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The Infographics Show, Disturbing Wikipedia Pages

Disturbing Wikipedia Pages

As you probably know, a wiki is a website which consists of collaborations of people

modifying content.

The most popular of these sites is none other than Wikipedia.

It was launched on January 15, 2001, by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

The former once said, “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is

given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.

That's what we're doing.”

And they did a good job.

You can find 301 languages on Wikipedia, but the English language version is easily the


Right now, in English you can find 5.7 million articles, and 46 million pages, which have

been edited 860 million times and looked at by 1,203 admins.

It's not surprising then, that there's some weird stuff you can find on Wikipedia.

And that's what we'll look at today, in this episode of the Infographics Show, the

Scariest Wikipedia articles.


Ultimate fate of the universe We'll start with this merry page that deals

with destruction- the destruction of everything.

It tells us that some cosmologists believe the universe will just keep expanding forever.

The concept of infinity is hard to get our heads around, but so is the concept of absolute-nothing.

Nonetheless, there are theories regarding the end of the universe and none of them sound

very nice.

We have something called “The Big Rip”.

This is when dark energy gets stronger and gradually starts to pull everything apart.

Galaxies move away from each other, space gets bigger, star systems get pulled apart,

and you end up with a universe with nothing in it.

Then you have “The Big Crunch”, which is space collapsing into a dimensionless singularity.

In this scenario the big bang happens and then it's followed by the big crunch and

the cycle continues infinitely.

Then you have the “Big Bounce” theory, which basically means that the Big Bang was

the result of a previous universe collapsing, and so this one will collapse so another can

be born.

In any case, it's likely that the universe won't disappear during your lifetime, so

you don't have to worry.

That said, some of things you're about to hear you probably should be worried about.


Project MKUltra Americans might feel a pang of fear if they

head to this page, which tells us about their government conducting very unethical mind

experiments on their own people.

In the 50s, 60s and 70s the CIA engaged in activities, often totally illegal, which used

human guinea pigs to test if people's minds could be controlled.

They gave some of these people LSD and other chemical concoctions, which was scary enough,

but other times they just mentally and physically tortured people, isolated them or tried to

get into their heads using hypnosis.

Sometimes these experiments happened in prisons, but they also took place in colleges, universities

and hospitals.

It's quite unbelievable what they would try and make test subjects do, after say a

large dose of drugs or days of brainwashing tied to a chair.

They'd try and make subjects age faster or slower; make them go out in public and

disgrace themselves; cause them memory loss or brain damage; make them totally dependent

on another person; mess up their eyesight and hearing; or even give them substances

to physically disable them.

This shocking page tells us consent protocols were not followed and if subjects' heads

weren't just messed up forever more, sometimes they died.

But as it was top secret, we may never know the full extent of the damage.


Lizzie Borden This case is unsolved and so makes for some

interesting reading.

The story goes that on August 4, 1892, Lizzie's father and stepmother were found at their

home in Massachusetts dead, both savagely hacked to death with an axe.

Could it really have been this gentle-looking girl?

Some people thought so, mainly because right after the murders she burned the dress she'd

been wearing that day.

It was suspected she did that because it was covered in blood.

Whoever hacked the bodies really put some effort into it, say the reports.

But she was never found guilty of the crime and it remained a mystery.

The case of the axe murders has become one of America's great unsolved crimes.

If that's not scary enough, listen to this.


June and Jennifer Gibbons These were two identical twins that were born

in 1963 and grew up in Wales.

They took their closeness to heart and decided that they would not communicate with anyone

but themselves.

That's why they became known as “The Silent Twins.”

Their parents were from the Caribbean and so the twins spoke Bajan Creole, which was

very hard to understand for anyone living in Wales.

Also, they were the only black kids in town and this led to bullying.

This is why the kids decided they wouldn't speak to anyone else.

When they did speak they spoke in a language only they could understand.

There is actually a word for twins creating their very own language and that is “cryptophasia.”

Crypto means secret and phasia means speech.

Therapists would try and get them to speak to others, but they simply refused to do so.

Then the therapists decided to put them in different boarding schools when the twins

were 14, but after that both of them fell catatonic.

They were reunited and stayed most of the time in their bedroom together making plays

with dolls.

They then both started writing novels about what Wikipedia tells us were people who “exhibit

strange and often criminal behavior.”

After that they got into crime themselves and were eventually committed to Broadmoor

mental health hospital.

They spent 12 years in there and were often given overly strong antipsychotic medications.

This bizarre tale gets more bizarre.

The twins made a pact that the only way that one of them could start speaking to other

people was if the other gave up her life.

And so, one of the twins called Jennifer suddenly got very sick and died.

It's a mystery how she died, but it's thought she killed herself.

The other twin then started speaking to people.

She once said, “I'm free at last, liberated, and at last Jennifer has given up her life

for me.”

She is still alive.


Dyatlov Pass incident Now for more strangeness, this time in Russia.

The story is about nine ski-hikers that went on a trip to the Ural Mountains in February

1959 and never came back.

They were all experienced outdoors people, and all studied at the same university.

All we know is that on one bitterly cold night something made them rush out from their tents,

not dressed for such cold temperatures.

Later Soviet authorities found them, and they were all dead.

One of them had a fractured skull, others had fractured ribs, and one person was missing

her tongue and eyes.

Wiki tells us, “Six of the group members died of hypothermia and three of fatal injuries.”

But to this day no one knows what happened to those nine young people.

Was it an attack from local indigenous people?

Some people thought aliens did it as flying spheres had been seen in the sky.

Was it an avalanche?

Was it a secret military exercise or was it a Russian yeti?

The truth is out there, perhaps.


Joyce Vincent This one is just downright sad, but also strange.

Joyce was a British woman who died in 2003 in her small flat in London.

The sad thing is, is that she wasn't found until 2006 when all that remained of her were

her bones.

It's said that even though her family life wasn't bad, she distanced herself from her


She had jobs and had a relationship, but it's said her partner beat her and so she left

and didn't want to be found.

She died of unknown causes, but it seems no one said anything about her disappearing.

As she lied on her sofa dead, the TV played and played, while half of her rent was being

paid for by the Metropolitan Housing Trust.

It was only when the bills stacked up that housing officials went around to see what

was going on.

When they arrived, they found letters sent to her from her family.

The TV was still playing, and the heating was turned on.

They discovered her skeletal remains next to shopping bags and Christmas gifts she had

wrapped, that we expect she was about to send.

A movie was made about her called, “Dreams of a Life.”


Benjaman Kyle This is the tale of an American man who had

a very bad case of dissociative amnesia, which is memory loss that can go back years.

His name wasn't actually Benjaman, but when he was found outside a fast-food restaurant

in Georgia in 2004 he didn't know who he was so that is the name he was given as he

believed that could have been his name.

When authorities found him and took him to hospital the guy was quite surprised to learn

he was 20 years older than he thought he was.

He spent much of the ensuing years either homeless or working odd jobs, but in 2016

he got a break when DNA samples revealed who he was.

His name in fact was William Burgess Powell.


Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter Do you believe in Gremlins?

We doubt it.

But in Kentucky in 1955 a bunch of people did, or at least they believed they were attacked

by little green things.

This case is one of the most famous UFO/alien sightings in history, only because it all

sounds so real.

On August 21, 1955, five adults and seven children went to the local police station

all saying that their farmhouse had come under attack by aliens and they'd being fending

them off for about four hours.

It's true that many gunshots had been fired as bullet holes were found everywhere.

The cops went to look for these 12 to 15 creatures, but they weren't there.

The family went back to the farmhouse but then apparently packed their bags and left

when the creatures returned again in the middle of the early morning.

Experts have since said that the family wasn't making it up, but they weren't shooting

at Gremlins but probably Great Horned Owls.


Euthanasia Coaster This has been called a rollercoaster that

“sends out 24 people and they all come back dead.”

Hence the euthanasia coaster, but it would also have worked as an execution roller-coaster.

The concept and scale-model were created by Julijonas Urbonas when he was doing his PhD

at the Royal College of Art in London.

Urbonas, who had once worked at an Amusement Park, said it was a way to die “with elegance

and euphoria.”

24 people would be taken in cars up a steep incline of 1,670 feet (510-metres).

When they got to the top they had the choice of getting off.

If the answer was no, they would be sent at a speed of 110 mph (180 kph) hurtling down

a track towards a series of clothoid inversions (spirals) that would get smaller and smaller.

This crazy ride would kill its passengers by way of cerebral hypoxia (lack of oxygen

getting to the brain).

Going around those inversions with the g-force would eventually lead to black-out and then


Wiki writes, “Subsequent inversions would serve as insurance against unintentional survival

of particularly robust passengers.”

At the end there is a place for the corpses to be dropped off and then it can reload for

the new passengers waiting for the last ride of their lives.

The ride not surprisingly has never been put to the test, but it's still a freaky thing

in itself.


Michael Taylor (demoniac) This story takes place in Ossett, West Yorkshire,

England, in 1974.

30-year old Taylor was a butcher, but it also seems he was known for his very erratic behavior.

So much so, that it was decided that he might have the devil in him and he should be exorcised.

That was performed by an Anglican priest and a Methodist clergyman.

They believed that during the exorcism they “cast out at least forty demons, including

those of incest, bestiality, blasphemy, and lewdness.”

Unfortunately, the two men of the cloth were utterly exhausted at the end of it and said

three demons remained in Michael.

Those were the demons of insanity, murder, and violence.

They still allowed the young man to go home.

When he got home he attacked his wife, tearing out her eyes, her tongue, most of her face

in fact, and beating her so bad she died.

He did this with his bare hands.

He then strangled the family poodle.

Police found him in the streets covered in blood.

The courts said he was insane and sent him to Broadmoor mental facility.

He did get out, but years later committed more crimes and once again started to look


He was sent back into psychiatric care and that's where he remains today.

So, have you seen anything on Wikipedia that you think deserves to be on this list?

Let us know in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video Scary Things Found On The Dark Web.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

Disturbing Wikipedia Pages Beunruhigend|| Unsettling|| Niepokojące strony Wikipedii|| Beunruhigende Wikipedia-Seiten Ενοχλητικές σελίδες της Wikipedia Perturbadoras páginas de Wikipedia Pagine di Wikipedia inquietanti 不穏なウィキペディアのページ Páginas perturbadoras da Wikipédia Тревожные страницы Википедии Rahatsız Edici Wikipedia Sayfaları Тривожні сторінки Вікіпедії 令人不安的维基百科页面 令人不安的維基百科頁面

As you probably know, a wiki is a website which consists of collaborations of people ||可能|||维基网站|||网站||由...组成||合作成果|| ||wahrscheinlich||||||||besteht aus||Zusammenarbeit von Menschen|| ||||||||||is made up||||

modifying content. 修改内容| Inhalt bearbeiten|

The most popular of these sites is none other than Wikipedia. ||最受欢迎的|||网站|||||维基百科 |||||||keine andere als||| O mais popular desses sites não é outro senão a Wikipedia.

It was launched on January 15, 2001, by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. |||||||威尔士||拉里·桑格| |||||von||||| ||set in motion|||||||| Он был создан 15 января 2001 года Джимми Уэйлсом и Ларри Сэнгером.

The former once said, “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is |前者曾说|||想象一下||||||每一个|每个人|||星球上的每个人| O primeiro disse uma vez: "Imagine um mundo em que cada pessoa do planeta é Первый однажды сказал: "Представьте себе мир, в котором каждый человек на планете является

given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. 给予||访问权限||||||| |||||Gesamtheit des Wissens||||Wissen

That's what we're doing.” |||正在做

And they did a good job.

You can find 301 languages on Wikipedia, but the English language version is easily the ||||||||||版本||轻松地|

biggest. 最大。

Right now, in English you can find 5.7 million articles, and 46 million pages, which have ||||||||文章数量|||||

been edited 860 million times and looked at by 1,203 admins. |已编辑|百万|次|||||管理员 |bearbeitet|||||||

It's not surprising then, that there's some weird stuff you can find on Wikipedia. ||令人惊讶|||||奇怪的|奇怪的东西|||||

And that's what we'll look at today, in this episode of the Infographics Show, the |这就是|||||||||||信息图表秀||

Scariest Wikipedia articles. 最恐怖的维基文章||最恐怖的维基百科条目


Ultimate fate of the universe We'll start with this merry page that deals 最终|命运|||宇宙的终极命运||||||页面||涉及 Endgültiges Schicksal|||||||||||| Конечная судьба Вселенной Начнем с этой веселой страницы, посвященной

with destruction- the destruction of everything. |毁灭||毁灭||

It tells us that some cosmologists believe the universe will just keep expanding forever. |告诉||||宇宙学家|||宇宙|||||

The concept of infinity is hard to get our heads around, but so is the concept of absolute-nothing. |概念||无限性||||||头脑||||||概念||绝对的| |||endlessness||||||||||||||| O conceito de infinito é difícil de entender, mas também o é o conceito de nada absoluto.

Nonetheless, there are theories regarding the end of the universe and none of them sound 尽管如此|||理论|关于|||||宇宙的终结|||||

very nice.

We have something called “The Big Rip”. Temos algo chamado “The Big Rip”.

This is when dark energy gets stronger and gradually starts to pull everything apart. ||||能量|变得|更强大||逐渐地|开始||拉扯||分开 É quando a energia escura fica mais forte e gradualmente começa a separar tudo.

Galaxies move away from each other, space gets bigger, star systems get pulled apart, 星系||||||||||星系系统||| ||||||||||||auseinandergezogen| As galáxias se afastam umas das outras, o espaço fica maior, os sistemas estelares são separados,

and you end up with a universe with nothing in it. ||||||宇宙||||

Then you have “The Big Crunch”, which is space collapsing into a dimensionless singularity. |||||大坍缩||||坍缩|||无维度的|奇点 |||||Zusammenbruch|||||||| ||||||||||||without dimensions|point of collapse Então você tem “The Big Crunch”, que é o espaço colapsando em uma singularidade adimensional.

In this scenario the big bang happens and then it's followed by the big crunch and ||情景|||大爆炸|发生||||||||大坍缩| ||||||||||||||großer Zusammenbruch| ||||||||||||||collapse of universe| Neste cenário, o big bang acontece e é seguido pelo big crunch e

the cycle continues infinitely. ||继续|无限地 |||without end

Then you have the “Big Bounce” theory, which basically means that the Big Bang was |||||大反弹|大反弹理论||基本上|意味着||||大爆炸|

the result of a previous universe collapsing, and so this one will collapse so another can |前世结果|||前一个|宇宙轮回|坍缩||||||||| o resultado do colapso de um universo anterior, e então este entrará em colapso para que outro possa результат коллапса предыдущей вселенной, и поэтому эта вселенная разрушится, чтобы появилась другая.

be born. |出生

In any case, it's likely that the universe won't disappear during your lifetime, so ||无论如何||很可能|||||消失|||一生期间| |||||||||verschwinden|||| ||||highly probable||||||||your entire life|

you don't have to worry. ||不用|| |do not|||be concerned

That said, some of things you're about to hear you probably should be worried about. ||||||||听到||可能|||担心| ||||certain issues|you are|going to hear||be informed about||||||


Project MKUltra Americans might feel a pang of fear if they |MKUltra计划|美国人||||一阵恐惧||恐惧感|| ||||||Anflug von Angst|||| mind control experiment||||||sharp, sudden pain|||| ||||||укол страху|||| ||||||sentirem um pico de medo|||| Проект "МКУльтра" Американцы могут почувствовать укол страха, если они

head to this page, which tells us about their government conducting very unethical mind 前往页面|||页面||告诉我们||||政府|进行||不道德的|思想控制 ||||||||||engaging in|||

experiments on their own people. 对本国人民的实验||||

In the 50s, 60s and 70s the CIA engaged in activities, often totally illegal, which used ||||||||从事||活动||完全|非法的||

human guinea pigs to test if people's minds could be controlled. 人类实验对象||||||人们的||||控制住

They gave some of these people LSD and other chemical concoctions, which was scary enough, ||||||迷幻药||||混合物|||| ||||||||||chemical mixtures||||

but other times they just mentally and physically tortured people, isolated them or tried to ||有时|||精神上||身体上|折磨人们||孤立起来|||试图| ||||||||||isolierten sie||||

get into their heads using hypnosis. |||头脑里||催眠术 |||||mind control technique

Sometimes these experiments happened in prisons, but they also took place in colleges, universities ||实验|发生了||监狱里|||||||大学|大学 |||||||||occurred||||

and hospitals. |医院

It's quite unbelievable what they would try and make test subjects do, after say a ||难以置信||||||||测试对象||||

large dose of drugs or days of brainwashing tied to a chair. 大量|大剂量||药物||||洗脑|绑在椅子上|||

They'd try and make subjects age faster or slower; make them go out in public and ||||实验对象||更快地||||他们||||公众场合| Они пытались заставить испытуемых стареть быстрее или медленнее, заставляли их появляться на публике и

disgrace themselves; cause them memory loss or brain damage; make them totally dependent |他们自己|导致||失去记忆||||损害|||| Ruin their reputation||||||||||||

on another person; mess up their eyesight and hearing; or even give them substances ||对方||||视力||听觉|||||药物 em outra pessoa; bagunçam sua visão e audição; ou mesmo dar-lhes substâncias

to physically disable them. |身体上|使其残疾|

This shocking page tells us consent protocols were not followed and if subjects' heads |令人震惊的|页面||||同意协议|||遵循|||| Esta página chocante nos diz que os protocolos de consentimento não foram seguidos e se as cabeças dos sujeitos Эта шокирующая страница говорит о том, что протоколы согласия не соблюдались, и если головы испытуемых

weren't just messed up forever more, sometimes they died. 并非||||永远|||| não ficavam apenas confusos para sempre, às vezes morriam. не просто навсегда испортились, иногда они умирали.

But as it was top secret, we may never know the full extent of the damage. |||||绝密||||||||||


Lizzie Borden This case is unsolved and so makes for some

interesting reading.

The story goes that on August 4, 1892, Lizzie's father and stepmother were found at their

home in Massachusetts dead, both savagely hacked to death with an axe. |||||brutally|||||| morto em Massachusetts, ambos feridos de forma selvagem com um machado.

Could it really have been this gentle-looking girl? Poderia realmente ter sido essa garota de aparência gentil?

Some people thought so, mainly because right after the murders she burned the dress she'd

been wearing that day.

It was suspected she did that because it was covered in blood.

Whoever hacked the bodies really put some effort into it, say the reports.

But she was never found guilty of the crime and it remained a mystery.

The case of the axe murders has become one of America's great unsolved crimes.

If that's not scary enough, listen to this.


June and Jennifer Gibbons These were two identical twins that were born

in 1963 and grew up in Wales.

They took their closeness to heart and decided that they would not communicate with anyone Eles levaram sua proximidade a sério e decidiram que não se comunicariam com ninguém Они приняли свою близость близко к сердцу и решили, что не будут общаться ни с кем.

but themselves.

That's why they became known as “The Silent Twins.”

Their parents were from the Caribbean and so the twins spoke Bajan Creole, which was

very hard to understand for anyone living in Wales.

Also, they were the only black kids in town and this led to bullying.

This is why the kids decided they wouldn't speak to anyone else.

When they did speak they spoke in a language only they could understand.

There is actually a word for twins creating their very own language and that is “cryptophasia.” |||||||||||||||Twin language creation

Crypto means secret and phasia means speech. Secret language||||speech or language||

Therapists would try and get them to speak to others, but they simply refused to do so.

Then the therapists decided to put them in different boarding schools when the twins Então os terapeutas decidiram colocá-los em diferentes internatos quando os gêmeos

were 14, but after that both of them fell catatonic. ||||||||unresponsive or immobile

They were reunited and stayed most of the time in their bedroom together making plays

with dolls.

They then both started writing novels about what Wikipedia tells us were people who “exhibit ||||||||||||||display traits of

strange and often criminal behavior.”

After that they got into crime themselves and were eventually committed to Broadmoor |||||||||in the end||| После этого они сами стали преступниками и в конце концов попали в Бродмур.

mental health hospital. hospital de saúde mental.

They spent 12 years in there and were often given overly strong antipsychotic medications.

This bizarre tale gets more bizarre.

The twins made a pact that the only way that one of them could start speaking to other

people was if the other gave up her life.

And so, one of the twins called Jennifer suddenly got very sick and died.

It's a mystery how she died, but it's thought she killed herself. É um mistério como ela morreu, mas pensa-se que ela se matou.

The other twin then started speaking to people.

She once said, “I'm free at last, liberated, and at last Jennifer has given up her life |||||||set free||||||||| Однажды она сказала: "Наконец-то я свободна, освобождена, и наконец-то Дженнифер отказалась от своей жизни.

for me.” для меня".

She is still alive.


Dyatlov Pass incident Now for more strangeness, this time in Russia.

The story is about nine ski-hikers that went on a trip to the Ural Mountains in February

1959 and never came back.

They were all experienced outdoors people, and all studied at the same university.

All we know is that on one bitterly cold night something made them rush out from their tents, Tudo o que sabemos é que em uma noite extremamente fria, algo os fez sair correndo de suas tendas,

not dressed for such cold temperatures.

Later Soviet authorities found them, and they were all dead.

One of them had a fractured skull, others had fractured ribs, and one person was missing

her tongue and eyes.

Wiki tells us, “Six of the group members died of hypothermia and three of fatal injuries.” ||||||||||cold exposure|||||

But to this day no one knows what happened to those nine young people.

Was it an attack from local indigenous people?

Some people thought aliens did it as flying spheres had been seen in the sky.

Was it an avalanche?

Was it a secret military exercise or was it a Russian yeti?

The truth is out there, perhaps.


Joyce Vincent This one is just downright sad, but also strange.

Joyce was a British woman who died in 2003 in her small flat in London.

The sad thing is, is that she wasn't found until 2006 when all that remained of her were

her bones.

It's said that even though her family life wasn't bad, she distanced herself from her


She had jobs and had a relationship, but it's said her partner beat her and so she left

and didn't want to be found.

She died of unknown causes, but it seems no one said anything about her disappearing.

As she lied on her sofa dead, the TV played and played, while half of her rent was being Когда она лежала на диване мертвая, телевизор играл и играл, а половина ее квартплаты была

paid for by the Metropolitan Housing Trust. pago pelo Metropolitan Housing Trust.

It was only when the bills stacked up that housing officials went around to see what Foi só quando as contas se acumularam que os funcionários da habitação procuraram ver o que

was going on.

When they arrived, they found letters sent to her from her family.

The TV was still playing, and the heating was turned on. A TV ainda estava tocando e o aquecimento estava ligado.

They discovered her skeletal remains next to shopping bags and Christmas gifts she had

wrapped, that we expect she was about to send.

A movie was made about her called, “Dreams of a Life.”


Benjaman Kyle This is the tale of an American man who had

a very bad case of dissociative amnesia, which is memory loss that can go back years. |||||memory-related|||||||||| um caso grave de amnésia dissociativa, que é uma perda de memória que pode remontar a anos.

His name wasn't actually Benjaman, but when he was found outside a fast-food restaurant

in Georgia in 2004 he didn't know who he was so that is the name he was given as he

believed that could have been his name.

When authorities found him and took him to hospital the guy was quite surprised to learn

he was 20 years older than he thought he was.

He spent much of the ensuing years either homeless or working odd jobs, but in 2016 |||||following||one of two||||||| Ele passou grande parte dos anos seguintes sem-teto ou fazendo biscates, mas em 2016 Большую часть последующих лет он провел либо бездомным, либо подрабатывал, но в 2016 году

he got a break when DNA samples revealed who he was. ele teve uma chance quando as amostras de DNA revelaram quem ele era.

His name in fact was William Burgess Powell.


Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter Do you believe in Gremlins?

We doubt it.

But in Kentucky in 1955 a bunch of people did, or at least they believed they were attacked

by little green things.

This case is one of the most famous UFO/alien sightings in history, only because it all

sounds so real.

On August 21, 1955, five adults and seven children went to the local police station

all saying that their farmhouse had come under attack by aliens and they'd being fending ||||||||||||||defending themselves against todos dizendo que sua casa de fazenda havia sido atacada por alienígenas e que eles estavam se defendendo

them off for about four hours.

It's true that many gunshots had been fired as bullet holes were found everywhere.

The cops went to look for these 12 to 15 creatures, but they weren't there.

The family went back to the farmhouse but then apparently packed their bags and left

when the creatures returned again in the middle of the early morning.

Experts have since said that the family wasn't making it up, but they weren't shooting

at Gremlins but probably Great Horned Owls. ||||||Great Horned Owls em Gremlins, mas provavelmente Great Horned Owls.


Euthanasia Coaster This has been called a rollercoaster that

“sends out 24 people and they all come back dead.”

Hence the euthanasia coaster, but it would also have worked as an execution roller-coaster. Therefore|||||||||||||| Daí a montanha-russa da eutanásia, mas também teria funcionado como montanha-russa de execução.

The concept and scale-model were created by Julijonas Urbonas when he was doing his PhD O conceito e a maquete foram criados por Julijonas Urbonas quando ele fazia seu doutorado

at the Royal College of Art in London.

Urbonas, who had once worked at an Amusement Park, said it was a way to die “with elegance

and euphoria.”

24 people would be taken in cars up a steep incline of 1,670 feet (510-metres).

When they got to the top they had the choice of getting off.

If the answer was no, they would be sent at a speed of 110 mph (180 kph) hurtling down Se a resposta fosse não, eles seriam enviados a uma velocidade de 180 km / h, caindo

a track towards a series of clothoid inversions (spirals) that would get smaller and smaller. uma trilha em direção a uma série de inversões clotóides (espirais) que ficavam cada vez menores.

This crazy ride would kill its passengers by way of cerebral hypoxia (lack of oxygen

getting to the brain).

Going around those inversions with the g-force would eventually lead to black-out and then Contornar essas inversões com a força g acabaria por levar a um apagão e


Wiki writes, “Subsequent inversions would serve as insurance against unintentional survival

of particularly robust passengers.”

At the end there is a place for the corpses to be dropped off and then it can reload for No final, há um lugar para os cadáveres serem deixados e então ele pode recarregar para

the new passengers waiting for the last ride of their lives.

The ride not surprisingly has never been put to the test, but it's still a freaky thing

in itself.


Michael Taylor (demoniac) This story takes place in Ossett, West Yorkshire,

England, in 1974.

30-year old Taylor was a butcher, but it also seems he was known for his very erratic behavior. ||||||||||||||||unpredictable|

So much so, that it was decided that he might have the devil in him and he should be exorcised. Tanto assim, que foi decidido que ele poderia ter o diabo nele e ele deveria ser exorcizado.

That was performed by an Anglican priest and a Methodist clergyman.

They believed that during the exorcism they “cast out at least forty demons, including Eles acreditaram que durante o exorcismo "expulsaram pelo menos quarenta demônios, incluindo

those of incest, bestiality, blasphemy, and lewdness.” ||||||sexual immorality

Unfortunately, the two men of the cloth were utterly exhausted at the end of it and said

three demons remained in Michael.

Those were the demons of insanity, murder, and violence.

They still allowed the young man to go home.

When he got home he attacked his wife, tearing out her eyes, her tongue, most of her face

in fact, and beating her so bad she died.

He did this with his bare hands. Ele fez isso com as próprias mãos.

He then strangled the family poodle. ||задушив||| Ele então estrangulou o poodle da família.

Police found him in the streets covered in blood.

The courts said he was insane and sent him to Broadmoor mental facility.

He did get out, but years later committed more crimes and once again started to look


He was sent back into psychiatric care and that's where he remains today. |||||mental health care|||||||

So, have you seen anything on Wikipedia that you think deserves to be on this list?

Let us know in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video Scary Things Found On The Dark Web.

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