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expanding tactics for listening, 4- listening 2

4- listening 2

1. A: Hi, Linda. I'm so sorry I'm late.

B: You're really late. You were supposed to be here over an hour ago. What happened?

A: There was heavy traffic on the freeway. and I couldn't call because my cell phone died.

B: That's weird. There isn't usually any traffic at this time of day.

A: I know, but there was a really bad accident on the freeway about ten miles north of here. Traffic was completely stopped for over an hour.

B: Hmm...That's very unusual.

2. A: Hi. Mike.

B: Hi. Kylie. What's wrong?

A: I have to apologize. I wasn't able to finish my half of our class project last night.

B: But it's due today.

A: I know. I feel terrible about it.

B: What happened?

A: My roommate burned her hand while she was cooking last night, and I had to take her to the emergency room. We were there all night.

B: No wonder you look so tired. Is she okay?

A: Her hand is burned pretty badly, but she'll be all right.

3. A: Hey, Ken. Why didn't you come to Alex's party last night? We were all expecting to see you there.

B: Oh. I'm sorry about that. I got lost trying to find Alex's house.

A: Really? But I gave you directions.

B: Well, I wrote the directions down wrong.

A: Well, why didn't you call or use the GPS on your phone?

B: Uh, I didn't have my cell phone with me.

A: That's strange. You always carry your cell phone with you.

4. A: Where have you been? We've been waiting for you. The meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago.

B: I know. I apologize. My car broke down. and I had to wait for a tow truck.

A: Again? Didn't your car break down last week.too?

B: Um. yeah, it did. It's a really old car.

A: And the week before that, you were late because you were helping someone look for their lost cat.

B: I'm sorry. I promise I'll be on time for next week's meeting.

4- listening 2 4- Hören 2 4- escucha 2 4- écoute 2 4- 듣기 2 4- słuchanie 2 4- audição 2 4-听力2 4-聽力2

1. A: Hi, Linda. I'm so sorry I'm late.

B: You're really late. B: Naprawdę się spóźniłeś. You were supposed to be here over an hour ago. Miałeś tu być ponad godzinę temu. What happened?

A: There was heavy traffic on the freeway. and I couldn't call because my cell phone died.

B: That's weird. There isn't usually any traffic at this time of day. O tej porze dnia zwykle nie ma żadnego ruchu.

A: I know, but there was a really bad accident on the freeway about ten miles north of here. Traffic was completely stopped for over an hour.

B: Hmm...That's very unusual.

2. A: Hi. Mike.

B: Hi. Kylie. What's wrong?

A: I have to apologize. I wasn't able to finish my half of our class project last night. Wczoraj wieczorem nie udało mi się ukończyć połowy naszego klasowego projektu.

B: But it's due today. B: Ale to ma być dzisiaj.

A: I know. I feel terrible about it.

B: What happened?

A: My roommate burned her hand while she was cooking last night, and I had to take her to the emergency room. O: Moja współlokatorka poparzyła sobie rękę podczas wczorajszego gotowania i musiałam zabrać ją na pogotowie. We were there all night.

B: No wonder you look so tired. B: No me extraña que parezcas tan cansado. B: Nic dziwnego, że wyglądasz na zmęczonego. Is she okay?

A: Her hand is burned pretty badly, but she'll be all right.

3. A: Hey, Ken. Why didn't you come to Alex's party last night? We were all expecting to see you there. Wszyscy spodziewaliśmy się ciebie tam zobaczyć.

B: Oh. I'm sorry about that. I got lost trying to find Alex's house.

A: Really? But I gave you directions.

B: Well, I wrote the directions down wrong. B: Cóż, źle zapisałem wskazówki.

A: Well, why didn't you call or use the GPS on your phone?

B: Uh, I didn't have my cell phone with me. B: Nie miałem przy sobie telefonu komórkowego.

A: That's strange. You always carry your cell phone with you.

4. A: Where have you been? We've been waiting for you. The meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago.

B: I know. I apologize. My car broke down. and I had to wait for a tow truck. i musiałem czekać na lawetę.

A: Again? Didn't your car break down last week.too? Czy twój samochód też nie zepsuł się w zeszłym tygodniu?

B: Um. yeah, it did. It's a really old car.

A: And the week before that, you were late because you were helping someone look for their lost cat. A: A tydzień wcześniej spóźniłeś się, bo pomagałeś komuś szukać zaginionego kota.

B: I'm sorry. I promise I'll be on time for next week's meeting.