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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 032

話 說 禰衡 呀 當日 係 酒席 筵前 , 擊完 鼓 , 痛罵 曹操 一餐 。 當時 孔融 亦 在座 , 佢 怕 曹操 殺 禰衡 啊 , 就 勸 曹操 唔 好 嬲 , 為 禰衡 開脫 。 曹操 指住 禰衡 話 : 我而家 任命 你 去 荊州 嚟 做 使者 。 如果 能夠 說服 劉表 嚟 投降 呢 , 就 用 你 做 公卿 大臣 。 但 係 禰衡 唔 肯去 喎 。 過 咗 兩日 操 吩咐 準備 三匹 馬 , 叫 兩個 人 呀 夾硬 挾住 佢 起程 。 同時 又 命令 部下 嘅 文武 官員 , 喺 東門外 便 擺酒 同 佢 餞行 。 荀彧 呀 對 大家 講 : 等陣 禰衡 嚟 嘅 時候 , 我 哋 都 唔 好 起身 迎接 佢 吓 。 啊 真 係 喎 , 禰衡 嚟 到 , 落馬 入去 同 大家 見面 。 人人 都 坐 晒 喺 度 好似 個 佛 噉 ,逳 都 唔 逳 下 。 禰衡 突然 間 搲 搲 聲 放聲大哭 。 荀彧 問 佢 : 你 喊 咩 嘢 呀 ? 我行 到 嚟 啲 死 人 棺材 之間 忍得 住 唔 喊 吖 ? 嘩 到 嗰 班 人 嬲 晒 。 我 哋 係 死屍 , 噉 你 呢 係 冇 頭 嘅 狂 鬼呀 ! 哼哼 , 我 乃 係 漢朝 之臣 做 曹操 嘅 黨羽 , 點會 冇 頭啊 ? 吓 ? 殺 咗 你 至 得 佢 ! 荀彧 急急 攔阻 住 大家 話 : 呢 啲 好似 老鼠 麻雀 噉 嘅 小人 , 唔 好 整污糟 把 刀 啊 。 哦 ? 我 係 老鼠 麻雀 都 仲有 啲 人性 喎 , 你 哋 呀 , 係 啲 果蟲 咋 ! 呵呵 , 嗰 班 人 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 , 就 散 咗 。 噉 禰衡 去 到 荊州 拜見 劉表 啦 。 佢 講 嗰 啲 說話 , 表面 聽起 嚟 , 係 對 劉表 歌功頌德 , 但 係 實質 上 呢 係 譏諷 佢 。 劉表 唔 高興 啊 , 就 叫 佢 去 江夏 見黃祖 。 有人 啊問 劉表 衡 噉 樣 嚟 戲弄 主公 你解 唔 殺 咗 佢 呢 ? 劉表 話 嘞 : 禰衡 好 幾次 羞辱 曹操 , 曹操 都 冇 殺 佢 , 點解 呢 失 人心 吖 嘛 。 故此 曹操 特登 派 佢 嚟 做 使者 見 我過 係 想 借 我 嘅 手 嚟 殺 咗 佢 我 落得 個 殺害 名士 嘅 壞名聲 。 哼哼 , 我 唔 會上 當 嘅 , 所以 叫 佢 去 見 黃 祖 , 等 曹操 知道 下 我 唔 係 冇 見識 啊 。 原來 係 噉 嘅 家 都 話 劉 表識 做 啊 。 過 咗 冇 耐紹 亦 派 咗 個 使者 嚟 。 劉表 就 問 佢 嗰 班 謀士 話 嘞 : 而家 袁本初 又 派 使者 嚟 噃, 曹操 已經 派 禰衡 嚟 咗 㗎 嘞 , 我 哋 應該 點 做好 呢 吓 ? 從事 中郎將 韓嵩 就 建議 話 : 當前 兩雄 相持 , 將軍 你 如果 想 有所 作為 呢 , 最好 就 趁 呢 個 機會 , 去 擊敗 你 嘅 敵人 。 如果 唔 係 呢 , 就 選擇 個 有利 嘅 嚟 投靠 佢 。 曹操 十分 善於 用兵 , 係 個 有 才學 有 能力 嘅 人 , 好多 人 都 去 歸附 佢 嘅 。 睇 嚟 , 佢 嘅 趨勢 必定 係 首先 擊破 袁紹 , 然後 移兵 嚟 攻打 我 哋 , 到 其時 恐怕 將軍 防守 唔 住 喇 。 所以 , 不如 將 整個 荊州 都 依附 曹操 , 曹操 噉 就 必定 重待 將軍 㗎 嘞 。 劉表 話 : 噉 你 先 去一趟 許都 , 睇 下 佢 嘅 動靜 , 然後 再作 商量 啦 。 將軍 , 君臣 各有 定分 。 我 今日 侍奉 將軍 算 係 赴湯蹈火 , 我 都 按照 將軍 嘅 命令 去 做 。 假使 將軍 能夠 上順 天子 , 下 從 曹公 , 噉 就 派 我 去 做 使者 啦 。 但 係 如果 將軍 仲 係 遲疑 未定 嘅 我 到 咗 京師 之後 上 封 我 一個 官職 , 我 就 係 皇上 之臣 , 唔 能夠 再 為 將軍 效命 㗎 喇 。 你 去 睇 下 先 啦 另 有 主意 嘅 。 既然 劉表 係 都 話 要 佢 去 咯 , 韓嵩 就 去 啦 。 佢 去 到 許都 , 拜見 咗 曹操 , 操 即刻 任命 佢 做 侍中 任 零陵 太守 。 荀彧 就 莫名其妙 就問 曹操 嘞 , 佢 話 : 韓嵩 係 嚟 觀察 下 動靜 嘅 啫 , 啲 多 功勞 都 未有 嘅 下 就 封 佢 咁 高 嘅 職位 ; 而 禰衡 到 而家 都 仲 未有 音訊 , 丞相 派 咗 佢 出去 又 毫不 過問 , 點解 呢 吓 ? 曹操 話 : 禰衡 噉 樣 嚟 羞辱 我 可惡 喇以 我 啊 借 劉表 嘅 手 嚟 殺 佢 唧 , 何必 再問 啊 ? 荀彧 噉 就 明白 嘞 。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 曹操 派 韓嵩 返去 荊州 , 佢 去 說服 劉表 嚟 投降 。 韓嵩 返去 見到 劉表 , 滿口 稱頌 朝廷 嘅 德政 , 劉表 派個 仔去 京師 侍奉 皇上 。 誒 , 噉 豈 唔 係 要 個 仔去 做 人質 ? 劉表 可惱 喇 , 佢 發火 話 : 你 背叛 我 係 嘛 ? 想 殺 韓嵩 嘞 喎 。 韓嵩 大聲 噉 嗌 話 : 係 將軍 你 對 唔 住 我 , 我 冇 對 唔 住 將軍 喇 ! 蒯良 就 勸 劉表 話 嘞 : 將軍 , 韓嵩 未 去 之前 先 係 同 你 講過 㗎 喇 。 劉表 一 諗 , 啊 又 係 呀 嚱, 於是 就 赦免 咗 佢 。 又過 咗 一段時間 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 黃 祖殺 咗 禰衡 喇 噉 。 劉表 就問 係 咩 原因 啦 。 原來 係 噉 嘅 一次 , 黃 祖同 禰衡 一齊 飲酒 , 兩個 都 飲 到 醉 咗 。 黃 祖就問 禰衡 話 : 先生 喺 許都 咁 耐 都 有 咩 人物 呢 吓 ? 禰衡 話 嘞 兒 孔文舉 , 小兒 楊德祖 咯 。 除 咗 呢 兩個 之外 冇 乜嘢 人物 喇 。 哦 ? 噉 好似 我 噉 又點 啊 ? 你 呀 ? 你 好似 廟裏 頭 啲 菩薩 , 雖然 成日 都 有人 拜 , 弊 在 一 啲 都 唔 靈 , 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 咩 話 ? 你 話 我 係 畀 木頭 同泥 做 㗎 ? 啊 ! 黃 祖 發起 惡 , 拔劍 殺 咗 禰衡 。 而 禰衡 呢 , 到 死 都 唔 停口 咁 鬧 。 嘿 , 呢 個人 呀 亦 確係 奇特 啊 。 劉表 聽到 禰衡 噉 樣死 咗 , 亦 不禁 為 佢 嘆息 一番 , 叫 人 將 佢 葬 喺 鸚鵡 洲 嘅 旁邊 。 噉 啊當 呢 個 消息 傳到 去 曹操 處 嘅 時候 操話 嘞 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 嗰 個 迂腐 嘅 書生 , 恃 住 唇 槍 舌 劍 反而 害 咗 自己 咯 。 噉 派 去 說 劉表 嘅 人 死 咗 嘞 , 但 係 劉表 啊 唔 見 佢 嚟 投降 喎 , 所以 曹操 想 興兵 問罪 。 荀彧 勸 佢 話 嘞 : 袁紹 都 未 掃平 , 劉備 仲未 消滅 。 喺 噉 嘅 時候 , 用兵 去 征服 江漢 一帶 , 唉 就 好似 拋開 心腹大患 唔 理 只 係 顧住 損手爛 腳 一樣 咯 。 主公 呀 , 先 去 消滅 袁紹 , 跟 住 消滅 劉備 。 噉 樣 呀 , 江漢 嘅 地方 一掃 而平 啊 ! 曹操 終歸 係 聽 荀彧 話 , 就 冇 起兵 去 打 劉表 。 而家 又 講返 下 董承 。 佢 自從 劉備 去 咗 徐州 之後 , 日日夜夜 都 搵 埋 王子服 佢 哋 幾個 一齊 商量 , 啊 總 係 無計可施 。 呢 光陰似箭 日月如梭 , 轉眼 又過 咗 一年 嘞 , 已經 係 建安 五年 , 即 係 公元 二百年 。 呢 一日 , 乃 係 正月初一 , 照例 要 朝賀 皇帝 啦 。 董承 上朝 呀 見到 曹操 越發 驕橫 , 哎 , 個心 呀 憤恨 到 不得了 此得 咗 病 。 獻帝 知道 國舅 有病 嘞 , 就 叫 個 隨朝 太醫 去 同 佢 醫治 嘞 喎 。 呢 個 太醫 乃 係 洛陽人 吉 , 名太 , 字 稱平 。 人人 呢 都 叫 佢 做 吉 平 嘅 當時 嘅 名醫 嚟 。 吉平 呀 去 到 董 承 嘅 府上 , 同 佢 睇 脈 , 用藥 調理 , 日夜 都 唔 離開 。 正 係 因為 噉 啊 , 所以 吉平 呢 就 時時 都 見到 董承長 嗟 短 歎 。 但 係 呢 又 唔 敢 問 佢 喎 。 不知不覺 , 又 到 咗 元宵 佳節 嘞 承病 好 , 吉平 就 告辭 走 啦 。 董承 啊 留 佢 喺 處 飲酒 , 兩個 人 飲到 晚上 初 更 咁 上下 , 董承 覺得 困倦 起上 嚟 , 就 瞌着 咗 。 忽然 話 王子服 佢 哋 四個 人 嚟 到 啊 噉 , 董承 就 出去 迎接 佢 哋 入 嚟 。 王子服 對 佢 話 : 呢 趟 大事 成功 喇 ! 董承話 : 點啊 ? 你 快 啲 講 嚟 聽 下 。 王子服 就 話 嘞 : 劉表 聯合 埋 袁紹 , 起兵 五十萬 , 分成 十路 殺 嚟 。 馬 騰就 聯合 韓遂 , 率領 西涼軍 七十二萬 , 由北 便 殺 嚟 。 曹操 呢 , 逼 得 出動 許都 嘅 全部 兵馬 頭去 迎敵 。 而家 , 許都 城內 空虛 呀 果將 我 哋 五家 嘅 僕人 集合 起上 嚟 , 有 成千 幾人 咁 多 㗎 嘛 。 趁住 今晚 , 佢 曹 府 舉行 大宴 , 慶賀 元宵 。 我 哋 帶 人 去 圍困 住 佢 曹 府 , 衝入 去 殺 咗 佢 。 唔 好失 咗 呢 個 大好機會 呀 , 國舅 。 董承好 歡喜 刻 吩咐 啲 家奴 各人 收拾 兵器 , 自己 就 着 好 盔甲 , 提槍 上馬 , 約定 大家 喺 內 門前 便 會合 , 同時 進兵 噉 。 到 咗 夜晚 二 更 , 人馬 到 齊 嘞 喎 。 董承 手執 寶劍 , 直筆 行入 去 丞相 府 。 見到 曹操 正 喺 後堂 大排 筵席 , 就 大喝一聲 : 曹操 奸賊 咪 走 ! 一劍 斬 過去 , 誒 ! 曹操 呀 應手 而 倒 啊 ! 歡喜 過頭 時 之間 一下 扎醒 , 哈 嗨 ! 原來 剛才 係 發夢 啊 。 之個 口 仍然 係 曹操 奸賊 , 曹操 奸賊 噉 猛 咁 鬧 喎 。 吉 平行 埋去 嗌 佢 話 : 國舅 , 國舅 , 你 想害 曹公 呀 ? 吓 吓 , 吓 ? 啊 話 , 你 你 。 國舅 你 不必 驚慌 , 我 雖然 係 個 醫生 係 我 始終 冇 忘記 漢朝 。 我 咁 多日 以 嚟 , 見 國舅 你 時常 喺 度 憂心 歎 氣 。 但 係 我 唔 敢問 你 。 剛才 聽見 國舅 你 喺 夢 中 講 說話 , 已經 知道 咗 真情 啊 。 請 國舅 你 唔 使 瞞住 我 。 如果 有 用得着 我 嘅 地方 算 係 滅 我 嘅 九族 , 我 都 絕不 後悔 ! 唉 ! 呢 就 怕 你 唔 係 真心 啫 。 國舅 , 我 發誓 ! 吉平 咬 咗 一 橛 手指 落 嚟 , 誓願 要 消滅 曹操 。 董承 相信 嘞 , 就 攞 詔書 出 嚟 畀 吉平 睇 , 佢 話 : 而家 因為 劉備 、 馬 騰都 各自 走 咗 咯 唔 出個 好 辦法 。 我 憂心 過頭 所以 就 病 啫 。 吉 平話 : 唔 使 各位 操心 操 奸賊 呢 條命 就 喺 我 嘅 手上 。 啊 ? 你 噉 講 係 咩 意思 呢 ? 曹操 經常 都 發 頭風 病 嘅 , 痛 到 佢 不得了 。 佢 一 發病 , 就 實叫 我 去 醫 嘅 。 幾時 佢 一 叫 我 去 要 一 劑 毒藥 就 冇 命 㗎 喇必 興師 動眾 呢 ? 哎呀呀 呀 , 如果 係 噉 呀 , 誒 挽救 漢朝 社稷 嘅 , 就 全靠 先生 你 喇 。 好 嘞 國舅 , 我 告辭 嘞 。 一切 小心 呀 ! 吉平 告辭 走 咗 。 董承 非常 歡喜 , 佢 行 入 去 後堂 呀 準備 休息 啦 。 哈 ! 點知 撞見 佢 一個 家奴 叫做 秦慶童 , 同 佢 個 妾 侍 雲英 啊 匿 埋 喺 暗 埞 吱吱 吟吟 喎 。 噉 仲得 了 嘅 ! 董承發 大火 ,嗌 人 嚟 捉起 佢 哋 兩個 想 殺 咗 佢 。 噉 啊 夫人 知道 咗 就 勸 董承 , 免 佢 哋 一 死 啦 噉 。 董承 啊 將 佢 哋 每人 打 咗 四十 鞭 , 然後 將 秦慶童 鎖 喺 間 黑 房 嚟 。 嗰 個 秦慶童 都 厲害 呀 吓 , 佢 懷恨在心 夜三 更 啲 人 瞓 晒 喇 , 佢 扭斷 把鎖 , 跳牆出去 。 一直 去 到 曹操 嘅 相府 , 話 有 機密 事情 要 報告 。 曹操 叫 佢 入 去 間 密室 問 佢 。 秦慶童 就 話 嘞 : 誒 , 王子服 、 吳子蘭 、 种輯 、 吳碩 、 馬 騰 佢 哋 五個 人 , 喺 主人 屋企 呀 商量 啲 機密 事 , 誒 , 必然 係 要 謀害 丞相 嘅 。 誒 誒 , 主人 呢 仲 , 仲 攞 咗 一幅 白絹 出 嚟 , 上 便 都 唔 知寫 住 啲 乜嘢 嘅 。 誒 誒 , 誒 誒 仲有 , 誒 , 誒 近日 吉平 誒 咬 手指 發誓 , 嗯 嗯 , 我 都 見到 啊 。 曹操 問 清楚 之後 , 將 秦慶童 收埋 喺 相府 裏頭 。 董承 就 唔 見 咗 秦慶童 吖 , 仲以 為 佢 趯 咗 更 咋 喎 , 走 咗 就算 嘞 , 亦 冇 再 去 追尋 一下 。 第 日 , 曹操 詐病 , 話 頭風 又 發作 , 召吉平 去 睇 病 開藥 咯 喎 。 吉平 諗 : 好 喇 , 你 個 奸賊 注定 你 死 喇 呢 回 。 就 暗中 收埋 啲 毒藥 喺 身邊 , 去 丞相 府 嘞 。 去 到 之後 , 見 曹操 瞓 喺 床上 , 佢 叫 吉 平 落 藥 。 吉 平話 : 丞相 嘅 病 , 一劑 藥就 好 㗎 喇 。 攞 咗 個 藥 煲 嚟 , 當面 喺 度 煎藥 , 煎 好 喇 , 吉平 快手快腳 , 靜靜 放 啲 毒藥 落去 咗 落碗 親自 送上去 畀 曹操 飲 。 曹操 心知 啲 藥 裏頭 呀 必定 放 咗 毒 嘅 故意 遲遲疑疑 唔 飲住 。 吉 平話 : 嘞 相 你 趁 熱飲 咗 佢 , 陣間 出 咗 啲 汗 就 好 嘅 嘞 。 曹操 坐 起身 , 佢 話 : 你 既然 讀過 詩書 , 必定 識得 禮義 㗎 。 君有 病 飲藥 , 臣 先嘗 之 ; 父有 病 飲藥 , 子先嘗 之 吖 嘛 。 你 係 我 心腹 之 人 , 點解 唔 自己 飲 啲 先後 畀 我 飲 呢 ? 丞相 係 愛 嚟 醫病 嘅 , 使 乜 要 別人 試過 先 呢 ? 吉平見 曹操 叫 佢 試藥 知道 事情 已經 洩露 嘞 。 所以 一便 講一便 大 步行 過去 ,掹 住 曹操 隻 耳 仔想 灌 曹操 飲 。 曹操 一掌 推開 隻 碗 啲 藥潑 晒 落地 嘩 嗨 ! 嗰 啲 階 磚 當堂 爆裂 開 。 呢 個 時候 都 唔 使 曹操 開聲 啊 , 左右 侍奉 啲 人 已經 衝過 嚟 拉 實吉平 嘞 。 曹操 話 : 嗯 哼 ! 我邊 處 係 有 病 吖 , 特登試 下 你 嘅 啫 ! 果然 你 係 有心 害 我 ! 曹操 叫 咗 二十個 獄卒 嚟 個 都 係 手瓜 起展 如狼似虎 噉 嘅 , 拉 咗 吉平 去 後園 拷問 佢 。 曹操 坐 喺 間 亭 處 平 綁 實 碌 喺 地 嚟 , 但 係 吉平 面不改色 毫無 懼怕 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 諒 你 係 個 醫生 敢 咁 大膽 落 毒藥 嚟 害 我 呢 ? 必定 有人 唆使 你 做 嘅 , 你 將 嗰 個人 講出 嚟 , 我 饒恕 你 。 嘿 ! 你 係 欺君罔上 嘅 奸賊 下 人人 都 想 殺 咗 你 嘅 , 你 估淨止 我 一個 呀 ? 曹操 再三 落刑 嚟 逼 佢 : 你講 邊個 叫 你 嚟 嘅 ! 我 自己 呀 , 我 自己 要 嚟 殺 你 ! 邊度 有人 使 我 嚟 吖 , 而家 , 而家 事情 冇 成功 多 就 係 死 啫 ! 啊 ? 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 痛打 ! 慘咯 , 慘咯 ! 打 咗 足足 兩個 時辰 。 打到 吉平 呀 皮 開肉裂 , 血流 滿地 。 曹操 怕 打死 咗 佢 , 無可 對證 , 就 叫 獄卒 拉 咗 吉平 去 啲 僻靜 嘅 地方 佢 休息 下先 。 跟 住 曹操 傳令 落 去 : 聽日 , 大排 筵席 齊 咁 多 大臣 嚟 飲酒 。 到 咗 第日 , 除 咗 董承 一個 人話 有 病 唔 嚟 之外 有 文武百官 都 嚟 齊 嘞 。 王子服 佢 哋 幾個 人 , 都 係 怕 曹操 起疑心 , 就 只有 頂 硬 上 嚟 參加 宴會 啦 。 呢 一日 , 曹操 係 喺 後堂 擺酒 嘅 。 斟過 幾 巡酒 , 曹操 話 : 今日 宴會 , 冇 乜嘢 使 大家 高興 。 之 我 有 一個 人 , 哈哈 以為 各位 大人 醒酒 㗎 。 左右 , 同 我 帶 佢 嚟 ! 一陣 間 , 只見 吉平 擔住 面長 枷 嗰 二十個 獄卒 拖到 嚟 石階 下 便 。 曹操 話 : 各位 大人 唔 知道 , 此人 勾結 惡黨 , 企圖 背叛 朝廷 害 我 曹某 ! 今日 上 天使 佢 失敗 呀 , 請 大家 聽 下 佢 點 講 啦 。 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 痛打 ! 嗰 班 獄卒 七手八腳 , 將吉平 痛打 一餐 , 打 到 佢 暈 咗 , 然後 用水 噴 佢 塊 面 , 噴返 醒 佢 。 吉平 一醒 咗 , 瞪 大 雙眼 咬牙切齒 噉 痛罵 曹操 : 曹操 奸賊 ! 你 , 你 你 你 你 , 你 唔 殺 我 , 仲等 幾時 呀 ? 啊 ! 我 唔 殺 你 住 嘅 問 你 , 同謀 嘅 有 六個 人 埋 你 七個 人 係 咪 ? 係 唔 係 ! 吉平 唔 理 曹操 點樣 質問 , 只 係 不停 口 咁 鬧 。 王子服 嗰 四個 人 呀 你 睇 我 我 睇 你 , 如 坐 針氈 。 曹操 見吉平 唔 肯 招供 唄 , 就 叫 人 打 ! 打暈 咗 又 噴返 醒 便 打 一便噴 。 但 係 吉平 一 啲 都 冇 求饒 嘅 意思 。 曹操 冇 晒 佢 辦法 有 叫 人 拉開 佢 先 。 好 喇 , 散席 嘞 , 嗰 班 文武 官員 告辭 走 啦 。 曹操 啊 淨 係 留低 王子服 佢 哋 四個 人 , 話 留 佢 哋 喺 度 夜宴 噉 講 咦 呀 ! 嚇 到 佢 哋 四個 人 魂不附體 , 就 只好 留 喺 處 等 啦 。 曹操 話 : 本來 唔 係 要 留 你 哋 嘅 , 不過 有 啲 事想問 清楚 。 你 哋 四個 人 , 唔 知同 董承 商量 啲 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 王子服 話 : 並 冇 商量 咩 嘢 事 呀 。 噉 , 喺 幅 白 絹 上 便 寫 啲 乜嘢 呀 ? 王子服 佢 哋 冇 個 肯 認 。 曹操 就 嗌 秦慶童 出 嚟 頂證 。 王子服 問 佢 話 : 你 , 你 喺 邊 處 見到 㗎 ? 秦慶童 一口 咬 死 , 你 , 你 , 你 哋 避開 晒 大家 , 六個 人 喺 埋 一處 畫字 , 你估 抵賴 唔 認 就 得 㗎 喇 。 王子服 話 : 呢 個 壞蛋 同 國舅 嘅 妾 侍 通姦 , 受到 責罰 , 而家 懷恨在心 誣告 主人 。 佢 嘅 說話 唔 好聽 啊 丞相 。 曹操 又問 : 噉 吉平 放毒 , 唔 係 董承 指使 嘅 又 係 邊個 啊 ? 啊 ! 丞相 大人 , 我 哋 確實 係 唔 知情 喎 。 你 哋 今晚 自首 呢 , 都 仲 可以 寬恕 你 哋 。 如果 等到 事情 敗露 晒 , 嗰 陣 就 唔 放過 你 哋 喇 ! 王子服 佢 哋 矢口 唔 認 , 咬 實話 唔 知道 。 曹操 就 叫 人 將 佢 哋 四個 捉起 嚟 監禁 住 先 。 第 日 , 曹操 帶住 一班人 , 一直 嚟 到 董承 屋企 探病 噃。 董承 就 唯有 出 嚟 迎接 啦 , 入到 去 大廳 坐落 , 曹操 問 : 昨晚 點解 唔 嚟 赴宴 啊 ? 因為 有 多少 病未 好 得 晒 , 所以 唔 敢 出門 唧 。 哦 , 呢 啲 係 憂 國家 病 啫 。 吓 ? 國舅 知 唔 知道 吉 平 嘅 事 呀 ? 誒 , 唔 知 喎 , 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 。 國舅 你 點會 唔 知 吖 ? 左右 , 拉 佢 嚟 同 國舅 醫病 ! 嘩 ! 董承 手腳 都 冷 晒 呀 , 唔 知點 好 。 過 咗 一陣 間 咁 耐 , 二十個 獄卒 拉吉 平 嚟 到 台 階下 便 。 吉平 啊 一味 痛罵 曹操 逆賊 , 曹操 逆賊 噉 。 曹操 對 董承話 , 此人 已經 供出 咗 王子服 等 四個 人 。 我 已經 將 佢 哋 捉起 嚟 嘞 , 而家仲有 一個 人未 捉 到 啫 。 吉平 , 我問 你 , 邊個 叫 你 嚟 落 毒藥 害 我 嘅 ? 你 快 啲 招供 ! 係 , 係 , 係 上天 , 派 我 嚟 殺 你 個 逆賊 嘅 ! 豈有此理 ! 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 打 ! 可憐 吉平 呀 已經 捱 咗 咁 多 打 , 受 咗 咁 多刑 , 身上 呀 都 冇 一塊 好肉 再 捱 得 落 打 咯 。 董承 坐 喺 處 呀 , 眼光 光 咁 睇 住 個 心 都 好似 畀 刀割 一樣 啊 ! 吉平 , 我問 你 , 你 本來 有 十隻 手指 嘅 , 而家 點解 得 返 九隻 呢 ? 我 , 我 咬斷 咗 嚟 發誓 , 誓殺 國賊 ! 曹操 叫 人 攞 把 刀 嚟 , 當堂 斬斷 吉 平 嗰 九隻 手指 , 曹操 話 : 我 一齊 同 你 斬斷 埋 佢 , 等 你 發誓 啦 ! 啊 ! 啊 ! 啊 ! 我 , 我仲有 個口 可以 , 吞賊 ! 有條 脷 , 可以 罵 賊 ! 人 嚟 ! 有 ! 割 咗 佢 條 脷 ! 唔 好 逳 手 , 唔 好 逳 手 ! 我 , 我而家 受刑 唔 住 喇 , 我願 招供 啊 , 你 解開 我 先 啦 ! 解開 你 唔 緊要 , 人 嚟 ! 有 ! 同 佢 鬆綁 ! 係 。 啲 獄卒 解開 綁住 吉 平 嘅 繩 , 吉平企 起身 , 向 住 朝廷 嘅 方向 拜 咗 幾拜 , 佢 話 : 臣 , 唔 能夠 為 國家 剷除 奸賊 , 係 天 注定 㗎 ! 拜 完 , 哦 噉 一下 用 個頭 撞落 石階 處 撞死 咗 咯 。 曹操 下令 , 將 佢 嘅 屍首 肢解 ,攞 去 號令 示眾 。 跟 住 , 曹操 又 叫 人 拉 秦慶童 出 嚟 。 曹操 問 : 國舅 , 你 認 唔 認得 此人 啊 ? 吓 ? 吖 吖 呸 ! 原來 逃跑 嘅 奴才 喺 度 , 我 殺 咗 你 ! 佢 告發 謀反 , 而家 嚟 對證 , 邊個 敢 殺 佢 ? 丞相 , 你 點解 要 聽 呢 個 奴才 一面之詞 呢 ? 王子服 佢 哋 我 已經 捉起 嚟 喇 , 佢 哋 都 已經 招認 晒 嘞 。 你仲想 抵賴 ? 曹操 即刻 叫 人 鎖起 董承 , 又 叫 人 直入 董 承 嘅 臥室 , 抄出 咗 衣帶詔 同埋 義狀 。 曹操 睇 咗 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 呢 班 傢伙 竟然 咁 大膽 ! 左右 , 傳 我 命令 ! 將董 承 一家 良賤 全部 監禁 , 唔 准 走 甩 一個 人 !

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話 說 禰衡 呀 當日 係 酒席 筵前 , 擊完 鼓 , 痛罵 曹操 一餐 。 said|to|Mi Heng|particle|that day|was|banquet|before the feast|after beating|drum|severely scolded|Cao Cao|one meal It is said that Ni Heng, on that day at the banquet, after beating the drum, scolded Cao Cao fiercely. 當時 孔融 亦 在座 , 佢 怕 曹操 殺 禰衡 啊 , 就 勸 曹操 唔 好 嬲 , 為 禰衡 開脫 。 at that time|Kong Rong|also|present|he|feared|Cao Cao|kill|Mi Heng|ah|then|advised|Cao Cao|||angry|for|Mi Heng|exonerate At that time, Kong Rong was also present, and he was afraid that Cao Cao would kill Ni Heng, so he advised Cao Cao not to be angry and to excuse Ni Heng. 曹操 指住 禰衡 話 : 我而家 任命 你 去 荊州 嚟 做 使者 。 Cao Cao|pointing at|Mi Heng|said|I now|appoint|you|go|Jingzhou|come|be|messenger Cao Cao pointed at Ni Heng and said: I now appoint you to go to Jingzhou as an envoy. 如果 能夠 說服 劉表 嚟 投降 呢 , 就 用 你 做 公卿 大臣 。 if|can|persuade|Liu Biao|to|surrender|particle indicating a question|then|use|you|make|noble|minister If you can persuade Liu Biao to surrender, then you will be made a high-ranking official. 但 係 禰衡 唔 肯去 喎 。 ||Meihang|not||particle indicating suggestion or realization But Ni Heng was unwilling to go. 過 咗 兩日 操 吩咐 準備 三匹 馬 , 叫 兩個 人 呀 夾硬 挾住 佢 起程 。 past|completed action particle|two days|training|instructed|prepare|three|horses|told|two|people|particle|forcefully|carry|him|set off After two days, he instructed to prepare three horses and told two people to forcibly take him on the journey. 同時 又 命令 部下 嘅 文武 官員 , 喺 東門外 便 擺酒 同 佢 餞行 。 at the same time|also|ordered|subordinates|possessive particle|civil and military|officials|at||then|hold a banquet|with|him|farewell At the same time, he ordered his civil and military officials to set up a banquet outside the East Gate to send him off. 荀彧 呀 對 大家 講 : 等陣 禰衡 嚟 嘅 時候 , 我 哋 都 唔 好 起身 迎接 佢 吓 。 Xun Yu|particle|to|everyone|said|wait a moment|Mi Heng|arrives|possessive particle|time|I|plural marker|all|not|very|stand up|welcome|him|particle Xun Yu told everyone: When Ni Heng arrives, we should not stand up to greet him. 啊 真 係 喎 , 禰衡 嚟 到 , 落馬 入去 同 大家 見面 。 ah|really|is|particle indicating realization|Mi Heng|come|arrive|dismount|go in|with|everyone|meet Oh, indeed, when Ni Heng arrives, he dismounts and goes in to meet everyone. 人人 都 坐 晒 喺 度 好似 個 佛 噉 ,逳 都 唔 逳 下 。 everyone|all|sit|completely|at|place|like|the|Buddha|like|die|all|not|die|again Everyone is sitting there like a Buddha, not even moving an inch. 禰衡 突然 間 搲 搲 聲 放聲大哭 。 Mi Heng|suddenly|moment|hitting|hitting|sound|cried out loud Ni Heng suddenly burst into loud crying. 荀彧 問 佢 : 你 喊 咩 嘢 呀 ? Xun Yu|asked|he|you|cry|what|thing|question particle Xun Yu asked him: What are you crying about? 我行 到 嚟 啲 死 人 棺材 之間 忍得 住 唔 喊 吖 ? I walk|to|come|plural marker|dead|people|coffin|in between|||not|cry|sentence-final particle How can I walk among the coffins of the dead and not cry? 嘩 到 嗰 班 人 嬲 晒 。 wow|to|that|group|people|angry|completely Wow, those people are all angry. 我 哋 係 死屍 , 噉 你 呢 係 冇 頭 嘅 狂 鬼呀 ! ||are|corpses|then|you|question particle|are|without|head|possessive particle|| We are corpses, and you are a headless mad ghost! 哼哼 , 我 乃 係 漢朝 之臣 做 曹操 嘅 黨羽 , 點會 冇 頭啊 ? humph|I|indeed|am|Han Dynasty||be|Cao Cao|possessive particle|party member|how could|have not| Hmph, I am a minister of the Han Dynasty and a follower of Cao Cao, how could I not have a head? 吓 ? 殺 咗 你 至 得 佢 ! huh|kill|past tense marker|you|only|can|he Huh? Killing you is the only way! 荀彧 急急 攔阻 住 大家 話 : 呢 啲 好似 老鼠 麻雀 噉 嘅 小人 , 唔 好 整污糟 把 刀 啊 。 Xun Yu|urgently|stop|stop|everyone|said|these|plural particle|like|mouse|sparrow|like|possessive particle|petty person|not|very|dirty|measure word|knife|sentence-final particle Xun Yu hurriedly stopped everyone and said: These little people, like mice and sparrows, shouldn't dirty the knife. 哦 ? 我 係 老鼠 麻雀 都 仲有 啲 人性 喎 , 你 哋 呀 , 係 啲 果蟲 咋 ! oh|I|am|mouse|sparrow|also|still have|some|humanity|particle indicating realization|you|plural marker|particle indicating exclamation|are|some|fruit flies|only Oh? Even mice and sparrows have some humanity, but you guys are just pests! 呵呵 , 嗰 班 人 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 , 就 散 咗 。 haha|that|group|people|angry|to|||then|| Hehe, those people were so angry they were making noises, and then they dispersed. 噉 禰衡 去 到 荊州 拜見 劉表 啦 。 then|Mi Heng|go|arrive|Jingzhou|pay respects to|Liu Biao|sentence-final particle So, Mi Heng went to Jingzhou to meet Liu Biao. 佢 講 嗰 啲 說話 , 表面 聽起 嚟 , 係 對 劉表 歌功頌德 , 但 係 實質 上 呢 係 譏諷 佢 。 he|said|that|plural marker|words|on the surface|sounds|like|is|towards|Liu Biao|praising|but|is|in substance|aspect|this|is|mocking|him What he said, on the surface, sounded like praise for Liu Biao, but in reality, it was mocking him. 劉表 唔 高興 啊 , 就 叫 佢 去 江夏 見黃祖 。 Liu Biao|not|happy|particle|then|called|him|to go|Jiangxia| Liu Biao was not happy and told him to go to Jiangxia to meet Huang Zu. 有人 啊問 劉表 衡 噉 樣 嚟 戲弄 主公 你解 唔 殺 咗 佢 呢 ? someone|asked|Liu Biao|Heng|like this|appearance|come|mock|lord||not|kill|past tense marker|he|question particle Someone asked Liu Biao, 'Why don't you kill Mi Heng for mocking you like this?' 劉表 話 嘞 : 禰衡 好 幾次 羞辱 曹操 , 曹操 都 冇 殺 佢 , 點解 呢 失 人心 吖 嘛 。 Liu Biao|said|past tense marker|Mi Heng|very|several times|insulted|Cao Cao||all|did not|kill|him|why|this|lose|people's hearts|particle|particle Liu Biao replied: 'Mi Heng has humiliated Cao Cao several times, and Cao Cao didn't kill him, so why should I lose the people's hearts?' 故此 曹操 特登 派 佢 嚟 做 使者 見 我過 係 想 借 我 嘅 手 嚟 殺 咗 佢 我 落得 個 殺害 名士 嘅 壞名聲 。 therefore|Cao Cao|specially|sent|him|here|to be|messenger|to see|me|was|wanted|to borrow|my|possessive particle|hand|to|kill|past tense marker|him|I|ended up with|the|killing|nobleman|possessive particle|bad reputation Therefore, Cao Cao specially sent him as a messenger to see me, wanting to use my hand to kill him, so that I would be left with the bad reputation of killing a noble. 哼哼 , 我 唔 會上 當 嘅 , 所以 叫 佢 去 見 黃 祖 , 等 曹操 知道 下 我 唔 係 冇 見識 啊 。 humph|I|not|||particle indicating past action|so|told|him|to go|meet|||let|Cao Cao|know|that|I|not|am|without|knowledge|ah particle Hmph, I won't fall for that, so I told him to go see Huang Zu, so that Cao Cao would know that I am not ignorant. 原來 係 噉 嘅 家 都 話 劉 表識 做 啊 。 originally|is|like this|possessive particle|family|also|said|Liu||to do|sentence-final particle It turns out that Liu Biao is indeed capable. 過 咗 冇 耐紹 亦 派 咗 個 使者 嚟 。 passed|past tense marker|not|Naisiao (a name)|also|sent|past tense marker|the|messenger|here Not long after, Shao also sent a messenger. 劉表 就 問 佢 嗰 班 謀士 話 嘞 : 而家 袁本初 又 派 使者 嚟 噃, 曹操 已經 派 禰衡 嚟 咗 㗎 嘞 , 我 哋 應該 點 做好 呢 吓 ? Liu Biao|then|asked|him|that|group|strategists|said|past tense marker|now|Yuan Benchu|again|sent|messenger|here||Cao Cao|already|sent|Mi Heng|here|past tense marker|particle|past tense marker|we|plural marker|should|how||particle|particle Liu Biao then asked his group of strategists: Now Yuan Benchu has sent a messenger too, and Cao Cao has already sent Ni Heng, what should we do? 從事 中郎將 韓嵩 就 建議 話 : 當前 兩雄 相持 , 將軍 你 如果 想 有所 作為 呢 , 最好 就 趁 呢 個 機會 , 去 擊敗 你 嘅 敵人 。 engaged in|Zhonglang General|Han Song|then|suggested|said|currently|two heroes|in a stalemate|General|you|if|want|something|accomplished|question particle||then|take advantage of|||opportunity|to|defeat|your|possessive particle|enemy The middle general Han Song suggested: Currently, the two heroes are at a standstill. If you want to achieve something, it is best to take this opportunity to defeat your enemy. 如果 唔 係 呢 , 就 選擇 個 有利 嘅 嚟 投靠 佢 。 if|not|is|this|then|choose|the|beneficial|particle indicating possession|to|rely on|him If not, then choose a favorable side to ally with. 曹操 十分 善於 用兵 , 係 個 有 才學 有 能力 嘅 人 , 好多 人 都 去 歸附 佢 嘅 。 Cao Cao|very|good at|military strategy|is|a|has|talent and learning|has|ability|possessive particle|person|many|people|all|go|submit|him|possessive particle Cao Cao is very skilled in warfare and is a talented and capable person. Many people have chosen to submit to him. 睇 嚟 , 佢 嘅 趨勢 必定 係 首先 擊破 袁紹 , 然後 移兵 嚟 攻打 我 哋 , 到 其時 恐怕 將軍 防守 唔 住 喇 。 |here||||||||||||attack|||by|that time|I'm afraid|general|defense|||particle indicating completed action It seems that his trend is to first defeat Yuan Shao and then move his troops to attack us. At that time, I'm afraid the general won't be able to defend. 所以 , 不如 將 整個 荊州 都 依附 曹操 , 曹操 噉 就 必定 重待 將軍 㗎 嘞 。 so|might as well|to surrender|entire|Jingzhou|all|to submit to|Cao Cao|Cao Cao|then|then|definitely|treat well|general|particle|particle Therefore, it would be better to have the entire Jingzhou submit to Cao Cao, and he will definitely treat the general well. 劉表 話 : 噉 你 先 去一趟 許都 , 睇 下 佢 嘅 動靜 , 然後 再作 商量 啦 。 Liu Biao|said|then|you|first|make a trip to|Xu Du|see|check|he|possessive particle|movements|then|further|discussion|sentence-final particle Liu Biao said: "Then you should first go to Xu Du, see what their movements are, and then we can discuss further." 將軍 , 君臣 各有 定分 。 我 今日 侍奉 將軍 算 係 赴湯蹈火 , 我 都 按照 將軍 嘅 命令 去 做 。 general|ruler and subject||defined roles|I|today|serve|general||||||||possessive particle|orders|to|do General, there are defined roles for rulers and subjects. Today, serving the general is like going through fire and water for me, and I will act according to the general's orders. 假使 將軍 能夠 上順 天子 , 下 從 曹公 , 噉 就 派 我 去 做 使者 啦 。 if|general|is able to|serve|emperor|then|obey|Lord Cao|then|just|send|me|to|be|messenger|particle indicating suggestion or finality If the general can align with the Emperor above and follow Cao Gong below, then send me as an envoy. 但 係 如果 將軍 仲 係 遲疑 未定 嘅 我 到 咗 京師 之後 上 封 我 一個 官職 , 我 就 係 皇上 之臣 , 唔 能夠 再 為 將軍 效命 㗎 喇 。 |am||general||||||||||||||||||||||||||serve|(sentence-final particle)|(sentence-final particle) However, if the general is still hesitant and undecided, once I arrive in the capital and am appointed to an official position, I will be a subject of the Emperor and can no longer serve the general. 你 去 睇 下 先 啦 另 有 主意 嘅 。 you|go|see|a little|first|particle|another|have|idea|possessive particle You should go and take a look first; there are other ideas. 既然 劉表 係 都 話 要 佢 去 咯 , 韓嵩 就 去 啦 。 since|Liu Biao|is|all|said|wants|him|go|particle indicating completed action|Han Song|then|go|particle indicating completed action Since Liu Biao said he wanted him to go, Han Song went. 佢 去 到 許都 , 拜見 咗 曹操 , 操 即刻 任命 佢 做 侍中 任 零陵 太守 。 He|go|arrive|Xu Du|meet|past tense marker|Cao Cao|Cao|immediately|appointed|him|as|Palace Attendant|appointed|Lingling|governor When he arrived in Xudu, he met Cao Cao, who immediately appointed him as the Palace Attendant and Governor of Lingling. 荀彧 就 莫名其妙 就問 曹操 嘞 , 佢 話 : Xun Yu|then|inexplicably|just asked|Cao Cao|particle indicating past action|he|said Xun Yu then inexplicably asked Cao Cao, and he said: 韓嵩 係 嚟 觀察 下 動靜 嘅 啫 , 啲 多 功勞 都 未有 嘅 下 就 封 佢 咁 高 嘅 職位 ; Han Song|is|here|observe|next|activity|possessive particle|only|some|more|contributions|all|not yet|possessive particle|next|then|promote|him|so|high|possessive particle|position Han Song is just here to observe the situation, yet he is given such a high position without any significant contributions. 而 禰衡 到 而家 都 仲 未有 音訊 , 丞相 派 咗 佢 出去 又 毫不 過問 , 點解 呢 吓 ? but|Mi Heng|until|now|still|yet|has not received|news|Prime Minister|sent|past tense marker|he|outside|again|not at all|inquiring|why|question particle|exclamation particle And Ni Heng still has not made any contact; the Chancellor sent him out and hasn't inquired at all, why is that? 曹操 話 : 禰衡 噉 樣 嚟 羞辱 我 可惡 喇以 我 啊 借 劉表 嘅 手 嚟 殺 佢 唧 , 何必 再問 啊 ? Cao Cao|said|Mi Heng|like|appearance|come|humiliate|me|despicable||me|ah|borrow|Liu Biao|possessive particle|hand|come|kill|him|punctuating particle|why||ah Cao Cao said: "Ni Heng has humiliated me like this, it's despicable! I will borrow Liu Biao's hand to kill him, why ask again?" 荀彧 噉 就 明白 嘞 。 Xun Yu|then|just|understood|past tense marker Xun Yu understood this. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 曹操 派 韓嵩 返去 荊州 , 佢 去 說服 劉表 嚟 投降 。 passed|past tense marker|not|long|Cao Cao|sent|Han Song|return to|Jingzhou|he|went|to persuade|Liu Biao|to|surrender Not long after, Cao Cao sent Han Song back to Jingzhou to persuade Liu Biao to surrender. 韓嵩 返去 見到 劉表 , 滿口 稱頌 朝廷 嘅 德政 , 劉表 派個 仔去 京師 侍奉 皇上 。 Han Song|return|saw|Liu Biao|full of|praise|court|possessive particle|benevolent rule|Liu Biao|||capital|serve|emperor Han Song returned and saw Liu Biao, praising the benevolent governance of the court. 誒 , 噉 豈 唔 係 要 個 仔去 做 人質 ? eh|then|how|not|is|want|the||be|hostage Hey, isn't this just sending his son to be a hostage? 劉表 可惱 喇 , 佢 發火 話 : 你 背叛 我 係 嘛 ? Liu Biao|annoyed|particle indicating completed action|he|got angry|said|you|betray|me|are|question particle Liu Biao was annoyed and shouted: "You betrayed me, didn't you?" 想 殺 韓嵩 嘞 喎 。 want|to kill|Han Song|past tense marker|sentence-final particle He wanted to kill Han Song. 韓嵩 大聲 噉 嗌 話 : 係 將軍 你 對 唔 住 我 , 我 冇 對 唔 住 將軍 喇 ! Han Song|loudly|like that|shouted|said|is|general|you||||I||not||||general|particle indicating completed action Han Song shouted loudly: "General, you are wronging me; I have not wronged you, General!" 蒯良 就 勸 劉表 話 嘞 : 將軍 , 韓嵩 未 去 之前 先 係 同 你 講過 㗎 喇 。 Kuai Liang|then|advised|Liu Biao|said|past tense marker|General|Han Song|not|leave|before|first|was|with|you|talked about|sentence-final particle|past action marker Kuai Liang then advised Liu Biao: "General, Han Song spoke to you before he left." 劉表 一 諗 , 啊 又 係 呀 嚱, 於是 就 赦免 咗 佢 。 Liu Biao|one|thought|ah|again|is|particle|Xi|so|then|pardoned|past tense marker|him Liu Biao thought for a moment, and realized it was true, so he pardoned him. 又過 咗 一段時間 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 黃 祖殺 咗 禰衡 喇 噉 。 again past|past tense marker||someone|came|report|said|Huang||past tense marker|Mi Heng|sentence-final particle|like that Some time has passed, and someone came to report that Huang Zu has killed Mi Heng. 劉表 就問 係 咩 原因 啦 。 Liu Biao||is|what|reason|particle Liu Biao then asked what the reason was. 原來 係 噉 嘅 一次 , 黃 祖同 禰衡 一齊 飲酒 , 兩個 都 飲 到 醉 咗 。 originally|is|like this|possessive particle|one time|Wong|Chiu-tung|Mei-hang|together|drink alcohol|both|all|drink|to|drunk|past tense particle It turns out that once, Huang Zu and Mi Heng were drinking together, and both got drunk. 黃 祖就問 禰衡 話 : 先生 喺 許都 咁 耐 都 有 咩 人物 呢 吓 ? Wong||Mi Heng|said|sir|at|Xu Du|so|long|all|have|what|notable figures|question particle|ah Huang Zu asked Mi Heng: "Sir, who are the notable figures in Xudu after all this time?" 禰衡 話 嘞 兒 孔文舉 , 小兒 楊德祖 咯 。 除 咗 呢 兩個 之外 冇 乜嘢 人物 喇 。 Mi Heng|said|past tense marker|child|Kong Wenju|little child|Yang Dezu|past tense marker|except|past tense marker|this|two|outside of|no|any|characters|sentence-final particle Mi Heng replied, "There are only Kong Wenju and Yang Dezhu. Besides these two, there aren't many notable figures." 哦 ? 噉 好似 我 噉 又點 啊 ? oh|then|seems like|I|then||question particle Oh? Then what about me? 你 呀 ? 你 好似 廟裏 頭 啲 菩薩 , 雖然 成日 都 有人 拜 , 弊 在 一 啲 都 唔 靈 , 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 you|question particle|you|looks like|in the temple|first|plural marker|Buddha|although|every day|all|people|worship|problem|in|one|plural marker|all|not|effective|chuckle|chuckle You? You are like the Bodhisattvas in the temple, even though there are always people worshipping, the problem is that you are not effective at all, hehe hehe. 咩 話 ? 你 話 我 係 畀 木頭 同泥 做 㗎 ? what|say|you|say|I|am|by|wood||made|question particle What do you mean? Are you saying I am made of wood and mud? 啊 ! 黃 祖 發起 惡 , 拔劍 殺 咗 禰衡 。 ah|Wong|ancestor|initiated|evil|drew his sword|killed|past tense marker|Mi Heng Ah! Huang Zufa started a rebellion and killed Ni Heng. 而 禰衡 呢 , 到 死 都 唔 停口 咁 鬧 。 and|Mi Heng|question particle|until|die|still|not|stop talking|so|scolding And Ni Heng, until death, kept cursing. 嘿 , 呢 個人 呀 亦 確係 奇特 啊 。 hey|this|person|sentence-final particle|also|really|strange|sentence-final particle Hey, this person is indeed peculiar. 劉表 聽到 禰衡 噉 樣死 咗 , 亦 不禁 為 佢 嘆息 一番 , 叫 人 將 佢 葬 喺 鸚鵡 洲 嘅 旁邊 。 Liu Biao|heard|Mi Heng|like this|died|past tense marker|also|couldn't help but|for|him|sigh|a bit|ordered|people|to take|him|bury|at|Parrot|Isle|possessive particle|beside Liu Biao, upon hearing that Mi Heng had died like that, couldn't help but sigh for him and ordered someone to bury him next to Parrot Island. 噉 啊當 呢 個 消息 傳到 去 曹操 處 嘅 時候 操話 嘞 : like this|when|this|measure word|news|arrived|at|Cao Cao|place|possessive particle|time||past tense particle So when this news reached Cao Cao, he said: 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 嗰 個 迂腐 嘅 書生 , 恃 住 唇 槍 舌 劍 反而 害 咗 自己 咯 。 hahaha||that|measure word|pedantic|possessive particle|scholar|relying on|particle indicating continuous action|lips|gun|tongue|sword|instead|harm|past tense marker|himself|particle indicating finality Hahaha, that pedantic scholar, relying on his sharp tongue, ended up harming himself. 噉 派 去 說 劉表 嘅 人 死 咗 嘞 , 但 係 劉表 啊 唔 見 佢 嚟 投降 喎 , 所以 曹操 想 興兵 問罪 。 then|send|to|say|Liu Biao|possessive particle|person|die|past tense marker|sentence-final particle||||ah|not|see|he|come|surrender|sentence-final particle|so|Cao Cao|wants|raise troops|question punishment So the person sent to report that Liu Biao had died, but Liu Biao didn't come to surrender, so Cao Cao wanted to raise an army to seek justice. 荀彧 勸 佢 話 嘞 : 袁紹 都 未 掃平 , 劉備 仲未 消滅 。 Xun Yu|advised|him|said|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|already|not yet|eliminated|Liu Bei|still not|destroyed Xun Yu advised him, saying: Yuan Shao has not been eliminated yet, and Liu Bei is still not defeated. 喺 噉 嘅 時候 , 用兵 去 征服 江漢 一帶 , 唉 就 好似 拋開 心腹大患 唔 理 只 係 顧住 損手爛 腳 一樣 咯 。 at|that|possessive particle|time|use troops|to|conquer|Jianghan|region|sigh|then|just like|throwing away|internal threat|not|care about|||focused on|||the same|particle indicating realization or conclusion At this time, using troops to conquer the Jianghan area would be like abandoning a serious threat and only focusing on minor injuries. 主公 呀 , 先 去 消滅 袁紹 , 跟 住 消滅 劉備 。 lord|particle|first|go|eliminate|Yuan Shao|||eliminate|Liu Bei My lord, first eliminate Yuan Shao, then eliminate Liu Bei. 噉 樣 呀 , 江漢 嘅 地方 一掃 而平 啊 ! like this|appearance|sentence-final particle|Jianghan|possessive particle|place|with a sweep|flattened|exclamatory particle In this way, the Jianghan area can be easily pacified! 曹操 終歸 係 聽 荀彧 話 , 就 冇 起兵 去 打 劉表 。 Cao Cao|ultimately|is|listening|Xun Yu|words|then|did not|raise troops|to|fight|Liu Biao Cao Cao ultimately listened to Xun Yu's advice and did not mobilize troops to attack Liu Biao. 而家 又 講返 下 董承 。 now|again|talk about|a little|Dong Cheng Now, let's talk about Dong Cheng. 佢 自從 劉備 去 咗 徐州 之後 , 日日夜夜 都 搵 埋 王子服 佢 哋 幾個 一齊 商量 , 啊 總 係 無計可施 。 He|since|Liu Bei|went|past tense marker|Xu Zhou|after|day and night|all|looking for|together|Prince Fu|he|plural marker|a few|together|discuss|ah|always|is|no solution available Since Liu Bei went to Xuzhou, he has been meeting with Wang Zifeng and the others every day and night to discuss, but there seems to be no solution. 呢 光陰似箭 日月如梭 , 轉眼 又過 咗 一年 嘞 , 已經 係 建安 五年 , 即 係 公元 二百年 。 this|||in the blink of an eye|has passed again|past tense marker|one year|sentence-final particle|already|is|Jian'an||||AD|200 year Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another year has passed. It is already the fifth year of Jian'an, which is the year 200 AD. 呢 一日 , 乃 係 正月初一 , 照例 要 朝賀 皇帝 啦 。 this|day|is|is|first day of the lunar new year|as usual|must|pay respects to|emperor|sentence-final particle On this day, it is the first day of the first month, and as usual, one must pay respects to the emperor. 董承 上朝 呀 見到 曹操 越發 驕橫 , 哎 , 個心 呀 憤恨 到 不得了 此得 咗 病 。 Dong Cheng|attend court|particle|saw|Cao Cao|increasingly|arrogant|sigh|heart|particle|anger|to|extreme|this got|past tense marker|illness When Dong Cheng went to court, he saw that Cao Cao was becoming increasingly arrogant, and his heart was filled with anger to the point of becoming ill. 獻帝 知道 國舅 有病 嘞 , 就 叫 個 隨朝 太醫 去 同 佢 醫治 嘞 喎 。 Emperor Xian|knew|imperial uncle|was ill|past tense marker|then|called|classifier for people|imperial court|court physician|to go|with|him|treat|past tense marker|sentence-final particle The Emperor Xian knew that the national uncle was ill, so he sent a court physician to treat him. 呢 個 太醫 乃 係 洛陽人 吉 , 名太 , 字 稱平 。 this|measure word for people|imperial physician|is|is||Ji||courtesy name|Chengping This physician was a man from Luoyang named Ji, with the courtesy name Chengping. 人人 呢 都 叫 佢 做 吉 平 嘅 當時 嘅 名醫 嚟 。 everyone|this|all|calls|him|to be|||possessive particle|at that time|possessive particle|famous doctor|to be Everyone called him Ji Ping, a famous doctor of that time. 吉平 呀 去 到 董 承 嘅 府上 , 同 佢 睇 脈 , 用藥 調理 , 日夜 都 唔 離開 。 Jip Ping|particle|go|arrive|Dong|Sing|possessive particle|residence|with|he|examine|pulse|medication|treatment|day and night|all|not|leave Ji Ping went to Dong Cheng's residence, checked his pulse, prescribed medicine, and did not leave day or night. 正 係 因為 噉 啊 , 所以 吉平 呢 就 時時 都 見到 董承長 嗟 短 歎 。 right|is|because|like this|ah|so|Git Ping|particle indicating a question|then|all the time|all|sees|Dong Sing Cheung|sigh|short|lament Because of this, Ji Ping often saw Dong Cheng sighing and lamenting. 但 係 呢 又 唔 敢 問 佢 喎 。 ||this|again|not|dare|ask|he|sentence final particle But I don't dare to ask him. 不知不覺 , 又 到 咗 元宵 佳節 嘞 承病 好 , 吉平 就 告辭 走 啦 。 before we knew it|again|arrived|past tense marker|Lantern Festival|festive holiday|sentence-final particle|Cheng Bing (a name)|well|Ji Ping (a name)|then|took his leave|left|sentence-final particle Unknowingly, the Lantern Festival has arrived, and after being ill, Ji Ping has taken his leave. 董承 啊 留 佢 喺 處 飲酒 , 兩個 人 飲到 晚上 初 更 咁 上下 , 董承 覺得 困倦 起上 嚟 , 就 瞌着 咗 。 Dong Cheng|ah|leave|him|at|place|drinking|two|people|drank until|evening|early|watch|so|up and down|Dong Cheng|felt|sleepy|getting up|come|then|dozed off|past tense marker Dong Cheng kept him there drinking, and the two of them drank until late at night, and Dong Cheng started to feel sleepy and dozed off. 忽然 話 王子服 佢 哋 四個 人 嚟 到 啊 噉 , 董承 就 出去 迎接 佢 哋 入 嚟 。 suddenly|said||he|they|four|people|||ah|then|Dong Cheng|then|went out|to greet|them|they|| Suddenly, it was said that Prince Fu and his four companions had arrived, so Dong Cheng went out to welcome them in. 王子服 對 佢 話 : 呢 趟 大事 成功 喇 ! Prince's attire|to|him|said|this|trip|important matter|successful|particle indicating completion Prince Fu said to him: This major event has been a success! 董承話 : 點啊 ? 你 快 啲 講 嚟 聽 下 。 Dong Cheng said|what's up|you|||||| Dong Cheng said: What's up? You hurry up and tell me. 王子服 就 話 嘞 : 劉表 聯合 埋 袁紹 , 起兵 五十萬 , 分成 十路 殺 嚟 。 Prince Fu|then|said|past tense marker|Liu Biao|allied|with|Yuan Shao|raised an army|500000|divided into|ten routes|attack|here Wang Zifeng said: Liu Biao has allied with Yuan Shao, raising an army of 500,000, divided into ten routes to attack. 馬 騰就 聯合 韓遂 , 率領 西涼軍 七十二萬 , 由北 便 殺 嚟 。 Ma||allied|Han Sui|led|Xiliang army|720000||then|attack|coming Ma Teng has allied with Han Sui, leading the Xiliang army of 720,000, attacking from the north. 曹操 呢 , 逼 得 出動 許都 嘅 全部 兵馬 頭去 迎敵 。 Cao Cao|question particle|force|able to|mobilize|Xuchang|possessive particle|all|troops||confront the enemy As for Cao Cao, he is forced to mobilize all the troops in Xudu to confront the enemy. 而家 , 許都 城內 空虛 呀 果將 我 哋 五家 嘅 僕人 集合 起上 嚟 , 有 成千 幾人 咁 多 㗎 嘛 。 now|Xudu|in the city|empty|particle|that|I|plural marker|five families|possessive particle|servants|gather|up|here|have|thousands|several people|so|many|particle|particle Right now, the city of Xudu is empty, so if we gather all the servants from our five families, there will be thousands of them. 趁住 今晚 , 佢 曹 府 舉行 大宴 , 慶賀 元宵 。 taking advantage of|tonight|he|||holding|grand banquet|celebrating|Lantern Festival Take advantage of tonight, they are holding a grand banquet at the Cao residence to celebrate the Lantern Festival. 我 哋 帶 人 去 圍困 住 佢 曹 府 , 衝入 去 殺 咗 佢 。 I|we|bring|people|to|besiege|live|him|Cao|government|rush in|to|kill|past tense marker|him We will bring people to surround the Cao residence and rush in to kill them. 唔 好失 咗 呢 個 大好機會 呀 , 國舅 。 not|very waste|past tense marker|this|measure word|great opportunity|sentence-final particle|brother-in-law Don't miss this great opportunity, Your Highness. 董承好 歡喜 刻 吩咐 啲 家奴 各人 收拾 兵器 , 自己 就 着 好 盔甲 , 提槍 上馬 , 約定 大家 喺 內 門前 便 會合 , 同時 進兵 噉 。 Dong Chenghao|happily|moment|instructed|particle indicating plural|servants|everyone|to gather|weapons|oneself|then|put on|good|armor|draw spear|mount horse|agreed|everyone|at|inner|front of the gate|then|will meet|at the same time|advance|like that Dong Cheng happily instructed the servants to gather their weapons, while he put on his armor, took his spear, and mounted his horse, agreeing to meet everyone at the inner gate and advance together. 到 咗 夜晚 二 更 , 人馬 到 齊 嘞 喎 。 arrive|past tense marker|night|second|watch|people and horses|arrive|together|completed action particle|sentence-final particle By the time it was the second watch of the night, the troops had all gathered. 董承 手執 寶劍 , 直筆 行入 去 丞相 府 。 Dong Cheng|holding|sword|straight|walked in|to|prime minister|residence Dong Cheng held a sword and walked straight into the Prime Minister's residence. 見到 曹操 正 喺 後堂 大排 筵席 , 就 大喝一聲 : 曹操 奸賊 咪 走 ! saw|Cao Cao|just|at|rear hall|large|banquet|then|shouted loudly|Cao Cao|villain|must not|escape He saw Cao Cao having a grand banquet in the back hall, and shouted loudly: "Cao Cao, the traitor, don't run away!" 一劍 斬 過去 , 誒 ! 曹操 呀 應手 而 倒 啊 ! one sword|slashed|past|hey|Cao Cao|particle indicating surprise|easily|and|fell|particle indicating realization With one sword strike, hey! Cao Cao fell down immediately! 歡喜 過頭 時 之間 一下 扎醒 , 哈 嗨 ! happy|overthinking|time|in between|suddenly|startled awake|ha|hi In the moment of overwhelming joy, he suddenly woke up, ha ha! 原來 剛才 係 發夢 啊 。 it turns out|just now|was|dreaming|ah It turned out that it was just a dream. 之個 口 仍然 係 曹操 奸賊 , 曹操 奸賊 噉 猛 咁 鬧 喎 。 this|mouth|still|is|Cao Cao|traitor|Cao Cao|traitor|like that|fiercely|so|scold|sentence-final particle This mouth still belongs to Cao Cao the traitor, and Cao Cao the traitor is scolding fiercely. 吉 平行 埋去 嗌 佢 話 : 國舅 , 國舅 , 你 想害 曹公 呀 ? good|parallel|go together|shout|he|said|national uncle||you|want to harm|Lord Cao|question particle Ji Ping went over to shout at him, saying: "Uncle Guo, Uncle Guo, do you want to harm Cao Gong?" 吓 吓 , 吓 ? 啊 話 , 你 你 。 scare|scare||ah|said|you|you Huh? Huh? Ah, I said, you you. 國舅 你 不必 驚慌 , 我 雖然 係 個 醫生 係 我 始終 冇 忘記 漢朝 。 uncle by marriage|you|need not|panic|I|although|am|a|doctor|am|I|always|have not|forgotten|Han Dynasty Uncle Guo, you don't need to panic. Although I am a doctor, I have never forgotten the Han Dynasty. 我 咁 多日 以 嚟 , 見 國舅 你 時常 喺 度 憂心 歎 氣 。 I|so|many days|||see|brother-in-law|you|often|at|place|worried|| In all these days, I have seen you, Uncle Guo, often worrying and sighing. 但 係 我 唔 敢問 你 。 ||I|||you But I dare not ask you. 剛才 聽見 國舅 你 喺 夢 中 講 說話 , 已經 知道 咗 真情 啊 。 just now|heard|uncle|you|in|dream|inside|speaking|words|already|knew|past tense marker|true feelings|ah particle Just now I heard you speaking in your dream, and I already know the truth. 請 國舅 你 唔 使 瞞住 我 。 please|uncle by marriage|you|not|need|to hide from|me Please, don't hide anything from me. 如果 有 用得着 我 嘅 地方 算 係 滅 我 嘅 九族 , 我 都 絕不 後悔 ! if|has|useful|I|possessive particle|place|count|is|destroy|I|possessive particle|nine clans|I|also|absolutely not|regret If there is a place where I can be of use, even if it means the destruction of my entire family, I will never regret it! 唉 ! 呢 就 怕 你 唔 係 真心 啫 。 sigh|this|then|afraid|you|not|are|sincere|only Sigh! This is just because I'm afraid you are not sincere. 國舅 , 我 發誓 ! uncle by marriage|I|swear Your Majesty, I swear! 吉平 咬 咗 一 橛 手指 落 嚟 , 誓願 要 消滅 曹操 。 Ji Ping|bite|past tense marker|one|piece|finger|fall|down|vow|will|eliminate|Cao Cao Jiping bit off a piece of his finger and vowed to eliminate Cao Cao. 董承 相信 嘞 , 就 攞 詔書 出 嚟 畀 吉平 睇 , 佢 話 : Dong Cheng|believes|past tense marker|then|take|imperial edict|out|come|give|Ji Ping|read|he|said Dong Cheng believed it, so he took out the imperial edict for Jiping to see, and he said: 而家 因為 劉備 、 馬 騰都 各自 走 咗 咯 唔 出個 好 辦法 。 now|because|Liu Bei|Ma||each|leave|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|not||good|solution Now, because Liu Bei and Ma Teng have both gone their separate ways, there is no good solution. 我 憂心 過頭 所以 就 病 啫 。 I|worry|over|so|then|get sick|only I am overly worried, which is why I am ill. 吉 平話 : 唔 使 各位 操心 操 奸賊 呢 條命 就 喺 我 嘅 手上 。 good|dialect|not|need|everyone|worry|catch|thief|this||just|at|I|possessive particle|in my hands Gip Pinghua: Don't worry everyone, this life of a schemer is in my hands. 啊 ? 你 噉 講 係 咩 意思 呢 ? ah|you|like that|saying|is|what|meaning|question particle Huh? What do you mean by that? 曹操 經常 都 發 頭風 病 嘅 , 痛 到 佢 不得了 。 Cao Cao|often|all|suffer from|headache|illness|(possessive particle)|pain|to the point of|he|unbearable Cao Cao often suffers from migraines, it's so painful for him. 佢 一 發病 , 就 實叫 我 去 醫 嘅 。 he|one|fell ill|then|really told|me|to go|doctor|past tense particle Whenever he gets sick, he really calls for me to treat him. 幾時 佢 一 叫 我 去 要 一 劑 毒藥 就 冇 命 㗎 喇必 興師 動眾 呢 ? when|he|one|called|me|to go|to need|one|dose|poison|then|have not|life|particle||mobilize|gather people|question particle Whenever he calls me to get a dose of poison, that's when I'm done for, right? 哎呀呀 呀 , 如果 係 噉 呀 , 誒 挽救 漢朝 社稷 嘅 , 就 全靠 先生 你 喇 。 oh no|particle|if|is|like that|particle|eh|save|Han Dynasty|state|possessive particle|then|entirely depends on|sir|you|particle Oh dear, if that's the case, then saving the Han dynasty's state relies entirely on you, sir. 好 嘞 國舅 , 我 告辭 嘞 。 |past tense marker|||| Alright, your Highness, I take my leave. 一切 小心 呀 ! everything|be careful|sentence-final particle Be careful with everything! 吉平 告辭 走 咗 。 Gai Ping|said goodbye|left|past tense marker Jiping has taken his leave and left. 董承 非常 歡喜 , 佢 行 入 去 後堂 呀 準備 休息 啦 。 Dong Cheng|very|happy|he|walk|enter|to|back room|particle|prepare|rest|particle Dong Cheng is very happy, he has gone into the back hall to prepare for a rest. 哈 ! 點知 撞見 佢 一個 家奴 叫做 秦慶童 , 同 佢 個 妾 侍 雲英 啊 匿 埋 喺 暗 埞 吱吱 吟吟 喎 。 ha|unexpectedly|ran into|he|a|servant|named|Qin Qingtong|with|his|measure word for people|concubine|serving|Yunying|ah|||in|||whispering|murmuring|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Ha! I unexpectedly ran into a servant named Qin Qingtong, hiding with his concubine Shi Yunying in a dark corner, whispering. 噉 仲得 了 嘅 ! 董承發 大火 ,嗌 人 嚟 捉起 佢 哋 兩個 想 殺 咗 佢 。 like this|still okay|past tense marker|possessive particle|Dong Chengfa|big fire|shout|people|come|catch|he|they|two|want|kill|past tense marker|he That's not all! Dong Chengfa was furious and called people to catch them, wanting to kill them. 噉 啊 夫人 知道 咗 就 勸 董承 , 免 佢 哋 一 死 啦 噉 。 like this|ah|madam|knows|past tense marker|then|advise|Dong Cheng|spare|he|plural marker|one|die|sentence-final particle|like this So, the lady advised Dong Cheng to spare their lives. 董承 啊 將 佢 哋 每人 打 咗 四十 鞭 , 然後 將 秦慶童 鎖 喺 間 黑 房 嚟 。 Dong Cheng|ah|will|he|plural marker|each person|hit|past tense marker|forty|whip|then|will|Qin Qing Tong|lock|in|measure word for rooms|black|room|come Dong Cheng then whipped each of them forty times and locked Qin Qingtong in a dark room. 嗰 個 秦慶童 都 厲害 呀 吓 , 佢 懷恨在心 夜三 更 啲 人 瞓 晒 喇 , 佢 扭斷 把鎖 , 跳牆出去 。 that|measure word|Qin Qing Tong|all|impressive|particle|ah|he|harbors hatred in his heart|||plural marker|people|sleep|completely|particle|he|broke|| That Qin Qingtong is quite something, huh? He held a grudge and at the third watch of the night, when everyone was asleep, he broke the lock and jumped over the wall to escape. 一直 去 到 曹操 嘅 相府 , 話 有 機密 事情 要 報告 。 continuously|go|arrive|Cao Cao|possessive particle|minister's residence|said|has|confidential|matter|needs|report He went to Cao Cao's residence, saying there was a confidential matter to report. 曹操 叫 佢 入 去 間 密室 問 佢 。 Cao Cao|called|him|enter|go|the|secret room|ask|him Cao Cao asked him to enter a secret room to question him. 秦慶童 就 話 嘞 : 誒 , 王子服 、 吳子蘭 、 种輯 、 吳碩 、 馬 騰 佢 哋 五個 人 , 喺 主人 屋企 呀 商量 啲 機密 事 , 誒 , 必然 係 要 謀害 丞相 嘅 。 Qin Qing Tong|then|said|past tense marker|hey|Wang Zi Fu|Wu Zi Lan||Wu She|||they|plural marker|five|people|at|master|home|particle|discuss|particle|secret|matters||definitely|is|going to|plot against|prime minister|possessive particle Qin Qing Tong said: 'Hey, Wang Zi Fu, Wu Zi Lan, Zhong Ji, Wu Shuo, and Ma Teng, these five people, are discussing confidential matters at the master's house, hey, they must be plotting to harm the Prime Minister.' 誒 誒 , 主人 呢 仲 , 仲 攞 咗 一幅 白絹 出 嚟 , 上 便 都 唔 知寫 住 啲 乜嘢 嘅 。 hey|||question particle|still||took|past tense marker|a piece of|white silk|out|come|above|then|also|not||written|some|what|possessive particle Hey, the master also took out a piece of white silk, and it was unknown what was written on it. 誒 誒 , 誒 誒 仲有 , 誒 , 誒 近日 吉平 誒 咬 手指 發誓 , 嗯 嗯 , 我 都 見到 啊 。 eh||||still have|||recently|a person's name||bite|finger|swore|mm||I|also|saw|ah Hey, hey, and also, recently Ji Ping swore by biting his finger, um, um, I saw it too. 曹操 問 清楚 之後 , 將 秦慶童 收埋 喺 相府 裏頭 。 Cao Cao|asked|clearly|afterwards|will|Qin Qingtong|hide|in|the minister's residence|inside Cao Cao asked for clarification, then hid Qin Qingtong in the Prime Minister's residence. 董承 就 唔 見 咗 秦慶童 吖 , 仲以 為 佢 趯 咗 更 咋 喎 , 走 咗 就算 嘞 , 亦 冇 再 去 追尋 一下 。 Dong Cheng|then|not|see|past tense marker|Qin Qing Tong|particle||think|he|run away|past tense marker|more|how|particle|leave|past tense marker|even if|particle|also|not have|again|go|pursue|a little Dong Cheng then couldn't find Qin Qingtong, and thought he had just run away, so he didn't bother to pursue it any further. 第 日 , 曹操 詐病 , 話 頭風 又 發作 , 召吉平 去 睇 病 開藥 咯 喎 。 the|day|Cao Cao|feigned illness|said|headache|again|occurred||to go|see|illness||particle indicating completed action|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation The next day, Cao Cao pretended to be ill, saying that his wind headache had flared up again, and summoned Ji Ping to come and check on him and prescribe medicine. 吉平 諗 : 好 喇 , 你 個 奸賊 注定 你 死 喇 呢 回 。 Gai Ping|think|good|particle indicating completed action|you|classifier for people|scoundrel|destined|you|die|particle indicating completed action|this|time Ji Ping thought: Alright, you treacherous villain, this time you are doomed. 就 暗中 收埋 啲 毒藥 喺 身邊 , 去 丞相 府 嘞 。 then|secretly|hide|particle indicating plural|poison|at|around|go|prime minister|residence|past tense marker So he secretly hid some poison on him and went to the Prime Minister's residence. 去 到 之後 , 見 曹操 瞓 喺 床上 , 佢 叫 吉 平 落 藥 。 go|arrive|after|saw|Cao Cao|sleep|on|bed|he|called|||take|medicine After arriving, I saw Cao Cao lying on the bed, and he called for Ji Ping to bring the medicine. 吉 平話 : 丞相 嘅 病 , 一劑 藥就 好 㗎 喇 。 good|dialect|prime minister|possessive particle|illness|one dose||well|sentence-final particle|completed action particle Ji Ping said: "For the Chancellor's illness, one dose of medicine will be enough." 攞 咗 個 藥 煲 嚟 , 當面 喺 度 煎藥 , 煎 好 喇 , 吉平 快手快腳 , 靜靜 放 啲 毒藥 落去 咗 落碗 親自 送上去 畀 曹操 飲 。 take|past tense marker|measure word|medicine|pot|here|in person|at|location particle|boil medicine|||completed action marker|a character's name|quickly|quietly|put|some|poison|down|past tense marker|into the bowl|personally|deliver up|to|Cao Cao|drink He took the medicine pot, brewed the medicine right there, and after it was ready, Ji Ping quickly and quietly added some poison into the bowl and personally delivered it to Cao Cao to drink. 曹操 心知 啲 藥 裏頭 呀 必定 放 咗 毒 嘅 故意 遲遲疑疑 唔 飲住 。 Cao Cao|knew|particle|medicine|inside|particle|definitely|put|past tense marker|poison|possessive particle|intentionally|hesitantly|not|drink Cao Cao knew that there must be poison in the medicine, so he hesitated and did not drink it. 吉 平話 : 嘞 相 你 趁 熱飲 咗 佢 , 陣間 出 咗 啲 汗 就 好 嘅 嘞 。 good|dialect|past tense marker|to see|you|while||past tense marker|it|later|to produce|past tense marker|some|sweat|then|fine|particle indicating certainty|past tense marker Ji Ping said: "Chancellor, you should drink it while it's hot; you'll feel better after sweating a bit." 曹操 坐 起身 , 佢 話 : 你 既然 讀過 詩書 , 必定 識得 禮義 㗎 。 Cao Cao|sit|stand up|he|said|you|since|have read|literature|surely|understand|propriety and righteousness|particle indicating certainty Cao Cao sat up and said: Since you have read poetry and books, you must understand propriety and righteousness. 君有 病 飲藥 , 臣 先嘗 之 ; 父有 病 飲藥 , 子先嘗 之 吖 嘛 。 |illness|take medicine|I||it||illness|take medicine||it|particle|particle If the ruler is ill, the minister tastes the medicine first; if the father is ill, the son tastes the medicine first. 你 係 我 心腹 之 人 , 點解 唔 自己 飲 啲 先後 畀 我 飲 呢 ? you|are|I|trusted confidant|possessive particle|person|why|not|self|drink|some|in order|let|me|drink|question particle You are my trusted person, why don't you drink it yourself before giving it to me? 丞相 係 愛 嚟 醫病 嘅 , 使 乜 要 別人 試過 先 呢 ? Prime Minister|is|love|come|heal|possessive particle|use|what|need|others|tried|first|question particle The Prime Minister is here to treat the illness, why does he need someone else to try it first? 吉平見 曹操 叫 佢 試藥 知道 事情 已經 洩露 嘞 。 |Cao Cao|told|him|test the medicine|knew|matter|already|leaked|past tense particle When Jiping saw Cao Cao asking him to test the medicine, he knew that the matter had already been leaked. 所以 一便 講一便 大 步行 過去 ,掹 住 曹操 隻 耳 仔想 灌 曹操 飲 。 so|at once|say it once|big|walking|over there|pull|hold|Cao Cao|measure word for animals|ear||pour|Cao Cao|drink So, I just casually walked over and grabbed Cao Cao's ear, wanting to pour the medicine down his throat. 曹操 一掌 推開 隻 碗 啲 藥潑 晒 落地 嘩 嗨 ! Cao Cao|one palm|pushed away|classifier for objects|bowl|particle indicating a small amount||completely|on the ground|wow|hi Cao Cao pushed the bowl away with one hand, spilling the medicine all over the ground, wow! 嗰 啲 階 磚 當堂 爆裂 開 。 that|plural marker|stairs|bricks|on the spot|exploded|opened The steps and bricks exploded right there. 呢 個 時候 都 唔 使 曹操 開聲 啊 , 左右 侍奉 啲 人 已經 衝過 嚟 拉 實吉平 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|already|not|need|Cao Cao|speak up|particle|around|serving|plural marker|people|already|rushed over|here|pull|Shijiping|past tense particle At this moment, there was no need for Cao Cao to say anything; the attendants around him had already rushed over to pull Shijiping away. 曹操 話 : 嗯 哼 ! 我邊 處 係 有 病 吖 , 特登試 下 你 嘅 啫 ! 果然 你 係 有心 害 我 ! Cao Cao|said||||place|is|have|illness|particle||a little|you|possessive particle|only|as expected|you|are|intentional|harm|me Cao Cao said: Hmm! Where do I have an illness? I was just testing you! Indeed, you have the intention to harm me! 曹操 叫 咗 二十個 獄卒 嚟 個 都 係 手瓜 起展 如狼似虎 噉 嘅 , 拉 咗 吉平 去 後園 拷問 佢 。 Cao Cao|called|past tense marker|twenty|prison guards|come|classifier|all|are|strong|energetic|as fierce as wolves and tigers|like|possessive particle|pulled||Jiping|to|back garden|interrogate|him Cao Cao summoned twenty jailers, all fierce and aggressive like wolves, and took Ji Ping to the back garden to interrogate him. 曹操 坐 喺 間 亭 處 平 綁 實 碌 喺 地 嚟 , 但 係 吉平 面不改色 毫無 懼怕 。 Cao Cao|sat|in|a|pavilion|at|Ping|tied|tightly|rolled|on|ground|came|||Jiping|face unchanged in color|without any|fear Cao Cao sat in a pavilion, with Ji Ping tightly bound and lying on the ground, but Ji Ping remained calm and showed no fear. 曹操 話 嘞 : Cao Cao|said|past tense marker Cao Cao said: 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha|hahaha Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha. 諒 你 係 個 醫生 敢 咁 大膽 落 毒藥 嚟 害 我 呢 ? understand|you|are|the|doctor|dare|so|bold|put|poison|here|harm|me|question particle I doubt that you, as a doctor, would dare to poison me like this? 必定 有人 唆使 你 做 嘅 , 你 將 嗰 個人 講出 嚟 , 我 饒恕 你 。 definitely|someone|instigate|you|do|past tense particle|you|will|that|person|expose|out|I|forgive|you Someone must have instigated you to do this. If you reveal that person, I will forgive you. 嘿 ! 你 係 欺君罔上 嘅 奸賊 下 人人 都 想 殺 咗 你 嘅 , 你 估淨止 我 一個 呀 ? hey|you|are|treacherous to the emperor|possessive particle|villain|under|everyone|all|want|||you|possessive particle|you||I|one|question particle Hey! You are a treacherous villain who deceives the emperor. Everyone wants to kill you. Do you think it's just me? 曹操 再三 落刑 嚟 逼 佢 : 你講 邊個 叫 你 嚟 嘅 ! Cao Cao|repeatedly|impose punishment|come|force|him||who|told|you|come|past tense particle Cao Cao repeatedly pressured him: Who told you to come here? 我 自己 呀 , 我 自己 要 嚟 殺 你 ! I|myself|sentence-final particle|I|myself|want|to come|kill|you It was me! I came here to kill you! 邊度 有人 使 我 嚟 吖 , 而家 , 而家 事情 冇 成功 多 就 係 死 啫 ! where|someone|make|me|come|particle|now||thing|not|successful|much|then|is|dead|particle Where did anyone use me? Right now, right now, if things don't succeed, it's just death! 啊 ? 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 痛打 ! ah|person|come|will|he|beat up Ah? Someone is coming! Beat him up! 慘咯 , 慘咯 ! 打 咗 足足 兩個 時辰 。 what a disaster||||a full|two|hours It's terrible, it's terrible! They beat him for a full two hours. 打到 吉平 呀 皮 開肉裂 , 血流 滿地 。 beat until|Jip Ping|ah|skin|opened flesh|blood flows|all over the ground They beat him until his skin was torn and flesh was split, blood was everywhere. 曹操 怕 打死 咗 佢 , 無可 對證 , 就 叫 獄卒 拉 咗 吉平 去 啲 僻靜 嘅 地方 佢 休息 下先 。 Cao Cao|was afraid|to kill|past tense marker|he|no one|to testify|then|ordered|jailer|to pull|past tense marker|Ji Ping|to go|some|quiet|possessive particle|place|he|to rest| Cao Cao was afraid he would die from the beating, and there would be no evidence, so he ordered the jailer to take him to a quiet place to rest first. 跟 住 曹操 傳令 落 去 : 聽日 , 大排 筵席 齊 咁 多 大臣 嚟 飲酒 。 ||Cao Cao|order|down|to|tomorrow|large|banquet|together|so|many|ministers|come|drink Then Cao Cao issued a decree: Tomorrow, there will be a grand banquet with many ministers coming to drink. 到 咗 第日 , 除 咗 董承 一個 人話 有 病 唔 嚟 之外 有 文武百官 都 嚟 齊 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|except|past tense marker|Dong Cheng|one||has|illness|not|come|besides|there are|civil and military officials|all|come|together|completed action marker On that day, apart from Dong Cheng who said he was ill and couldn't come, all the civil and military officials were present. 王子服 佢 哋 幾個 人 , 都 係 怕 曹操 起疑心 , 就 只有 頂 硬 上 嚟 參加 宴會 啦 。 prince's attire|he|plural marker|a few|people|all|are|afraid of|Cao Cao|becoming suspicious|then|only|||||participate|banquet|sentence-final particle The prince and his companions were afraid that Cao Cao would become suspicious, so they could only force themselves to attend the banquet. 呢 一日 , 曹操 係 喺 後堂 擺酒 嘅 。 this|one day|Cao Cao|is|at|back hall|holding a banquet|particle indicating action completion On this day, Cao Cao was hosting a banquet in the back hall. 斟過 幾 巡酒 , 曹操 話 : poured|several|rounds of drinks|Cao Cao|said After pouring wine a few times, Cao Cao said: 今日 宴會 , 冇 乜嘢 使 大家 高興 。 today|banquet|not have|anything|make|everyone|happy "Today's banquet doesn't have anything to make everyone happy." 之 我 有 一個 人 , 哈哈 以為 各位 大人 醒酒 㗎 。 possessive particle|I|have|one|person|haha|thought|everyone|adult|sober up|question particle I have a person here, haha, thinking that all of you adults are sober. 左右 , 同 我 帶 佢 嚟 ! around|with|I|bring|he|here Bring him here with me! 一陣 間 , 只見 吉平 擔住 面長 枷 嗰 二十個 獄卒 拖到 嚟 石階 下 便 。 a moment|interval|suddenly saw|Jiping|carrying|long-faced|shackles|that|twenty|prison guards|dragged to|here|stone steps|down|then In a moment, I saw Jiping dragging those twenty jailers with a long face down the stone steps. 曹操 話 : 各位 大人 唔 知道 , 此人 勾結 惡黨 , 企圖 背叛 朝廷 害 我 曹某 ! Cao Cao|said|everyone|adults|not|know|this person|colluded|evil party|attempted|betray|imperial court|harm|me|Cao (referring to himself) Cao Cao said: "You adults do not know, this person colluded with evil parties, attempting to betray the court and harm me, Cao!" 今日 上 天使 佢 失敗 呀 , 請 大家 聽 下 佢 點 講 啦 。 today|on|angel|he|failed|sentence-final particle|please|everyone|listen|to|he|how|speak|sentence-final particle Today, heaven made him fail, please listen to what he has to say. 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 痛打 ! people|come|will|him|beat up Someone is coming! Beat him up! 嗰 班 獄卒 七手八腳 , 將吉平 痛打 一餐 , 打 到 佢 暈 咗 , 然後 用水 噴 佢 塊 面 , 噴返 醒 佢 。 that|group|prison guards|in a chaotic manner||beat up|one meal|hit|until|he|fainted|past tense marker|then||spray|he|his|face|spray back|awake|he The guards, in a flurry, beat up Ji Ping until he was dizzy, then splashed water on his face to wake him up. 吉平 一醒 咗 , 瞪 大 雙眼 咬牙切齒 噉 痛罵 曹操 : Ji Ping|upon waking|past tense marker|glaring|wide|eyes|gritting his teeth|like that|scolded harshly|Cao Cao As soon as Ji Ping woke up, he glared with wide eyes and gritted his teeth, cursing Cao Cao: 曹操 奸賊 ! 你 , 你 你 你 你 , 你 唔 殺 我 , 仲等 幾時 呀 ? 啊 ! Cao Cao|treacherous bandit|you|you|you|you|you||not|kill|me||when|question particle|exclamation particle Cao Cao, you scoundrel! You, you, you, you, you, when are you going to kill me? 我 唔 殺 你 住 嘅 問 你 , 同謀 嘅 有 六個 人 埋 你 七個 人 係 咪 ? I|not|kill|you|live|possessive particle|ask|you|accomplice|possessive particle|have|six|people|including|you|seven|people|are|question particle I won't kill you yet, but let me ask you, there are six accomplices with you, right? 係 唔 係 ! yes|| Is it or not! 吉平 唔 理 曹操 點樣 質問 , 只 係 不停 口 咁 鬧 。 Ji Ping|not|reason|Cao Cao|how|question|only|is|continuously|mouth|so|scold Ji Ping doesn't care how Cao Cao questions him, just keeps scolding. 王子服 嗰 四個 人 呀 你 睇 我 我 睇 你 , 如 坐 針氈 。 prince's outfit|that|four|people|particle|you|see|I|I|see|you|like|sitting|on pins and needles The four people in Prince's clothes, you look at me, I look at you, as if sitting on pins and needles. 曹操 見吉平 唔 肯 招供 唄 , 就 叫 人 打 ! 打暈 咗 又 噴返 醒 便 打 一便噴 。 Cao Cao||not|willing|confess|particle|then|ordered|people|to hit|knocked out|past tense marker|again|revived|awake|then|hit|one hit and revived Seeing that Ji Ping is unwilling to confess, Cao Cao ordered people to beat him! They knocked him out and then revived him just to beat him again. 但 係 吉平 一 啲 都 冇 求饒 嘅 意思 。 ||Gik Ping|one|a little|all|not|begging for mercy|possessive particle|meaning But Ji Ping showed no sign of begging for mercy at all. 曹操 冇 晒 佢 辦法 有 叫 人 拉開 佢 先 。 Cao Cao|doesn't have|completely|he|method|has|to call|someone|to pull away|him|first Cao Cao has no way left, he called someone to pull him away first. 好 喇 , 散席 嘞 , 嗰 班 文武 官員 告辭 走 啦 。 good|particle indicating completion|dismiss|particle indicating past action|that|group|civil and military|officials|take their leave|leave|particle indicating action completion Alright, the meeting is over, those civil and military officials are leaving. 曹操 啊 淨 係 留低 王子服 佢 哋 四個 人 , 話 留 佢 哋 喺 度 夜宴 噉 講 咦 呀 ! Cao Cao|ah|only|is|left|prince's clothing|he|they|four|people|said|to leave|them|they|at|there|night banquet|like this|to talk|eh|ah Cao Cao only left the four princes behind, saying to keep them there for a night banquet to talk. 嚇 到 佢 哋 四個 人 魂不附體 , 就 只好 留 喺 處 等 啦 。 scare|to|they|plural marker|four|people|in a state of panic|then|had no choice but to|stay|at|place|wait|sentence-final particle Scared the four of them to the point of losing their souls, so they had no choice but to stay and wait. 曹操 話 : 本來 唔 係 要 留 你 哋 嘅 , 不過 有 啲 事想問 清楚 。 Cao Cao|said|originally|not|was|to|keep|you|plural marker|possessive particle|but|have|some||clearly Cao Cao said: I originally didn't intend to keep you all here, but there are some things I want to clarify. 你 哋 四個 人 , 唔 知同 董承 商量 啲 乜嘢 事 呢 ? ||four|people|||Dong Cheng|discuss|some|what|matters|question particle What were you four discussing with Dong Cheng? 王子服 話 : 並 冇 商量 咩 嘢 事 呀 。 Wang Zi Fu|said|not|have|discussed|what|thing|matter|particle Wang Zifu said: There was nothing to discuss. 噉 , 喺 幅 白 絹 上 便 寫 啲 乜嘢 呀 ? then|at|measure word for cloth|white|silk|on|then|write|some|what|question particle Then, what was written on the white silk? 王子服 佢 哋 冇 個 肯 認 。 prince's outfit|he|they|did not|(measure word)|willing|acknowledge Wang Zifu and the others did not acknowledge it. 曹操 就 嗌 秦慶童 出 嚟 頂證 。 Cao Cao|then|called|Qin Qingtong|to come|here|to testify Cao Cao then called Qin Qingtong out to testify. 王子服 問 佢 話 : 你 , 你 喺 邊 處 見到 㗎 ? prince's outfit|asked|he|said|you|you|at|||saw|question particle Prince Fu asked him: Where did you see it? 秦慶童 一口 咬 死 , 你 , 你 , 你 哋 避開 晒 大家 , 六個 人 喺 埋 一處 畫字 , 你估 抵賴 唔 認 就 得 㗎 喇 。 Qin Qing Tong|with one bite|bite|dead|you|you|you|plural marker|avoid|completely|everyone|six|people|at|together|one place|drawing characters|you think|deny|not|admit|then|okay|particle|particle Qin Qingtong bit back, saying: You, you, you all stay away from each other, six people drawing together, do you think you can just deny it? 王子服 話 : 呢 個 壞蛋 同 國舅 嘅 妾 侍 通姦 , 受到 責罰 , 而家 懷恨在心 誣告 主人 。 Prince Fu|said|this|classifier for people|villain|with|uncle|possessive particle|concubine|servant|adultery|received|punishment|now|harboring hatred|falsely accusing|master Prince Fu said: This bad guy had an affair with the national uncle's concubine, was punished, and now holds a grudge and falsely accuses the master. 佢 嘅 說話 唔 好聽 啊 丞相 。 he|possessive particle|speech|not|pleasant to hear|ah|prime minister His words are not pleasant, Prime Minister. 曹操 又問 : 噉 吉平 放毒 , 唔 係 董承 指使 嘅 又 係 邊個 啊 ? 啊 ! Cao Cao||then|Ji Ping|poisoned|not|is|Dong Cheng|instigated|particle indicating possession or action|again|is|who|particle expressing surprise or realization|particle expressing surprise or realization Cao Cao asked again: Then who else besides Dong Cheng instructed Ji Ping to poison? 丞相 大人 , 我 哋 確實 係 唔 知情 喎 。 Prime Minister|Your Excellency|I|we|indeed|are|not|aware|sentence-final particle Prime Minister, we truly are unaware. 你 哋 今晚 自首 呢 , 都 仲 可以 寬恕 你 哋 。 ||tonight|surrender|question particle|also|still|can|forgive|| If you confess tonight, you can still be forgiven. 如果 等到 事情 敗露 晒 , 嗰 陣 就 唔 放過 你 哋 喇 ! if|wait until|matter|exposed|completely|that|time|then|not|let go|you|plural marker|final particle If it waits until the matter is exposed, then we won't let you go! 王子服 佢 哋 矢口 唔 認 , 咬 實話 唔 知道 。 prince's clothes|he|they|adamantly|not|admit|bite|truth|not|know The prince's servants adamantly deny it, claiming they don't know. 曹操 就 叫 人 將 佢 哋 四個 捉起 嚟 監禁 住 先 。 Cao Cao|then|ordered|people|to take|them|plural marker|four|capture|here|imprison|continuously|first Cao Cao then ordered to capture the four of them and imprison them first. 第 日 , 曹操 帶住 一班人 , 一直 嚟 到 董承 屋企 探病 噃。 the|day|Cao Cao|brought|a group of people|continuously|||Dong Cheng|home|visit to inquire about illness|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation On that day, Cao Cao brought a group of people and came to Dong Cheng's house to visit him. 董承 就 唯有 出 嚟 迎接 啦 , 入到 去 大廳 坐落 , 曹操 問 : Dong Cheng|then|only|come|here|to welcome|particle|upon entering|the|hall|seated|Cao Cao|asked Dong Cheng had no choice but to come out to greet them. After entering the main hall and sitting down, Cao Cao asked: 昨晚 點解 唔 嚟 赴宴 啊 ? last night|why|not|come|attend the banquet|question particle Why didn't you come to the banquet last night? 因為 有 多少 病未 好 得 晒 , 所以 唔 敢 出門 唧 。 because|has|how many||recover|fully|completely|so|not|dare|go out|particle Because I have not fully recovered from my illness, so I didn't dare to go out. 哦 , 呢 啲 係 憂 國家 病 啫 。 oh|||are|||problems|only Oh, these are just worries about the country. 吓 ? huh Huh? 國舅 知 唔 知道 吉 平 嘅 事 呀 ? uncle by marriage|know|not|know|lucky|cheap|possessive particle|matter|question particle Does the prince know about the matter of Ji Ping? 誒 , 唔 知 喎 , 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? hey|||particle indicating realization|||matter|question particle Eh, I don't know, what matter is it? 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 。 haha|haha|haha|haha|haha Hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe. 國舅 你 點會 唔 知 吖 ? uncle by marriage|you|how could|not|know|question particle How could you not know, prince? 左右 , 拉 佢 嚟 同 國舅 醫病 ! around|pull|him|come|with|uncle by marriage|treat illness Bring him here to see the prince for treatment! 嘩 ! 董承 手腳 都 冷 晒 呀 , 唔 知點 好 。 wow|Dong Cheng|hands and feet|all|cold|completely|particle|not||good Wow! Dong Cheng's hands and feet are all cold, I don't know what to do. 過 咗 一陣 間 咁 耐 , 二十個 獄卒 拉吉 平 嚟 到 台 階下 便 。 past|completed action particle|a moment|interval|so|long|twenty|prison guards|Raj|flat|come|arrive|platform|under the stairs|then After a while, twenty jailers brought Ji Ping to the stage. 吉平 啊 一味 痛罵 曹操 逆賊 , 曹操 逆賊 噉 。 Ji Ping|ah|relentlessly|scolded|Cao Cao|traitor|||like that Ji Ping kept cursing Cao Cao as a traitor, a traitor indeed. 曹操 對 董承話 , 此人 已經 供出 咗 王子服 等 四個 人 。 Cao Cao|to||this person|already|confessed|past tense marker|Wang Zifeng|and so on|four|people Cao Cao said to Dong Cheng, this person has already implicated four others including the prince. 我 已經 將 佢 哋 捉起 嚟 嘞 , 而家仲有 一個 人未 捉 到 啫 。 I|already|have|he|plural marker|caught|up|past tense marker||one||caught|to|only I have already caught them, and there is still one person left to catch. 吉平 , 我問 你 , 邊個 叫 你 嚟 落 毒藥 害 我 嘅 ? 你 快 啲 招供 ! Jip Ping||you|who|told|you|come|put|poison|harm|me|possessive particle|you|quickly|more|confess Gipeng, I ask you, who told you to come and poison me? Hurry up and confess! 係 , 係 , 係 上天 , 派 我 嚟 殺 你 個 逆賊 嘅 ! yes|||heaven|sent|me|here|kill|you|the|traitor|possessive particle Yes, yes, yes, it was heaven that sent me to kill you, you traitor! 豈有此理 ! 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 打 ! how can this be reasonable|person|come|will|him|hit This is outrageous! Someone, come! Beat him! 可憐 吉平 呀 已經 捱 咗 咁 多 打 , 受 咗 咁 多刑 , 身上 呀 都 冇 一塊 好肉 再 捱 得 落 打 咯 。 poor|Jip Ping|particle|already|endure|past tense marker|so|many|beat|receive|past tense marker|so||on the body|particle|all|have not|a piece|good meat|again|endure|able|down|beat|particle Poor Gipeng, he has already endured so many beatings, suffered so much torture, there is not a single good piece of flesh left on him to endure more beating. 董承 坐 喺 處 呀 , 眼光 光 咁 睇 住 個 心 都 好似 畀 刀割 一樣 啊 ! Dong Cheng|sitting|at|place|particle|gaze|bright|so|||the|heart|also|seems|by||like|particle Dong Cheng sat in place, his gaze fixed, and his heart felt as if it were being cut by a knife! 吉平 , 我問 你 , 你 本來 有 十隻 手指 嘅 , 而家 點解 得 返 九隻 呢 ? Jip Ping||you||originally|have|ten|fingers|possessive particle|now|why|only|return|nine|question particle Jiping, let me ask you, you originally had ten fingers, why do you only have nine now? 我 , 我 咬斷 咗 嚟 發誓 , 誓殺 國賊 ! I||bite off|past tense marker|come|swear|swear to kill|traitor I, I bit it off and vowed, vowed to kill the traitors! 曹操 叫 人 攞 把 刀 嚟 , 當堂 斬斷 吉 平 嗰 九隻 手指 , 曹操 話 : Cao Cao|called|someone|take|measure word for tools|knife|come|on the spot|cut off|||that|nine|fingers||said Cao Cao ordered someone to bring a knife and right there cut off Jiping's nine fingers. Cao Cao said: 我 一齊 同 你 斬斷 埋 佢 , 等 你 發誓 啦 ! I|together|with|you|cut off|also|him|let|you|swear|sentence-final particle I'll cut them off with you, so you can make your vow! 啊 ! 啊 ! 啊 ! 我 , 我仲有 個口 可以 , 吞賊 ! 有條 脷 , 可以 罵 賊 ! ah|||I||mouth|can|swallow the thief|have a|tongue|can|scold|thief Ah! Ah! Ah! I, I still have my mouth to swallow the thief! I have a tongue to curse the thief! 人 嚟 ! people|come Someone is coming! 有 ! have Yes! 割 咗 佢 條 脷 ! cut|past tense marker|he|measure word for long objects|tongue Cut off his tongue! 唔 好 逳 手 , 唔 好 逳 手 ! not|good|touch|hand|||| Don't touch! Don't touch! 我 , 我而家 受刑 唔 住 喇 , 我願 招供 啊 , 你 解開 我 先 啦 ! I||being punished|||already|I am willing|to confess|ah|you|release|me|first|particle indicating suggestion or request I, I can't take the punishment anymore, I am willing to confess, please release me first! 解開 你 唔 緊要 , 人 嚟 ! untie|you|not|important|person|come Releasing you is not important, just come! 有 ! have There is! 同 佢 鬆綁 ! with|him|untie Untie him! 係 。 yes Yes. 啲 獄卒 解開 綁住 吉 平 嘅 繩 , 吉平企 起身 , 向 住 朝廷 嘅 方向 拜 咗 幾拜 , 佢 話 : the|jailer|untied|tied|||possessive particle|rope||up|towards|particle indicating direction|imperial court|possessive particle|direction|bow|past tense marker||he|said The guards untied the ropes binding Ji Ping, who stood up and bowed several times in the direction of the court, saying: 臣 , 唔 能夠 為 國家 剷除 奸賊 , 係 天 注定 㗎 ! I (as a subject)|not|able to|for|country|eliminate|traitor|is|heaven|destined|particle indicating certainty "I, as a subject, cannot eliminate the traitors for the country; it is destined by heaven!" 拜 完 , 哦 噉 一下 用 個頭 撞落 石階 處 撞死 咗 咯 。 ||oh|like this|suddenly|using||crashed into|stone steps|place|died from the crash|past tense marker|sentence-final particle After bowing, he suddenly slammed his head against the stone steps and died. 曹操 下令 , 將 佢 嘅 屍首 肢解 ,攞 去 號令 示眾 。 Cao Cao|ordered|to|his|possessive particle|corpse|dismembered|taken|to|order|displayed to the public Cao Cao ordered that his corpse be dismembered and displayed as a warning to the public. 跟 住 , 曹操 又 叫 人 拉 秦慶童 出 嚟 。 ||Cao Cao|again|called|people|to pull|Qin Qingtong|out|come Then, Cao Cao called for Qin Qingtong to be brought out. 曹操 問 : 國舅 , 你 認 唔 認得 此人 啊 ? Cao Cao|asked|imperial uncle|you||||this person|question particle Cao Cao asked: "National uncle, do you recognize this person?" 吓 ? 吖 吖 呸 ! 原來 逃跑 嘅 奴才 喺 度 , 我 殺 咗 你 ! huh|ah|ah|pfft|so|running away|possessive particle|servant|at|place|I|kill|past tense marker|you Huh? Ah ah, spit! So the runaway servant is here, I will kill you! 佢 告發 謀反 , 而家 嚟 對證 , 邊個 敢 殺 佢 ? he|report|treason|now|come|testify|who|dares|kill|him He reported the conspiracy, and now he comes to testify, who dares to kill him? 丞相 , 你 點解 要 聽 呢 個 奴才 一面之詞 呢 ? Prime Minister|you|why|must|listen|question particle|||| Prime Minister, why do you want to listen to this servant's one-sided words? 王子服 佢 哋 我 已經 捉起 嚟 喇 , 佢 哋 都 已經 招認 晒 嘞 。 prince's clothes|he|plural marker|I|already|caught|here|particle indicating completed action|he|plural marker|all|already|confessed|completely|particle indicating completed action I have already captured the prince's followers, and they have all confessed. 你仲想 抵賴 ? |to deny Do you still want to deny it? 曹操 即刻 叫 人 鎖起 董承 , 又 叫 人 直入 董 承 嘅 臥室 , 抄出 咗 衣帶詔 同埋 義狀 。 Cao Cao|immediately|ordered|people|to lock up|Dong Cheng|again|ordered|people|to enter directly|||possessive particle|bedroom|to take out|past tense marker|edict on the belt|and|letter of justification Cao Cao immediately ordered people to lock up Dong Cheng, and also ordered people to go straight into Dong Cheng's bedroom to seize the clothing edict and the letter of loyalty. 曹操 睇 咗 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 呢 班 傢伙 竟然 咁 大膽 ! Cao Cao|see|past tense marker|hahaha||this|group|guys|unexpectedly|so|bold Cao Cao looked at it and laughed: Hahaha, these guys are so bold! 左右 , 傳 我 命令 ! 將董 承 一家 良賤 全部 監禁 , 唔 准 走 甩 一個 人 ! left and right|pass|I|order||Cheng|whole family|good and bad|all|imprison|not|allow|to leave|escape|one|person Right, pass on my orders! Imprison all of Dong Cheng's family, regardless of their status, and do not allow a single person to escape!

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