Michael Pollan gives a plant's-eye view
|Pollan|||||cái nhìn
Michael Pollan betrachtet die Pflanzen aus ihrer Sicht
Ο Michael Pollan δίνει την άποψη του φυτού
Michael Pollan ofrece una visión vegetal
Michael Pollan offre un punto di vista sulle piante
Michael Pollan przedstawia roślinny punkt widzenia
Michael Pollan dá-nos uma visão da planta
Майкл Поллан дає погляд з висоти пташиного польоту
It’s a simple idea about nature and I want to say a word for nature because we haven’t talked that much about it the last couple days.
||đơn giản||||và|||||||||||||rất|nhiều||||||
그것은 자연에 대한 간단한 생각이며 지난 며칠 동안 그것에 대해 많이 이야기하지 않았기 때문에 자연에 대한 말을하고 싶습니다.
I want to say a word for the soil and the bees and the plants and the animals.
|||||từ|||đất|và|các|ong|||cây|||động vật
And tell you about a tool, a very simple tool that I have found.
|||||công cụ||rất||||||tìm thấy
Although it’s really nothing more than a literary conceit -- it’s not a technology -- it’s very powerful for, I think, changing our relationship to the natural world and to the other species on whom we depend.
Bien que ce ne soit vraiment rien de plus qu'une conception littéraire -- ce n'est pas une technologie -- c'est très puissant pour, je pense, changer notre relation au monde naturel et aux autres espèces dont nous dépendons.
그것은 실제로 문학에 대한 자만심 일 뿐이지 만 기술이 아닙니다. 자연 세계와 우리가 의존하는 다른 종들과의 관계를 변화시키는 것은 매우 강력합니다.
And that tool is, very simply, as Chris suggested, looking at us and the world from the plants' or the animals' point of view.
Et cet outil est, très simplement, comme Chris l'a suggéré, de nous regarder, nous et le monde, du point de vue des plantes ou des animaux.
그리고 그 도구는 매우 간단합니다. 크리스가 제안한대로 식물과 동물의 관점에서 우리와 세상을 바라 보았습니다.
It’s not my idea, other people have hit on it, but I’ve tried to take it to some new places.
Ce n'est pas mon idée, d'autres y ont pensé, mais j'ai essayé de l'amener à de nouveaux horizons.
Let me tell you where I got it.
내가 어디 있는지 말해 줄께.
Like a lot of my ideas, like a lot of the tools I use, I found it in the garden.
내가 사용하는 많은 도구와 마찬가지로 많은 아이디어와 마찬가지로 정원에서 찾았습니다.
I’m a very devoted gardener.
And there was a day about seven years ago, I was planting potatoes.
그리고 약 7 년 전, 감자를 심고있었습니다.
It was the first week of May.
This was New England, when the apple trees are just vibrating with bloom.
C'était la Nouvelle-Angleterre, quand les pommiers vibrent de fleurs.
사과 나무가 꽃이 만발한 뉴 잉글랜드였습니다.
They’re just white clouds above.
Ce sont juste des nuages blancs au-dessus.
그들은 단지 위의 흰 구름입니다.
I was here, planting my chunks, cutting up potatoes and planting it.
J'étais ici, plantant mes morceaux, coupant des pommes de terre et les plantant.
And the bees were working on this tree.
Bumblebees, just making this thing vibrate.
las abejas bombus|||||
범블비, 그냥이 일을 진동하게 만든다.
And one of the things I really like about gardening is that it doesn’t take all your concentration.
그리고 제가 정원 가꾸기에 대해 정말로 좋아하는 것 중 하나는 그것이 당신의 모든 집중을 차지하지 않는다는 것입니다.
You really can’t get hurt.
It’s not like woodworking.
|||travail du bois
And you can -- you have plenty of kind of mental space for speculation.
그리고 당신은 투기를위한 정신 공간을 충분히 가질 수 있습니다.
И вы можете — у вас достаточно места в уме для спекуляций.
And the question I asked myself that afternoon in the garden was -- working alongside that bumblebee -- was: What did I and that bumblebee have in common?
그리고 그날 오후에 정원에서 오후 내내 물어 보았던 질문은 - 그 꿀벌과 함께 일하는 것이 었습니다 : 나는 ble벌이 공통적으로 무엇을 가지고 있었습니까?
How was our role in this garden similar and different?
이 정원에서 우리의 역할은 어떻게 비슷하고 다른가요?
And I realized we actually had quite a bit in common.
그리고 저는 우리가 실제로 공통점이 있음을 깨달았습니다.
Both of us were disseminating the genes of one species and not another.
우리 둘다 한 종의 유전자를 보급하고 다른 종은 보급하지 않았습니다.
And both of us, probably, if I can imagine the bee’s point of view, thought we were calling the shots.
||||||||||de l'abeille|||||||||les décisions
|||||||||||||||||||las decisiones
Et nous deux, probablement, si je peux imaginer le point de vue de l'abeille, pensions que nous étions aux commandes.
그리고 우리 둘 다 아마 벌의 견해를 상상할 수 있다면, 우리가 총을 부른다고 생각했습니다.
E nós dois, provavelmente, se posso imaginar o ponto de vista da abelha, pensávamos que estávamos dando as cartas.
I had decided what kind of potato I wanted to plant.
J'avais décidé quel type de pomme de terre je voulais planter.
나는 내가 심고 싶은 감자의 종류를 결정했다.
I had picked my Yukon Gold or Yellow Finn, or whatever it was.
J'avais choisi ma Yukon Gold ou ma Yellow Finn, ou peu importe ce que c'était.
나는 유콘 골드 나 옐로우 핀을 골랐다.
And I had summoned those genes from a seed catalog across the country, brought it, and I was planting it.
Et j'avais convoqué ces gènes d'un catalogue de semences à travers le pays, les ai apportés et je les plantais.
И я вызвал эти гены из каталога семян по всей стране, принес его, и я сажал его.
And that bee, no doubt, assumed that it had decided, I’m going for that apple tree, I’m going for that blossom, I’m going to get the nectar and I’m going to leave.
Et cette abeille, sans doute, a supposé qu'elle avait décidé, je vais vers cet arbre fruitier, je vise cette fleur, je vais prendre le nectar et je vais m'en aller.
그 벌은 의심의 여지없이 결정했습니다. 나는 그 사과 나무로 간다. 나는 그 꽃을 위해 간다. 나는 꿀을 얻고 나는 떠날 것이다.
И эта пчела, без сомнения, предположила, что она решила: я иду за этой яблоней, я иду за этим цветком, я собираюсь взять нектар и я собираюсь уйти.
We have a grammar that suggests that’s who we are, that we are sovereign subjects in nature, the bee as well as me.
Nous avons une grammaire qui suggère que c'est qui nous sommes, que nous sommes des sujets souverains dans la nature, l'abeille autant que moi.
우리는 그것이 우리가 누구인지, 우리가 자연의 주권 과목, 나뿐만 아니라 벌이라는 문법을 가지고 있습니다.
У нас есть грамматика, которая говорит о том, кто мы есть, что мы суверенные субъекты в природе, как пчела, так и я.
I plant the potatoes, I weed the garden, I domesticate the species.
But that day, it occurred to me, what if that grammar is nothing more than a self-serving conceit?
||||m'est venu||||||||||||||
Mais ce jour-là, il m'est venu à l'esprit, que se passerait-il si cette grammaire n'était rien d'autre qu'une vanité intéressée ?
Because of course, the bee thinks he’s in charge, or she’s in charge.
Parce que bien sûr, l'abeille pense qu'elle est en charge, ou qu'il est en charge.
물론 꿀벌은 자신이 담당하고 있다고 생각하거나 책임감을 가지고 있습니다.
And -- but we know better.
Et -- mais nous savons mieux.
We know that what’s going on between the bee and that flower is that bee has been cleverly manipulated by that flower.
Nous savons que ce qui se passe entre l'abeille et cette fleur, c'est que l'abeille a été habilement manipulée par cette fleur.
우리는 벌과 그 꽃 사이에 벌어지고있는 일이 벌이 그 꽃에 의해 영리하게 조작되었다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
And when I say manipulated, I’m talking about in a Darwinian sense, right?
Et quand je dis manipulée, je parle dans un sens darwinien, n'est-ce pas ?
그리고 내가 조작 된 것을 말할 때, 저는 다윈주의적인 의미에서 이야기하고 있습니다, 그렇죠?
I mean it has evolved a very specific set of traits -- color, scent, flavor, pattern -- that has lured that bee in.
Je veux dire qu'elle a évolué vers un ensemble très spécifique de traits -- couleur, parfum, saveur, motif -- qui a attiré cette abeille.
나는 색깔, 향기, 풍미, 패턴 등 매우 특이한 특성을 진화 시켰습니다. 그것은 그 벌을 유혹했습니다.
And the bee has been cleverly fooled into taking the nectar, and also picking up some powder on its leg, and going off to the next blossom.
그리고 벌은 독창적으로 속여서 감로를 복용하고, 다리에 약간의 분말을 집어 들고 다음 꽃으로가 버립니다.
The bee is not calling the shots.
꿀벌은 총소리를 내고 있지 않습니다.
And I realized then, I wasn’t either.
그리고 나는 그때 깨달았습니다.
I had been seduced by that potato, and not another, into planting its -- into spreading its genes, giving it a little bit more habitat.
|||verführt||||||||||||||zu geben||||||
나는 그 감자에 의해서 유혹 당했고 다른 것들은 유인되지 않았다. 유전자를 퍼뜨려 조금 더 많은 서식지를 주었다.
And that’s when I got the idea, which was, well, what would it be -- what would happen If we kind of looked at us from this point of view of these other species who are working on us?
Et c'est à ce moment-là que j'ai eu l'idée, qui était, eh bien, que serait-il -- que se passerait-il si nous nous regardions du point de vue de ces autres espèces qui travaillent sur nous ?
And agriculture suddenly appeared to me not as an invention, not as a human technology, but as a co-evolutionary development in which a group of very clever species, mostly edible grasses, had exploited us, figured out how to get us to basically deforest the world.
Et l'agriculture m'est soudainement apparue non pas comme une invention, non pas comme une technologie humaine, mais comme un développement coévolutif dans lequel un groupe d'espèces très intelligentes, principalement des graminées comestibles, nous avait exploités, avait découvert comment nous amener à défricher essentiellement le monde.
The competition of grasses, right?
La compétition des graminées, n'est-ce pas ?
And suddenly everything looked different.
And suddenly mowing the lawn that day was a completely different experience.
||cortar el césped||césped|||||||
I had thought always and, in fact, had written this in my first book -- this was a book about gardening -- that lawns were nature under culture’s boot.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||der Kultur|
|||||||||||||||||||||los jardines|||||bota
That they were totalitarian landscapes.
Qu'elles étaient des paysages totalitaires.
And that when we mowed them we were cruelly suppressing the species and never letting it set seed, or die, or have sex.
Et que lorsque nous les tondions, nous supprimions cruellement les espèces et ne leur permettions jamais de produire des graines, de mourir ou d'avoir des relations sexuelles.
And that’s what the lawn was.
Et c'est ce qu'était la pelouse.
But then I realized, "No, this is exactly what the grasses want us to do.
I’m a dupe.
ich bin||Dummkopf
I’m a dupe of the lawns, whose goal in life is to out-compete the trees, who it competes with -- who they compete with for sunlight."
Ich bin||||||||||||||||||konkurriert|||||||
|||||los céspedes|||||||||||||compite|||||||
أنا خدعة من المروج ، هدفها في الحياة هو الخروج من منافسة الأشجار ، التي تنافسها - الذين يتنافسون مع أشعة الشمس.
And so by getting us to mow the lawn, we keep the trees from coming back, which in New England happens very, very quickly.
وهكذا عن طريق حملنا على قطع العشب ، نحتفظ بالأشجار من العودة ، وهو ما يحدث في نيو إنغلاند بسرعة كبيرة جدًا.
So I started looking at things this way, and wrote a whole book about it called "The Botany of Desire.
And I realized that in the same way you can look at a flower and deduce all sorts of interesting things about the taste and the desires of bees, that they like sweetness, and they like this color and not that color, that they like symmetry.
what could we find out about ourselves by doing the same thing?
That a certain kind of potato, a certain kind of drug, a sativa-indica-cannabis cross has something to say about us.
أن نوعًا معينًا من البطاطس ، نوعًا معينًا من المخدرات ، صليب حشيشة - إنديكا - القنب لديه شيء يقوله عنا.
Qu'une certaine sorte de pomme de terre, un certain type de drogue, un croisement de sativa-indica-cannabis a quelque chose à dire sur nous.
And that -- wouldn’t this be kind of an interesting way to look at the world?
Et que - ne serait-ce pas une manière plutôt intéressante de voir le monde ?
Now, the test of any idea -- I said it was a literary conceit -- is what does it get us?
Maintenant, le test de toute idée - j'ai dit que c'était une prétention littéraire - est ce qu'elle nous apporte ?
And when you’re talking about nature, which is really my subject as a writer, how -- does it meet the Aldo Leopold test?
|||||||||||||||||||Aldo Leopold|Leopold|
当您谈论自然时,这实际上是我作为作家的主题,它如何满足奥尔多·利奥波德(Aldo Leopold)的考验?
Which is, does it make us better citizens of the biotic community?
Get us to do things that leads to the support and perpetuation of the biota, rather than its destruction?
Заставить нас делать то, что ведет к поддержке и увековечению биоты, а не к ее уничтожению?
And I would submit that this idea does this.
So let me go through what you gain when you look at the world this way, besides, you know, entertaining insights about human desire.
As an intellectual matter, looking at the world from other species' points of view helps us deal with this weird anomaly, which is -- and this is in the realm of intellectual history -- which is that we have this Darwinian revolution 150 years ago -- Ugh.
Mini-me -- we have this intellectual, this Darwinian revolution in which, thanks to Darwin, we figured out we are just one species among many.
Evolution is working on us the same way it’s working on all the others.
We are acted upon as well as acting.
We are really in the fiber, the fabric of life.
Nous sommes vraiment dans la fibre, le tissu de la vie.
But the weird thing is, we don’t -- we have not absorbed this lesson 150 years later.
Mais ce qui est étrange, c'est que nous ne -- nous n'avons pas intégré cette leçon 150 ans plus tard.
None of us really believes this.
Aucun de nous n'y croit vraiment.
We are still Cartesians -- the children of Descartes -- who believe that subjectivity, consciousness, sets us apart.
That the world is divided into subjects and objects.
That there is nature on one side, culture on another.
As soon as you start seeing things from the plant’s point of view or the animal’s point of view, you realize that the real literary conceit is that.
Is this -- the idea that nature is opposed to culture.
The idea that consciousness is everything.
And that’s another very important thing it does.
Looking at the world from other species' points of view is a cure for the disease of human self-importance.
You suddenly realize that consciousness, which we value and we consider the, you know, the crown of -- the crowning achievement of nature, human consciousness is really just another set of tools for getting along in the world.
|||||||||||||||||das|höchstes Gut||||||||||||||||||
Vous réalisez soudainement que la conscience, que nous valorisons et que nous considérons comme, vous savez, la couronne -- l'accomplissement ultime de la nature, la conscience humaine est en réalité juste un autre ensemble d'outils pour s'en sortir dans le monde.
And it’s kind of natural that we would think it was the best tool.
Y es natural que creamos que es la mejor herramienta.
Et il est un peu naturel que nous pensions que c'était le meilleur outil.
But, you know, as -- there’s a comedian who said, "Well, who’s telling me that consciousness is so good and so important?
Mais, vous savez, comme -- il y a un humoriste qui a dit : "Eh bien, qui me dit que la conscience est si bonne et si importante ?"
Well, consciousness."
So when you look at the plants, you realize that they’re other tools, and they’re just as interesting.
||||||||||es sind|||||||
I’ll give you two examples, also from the garden.
Lima beans.
You know what a lima bean does when it’s attacked by spider mites?
Sais-tu ce que fait un haricot lima lorsqu'il est attaqué par des acariens ?
It releases this volatile chemical that goes out into the world and summons another species of mite that comes in and attacks the spider mite, defending the lima bean.
|setzt frei||||||||||und|ruft||||Milbe|||||||Spinne|||||
Il libère ce produit chimique volatile qui sort dans le monde et appelle une autre espèce d'acarien qui vient et attaque l'acarien, défendant ainsi le haricot lima.
So what plants have, while we have consciousness, tool making, language, they have biochemistry.
Donc ce que les plantes ont, tandis que nous avons la conscience, la fabrication d'outils, le langage, elles ont la biochimie.
And they have perfected that to a degree far beyond what we can imagine.
And their complexity, their sophistication, is something to really marvel at.
And I think it’s really the scandal of the Human Genome Project.
You know, we went into it thinking, 40 or 50,000 human genes.
Vous savez, nous avons commencé en pensant à 40 ou 50 000 gènes humains.
你知道,我们曾经考虑过 40,000 或 50,000 个人类基因。
And we came out with only 23,000.
Et nous en sommes sortis avec seulement 23 000.
但我们最终只得到了 23,000 人。
Just to give you grounds for comparison, rice: 35,000 genes.
Juste pour vous donner un point de comparaison, le riz : 35 000 gènes.
只是为了给你提供一个比较的依据,大米:35,000 个基因。
So who’s the more sophisticated species?
Well, we’re all equally sophisticated.
We’ve been evolving -- evolving just as long, just along different paths.
So, cure for self-importance, way to sort of make us feel the Darwinian idea.
And that’s really what I do as a writer, as a storyteller, is try to make people kind of feel what we know and tell stories that actually make us -- help us think ecologically.
Now, the other use of this is practical.
And I’m going to talk -- I’m going to take you to a farm right now.
Because I used this idea to develop my understanding of the food system and what I learned, in fact, is that we are all, now, being manipulated by corn.
Parce que j'ai utilisé cette idée pour développer ma compréhension du système alimentaire et ce que j'ai appris, en fait, c'est que nous sommes tous, maintenant, manipulés par le maïs.
And the talk you heard about ethanol earlier today, to me, is the final triumph of corn over good sense.
Et le discours que vous avez entendu sur l'éthanol plus tôt aujourd'hui, pour moi, est le triomphe final du maïs sur le bon sens.
(Laughter) It is part of -- (Applause) corn’s scheme for world domination.
||||||le plan de maïs||||
(Rires) C'est une partie du plan du maïs pour la domination mondiale.
(Laughter) And you will see the amount of corn planted this year will be up dramatically from last year, and there will be that much more habitat, because we’ve decided ethanol is going to help us.
So -- but let me -- so it helped me understand industrial agriculture, which of course is a Cartesian system.
It’s based on this idea that we bend other species to our will, and that we are in charge and that we create these factories, and we have these technological inputs, and we get the food out of it, or the fuel, or whatever we want.
C'est basé sur cette idée que nous plions d'autres espèces à notre volonté, et que nous sommes en charge et que nous créons ces usines, et que nous avons ces intrants technologiques, et que nous obtenons la nourriture, ou le carburant, ou ce que nous voulons.
Let me take you to a very different kind of farm.
Laissez-moi vous emmener dans un type de ferme très différent.
This is a farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
Ceci est une ferme dans la vallée de Shenandoah en Virginie.
I went looking for a farm where these ideas about looking at things from the species' point of view are actually implemented.
And I found it in a man, the farmer’s name is Joel Salatin, and I spent a week as an apprentice on his farm.
And I took away from this some of the most hopeful news about our relationship to nature that I’ve ever come across in 25 years of writing about nature.
And that is this.
The farm is called Polyface.
Which means -- the idea is he’s got six different species of animals, as well as some plants, growing in this very elaborate symbiotic arrangement.
It’s permaculture, those of you who know a little bit about this, such that the cows and the pigs and the sheep and the turkeys and the -- the -- what else, what else does he have?
All the six different species -- rabbits, actually -- are all performing ecological services for one another, such that the manure of one is the lunch for the other and they take care of pests for one another.
Les six espèces différentes - des lapins, en fait - remplissent toutes des services écologiques les unes pour les autres, de sorte que le fumier de l'un est le déjeuner de l'autre et elles s'occupent des ravageurs les unes pour les autres.
And I can’t -- it’s a very elaborate and beautiful dance but I’m just going to give you a close-up on one piece of it.
Et je ne peux pas - c'est une danse très élaborée et belle mais je vais juste vous donner un gros plan sur un morceau de celle-ci.
E eu não posso - é uma dança muito elaborada e bonita, mas eu vou dar a vocês um close em uma peça dela.
And that is the relationship between his cattle and his chickens, his laying hens.
Et c'est la relation entre ses bovins et ses poules, ses poules pondeuses.
And I’ll show you how, if you take this approach, what you get, OK?
Et je vais te montrer comment, si tu prends cette approche, ce que tu obtiens, d'accord ?
And this is a lot more than growing food, as you’ll see.
Et c'est beaucoup plus que de faire pousser de la nourriture, comme tu le verras.
This is a different way to think about nature, and a way to get away from the zero-sum notion that -- the Cartesian idea that either nature’s winning or we’re winning and that, for us to get what we want, nature is diminished.
C'est une manière différente de penser à la nature, et un moyen de s'éloigner de la notion à somme nulle -- l'idée cartésienne selon laquelle soit la nature gagne, soit nous gagnons et que, pour obtenir ce que nous voulons, la nature est diminuée.
Esta é uma maneira diferente de pensar sobre a natureza, e uma maneira de fugir da noção de soma zero de que - a ideia cartesiana de que ou a natureza está vencendo ou estamos vencendo e que, para conseguirmos o que queremos, a natureza está diminuído.
So one day, cattle, in a pen.
The only technology involved here is this cheap electric fencing, relatively new, hooked to a car battery.
La seule technologie impliquée ici est cette clôture électrique bon marché, relativement nouvelle, reliée à une batterie de voiture.
Even I could carry a quarter-acre paddock, set it up in 15 minutes.
|||||un cuarto de|acre|potrero|||||
Même moi, je pourrais transporter un paddock d'un quart d'acre, l'installer en 15 minutes.
Até eu poderia carregar um paddock de um quarto de acre, configurá-lo em 15 minutos.
甚至我也可以搬运四分之一英亩的围场,在 15 分钟内将其布置好。
Cows graze one day.
Les vaches paissent un jour.
They move, OK?
They graze everything down -- intensive grazing.
He waits three days.
And then we towed in something called the eggmobile.
ثم جرنا في شيء يسمى بيضة.
The eggmobile is a very rickety contraption.
It looks like a prairie schooner made out of boards, but it houses 350 chickens.
On dirait un chariot de prairie fait de planches, mais il abrite 350 poules.
He tows this into the paddock three days later and opens the gangplank, turns them down and 350 hens come streaming down the gangplank -- clucking, gossiping, as chickens will.
Il le remorque dans le paddock trois jours plus tard et ouvre la rampe, les laisse descendre et 350 poules descendent en cascade de la rampe -- caquetant, devisant, comme le font les poules.
And they make a beeline for the cow patties.
||||línea recta||||excrementos
Et elles se dirigent droit vers les crottes de vache.
And what they’re doing is very interesting.
They’re digging through the cow patties for the maggots, the grubs, the larvae of flies.
Ils fouillent dans les bouses de vache à la recherche des asticots, des larves, des larvae de mouches.
And the reason he’s waited three days is because he knows that on the fourth day or the fifth day, those larvae will hatch, and they’ll have a huge fly problem.
Et la raison pour laquelle il a attendu trois jours, c'est qu'il sait qu'au quatrième ou au cinquième jour, ces larves vont éclore, et ils auront un énorme problème de mouches.
But he waits that long to grow them as big and juicy and tasty as he can because they are the chickens' favorite form of protein.
Mais il attend aussi longtemps pour les faire grandir aussi gros, juteux et savoureux que possible, car c'est la forme de protéine préférée des poules.
So the chickens do their kind of little breakdance, and they’re pushing around the manure to get at the grubs, and in the process, they’re spreading the manure out.
||||||||danse du ventre||||||||||||||||||||
Very useful.
Second ecosystem service.
And third, while they’re in this paddock, they are, of course, defecating madly and their very nitrogenous manure is fertilizing this field.
И в-третьих, пока они находятся в этом паддоке, они, конечно, безумно безумно безумно, и их очень азотный навоз удобряет эту область.
They then move out to the next one, and in the course of just a few weeks the grass just enters this blaze of growth.
Ils passent ensuite au suivant, et au cours de quelques semaines, l'herbe entre dans cette flambée de croissance.
And within four or five weeks, he can do it again.
Et en quatre ou cinq semaines, il peut le refaire.
He can graze again, he can cut, he can bring in another species, like the lambs, or he can make hay for the winter.
Il peut paître à nouveau, il peut tondre, il peut introduire une autre espèce, comme les agneaux, ou il peut faire du foin pour l'hiver.
Он может снова пастись, он может резать, он может принести другой вид, как ягнят, или он может сделать сено на зиму.
Now, I want you to just look really close up onto what’s happened there.
So it’s a very productive system.
And what I need to tell you is that on 100 acres he gets 40,000 pounds of beef, 30,000 pounds of pork, 25,000 dozen eggs, 20,000 broilers, 1,000 turkeys, 1,000 rabbits -- an immense amount of food.
You know, you hear, "Can organic feed the world?
Well, look how much food you can produce on 100 acres if you do this kind of -- again, give each species what it wants.
Let it realize its desires, its physiological distinctiveness.
Put that in play.
But look at it from the point of view of the grass, now.
What happens to the grass when you do this?
When a ruminant grazes grass, the grass is cut from this height to this height.
And it immediately does something very interesting.
Any one of you who gardens knows that there is something called the root-shoot ratio.
Quiconque parmi vous qui jardine sait qu'il existe quelque chose appelé le ratio racine-tige.
Любой из вас, кто знает, что есть что-то, называемое коэффициентом корневой стрельбы.
And plants need to keep the root mass in some rough balance with the leaf mass to be happy.
Et les plantes ont besoin de maintenir la masse racinaire dans un certain équilibre approximatif avec la masse foliaire pour être heureuses.
И растениям нужно держать корневую массу в некотором грубом балансе, чтобы масса листьев была счастлива.
So when they lose a lot of leaf mass, they shed roots.
Ainsi, lorsqu'elles perdent beaucoup de masse foliaire, elles expulsent des racines.
They kind of cauterize them and the roots die.
And the species in the soil go to work, basically chewing through those roots, decomposing them -- the earthworms, the fungi, the bacteria -- and the result is new soil.
||||||||||||||les décomposant|||||||||||||
||||||||||masticando|||||||lombrices de tierra||||||||||
This is how soil is created.
It’s created from the bottom up.
This is how the prairies were built, the relationship between bison and grasses.
||||las praderas||||||bisonte||
And what I realized when I understood this -- and if you ask Joel Salatin what he is, he’ll tell you he’s not a chicken farmer, he’s not a sheep farmer, he’s not a cattle rancher, he’s a grass farmer, because grass is really the keystone species of such a system -- is that if you think about it, this completely contradicts the tragic idea of nature we hold in our heads, which is that for us to get what we want, nature is diminished.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ganadero||||||||||piedra angular||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
More for us, less for nature.
Here, all this food comes off this farm, and at the end of the season there is actually more soil, more fertility and more biodiversity.
It’s a remarkably hopeful thing to do.
There are a lot of farmers doing this today.
This is well beyond organic agriculture, which is still a Cartesian system, more or less.
And what it tells you is that if you begin to take account of other species, take account of the soil, that even with, with nothing more than this perspectival idea -- because there is no technology involved here except for those fences, which could be, you know, they’re so cheap they could be all over Africa in no time -- that you can, we can take the food we need from the Earth, and actually heal the Earth in the process.
This is a way to reanimate the world.
That’s what’s so exciting about this perspective.
When we really begin to feel Darwin’s insights in our bones, the things we can do with nothing more than these ideas are something to be very hopeful about.
Когда мы действительно начинаем ощущать дарвиновские идеи в наших костях, то, что мы можем сделать только с этими идеями, - это то, о чем можно очень надеяться.
Thank you very much.