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TED Talks, Renny Gleeson on antisocial phone tricks

Renny Gleeson on antisocial phone tricks

What I wanted to talk to you about today is two things: one, the rise of a culture of availability, and two, a request.

So we're seeing a rise of this availability being driven by mobile device proliferation, globally, across all social strata. We're seeing, along with that proliferation of mobile devices, an expectation of availability. And, with that, comes the third point, which is obligation -- and an obligation to that availability. And the problem is, we're still working through, from a societal standpoint, how we allow people to be available. There's a significant delta, in fact, between what we're willing to accept -- apologies to Hans Rosling. He said anything that's not using real stats is a lie -- but the big delta there is how we deal with this from a public standpoint. So we've developed certain tactics and strategies to cover up. This first one's called "the lean.

And if you've ever been in a meeting where you sort of play meeting "chicken," you're sitting there, looking at the person, waiting for them to look away, and then quickly checking the device. Although you can see the gentleman up on the right is busting him. "The stretch.

OK, the gentleman on the left is saying, "Screw you, I'm going to check my device." But the guy, here, on the right, he's doing the stretch. It's that reeeee-e-e-each out, the physical contortion to get that device just below the tabletop. Or, my favorite, the "Love you; mean it.

(Laughter) Nothing says "I love you" like "Let me find somebody else I give a damn about. Or, this one, coming to us from India.

You can find this on YouTube, the gentleman who's recumbent on a motorcycle while text-messaging. Or what we call the "sweet gravy, stop me before I kill again!" That is actually the device. What this is doing is, we find a -- (Laughter) a direct collision -- we find a direct collision between availability -- and what's possible through availability -- and a fundamental human need -- which we've been hearing about a lot -- the need to create shared narratives.

We're very good at creating personal narratives, but it's the shared narratives that make us a culture. And when you're standing with someone, and you're on your mobile device, effectively what you're saying to them is, "You are not as important as, literally, almost anything that could come to me through this device. Look around you.

There might be somebody on one right now, participating in multi-dimensional engagement. (Laughter)

Our reality right now is less interesting than the story we're going to tell about it later.

This one I love.

This poor kid, clearly a prop -- don't get me wrong, a willing prop -- but the kiss that's being documented kind of looks like it sucks. This is the sound of one hand clapping.

So, as we lose the context of our identity, it becomes incredibly important that what you share becomes the context of shared narrative, becomes the context in which we live.

The stories that we tell -- what we push out -- becomes who we are. We aren't simply projecting identity, they're creating it. And so that's the request I have for everybody in this room.

We are creating the technology that is going to create the new shared experience, which will create the new world. And so my request is, please, let's make technologies that make people more human, and not less. Thank you.

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What I wanted to talk to you about today is two things: one, the rise of a culture of availability, and two, a request. Regarding||||||||this discussion||||||||||availability|availability||||a request |||||||||||||||||||disponibilidad||||solicitud ما أردت أن أتحدث عنه اليوم هو شيئان: الأول ، ظهور ثقافة التوافر ، والثاني ، الطلب. Ich möchte heute mit Ihnen über zwei Dinge sprechen: erstens über die Zunahme einer Kultur der Verfügbarkeit und zweitens über eine Bitte. 今日お話ししたかったのは、2つのことです。1つは、アベイラビリティ文化の台頭、もう1つは、リクエストです。 오늘 제가 말씀 드리고 싶은 것은 두 가지입니다. 하나는 가용성 문화의 부상이고, 둘째는 요청입니다. Сегодня я хотел поговорить с вами о двух вещах: одна - рост культуры доступности, а вторая - запрос. 今天我想和您谈的是两件事:一是可用性文化的兴起,二是请求。

So we’re seeing a rise of this availability being driven by mobile device proliferation, globally, across all social strata. |||||||||||||Proliferation||||| |bizler||||||mevcudiyet||||||yaygınlaşma|küresel olarak|tüm|||sosyal katmanlar ||||||||||||||||||estrato |||||||||impulsado por||||proliferación de dispositivos|||||estratos sociales |||||||||||||increase|globally||||levels Wir sehen also einen Anstieg dieser Verfügbarkeit, der durch die Verbreitung von Mobilgeräten weltweit und in allen sozialen Schichten vorangetrieben wird. このように、社会階層を問わず、世界的にモバイル機器の普及が進み、可用性が高まっていることを実感しています。 Таким образом, мы наблюдаем рост этой доступности, обусловленный распространением мобильных устройств во всем мире во всех социальных слоях. 因此,我们看到这种可用性的上升是由移动设备在全球范围内遍及所有社会阶层的激增所推动的。 We’re seeing, along with that proliferation of mobile devices, an expectation of availability. ||||||||||beklenti|| ||||||||||||disponibilidad esperada Mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Mobilgeräten steigt auch die Erwartung an die Verfügbarkeit. モバイル機器の普及に伴い、可用性への期待も高まっています。 Мы наблюдаем наряду с распространением мобильных устройств ожидание доступности. 随着移动设备的激增,我们看到了对可用性的期望。 And, with that, comes the third point, which is obligation -- and an obligation to that availability. |||||||||yükümlülük|||||| Und damit kommt der dritte Punkt, nämlich die Verpflichtung - und die Verpflichtung zu dieser Verfügbarkeit. そして、3つ目のポイントとして、義務--そして、その利用可能性に対する義務--があります。 И, с этим, приходит третий пункт, который является обязательством - и обязательство к этой доступности. 而且,随之而来的是第三点,即义务 - 以及对该可用性的义务。 And the problem is, we’re still working through, from a societal standpoint, how we allow people to be available. ||||||||||gesellschaftlichen|||||||| ||||we are|||||||||||||| |||||||||||toplumsal bakış açısı||||||| |||||||||||point de vue||||||| ||||||||||societal -> social|punto de vista||||||| Und das Problem ist, dass wir gesellschaftlich gesehen immer noch daran arbeiten, wie wir den Menschen erlauben, verfügbar zu sein. E o problema é que ainda estamos trabalhando, do ponto de vista social, como permitimos que as pessoas estejam disponíveis. И проблема в том, что мы все еще работаем с социальной точки зрения, как мы позволяем людям быть доступными. 问题是,从社会的角度来看,我们仍在研究如何让人们有空。 There’s a significant delta, in fact, between what we’re willing to accept -- apologies to Hans Rosling. |||diferencia significativa|||||||||||| Zwischen dem, was wir bereit sind zu akzeptieren - ich entschuldige mich bei Hans Rosling -, und dem, was wir zu akzeptieren bereit sind, besteht in der Tat ein erhebliches Gefälle. De fato, existe um delta significativo entre o que estamos dispostos a aceitar - desculpas a Hans Rosling. Фактически, между тем, что мы готовы принять, есть существенная разница - извинения перед Гансом Рослингом. 实际上,在我们愿意接受的之间有一个很大的差异-向汉斯·罗斯林(Hans Rosling)道歉。 He said anything that’s not using real stats is a lie -- but the big delta there is how we deal with this from a public standpoint. ||||||||||||||||||||||||público|punto de vista Er sagte, dass alles, was sich nicht auf echte Statistiken stützt, eine Lüge ist - aber das große Delta besteht darin, wie wir in der Öffentlichkeit damit umgehen. Ele disse que qualquer coisa que não esteja usando estatísticas reais é uma mentira - mas o grande delta é como lidamos com isso do ponto de vista público. Он сказал, что все, что не использует реальную статистику, является ложью, но большая разница заключается в том, как мы справляемся с этим с общественной точки зрения. 他说,任何不使用真实数据的谎言都是骗人的-但是,从公众的角度来看,最大的问题是我们如何处理这一问题。 So we’ve developed certain tactics and strategies to cover up. ||||methods||||| ||||||||encubrir| Also haben wir bestimmte Taktiken und Strategien entwickelt, um uns zu verstecken. Por isso, desenvolvemos certas táticas e estratégias para encobrir. Таким образом, мы разработали определенные тактики и стратегии, чтобы скрыть. This first one’s called "the lean. |||||la inclinación Die erste heißt "die Schlanke". Este primeiro é chamado de "o magro".

And if you’ve ever been in a meeting where you sort of play meeting "chicken," you’re sitting there, looking at the person, waiting for them to look away, and then quickly checking the device. |||alguna vez|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und wenn Sie schon einmal in einer Besprechung waren, in der Sie so etwas wie ein Besprechungs-Huhn" gespielt haben, dann sitzen Sie da, schauen die Person an, warten, bis sie wegschaut, und überprüfen dann schnell das Gerät. E se você já esteve em uma reunião em que brincou de conhecer "galinha", está sentado ali, olhando para a pessoa, esperando que ela desvie o olhar e depois checa rapidamente o dispositivo. И если вы когда-либо были на собрании, где вы играете, встречаясь с «курицей», вы сидите там, смотрите на человека, ждете, пока он отвлечется, и затем быстро проверяете устройство. 而且,如果您曾经参加过像“鸡”这样的聚会,您就坐在那里,看着那个人,等他们移开视线,然后快速检查设备。 Although you can see the gentleman up on the right is busting him. |||||||||||battant| |||||||||||verhaften| |||||||||||attacking| Aunque|||||||||||delatando| Obwohl man sehen kann, dass der Herr oben rechts ihn auf den Arm nimmt. Embora você possa ver o cavalheiro à direita, está o flagrando. Хотя вы можете видеть, что джентльмен справа его арестовывает. 尽管您可以看到右边的绅士正在殴打他。 "The stretch. |first stretch |El tramo. "Die Strecke. "O trecho.

OK, the gentleman on the left is saying, "Screw you, I’m going to check my device." ||||||||Forget|||||||gadget ||||||||Que te jodan||||||| OK, der Herr auf der linken Seite sagt: "Sie können mich mal, ich werde mein Gerät überprüfen". OK, o cavalheiro à esquerda está dizendo: "Dane-se, vou verificar meu dispositivo". But the guy, here, on the right, he’s doing the stretch. Mas o cara, aqui, à direita, está fazendo o alongamento. Но парень, здесь, справа, делает растяжку. It’s that reeeee-e-e-each out, the physical contortion to get that device just below the tabletop. ||schreien|||||||Verkrümmung|||||||| |||||||||twisting movement|||||||| |||||||||contorsión física||||||||superficie de mesa ||reeeee|||||||contorção||||||||mesa Es ist dieses gaaaanz große Ausholen, die körperliche Verrenkung, um das Gerät gerade noch unter die Tischplatte zu bekommen. É aquele recomeço, a contorção física para colocar o dispositivo logo abaixo da mesa. Это раии-и-и-каждый из них, физическое искривление, чтобы получить это устройство чуть ниже столешницы. Or, my favorite, the "Love you; mean it. Oder, mein Favorit, das "Ich liebe dich und meine es ernst. Ou, meu favorito, o "Te amo; quero dizer isso. Или, мой любимый, "Люблю тебя; серьезно.

(Laughter) Nothing says "I love you" like "Let me find somebody else I give a damn about. |||||||||||||||droga| (Gelächter) Nichts sagt mehr "Ich liebe dich" als "Lass mich jemand anderen finden, der mir etwas bedeutet. (Laughter) Nothing says "I love you" like "Let me find somebody else I give a damn about. (Risos) Nada diz "eu te amo" como "Deixe-me encontrar outra pessoa que me importe. (众笑)没有什么比“让我找到我该死的人更让我爱你了”。 Or, this one, coming to us from India. Oder dieser hier, der aus Indien zu uns kommt. Ou, este, vindo da Índia para nós.

You can find this on YouTube, the gentleman who’s recumbent on a motorcycle while text-messaging. |||||||||couché|||||| |||||||||liegend|||||| |||||||||lying back|||||| |||||||||reclinado|||||| |||||||||reclinado|||||| Das kann man auf YouTube sehen, der Herr, der auf einem Motorrad sitzt und SMS schreibt. Você pode encontrar isso no YouTube, o cavalheiro que está sentado em uma motocicleta enquanto envia mensagens de texto. Or what we call the "sweet gravy, stop me before I kill again!" ||||||salsa dulce|||||| |||||molho doce|molho|||||| Oder wie wir es nennen: "Süße Soße, halte mich auf, bevor ich wieder töte!" Ou o que chamamos de "molho doce, me pare antes que eu mate de novo!" 或我们所谓的“甜肉汁,在我再次杀死之前就阻止我!” That is actually the device. Das ist eigentlich das Gerät. Esse é realmente o dispositivo. What this is doing is, we find a -- (Laughter) a direct collision -- we find a direct collision between availability -- and what’s possible through availability -- and a fundamental human need -- which we’ve been hearing about a lot -- the need to create shared narratives. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Erzählungen ||||||||(Risas)|||colisión directa|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||compartidas| O que isto está fazendo é que encontramos - (Risos) uma colisão direta - encontramos uma colisão direta entre disponibilidade - e o que é possível através da disponibilidade - e uma necessidade humana fundamental - sobre a qual ouvimos falar. muito - a necessidade de criar narrativas compartilhadas.

We’re very good at creating personal narratives, but it’s the shared narratives that make us a culture. Wir sind sehr gut darin, persönliche Erzählungen zu schaffen, aber es sind die gemeinsamen Erzählungen, die uns zu einer Kultur machen. Somos muito bons em criar narrativas pessoais, mas são as narrativas compartilhadas que nos tornam uma cultura. And when you’re standing with someone, and you’re on your mobile device, effectively what you’re saying to them is, "You are not as important as, literally, almost anything that could come to me through this device. |||em pé|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E quando você está com alguém e está no seu dispositivo móvel, efetivamente o que está dizendo a eles é: "Você não é tão importante quanto, literalmente, quase qualquer coisa que possa vir a mim através desse dispositivo. И когда вы стоите с кем-то и используете свое мобильное устройство, вы фактически говорите им: «Вы не так важны, как, буквально, почти все, что может прийти ко мне через это устройство. Look around you. Olhe a sua volta.

There might be somebody on one right now, participating in multi-dimensional engagement. ||||||||||||compromiso multidimensional Pode haver alguém em um agora, participando do engajamento multidimensional. (Laughter)

Our reality right now is less interesting than the story we’re going to tell about it later. Nossa realidade agora é menos interessante do que a história que contaremos mais tarde.

This one I love. Este eu amo.

This poor kid, clearly a prop -- don’t get me wrong, a willing prop -- but the kiss that’s being documented kind of looks like it sucks. |||||accessoire||||||||||||||||||| |||||Requisite||||||||||||||||||| |||||prop 1||||||enthusiastic|||||||||||||is bad |||||utilería humana||||||dispuesto/a|utilería humana||||||documentado|||||| Dieses arme Kind ist eindeutig eine Requisite - verstehen Sie mich nicht falsch, eine willige Requisite - aber der Kuss, der hier dokumentiert wird, sieht irgendwie scheiße aus. Esse pobre garoto, claramente um suporte - não me interpretem mal, um suporte disposto - mas o beijo que está sendo documentado parece um pouco chato. 这个可怜的孩子,显然是个道具-别误会我,一个愿意的道具-但是被记录下来的吻看起来很烂。 This is the sound of one hand clapping. |||||||aplaudiendo con una mano Este é o som de uma mão batendo palmas. 这是一只手鼓掌的声音。

So, as we lose the context of our identity, it becomes incredibly important that what you share becomes the context of shared narrative, becomes the context in which we live. Assim, à medida que perdemos o contexto de nossa identidade, torna-se incrivelmente importante que o que você compartilha se torne o contexto da narrativa compartilhada, se torne o contexto em que vivemos. 因此,当我们失去身份的上下文时,变得非常重要的是,您共享的内容成为共享叙事的上下文,成为我们生活的上下文。

The stories that we tell -- what we push out -- becomes who we are. As histórias que contamos - o que divulgamos - se tornam quem somos. 我们讲的故事-我们推出的内容-成为了我们自己。 We aren’t simply projecting identity, they’re creating it. |||proyectando|||| Não estamos simplesmente projetando identidade, eles a estão criando. 我们不仅仅是在设计身份,而是在创建身份。 And so that’s the request I have for everybody in this room. E esse é o pedido que tenho para todos nesta sala.

We are creating the technology that is going to create the new shared experience, which will create the new world. ||||tecnología||||||||||||||| Estamos criando a tecnologia que criará a nova experiência compartilhada, que criará o novo mundo. And so my request is, please, let’s make technologies that make people more human, and not less. ||||||||tecnologías|||||||| E, portanto, meu pedido é, por favor, vamos criar tecnologias que tornem as pessoas mais humanas, e não menos. Thank you.