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Spotlight October&November/2011, (Spotlight4855)The Oldest First Grader 21 November, 2011

(Spotlight4855)The Oldest First Grader 21 November, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Robin Basselin. Voice 2

And I'm Ryan Geerstma. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

In the mountains of Kenya, an old man stands at a gate. His skin is aged and his hair is white. He stands bent over his walking stick. He is wearing blue school clothes. And he has a blanket over his shoulders. This man waits outside the Kapkenduiywa Primary school near Eldoret, Kenya. This is not the first time the man has come to the school. He has come many times over the last few months.

Voice 2

Today, he watches the children sing in the school yard. He waits at the gate for the head teacher. He asks her the same question as he always does. He asks if he can attend the school. In the past, the head teacher told him no. She told him that this school is for children. However, this time is different. This time she says yes. Today, 84-year-old Kimani Maruge will start his first day of school.

Voice 1

This story is from the recent film “The First Grader.” The film is based on the real life story of Kimani Ng'ang'a Maruge. Today's Spotlight is on Kimani Maruge and his desire to become educated. Voice 2

In 2003, the Kenyan government passed a new law. This law established that the government would provide free education for all primary school students. In Kenya, primary school includes eight grades, or levels. Usually, primary students start Grade One when they are six or seven years old. However, when Kenya began free education, many older children started school for the first time. New students filled schools all over the country. In many Grade One classrooms, children had to share seats or even sit on the floor.

Voice 1

Schools were prepared for the thousands of new students. However, no one was prepared for a student like Kimani Maruge. At 84, he set a new record in the Guinness Book of World Records. He became the oldest person in the world to ever start primary school.

Voice 2

When Maruge decided he wanted to go to school, nothing could stop him. He told the Mirror,

Voice 3

“At first, the head teacher said no. I thought it must be because I did not have the official school clothes. So, I saved my money and bought clothes.”

Voice 1

However, Maruge had to visit the school four more times before the head teacher let him stay. Head teacher, Jane Obinchu told the Mirror,

Voice 4

“At first, we thought this was insane. But I knew we would have to admit a man who was so serious about learning... I told the teachers to prepare for the oldest school boy ever.”

Voice 2

Many people wonder why Maruge wanted to start school at such an old age. The reason is simple - he was not able to attend school when he was younger.

Voice 1

Maruge was born around 1920. He had no official papers to tell him the exact date of his birth. He was the oldest son of seven children. When he was old enough to attend school he could not go. Instead, he helped his father work on their farm. He sacrificed his education so that his younger brothers and sisters could go to school.

Voice 2

In the 1950s, Maruge joined the Mau Mau rebels. This group of Kenyans were mainly from the Kikuyu tribe. Together, they fought against the British people that occupied Kenya. Kenyans did not gain their independence from this rebellion. But many people believe this rebellion began a process. This process led to Kenyan independence in 1963.

Voice 1

After years of farming and fighting, Maruge then had a wife and children of his own. He needed to continue farming to support his family. Many years passed. Maruge raised 12 children. He never had the time or money to spend on his own education.

Voice 2

However, in 2003, that all changed. The government had promised to provide free education for all. So, Maruge decided it was his time to go to school.

Voice 1

Maruge wanted to learn to read and write for many reasons. He wanted to be able to read letters from friends, family and the government. He also wanted to be able to read official business papers. He wanted to be able to make more educated decisions. He told the Mirror,

Voice 3

“I have suffered so many problems from being uneducated. People used to cheat me when I bought goods.”

Voice 2

However, letters and business were not the most important reasons Maruge wanted to go to school. For Maruge, religion was the most important reason. Maruge was a Christian. He had attended church all of his life. However, he had to depend on religious leaders and his children to learn about the Christian Bible. He told news writer Kate Snow,

Voice 3

“All my life I have wanted to read the Bible.”

Voice 1

When Maruge started school, he attended with three of his children's children. They were all in higher grades than Maruge. However, with much hard work, Maruge learned quickly. One of Maruge's teachers told the Mirror, Voice 5

“He is so intelligent. When he came to school, he could not write his name. But now, he reads the newspapers. We are learning from him.”

Voice 2

Many people agreed with Maruge's teacher. Maruge was a student, but he also had much to teach. In 2005, the United Nations invited Kimani Maruge to come to New York City. They wanted him to speak about the importance of free education. Maruge accepted the invitation. And in his speech he said,

Voice 3

“I want all children in the world to be educated. That is what I really hope to see.”

Voice 1

Even after great success, there were still barriers to Maruge's education. In 2007, riots began in Kenya. Two major tribes were fighting over land and government rule. Maruge had to move to a refugee camp where it was safe. At the time, he was 88 years old. The camp was more than three kilometers from his school. However, the long walk did not stop him from attending school. He told the news organization Reuters,

Voice 3

“It is hard. There is no one to help me walk. I go to the school alone. But the urge to learn keeps me going.”

Voice 2

Kimani Maruge continued to go to school until he became sick in 2008. And on August 14th, 2009 Maruge died from stomach cancer. He was 90 years old.

Voice 1

Although Maruge is now dead, his story lives on. The film, The First Grader will continue to spread his story. And his message is simple. As Maruge once told the Mirror,

Voice 3

"A person is never too old to learn." Voice 2

The writer of this program was Robin Basselin. The producer was Mark Drenth. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to and read this program again on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called “The Oldest First Grader.”

Voice 1

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

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(Spotlight4855)The Oldest First Grader 21 November, 2011 ||||En yaşlı öğrenci| (Spotlight4855)Der älteste Erstklässler 21 November, 2011 (Spotlight4855)El más viejo de primer grado 21 noviembre, 2011 (スポットライト 4855) 最年長の 1 年生 2011 年 11 月 21 日 (Spotlight4855)Najstarszy pierwszoklasista 21 listopada, 2011 r. (Spotlight4855)O aluno mais velho do primeiro ano 21 novembro, 2011 (Spotlight4855)Самый старый первоклассник 21 ноября, 2011 (Spotlight4855)En Yaşlı Birinci Sınıf Öğrencisi 21 Kasım, 2011 (Spotlight4855) Найстарший першокласник 21 листопада, 2011

Voice 1 Voz 1 Голос 1

Welcome to Spotlight. Bienvenido a Spotlight. Добро пожаловать на сайт Spotlight. I'm Robin Basselin. Soy Robin Basselin. Voice 2 Voz 2

And I'm Ryan Geerstma. Y yo soy Ryan Geerstma. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. Spotlight utiliza un método especial de transmisión en inglés. Spotlight использует особый английский метод вещания. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Es más fácil de entender para las personas, sin importar en qué parte del mundo vivan.

Voice 1 Voz 1

In the mountains of Kenya, an old man stands at a gate. En las montañas de Kenia, un anciano está parado en una puerta. Nas montanhas do Quénia, um homem idoso está de pé junto a um portão. В горах Кении у ворот стоит старик. His skin is aged and his hair is white. Su piel está envejecida y su cabello es blanco. 彼の肌は老化し、髪は白くなっています。 He stands bent over his walking stick. ||gebeugt|||| ||eğilmiş|||| Está inclinado sobre su bastón. 彼は杖をついて立っています。 Está de pé, curvado sobre a sua bengala. He is wearing blue school clothes. Lleva ropa escolar azul. Está a usar roupa escolar azul. And he has a blanket over his shoulders. ||||Decke||| Y tiene una manta sobre los hombros. E tem um cobertor sobre os ombros. This man waits outside the Kapkenduiywa Primary school near Eldoret, Kenya. |||||Kapkenduiywa Grundschule||||| Este hombre espera fuera de la escuela primaria Kapkenduiywa cerca de Eldoret, Kenia. この男性は、ケニアのエルドレット近くのカプケンドゥイワ小学校の外で待っています。 Este homem espera à porta da escola primária de Kapkenduiywa, perto de Eldoret, no Quénia. This is not the first time the man has come to the school. Esta no es la primera vez que el hombre viene a la escuela. Esta não é a primeira vez que o homem vem à escola. He has come many times over the last few months. Ha venido muchas veces durante los últimos meses. 彼はここ数ヶ月で何度も来ました。 Veio várias vezes ao longo dos últimos meses.

Voice 2 Voz 2

Today, he watches the children sing in the school yard. Hoy, mira a los niños cantar en el patio de la escuela. 今日、彼は校庭で子供たちが歌っているのを見ています。 Hoje, vê as crianças a cantar no pátio da escola. He waits at the gate for the head teacher. Espera en la puerta al director. 彼は校長を門で待っています。 Espera no portão pelo diretor da escola. He asks her the same question as he always does. Le hace la misma pregunta de siempre. 彼はいつものように彼女に同じ質問をします。 Ele faz-lhe a mesma pergunta de sempre. He asks if he can attend the school. |||||katılmak|| Pregunta si puede asistir a la escuela. 彼は学校に通えるかどうか尋ねます。 Ele pergunta se pode frequentar a escola. In the past, the head teacher told him no. En el pasado, el director le dijo que no. 過去に、校長は彼にノーと言いました。 No passado, o diretor da escola disse-lhe que não. She told him that this school is for children. Ella le dijo que esta escuela es para niños. Ela disse-lhe que esta escola é para crianças. However, this time is different. Sin embargo, esta vez es diferente. No entanto, desta vez é diferente. This time she says yes. Esta vez ella dice que sí. Today, 84-year-old Kimani Maruge will start his first day of school. Hoy, Kimani Maruge, de 84 años, comenzará su primer día de clases. Hoje, Kimani Maruge, de 84 anos, vai começar o seu primeiro dia de escola.

Voice 1 Voz 1

This story is from the recent film “The First Grader.”  The film is based on the real life story of Kimani Ng'ang'a Maruge. |||||||||||||||||||||Ng'ang'a Maruge| |||||||||İlk Öğrenci||||||||||||| Esta historia es de la película reciente "The First Grader". La película está basada en la historia de la vida real de Kimani Ng'ang'a Maruge. この話は、最近の映画「The First Grader」からのものです。この映画は、キマニ・ンガ・マルゲの実話に基づいています。 Esta história é do recente filme "The First Grader". O filme é baseado na história real de Kimani Ng'ang'a Maruge. Today's Spotlight is on Kimani Maruge and his desire to become educated. |||||||||||gebildet El foco de hoy está en Kimani Maruge y su deseo de educarse. Voice 2 Voz 2

In 2003, the Kenyan government passed a new law. En 2003, el gobierno de Kenia aprobó una nueva ley. 2003 年、ケニア政府は新しい法律を可決しました。 Em 2003, o governo do Quénia aprovou uma nova lei. This law established that the government would provide free education for all primary school students. |||||||sağlamak||||||| Esta ley estableció que el gobierno proporcionaría educación gratuita a todos los estudiantes de la escuela primaria. この法律は、政府がすべての小学生に無料の教育を提供することを確立しました。 Esta lei estabelecia que o governo forneceria ensino gratuito a todos os alunos do ensino primário. In Kenya, primary school includes eight grades, or levels. En Kenia, la escuela primaria incluye ocho grados o niveles. ケニアでは、小学校には 8 つの学年またはレベルがあります。 No Quénia, a escola primária inclui oito graus, ou níveis. Usually, primary students start Grade One when they are six or seven years old. Por lo general, los estudiantes de primaria comienzan el primer grado cuando tienen seis o siete años. 通常、小学生は 6 歳か 7 歳のときに 1 年生を始めます。 Normalmente, os alunos do ensino primário começam o primeiro ano com seis ou sete anos de idade. However, when Kenya began free education, many older children started school for the first time. Sin embargo, cuando Kenia comenzó la educación gratuita, muchos niños mayores comenzaron la escuela por primera vez. しかし、ケニアが無料教育を開始したとき、多くの年長の子供たちが初めて学校に通い始めました。 No entanto, quando o Quénia iniciou o ensino gratuito, muitas crianças mais velhas começaram a frequentar a escola pela primeira vez. New students filled schools all over the country. ||doldurdu||||| Los nuevos estudiantes llenaron las escuelas de todo el país. 新入生は全国の学校を埋め尽くしました。 In many Grade One classrooms, children had to share seats or even sit on the floor. En muchas aulas de primer grado, los niños tenían que compartir asientos o incluso sentarse en el suelo. 多くの 1 年生の教室では、子供たちは座席を共有するか、床に座らなければなりませんでした。

Voice 1 Voz 1

Schools were prepared for the thousands of new students. Se prepararon escuelas para los miles de nuevos estudiantes. As escolas foram preparadas para receber os milhares de novos alunos. However, no one was prepared for a student like Kimani Maruge. Sin embargo, nadie estaba preparado para un estudiante como Kimani Maruge. しかし、キマニ・マルゲのような学生には誰も準備ができていませんでした。 At 84, he set a new record in the Guinness Book of World Records. A los 84 años, estableció un nuevo récord en el Libro Guinness de los récords mundiales. 84歳でギネスブックに新記録を樹立。 Aos 84 anos, estabeleceu um novo recorde no Livro Guinness dos Recordes Mundiais. He became the oldest person in the world to ever start primary school. Se convirtió en la persona más vieja del mundo en comenzar la escuela primaria. 彼は初等教育を始めた世界最高齢の人物になりました。

Voice 2 Voz 2

When Maruge decided he wanted to go to school, nothing could stop him. Cuando Maruge decidió que quería ir a la escuela, nada pudo detenerlo. マルゲが学校に行きたいと決心したとき、彼を止めることはできませんでした。 He told the Mirror, Le dijo al espejo, Ele disse ao Mirror,

Voice 3 Voz 3

“At first, the head teacher said no. “Al principio, el director dijo que no. "No início, o diretor da escola disse que não. I thought it must be because I did not have the official school clothes. Pensé que debía ser porque no tenía la ropa oficial de la escuela. 正式な学生服を持っていなかったからだと思いました。 Pensei que devia ser porque não tinha a roupa oficial da escola. So, I saved my money and bought clothes.” Entonces, ahorré mi dinero y compré ropa ". Por isso, poupei o meu dinheiro e comprei roupa".

Voice 1 Voz 1

However, Maruge had to visit the school four more times before the head teacher let him stay. Sin embargo, Maruge tuvo que visitar la escuela cuatro veces más antes de que el director le dejara quedarse. しかし、マルゲは、校長が彼を留まらせる前に、さらに4回学校を訪問しなければなりませんでした. No entanto, Maruge teve de visitar a escola mais quatro vezes antes de o diretor o deixar ficar. Head teacher, Jane Obinchu told the Mirror, |||Obinchu Jane||| La directora, Jane Obinchu, le dijo al Mirror:

Voice 4 Voz 4

“At first, we thought this was insane. “Al principio, pensamos que esto era una locura. 「最初は、これは非常識だと思いました。 "No início, pensámos que era uma loucura. But I knew we would have to admit a man who was so serious about learning... I told the teachers to prepare for the oldest school boy ever.” |||||||kabul etmek||||||||||||||hazırlanmalarını söylemek|||||| Pero sabía que tendríamos que admitir a un hombre que se tomaba tan en serio el aprendizaje ... Les dije a los maestros que se prepararan para el niño de escuela más viejo de la historia ". しかし、学習に真剣に取り組んでいる男性を受け入れなければならないことはわかっていました...私は教師に、史上最年長の男子生徒に備えるように言いました。」 Mas eu sabia que teríamos de admitir um homem que levava tão a sério a aprendizagem... Disse aos professores para se prepararem para o aluno mais velho de sempre."

Voice 2 Voz 2

Many people wonder why Maruge wanted to start school at such an old age. Mucha gente se pregunta por qué Maruge quería empezar la escuela a una edad tan avanzada. Muitas pessoas perguntam-se porque é que Maruge quis começar a estudar numa idade tão avançada. The reason is simple - he was not able to attend school when he was younger. La razón es simple: no pudo asistir a la escuela cuando era más joven.

Voice 1 Voz 1

Maruge was born around 1920. Maruge nació alrededor de 1920. Maruge nasceu por volta de 1920. He had no official papers to tell him the exact date of his birth. No tenía papeles oficiales que le indicaran la fecha exacta de su nacimiento. 彼は自分の正確な生年月日を伝える公式の書類を持っていませんでした。 Não tinha documentos oficiais que lhe indicassem a data exacta do seu nascimento. He was the oldest son of seven children. Era el hijo mayor de siete hermanos. 彼は7人の子供の長男でした。 Era o filho mais velho de sete filhos. When he was old enough to attend school he could not go. Cuando tuvo la edad suficiente para asistir a la escuela, no pudo ir. 彼が学校に通うのに十分な年齢になったとき、彼は行くことができませんでした。 Quando já tinha idade para ir à escola, não podia ir. Instead, he helped his father work on their farm. En cambio, ayudó a su padre a trabajar en su granja. He sacrificed his education so that his younger brothers and sisters could go to school. |opferte||||||||||||| Sacrificó su educación para que sus hermanos y hermanas menores pudieran ir a la escuela. 彼は弟や妹が学校に通えるように教育を犠牲にしました。 Sacrificou a sua educação para que os seus irmãos e irmãs mais novos pudessem ir à escola.

Voice 2 Voz 2

In the 1950s, Maruge joined the Mau Mau rebels. ||||||Mau Mau|Mau Mau|Rebellen En la década de 1950, Maruge se unió a los rebeldes de Mau Mau. 1950 年代、マルゲはマウマウ反乱軍に加わりました。 Na década de 1950, Maruge juntou-se aos rebeldes Mau Mau. This group of Kenyans were mainly from the Kikuyu tribe. |||Kenyaner|||||Kikuyu| |||||ağırlıklı olarak|||| Este grupo de kenianos era principalmente de la tribu Kikuyu. このケニア人のグループは、主にキクユ族の出身でした。 Together, they fought against the British people that occupied Kenya. Juntos, lucharon contra el pueblo británico que ocupó Kenia. 一緒に、彼らはケニアを占領した英国人と戦った。 Juntos, lutaram contra o povo britânico que ocupava o Quénia. Kenyans did not gain their independence from this rebellion. ||||||||Rebellion ||||||||isyan Los kenianos no lograron su independencia de esta rebelión. ケニア人は、この反乱から独立することはできませんでした。 But many people believe this rebellion began a process. ||||||||süreci Pero mucha gente cree que esta rebelión inició un proceso. しかし多くの人は、この反乱がプロセスの始まりだと信じています。 Mas muitas pessoas acreditam que esta rebelião deu início a um processo. This process led to Kenyan independence in 1963. Este proceso condujo a la independencia de Kenia en 1963. このプロセスは、1963 年のケニアの独立につながりました。

Voice 1 Voz 1

After years of farming and fighting, Maruge then had a wife and children of his own. Después de años de agricultura y lucha, Maruge tuvo esposa e hijos propios. 何年にもわたる農業と戦闘の後、マルゲには妻と子供がいました。 Após anos de agricultura e de luta, Maruge tinha uma mulher e filhos. He needed to continue farming to support his family. Necesitaba seguir cultivando para mantener a su familia. 彼は家族を養うために農業を続ける必要がありました。 Ele precisava de continuar a trabalhar na agricultura para sustentar a sua família. Many years passed. Pasaron muchos años. Passaram-se muitos anos. Maruge raised 12 children. Maruge crió a 12 hijos. マルゲは12人の子供を育てました。 He never had the time or money to spend on his own education. Nunca tuvo el tiempo ni el dinero para gastar en su propia educación. 彼には自分の教育に費やす時間もお金もありませんでした。

Voice 2 Voz 2

However, in 2003, that all changed. Sin embargo, en 2003, todo eso cambió. No entanto, em 2003, tudo isso mudou. The government had promised to provide free education for all. El gobierno había prometido proporcionar educación gratuita para todos. O governo tinha prometido oferecer educação gratuita para todos. So, Maruge decided it was his time to go to school. Entonces, Maruge decidió que era su momento de ir a la escuela.

Voice 1 Voz 1

Maruge wanted to learn to read and write for many reasons. Maruge quería aprender a leer y escribir por muchas razones. Maruge queria aprender a ler e a escrever por muitas razões. He wanted to be able to read letters from friends, family and the government. Quería poder leer cartas de amigos, familiares y del gobierno. Ele queria poder ler as cartas dos amigos, da família e do governo. He also wanted to be able to read official business papers. También quería poder leer documentos comerciales oficiales. Também queria ser capaz de ler documentos oficiais de negócios. He wanted to be able to make more educated decisions. Quería poder tomar decisiones más informadas. 彼は、より知識に基づいた決定を下せるようになりたいと考えていました。 Ele queria ser capaz de tomar decisões mais informadas. He told the Mirror, Le dijo al espejo,

Voice 3 Voz 3

“I have suffered so many problems from being uneducated. ||||||||ungebildet “He sufrido tantos problemas por no tener educación. 「教育を受けていないために、私は多くの問題に苦しんできました。 "Sofri tantos problemas por não ter instrução. People used to cheat me when I bought goods.” La gente solía engañarme cuando compraba productos ". 私が商品を買うとき、人々は私をだましました。」 As pessoas costumavam enganar-me quando eu comprava produtos".

Voice 2 Voz 2

However, letters and business were not the most important reasons Maruge wanted to go to school. Sin embargo, las cartas y los negocios no eran las razones más importantes por las que Maruge quería ir a la escuela. No entanto, as cartas e os negócios não eram as razões mais importantes pelas quais Maruge queria ir para a escola. For Maruge, religion was the most important reason. Para Maruge, la religión era la razón más importante. マルゲにとって、宗教が最も重要な理由でした。 Maruge was a Christian. Maruge era cristiana. He had attended church all of his life. ||besucht||||| ||katılmıştı||||| Había asistido a la iglesia toda su vida. Tinha frequentado a igreja durante toda a sua vida. However, he had to depend on religious leaders and his children to learn about the Christian Bible. Sin embargo, tuvo que depender de los líderes religiosos y de sus hijos para aprender sobre la Biblia cristiana. しかし,キリスト教の聖書について学ぶために,宗教指導者や子供たちに頼らなければなりませんでした。 No entanto, teve de depender dos líderes religiosos e dos seus filhos para aprender sobre a Bíblia cristã. He told news writer Kate Snow, Le dijo a la escritora de noticias Kate Snow, Disse à jornalista Kate Snow,

Voice 3 Voz 3

“All my life I have wanted to read the Bible.” “Toda mi vida he querido leer la Biblia”. "Toda a minha vida quis ler a Bíblia".

Voice 1 Voz 1

When Maruge started school, he attended with three of his children's children. Cuando Maruge comenzó la escuela, asistió con tres de los hijos de sus hijos. 丸毛が入学したとき、彼は彼の子供たちの3人の子供たちと一緒に通っていました。 Quando Maruge começou a frequentar a escola, foi-o com três dos filhos dos seus filhos. They were all in higher grades than Maruge. Todos estaban en grados más altos que Maruge. Todos eles estavam em graus mais elevados do que Maruge. However, with much hard work, Maruge learned quickly. Sin embargo, con mucho trabajo duro, Maruge aprendió rápidamente. しかし、苦労の末、マルゲはすぐに習得した。 No entanto, com muito trabalho árduo, Maruge aprendeu rapidamente. One of Maruge's teachers told the Mirror, ||Maruge's Lehrer|||| Uno de los profesores de Maruge le dijo al Mirror: Voice 5 Voz 5

“He is so intelligent. “Es tan inteligente. "Ele é tão inteligente. When he came to school, he could not write his name. Cuando llegó a la escuela, no podía escribir su nombre. But now, he reads the newspapers. Pero ahora lee los periódicos. Mas agora, ele lê os jornais. We are learning from him.” Estamos aprendiendo de él ".

Voice 2 Voz 2

Many people agreed with Maruge's teacher. Mucha gente estuvo de acuerdo con la maestra de Maruge. Maruge was a student, but he also had much to teach. Maruge era estudiante, pero también tenía mucho que enseñar. マルゲは学生でしたが、教えることがたくさんありました。 Maruge era um estudante, mas também tinha muito para ensinar. In 2005, the United Nations invited Kimani Maruge to come to New York City. En 2005, las Naciones Unidas invitaron a Kimani Maruge a venir a la ciudad de Nueva York. Em 2005, as Nações Unidas convidaram Kimani Maruge a deslocar-se à cidade de Nova Iorque. They wanted him to speak about the importance of free education. Querían que hablara sobre la importancia de la educación gratuita. Queriam que ele falasse sobre a importância da educação gratuita. Maruge accepted the invitation. |||davetiyeyi kabul etti Maruge aceptó la invitación. And in his speech he said, Y en su discurso dijo: E no seu discurso disse,

Voice 3 Voz 3

“I want all children in the world to be educated. “Quiero que se eduque a todos los niños del mundo. 「世界中のすべての子供たちに教育を受けさせたい。 That is what I really hope to see.” Eso es lo que realmente espero ver ”. それが私が本当に望んでいることです。」 É isso que espero realmente ver".

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Even after great success, there were still barriers to Maruge's education. Incluso después de un gran éxito, todavía existían barreras para la educación de Maruge. 大成功を収めた後も、マルゲの教育にはまだ障壁がありました。 Mesmo depois do grande sucesso, ainda havia barreiras à educação de Maruge. In 2007, riots began in Kenya. |Unruhen||| |2007'de, Kenya'da isyanlar başladı.||| En 2007, comenzaron los disturbios en Kenia. 2007 年、ケニアで暴動が始まりました。 Two major tribes were fighting over land and government rule. Dos tribus principales estaban peleando por la tierra y el gobierno. 2 つの主要な部族が土地と政府の支配をめぐって争っていました。 Maruge had to move to a refugee camp where it was safe. ||||||Flüchtlings-||||| Maruge tuvo que mudarse a un campo de refugiados donde estaba seguro. マルゲは安全な難民キャンプに移動しなければなりませんでした。 At the time, he was 88 years old. En ese momento, tenía 88 años. The camp was more than three kilometers from his school. El campamento estaba a más de tres kilómetros de su escuela. However, the long walk did not stop him from attending school. Sin embargo, la larga caminata no le impidió asistir a la escuela. しかし、長い散歩は彼が学校に通うのを止めませんでした。 He told the news organization Reuters, |||||Reuters |||||Reuters haber ajansına Le dijo a la organización de noticias Reuters,

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“It is hard. "Es difícil. There is no one to help me walk. No hay nadie que me ayude a caminar. Não há ninguém para me ajudar a andar. I go to the school alone. Voy a la escuela solo. Vou sozinho para a escola. But the urge to learn keeps me going.” ||Drang||||| ||öğrenme isteği||||| Pero la necesidad de aprender me mantiene en marcha ". しかし、学びたいという衝動が私を動かし続けています。」 Mas a vontade de aprender faz-me continuar".

Voice 2 Voz 2

Kimani Maruge continued to go to school until he became sick in 2008. Kimani Maruge siguió asistiendo a la escuela hasta que se enfermó en 2008. And on August 14th, 2009 Maruge died from stomach cancer. Y el 14 de agosto de 2009, Maruge murió de cáncer de estómago. Em 14 de agosto de 2009, Maruge morreu de cancro no estômago. He was 90 years old. Tenía 90 años.

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Although Maruge is now dead, his story lives on. Her ne kadar|||||||| Aunque Maruge ahora está muerto, su historia sigue viva. Embora Maruge já tenha morrido, a sua história continua a viver. The film, The First Grader will continue to spread his story. ||||||||yaymak|| La película The First Grader continuará difundiendo su historia. O filme "The First Grader" continuará a divulgar a sua história. And his message is simple. Y su mensaje es simple. As Maruge once told the Mirror, Como Maruge le dijo una vez al Mirror, Como Maruge disse uma vez ao Mirror,

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"A person is never too old to learn." "Una persona nunca es demasiado mayor para aprender". 「人は学ぶのに年をとりすぎているということはない。」 "Uma pessoa nunca é demasiado velha para aprender". Voice 2 Voz 2

The writer of this program was Robin Basselin. El autor de este programa fue Robin Basselin. The producer was Mark Drenth. El productor fue Mark Drenth. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. Las voces que escuchaste eran de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. Todas las citas fueron adaptadas y expresadas por Spotlight. You can listen to and read this program again on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.net. Puede escuchar y leer este programa nuevamente en Internet en http://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called “The Oldest First Grader.” Este programa se llama "El alumno de primer grado más viejo".

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We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Esperamos que pueda volver a unirse a nosotros para el próximo programa Spotlight. Goodbye. Adiós.