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The Mummy by David Levithan, The Book of Amun Ra

The Book of Amun Ra

Chapter five

"How do we know this god?" asked O'Connell. "Horus?" said Jonathan.

"He has a big nose. Look for a big bird. That will be him." "OK," said O'Connell. "Where do we start?" He looked at the houses and the temple in Hamunaptra. He had no ideas.


Below O'Connell and Jonathan, Beni had a gun in Evelyn's back. Imhotep was in front of them.

"Walk," said Beni. "You'll die in the end," said Evelyn. "I will?" said Beni.

"Oh, yes," said Evelyn, but she walked. They came to the Sah-Netjer.

At the same time, Ardeth Bay and the Med-Jai were on their way across the desert.


When Jonathan and O'Connell went down under the ground near the statue of Anubis, Imhotep heard them. He took some water from the gold box with Anck-su-numan's heart in it and threw it at a wall. His mummified priests, from 3,000 years before, walked in.

"Find them," said Imhotep. Jonathan and O'Connell found the statue of Horus. Then, the mummified priests found them. Ardeth Bay and his soldiers came in and fought with the mummified priests.

"Does anybody have a white cat?" asked Jonathan.

"Find the book!" shouted Ardeth Bay.

Back in the Sah-Netjer, Evelyn was in a coffin. The coffin was open, but she couldn't move her arms or her legs. In the next coffin was the mummy of Anck-su-namun. Imhotep sang. He had the Book of the Dead in one hand and he put the other hand on Anck-su-namun's dead face. "This is a love story," thought Evelyn. "He loved her for 3,000 years. And now I'm going to die for his love!' *

Ardeth Bay and his soldiers fought hard, but there were more and more mummies. When they shot a mummy in the arm, the arm came off. Then, it fought, too. Jonathan and O'Connell didn't stop digging. And then... then, they found a gold box, and in the gold box there was the Book of Amun Ra. It was beautiful, but they couldn't look at it now. "Take the book and help the girl," Ardeth Bay shouted. *

Imhotep read from the Book of the Dead.

"When you die," he told Evelyn, "Anck-su-namun will live. And I will never die." Anck-su-namun's eyes opened. Imhotep opened the coffin and took a knife. He stood with it over Evelyn's heart. This was the end.

Suddenly, O'Connell and Jonathan ran into the room. Imhotep turned to them.

"I found it, Evy!" Jonathan shouted. He showed her the Book of Amun Ra. "I found it!" "Stop talking!" Evelyn shouted at her brother. "Get me out of here!" Imhotep put the knife down... and walked to Jonathan.

"Open the book, Jonathan," Evelyn shouted. "That's the only way." Jonathan tried, but he couldn't open it. "Is there a key?" he asked.

Imhotep smiled. He had the key. He moved nearer to Jonathan. O'Connell took a sword from a statue's hand and started to cut into Evelyn's coffin. Imhotep's going to kill Jonathan," thought Evelyn. She thought quickly. "Jonathan, are there any words on the front of the book?" Jonathan ran away from Imhotep and looked at the book at the same time.

"Words?" he said.

"Yes." O'Connell started to break the coffin. Imhotep turned and called the mummified priests back into the Sah-Netjer.

Jonathan tried to read the Egyptian writing on the front of the Book of Amun Ra. Why didn't he listen carefully in Egyptian classes at school? O'Connell pulled Evelyn from the coffin. Jonathan read the words.

"Rasheen... ooloo... Kashka!" he said.

The big doors to the room opened. Ten mummified soldiers walked into the room. A new kind of mummy - worse than the other soldiers.

"Tell the soldiers that you're the boss," said Evelyn. "Who? ME?" said Jonathan.

"Finish the words on the front of the book, you stupid boy." "Oh yes!" said Jonathan.

"The book, the book." *

Above Jonathan, in a room full of gold, Beni was a happy man. Here was the gold of the Pharaohs. He carried a lot of gold up to his big, white horse and put it in some bags on the horse. Then, he went down again for more gold.

Below, in the Sah-Netjer, Imhotep walked to Jonathan and looked down at him. Jonathan looked at the book.

"I can't read this," he screamed to Evelyn. "This Egyptian letter... There are two lines at the top. One line at the bottom. There's a little..." "It's an ankh," said Evelyn. "Ah." Soldier mummies fought with O'Connell. He was on the ground. Their swords were above him.

"Hootash im Ahmenophus," shouted Jonathan. The soldier mummies stopped. Imhotep looked back at them. The soldier mummies looked at Jonathan.

"Why are you looking at me?" Jonathan asked them.

"You're their boss now," shouted Evelyn. "Tell them." "Tell them what?" said Jonathan.

Anck-su-namun started to get up from her coffin. She wanted her life. She hit Evelyn again and again. Evelyn screamed.

"Jonathan!" screamed Evelyn. "Tell the soldiers... Stop her!" "Oh. Yes. Right," said Jonathan. And then, "Fa-kooshka Anck-su-namun." Anck-su-namun took her knife and put it above Evelyn's heart. But the soldier mummies jumped across the room and killed her. Imhotep screamed when he saw the love of his life die again. He jumped on Jonathan and took the Book of Amun Ra from his hands.

"Now, you die," he said. O'Connell ran across the room and cut Imhotep's arm off with the statue's sword. Imhotep smiled. Nobody could kill him. He took Jonathan in his other hand.

"OK, so he can fight with his left hand," said O'Connell. But the Book of Amun Ra was now on the floor and the key was on the floor, too. Evelyn got out of the coffin and ran to the key. She opened the book.

O'Connell pulled Imhotep away from Jonathan. Imhotep turned and threw O'Connell across the room. Evelyn looked into the Book of Amun Ra.

"Can you fight with Imhotep for three or four minutes? Please!" she shouted to O'Connell. Imhotep threw O'Connell across the room again with his one arm. "No problem," O'Connell answered. Imhotep took O'Connell's sword. "You are going to die!" he said.

Evelyn read from the gold book.

"Kadeesh mal!" she shouted. "Kadeesh mal! Pareed oos! PAREED OOS!" Imhotep turned. He was very afraid. How did she know these words? They were the end for him.

The god Anubis came into the room. He walked through Imhotep and left again. Imhotep was now a man, only a man.

And a man can die. O'Connell took the sword and pushed it through Imhotep. And Imhotep, the man, died. But he said something before he died.

He said, "This is not the end." *

Above them, Beni found gold on the wall of a room. His eyes opened. He smiled. He took out his knife and pulled the gold off the wall. The room came down on top of him. He remembered Evelyn's words: "You'll die in the end." "Yes," said Beni. And he died.


"Run," shouted O'Connell. "The place is coming down!" Jonathan, Evelyn, and O'Connell ran up, above ground, and Hamunaptra fell back into the desert behind them. Now there was nothing there.

They found three horses and got on them. Then, they started across the desert, away from Hamunaptra.

A hand fell on Jonathans arm. Jonathan screamed.

"Oh, it's you!" he said.

"Thank you very much." "No! I thank you," said Ardeth Bay. He looked at O'Connell and Evelyn. "From all my people, I thank you. Imhotep is dead and now there are no undead or scarabs in the city of Cairo." "Oh that's OK, my friend!" said Jonathan.

"Thanks are fine," he thought, "but we didn't get any gold." Ardeth Bay smiled and went off into the desert.

"My horse is walking slowly," said Jonathan. Then, he stopped and looked in the bags on the big, white horse. "Evelyn!" he shouted. "Gold!" But Evelyn was busy. She put her arms around O'Connell and they kissed. Maybe this wasn't the end. Maybe it was the beginning.


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The Book of Amun Ra Das Buch des Amun Ra El libro de Amón Ra Il Libro di Amun Ra アムン・ラーの書 Księga Amona Ra O Livro de Amun Ra Книга Амуна Ра Amun Ra'nın Kitabı 阿蒙拉之书

Chapter five

"How do we know this god?" "Woher kennen wir diesen Gott?" "¿Cómo conocemos a este dios?" - Skąd znamy tego boga? «Откуда мы знаем этого бога?» "Làm sao chúng ta biết vị thần này?" “我们怎么认识这位神呢?” asked O'Connell. "Horus?" “Horus?” said Jonathan.

"He has a big nose. Look for a big bird. That will be him." Será él". "OK," said O'Connell. "Where do we start?" "С чего мы начнем?" He looked at the houses and the temple in Hamunaptra. Spojrzał na domy i świątynię w Hamunaptra. Он посмотрел на дома и храм в Хамунаптре. Anh nhìn những ngôi nhà và ngôi đền ở Hamunaptra. He had no ideas. У него не было идей.


Below O'Connell and Jonathan, Beni had a gun in Evelyn's back. Poniżej O'Connell i Jonathana Beni trzymał pistolet w plecach Evelyn. Под О'Коннеллом и Джонатаном Бени держал пистолет в спине Эвелин. Bên dưới O'Connell và Jonathan, Beni chĩa súng vào sau lưng Evelyn. Imhotep was in front of them. Имхотеп был перед ними. Imhotep đang ở trước mặt họ.

"Walk," said Beni. - Idź - powiedział Beni. — Иди, — сказал Бени. "You'll die in the end," said Evelyn. - W końcu umrzesz - powiedziała Evelyn. «В конце концов ты умрешь», — сказала Эвелин. “你最终会死,”伊芙琳说。 "I will?" "¿Lo haré?" "Będę?" "Я буду?" said Beni.

"Oh, yes," said Evelyn, but she walked. "О, да," сказала Эвелин, но она пошла. They came to the Sah-Netjer. Przybyli do Sah-Netjer. Они подошли к Сах-Неджер.

At the same time, Ardeth Bay and the Med-Jai were on their way across the desert. W tym samym czasie Ardeth Bay i Med-Jai płynęły przez pustynię. В то же время Ардет Бэй и Мед-Джай находились в пути через пустыню. Cùng lúc đó, Vịnh Ardeth và Med-Jai đang trên đường băng qua sa mạc.


When Jonathan and O'Connell went down under the ground near the statue of Anubis, Imhotep heard them. Когда Джонатан и О'Коннелл спустились под землю возле статуи Анубиса, Имхотеп их услышал. He took some water from the gold box with Anck-su-numan's heart in it and threw it at a wall. |||||||||||анка-су-||||||||| |||||||||||нуманом||||||||| Er nahm etwas Wasser aus dem goldenen Kästchen mit Anck-su-numans Herz darin und warf es gegen eine Wand. Wziął trochę wody ze złotego pudełka z sercem Anck-su-numan i rzucił nim o ścianę. Он взял немного воды из золотого ящика с сердцем Анк-су-нумана и плеснул им в стену. Anh ta lấy một ít nước từ chiếc hộp vàng có trái tim của Anck-su-numan trong đó và ném vào tường. 他从装着安克苏努曼心脏的金盒子里取出一些水,扔到墙上。 His mummified priests, from 3,000 years before, walked in. Weszli jego zmumifikowani kapłani sprzed 3000 lat. Вошли его мумифицированные жрецы, жившие 3000 лет назад. Các linh mục ướp xác của ông, từ 3.000 năm trước, bước vào. 3000 年前的木乃伊祭司走了进来。

"Find them," said Imhotep. "Encuéntralos", dijo Imhotep. Jonathan and O'Connell found the statue of Horus. Then, the mummified priests found them. Ardeth Bay and his soldiers came in and fought with the mummified priests. Ardeth Bay i jego żołnierze przybyli i walczyli ze zmumifikowanymi kapłanami.

"Does anybody have a white cat?" "¿Alguien tiene un gato blanco?" asked Jonathan.

"Find the book!" shouted Ardeth Bay.

Back in the Sah-Netjer, Evelyn was in a coffin. |||||||||гробу W Sah-Netjer Evelyn była w trumnie. Вернувшись в Сах-Нетджер, Эвелин лежала в гробу. The coffin was open, but she couldn't move her arms or her legs. In the next coffin was the mummy of Anck-su-namun. Imhotep sang. Imhotep cantó. Zaśpiewał Imhotep. Имхотеп пел. He had the Book of the Dead in one hand and he put the other hand on Anck-su-namun's dead face. W jednej ręce trzymał Księgę Umarłych, a drugą położył na martwej twarzy Anck-su-namuna. В одной руке у него была Книга Мертвых, а другой он положил руку на мертвое лицо Анк-су-намуна. Anh ta một tay cầm Cuốn sách của Người chết và tay kia đặt lên khuôn mặt đã chết của Anck-su-namun. "This is a love story," thought Evelyn. „To historia miłosna” - pomyślała Evelyn. "He loved her for 3,000 years. And now I'm going to die for his love!' A teraz umrę za jego miłość! ***

Ardeth Bay and his soldiers fought hard, but there were more and more mummies. When they shot a mummy in the arm, the arm came off. ||||||||||отпала| Cuando dispararon a una momia en el brazo, el brazo se desprendió. Kiedy strzelili mumii w ramię, ramię odpadło. Когда они выстрелили мумии в руку, рука оторвалась. Khi họ bắn vào tay một xác ướp, cánh tay đó đã rời ra. Then, it fought, too. Potem też walczył. Потом тоже воевал. 然后,它也战斗了。 Jonathan and O'Connell didn't stop digging. Jonathan i O'Connell nie przestawali kopać. Джонатан и О'Коннелл не переставали копать. And then... then, they found a gold box, and in the gold box there was the Book of Amun Ra. It was beautiful, but they couldn't look at it now. Był piękny, ale teraz nie mogli na to patrzeć. Это было красиво, но они не могли смотреть на это сейчас. "Take the book and help the girl," Ardeth Bay shouted. ***

Imhotep read from the Book of the Dead. |||||из||

"When you die," he told Evelyn, "Anck-su-namun will live. „Kiedy umrzesz,” powiedział Evelyn, „Anck-su-namun będzie żył. «Когда ты умрешь, — сказал он Эвелин, — Анк-су-намун будет жить. And I will never die." I nigdy nie umrę. " Anck-su-namun's eyes opened. Imhotep opened the coffin and took a knife. He stood with it over Evelyn's heart. Он стоял с ним над сердцем Эвелин. Anh đứng trước trái tim của Evelyn. This was the end. Это был конец. Đây là sự kết thúc.

Suddenly, O'Connell and Jonathan ran into the room. Imhotep turned to them. Имхотеп повернулся к ним.

"I found it, Evy!" |||Эви "Ich habe es gefunden, Evy!" — Я нашел его, Эви! “我找到了,艾维!” Jonathan shouted. He showed her the Book of Amun Ra. "I found it!" "Stop talking!" Evelyn shouted at her brother. "Get me out of here!" "¡Sáquenme de aquí!" "Вытащи меня отсюда!" Imhotep put the knife down... and walked to Jonathan. Imhotep odłożył nóż ... i podszedł do Jonathana.

"Open the book, Jonathan," Evelyn shouted. - Otwórz książkę, Jonathanie - krzyknęła Evelyn. "That's the only way." „To jedyny sposób”. «Это единственный способ». Jonathan tried, but he couldn't open it. Джонатан попытался, но не смог открыть. "Is there a key?" — Есть ключ? he asked.

Imhotep smiled. He had the key. He moved nearer to Jonathan. Он подошел ближе к Джонатану. O'Connell took a sword from a statue's hand and started to cut into Evelyn's coffin. O'Connell wyjął miecz z ręki posągu i zaczął ciąć trumnę Evelyn. О'Коннелл взял меч из руки статуи и начал рубить гроб Эвелин. Imhotep's going to kill Jonathan," thought Evelyn. She thought quickly. Pomyślała szybko. Она быстро подумала. "Jonathan, are there any words on the front of the book?" «Джонатан, есть ли какие-нибудь слова на обложке книги?» Jonathan ran away from Imhotep and looked at the book at the same time.

"Words?" he said.

"Yes." O'Connell started to break the coffin. О'Коннелл начал разбивать гроб. O'Connell bắt đầu phá quan tài. Imhotep turned and called the mummified priests back into the Sah-Netjer. Имхотеп повернулся и позвал мумифицированных жрецов обратно в Сах-Нетджер.

Jonathan tried to read the Egyptian writing on the front of the Book of Amun Ra. Why didn't he listen carefully in Egyptian classes at school? Dlaczego nie słuchał uważnie na lekcjach egipskiego w szkole? Почему он не слушал внимательно на уроках египетского языка в школе? O'Connell pulled Evelyn from the coffin. O'Connell wyciągnął Evelyn z trumny. О'Коннелл вытащил Эвелин из гроба. Jonathan read the words.

"Rasheen... ooloo... Рашин|не знаю Рашин|ололо „Rasheen… ooloo… "Рашин... ооооо... “拉辛……呜呜…… Kashka!" Кашка Кашка Kashka! ” Кашка!" 卡什卡!” he said. 他说。

The big doors to the room opened. Ten mummified soldiers walked into the room. Do pokoju weszło dziesięciu zmumifikowanych żołnierzy. A new kind of mummy - worse than the other soldiers. Nowy rodzaj mumii - gorszy niż inni żołnierze. Новый вид мумии - хуже других солдат. Một loại xác ướp mới - tệ hơn những người lính khác.

"Tell the soldiers that you're the boss," said Evelyn. „Powiedz żołnierzom, że jesteś szefem” - powiedziała Evelyn. «Скажи солдатам, что ты здесь главный», — сказала Эвелин. "Who? "WHO? ME?" said Jonathan.

"Finish the words on the front of the book, you stupid boy." "Oh yes!" said Jonathan.

"The book, the book." ***

Above Jonathan, in a room full of gold, Beni was a happy man. Nad Jonathanem, w pokoju pełnym złota, Beni był szczęśliwym człowiekiem. Над Джонатаном, в комнате, полной золота, Бени был счастливым человеком. Here was the gold of the Pharaohs. Đây là vàng của các Pharaoh. He carried a lot of gold up to his big, white horse and put it in some bags on the horse. Zaniósł dużo złota do swojego wielkiego, białego konia i włożył je do worków na koniu. Он отнес много золота к своему большому белому коню и положил его в несколько мешков на коне. Anh ta mang rất nhiều vàng lên con ngựa to lớn màu trắng của mình và bỏ vào mấy chiếc túi trên lưng ngựa. Then, he went down again for more gold. Sau đó, anh ta lại đi xuống để lấy thêm vàng.

Below, in the Sah-Netjer, Imhotep walked to Jonathan and looked down at him. Poniżej, w Sah-Netjer, Imhotep podszedł do Jonathana i spojrzał na niego. Jonathan looked at the book.

"I can't read this," he screamed to Evelyn. "This Egyptian letter... There are two lines at the top. „Ten egipski list… Na górze są dwie linijki. "Эта египетская буква... Вверху две строчки. One line at the bottom. Одна строчка внизу. There's a little..." "It's an ankh," said Evelyn. ||анкх|| ||анкх|| - To jest ankh - powiedziała Evelyn. — Это анкх, — сказала Эвелин. “这是一个十字章,”伊芙琳说。 "Ah." Soldier mummies fought with O'Connell. Mumie żołnierzy walczyły z O'Connellem. He was on the ground. Leżał na ziemi. Anh ấy đã ở trên mặt đất. Their swords were above him. Thanh kiếm của họ ở phía trên anh ta.

"Hootash im Ahmenophus," shouted Jonathan. Хуташ|с ним|Ахменофус|| Гутташ||Ахменофіс|| - Hootash im Ahmenophus - krzyknął Jonathan. “Hootash im Ahmenophus,”乔纳森喊道。 The soldier mummies stopped. Imhotep looked back at them. Имхотеп оглянулся на них. Imhotep nhìn lại họ. The soldier mummies looked at Jonathan.

"Why are you looking at me?" Jonathan asked them.

"You're their boss now," shouted Evelyn. "Tell them." "Скажи им." "Tell them what?" said Jonathan.

Anck-su-namun started to get up from her coffin. Анк-су-намун начала подниматься из гроба. Anck-su-namun 开始从棺材里站起来。 She wanted her life. 她想要她的命。 She hit Evelyn again and again. Trafiła Evelyn raz po raz. Она снова и снова била Эвелин. Cô ấy đánh Evelyn hết lần này đến lần khác. 她一次又一次地打伊芙琳。 Evelyn screamed. Evelyn krzyknęła.

"Jonathan!" screamed Evelyn. "Tell the soldiers... Stop her!" "Oh. Yes. Right," said Jonathan. And then, "Fa-kooshka Anck-su-namun." ||Фа|кошка||| |||кошка||| А потом «Фа-кошка Анк-су-намун». Anck-su-namun took her knife and put it above Evelyn's heart. Anck-su-namun wzięła swój nóż i położyła go nad sercem Evelyn. Анк-су-намун взяла свой нож и приставила его к сердцу Эвелин. 安克苏娜蒙拿起刀,放在伊芙琳的心脏上方。 But the soldier mummies jumped across the room and killed her. Ale żołnierskie mumie przeskoczyły przez pokój i ją zabiły. 但士兵木乃伊跳到房间另一边杀死了她。 Imhotep screamed when he saw the love of his life die again. Imhotep wrzasnął, gdy zobaczył, jak miłość jego życia znów umiera. 当伊姆霍特普看到他一生的挚爱再次死去时,他尖叫起来。 He jumped on Jonathan and took the Book of Amun Ra from his hands.

"Now, you die," he said. - Teraz umrzesz - powiedział. O'Connell ran across the room and cut Imhotep's arm off with the statue's sword. O'Connell przebiegł przez pokój i odciął Imhotepowi ramię mieczem posągu. Imhotep smiled. Nobody could kill him. He took Jonathan in his other hand. Ujął Jonathana w drugą rękę.

"OK, so he can fight with his left hand," said O'Connell. - OK, więc może walczyć lewą ręką - powiedział O'Connell. “好吧,这样他就可以用左手战斗了,”奥康奈尔说。 But the Book of Amun Ra was now on the floor and the key was on the floor, too. Ale Księga Amona Ra leżała teraz na podłodze, a klucz też leżał na podłodze. Evelyn got out of the coffin and ran to the key. Evelyn wyszła z trumny i pobiegła do klucza. She opened the book.

O'Connell pulled Imhotep away from Jonathan. О'Коннелл оттащил Имхотепа от Джонатана. Imhotep turned and threw O'Connell across the room. Imhotep odwrócił się i rzucił O'Connella przez pokój. Имхотеп повернулся и швырнул О'Коннелла через всю комнату. Evelyn looked into the Book of Amun Ra.

"Can you fight with Imhotep for three or four minutes? “你能和伊姆霍特普打三四分钟吗? Please!" she shouted to O'Connell. Imhotep threw O'Connell across the room again with his one arm. "No problem," O'Connell answered. Imhotep took O'Connell's sword. Imhotep wziął miecz O'Connella. 伊姆霍特普夺走了奥康奈尔的剑。 "You are going to die!" "Ты умрешь!" “你就要死了!” he said.

Evelyn read from the gold book. 伊芙琳读着金书。

"Kadeesh mal!" |погано "Кадиш мал!" “卡迭什马尔!” she shouted. 她喊道。 "Kadeesh mal! “卡迪什马尔! Pareed oos! парадигма|с тобой паралізований|всіх вас Паред оос! 削减了哦! PAREED OOS!" 削减OOS!” Imhotep turned. Имхотеп повернулся. Imhotep quay lại. 伊姆霍特普转身。 He was very afraid. Он очень боялся. 他非常害怕。 How did she know these words? Skąd znała te słowa? Откуда она знала эти слова? 她怎么知道这些话的? They were the end for him. Byli dla niego końcem. Они были для него концом. 他们就是他的终结。

The god Anubis came into the room. Do pokoju wszedł bóg Anubis. В комнату вошел бог Анубис. Thần Anubis bước vào phòng. 阿努比斯神走进了房间。 He walked through Imhotep and left again. Przeszedł przez Imhotepa i znowu wyszedł. Он прошел через Имхотеп и снова ушел. 他穿过伊姆霍特普,又离开了。 Imhotep was now a man, only a man. Imhotep był teraz mężczyzną, tylko mężczyzną. Теперь Имхотеп был мужчиной, только мужчиной. 伊姆霍特普现在是一个男人,只是一个男人。

And a man can die. A człowiek może umrzeć. 一个人可能会死。 O'Connell took the sword and pushed it through Imhotep. 奥康奈尔接过剑,将其穿过伊姆霍特普。 And Imhotep, the man, died. 伊姆霍特普这个人死了。 But he said something before he died. 但他临死前说了一句话。

He said, "This is not the end." 他说:“这还不是结束。” ***

Above them, Beni found gold on the wall of a room. Nad nimi Beni znalazł złoto na ścianie pokoju. Над ними Бени нашел золото на стене комнаты. 贝尼在他们上方一间房间的墙上发现了金子。 His eyes opened. 他的眼睛睁开了。 He smiled. He took out his knife and pulled the gold off the wall. Wyjął nóż i zdjął złoto ze ściany. Он вынул нож и снял со стены золото. 他拿出刀,把墙上的金子扯了下来。 The room came down on top of him. Pokój opadł na niego. Комната обрушилась на него. Căn phòng đổ ập lên người anh. 房间压在他身上。 He remembered Evelyn's words: "You'll die in the end." Przypomniał sobie słowa Evelyn: „W końcu umrzesz”. 他记得伊芙琳的话:“你最终会死。” "Yes," said Beni. - Tak - powiedział Beni. “是的,”贝尼说。 And he died. 他死了。


"Run," shouted O'Connell. “快跑,”奥康奈尔喊道。 "The place is coming down!" "To miejsce się wali!" "O lugar está caindo!" "Место идет вниз!" “这个地方要塌了!” Jonathan, Evelyn, and O'Connell ran up, above ground, and Hamunaptra fell back into the desert behind them. Джонатан, Эвелин и О'Коннелл подбежали к земле, а Хамунаптра упал в пустыню позади них. Jonathan, Evelyn và O'Connell chạy lên trên mặt đất, còn Hamunaptra lại rơi xuống sa mạc phía sau họ. 乔纳森、伊芙琳和奥康奈尔跑上地面,哈穆纳普特拉则落入他们身后的沙漠中。 Now there was nothing there. Теперь там ничего не было. Bây giờ chẳng có gì ở đó cả. 现在那里什么也没有了。

They found three horses and got on them. Họ tìm thấy ba con ngựa và cưỡi lên chúng. 他们找了三匹马,骑了上去。 Then, they started across the desert, away from Hamunaptra. Затем они отправились через пустыню, подальше от Хамунаптры. Sau đó, họ bắt đầu băng qua sa mạc, tránh xa Hamunaptra. 然后,他们开始穿越沙漠,远离哈穆纳普特拉。

A hand fell on Jonathans arm. Рука упала на руку Джонатана. Một bàn tay đặt lên cánh tay Jonathan. 一只手落在乔纳森的手臂上。 Jonathan screamed. Jonathan wrzasnął. 乔纳森尖叫起来。

"Oh, it's you!" "Och, to ty!" “哦,原来是你!” he said. powiedział.

"Thank you very much." "No! I thank you," said Ardeth Bay. 我谢谢你,”阿德斯·贝说道。 He looked at O'Connell and Evelyn. Spojrzał na O'Connell i Evelyn. Anh nhìn O'Connell và Evelyn. "From all my people, I thank you. „Dziękuję wam od wszystkich moich ludzi. «От всего моего народа я благодарю вас. “我向全体人民表示感谢。 Imhotep is dead and now there are no undead or scarabs in the city of Cairo." Imhotep nie żyje, a teraz w Kairze nie ma nieumarłych ani skarabeuszy. " 伊姆霍特普已经死了,现在开罗城里已经没有不死生物或圣甲虫了。” "Oh that's OK, my friend!" “哦,没关系,我的朋友!” said Jonathan.

"Thanks are fine," he thought, "but we didn't get any gold." „Dzięki w porządku” - pomyślał - „ale nie dostaliśmy żadnego złota”. «Спасибо, хорошо, — подумал он, — но мы не получили золота». “Cảm ơn cũng được,” anh nghĩ, “nhưng chúng tôi không nhận được đồng vàng nào cả.” “谢谢就好,”他想,“但我们没有得到任何金牌。” Ardeth Bay smiled and went off into the desert. Ardeth Bay uśmiechnął się i wyszedł na pustynię. Ардет Бэй улыбнулся и ушел в пустыню. Ardeth Bay mỉm cười và đi vào sa mạc. 阿德斯贝微笑着走进了沙漠。

"My horse is walking slowly," said Jonathan. “我的马走得很慢,”乔纳森说。 Then, he stopped and looked in the bags on the big, white horse. Potem zatrzymał się i zajrzał do worków wielkiego, białego konia. 然后,他停下来,看向那匹大白马身上的袋子。 "Evelyn!" "Evelyn!" he shouted. "Gold!" But Evelyn was busy. 但伊芙琳很忙。 She put her arms around O'Connell and they kissed. Objęła ramiona O'Connella i pocałowali się. 她用双臂搂住奥康奈尔,他们接吻了。 Maybe this wasn't the end. Может быть, это был не конец. 也许这还不是结束。 Maybe it was the beginning. 也许这就是开始。


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