nuevo campamento de verano, inició montones de llamadas telefónicas a madres, inspiró cumplidos y disculpas, una alimentación sana y muchas otras contribuciones personales al bien común. Может, мы и не собрали 500 долларов, но Do Bands дали старт новому летнему лагерю, инициировали тонны телефонных звонков матерям, вдохновили на комплименты и извинения, здоровое питание и многие другие личные вклады в общее благо. These little things add up and success is infectious. ||||||||bulaşıcı |||加わる|||||伝染する Diese kleinen Dinge summieren sich und der Erfolg ist ansteckend. Estas pequeñas cosas suman y el éxito es contagioso. Эти мелочи складываются в единое целое, и успех заражает. And one more thing: Actually, people did donate over $500 to the charities that they chose, and this is only in the beginning. |||||||||||hayır kurumları|||||||||| Y una cosa más: en realidad, la gente donó más de 500 dólares a las organizaciones benéficas que eligieron, y esto es sólo al principio. И еще: на самом деле люди пожертвовали более 500 долларов на выбранные ими благотворительные организации, и это только начало. Imagine it. تصور کن|

Tina Seelig: Pretty cool? Tina Seelig: ¿Muy guay? Тина Силиг: Довольно круто? It's so wonderful because a bunch of people around the world have seen this and other schools around the world had actually started doing this. Это так здорово, потому что множество людей по всему миру увидели это, и другие школы по всему миру начали делать это. Students have taken on this project and started passing around Do Bands in websites, and it's quite amazing the number of things that have been inspired just by this project. |||||||||||||web sitelerinde|||||||||||||||| Los estudiantes se han hecho cargo de este proyecto y han empezado a difundir Do Bands en sitios web, y es bastante sorprendente la cantidad de cosas que se han inspirado sólo en este proyecto. So, I want to end with a last theme, and that is "Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous." ||||پایان|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||harika ||||||||||||||||||素晴らしい Así que quiero terminar con un último tema, y es "Nunca pierdas la oportunidad de ser fabuloso". Now, this idea came out of something that happened by accident. |||به وجود آمد|||||||تصادف Esta idea surgió de algo que ocurrió por accidente. A few years ago when I started teaching my course on creativity and innovation, I never used slides in my class. ||||||شروع کردم|||||||||||||| They're always, its very action oriented. ||||aksiyon odaklı|odaklı Они всегда очень ориентированы на действие. But the first day of class I do so show some slides that described what's going to happen during that quarter, and on the very last slide I have some list of the things that I expect from the students, and what expect to myself. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||liste halinde|||||||||||ne beklediğimi||| And the last bullet point is "Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous." Y el último punto es "Nunca pierdas la oportunidad de ser fabuloso". И последний пункт: «Никогда не упускайте возможности быть потрясающим». I promise that I'm going to do my very, very best. I'm going to deliver as much as I can at every single class, and I expect the same from them. It's the first and last time I say it. Es la primera y última vez que lo digo. But you know, this concept is incredibly sticky. ||||||inanılmaz derecede| |||||||粘り強い |||||||pegajoso And I think the reason it's so sticky is that people are waiting for this instruction. |||||||||||||||talimat Think about it: In most classes people tell you what you need to do to get an A, and I certainly watch my kid who is now 20 years old and I watch him do the minimum amount to get an A. But could you imagine if everyone in the world only does the minimum amount to get an A, nothing amazing will happen. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||minimum miktar|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Подумайте об этом: на большинстве уроков люди говорят вам, что вам нужно сделать, чтобы получить пятерку, и я, конечно же, наблюдаю за своим ребенком, которому сейчас 20 лет, и я вижу, как он делает минимальное количество, чтобы получить пятерку. Но можете ли вы представить, если все в мире делают только минимальную сумму, чтобы получить пятерку, ничего удивительного не произойдет. The key is we are all waiting to take the lid off and be told the sky's the limit. ||||||||||||||||آسمان حد است|| Anahtar||||||||kaldırmak||||||||gökyüzünün|| ||||||||||||||||空の|| La clave es que todos estamos esperando a que nos quiten la tapa y nos digan que el cielo es el límite. Суть в том, что мы все ждем, чтобы снять крышку и услышать, что нет предела возможностям. İşin püf noktası, hepimizin kapağı açmayı ve gökyüzünün sınırsız olduğunun söylenmesini bekliyor olmamız. Well, let me tell you what happened with this. |بگذارید||||||| Peki, size bu konuda ne olduğunu anlatayım. After I put the slide up, a few months later I kind of forgot about it and I was coming to class and there was someone, one of my students, who was sitting outside the classroom. Después de colgar la diapositiva, unos meses más tarde me olvidé de ella y, al llegar a clase, había alguien, uno de mis alumnos, sentado fuera del aula. Slaytı astıktan sonra, birkaç ay sonra bunu unutmuştum ve sınıfa geliyordum ve sınıfın dışında oturan biri, öğrencilerimden biri vardı. Because she was listening to an iPod Nano, and she was kind of rocking out before class. |||||||iPod Nano||o||||||| |||||||||||||揺れて||| |||||||||||||moviendo el cuerpo||| Porque estaba escuchando un iPod Nano, y estaba como rockeando antes de la clase. Потому что она слушала iPod Nano, и она как бы качалась перед уроками. Çünkü iPod Nano dinliyordu ve dersten önce bir tür rock yapıyordu. And I said to her, "Boy Becky, I've never seen an iPod Nano before can I take a look at it?" ||||||Becky|||||||||||||| И я сказал ей: «Мальчик, Бекки, я никогда раньше не видел iPod Nano, могу я взглянуть на него?» Ben de ona "Becky, daha önce hiç iPod Nano görmemiştim, bir bakabilir miyim?" dedim. She said, "Sure." O da "Tabii." dedi. She unplugged it and hand it to me. |fişini çekti|||||| Lo desenchufó y me lo entregó. And apparently when you order one online you can have it engraved with whatever you want. |||||||sipariş ettiğinizde||||kazınmış|||| |||||||||||diukir|||| |||||||||||grabado|||| |||||||||||刻まれる|||| Y, por lo visto, cuando pides uno por Internet puedes grabar en él lo que quieras. Some people put their email address with their phone number in case it's lost. |||آنها|||||||||| She turned it over, and what do you think was engraved on the back? O||||||||||||| Le dio la vuelta, y ¿qué crees que estaba grabado en la parte de atrás? "Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous." This is what she wanted to look at every single day, and I think that's what we all want to look at and especially when you're an entrepreneur. |||||||||||||||||||||||به‌ویژه||||کارآفرین Every single day you are faced with challenges, and everyday you have to find an opportunity to be fabulous in a way that you solve problems, in the way you approach organizational issues, in the way that you deal with everything that comes your way. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||içinde|her gün||||örgütsel|||||||||her şeyle||||

So I'm going to end with a video clip that comes from a movie that was made about the Innovation Tournament. |||||||ویدیو||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||torneo de innovación What happened is when - I told you at the beginning the Kauffman Foundation was enthusiastic about us rolling this out across the country and around the world. |||||||||||||||||uygulamak||||||||| Что произошло, когда - я сказал вам вначале, что Фонд Кауфмана был в восторге от того, что мы распространим это по всей стране и по всему миру. Well, they had a professional film crew that was capturing us, and they decided that they wanted to see what was going to happen with the Innovation Tournament. |||||||||çekim yapan|||||||||||||||||| So they put film crews around the world. ||||film ekipleri||| Así que pusieron equipos de filmación en todo el mundo. Вот они и расставили съемочные группы по всему миру. They were in Japan. They were in Australia. They were in India. They were in Ecuador. They were in Thailand. They were in the US, and this is a trailer of the movie they made. |||||||||fragman||||| |||||||||予告編||||| |||||y||||||||| The movie is called "Imagine It," and this is a trailer of the movie they made about the project with Post-it notes. ||||||||||fragman|||||||||||| I think you'll recognize some of the folks in the movie. |||||||personas||| Male 1: Imagine the future the way you'd like to see it. Hombre 1: Imagina el futuro como te gustaría verlo. Female 1: If you can imagine it then it can be. Male 2: Got to the problem and imagine a world where that problem has been removed and then say, "How many steps are there from this world to that world?" مرد||||||||جهان|||||||||||||||||||| Varón 2: Llega al problema e imagina un mundo en el que ese problema se ha eliminado y luego di: "¿Cuántos pasos hay desde este mundo hasta ese mundo?". Female 2: Imagining a new future, a new path, a new direction. Male 3: If you had the power to imagine it and you had the power to change the world. Male 4: Imagine a more perfect world than the one we live in, and then to actually engaged in making that happen. ||||||||||||||||comprometido|||| Varón 4: Imaginar un mundo más perfecto que en el que vivimos, y luego comprometerse realmente a hacerlo realidad. Female 3: People think that pressure is bad. Mujer 3: La gente cree que la presión es mala. Женщина 3: Люди думают, что давление — это плохо. But pressure in a very short period of time can be very stimulating. |baskı||||kısa|||||||uyarıcı Female 2: It taps into the rawest level of their creativity. |O|dokunuyor||en derin düzeyde|en ham||"içindeki"|yaratıcılıklarının| |||||terdasar|||| ||aprovecha|||más crudo|||| Hembra 2: Aprovecha el nivel más crudo de su creatividad. Женщина 2: Это раскрывает самый грубый уровень их творчества. Female 1: It puts down a gauntlet of challenge and inspiration. Kadın|O|ortaya koyar|||meydan okuma|||| |||||guantelete|||| Mujer 1: Es un desafío y una inspiración. Male 5: You'll never have infinite resources. ||||sonsuz|kaynaklar Hombre 5: Nunca tendrás recursos infinitos. When you're given this constraint and this constraint is opposed to that. ||||kısıtlama||||||| ||||restricción||||||| Cuando te dan esta restricción y esta restricción se opone a eso. Male 6: We define the value of your own projects innovating outside the box. مرد|||||||||||| |||||||||yenilik yapmak||| The box here is actually goes to you. La caja aquí es en realidad va a usted. Коробка здесь на самом деле идет к вам. Female 4: Entrepreneurship is an extreme sport. |emprendimiento|||| Mujer 4: El espíritu empresarial es un deporte extremo. Getting it out and do it. Çıkarmak||||| Sacarlo y hacerlo. Male 7: This is an important way to progress in life so the experiment can focus. Hombre 7: Esta es una forma importante de progresar en la vida para que el experimento pueda centrarse. Male 8: I'll bet you that you'll be blown away. |||||||impresionado| Hombre 8: Te apuesto lo que quieras a que vas a flipar. Tina Seelig: So I hope you would agree that these sort of experiences in our classrooms and hopefully that many of you had an opportunity to participate in. |||||||||اینها|نوع||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||sınıflarımızda|||||||||||| ||||||||||tipo de||||||||||||||||| Tina Seelig: Así que espero que estén de acuerdo en que este tipo de experiencias en nuestras aulas y espero que muchos de ustedes hayan tenido la oportunidad de participar en ellas. Give students a really strong parachute even though we might push them off of a perfectly good cliff, and ask them to take some risks and try some things they've never done before. ||||قوی|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |öğrencilere||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||paracaídas fuerte||||||||||||acantilado||||||||||||||| Demos a los alumnos un paracaídas muy fuerte, aunque les empujemos desde un acantilado en perfecto estado, y pidámosles que se arriesguen y prueben cosas que nunca han hecho antes. You can look at the journey as something that's really exciting. |||||سفر||||| The fall is isn't a freefall; it's something that when you have all these skills when you make your own luck and never miss an opportunity to be fabulous, you end up creating this fabulous parachute for yourself. |||||serbest düşüş||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mükemmel paraşüt|| |||||caída libre|||||||||||||||suerte||||||||||||||||| La caída no es una caída libre; es algo que cuando tienes todas estas habilidades, cuando creas tu propia suerte y nunca pierdes una oportunidad de ser fabuloso, acabas creándote este fabuloso paracaídas. So I am going to end on that note and take any questions that you might have, and we've got a few more minutes. ||||||||||||||||||hemos||||| Así que voy a terminar con esa nota y tomar cualquier pregunta que usted pueda tener, y tenemos unos minutos más. Thank you very, very much.