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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, Learn English LingQ Podcast #39: Writing a Best Selling Novel | with Nazanine Hozar (3)

Learn English LingQ Podcast #39: Writing a Best Selling Novel | with Nazanine Hozar (3)

Well, Naz, listen, I am so excited to read this new book, even though...

I I'm all about that kind of painful, dark stuff anyway, so that doesn't put me

off, but, um, uh, yeah, I'm really excited to read it when, uh, when it's done.

And, um, thank you so much for joining us today.

And yeah.

Best of luck with your writing.

Take care of yourself though.


And thank you so much for joining us.

It was great to talk to you.

My pleasure.

I had a great time.

Thank you, Elle.

Me too.


Take care.



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Well, Naz, listen, I am so excited to read this new book, even though...

I I'm all about that kind of painful, dark stuff anyway, so that doesn't put me Ich stehe sowieso nur auf diese schmerzhaften, dunklen Sachen, also bringt mich das nicht weiter

off, but, um, uh, yeah, I'm really excited to read it when, uh, when it's done.

And, um, thank you so much for joining us today.

And yeah.

Best of luck with your writing.

Take care of yourself though.


And thank you so much for joining us.

It was great to talk to you.

My pleasure.

I had a great time.

Thank you, Elle.

Me too.


Take care.

