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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), The Most Gruesome Parasites – Neglected Tropical Diseases – NTDs

The Most Gruesome Parasites – Neglected Tropical Diseases – NTDs

In the year 1014, Byzantine Emperor Basil the Second defeated the Bulgarian army and captured 15 thousand prisoners.

He could've killed them, but he had a different idea.

He wanted to weaken his opponents for decades to come.

So he ordered that 99 out of every 100 prisoners be blinded.

The 100th to be spared one eye to guide the rest back home,

forcing their communities to care for them for the rest of their lives.

Today, humans are subject to an attack just as cynical as this by a league of supervillians called NTDs.

One in seven humans on the planet suffers from one or more NTDs, more than the entire population of Europe.

They do unimaginable damage, by crippling countless people,

they destroy billions of dollars in income each year, weaken communities, and slow progress.

What are these monsters straight out of a horror movie, seeking to wreak havoc on our species?

NTDs are caused by a vast range of different parasites such as worms, amoebae, bacteria, or viruses.

The symptoms they cause are just as diverse and truly the stuff of nightmares.

Some, like hookworms, compete with children's brains and bodies for nutrition,

stunting growth, and impairing intelligence.

Some NTDs cause blindness as the result of awful eye infections.

Other parasites confine patients to bed for months, and damage internal organs, often shortening lifespans drastically.

Yet others cause horrible disfigurements that lead to social stigma, a life lived in shame, and unemployment.

There are also a few that are incredibly agonizing. They cause continuous itching, or horrible pain.

In fact, let's introduce you to one of them: Dracun culiasis.

If you accidentally drink water infected by it, you won't notice anything for a year.

Until one day, you suddenly see a blister on your leg.

The worm breaks out of the skin to release new larvae.

The only way to remove it is to slowly pull it out of your leg, centimeter by centimeter, over the course of several weeks,

because Dracun culiasis is now up to a meter long.

We can all agree that we should kill such parasites with fire.

That's why we declared war on them, pleading to eradicate most of them by 2020, and we tried doing that very hard.

In 1985, there were 3.5 million cases of Dracun culiasis all over the world.

In 2015, there were 22.

We killed 99.999% of these little monsters.

It will be the first parasite we eradicate for good very soon.

So, even if they don't generate big headlines like Ebola did, actually, amazing things have happened when it comes to NTDs.

All NTDs have one thing in common:

they preferably attack humans who live in the most isolated communities, and who are least able to defend themselves.

There are villages that are 500 kilometers from the nearest health facility, with no roads anywhere.

So even if a remedy is available, what if it means going on an odyssey to get it to the patients?

This called for an attack using brute force.

To stamp out NTDs once and for all, what's possibly the biggest medical program in human history was launched, unmatched in scale.

Organizations from all fields are working together right now to eliminate ten of these NTDs forever.

Ironically, every NTD is, in fact, preventable or treatable.

But most of them can only be controlled by giving medicine to every person in all high-risk areas.

That means millions and millions of doses of medicine, often for several NTDs at a time, over the course of years, in countries where there is no infrastructure.

Governments and health organizations just couldn't do that by themselves.

Here, humanity got an opportunity to show off what the industrialized production of medicine can achieve.

The pharma industry stepped in to distribute the necessary drugs for free, and promised to keep doing it until those ten diseases are gone.

By 2020, nearly $18 billion worth of drugs will have been distributed, the largest drug donation the world has ever seen.

They also helped make sure the drugs actually get to where they're needed.

In 2015 alone, these treatments reached over 850 million people, more than the population of the EU and the US combined.

Bad things happening generates headlines.

Hundreds of millions of people overcoming extremely destructive diseases, in an unprecedented act of cooperation doesn't.

Stories like this one are not told often enough.

Good things happen all the time, moving humanity closer to a future with no suffering.

So, if you or one of your friends are in need of uplifting news, share this video with them.

We, as a species, really can do great things with no other motivation than to help each other.

It's good to remember that from time to time.

This video was made possible in part by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and your support on Patreon.com If you want to help us make more videos, you can do so here.

If you're disappointed by the lack of disturbing facts in this video, here's a playlist about the end of everything!

The Most Gruesome Parasites – Neglected Tropical Diseases – NTDs |||||||被忽视的热带病 |||Parasiten|vernachlässigt|tropische||Vernachlässigte Tropenkrankheiten |||||||熱帯病 Die grausamsten Parasiten - Vernachlässigte Tropenkrankheiten - NTDs Los parásitos más espantosos - Enfermedades tropicales desatendidas - ETD Les parasites les plus terribles - Maladies tropicales négligées - MTN I parassiti più raccapriccianti - Malattie tropicali trascurate (NTD) 最も恐ろしい寄生虫 -顧みられない熱帯病(NTDs) - Neglected Tropical Diseases Siaubingiausi parazitai - apleistos tropinės ligos - NTD Najbardziej przerażające pasożyty - zaniedbane choroby tropikalne (NTD) Os Parasitas Mais Horríveis - Doenças Tropicais Negligenciadas - DTNs Самые страшные паразиты - Неотмеченные тропические болезни - НТД De mest fruktansvärda parasiterna - försummade tropiska sjukdomar - NTD En Korkunç Parazitler - İhmal Edilen Tropikal Hastalıklar - NTD'ler Найстрашніші паразити - забуті тропічні хвороби - NTDs 最可怕的寄生虫——被忽视的热带病——被忽视的热带疾病 最可怕的寄生虫 - 被忽视的热带病 - NTDs

In the year 1014, Byzantine Emperor Basil the Second defeated the Bulgarian army and captured 15 thousand prisoners. |||||巴西尔|||||保加利亚的||||| |||byzantinisch|Kaiser|Basil|||besiegte||bulgarisch|||eroberte||Gefangene ||||||||||||||千|囚人 En el año 1014, el emperador bizantino Basilio II derrotó al ejército búlgaro y capturó a 15 mil prisioneros.

He could've killed them, but he had a different idea. |本可以|||||||| |hätte können|||||||| Podría haberlos matado, pero tenía otra idea.

He wanted to weaken his opponents for decades to come. |||schwächen|||||| |||||対戦相手||||

So he ordered that 99 out of every 100 prisoners be blinded. ||befahl||||||| そこで、彼は100人の囚人のうち99人の目をつぶすよう命じた。

The 100th to be spared one eye to guide the rest back home, ||||verschont|||||||| El centésimo al que se le perdona un ojo para guiar al resto de vuelta a casa, 100人目は一つの目を残され、残りの者たちを家に帰すためのガイドとなった。

forcing their communities to care for them for the rest of their lives. 彼らのコミュニティは、残りの人生を彼らの世話をすることを強いられた。

Today, humans are subject to an attack just as cynical as this by a league of supervillians called NTDs. ||||||||||||||||超级反派|| |||||||||zynisch|||||Liga||Superschurken|| ||いる|対象||||||冷笑的な||||||||| Hoy en día, los humanos son objeto de un ataque igual de cínico por parte de una liga de supervillanos llamados NTD. 今日、人間はNTDsと呼ばれるスーパーヴィランのリーグによって、このように冷酷な攻撃を受けている。

One in seven humans on the planet suffers from one or more NTDs, more than the entire population of Europe. Uno de cada siete seres humanos del planeta padece una o más ETD, más que toda la población de Europa.

They do unimaginable damage, by crippling countless people, |||||lähmen|| |||||無力化|| Causan un daño inimaginable, incapacitando a innumerables personas, Provocam danos inimagináveis, incapacitando inúmeras pessoas,

they destroy billions of dollars in income each year, weaken communities, and slow progress.

What are these monsters straight out of a horror movie, seeking to wreak havoc on our species? |||||||||Film||||||| ¿Qué son estos monstruos sacados directamente de una película de terror, que pretenden causar estragos en nuestra especie? Что это за монстры из фильма ужасов, стремящиеся посеять хаос в нашем роду?

NTDs are caused by a vast range of different parasites such as worms, amoebae, bacteria, or viruses. ||||||eine Vielzahl von|||||||Amöben||| ||||||||||||寄生虫|アメーバ|||

The symptoms they cause are just as diverse and truly the stuff of nightmares. |||||||||||||Albträume |||||||||本当に|||| Симптомы, которые они вызывают, столь же разнообразны и поистине являются предметом кошмаров.

Some, like hookworms, compete with children's brains and bodies for nutrition, ||Hakenwürmer|konkurrieren||Kinder||||| ||鉤虫|||||||| Algunos, como los anquilostomas, compiten con el cerebro y el cuerpo de los niños por la nutrición,

stunting growth, and impairing intelligence. |||损害| Wachstumsverzögerung|||beeinträchtigen| 成長の抑制|||| retraso en el crecimiento y disminución de la inteligencia.

Some NTDs cause blindness as the result of awful eye infections. |||失明||||||| |||Blindheit||||||| |||失明|||||||

Other parasites confine patients to bed for months, and damage internal organs, often shortening lifespans drastically. |||||||||||||缩短|| ||beschränken||||||||innere Organe|||verkürzen|Lebensspannen| ||制限する|||||||||||寿命を短くする|寿命| Otros parásitos confinan a los pacientes en cama durante meses y dañan los órganos internos, lo que a menudo acorta drásticamente su esperanza de vida.

Yet others cause horrible disfigurements that lead to social stigma, a life lived in shame, and unemployment. ||||毁容|||||||||||| ||||Entstellungen|||||Stigmatisierung||||||| ||||醜形障害||||||||||恥辱||

There are also a few that are incredibly agonizing. They cause continuous itching, or horrible pain. ||||||||痛苦不堪||||瘙痒||| ||||||||quälend|||fortlaufend|Jucken||| ||||||||苦痛の||||かゆみ||| También hay algunas que son increíblemente agonizantes. Provocan picores continuos o dolores horribles.

In fact, let's introduce you to one of them: Dracun culiasis. |||||||||德拉昆|德拉昆库利亚斯 |||||||||Dracun culiasis|Dracunculiasis ||||||||||ドラクンキュラス病 De hecho, vamos a presentarle una de ellas: Dracun culiasis.

If you accidentally drink water infected by it, you won't notice anything for a year. ||うっかり|||||||||||| もしあなたが偶然それに感染した水を飲んだ場合、1年間何も気づかないでしょう。

Until one day, you suddenly see a blister on your leg. |||||||水泡||| |||||||Blase|||Bein |||||||水ぶくれ||| Hasta que un día, de repente, ves una ampolla en tu pierna. ある日、突然足に水ぶくれを見つけることになります。

The worm breaks out of the skin to release new larvae. |Wurm|||||||||Larven El gusano se desprende de la piel para liberar nuevas larvas. その虫は皮膚を破って新しい幼虫を放出します。 Червь вырывается из кожи и выпускает новые личинки.

The only way to remove it is to slowly pull it out of your leg, centimeter by centimeter, over the course of several weeks, ||||entfernen|||||||||||Zentimeter|||||||| La única forma de eliminarlo es extraerlo lentamente de la pierna, centímetro a centímetro, a lo largo de varias semanas,

because Dracun culiasis is now up to a meter long.

We can all agree that we should kill such parasites with fire. |||einverstanden||||||||

That's why we declared war on them, pleading to eradicate most of them by 2020, and we tried doing that very hard. |||||||恳求||||||||||||| |||||||bitten||||||||||||| |||||||懇願して||||||||||||| だからこそ、我々は彼らに宣戦布告し、2020年までに彼らの大部分を根絶するよう懇願し、それを実現しようと非常に頑張りました。

In 1985, there were 3.5 million cases of Dracun culiasis all over the world. 1985年には、世界中で350万件のドラキュンキュラシスのケースがありました。

In 2015, there were 22. 2015年には、22件でした。

We killed 99.999% of these little monsters.

It will be the first parasite we eradicate for good very soon. |||||寄生虫|||のために||| 私たちはすぐにそれを完全に根絶する最初の寄生虫になるでしょう。 Это будет первый паразит, которого мы очень скоро уничтожим окончательно.

So, even if they don't generate big headlines like Ebola did, actually, amazing things have happened when it comes to NTDs. |||||||||埃博拉病毒||||||||||| |||||||Schlagzeilen||Ebola||||||||||| |||||||||エボラ||||||||||| Así que, aunque no generen grandes titulares como el ébola, en realidad han ocurrido cosas asombrosas en lo que respecta a las ETD. だから、彼らがエボラのように大きな見出しを生成しなくても、実際にはNTDsに関して驚くべきことが起こっています。

All NTDs have one thing in common: すべてのNTDには共通のことがあります:

they preferably attack humans who live in the most isolated communities, and who are least able to defend themselves. |vorzugsweise|||||||||||diejenigen die|||||| |できれば||||||||||||||||| 彼らは特に最も孤立したコミュニティに住む人々を攻撃し、自己防衛が最も難しい人々を狙う傾向があります。

There are villages that are 500 kilometers from the nearest health facility, with no roads anywhere. ||||||||nächsten||Einrichtung|||| ||||||||||施設|||| 最近の医療施設から500キロメートル離れた村があり、周囲には道路が全くありません。

So even if a remedy is available, what if it means going on an odyssey to get it to the patients? ||||||||||||||Odyssee|||||| ||||||||||||||冒険|||||| Así que, aunque exista un remedio, ¿qué pasa si hay que emprender una odisea para hacérselo llegar a los pacientes? したがって、もし治療法が利用可能であっても、それを患者に届けるために長い旅をしなければならないとしたらどうなるのでしょうか?

This called for an attack using brute force. ||||||brutale| Esto requería un ataque por fuerza bruta.

To stamp out NTDs once and for all, what's possibly the biggest medical program in human history was launched, unmatched in scale. |stempeln||||||||||||||||||unübertroffen|| |||||||||||||||||||比類のない|| Para erradicar las NTD de una vez por todas, se puso en marcha el que posiblemente sea el mayor programa médico de la historia de la humanidad, sin parangón en escala. NTDを一掃するために、歴史上最大の医療プログラムが開始され、それに匹敵する規模のものはありません。 Чтобы раз и навсегда покончить с неинфекционными заболеваниями, была запущена, возможно, самая масштабная медицинская программа в истории человечества, не имеющая себе равных.

Organizations from all fields are working together right now to eliminate ten of these NTDs forever. 現在、あらゆる分野の組織が協力し、これらの10のNTDを永久に排除するために取り組んでいます。

Ironically, every NTD is, in fact, preventable or treatable. ||被忽视的热带病||||可预防的||可治疗的 ||tropische Krankheiten||||verhinderbar||behandelbar ||||||予防可能||治療可能な Irónicamente, todos los DTN pueden prevenirse o tratarse. 皮肉なことに、すべてのNTDは、実際には予防可能または治療可能です。

But most of them can only be controlled by giving medicine to every person in all high-risk areas. しかし、ほとんどはリスクの高い地域にいるすべての人に薬を与えることでしか制御できない。

That means millions and millions of doses of medicine, often for several NTDs at a time, over the course of years, in countries where there is no infrastructure. つまり、インフラが整っていない国で、数年にわたり、複数のNTDに対しての薬の何百万、何百万回分が必要になる。

Governments and health organizations just couldn't do that by themselves. 政府や健康組織は、その作業を単独で行うことはできなかった。

Here, humanity got an opportunity to show off what the industrialized production of medicine can achieve. ||||Gelegenheit||||||industrialisiert||||| ||||||示す||||||||| ここでは、人類が医薬品の工業化生産が達成できることを示す機会を得ました。

The pharma industry stepped in to distribute the necessary drugs for free, and promised to keep doing it until those ten diseases are gone. |||trat|||verteilen|||||||versprochen|||||||||| ||||||配布する||||||||||||||||| 製薬業界は必要な薬を無料で配布するために参入し、これらの10の病気がなくなるまでそれを続けると約束しました。

By 2020, nearly $18 billion worth of drugs will have been distributed, the largest drug donation the world has ever seen. |||||||||||||捐赠||||| |||||||||verteilt||||Spende||||| |||||||||||||寄付||||| En 2020 se habrán distribuido medicamentos por valor de casi 18.000 millones de dólares, la mayor donación de fármacos jamás vista en el mundo. 2020年までに、約180億ドル相当の薬が配布され、世界が今まで見た中で最大の薬の寄付となります。

They also helped make sure the drugs actually get to where they're needed.

In 2015 alone, these treatments reached over 850 million people, more than the population of the EU and the US combined.

Bad things happening generates headlines.

Hundreds of millions of people overcoming extremely destructive diseases, in an unprecedented act of cooperation doesn't. |||||Überwindung|||||||||| |||||克服する||||||||||

Stories like this one are not told often enough.

Good things happen all the time, moving humanity closer to a future with no suffering.

So, if you or one of your friends are in need of uplifting news, share this video with them. ||||||||||||振奋人心|||||| ||||||||||||ermutigenden|||||| ||||||||||||元気づける||||||

We, as a species, really can do great things with no other motivation than to help each other. 私たち人類は、互いに助け合うという他に動機がない場合でも、本当に素晴らしいことを成し遂げることができます。

It's good to remember that from time to time. 時々、それを思い出すのは良いことです。

This video was made possible in part by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and your support on Patreon.com |||||||||||||梅琳达|||||||| |||||||||||||Melinda Gates|||||||| |||||||||||||メリンダ|||||||| Este vídeo ha sido posible en parte gracias a una subvención de la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates, y a su apoyo en Patreon.com. このビデオは、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団からの助成金と、あなたのPatreon.comでのサポートによって可能になりました。 If you want to help us make more videos, you can do so here.

If you're disappointed by the lack of disturbing facts in this video, here's a playlist about the end of everything! ||enttäuscht|||||beunruhigend||||||||||||