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developing tactics for listening, 5- listening 1

5- listening 1

1. A: What do you feel like eating tonight?

B: Oh, something quick. We had a huge lunch at that Chinese restaurant, so let's just pick up some Fast Fried Chicken.

2. A: I'm really starving. Where can we eat?

B: Well, there's always Pizza Pit or Quick Burger.

A: Pizza sounds better to me than hamburgers. B: Me too. And it's your treat this time.

3. A: Do you want to eat out tonight or would you rather eat at home?

B: We've eaten out a lot this week. I'm perfectly happy to stay home for a change-as long as I don't have to cook.

4. A: Where do you want to eat tonight?

We could try the new Korean restaurant, or would you rather go to the steakhouse?

B: Let's have Korean food. I don't feel like steak tonight.

5. A: I'd like to try a seafood restaurant today. What do you think?

B: Seafood sounds good. I was going to suggest a pizza, but seafood's a lot better.

6. A: Where do you want to eat tonight?

B: I'm really hungry. Do you feel like Mexican food?

A: Sure. We've had Japanese food a lot this week, so Mexican would be a nice change.

7. A: How about hamburgers and French fries for dinner?

B: Oh, I'm sick of junk food. Let's do something really special. Why don't we try that new French restaurant?

A: What's the occasion?

B: I've got something I want to ask you.

A: Well, all right.

8. A: Do you feel like vegetarian food today?

B: Sure. I know a great Thai vegetarian restaurant.

A: Yeah. but I made a great vegetarian spaghetti last night. Do you want to come to my house and try it?

B: Sure. Why not!

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5- listening 1 5- Hören 1 5- słuchanie 1 5- audição 1 5- Dinleme 1 5- слухання 1 5-聽力1

1. A: What do you feel like eating tonight? |Was|||||| R: ¿Qué te apetece comer esta noche? A: 你今晚想吃什么?

B: Oh, something quick. B: Oh, algo rápido. B: 哦,点个什么快的吧。 We had a huge lunch at that Chinese restaurant, so let's just pick up some Fast Fried Chicken. ||||||||||||||||炸鸡| Tuvimos un gran almuerzo en ese restaurante chino, así que vamos a comprar un poco de Fast Fried Chicken. 我们在那家中国餐馆吃过一顿饱午餐,所以就买些快炸鸡吧。

2. A: I'm really starving. |||verhungern R: Me muero de hambre. A:我真的饿坏了。 Where can we eat? где||| ¿Dónde podemos comer? 我们可以去哪里吃?

B: Well, there's always Pizza Pit or Quick Burger. ||||||||汉堡店 B: Bueno, siempre está Pizza Pit o Quick Burger. B:嗯,总有比萨坑或快餐汉堡。

A: Pizza sounds better to me than hamburgers. R: La pizza me parece mejor que las hamburguesas. B: Me too. B: Yo también. And it's your treat this time. ||你的||| Und||||| Y esta vez tú invitas. 这次就该你请客了。

3. 3. A: Do you want to eat out tonight or would you rather eat at home? |||||||||更愿意||||| R: ¿Quieres cenar fuera esta noche o prefieres comer en casa? A: 今晚你想出去吃饭还是宁愿在家吃?

B: We've eaten out a lot this week. B: Hemos comido mucho fuera esta semana. I'm perfectly happy to stay home for a change-as long as I don't have to cook. |非常||||||||只要||||||| |||||||||||||||bereit| Me encanta quedarme en casa para variar, siempre que no tenga que cocinar. 只要我不用做饭,我很乐意呆在家里换换环境。

4. 4. A: Where do you want to eat tonight? R: ¿Dónde quieres comer esta noche? A: 你今晚想在哪里吃饭?

We could try the new Korean restaurant, or would you rather go to the steakhouse? ||||||||||||||牛排馆 Podríamos probar el nuevo restaurante coreano, ¿o prefieres ir al asador?

B: Let's have Korean food. |||koreanisch| B: Comamos comida coreana. I don't feel like steak tonight. |nicht|||| Ich habe heute Abend keine Lust auf Steak. No me apetece un filete esta noche. 我今晚不想吃牛排。

5. 5. 5。 A: I'd like to try a seafood restaurant today. ||||||Meeresfrüchte|| A: Ich würde heute gerne ein Fischrestaurant ausprobieren. R: Hoy quiero ir a una marisquería. A:我想今天尝试一家海鲜餐厅。 What do you think? ¿Qué le parece?

B: Seafood sounds good. B: Marisco suena bien. I was going to suggest a pizza, but seafood's a lot better. ||||||||海鲜的||| Iba a sugerir una pizza, pero el marisco es mucho mejor. 我本来想建议披萨,但海鲜更好。

6. 6. A: Where do you want to eat tonight? R: ¿Dónde quieres comer esta noche? A: 你今晚想在哪里吃饭?

B: I'm really hungry. B: Tengo mucha hambre. Do you feel like Mexican food? ||fühlen||| Hast du Lust auf mexikanisches Essen? ¿Te apetece comida mexicana?

A: Sure. A: Klar. R: Claro. We've had Japanese food a lot this week, so Mexican would be a nice change. |||||||||墨西哥菜||||| Wir haben diese Woche viel japanisches Essen gehabt, also wäre mexikanisch eine schöne Abwechslung. Esta semana hemos comido mucha comida japonesa, así que la mexicana sería un buen cambio.

7. A: How about hamburgers and French fries for dinner? |||||法式薯条||| R: ¿Qué tal hamburguesas y patatas fritas para cenar?

B: Oh, I'm sick of junk food. ||我|||| B: Oh, estoy harto de la comida basura. B: 噢,我厌倦了垃圾食品。 Let's do something really special. Hagamos algo realmente especial. 做点特别的事情吧。 Why don't we try that new French restaurant? ||||||法式餐厅| ¿Por qué no probamos ese nuevo restaurante francés? 我们为什么不试试那家新的法国餐厅?

A: What's the occasion? |||什么场合 |||Anlass R: ¿Qué se celebra? A: 这是什么场合?

B: I've got something I want to ask you. B: Quiero preguntarte algo. B: 我有件事想问你。

A: Well, all right. R: Bueno, está bien. A: 嗯,好的。

8. A: Do you feel like vegetarian food today? |||||素食|| |Will|||||| R: ¿Te apetece hoy comida vegetariana? A: 你今天想吃素食吗?

B: Sure. B: 当然。 I know a great Thai vegetarian restaurant. Conozco un gran restaurante vegetariano tailandés. 我知道一家很棒的泰国素食餐厅。

A: Yeah. but I made a great vegetarian spaghetti last night. pero anoche hice unos espaguetis vegetarianos estupendos. 但我昨晚做了一道很棒的素意大利面。 Do you want to come to my house and try it? ¿Quieres venir a mi casa y probarlo? 你想来我家尝尝吗?

B: Sure. B: 当然。 Why not! ¿Por qué no?