Pot Luck - The English We Speak - YouTube
Pot Luck - El inglés que hablamos - YouTube
Pot Luck - L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube
ポットラック - 私たちが話す英語 - YouTube
Pot Luck - O inglês que falamos - YouTube
Pot Luck - The English We Speak - YouTube
Pot Luck - The English We Speak - YouTube
Pot Luck - The English We Speak - YouTube
Pot Luck - 我们说的英语 - YouTube
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak,
Bonjour et bienvenue dans L'anglais que nous parlons,
I'm Feifei
Je suis Feifei
and hello, I'm Rob. Now Feifei, I've got
і привіт, я Роб. Тепер, Фейфей, у мене є
a confession to make.
|admission of truth||
зізнатися в чомусь.
OK, so what is this confession?
Well, I haven't chosen a piece of authentic
real English to explain today.
OK. Do you have any choices?
Right, well here is the list of phrases
have a look, what do you think?
Hmmm, let me see. Shall we take 'pot luck'?
Hmmm, laissez-moi voir. Devons-nous tenter le 'pot luck'?
'Pot luck' - you mean pick one at random and
'Pot luck' - vous voulez dire en prendre un au hasard et
see what happens?
voir ce qui se passe?
No, I mean let's pick 'pot luck' as a phrase.
Non, je veux dire choisissons 'repas partagé' comme expression.
Look, it's there on your list.
Regarde, c'est là sur ta liste.
Feifei you are a genius. You have just explained
Feifei tu es un génie. Tu viens juste d'expliquer
an authentic English phrase - job done.
Don't sound so surprised!
Ne fais pas semblant d'être si surpris !
Well our phrase is pot luck which describes
Eh bien, notre expression est "pot luck" qui décrit
a situation in which one must take a chance
une situation dans laquelle il faut tenter sa chance
that whatever is available will prove
|Sufficient resources available||on hand||
que tout ce qui est disponible s'avérera
що все, що є в наявності, доведе
to be good or acceptable.
bon ou acceptable.
бути хорошим або прийнятним.
Yes, pot luck describes a situation that isn't
Oui, le 'potluck' décrit une situation qui n'est pas
planned or prepared, you just take a chance
prévu ou préparé, vous prenez juste une chance
and hope that the result will be good or acceptable.
et espérez que le résultat sera bon ou acceptable.
Let's take pot luck Rob and hope these examples
Tentons notre chance Rob et espérons que ces exemples
will show this phrase in action.
We didn't know which restaurant to eat at,
Ми не знали, в якому ресторані поїсти,
so took pot luck and chose the one recommended
тож, скориставшись щасливою випадковістю, я вибрав рекомендований
in the guide book.
у путівнику.
If you can't decide which book to pick,
Якщо ви не можете вирішити, яку книгу обрати,
take pot luck,
I'm sure they'll all be good to read,
Я впевнена, що всі вони будуть цікавими для читання,
I'm going to take pot luck, and I'm sure the
Я вірю в удачу, і я впевнений, що
course I choose will be the right one for me
курс, який я оберу, буде правильним для мене
So if you take pot luck at something, you
take a chance that whatever is available will
prove to be good or acceptable.
증명하다|||||수용 가능한
It's a bit like presenting this programme with you Rob!
Not exactly Feifei. I am the only presenter
available so you don't get any choice about
disponible donc vous n'avez pas de choix concernant
who you present with - there is no luck involved.
qui vous présente - il n'y a pas de chance impliquée.
True, that's not pot luck, that's bad luck.
C'est vrai, ce n'est pas un tirage au sort, c'est de la malchance.
Is that on your list of phrases?
Let me look. No, but next time let's choose
our English phrase before we come to the studio
so we won't be taking pot luck anymore.
Yes let's. See ya.