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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, Learn English! LingQ Podcast #37: How to Learn Korean with Ian of @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1)

Learn English! LingQ Podcast #37: How to Learn Korean with Ian of @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1)

Hello everyone and welcome to the LingQ podcast with me Elle.

This week's guest is joining us all the way from Korea, but before I chat to

him, just a quick reminder, if you aren't a LingQ user, what we're all about.

With LingQ you can learn languages from content you are interested in.

So if you enjoy podcasts like this one, you can take the episode with the

transcript and the audio, work your way through it on link translating any of

the words and phrases you don't know.

Those words and phrases will look different in future lessons.

So you can keep track of the words you're learning, the words you

know, any new words that come up.

There are also vocabulary exercises you can go into, if that is your thing.

Lots to help you make a breakthrough in the language you're learning.

This episode is available on LingQ, the lesson link is the description.

This week, I am joined by a guest all the way from Korea.

It's morning for him afternoon for me, I'm joined by Ian of the

YouTube channel Korean Patch.

Ian how's it going?

It's going good.

It's good to see you.


You too.

Thank you so much for coming on.

So as I mentioned is, so for me right now, it is Tuesday afternoon and for

you, it is Wednesday morning, correct?

Yes, it is Wednesday morning.



And I am not a morning person.

I was going to say, I always thank people for joining us in the mornings

because I'm also not a morning person.

So thank you.

I Know how it is to be chirpy in the morning.

It's not cool, but thank you.

So, uh, whereabouts in Korea do you live?

So I live in sunny Busan, the beautiful giant city way at

the bottom of the peninsula.

It's the second largest city in Korea.



And you say sunny.

So is it what's the temperature like right now, for example,

on an average day in January.


An average day in January.

So it's actually is the worst day of all days for you to ask me this question,

because it's actually cold here today.

It's like in Celsius, it's like minus one, but this area is subtropical.

So it it's very different than my hometown of Chicago, which is super cold.

Here it barely ever freezes.

So I really liked that.

It's nice all year.


This is kind of like the vacation city in Korea.

Ah, Okay.

You know, I've heard, I had heard of it before, but there's also that

famous movie of course, Train to Busan.

That's it, right?

Train to Busan?





Train to Busan.


I don't know how much of that movie takes place in Busan though.

Fair enough.

I have seen it, so...

oh, you know what?

Here's the, here's a Busan movie thing.

Oh, if you've seen Black Panther, the, a Marvel movie, they filmed a

bunch of that movie here in Busan.

So right near where I live actually.

Were you like, did you see them filming?

Uh, no, but some of my friends did.

I was working, but they did like a big chase on the bridge, a car chase.

Pretty cool.

Ah, I love that.

I live in Vancouver and it's a, it's a film location, filming location, for sure.

And yeah, sometimes you spot sets and it's always so exciting.

Like, is it a cheesy movie or is it like, The Matrix or...

The big one.

Right, yeah.

So, as I mentioned you run a channel called Korean Patch.

It's for Korean learners.

First off, I now know what Korean patch means, because I watched your video where

you explained, but could you explain to our listeners, uh, any of our listeners

who don't know what that term means.

Korean patch.


So in Korean, there's kind of a funny, like slang term that people

use to talk about uh, foreigners who are really good at speaking Korean.

So when you install the language pack for a piece of software or a video game or

something, they usually call that the...

which means Korean patch, or they'll call it the ... or something like that.


which is the writing system.

But, uh, when people in Korea, see a foreigner that like unexpectedly

speaks Korean really well they'll say something that's like, wow, they've

installed the Korean patch clearly.

So, uh, that, that's just kind of an expression they use to

say, like, this is a person who really speaks the language well.

Right, right.


I like that.

Do you ever get that?



I've gotten that before.



If you were like, no, no, never.


I've never received a compliment ever.

Not once.

Not once.

So you come from Chicago as you just said, uh, how long have you been in Korea now

and what brought you to Korea initially?

So I've been in Korea for almost five years.

No, a little over five years, almost six years actually.

Um, I came to Korea right after I finished college.

So I graduated from college and then pretty much like a month later, got on

a plane and moved over here to work, um, just to take like a year off from, uh,

you know, working after finishing school.

Cause I was pretty, pretty burnt out.

Um, and now I've been here almost six years.

Haven't left.

Just like that.

It's flown by I'm sure.

Is the plan to stay longer, are you kind of, is this your kind of

home now, do you think, are you open to going back to the states?

I'm not particularly literally interested in going back to the states.

Um, I really like my life here and I've, I've been able to build a good

life here, which a lot of foreign people probably can't say in Korea.

And so I've started kind of shifting my career focuses on helping

people to do what I've done, which is, you know, build a life here.

And did you speak any Korean before you left from the sites?

None, not at all.

I mean, I've always been like a language enthusiast, so I know, you know, I knew

before I came here, like, oh, they say, you know, ... or something like that.

But, um, and I grew up with a lot of Korean people around me.

So maybe, maybe that's, uh, why the language wasn't so exotic to

me from the very beginning, but I didn't really speak any Korean when

I came here, I couldn't read either.

I kind of learned how to read on the plane on the way over.

As good a time as any to start.

Nothing else to do.

How did you go about learning?

Well, I tried a lot of stuff.

So I have a really traditional language learning background in that

I did the normal American study of language for 15 years at school.

Um, you know, that normal pipeline that most people don't learn a language from.

Um, I actually learned a lot of French by doing that.

Um, and I got really good at French and I love learning languages and all that.

But, uh, when I tried to apply that to Korean it did not work

very well when I first got here.

And so that's, that was like the first thing that I did and I

kind of gave up really quickly.

And so what I ended up doing, uh, that was effective was a, a lot

of listening and reading things I couldn't really understand and

repeating that until I could.

And that's pretty much what I did.

So I think, I think this is a, this fits right in with LingQ and,

uh, you know, this whole sphere of comprehensible input based language

learning, that's basically what I did.

And that's kind of how I've fallen into meeting people like you is cause

I've been looking for the others.

Yeah, I was going to say, after, um, watching the videos on your channel,

the comprehensible Korean series that you run, I was going to ask you...

we need to get that on LingQ.

It's perfect.

It's just, you know, you, um, out doing things in Korea, speaking

in Korean, so it's not just, you know, talking at the audience about,

you know, vocabulary or whatever.

It's very cool.

So, and really well done.

Well, thank you.


The idea behind that was to try, and I'm hoping other language learning

channels will start doing this too, is to try to make materials that people

would be watching anyway, like people are watching Korea travel logs anyway.

So we might as well try to like hijack the format and adjust the language so

that it's more accessible so that people actually like experience it in the

original language, as opposed to just turning on English subtitles and you know,

saying whatever I'll learn Korean later.

This is too hard, you know, that was kind of the idea behind it.



And do you have any, I know you mentioned, so you got right in and

started consuming content that was difficult because you obviously really

wanted, you were interested in it.


Um, do you have any other advice for anyone who is thinking about

starting a Korean learning journey?

Someone at the very beginning.


I mean, if you're at the very beginning, I think the best thing you can do is

spend a lot more time than you want than you would normally spend, uh, learning

the writing system and the pronunciation like system, because if you're able to...

you know, Korea has this pretty unique benefit among Asian languages

where Korean does not really use Chinese characters very much anymore.

They have a phonetic writing system that is very easy to learn.

They actually have like a proverb here.

That's uh, uh, a wise man can learn this in a week and a fool

or, oh man, I just messed it up.

Lucky me.

A wise man can learn this in a weekend and a fool can learn it in a week.

That's kind of the idea.


A weekend!


You can see, you can see the one that, uh, where I fall.

I'm in the I'm in the fool category clearly, but, uh, but the, the, the

language, you know, there, like, um, even the world writing prize

is named after the Korean king who invented the writing system that

Korean uses today called Hangul.

He's King Sejong.


If you look that up, you can see that's like the, I think it's the

Nobel prize for advancements in writing systems or something, but

don't quote me on that, but, uh, the writing system is really easy to learn.

And if you're able to learn how to, um, read the words you can't understand

yet and say them out loud, the language becomes much easier to parse

and much less like heavy, you know?

Much less overwhelming when you start listening to people actually speak

because Korean is like, it is one of the most difficult languages for

native English speakers to learn.

So there's basically nothing in common.


That'll do it.

That'llmake it tough.


I really do like the way I have to say that Korean script looks.

It's very, it's, it's beautiful.

So that must be a big motivator if you agree, but...

It's really cool.



It's even, it's even designed to look like what's happening inside the mouth.

So like individual characters.


So for example, like the character that makes a ... sound ... it's shaped like

a, um, like a seven, kind of, and it's to show that in the back of the mouth,

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Learn English! LingQ Podcast #37: How to Learn Korean with Ian of @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1) |||||||||||韩语||韩语|补丁 ||||||||||||Korean Patch|Korean (1)|Patch |||||||||||||coreano|parche |||||||||||||корейский язык|Патч Lernen Sie Englisch! LingQ Podcast #37: Wie man Koreanisch lernt mit Ian von @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1) ¡Aprende inglés! LingQ Podcast #37: Cómo aprender coreano con Ian de @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1) Impara l'inglese! Podcast LingQ #37: Come imparare il coreano con Ian di @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1) 英語を学ぶLingQポッドキャスト第37回:@Korean Patchのイアンと学ぶ韓国語 - 한국어 패치 (1) Aprender inglês! LingQ Podcast #37: Como aprender coreano com Ian do @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1) Учите английский! LingQ Podcast #37: Как учить корейский с Яном из @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1) Учити енглески! ЛингК Подцаст #37: Како научити корејски са Ианом од @Кореан Патцх - 한국어 패치 (1) İngilizce öğrenin! LingQ Podcast #37: @Korean Patch'ten Ian ile Korece Nasıl Öğrenilir - 패치 (1) Вивчайте англійську! Подкаст LingQ #37: Як вивчити корейську мову з Яном з @Korean Patch - 한국어 패치 (1) 学习英语!LingQ Podcast #37:如何与 @Korean Patch 的 Ian 一起学习韩语 - 한국어 패치 (1)

Hello everyone and welcome to the LingQ podcast with me Elle.

This week's guest is joining us all the way from Korea, but before I chat to ||visiting speaker||coming from Korea||||||||||| El invitado de esta semana nos acompaña desde Corea, pero antes de charlar con

him, just a quick reminder, if you aren't a LingQ user, what we're all about. ||||||||||LingQ member||||

With LingQ you can learn languages from content you are interested in.

So if you enjoy podcasts like this one, you can take the episode with the

transcript and the audio, work your way through it on link translating any of

the words and phrases you don't know.

Those words and phrases will look different in future lessons.

So you can keep track of the words you're learning, the words you

know, any new words that come up.

There are also vocabulary exercises you can go into, if that is your thing.

Lots to help you make a breakthrough in the language you're learning. 很多帮助||||||||||| ||||||avance significativo||||| Muchas cosas que te ayudarán a avanzar en el idioma que estás aprendiendo.

This episode is available on LingQ, the lesson link is the description.

This week, I am joined by a guest all the way from Korea.

It's morning for him afternoon for me, I'm joined by Ian of the

YouTube channel Korean Patch.

Ian how's it going?

It's going good.

It's good to see you.


You too.

Thank you so much for coming on.

So as I mentioned is, so for me right now, it is Tuesday afternoon and for

you, it is Wednesday morning, correct?

Yes, it is Wednesday morning.



And I am not a morning person.

I was going to say, I always thank people for joining us in the mornings ||||||||||||||morgens

because I'm also not a morning person.

So thank you.

I Know how it is to be chirpy in the morning. |||||||活泼的||| |||||||fröhlich||| |||||||alegre||| |||||||alegre||| |||||||бодрым|||

It's not cool, but thank you.

So, uh, whereabouts in Korea do you live? ||dónde|||||

So I live in sunny Busan, the beautiful giant city way at |||||釜山|||||| |||||Busan|||||| |||||Busan|||||| |||||Пусан||||||

the bottom of the peninsula.

It's the second largest city in Korea.



And you say sunny.

So is it what's the temperature like right now, for example,

on an average day in January.


An average day in January.

So it's actually is the worst day of all days for you to ask me this question,

because it's actually cold here today.

It's like in Celsius, it's like minus one, but this area is subtropical. ||||||||||||subtropisch ||||||||||||subtropical

So it it's very different than my hometown of Chicago, which is super cold.

Here it barely ever freezes. 这里|||| ||quase nunca|| ||||замерзает Aquí apenas hiela.

So I really liked that.

It's nice all year.


This is kind of like the vacation city in Korea.

Ah, Okay.

You know, I've heard, I had heard of it before, but there's also that

famous movie of course, Train to Busan.

That's it, right?

Train to Busan?





Train to Busan. Tren a Busan.


I don't know how much of that movie takes place in Busan though.

Fair enough.

I have seen it, so...

oh, you know what?

Here's the, here's a Busan movie thing.

Oh, if you've seen Black Panther, the, a Marvel movie, they filmed a ||||黑豹|黑豹|||漫威|||| |||||Panther|||Marvel-Film|||| |||||Pantera Negra||||||| |||||Пантеру|||||||

bunch of that movie here in Busan.

So right near where I live actually.

Were you like, did you see them filming?

Uh, no, but some of my friends did.

I was working, but they did like a big chase on the bridge, a car chase.

Pretty cool.

Ah, I love that.

I live in Vancouver and it's a, it's a film location, filming location, for sure.

And yeah, sometimes you spot sets and it's always so exciting. Y sí, a veces ves decorados y siempre es muy emocionante.

Like, is it a cheesy movie or is it like, The Matrix or... ||||老套|||||||黑客帝国| ||||brega||||||||

The big one.

Right, yeah.

So, as I mentioned you run a channel called Korean Patch.

It's for Korean learners.

First off, I now know what Korean patch means, because I watched your video where

you explained, but could you explain to our listeners, uh, any of our listeners

who don't know what that term means. |||什么|||

Korean patch. |заплатка


So in Korean, there's kind of a funny, like slang term that people

use to talk about uh, foreigners who are really good at speaking Korean.

So when you install the language pack for a piece of software or a video game or Así que cuando instale el paquete de idioma para un software o un videojuego o

something, they usually call that the...

which means Korean patch, or they'll call it the ... or something like that.


which is the writing system.

But, uh, when people in Korea, see a foreigner that like unexpectedly

speaks Korean really well they'll say something that's like, wow, they've

installed the Korean patch clearly. 安装了||||

So, uh, that, that's just kind of an expression they use to

say, like, this is a person who really speaks the language well.

Right, right.


I like that.

Do you ever get that? ¿Alguna vez te pasa?



I've gotten that before. Ya me ha pasado antes. 私は前にそれを手に入れました。



If you were like, no, no, never.


I've never received a compliment ever. ||||elogio|

Not once. 不|

Not once. 不一次|

So you come from Chicago as you just said, uh, how long have you been in Korea now

and what brought you to Korea initially? |什么||||| ||trouxe||||

So I've been in Korea for almost five years.

No, a little over five years, almost six years actually.

Um, I came to Korea right after I finished college.

So I graduated from college and then pretty much like a month later, got on Así que me gradué de la universidad y luego más o menos como un mes más tarde, se puso en

a plane and moved over here to work, um, just to take like a year off from, uh,

you know, working after finishing school.

Cause I was pretty, pretty burnt out. |||||agotado|

Um, and now I've been here almost six years.

Haven't left.

Just like that.

It's flown by I'm sure. |passou||| Seguro que ha pasado volando. 飛ばされたに違いない。

Is the plan to stay longer, are you kind of, is this your kind of ¿Es el plan de quedarse más tiempo, es su tipo de

home now, do you think, are you open to going back to the states?

I'm not particularly literally interested in going back to the states.

Um, I really like my life here and I've, I've been able to build a good

life here, which a lot of foreign people probably can't say in Korea.

And so I've started kind of shifting my career focuses on helping |||||||||Schwerpunkte|| ||||||переключення|||||

people to do what I've done, which is, you know, build a life here.

And did you speak any Korean before you left from the sites?

None, not at all.

I mean, I've always been like a language enthusiast, so I know, you know, I knew

before I came here, like, oh, they say, you know, ... or something like that.

But, um, and I grew up with a lot of Korean people around me.

So maybe, maybe that's, uh, why the language wasn't so exotic to

me from the very beginning, but I didn't really speak any Korean when

I came here, I couldn't read either.

I kind of learned how to read on the plane on the way over. Aprendí a leer en el avión durante el viaje.

As good a time as any to start.

Nothing else to do.

How did you go about learning?

Well, I tried a lot of stuff.

So I have a really traditional language learning background in that

I did the normal American study of language for 15 years at school.

Um, you know, that normal pipeline that most people don't learn a language from. |||||pipeline||||||||

Um, I actually learned a lot of French by doing that.

Um, and I got really good at French and I love learning languages and all that.

But, uh, when I tried to apply that to Korean it did not work

very well when I first got here.

And so that's, that was like the first thing that I did and I

kind of gave up really quickly. me di por vencido rápidamente.

And so what I ended up doing, uh, that was effective was a, a lot

of listening and reading things I couldn't really understand and

repeating that until I could.

And that's pretty much what I did.

So I think, I think this is a, this fits right in with LingQ and, Así que creo, creo que esto es un, esto encaja perfectamente con LingQ y,

uh, you know, this whole sphere of comprehensible input based language

learning, that's basically what I did.

And that's kind of how I've fallen into meeting people like you is cause

I've been looking for the others.

Yeah, I was going to say, after, um, watching the videos on your channel,

the comprehensible Korean series that you run, I was going to ask you...

we need to get that on LingQ.

It's perfect.

It's just, you know, you, um, out doing things in Korea, speaking ||||||外面|||||

in Korean, so it's not just, you know, talking at the audience about,

you know, vocabulary or whatever.

It's very cool.

So, and really well done.

Well, thank you.


The idea behind that was to try, and I'm hoping other language learning

channels will start doing this too, is to try to make materials that people

would be watching anyway, like people are watching Korea travel logs anyway. ||||||||||Reiseberichte| ||||||||||logs|

So we might as well try to like hijack the format and adjust the language so ||||||||劫持||||||| ||||||||übernehmen||||anpassen||| したがって、フォーマットを乗っ取って言語を調整するのが好きかもしれません。

that it's more accessible so that people actually like experience it in the 人々が実際にそれを体験するのが好きになるように、それはよりアクセスしやすいこと

original language, as opposed to just turning on English subtitles and you know, 英語の字幕をオンにするだけではなく、元の言語です。

saying whatever I'll learn Korean later. 後で韓国語を学ぶことは何でも言います。

This is too hard, you know, that was kind of the idea behind it.



And do you have any, I know you mentioned, so you got right in and

started consuming content that was difficult because you obviously really 开始|||||||||

wanted, you were interested in it.


Um, do you have any other advice for anyone who is thinking about Um, ¿tiene algún otro consejo para alguien que esté pensando en

starting a Korean learning journey?

Someone at the very beginning.


I mean, if you're at the very beginning, I think the best thing you can do is

spend a lot more time than you want than you would normally spend, uh, learning

the writing system and the pronunciation like system, because if you're able to...

you know, Korea has this pretty unique benefit among Asian languages ya sabes, Corea tiene este beneficio bastante único entre las lenguas asiáticas

where Korean does not really use Chinese characters very much anymore. ||||||||非常||

They have a phonetic writing system that is very easy to learn.

They actually have like a proverb here. |||||Sprichwort|

That's uh, uh, a wise man can learn this in a week and a fool Eso es uh, uh, un hombre sabio puede aprender esto en una semana y un tonto

or, oh man, I just messed it up. |||||lo arruiné|| o, oh tío, la he liado. または、ああ、私はそれを台無しにした。

Lucky me. 私は幸運。

A wise man can learn this in a weekend and a fool can learn it in a week. 賢い人は週末にこれを学ぶことができ、愚か者は一週間でそれを学ぶことができます。

That's kind of the idea.


A weekend!


You can see, you can see the one that, uh, where I fall. Puedes ver, puedes ver la que, uh, donde caigo. あなたは見ることができます、あなたは私が落ちるものを見ることができます。

I'm in the I'm in the fool category clearly, but, uh, but the, the, the

language, you know, there, like, um, even the world writing prize idioma, ya sabes, hay, como, um, incluso el premio mundial de escritura

is named after the Korean king who invented the writing system that lleva el nombre del rey coreano que inventó el sistema de escritura que

Korean uses today called Hangul. ||||Хангыль ||||Hangul ||||Hangul

He's King Sejong. ||世宗 ||König Sejong ||el rey Sejong ||король Седжон


If you look that up, you can see that's like the, I think it's the

Nobel prize for advancements in writing systems or something, but |||进步||||||

don't quote me on that, but, uh, the writing system is really easy to learn. それについて私を引用しないでください、しかし、ええと、書記体系は学ぶのが本当に簡単です.

And if you're able to learn how to, um, read the words you can't understand

yet and say them out loud, the language becomes much easier to parse ||||||||||||理解 ||||||||||||verstehen

and much less like heavy, you know?

Much less overwhelming when you start listening to people actually speak 大大||||||||||

because Korean is like, it is one of the most difficult languages for

native English speakers to learn.

So there's basically nothing in common. 所以||||| したがって、基本的に共通点はありません。


That'll do it. それで終わりです。

That'llmake it tough. 那会让|| Das wird|| eso hará|| isso tornará|| это сделает||


I really do like the way I have to say that Korean script looks. 我||||||||||||| Realmente me gusta el aspecto que tiene la escritura coreana. 私は韓国語の台本が見えると言わなければならない方法が本当に好きです。

It's very, it's, it's beautiful.

So that must be a big motivator if you agree, but...

It's really cool.



It's even, it's even designed to look like what's happening inside the mouth.

So like individual characters. だから個々のキャラクターのように。


So for example, like the character that makes a ... sound ... it's shaped like entonces||||||||||||

a, um, like a seven, kind of, and it's to show that in the back of the mouth, un, um, como un siete, algo así, y es para mostrar que en la parte posterior de la boca, ええと、7のような、一種の、そしてそれは口の後ろでそれを示すことです、