Bangkit dan Hancurnya PKI | Sejarah Singkat Partai Komunis Indonesia
Rise|and|Destruction|Indonesian Communist Party|History|Brief|Party|Communist|Indonesia
Aufstieg und Fall der PKI | Eine kurze Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei Indonesiens
Auge y caída del PKI | Breve historia del Partido Comunista Indonesio
L'ascension et la chute du PKI | Brève histoire du parti communiste indonésien
Opkomst en ondergang van de PKI | Een korte geschiedenis van de Indonesische communistische partij
Ascensão e Queda do PKI | Uma Breve História do Partido Comunista Indonésio
PKI 的興衰 |印尼共產黨簡史
The Rise and Fall of the PKI | A Brief History of the Indonesian Communist Party
Setiap bulan September, Indonesia memperingati peristiwa Gerakan 30 September Partai Komunis Indonesia, atau G30S/PKI.
Every September, Indonesia commemorates the events of the September 30th Movement of the Indonesian Communist Party, or G30S/PKI.
Peristiwa itu merupakan hal yang penting.
The event|that|is|thing|that|important
el evento||es|cosa|que|importante
El evento fue algo importante.
This event is significant.
Karena tepat 55 tahun yang lalu PKI dikatakan hampir saja meraih kekuasaan pemerintahan Indonesia.
Because|exactly|years|that|ago|Indonesian Communist Party|was said|almost|only|achieving|power|government|Indonesia
Porque hace exactamente 55 años, se decía que el PKI estaba a punto de alcanzar el poder del gobierno de Indonesia.
Because exactly 55 years ago, the PKI was said to have almost seized power in the Indonesian government.
Ini bukan pertama kali PKI berusaha meraih kekuasaan atau mengalami konflik dengan pemerintahan.
This|not|first|time|Indonesian Communist Party|tried|to gain|power|or|experiencing|conflict|with|government
No es la primera vez que el PKI intenta alcanzar el poder o experimenta conflictos con el gobierno.
This is not the first time the PKI has attempted to seize power or has experienced conflict with the government.
Lalu mengapa dengan segala peristiwa ini, PKI masih sempat menjadi partai yang berpengaruh di Indonesia sebelum akhirnya dibubarkan secara permanen pada tahun 1965?
Then|why|with|all|events|this|Indonesian Communist Party|still|had the opportunity to|become|party|that|influential|in|Indonesia|before|finally|disbanded|permanently|permanently|in|year
|por qué|con|todas|eventos||||tiempo||partido||influyente|||antes|finalmente|disuelta|de manera||en|
Entonces, ¿por qué, con todos estos eventos, el PKI todavía tuvo la oportunidad de ser un partido influyente en Indonesia antes de ser disuelto permanentemente en 1965?
So why, with all these events, did the PKI still manage to be an influential party in Indonesia before it was permanently dissolved in 1965?
Mesikpun mencapai kejayaannya pada tahun 1950-an, benih dari gerakan komunisme sudah ada ketika Indonesia masih berbentuk Hindia Belanda.
Although|achieved|its glory|in|the year|1950s|seeds|of|movement|communism|already|existed|when|Indonesia|still|in the form of|India|Dutch
incluso|alcanzar|su éxito||||semilla|de|movimiento|||||||berbentuk|Hindia|Holanda
A pesar de alcanzar su apogeo en la década de 1950, las semillas del movimiento comunista ya estaban presentes cuando Indonesia aún era conocida como India Holandesa.
Even though it reached its peak in the 1950s, the seeds of the communist movement were already present when Indonesia was still known as the Dutch East Indies.
Yakni pada awal tahun 1900-an.
Es decir, a principios de la década de 1900.
That is, in the early 1900s.
Penjajahan Belanda baru saja mencapai puncaknya setelah menaklukkan berbagai wilayah Nusantara dan menghubungkan satu daerah dengan daerah lain melalui infrastruktur transportasi.
Colonization|Dutch|just|only|reached|its peak|after|conquering|various|regions|the Indonesian archipelago|and|connecting|one|area|with|area|other|through|infrastructure|transportation
colonización||solo||alcanzar|punto más alto|después|conquistar|varios|territorios|Nusantara||conectar|una|región|||otro|a través de|infraestructura|transporte
Dutch colonization had just reached its peak after conquering various regions of the archipelago and connecting one area to another through transportation infrastructure.
Belanda kemudian membuka Hindia Belanda bagi investasi asing serta memperlonggar regulasi perdagangan internasional yang menjadikannya sebagai pusat eksportir komoditas penting seperti gula, kopi, rempah-rempah serta karet.
The Netherlands|then|opened|the Indies|Dutch|for|investment|foreign|and|relaxed|regulations|trade|international|which|made it|as|center|exporter|commodities|important|such as|sugar|coffee|||and|rubber
|luego|abrir|||para|inversión|extranjera|y|aflojar|regulación|comercio|internacional|que|lo convierte|como|centro|exportador|commodidades|importantes|como|azúcar||pimienta||y|rubber
The Dutch then opened the Dutch East Indies to foreign investment and relaxed international trade regulations, making it a center for exporting important commodities such as sugar, coffee, spices, and rubber.
Perekonomian pun meningkat pesat.
The economy|also|increased|rapidly
La economía|también|aumenta|rápidamente
The economy also grew rapidly.
Sayangnya, Belanda mengabaikan satu masalah genting.
Unfortunately|the Netherlands|ignored|one|problem|urgent
Unfortunately, the Dutch ignored one urgent problem.
Yakni, hukum rasial yang mengklasifikasikan kelomok etnis tertentu dalam sebuah hierarki.
Namely, the racial laws that classified certain ethnic groups into a hierarchy.
Alih-alih mensejahterakan, pertumbumbuhan ekonomi ini justru mempertajam kesenjangan dan menimbulkan lingkaran rasa dengki antar etnis Pribumi, Indo-Eropa dan Tionghoa.
||improving welfare||economy|this|actually|sharpens|inequality|and|creates|cycle|feelings|envy|among|ethnic groups|Indigenous|||and|Chinese
Instead of improving welfare, this economic growth actually sharpened the gap and created a cycle of envy among the Indigenous, Indo-European, and Chinese ethnic groups.
Ditambah dengan banyaknya pendatang Belanda yang mendapat hak-hak istimewa rasa dendam dan iri dari berbagai kelompok mulai diterjemahkan menjadi organisasi-organisasi yang mengedepankan kepentingan kelompok tertentu.
Added|with|the number of|immigrants|Dutch|who|received|||special|feelings|of revenge|and|envy|from|various|groups|began|to be translated|into|||that||interests|group|certain
Added to this was the large number of Dutch immigrants who received special rights, which fueled resentment and jealousy from various groups that began to be translated into organizations that prioritized the interests of certain groups.
Sarekat Islam adalah salah satu contoh tersebut.
Sarekat Islam is one such example.
Dibentuk dengan tujuan khusus untuk membantu pedagang Pribumi bersaing melawan pedagang Tionghoa.
It was formed with the specific aim of helping indigenous traders compete against Chinese traders.
Anggota organisasi yang dikepalai oleh Tjokroaminoto ini pun membengkak hingga mengkhawatirkan pemerintahan Belanda akan sebuah pemberontokan.
The members of the organization, led by Tjokroaminoto, swelled to a point that worried the Dutch government about a potential rebellion.
Dari situasi inilah, bibit-bibit pergerakan komunisme muncul.
From this situation, the seeds of the communist movement emerged.
Pada tahun 1914, seorang warga Belanda bernama Henk Sneevliet mendirikan organisasi bernama Perserikatan Sosial Demokrat Hindia atau ISDV di Surabaya.
In 1914, a Dutch citizen named Henk Sneevliet established an organization called the Indonesian Social Democratic Association or ISDV in Surabaya.
Organisasi ini berhaluan sosialisme revolusioner yang lebih mempersalahkan penindasan oleh kelas pemilik modal kepada pekerja ketimbang dominasi suatu etnis terhadap etnis lain.
Organization|this|has an ideology|socialism|revolutionary|which|more|blames|oppression|by|class|owner|capital|to|workers|rather than|domination|a|ethnic|against|ethnic|other
This organization adheres to revolutionary socialism that blames the oppression by the capitalist class towards workers rather than the dominance of one ethnic group over another.
Dengan demikian, keanggotaan bagi organisasi ini cenderung jauh lebih inklusif tanpa memperdulikan latar belakang agama maupun suku.
Thus, membership in this organization tends to be much more inclusive regardless of religious or ethnic background.
Hanya saja, keanggotaan di ISDV masih tergolong sangat sedikit dan didominasi oleh orang-orang Belanda.
However, membership in the ISDV is still quite small and dominated by Dutch individuals.
Lantas, bagaimanakah organisasi sekecil ini dapat berkembang begitu pesat di kemudian hari?
Then|how|organization|so small|this|can|grow|so|rapidly|in|later|day
So, how could such a small organization develop so rapidly in the future?
Mesik terjadi di Eropa, efek dari konflik bersenjata ini sangat signifikan di Hindia Belanda.
Although it occurred in Europe, the effects of this armed conflict are very significant in the Dutch East Indies.
Inggris dan Perancis pun menghambat seluruh aktivitas ekspor dari Hindia Belanda ke Eropa guna mengisolasi Jerman.
England|and|France|also|hindered|all|activities|export|from|Dutch East Indies|Netherlands|to|Europe|in order to|isolate|Germany
England and France also hindered all export activities from the Dutch East Indies to Europe in order to isolate Germany.
Selain itu.
In addition|that
In addition.
Khawatir akan serangan Jepang di Hindia Belanda, angkatan bersenjata di Nusantara bergegas untuk menimbun bahan pangan yang berujung pada peningkatan harga kebutuhan pokok secara drastis di seluruh Nusantara.
Worried|about|attack|Japan|in|Indies|Dutch|armed|forces|in|the Indonesian archipelago|hurried|to|stockpile|food|supplies|which|resulted|in|increase|prices|necessities|basic|in a|drastic|in|all|the Indonesian archipelago
Worried about a Japanese attack in the Dutch East Indies, the armed forces in the archipelago rushed to stockpile food supplies, which led to a drastic increase in the prices of basic necessities throughout the archipelago.
Perekonomian menjadi lesu.
The economy|becomes|sluggish
The economy became sluggish.
Dan pemecatan buruh-buruh upah kecil meningkat hari demi hari.
And the dismissal of low-wage workers increased day by day.
Di mana-mana kepanikan warga meningkat.
Panic among the citizens is increasing everywhere.
Konspirasi yang menyudutkan etnis Tionghoa atau pemerintahan Belanda pun semakin menjadi-jadi.
The conspiracy|that|cornering|ethnic|Chinese|or|government|Dutch|also|increasingly||
Conspiracies targeting the Chinese ethnic group or the Dutch government are becoming more rampant.
Dan lebih parahnya lagi.
And even worse.
Sumber pangan harus diimpor dari tempat lain karena terlalu sedikit lahan yang digunakan untuk memenuhi pangan Nusantara.
Source|food|must|be imported|from|place|other|because|too|little|land|that|used|to|meet|food|the Indonesian archipelago
Food sources must be imported from elsewhere because there is too little land used to meet the food needs of the archipelago.
Dalam situasi seperti ini, narasi ISDV seperti eksploitasi serta perjuangan kelas menjadi lebih menarik di mata masyarakat dibandingkan dengan organisasi-organisasi lain yang cenderung lebih eksklusif terhadap kelompok mereka sendiri.
In|situation|like|this|narrative|ISDV|such as|exploitation|and|struggle|class|becomes|more|interesting|in|eyes|society|compared|to|||other|that|tend|more|exclusive|towards|group|their|own
In such a situation, the ISDV narrative of exploitation and class struggle becomes more appealing to the public compared to other organizations that tend to be more exclusive to their own groups.
ISDV pun mulai meluncurkan kritikan tajam terhadap Sarekat Islam ketika mengetahui bahwa mereka berencana untuk memasuki parlemen buatan Belanda, Volksraad.
ISDV also began to launch sharp criticisms against Sarekat Islam when they learned that they planned to enter the Dutch-made parliament, Volksraad.
Rencana pemerintahan Hindia Belanda untuk membuat milisi Pribumi bernama Indie Weerbaar pun juga menjadi bahan kampanye ISDV.
Plan|government|Dutch East Indies|Dutch|to|create|militia|Indigenous|named|Indies|Resilient|also|also|become|material|campaign|ISDV
The Dutch East Indies government's plan to create a native militia called Indie Weerbaar also became a campaign material for ISDV.
Perlahan-lahan, anggota Sarekat Islam pun mulai beralih menjadi anggota ISDV.
||members|Sarekat|Islam|also|began|to switch|to|members|ISDV
Slowly, members of Sarekat Islam began to switch to becoming members of ISDV.
Beberapa tokoh seperti Tjokroaminoto dari kalangan Islam dan Tan Malaka dari pihak Komunis berupaya untuk menjaga persatuan keduanya.
Several|figures|like|Tjokroaminoto|from|group|Islam|and|Tan|Malaka|from|side|Communist|attempted|to|maintain|unity|of both
Some figures like Tjokroaminoto from the Islamic side and Tan Malaka from the Communist side tried to maintain the unity of both.
Namun, upaya ini pun tidak berhasil.
However, this effort was unsuccessful.
Pada tahun 1920, ISDV dengan resmi berubah menjadi Partai Komunis Indonesia.
In 1920, ISDV officially changed its name to the Indonesian Communist Party.
Sayangnya, PKI serta organisasi lain tetap gagal untuk bersatu.
Unfortunately, the PKI and other organizations continued to fail to unite.
Dan di tahun 1926, PKI melancarkan pemberontakan sepihak terhadap pemerintahan Hindia Belanda yang mendorong pemerintahan semakin represif.
And in 1926, the PKI launched a unilateral rebellion against the Dutch East Indies government, which prompted the government to become increasingly repressive.
Bukan hanya terhadap PKI, namun pejuang nasional lainnya.
Not|only|against|Indonesian Communist Party|but|fighters|national|others
Not only against the PKI, but also against other national fighters.
Akibatnya, banyak dari anggota PKI yang diasingkan ke daerah-daerah terpencil seperti di Papua.
As a result|many|of|members|Indonesian Communist Party|who|were exiled|to|||remote|such as|in|Papua
As a result, many PKI members were exiled to remote areas such as Papua.
Terlebih dari itu, pemerintahan kolonel Belanda mulai melancarkan politik pecah-belah dengan memisahkan kelompok komunis dan kelompok nasional non-komunis yang diharapkan dapat mencegah terpaparnya radikalisme kiri terhadap kelompok-kelompok nasionalisme lain.
More|than|that|government|colonel|Dutch|began|to launch|policy|||by|separating|groups|communist|and|groups|nationalist|||which|were hoped|to|prevent|exposure|radicalism|left|against|||nationalism|others
Moreover, the Dutch colonial government began to implement a divide-and-conquer policy by separating the communist groups from the non-communist nationalist groups, which was expected to prevent the spread of leftist radicalism to other nationalist groups.
Meskipun berupaya untuk memecah-belah kelompok perjuangan di Indonesia, taktik ini sudah diendus oleh kelompok nasionalis non-komunis yang lain.
Although attempting to divide the struggle groups in Indonesia, this tactic was already sensed by other non-communist nationalist groups.
Kegagalan ini menjadi pembelajaran bagi Soekarno muda.
This failure became a lesson for the young Soekarno.
Bahwa kemerdekaan Indonesia hanya bisa tercapai apabila seluruh organisasi perjuangan bersatu demi kepentingan nasional dan bukan kelompok masing-masing.
That|independence|Indonesia|only|can|achieved|if|all|organizations|struggle|unite|for the sake of|interests|national|and|not|groups||
That Indonesia's independence could only be achieved if all struggle organizations united for national interests and not for their own groups.
Dengan demikian, Soekarno menganggap bahwa PKI tidak boleh dilepaskan dari perjuangan nasional.
Thus|so|Soekarno|considered|that|Indonesian Communist Party|not|should|be separated|from|struggle|national
Thus, Soekarno believed that the PKI should not be separated from the national struggle.
Ini juga menginspirasi Soekarno untuk mencanangkan ide Nasakom di kemudian hari.
This also inspired Soekarno to proclaim the Nasakom idea later on.
Ketika dia mendirikan Partai Nasional Indonesia, dia memodifikasi filsafat Marxisme yang dianut PKI untuk lebih sesuai dengan kondisi Indonesia yang dia namankan "marhaenisme".
When|he|founded|Party|National|Indonesia|he|modified|philosophy|Marxism|that|adhered to|Indonesian Communist Party|to|more|suitable|with|conditions|Indonesia|that|he||marhaenism
When he founded the Indonesian National Party, he modified the Marxist philosophy adopted by the PKI to better suit the conditions of Indonesia, which he named "Marhaenism."
Nilai-nilai keagamaan yang dipelajarinya dari Sarekat Islam pun diadopsi dan dikombinasikan dengan semangat nasionalismenya.
||religious|that|he learned|from|Sarekat|Islam|also|adopted|and|combined|with|spirit|nationalism
The religious values he learned from Sarekat Islam were also adopted and combined with his spirit of nationalism.
Namun, harapan Soekarno ini pun tidak berjalan semudah yang dia kira.
However|hope|Soekarno|this|also|not|went|as easily|that|he|thought
However, Soekarno's hopes did not go as smoothly as he thought.
Tahun 1948.
The year 1948.
Indonesia sudah merdeka.
Indonesia is already independent.
Partai Komunis Indonesia kembali melakukan pemberontakan.
The Party|Communist|Indonesia|again|carried out|rebellion
The Indonesian Communist Party staged a rebellion again.
Kali ini justru melawan pemerintahan Indonesia karena merasa Perjanjian Renville yang ditandatangani sangat merugikan Indonesia.
This time|this|instead|against|government|Indonesia|because|felt|Agreement|Renville|that|signed|very|detrimental|Indonesia
This time it was against the Indonesian government because they felt that the Renville Agreement that was signed was very detrimental to Indonesia.
Menurut Musso, Indonesia terlalu lunak pada Belanda.
According to|Musso|Indonesia|too|lenient|towards|the Dutch
According to Musso, Indonesia was too soft on the Dutch.
Otak dari pemberontakan ini, Musso bahkan menuduh Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta sebagai pengkhianat.
The brain|of|rebellion|this|Musso|even|accused|Soekarno|and|Mohammad|Hatta|as|traitors
The brain behind this rebellion, Musso even accused Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta of being traitors.
Hingga mendeklarasikan Republik Soviet Indonesia.
Until declaring the Indonesian Soviet Republic.
Pemberontakan ini digagalkan oleh TNI
Rebellion|this|was thwarted|by|Indonesian National Armed Forces
This rebellion was thwarted by the Indonesian National Armed Forces.
Meskipun pemberontakan ini memakan banyak korban jiwa, dari personel militer hingga tokoh agama, aktivitas PKI tidak kunjung dilarang bahkan oleh Presiden Soekarno sekalipun.
Although|rebellion|this|claimed|many|casualties|lives|from|personnel|military|to|figures|religious|activities|Indonesian Communist Party|not|ever|banned|even|by|President|Soekarno|at all
Although this rebellion resulted in many casualties, from military personnel to religious figures, the activities of the PKI were not banned even by President Soekarno.
Kesempatan ini digunakan baik oleh D. N. Aidit yang secara cepat, mengubah haluan partai dari oposisi menjadi partai pro-pemerintahan.
opportunity|this|was used|well|by||||who|in a|quick|changed|direction|party|from|opposition|into|party||
This opportunity was well utilized by D. N. Aidit who quickly changed the party's direction from opposition to a pro-government party.
Di bawah kepempimpinannya, PKI didorong untuk lebih dekat dengan Presiden Soekarno serta partai yang didirikannya, PNI, meskipun keduanya berbeda ideologi.
Under|the|leadership|Indonesian Communist Party|was encouraged|to|more|close|with|President|Soekarno|and|party|that|he founded|Nationalist Party|although|both|different|ideologies
Under his leadership, the PKI was encouraged to get closer to President Sukarno and the party he founded, PNI, even though the two had different ideologies.
Dan kedekatan ini, memang meningkatkan pengaruh PKI di masyarakat.
And|closeness|this|indeed|increases|influence|Indonesian Communist Party|in|society
And this closeness indeed increased the influence of the PKI in society.
Namun TNI masih mencurigai PKI yang diduga hendak menyebarkan ajaran komunisme dalam tubuh TNI.
However|Indonesian National Armed Forces|still|suspects|Indonesian Communist Party|which|allegedly|intended|to spread|teachings|communism|within|body|Indonesian National Armed Forces
However, the TNI still suspected the PKI, which was believed to be trying to spread communist teachings within the TNI.
Lebih parahnya lagi, PKI dapat mengambil kekuasaan apabila Presiden Soekarno sudah wafat.
More|severe|again|Indonesian Communist Party|could|take|power|if|President|Soekarno|already|passed away
Worse still, the PKI could seize power if President Sukarno were to pass away.
Menjelang akhir dari 1965, hal yang dikhawatirkan PKI dan Angkatan Darat mulai terwujud.
Towards|the end|of|thing|that|was feared|Indonesian Communist Party|and|Army|Ground|began|to materialize
As the end of 1965 approached, the concerns of the PKI and the Army began to materialize.
Kesehatan Presiden Soekarno mulai menurun dan isu mengenai peralihan kekuasaan mulai beredar.
Health|President|Soekarno|began|to decline|and|issue|regarding|transition|power|began|to circulate
President Sukarno's health began to decline and rumors about the transfer of power started to circulate.
Apakah TNI akan membalas dendam Peristiwa Madiun?
Will|Indonesian National Armed Forces|will|avenge|revenge|Event|Madiun
Would the TNI seek revenge for the Madiun Incident?
Apakah sebaliknya?
Is|the opposite
Or the opposite?
Dan pada malam 30 September,
And on the night of September 30,
peristiwa berdarah itu pun terjadi.
the bloody event occurred.
Setelah peristiwa tragis yang menimpa tujuh jenderal Angkatan Darat tersebut, TNI memutuskan untuk menunpas PKI sampai akarnya.
After|event|tragic|that|befell|seven|generals|Army|Ground|those|Indonesian National Armed Forces|decided|to|eradicate|Indonesian Communist Party|down to|its roots
After the tragic event that befell the seven Army generals, the TNI decided to eradicate the PKI to its roots.
TNI sudah tidak dapat mentoleransi keberadaan PKI.
Indonesian National Armed Forces|already|not|can|tolerate|existence|Indonesian Communist Party
The TNI could no longer tolerate the existence of the PKI.
Dengan Supersemar, Angkatan Darat membubarkan PKI serta ormas-ormas lain yang berkaitan.
With|Supersemar|Army|Ground|dissolved|Indonesian Communist Party|as well as|||other|that|related
With Supersemar, the Army dissolved the PKI and other related organizations.
Seluruh anggota serta pengaruh PKI dilenyapkan.
All|members|as well as|influence|Indonesian Communist Party|were eliminated
All members and influence of the PKI were eliminated.
Dan Partai Komunis yang awalnya berjaya itu, musnah dari Indonesia.
And the once prosperous Communist Party has vanished from Indonesia.
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