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The Infographics Show, Illuminati vs Bilderberg Group - How Do They Compare (Secret Society Comparison)

Illuminati vs Bilderberg Group - How Do They Compare (Secret Society Comparison)

A man is sitting at home with the lights turned off, his face illuminated by the glare from

the TV screen.

This guy hasn't been outside in weeks.

He is obsessed, and you could say possessed, by a theory that a New World Order is about

to make a move and get rid of a significant amount of the population.

He's suddenly taken aback by a strange image on the TV, which is a public service announcement

being given by both the President of the United States and the Queen of England.

Before they say anything, the two both put their fingers up to their foreheads at the

point of their hairlines.

In unison they pull down the skin from their faces and it is revealed that they are both

actually lizard people.

“I knew it!”

thinks the guy.

“We are your overlords,” say the Queen and the President in tandem.

“It's time you all knew the truth.”

We're guessing you guys think this is a ridiculous way to start a show, but polls

have indeed revealed that something like 12 million American people believe we are ruled

over by interstellar reptiles.

These alien beings hiding in human suits are said to be the world's elite, and we, the

general populace, are their slaves.

Not everyone buys into the lizard theory, but a lot of people believe we are ruled by

secret groups such as an entity called the Illuminati and another entity called the Bilderberg


You don't have to be suffering from psychosis to believe this.

There are a lot of rational people that think there are invisible hands pulling strings

above our marionette heads.

Today we're going to take a look at these two entities and at the end of the show you

can make your own mind up as to which organization controls the world, or if the groups are not

actually as powerful as has been made out.

You might also agree with our own surprising conclusion.

WARNING: This will not be an easy examination, but you are going to gain some knowledge that

we think will benefit you.

No lizards were harmed in the making of this video.

Ok, so it's no secret that there are organizations on this planet whose members are sometimes

rich and powerful people.

That is not a theory, it's a fact.

These might be secretive, such as the Freemasons, or they might just be round tables of influential

people that talk about issues such as global warming.

The conspiracy theorists believe that these elites are machinating to create what is called

a “New World Order”, which is basically a world run by them in a totalitarian way.

It might involve population control or even mind control.

We, the people, are what they might call the herd.

We'll buy into what THEY tell us.

This theory is not unique, and we certainly have been called herds before by powerful

leaders and social scientists.

The man sometimes called the “father of public relations and propaganda”, one Edward

Bernays, did his bit to control the public.

He believed that we, the masses, were irrational, but as people that acted like herds and couldn't

think for themselves, we could easily be controlled.

He proved his theory to be true, too.

So that's how this New World Order might take over, according to some conspiracy theorists.

There are differing opinions and it's a very complex subject.

Some people think the world where we are heading might be fascistic in nature and we will be

controlled by a Big Brother world government in a totalitarian manner.

A man called George Orwell once wrote about that.

But the trend now seems more in line with a book written by a guy named Aldous Huxley.

This writer penned something called, “Brave New World.”

It's different from Orwell's dystopia, because we, the masses, will gladly accept

our slavery.

As they say in the tech world, we will “opt-in.”

Here's a snippet from that book: “A really efficient totalitarian state would

be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers

control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their


We mention this because this is what conspiracy theorists are relating to when they talk about

the New World Order and the elites that will rule over us.

We need to be controlled, either through force and surveillance, a good amount of public

relations, or technological applications that distract us from how fudged things have become.

These elites are a multi-national group, according to the conspiracy theorists.

There is no national superpower…it's a collaborative effort.

In fact, the US Vs. THEM dichotomy is just a distraction, so these elites can keep us

in a constant state of stress, making us easier to control and harming our immune systems

because our stress hormones fire up every time we go online.

Ok, so who are these elite groups?

Well, now let's introduce to you the Illuminati.

The origins of the so-called present illuminati comes from an entity known as the Bavarian


This was founded by a professor in Bavaria in the 1800s.

His name was Adam Weishaupt.

By the way, the actual word “Illuminati” comes from the Latin for “revealed” or


Did Weishaupt want to take over the world?

Well, it doesn't seem so.

He did indeed embrace the idea of secret societies.

In his own words he said that members of his Illuminati should endorse freedom “from

all religious prejudices.”

He also said his Illuminati, “cultivates the social virtues; and animates them by a

great, a feasible, and speedy prospect of universal happiness.”

Note the word “universal”.

His secret society was supposed to make everyone happy, but the public weren't contacted

about this.

The general population was not intelligent enough to get in on the act of creating universal


Getting into this society was similar to getting into the Freemasons.

You needed to have cash and some connections, although women, monks, Jews and Pagans were

not allowed to join.

Like the freemasons, once you were in, you could climb the ranks.

There were lots of ranks and the highest rank was “King.”

It was all very secret indeed, and members didn't even use their own names.

When they communicated in writing, they used ciphers that most people wouldn't be able

to solve.

They had to write a lot, since the Illuminati had members all over Europe.

The idea was, that these people would increase their power but at the same time endorse enlightened


This kind of “Enlightened absolutism” was once summed up like this, “Everything

for the people, nothing by the people.”

You might call that the ‘trickle-down happiness theory'.

It's not far from the principles that Edward Bernays espoused, in that we, the masses,

don't know what's good for us and need to be controlled with tools such as public

relations and the media.

Bavaria later banned this group and it's thought that was the end of the Illuminati…Or

was it?!

Now for your introduction to the Bilderberg Group.

Ok, so this group is not hidden in some respects, in that you can go to Bilderberg's website

and read about what they do, or claim to do, according to those people who believe something

sinister lurks in the air when these people get together.

They meet every year to discuss certain issues that face Europe and North America.

The group says they only talk about issues, and no actions are taken after meetings.

It's like a get together for powerful people, they say, but there are no resolutions at

the end.

Which powerful people, you might ask.

The list is long, so we can't mention everyone who turned up to the 2019 meeting.

The attendees were mostly wealthy business people, bankers, and people high up in certain

government departments.

Some meetings have also included royalty.

Quite a few academics were on the guest list, too, such as the guy who's been warning

us about super-artificial intelligence, the Director, Future of Humanity Institute at

Oxford University named Nick Bostrom.

The governor of the Bank of England was there, as was a politician from the UK's Green


People who work for the U.S's Office of the Secretary of Defense were in the house,

as were journalists and editors who work for well-known media, such as The Washington Post.

Also in attendance were some of the CEO's of the world's biggest tech companies.

So yes, if you were of a certain disposition to believe that a group wanted to control

the populace, the herd, these would be the people who could do it.

The attendees do in fact already control countries since they head finance, government and industry.

They control the media and they control how information gets to us via the Internet.

That's not a conspiracy theory, though.

Ok, so what did those powerful people talk about at the last meeting?

Did they... say...discuss how to create a panic on a mass scale in order to convince

the people of the world to opt-in to mass surveillance technology?

Did they discuss mass unemployment that could lead to political changes, lifelong debt,

and possibly some population reduction?

The answer is no.

Here is the list of discussion topics: 1.

A stable strategic order 2.

What next for Europe?


Climate change and sustainability 4.

China 5.

Russia 6.

The future of capitalism 7.

Brexit 8.

The ethics of artificial intelligence 9.

The weaponization of social media 10.

The importance of space 11.

Cyber threats This was no secret… it was published by

the Bilderberg Group on its website.

But, and this is a big BUT, what happens at the Bilderberg meetings stays at the Bilderberg


That's also not a conspiracy theory.

The New York Times wrote in 2019 that the members heading to the 67th Bilderberg Meeting

in Switzerland had to promise that whatever was discussed would not get leaked.

Hmm, just how good are those attendees at keeping their secrets?

We wonder what happened when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, or Microsoft CEO Satya

Nadella, or Jared Kushner, got home after the meeting.

Was the scene similar to this?

“Hi darling, how did it go?”

Reply: “You know I can't talk about that honey?”

The first meeting was held in 1954 at the Hotel de Bilderberg in The Netherlands, and

since then some people have been decrying the event because they think those people

already have too much power.

The Group itself says it is working for the greater good, but not everyone agrees with


Some people have said these powerful people are “secret kingmakers”, while others

have said they are all globalists that have one mutual interest and that is to create

a New World Order... with them at the helm.

Such wild theories, said the Bilderberg group, are baseless.

It actually says this on its own website:, “While these claims lack any and all merit.

We regret to see that many continue to flourish online and in social media groups.”

The group states that journalists cannot report what goes down in their meetings, and only

the attendees on the guest list can go.

That means no personal assistants, no husbands or wives, no bodyguards, no secret service

protectors, and guests should not talk to journalists after the meeting.

The reason why things are kept secret, says the group, is to “encourage the highest

level of openness and dialogue.”

One man that wrote a book about the Bilderberg Group said as much, stating that these immensely

powerful people can say things that they would never dare utter in public.

He called the group, “a shadow world government.”

It certainly is the most exclusive club the world has ever seen, and it is very secretive.

The proof of that is the fact that you know nothing about possibly the biggest event in

the world that takes place every year.

The acclaimed writer Jon Ronson who wrote and directed the documentary, “The Secret

Rulers of the World,” actually once tried to infiltrate a meeting but was eventually

chased out by men wearing dark glasses.

He later said in an interview, “When I phoned the British embassy and asked them to explain

to the powerful secret society that had set their goons on me that I was essentially a

humorous journalist out of my depth, I wasn't being funny.

I was being genuinely desperate.”

Ronson actually once got to interview Denis Healy, a man who'd been on the Bilderberg

steering committee for 30 years.

Healy told him that the guests just state what is on their minds, things perhaps the

public might not want to hear.

They can speak candidly about various issues and won't get outed in the press for their


Healy also said this: “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated,

but not wholly unfair.”

He admitted that it was about control, but control in regards to making the world a better


It's about global policy, he said, but critics might say that these people are there in part

to serve their own interests.

That's why some critics will say it's all about, “Everything from the people,

nothing for the people.”

They might ask why these powerful people have not fixed pervasive poverty, or tackled many

other issues that help the man in the street.

Is the Bilderberg ethos a kind of “Enlightened absolutism”, meaning, we know what's best

for you but it's not something you need to know.

When Healy was asked if going to the meetings will help a person's career, he answered,

“Your new understanding of the world will certainly help your career.”

Now we can go back to that word Illuminati, which, remember means “revealed” or “enlightened”.

There is no proof that an Illuminati exists, but it would be hard to argue that guests

at the Bilderberg Meetings aren't revealing secrets and attempting to enlighten others

and be enlightened.

The Illuminati is a ghoul, a kind of boogeyman, a made up entity that leads people down endless

rabbit holes on the Internet, but the Bilderberg group is very real and you could say it's

the modern iteration of the Bavarian Illuminati.

The Bilderberg Group is the Illuminati…How's that for a Scooby-doo ending.

Enlightened is not a bad word, far from it, and we can all be glad for the European Enlightenment

and the fact we no longer kill witches or imprison people for saying the Earth revolves

around the sun.

But it's the secrecy of the Bilderberg Group that causes all the controversy.

If indeed they are only trying to fix the world, then why should those meetings be kept

so secret.

Surely if the truth they speak is for the common good, we need to hear it.

Or do they think the common man, the sheep among the herd, can't handle the truth?

The attendees might not want to do nefarious things like depopulate the planet, but you

might ask if all those apparently saintly attendees do have self-interest in mind.

Maybe one day we'll find out.

Now you really have to watch this video, “The Origin Of Evil: The Devil.”

Or go watch this video…

Illuminati vs Bilderberg Group - How Do They Compare (Secret Society Comparison) Illuminati vs. Bilderberg-Gruppe - Wie vergleichen sie sich (Geheimbund-Vergleich) Illuminati vs Bilderberg Group - Πώς συγκρίνονται (Σύγκριση μυστικών εταιρειών) Illuminati vs Grupo Bilderberg - Cómo se comparan (Comparación de sociedades secretas) Illuminati vs Bilderberg Group - How Do They Compare (Comparaison des sociétés secrètes) イルミナティ vs ビルダーバーグ・グループ - どう比較するのか(秘密結社比較) Illuminati vs Bilderbergo grupė - kaip juos palyginti (slaptųjų draugijų palyginimas) Illuminati vs Grupo Bilderberg - Como se comparam (Comparação de sociedades secretas) Иллюминаты против Бильдербергской группы - как они сравниваются (сравнение тайных обществ) İlluminati vs Bilderberg Grubu - Nasıl Karşılaştırılırlar (Gizli Toplum Karşılaştırması) 光明会与比尔德伯格集团 - 两者有何区别(秘密社团比较) 光明會 vs 彼爾德伯格集團 - 他們如何比較(秘密社團比較)

A man is sitting at home with the lights turned off, his face illuminated by the glare from Um homem está sentado em casa com as luzes apagadas, seu rosto iluminado pelo brilho de

the TV screen. o ecrã da televisão.

This guy hasn't been outside in weeks. Este tipo não sai à rua há semanas.

He is obsessed, and you could say possessed, by a theory that a New World Order is about Ele está obcecado, e pode dizer-se que está possuído, por uma teoria segundo a qual uma Nova Ordem Mundial está prestes a surgir

to make a move and get rid of a significant amount of the population. para fazer um movimento e livrar-se de uma quantidade significativa da população.

He's suddenly taken aback by a strange image on the TV, which is a public service announcement Ele é repentinamente surpreendido por uma imagem estranha na TV, que é um anúncio de serviço público

being given by both the President of the United States and the Queen of England.

Before they say anything, the two both put their fingers up to their foreheads at the

point of their hairlines.

In unison they pull down the skin from their faces and it is revealed that they are both Em uníssono, eles puxam a pele de seus rostos e é revelado que ambos são

actually lizard people.

“I knew it!”

thinks the guy.

“We are your overlords,” say the Queen and the President in tandem. “Nós somos seus senhores supremos”, dizem a Rainha e o Presidente juntos.

“It's time you all knew the truth.”

We're guessing you guys think this is a ridiculous way to start a show, but polls

have indeed revealed that something like 12 million American people believe we are ruled

over by interstellar reptiles. |||alien creatures

These alien beings hiding in human suits are said to be the world's elite, and we, the Diz-se que estes seres alienígenas escondidos em fatos humanos são a elite mundial, e nós, os

general populace, are their slaves.

Not everyone buys into the lizard theory, but a lot of people believe we are ruled by Nem todo mundo acredita na teoria do lagarto, mas muitas pessoas acreditam que somos governados por

secret groups such as an entity called the Illuminati and another entity called the Bilderberg ||||||||secret society||||||Bilderberg Group


You don't have to be suffering from psychosis to believe this.

There are a lot of rational people that think there are invisible hands pulling strings

above our marionette heads.

Today we're going to take a look at these two entities and at the end of the show you

can make your own mind up as to which organization controls the world, or if the groups are not pode decidir por si próprio qual a organização que controla o mundo, ou se os grupos não são

actually as powerful as has been made out. na verdade, tão poderoso quanto parece.

You might also agree with our own surprising conclusion. Talvez também concorde com a nossa conclusão surpreendente.

WARNING: This will not be an easy examination, but you are going to gain some knowledge that

we think will benefit you.

No lizards were harmed in the making of this video. Nenhum lagarto foi ferido durante a realização deste vídeo.

Ok, so it's no secret that there are organizations on this planet whose members are sometimes

rich and powerful people.

That is not a theory, it's a fact.

These might be secretive, such as the Freemasons, or they might just be round tables of influential |||clandestine||||||||||||| Estes podem ser secretos, como os maçons, ou podem ser apenas mesas redondas de influentes

people that talk about issues such as global warming.

The conspiracy theorists believe that these elites are machinating to create what is called |secret plot|||||||||||| Теоретики заговора полагают, что эти элиты осуществляют махинации с целью создания так называемого

a “New World Order”, which is basically a world run by them in a totalitarian way. uma "Nova Ordem Mundial", que é basicamente um mundo dirigido por eles de uma forma totalitária.

It might involve population control or even mind control.

We, the people, are what they might call the herd. Nós, o povo, somos aquilo a que se pode chamar a manada.

We'll buy into what THEY tell us. Vamos acreditar no que ELES nos dizem.

This theory is not unique, and we certainly have been called herds before by powerful

leaders and social scientists.

The man sometimes called the “father of public relations and propaganda”, one Edward O homem às vezes chamado de "pai das relações públicas e propaganda", um certo Edward

Bernays, did his bit to control the public. Bernays, fez sua parte para controlar o público.

He believed that we, the masses, were irrational, but as people that acted like herds and couldn't Ele acreditava que nós, as massas, éramos irracionais, mas como pessoas que agiam como rebanhos e não podiam

think for themselves, we could easily be controlled.

He proved his theory to be true, too.

So that's how this New World Order might take over, according to some conspiracy theorists. Então é assim que esta Nova Ordem Mundial pode assumir, de acordo com alguns teóricos da conspiração.

There are differing opinions and it's a very complex subject.

Some people think the world where we are heading might be fascistic in nature and we will be Algumas pessoas pensam que o mundo para onde estamos a caminhar pode ser de natureza fascista e que seremos

controlled by a Big Brother world government in a totalitarian manner. controlado por um governo mundial do Big Brother de maneira totalitária.

A man called George Orwell once wrote about that.

But the trend now seems more in line with a book written by a guy named Aldous Huxley.

This writer penned something called, “Brave New World.” Este escritor escreveu algo chamado “Admirável Mundo Novo”.

It's different from Orwell's dystopia, because we, the masses, will gladly accept

our slavery.

As they say in the tech world, we will “opt-in.” Como se costuma dizer no mundo da tecnologia, vamos "aceitar".

Here's a snippet from that book: “A really efficient totalitarian state would Eis um excerto desse livro: "Um estado totalitário realmente eficiente

be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers |||||||political leader||||||||

control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their |||||||||||forced or pressured||||


We mention this because this is what conspiracy theorists are relating to when they talk about Mencionamos isso porque é a isso que os teóricos da conspiração estão se referindo quando falam sobre

the New World Order and the elites that will rule over us.

We need to be controlled, either through force and surveillance, a good amount of public

relations, or technological applications that distract us from how fudged things have become.

These elites are a multi-national group, according to the conspiracy theorists.

There is no national superpower…it's a collaborative effort.

In fact, the US Vs. THEM dichotomy is just a distraction, so these elites can keep us

in a constant state of stress, making us easier to control and harming our immune systems

because our stress hormones fire up every time we go online. porque nossos hormônios do estresse disparam toda vez que ficamos online.

Ok, so who are these elite groups?

Well, now let's introduce to you the Illuminati.

The origins of the so-called present illuminati comes from an entity known as the Bavarian As origens dos chamados illuminati actuais provêm de uma entidade conhecida como a Baviera

Illuminati. Secret society

This was founded by a professor in Bavaria in the 1800s.

His name was Adam Weishaupt.

By the way, the actual word “Illuminati” comes from the Latin for “revealed” or


Did Weishaupt want to take over the world?

Well, it doesn't seem so.

He did indeed embrace the idea of secret societies. De facto, ele abraçou a ideia das sociedades secretas. Он действительно воспринял идею тайных обществ.

In his own words he said that members of his Illuminati should endorse freedom “from Nas suas próprias palavras, disse que os membros dos seus Illuminati deveriam apoiar a liberdade "de

all religious prejudices.” ||biased beliefs todos os preconceitos religiosos".

He also said his Illuminati, “cultivates the social virtues; and animates them by a ||||||||social values||||| Afirmou também que os seus Illuminati "cultivam as virtudes sociais e animam-nas com uma Он также заявил, что его "Иллюминаты" "культивируют социальные добродетели и оживляют их с помощью

great, a feasible, and speedy prospect of universal happiness.” uma grande, viável e rápida perspetiva de felicidade universal".

Note the word “universal”.

His secret society was supposed to make everyone happy, but the public weren't contacted A sua sociedade secreta deveria fazer toda a gente feliz, mas o público não foi contactado

about this.

The general population was not intelligent enough to get in on the act of creating universal A população em geral não era inteligente o suficiente para entrar no ato de criação


Getting into this society was similar to getting into the Freemasons.

You needed to have cash and some connections, although women, monks, Jews and Pagans were

not allowed to join.

Like the freemasons, once you were in, you could climb the ranks.

There were lots of ranks and the highest rank was “King.”

It was all very secret indeed, and members didn't even use their own names.

When they communicated in writing, they used ciphers that most people wouldn't be able |||||||secret codes||||||

to solve.

They had to write a lot, since the Illuminati had members all over Europe. Tinham de escrever muito, uma vez que os Illuminati tinham membros em toda a Europa.

The idea was, that these people would increase their power but at the same time endorse enlightened A ideia era que estas pessoas aumentassem o seu poder mas, ao mesmo tempo, apoiassem o esclarecimento


This kind of “Enlightened absolutism” was once summed up like this, “Everything Este tipo de "absolutismo iluminado" foi em tempos resumido da seguinte forma: "Tudo

for the people, nothing by the people.” para o povo, nada pelo povo". для народа, ничего от народа".

You might call that the ‘trickle-down happiness theory'. Você pode chamar isso de "teoria da felicidade em gotejamento". Это можно назвать "теорией просачивающегося счастья".

It's not far from the principles that Edward Bernays espoused, in that we, the masses, Não está longe dos princípios que Edward Bernays defendeu, em que nós, as massas,

don't know what's good for us and need to be controlled with tools such as public

relations and the media. relações e os meios de comunicação social.

Bavaria later banned this group and it's thought that was the end of the Illuminati…Or Mais tarde, a Baviera proibiu este grupo e pensa-se que foi o fim dos Illuminati...Ou

was it?! foi?!

Now for your introduction to the Bilderberg Group.

Ok, so this group is not hidden in some respects, in that you can go to Bilderberg's website

and read about what they do, or claim to do, according to those people who believe something

sinister lurks in the air when these people get together. sinistro espreita no ar quando essas pessoas se reúnem.

They meet every year to discuss certain issues that face Europe and North America.

The group says they only talk about issues, and no actions are taken after meetings.

It's like a get together for powerful people, they say, but there are no resolutions at É como uma reunião de pessoas poderosas, dizem eles, mas não há resoluções em

the end.

Which powerful people, you might ask.

The list is long, so we can't mention everyone who turned up to the 2019 meeting. A lista é longa, então não podemos mencionar todos os que compareceram à reunião de 2019.

The attendees were mostly wealthy business people, bankers, and people high up in certain Os participantes eram em sua maioria empresários ricos, banqueiros e pessoas de alto escalão em certos

government departments.

Some meetings have also included royalty. Algumas reuniões também incluíram royalties.

Quite a few academics were on the guest list, too, such as the guy who's been warning

us about super-artificial intelligence, the Director, Future of Humanity Institute at

Oxford University named Nick Bostrom.

The governor of the Bank of England was there, as was a politician from the UK's Green


People who work for the U.S's Office of the Secretary of Defense were in the house,

as were journalists and editors who work for well-known media, such as The Washington Post.

Also in attendance were some of the CEO's of the world's biggest tech companies. Também estiveram presentes alguns dos CEOs das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.

So yes, if you were of a certain disposition to believe that a group wanted to control

the populace, the herd, these would be the people who could do it.

The attendees do in fact already control countries since they head finance, government and industry.

They control the media and they control how information gets to us via the Internet.

That's not a conspiracy theory, though. |||secret plan||

Ok, so what did those powerful people talk about at the last meeting?

Did they... say...discuss how to create a panic on a mass scale in order to convince

the people of the world to opt-in to mass surveillance technology?

Did they discuss mass unemployment that could lead to political changes, lifelong debt, Eles discutiram o desemprego em massa que poderia levar a mudanças políticas, dívida vitalícia,

and possibly some population reduction?

The answer is no.

Here is the list of discussion topics: 1.

A stable strategic order 2. Uma ordem estratégica estável 2.

What next for Europe? O que se segue para a Europa?


Climate change and sustainability 4.

China 5.

Russia 6.

The future of capitalism 7.

Brexit 8.

The ethics of artificial intelligence 9.

The weaponization of social media 10.

The importance of space 11.

Cyber threats This was no secret… it was published by

the Bilderberg Group on its website.

But, and this is a big BUT, what happens at the Bilderberg meetings stays at the Bilderberg


That's also not a conspiracy theory.

The New York Times wrote in 2019 that the members heading to the 67th Bilderberg Meeting

in Switzerland had to promise that whatever was discussed would not get leaked. na Suíça teve que prometer que tudo o que fosse discutido não vazaria.

Hmm, just how good are those attendees at keeping their secrets?

We wonder what happened when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, or Microsoft CEO Satya

Nadella, or Jared Kushner, got home after the meeting.

Was the scene similar to this?

“Hi darling, how did it go?”

Reply: “You know I can't talk about that honey?”

The first meeting was held in 1954 at the Hotel de Bilderberg in The Netherlands, and

since then some people have been decrying the event because they think those people

already have too much power.

The Group itself says it is working for the greater good, but not everyone agrees with


Some people have said these powerful people are “secret kingmakers”, while others Algumas pessoas disseram que essas pessoas poderosas são "fazedores de reis secretos", enquanto outras

have said they are all globalists that have one mutual interest and that is to create

a New World Order... with them at the helm. ||||||||in control uma Nova Ordem Mundial ... com eles no comando.

Such wild theories, said the Bilderberg group, are baseless.

It actually says this on its own website:, “While these claims lack any and all merit. De facto, no seu próprio sítio Web, diz o seguinte: "Embora estas alegações não tenham qualquer mérito. На собственном сайте компании написано следующее: "Хотя эти утверждения не имеют под собой никаких оснований.

We regret to see that many continue to flourish online and in social media groups.” Lamentamos ver que muitos continuam a florescer online e em grupos de mídia social. ”

The group states that journalists cannot report what goes down in their meetings, and only O grupo afirma que os jornalistas não podem relatar o que acontece em suas reuniões, e apenas

the attendees on the guest list can go.

That means no personal assistants, no husbands or wives, no bodyguards, no secret service

protectors, and guests should not talk to journalists after the meeting.

The reason why things are kept secret, says the group, is to “encourage the highest

level of openness and dialogue.”

One man that wrote a book about the Bilderberg Group said as much, stating that these immensely Um homem que escreveu um livro sobre o Grupo Bilderberg disse isso mesmo, afirmando que estes imensos

powerful people can say things that they would never dare utter in public. pessoas poderosas podem dizer coisas que nunca ousariam dizer em público. Влиятельные люди могут говорить то, что никогда не осмелились бы произнести на публике.

He called the group, “a shadow world government.”

It certainly is the most exclusive club the world has ever seen, and it is very secretive. ||||||||||||||||guarded and private

The proof of that is the fact that you know nothing about possibly the biggest event in

the world that takes place every year.

The acclaimed writer Jon Ronson who wrote and directed the documentary, “The Secret

Rulers of the World,” actually once tried to infiltrate a meeting but was eventually

chased out by men wearing dark glasses. perseguido por homens de óculos escuros. за которыми гнались люди в темных очках.

He later said in an interview, “When I phoned the British embassy and asked them to explain

to the powerful secret society that had set their goons on me that I was essentially a para a poderosa sociedade secreta que colocou seus capangas em mim que eu era essencialmente um

humorous journalist out of my depth, I wasn't being funny. |||||overwhelmed|||| jornalista humorístico fora do meu alcance, eu não estava a ser engraçado. юмористический журналист не в своей тарелке, я не был смешным.

I was being genuinely desperate.” Eu estava a ser genuinamente desesperado".

Ronson actually once got to interview Denis Healy, a man who'd been on the Bilderberg

steering committee for 30 years. comitê de direção por 30 anos.

Healy told him that the guests just state what is on their minds, things perhaps the

public might not want to hear.

They can speak candidly about various issues and won't get outed in the press for their


Healy also said this: “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, Healy também disse o seguinte: "Dizer que estávamos a lutar por um governo mundial único é um exagero, Хили также сказал следующее: "Сказать, что мы стремились к созданию единого мирового правительства, значит преувеличить,

but not wholly unfair.”

He admitted that it was about control, but control in regards to making the world a better Ele admitiu que se tratava de controlo, mas controlo no sentido de tornar o mundo melhor


It's about global policy, he said, but critics might say that these people are there in part

to serve their own interests.

That's why some critics will say it's all about, “Everything from the people,

nothing for the people.” nada para as pessoas".

They might ask why these powerful people have not fixed pervasive poverty, or tackled many Poderão perguntar-se porque é que estas pessoas poderosas não resolveram o problema da pobreza generalizada, nem resolveram muitos

other issues that help the man in the street.

Is the Bilderberg ethos a kind of “Enlightened absolutism”, meaning, we know what's best O ethos de Bilderberg é uma espécie de “absolutismo esclarecido”, ou seja, sabemos o que é melhor

for you but it's not something you need to know.

When Healy was asked if going to the meetings will help a person's career, he answered,

“Your new understanding of the world will certainly help your career.” "Ваше новое понимание мира, безусловно, поможет вашей карьере".

Now we can go back to that word Illuminati, which, remember means “revealed” or “enlightened”.

There is no proof that an Illuminati exists, but it would be hard to argue that guests

at the Bilderberg Meetings aren't revealing secrets and attempting to enlighten others

and be enlightened. e ser iluminado.

The Illuminati is a ghoul, a kind of boogeyman, a made up entity that leads people down endless Os Illuminati são um carniçal, uma espécie de bicho-papão, uma entidade inventada que leva as pessoas para baixo sem fim

rabbit holes on the Internet, but the Bilderberg group is very real and you could say it's buracos de coelho na Internet, mas o grupo Bilderberg é muito real e pode-se dizer que é

the modern iteration of the Bavarian Illuminati.

The Bilderberg Group is the Illuminati…How's that for a Scooby-doo ending. O Grupo Bilderberg são os Illuminati ... Que tal um final de Scooby-doo. Бильдербергская группа - это Иллюминаты... Как вам концовка про Скуби-Ду.

Enlightened is not a bad word, far from it, and we can all be glad for the European Enlightenment

and the fact we no longer kill witches or imprison people for saying the Earth revolves

around the sun.

But it's the secrecy of the Bilderberg Group that causes all the controversy. |||lack of transparency|||||||||heated debate

If indeed they are only trying to fix the world, then why should those meetings be kept

so secret.

Surely if the truth they speak is for the common good, we need to hear it.

Or do they think the common man, the sheep among the herd, can't handle the truth?

The attendees might not want to do nefarious things like depopulate the planet, but you

might ask if all those apparently saintly attendees do have self-interest in mind.

Maybe one day we'll find out.

Now you really have to watch this video, “The Origin Of Evil: The Devil.”

Or go watch this video…