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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 046

話 說 劉表 得到 劉備 打勝仗 , 收復 江夏郡 所屬 各個 縣 嘅 捷報 , 當然 啊 高興 非常 啦 。 噉 當 劉備 凱旋 返 嚟 嘅 時候 啊 , 佢 就 親自 出城 嚟 迎接 。 當日 , 就 大排 筵席 , 擺酒 慶功 。 飲到 半 醉 嘅 時候 , 劉表 話 : 賢弟 咁 英雄 有 本事 , 荊州 就 有 倚靠 喇 。 誒 而家 就 係 擔心 南越 時不時 嚟 侵犯 啫 。 仲有 , 張魯同 孫權 亦 都 令人 憂慮 㗎 。 南越 係 古代 嘅 一個 民族 , 誒 分佈 喺 而 家 嘅 廣東 、 廣西 同 湖南 嘅 南部 一帶 嘅 。 噉 劉備 聽 劉表 噉 講就話 喇 : 小弟 有 三員 勇將 , 完全 可以 任用 佢 哋 吖 ,嗱, 可以 派 張飛 去 巡邏 南越 嘅 邊境 ; 派 關羽 把守 固子 城 頂住 張魯 ; 派 趙雲 鎮守 三江 抵擋 孫權 。 噉 就 唔 使 憂慮 咁 多 啦 嘛 。 劉表 聽 咗 好 高興 呀 , 就 有意思 想 聽 劉備 嘅 說話 做 喎 。 呢 件 事 , 畀 劉表 嘅 舅 仔 蔡 瑁 知道 咗 , 佢 就 同 家 姐 蔡夫人 話 喇 : 家姐 , 劉備 噉 樣 派 佢 三 員大將 駐守 喺 外 便 , 佢 自己 坐 陣 喺 荊州 嚟 , 時間 一長 , 必 成 禍患 㗎 。 你 同 姐夫 講下 啦 。 好 喇 , 當晚 蔡夫人 就 真 係 告枕頭狀 嘞 喎 , 佢 對 劉表 話 : 我 聽聞 話 荊州 啲 人 , 有 好多 都 同 劉備 有 來往 嘅 , 要 提防 下先 至 好 啊 。 而家 畀 佢 住 喺 荊州 城內 , 冇 益 㗎 , 不如 派 咗 佢 去 第 處 仲 好 啦 。 玄德 係 個 仁人君子 嚟 。 哼 ! 就 係 怕人 哋 個 心 唔 似 你 個 心 呢 。 嗯 , 噉 啊 , 嗯 , 劉表 吟吟 沉沉 冇 回答 。 第 日 , 劉表 出 城 , 見到 劉備 騎 嗰 匹 馬 極 之 雄 駿 , 就問 下 佢 , 知道 原來 係 張 武 嘅 馬 嚟 , 就 讚不絕口 。 劉備 見 佢 咁 中意 唄 , 就將 呢 匹 馬 送 咗 畀 劉表 。 劉表 歡喜 不盡 嘞 , 即刻 , 就 騎 佢 入 城 。 蒯越 見到 就問 劉表 匹馬點 嚟 嘅 。 劉表 話 : 哦 , 玄德 今日 送 畀 我 㗎 咋 嘛 , 匹馬 好 唔 錯 啊 , 啊 。 蒯越 話 : 我 先兄 蒯良 最 識相 馬 , 我 亦 識得 啲 。 呢 匹馬 , 你 睇 , 佢 嘅 眼下 便 有 條淚 槽 , 額頭 邊有 白點 係 嘛 ? 係 , 誒 噉 點呢 ? 呢 匹馬 名叫 的盧 , 騎 親 佢 就 會 剋 主人 㗎 。 張武 就 係 因為 呢 匹 馬 而 死 嘅 , 主公 你 唔 好 騎 佢 呀 ! 哦 , 啊 乜 噉 㗎 ? 劉表 信 晒 佢 講 。 第 日 , 劉表 就 請 劉備 嚟 宴會 , 飲 飲下 , 劉表 就 話 嘞 : 昨日 , 好 多謝 賢弟 你 送匹 好馬過 我 。 但 係 賢弟 你 時不時 都 要 出征 打仗 , 好 用得着 佢 , 我 諗 一 諗 , 呵呵 , 仲 係 送 返 畀 賢弟 先至 啱 嘅 。 哦 , 多謝 兄長 ! 誒 賢弟 呀 , 你 住 喺 荊州 咁 耐 嘞 , 恐怕 對 武功 都 荒廢 咗 啲 咯 。 襄陽 屬下 有個 新野縣 , 錢糧 收入 相當 多 㗎 , 賢弟 不如 帶住 本部 兵馬 去 新野 駐扎 呢 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? 好 , 敬 遵 兄長 之命 。 第 日 , 劉備 辭別 咗 劉表 , 帶齊 本部 兵馬 離開 荊州 直去 新野 嘞 。 新野 即 係 喺 今日 河南省 新野縣 嘅 南 便 。 噉 劉備 騎住 的 盧馬 , 啱 啱 出 咗 城門 。 只見 有 個人 攔住 馬頭 就 喺 馬 前 便 作 個 揖 話 : 明 公所 騎 嘅 馬 唔 騎 得 㗎 ! 劉備 一睇 , 呢 個人 乃 係 荊州 幕賓 , 姓 伊名籍 , 字 機伯 , 山陽 人 。 劉備 聽 佢 噉 講 就 落馬 問 佢 點解 啦 。 伊籍 話 : 昨日 , 我 聽 蒯越 對 劉將軍 講 , 話 呢 匹馬 名叫 的盧 , 係 會 剋 主人 嘅 噉 , 所以 就將 呢 匹 馬 送 返 畀 明公 你 。 噉 , 噉 明公 你 仲點 可以 騎 佢 呀 ? 劉備 話 : 我 好 感激 你 嘅 關心 , 不過 一個 人 死生有命 , 一匹 馬 又點 能夠 剋 得到 嘅 呢 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 啊 ! 高見 , 高見 ! 伊籍 十分 佩服 劉備 嘅 見識 , 所以 從此 之後 呢 , 都 經常 同 劉備 來往 。 而家 講下 劉備 呀 , 佢 自從 到 咗 新野 之後 , 軍民 人 等 個個 歡喜 。 而 佢 呀 亦 將 新野 治理 得 面目一新 。 嗱 各位 聽眾 , 劉備 呀 , 係 喺 建安 六年 , 就 係 佢 趁 住 曹操 同 袁紹 打仗 , 想 乘虛 去 襲擊 許都 , 結果 大敗 , 噉 啊 嚟 到 荊州 投奔 劉表 㗎 。 而家 眨 下 眼過 咗 六 年長 嘞 。 喺 呢 六年 裏 便 啊 曹操 掃平 咗 北方 , 佢 嘅 事業 有 好 大 嘅 發展 。 而 劉備 呢 , 嘿嘿 , 只有 寄人離 下 嘞 。 到 咗 建安 十二年 春天 , 甘夫人 呢 就 生落個 仔 叫做 劉禪 。 劉禪 出世 係 有 啲 兆頭 個 噃。 當晚 , 有 一隻 白鶴 飛 到 喺 縣衙門 嘅 屋頂 上 便 , 高聲 噉 叫 咗 四十 幾聲 , 就 向 住 西 便 飛 走 咗 。 噉 臨到 分娩 嘅 時候 呢 , 嘩 嗨 , 異香 滿室 。 而且 甘夫人 啊 曾經 發過 個 夢 嘅 , 就 夢見 吞 咗 北斗星 落肚 , 跟 住 就 懷 咗 孕 嘞 , 因此 劉禪 個 乳名 呢 又 叫做 阿斗 。 哈哈哈 , 噉 好 喇 , 唔 講 咁 多 阿斗 住 喇 。 當 其時 呀 , 曹操 正在 帶兵 喺 北方 打仗 , 即 係 上 幾回 講 嗰 啲 嘞 。 劉備 見到 有 機會 , 就 去 荊州 見 劉表 對 佢 話 : 目前 曹操 出盡 人馬 去 咗 北方 打仗 , 許昌 已經 空晒 喇 。 如果 以 荊襄 咁 多 兵力 , 乘機 去 襲擊 佢 , 噉 就 大事 成功 喇 。 點知 劉表 話 喎 : 我 喺 呢 處 擁有 九個 郡 咁 多 嘅 地方 , 舒舒服服 , 我 好 滿足 咯 , 仲點 需要 另外 去 諗 咁 多 呢 ? 嚱嚱, 嚟 嚟 嚟 賢弟 , 我 哋 入 去 飲 兩杯 。 劉備 冇 聲出 嘞 , 唯有 跟 住 劉表 入去 後堂 飲酒 。 飲到 半醉 , 劉表 忽然 唞 咗 個 大氣 , 長 歎 一聲 。 劉備 問 佢 : 兄長 為 咩 事 歎 起 氣 上 嚟 呀 ? 唉 , 我 有 心事 呀 , 但 係 , 但 係 , 唉 , 一時 都 難以 講得 清 嘅 。 劉備 啱 啱 想 再 問落 去 嘅 時候 , 蔡夫人 就 行出 嚟 企 正 喺 屏風 後 便 , 劉表 就 即刻 耷 低頭 唔 出聲 嘞 。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 就 散席 , 劉備 就 返 去 新 嘢 啦 。 好 快脆 , 又 到 冬天 嘞 喎 。 噉 聽 講話 曹操 呀 , 喺 柳城 返 嚟 喇 , 劉備 就 𨂽 腳 喇 , 係 唔 係 呢 嗱? 劉表 你 當初 聽 我 嘅 說話 就 好 啦 嘛 , 之而家 已經 係 機會 難逢 咯 。 有 一日 , 劉表 派 咗 個 使者 嚟 , 請 劉備 去 荊州 見面 噉 。 劉備 就 跟 住 個 使者 一齊 去 啦 。 去 到 荊州 見到 劉表 互相 行過禮 , 劉表 又 試請 劉備入 去 後堂 飲宴 。 佢 對 劉備 話 : 近來 聽聞 曹操 帶兵 返到 去 許都 , 勢力 越 嚟 越 強盛 噉 話 。 誒 睇 起 嚟 , 佢 必定 有 吞併 荊 襄 嘅 意思 㗎 喇 。 唉 我 好 後悔 當初 冇 聽 賢弟 你 嘅 說話 , 以至 失去 呢 個 大好 良機 呀 ! 兄長 , 當前 天下 分裂 , 到處 都 打仗 , 機會 點會 話 冇 嘅 呢 ? 若果 以後 能夠 把握 時機 咯 , 噉 就 唔 使 一味 怨恨 啦 。 啊 , 賢弟 你 講得 好 啱 啊 , 嚟 , 飲 , 飲 ! 飲 啊 飲 , 飲到 好 㷫 嘞 , 劉表 忽然間 流 起 眼淚 上 嚟 喎 , 奇 嘞 。 劉備 就 問 佢 為 咩 事 啦 。 劉表 話 : 唉 ! 我 有 啲 心事 呀 。 前 嗰 排 我 就 好 想 講 畀 賢弟 知 㗎 喇 , 之 總 係 未有 方便 嘅 機會 。 兄長 有 咩 難以 決定 嘅 事 呢 ? 請 你 講出 嚟 。 若果 有用 得到 小弟 嘅 地方 , 小弟 萬死不辭 ! 唉 , 噉 嘅 , 我個 大仔 阿琦 呀 , 係 前妻 陳 氏 生 嘅 。 佢 個 為 人 雖然 係 賢德 , 不過 就 懦弱 怕事 , 冇 乜 用 嘅 。 我個 細仔 阿琮 係 後妻 蔡氏 生 嘅 , 佢 個人 幾 聰明 㗎 。 我 呀 好 想 廢 長立幼 , 之 又 怕 於 禮法 不合 。 誒 你 話 如果 立 長子 做 繼承人 咯 , 唉 無奈 蔡氏 家族 嘅 人 , 都 係 掌管 軍務 嘅 , 噉 以後 呀 實會 叛亂 㗎 嘛 。 因此 我 諗 嚟 諗 去 , 都 冇 辦法 決定 得落 嚟 呀 。 兄長 呀 , 自古以來 廢 長立幼 都 係 取亂 之 道 嚟 呀 。 如果 擔心 蔡 氏 嘅 權勢 太重 嘅 話 , 可以 慢慢 噉 削弱 佢 哋 嘅 啫 。 千祈 唔 好 因為 鍾 意咯 就 立個 細仔 呀 。 哦 , 哦 , 劉表 粒聲 唔 出 噃。 原來 嗰 個 蔡夫人 啊 , 佢 歷來 都 係 疑心 劉備 嘅 。 所以 每逢 佢 丈夫 搵 親 劉備 嚟 談論 事情 呢 , 佢 啊 一定 走 嚟 偷聽 。 呢 , 而 家 佢 又 企 實 喺 屏風 後 便 , 佢 聽到 劉備 講呢 一番 說話 個心 呀 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 。 劉備 嘅 說話 一講出 口 , 佢 亦 知道 自己 失言 嘞 。 佢 就 起身 去 廁所 行開 下 。 哎呀 佢 見到 自己 嘅 大 髀 都 長 返 肥肉 , 哈 , 就 不覺 流 起 眼淚 嚟 。 過 咗 一陣 , 佢 返 埋 席 。 劉表 見 佢 眼紅紅 噉 就 好 奇怪 啦 , 就 問 佢 咩 事 呀 噉 。 劉備 長 歎 一聲 話 : 唉 ! 小弟 往日 身不離 馬鞍 , 大 髀 個 肉 好 結實 嘅 。 而家 好 耐 好 耐 冇 騎馬 咯 , 大 髀 又 長 返 肥肉 嘞 。 日月蹉跎 , 人 就 嚟 老 喇 , 仲 唔 能夠 建功立業 , 所以 一時 傷感 起 嚟 啫 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 聽聞 賢弟 喺 許昌 嘅 時候 , 有 一次 同 曹操 青梅 煮 酒 , 一齊 嚟 議論 天下英雄 。 賢弟 你 數盡 當代 嘅 名士 , 曹操 都 唔 同意 呀 。 佢 就 係 話 , 天下英雄 , 就 得 使君 同 我 曹操 啫 噉 。 嘿嘿嘿 你 睇 下 , 以 曹操 咁 大 嘅 權力 , 尚且 唔 敢將 自己 擺 喺 賢弟 嘅 前 便 , 噉 賢弟 你 使 乜 憂心 建立 唔 到 功業 呢 吓 ? 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 噉 啊 係 呀 , 我 如果 有個 根基 立腳 , 噉 天下 碌碌 之輩 一 啲 都 唔 使 怕 㗎 。 哦 , 誒 誒 , 劉表 一聽 , 啞晒 唔 出聲 。 哎呀 , 弊 ! 劉備 先頭 講呢 一句 說話 , 係 趁 住 酒興 一時 失口 將 真心話 講 咗 出 嚟 。 見到 劉表 噉 嘅 表情 , 知道 講 咗 唔 該 講 嗰 句 嘞 , 就 即刻 藉口 話 飲 醉酒 , 告辭 返去 賓館 休息 。 劉表 聽 劉備 講句 噉 嘅 說話 , 當時 個口 雖然 冇 話 乜嘢 , 之個 心 就 好 唔 高興 。 劉備 告辭 走 咗 , 佢 又 返 入 去 內室 嘞 。 蔡夫人 同 佢 話 : 啱 先 我 喺 屏風 後 便 聽 , 聽到 劉備 講 嗰 啲 說話 , 幾 咁 睇 小人 啊 。 噉 就 可見 佢 有 吞併 荊州 嘅 意思 啦 。 而家 唔 趁早 剷除 咗 佢 呀 , 必為 後患 㗎 。 唉 ! 劉表 冇 回答 佢 , 一味 咁 擰頭 。 蔡夫人 見 劉表 冇 話 得 之 又 冇 話 唔 得 啊 , 於是 就 唔 再理 咁 多 , 靜靜 派 人 叫 佢 細 佬 蔡 瑁 入 嚟 商量 呢 件 事 。 蔡瑁 話 : 噉 就 直情 去 賓館 殺 咗 佢 先 , 然後 先至 稟告 主公 啦 。 係 噉 話 啦 , 你 快 啲 去 佈置 啦 ! 噉 兩個 商量 好 , 蔡瑁 返 出去 就 漏夜 點起 人馬 , 準備 逳 手 嘞 喎 。 而家 講下 劉備 佢 返 到 去 賓館 , 點起 支 蠟燭 , 一個 人 坐 喺 處 諗 心事 。 到 咗 三 更 咁 上下 , 正話 想 瞓覺 , 伊籍 突然 間 敲門 入 嚟 搵 佢 。 原來 伊籍 啊 , 佢 探聽到 蔡瑁 想 謀害 劉備 , 所以 就 漏夜 嚟 報信 。 當時 伊籍將 蔡瑁 個 陰謀 一五一十 講 咗 畀 劉備 聽 , 催 佢 快 啲 鬆 人 。 劉備 話 : 哎呀 , 我 都 未曾 向景升 辭行 , 噉 樣 走 好 唔 好 啊 ? 唉 , 你 如果 仲去 辭行 , 就實 畀 蔡瑁 殺 咗 都 得 喇 ! 劉備 於是乎 即刻 嗌 埋 自己 嘅 隨從 , 一齊 上馬 , 多謝 過伊籍 , 漏夜 趯 返去 新野 。 好 喇 , 及至 蔡瑁 帶兵 嚟 到 賓館 嘅 時候 , 劉備 已經 去 咗 好 遠 好 遠 嘞 。 誒 ! 嚟 遲 咗 喇 ! 蔡瑁 猛 咁 𨂽 腳 啊 。 佢 諗 一 諗 , 就 喺 牆上 便 , 題 咗 一首 詩 。 然後 佢 自己 又 返 去 見 劉表 話 : 劉備 係 有心 反叛 㗎 喇 , 佢 題 咗 首 反 詩 喺 牆上 便 , 不辭而別 啊 。 係 咩 ? 好 , 去 睇 下去 睇 下 。 劉表 唔 信 , 就 同 蔡瑁 一齊 去 賓館 睇 過 。 啊 , 果然 喺 牆上 便 係 寫 住 四句 詩 喎 , 嗰 首 詩 係 噉 嘅 : 數年 徒守困 , 空對 舊 山川 。 龍 豈 池中物 , 乘雷欲 上天 ! 嘿 ! 可惱 也 啦 ! 劉表 當堂 嬲 起 上 嚟 ,掹 出 把 劍 嚟 話 : 我 發誓 要 殺 咗 呢 個 無義之 徒 ! 蹬蹬 蹬蹬 行 咗 幾步 , 誒 ? 停住 腳 嘞 , 劉表 猛然 醒起 : 誒 ? 唔 係 噃, 我同 玄德 相處 咁 耐 , 從來未 見 佢 作 過 詩 㗎 。 啊 ! 實 係 有人 搞 啲 離間 之計 啫 。 劉表 行返 轉頭 ,𠻘𠻘𠻘, 用 劍尖 刮 咗 嗰 首 詩 , 掉 低 把 劍 上馬 返扯 。 蔡瑁 請示 佢 話 : 兵士 已經 點齊 喇 , 可以 出發 去 新野 捉拿 劉備 嘞 。 誒 , 唔 好立 亂 逳 手 , 啊 , 等 以後 慢慢 至講 啦 。 呢 噉 就 害 劉備 唔 成 喇 。 蔡瑁 見 劉表 總 係 噉 猶疑不決 , 又 去 搵 蔡夫人 商量 。 商量 嘅 結果 呢 , 係 準備 喺 襄陽 城 啊 召集 所有 嘅 官員 舉行 大會 , 就 喺 大會 殺 劉備 。 呢 一日 , 蔡瑁 去 見 劉表 話 : 今年 糧食 豐收 , 應該 召集 所有 嘅 官員 喺 襄陽 舉行 個 大會 , 表示 下 對 佢 哋 慰問 嘅 意思 , 誒 請 主公 你 去一趟 。 劉表 話 : 近日 我 啲 舊病 又 發作 , 實在 唔 去 得 喇 。 誒 , 誒 叫 我 兩個 仔 出面 啦 。 不過 兩位 公子 仲 係 年輕 , 恐怕 有失 禮節 喎 。 噉 呀 , 誒 噉 啊 去 新野 請 玄德 , 嚟 代表 我 去 接待 賓客 啦 。 就 係 想 劉表 講呢 一句 。 蔡瑁 高興 嘞 , 劉表 呀 正中 其計 啦 嘛 。 佢 即刻 就 派 人 通知 劉備 , 請 佢 去 襄陽 。 襄陽 係 咩 嘢 地方 呢 ? 襄陽 啊 喺 當時 係 分開 兩個 郡 嘅 , 一個 叫做 南郡 , 一個 叫做 南陽 。 噉 襄陽 城 呢 , 就 係 喺 今日 湖北省 嘅 襄陽縣 嚟 。 襄陽 係 處於 長江 同 漢水 之間 , 亦 係 南北 陸路 交通 嘅 要 沖 。 噉 啊 劉備 自從 嗰 日 趯 咗 返 新野 之後 , 自己 知道 係 因為 失言 惹禍 嘞 , 所以 亦 冇 同 大家 講呢 件 事 。 呢 一日 , 使者 嚟 到 , 話 請 佢 去 襄陽 噉 。 孫乾 就 話 喇 : 前幾日 , 見 主公 匆匆忙忙 噉 返 嚟 , 好似 個心 好 唔 安樂 噉 。 我 睇 荊州 實 係 出 咗 啲 咩 事 嘞 。 而家 忽然間 話 要 請 主公 你 去 赴 會 , 仲 係 唔 去 好 喇 。 因為 孫乾 噉 樣一講 啊 , 劉備 先至 將 嗰 日 嘅 事 講出 嚟 畀 大家 聽 。 關羽 話 : 兄長 係 你 自己 疑心 講錯 說話 唧 , 睇 嚟 , 劉景升 並 冇 唔 高興 噃。 外人 嘅 說話 唔 信得 咁 多 嘅 。 襄陽 離 呢 處 冇 幾遠 , 如果 噉 都 唔 去 , 荊州 方面 反而 會思疑 。 劉備 話 : 係 , 雲長 講得 係 啱 嘅 。 張飛 話 喇 : 哼哼 , 宴無好 宴 , 會無好 會 , 不如 唔 好 去 喇 。 趙雲 話 : 等 我 帶 三百名 步兵 一齊 去 , 擔保 主公 冇 事 ! 啊 , 噉 就 好極 喇 ! 劉備 同意 嘞 。 商量 妥當 之後 , 劉備 就 同 趙雲 一齊 去 襄陽 。 去 到 嘅 時候 , 蔡瑁 出城 嚟 迎接 , 態度 十分 恭敬 謙虛 。 隨後 呢 , 劉表 嗰 兩個 仔 劉琦同 劉琮 , 帶住 一班 文武 官員 出 嚟 迎接 。 劉備 見到 兩位 公子 都 喺 處 , 諗 住實 冇 咩 事 㗎 , 就 一 啲 都 唔 疑心 嘞 。 當日 , 就 請 劉備 喺 賓館 住落 。 趙雲 就 率領 三百名 士兵 , 喺 賓館 周圍 保護 。 趙雲 全副 盔甲 啊 , 帶住 寶劍 , 跟 到 劉備 實一實 , 一行 一坐 都 不離 劉備 左右 。 劉琦 呢 就講 畀 劉備 聽 , 話 : 父親 因為 舊病 發作 , 行動不便 , 特意 請 叔父 嚟 會見 賓客 , 慰問 各處 嘅 官員 啊 。 劉備 話 : 我 啊 本來 唔 敢 擔當 呢 個 責任 嘅 , 既然 兄長 叫 到 咯 , 就 唔 敢 唔 聽 啦 。 到 咗 第日 , 九郡 四十二 州 嘅 官員 啊 , 已經 全部 到 齊 嘞 。 蔡瑁 預先 請 咗 蒯越 嚟 商量 佢 話 : 劉備 係 個 梟雄 , 留 喺 處 時間 一長 , 日後 必定 成為 禍害 嘅 , 所以 , 今日 就要 殺 咗 佢 ! 蒯越 話 : 誒 噉 又 怕 會 使 到 民眾 有 意見 噃。 唔 怕 ! 主公 已經 秘密 吩咐 過我 㗎 嘞 。 既然 係 噉 , 就要 預先 作好 準備 至 得 。 東門 峴 山大路 , 我 已經 派 咗 我 細佬 蔡 和 帶兵 喺 度 把守 ; 南 門外 便 派 咗 蔡中 把守 ; 北 門外 便 , 派 咗 蔡 勛 把守 ; 至於 西門 , 就 唔 使 派 人守 喇 , 因為 前 便 有 條檀溪 阻隔 , 就算 有 幾萬人 咁 多 亦 唔 容易 衝得 過去 嘅 。 不過 蔡將軍 , 我 見到 趙雲 寸步不離 劉玄德 , 恐怕 好 難落 手 噃。 噉 , 等 我 埋伏 定 五百名 兵士 喺 城內 準備 啦 ! 你 睇 噉 好 唔 好 呢 蔡將軍 ? 我 哋 叫 文聘 、 王威 兩個 人 另外 設 一席 喺 外 便 大廳 , 款待 武將 。 一 調開 咗 趙雲 呀 , 就 好 逳 手 啦 嘛 。 好 辦法 啊 , 好 辦法 啊 ! 蔡 瑁 佢 哋 佈置 好 嘞 , 當日 , 殺 牛 劏 馬 大 排 筵席 。 宴會 嘅 時候 , 劉備 啊 做 主人 , 兩位 公子 呀 分別 坐 喺 兩邊 , 其餘 啲 人 呢 就 依住 次序 坐落 。 趙雲帶 住 寶劍 , 就 企 喺 劉備 身邊 。 文聘 、 王威 就 入 嚟 請 趙雲 出去 外廳 飲 啦 。 趙雲 推辭 唔 去 啊 。 劉備 就 叫 趙雲 出去 飲 啦 , 唔 緊要 嘅 噉 。 趙雲 冇 辦法 , 唯有 勉強 遵命 出去 啦 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 蔡 瑁 喺 外 便 啊 , 已經 佈置 得 鐵桶 咁 密實 嘞 。 將 劉備 帶 嚟 嗰 三百名 兵士 ,冚𠾴唥 叫 咗 佢 哋 返 去 賓館 。 噉 啊 就 係 等 飲 到 半 醉 嘅 時候 啊 , 一聲 號令 就 逳 手 。 酒過三巡 , 伊籍 起身 敬酒 , 就 輪 到 敬酒 畀 劉備 嘅 時候 呢 , 佢 就 望 實 劉備 , 細細 聲話 : 請 更衣 。 劉備 會意 嘞 , 就 起身 去 廁所 咯 喎 。 伊籍 敬 完酒 , 喇喇聲 走 去 後園 , 搵 到 劉備 就 伏 埋 喺 耳 仔 邊 講 佢 聽 : 蔡瑁 呀 定 咗 計 要害 你 呀 ! 城外 嘅 東 、 南 、 北三 笪 地方 都 有 兵馬 把守 , 只有 西門 可以 走 嘅 , 使君 你 快 啲 逃跑 啦 ! 劉備 大吃一驚 , 急急 解開 的 盧馬 , 開 咗 後園 門 , 牽 隻 馬 出去 , 然後 飛身 上馬 , 亦 嚟 唔 切 叫 埋 嗰 個 隨從 喇 , 就 係 單身 匹馬 就 向 住 西門 猛跑 。 去 到 西門 , 守門 官 就 問 佢 出 城 有 咩 事 呀 噉 。 劉備 理都 唔 理 佢 呀 , 加 咗 兩鞭 , 跑 衡馬衝 咗 出 西門 。 守門 官 就 攔 佢 唔 住 , 就 飛報 蔡瑁 啦 。 蔡瑁 立即 上馬 , 帶住 五百名 兵卒 就 跟 住 尾 去 追 。 劉備 衝出 咗 西門 , 跑 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 只見 前面 有條 大溪 攔住 去路 啊 。 呢 呢 條就 係 檀溪 嘞 , 成 幾丈 闊 , 一直 呀 通到 去 襄 江 嘅 , 水流 呀 非常 之 湍急 。 劉備 跑 到 去 溪邊 見過 唔 去 嘅 喎 , 就 勒 轉馬 頭返 去 啦 。 弊 ! 遠遠 望見 城西 塵頭 大起 , 追兵 就 到 嘞 。 劉備 話 : 哎呀 , 呢 趟 實死 咯 ! 又 回馬 跑 返去 溪邊 , 擰 轉頭 望下 , 追兵 已經 嚟 到 好 近 嘞 。 劉備 慌起 上 嚟 , 就 縱 馬行 落條 溪處 。 行 咗 幾步 , 哎呀 , 突然 馬失前蹄 一 跪 , 嘿 呀 ! 連件 袍 都 浸濕 晒 。 劉備 出力 咁 鞭 隻 馬 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 的 盧啊的盧 , 今日 你 剋死 我 喇 ! 啊 ? 真 係 奇怪 喎 , 劉備 一 嗌 完唧 , 嗰 匹 馬 突然 間 喺 水 裏頭 湧身 而 起 ,𠽤𡃈 噉 一 跳 就 成 三丈 遠 , 飛 咗 上 西岸 。 嘿 劉備 呀 , 當時 好似 騰雲駕霧 噉 啊 。 劉備 騎馬 跳過 咗 西岸 , 回過 頭 嚟 望一望 東岸 啦 , 只見 蔡瑁 已經 帶兵 追到 嚟 溪邊 嘞 。 蔡瑁 高聲 大叫 話 : 使君 你 點解 逃席 走 咗 去 呀 ! 劉備 話 : 我同 你 無怨 無仇 , 你 為 咩 事 要害 我 吖 ? 我 一 啲 都 冇 噉 嘅 意思 㗎 , 使君 千祈 唔 好聽 人 亂講 啊 ! 把 口 就 話 冇 噉 意思 咯 , 劉備 望見 佢 呀 已經 拈 弓 掹 箭 嘞 , 咪 拘 , 立即 撥馬 向 住 西南方 跑 咗 去 。 蔡瑁 好 奇怪 呀 , 佢 對 左右 啲 人話 : 係 乜嘢 神靈 保佑 佢 㗎 ? 佢 點 過得去 嘅 呢 ? 佢 正話 想 收兵 回城 , 只見 西門 之內 呀 , 趙雲帶 住 三百名 士兵 趕到 嚟 嘞 。 原來 趙雲 啊 , 佢 正 喺 度 飲 緊 酒 , 忽然 見到 人馬 出動 就 急急 入去 裏頭 睇 下 啦 。 咦 ? 喺 席 上 唔 見 咗 劉備 。 趙雲 就 大吃一驚 , 立即 出去 想 走 返去 賓館 啦 。 佢 聽見 啲 人話 : 蔡瑁 帶 住 兵 向 西 便 追 咗 過去 呀 噉 。 哎呀 不得了 ! 趙雲 就 火急 提槍 上馬 , 率領 住 原來 帶 嚟 嗰 三百名 兵士 , 一陣風 噉 奔 出 西門 。 誒 , 啱 喇 , 撞 正 蔡瑁 , 即刻 就 問 佢 話 : 我 主公 去 咗 邊度 啊 ? 誒 使君 逃席 走 咗 , 唔 知去 咗 邊度 噃。 趙雲 係 個 謹慎 細心 嘅 人 , 佢 冇 立 亂 嚟 呀 , 發火 亦 冇 用 。 佢 即刻 策馬 向前 便行 , 好 快脆 就 嚟 到 溪邊 。 唔 見 人 喇 , 冇 第條 路 㗎 啦 。 一勒轉 隻 馬 , 跑 返 轉頭 追 上蔡 瑁 就 問 佢 : 蔡將軍 , 你 哋 請 我 主公 嚟 赴宴 啦 , 點解 要 你 帶 住 兵馬 嚟 追 嘅 呢 ? 嘿嘿 , 九郡 四十二 州 縣 嘅 官員 都 喺 呢 一度 嚟 , 我身 為 上將 點 能夠 唔 加強防衛 呀 ? 究竟 你 哋 將 我 嘅 主公 逼 咗 去 邊處 ? 我 只 係 聽講 使君 單人 匹馬出 咗 西門 , 但 係 嚟 到 呢 處 又 唔 見 人 喎 。 趙雲 非常 疑心 , 佢 又 返 去 溪邊 睇 下 ,嚱! 呢 次 睇 到 啲 嘢 喇 。 究竟 睇 到 啲 乜嘢 呢 ? 下次 再講 。

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話 說 劉表 得到 劉備 打勝仗 , 收復 江夏郡 所屬 各個 縣 嘅 捷報 , 當然 啊 高興 非常 啦 。 saying|said|Liu Biao|received|Liu Bei|won the battle|recaptured|Jiangxia Commandery|belonging to|each|county|possessive particle|victory report|of course|ah|happy|very|final particle It is said that Liu Biao received the good news of Liu Bei winning the battle and recovering the various counties of Jiangxia. 噉 當 劉備 凱旋 返 嚟 嘅 時候 啊 , 佢 就 親自 出城 嚟 迎接 。 then|when|Liu Bei|triumphant|return|here|possessive particle|time|ah|he|then|personally|out of the city|here|welcome So when Liu Bei returned triumphantly, he personally went out of the city to welcome him. 當日 , 就 大排 筵席 , 擺酒 慶功 。 that day|then|large|banquet|serve alcohol|celebrate success That day, a grand banquet was held to celebrate. 飲到 半 醉 嘅 時候 , 劉表 話 : drink to|half|drunk|possessive particle|time|Liu Biao|said When they were half drunk, Liu Biao said: 賢弟 咁 英雄 有 本事 , 荊州 就 有 倚靠 喇 。 virtuous younger brother|so|hero|has|ability|Jingzhou|then|has|reliance|particle indicating completion or change of state "Brother, with such a heroic and capable person, Jingzhou has a reliable support now." 誒 而家 就 係 擔心 南越 時不時 嚟 侵犯 啫 。 hey|now|just|is|worried|South Vietnam|from time to time|come|invade|particle indicating a trivial situation Eh, right now I'm just worried about Nan Yue occasionally coming to invade. 仲有 , 張魯同 孫權 亦 都 令人 憂慮 㗎 。 also||Sun Quan|also|all|people|worried|particle Also, Zhang Lu and Sun Quan are also concerning. 南越 係 古代 嘅 一個 民族 , 誒 分佈 喺 而 家 嘅 廣東 、 廣西 同 湖南 嘅 南部 一帶 嘅 。 Nanyue|is|ancient|possessive particle|a|ethnic group|ah|distributed|in|||possessive particle|Guangdong|Guangxi|and|Hunan|possessive particle|southern|region| Nan Yue was an ancient ethnic group, eh, distributed in what is now the southern parts of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hunan. 噉 劉備 聽 劉表 噉 講就話 喇 : then|Liu Bei|heard|Liu Biao|then|if he speaks|sentence-final particle So Liu Bei heard Liu Biao say this: 小弟 有 三員 勇將 , 完全 可以 任用 佢 哋 吖 ,嗱, 可以 派 張飛 去 巡邏 南越 嘅 邊境 ; 派 關羽 把守 固子 城 頂住 張魯 ; 派 趙雲 鎮守 三江 抵擋 孫權 。 I|have|three|brave generals|completely|can|employ|them|plural marker|sentence final particle|well|can|send|Zhang Fei|to|patrol|Nanyue|possessive particle|border|send|Guan Yu|guard|Guxi|city|hold off|Zhang Lu|send|Zhao Yun|defend|Sanjiang|resist|Sun Quan I have three brave generals who can be fully utilized; look, I can send Zhang Fei to patrol the borders of Nan Yue; send Guan Yu to guard Guzi City against Zhang Lu; and send Zhao Yun to defend Sanjiang against Sun Quan. 噉 就 唔 使 憂慮 咁 多 啦 嘛 。 then|just|not|need|worry|so|much|particle|particle Then, there's no need to worry so much. 劉表 聽 咗 好 高興 呀 , 就 有意思 想 聽 劉備 嘅 說話 做 喎 。 Liu Biao|heard|past tense marker|very|happy|sentence-final particle|then|interesting|wanted|to hear|Liu Bei|possessive particle|speech|to do|sentence-final particle Liu Biao was very happy to hear this, and he was interested in listening to what Liu Bei had to say. 呢 件 事 , 畀 劉表 嘅 舅 仔 蔡 瑁 知道 咗 , 佢 就 同 家 姐 蔡夫人 話 喇 : this|measure word for events|matter|by|Liu Biao|possessive particle|maternal uncle|son|||knew|past tense marker|he|then|with|||Mrs Cai|told|sentence-final particle This matter was known to Liu Biao's cousin, Cai Mao, who then told his sister, Madam Cai: 家姐 , 劉備 噉 樣 派 佢 三 員大將 駐守 喺 外 便 , 佢 自己 坐 陣 喺 荊州 嚟 , 時間 一長 , 必 成 禍患 㗎 。 elder sister|Liu Bei|like that|appearance|send|he|three|generals|stationed|at|outside|side|he|himself|||at|Jingzhou|coming|time||surely|become|disaster|particle indicating certainty Sister, Liu Bei has sent three generals to guard the outside while he himself stays in Jingzhou. If this goes on for too long, it will definitely become a disaster. 你 同 姐夫 講下 啦 。 you|with|brother-in-law|have a talk|sentence-final particle You should talk to your husband about it. 好 喇 , 當晚 蔡夫人 就 真 係 告枕頭狀 嘞 喎 , 佢 對 劉表 話 : good|particle indicating completed action|that night|Mrs Choi|then|||tell the pillow|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation|she|to|Liu Biao|said Alright, that night, Mrs. Cai really did tell a pillow talk, saying to Liu Biao: 我 聽聞 話 荊州 啲 人 , 有 好多 都 同 劉備 有 來往 嘅 , 要 提防 下先 至 好 啊 。 I|heard|that|Jingzhou|possessive particle|people|have|many|all|with|Liu Bei|have|interactions|past tense particle|should|be cautious of||only|good|sentence-final particle I heard that many people in Jingzhou have dealings with Liu Bei, so we need to be cautious. 而家 畀 佢 住 喺 荊州 城內 , 冇 益 㗎 , 不如 派 咗 佢 去 第 處 仲 好 啦 。 now|let|him|live|in|Jingzhou|inside the city|not|beneficial|particle indicating certainty|better to|send|past tense marker|him|go|other|place|still|better|particle suggesting suggestion Right now, having him stay in the city of Jingzhou is not beneficial; it would be better to send him somewhere else. 玄德 係 個 仁人君子 嚟 。 Xuande|is|a|benevolent and virtuous person|come Xuande is a benevolent and virtuous person. 哼 ! 就 係 怕人 哋 個 心 唔 似 你 個 心 呢 。 hum|||afraid of others|plural marker|possessive particle|heart|not|similar|you|possessive particle|heart|question particle Hmph! It's just that I'm afraid that other people's hearts are not like yours. 嗯 , 噉 啊 , 嗯 , 劉表 吟吟 沉沉 冇 回答 。 hmm|like that|ah||Liu Biao|pondering||not|answering Hmm, well, Liu Biao was silent and did not respond. 第 日 , 劉表 出 城 , 見到 劉備 騎 嗰 匹 馬 極 之 雄 駿 , 就問 下 佢 , 知道 原來 係 張 武 嘅 馬 嚟 , 就 讚不絕口 。 the|day|Liu Biao|exit|city|saw|Liu Bei|riding|that|measure word for horses|horse|extremely|possessive particle|heroic|swift||about|him|knew|originally|was|Zhang|Wu|possessive particle|horse|come|then|praised endlessly The next day, Liu Biao went out of the city and saw Liu Bei riding a very magnificent horse, so he asked him. He found out that it was actually Zhang Wu's horse, and he praised it endlessly. 劉備 見 佢 咁 中意 唄 , 就將 呢 匹 馬 送 咗 畀 劉表 。 Liu Bei|saw|he|so|fond of|particle indicating suggestion||this|measure word for horses|horse|sent|past tense marker|to|Liu Biao Seeing that he liked it so much, Liu Bei gave the horse to Liu Biao. 劉表 歡喜 不盡 嘞 , 即刻 , 就 騎 佢 入 城 。 Liu Biao|happy|endlessly|particle indicating completed action|immediately|then|ride|he|into|city Liu Biao was overjoyed and immediately rode it back into the city. 蒯越 見到 就問 劉表 匹馬點 嚟 嘅 。 Kuai Yue|saw||Liu Biao||came|past tense particle Kuai Yue saw this and asked Liu Biao where the horse came from. 劉表 話 : 哦 , 玄德 今日 送 畀 我 㗎 咋 嘛 , 匹馬 好 唔 錯 啊 , 啊 。 Liu Biao|said|oh|Xuande|today|sent|to|me|particle indicating certainty|only||single horse|very|not|wrong|ah| Liu Biao said: Oh, Xuande sent me a horse today, it's quite good, ah. 蒯越 話 : 我 先兄 蒯良 最 識相 馬 , 我 亦 識得 啲 。 Kuai Yue|said|I|elder brother|Kuai Liang|most|perceptive|horse|I|also|know|a little Kuai Yue said: My elder brother Kuai Liang knows horses best, I also know a bit. 呢 匹馬 , 你 睇 , 佢 嘅 眼下 便 有 條淚 槽 , 額頭 邊有 白點 係 嘛 ? this|horse|you|look|it|possessive particle|under eye|then|has||groove|forehead|||is|question particle This horse, look, it has a tear trough under its eyes, and a white spot on its forehead, right? 係 , 誒 噉 點呢 ? yes|eh|like this|what about (it) Yes, so what about that? 呢 匹馬 名叫 的盧 , 騎 親 佢 就 會 剋 主人 㗎 。 this|horse|named|De Lu|ride|if|it|then|will|kill|owner|sentence-final particle This horse is named Dilu, and if you ride it, it will rebel against its owner. 張武 就 係 因為 呢 匹 馬 而 死 嘅 , 主公 你 唔 好 騎 佢 呀 ! Cheung Mo|just|is|because|this|measure word for horses|horse|and|died|past tense marker|Lord|you|||ride|it|sentence-final particle Zhang Wu died because of this horse, my lord, please do not ride it! 哦 , 啊 乜 噉 㗎 ? oh|ah|what|like that|question particle Oh, really? 劉表 信 晒 佢 講 。 Liu Biao|letter|already|he|said Liu Biao completely trusts what he says. 第 日 , 劉表 就 請 劉備 嚟 宴會 , 飲 飲下 , 劉表 就 話 嘞 : the|day|Liu Biao|then|invited|Liu Bei|to|banquet|drink|drinking|Liu Biao|then|said|past tense marker The next day, Liu Biao invited Liu Bei to a banquet, and while drinking, Liu Biao said: 昨日 , 好 多謝 賢弟 你 送匹 好馬過 我 。 yesterday|very|thank you|virtuous younger brother|you|||I Yesterday, thank you very much, my dear brother, for sending a good horse to me. 但 係 賢弟 你 時不時 都 要 出征 打仗 , 好 用得着 佢 , 我 諗 一 諗 , 呵呵 , 仲 係 送 返 畀 賢弟 先至 啱 嘅 。 ||younger brother|you|from time to time|also|need|go to battle|fight|very|useful|he|I|think|one|thought|haha|||||to|younger brother|only|| But brother, you often have to go out to battle, it would be very useful for you. I thought about it, haha, it's still better to send it back to you first. 哦 , 多謝 兄長 ! oh|thank you|elder brother Oh, thank you, brother! 誒 賢弟 呀 , 你 住 喺 荊州 咁 耐 嘞 , 恐怕 對 武功 都 荒廢 咗 啲 咯 。 hey|virtuous younger brother|particle|you|live|at|Jingzhou|so|long|particle|I'm afraid|regarding|martial arts|all|neglected|past tense marker|a little|particle Hey brother, you've been living in Jingzhou for so long, I'm afraid your martial skills might have become a bit rusty. 襄陽 屬下 有個 新野縣 , 錢糧 收入 相當 多 㗎 , 賢弟 不如 帶住 本部 兵馬 去 新野 駐扎 呢 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? Xiangyang|subordinate||Xinye County|grain and money|income|quite|much|particle indicating certainty|virtuous younger brother|might as well|bring along|headquarters|troops|go|Xinye|garrison|particle indicating suggestion||||particle indicating question There is a new county in Xiangyang, Xinye, which has quite a lot of income from grain and taxes. How about you take your troops to station in Xinye? 好 , 敬 遵 兄長 之命 。 good|||elder brother| Okay, I will obey my brother's command. 第 日 , 劉備 辭別 咗 劉表 , 帶齊 本部 兵馬 離開 荊州 直去 新野 嘞 。 the|day|Liu Bei|bid farewell|past tense marker|Liu Biao|brought along|his main|troops|left|Jingzhou||Xinye|past action marker On that day, Liu Bei bid farewell to Liu Biao, gathered his troops, and left Jingzhou heading straight for Xinye. 新野 即 係 喺 今日 河南省 新野縣 嘅 南 便 。 Xinye|||at|today|Henan Province|Xinye County|possessive particle|south|convenience store Xinye is located in the southern part of today's Xinye County in Henan Province. 噉 劉備 騎住 的 盧馬 , 啱 啱 出 咗 城門 。 then|Liu Bei|riding|possessive particle|Lu horse|||exit|past tense marker|city gate So Liu Bei was riding his steed, the Lu horse, just as he exited the city gate. 只見 有 個人 攔住 馬頭 就 喺 馬 前 便 作 個 揖 話 : only saw|there is|a person|blocking|horse's head|then|at|horse|front|then|made|a|bow|said Suddenly, a person blocked the horse's head and bowed in front of the horse, saying: 明 公所 騎 嘅 馬 唔 騎 得 㗎 ! Ming|government office|ride|possessive particle|horse|not|||sentence-final particle "The horse that the Ming Gong rides cannot be ridden!" 劉備 一睇 , 呢 個人 乃 係 荊州 幕賓 , 姓 伊名籍 , 字 機伯 , 山陽 人 。 Liu Bei|at a glance|this|person|is|is|Jingzhou|subordinate|surname||courtesy name|Ji Bo|Shanyang|person Liu Bei took a look and said, this person is a guest from Jingzhou, surname Yi, given name Ji, courtesy name Jiba, from Shanyang. 劉備 聽 佢 噉 講 就 落馬 問 佢 點解 啦 。 Liu Bei|heard|he|like that|talk|then|dismount|asked|him|why|particle Liu Bei listened to him and dismounted to ask him why. 伊籍 話 : 昨日 , 我 聽 蒯越 對 劉將軍 講 , 話 呢 匹馬 名叫 的盧 , 係 會 剋 主人 嘅 噉 , 所以 就將 呢 匹 馬 送 返 畀 明公 你 。 he|said|yesterday|I|heard|Kuai Yue|to|General Liu|talk|said|this|horse|named|De Lu|is|will|harm|owner|possessive particle|like that|so||this|classifier for horses|horse|return|back|to|Lord Ming|you Yi Ji said: Yesterday, I heard Kuai Yue tell General Liu that this horse is named Dilu, and it is said to be able to harm its master, so I returned this horse to you, my lord. 噉 , 噉 明公 你 仲點 可以 騎 佢 呀 ? like this||Ming Gong (a name)|you||can|ride|it|question particle So, my lord, how can you still ride it? 劉備 話 : 我 好 感激 你 嘅 關心 , 不過 一個 人 死生有命 , 一匹 馬 又點 能夠 剋 得到 嘅 呢 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Liu Bei|said|I|very|grateful|your|possessive particle|concern|but|one|person||one|horse||able to|overcome|obtain|possessive particle|question particle|hahaha|hahaha Liu Bei said: I appreciate your concern, but a person's life and death are fated, how can a horse harm me? Hahaha. 啊 ! 高見 , 高見 ! 伊籍 十分 佩服 劉備 嘅 見識 , 所以 從此 之後 呢 , 都 經常 同 劉備 來往 。 ah|Gao Jian||he is|very|admire|Liu Bei|possessive particle|insight|so|from then on|after|particle indicating a question|all|often|with|Liu Bei|interact Ah! Gao Jian, Gao Jian! He greatly admires Liu Bei's insight, so from then on, he often interacted with Liu Bei. 而家 講下 劉備 呀 , 佢 自從 到 咗 新野 之後 , 軍民 人 等 個個 歡喜 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|particle|he|since|arrived|past tense marker|Xin Ye|after|soldiers and civilians|people|waiting|everyone|happy Now let's talk about Liu Bei. Since he arrived in Xinye, both the military and the civilians have been very happy. 而 佢 呀 亦 將 新野 治理 得 面目一新 。 and|he|sentence-final particle|also|will|new things|manage|to|completely renewed And he has also managed to transform Xinye completely. 嗱 各位 聽眾 , 劉備 呀 , 係 喺 建安 六年 , 就 係 佢 趁 住 曹操 同 袁紹 打仗 , 想 乘虛 去 襲擊 許都 , 結果 大敗 , 噉 啊 嚟 到 荊州 投奔 劉表 㗎 。 well|everyone|listeners|Liu Bei|particle|is|at|Jian'an|year 6|just|at|he|||Cao Cao|and|Yuan Shao|fighting|wanted|to take advantage of the situation|to|attack|Xudu|as a result|was defeated|then|particle|||Jingzhou|sought refuge with|Liu Biao|particle Now, listeners, Liu Bei, in the sixth year of Jian'an, took advantage of the war between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, hoping to take the opportunity to attack Xudu, but ended up suffering a great defeat, and then came to Jingzhou to seek refuge with Liu Biao. 而家 眨 下 眼過 咗 六 年長 嘞 。 now|blink|a little|since the last time I blinked|past|six|years old|past tense particle Now, in the blink of an eye, six years have passed. 喺 呢 六年 裏 便 啊 曹操 掃平 咗 北方 , 佢 嘅 事業 有 好 大 嘅 發展 。 in|this|six years|inside|then|ah|Cao Cao|pacified|past tense marker|northern region|he|possessive particle|career|has|very|great|possessive particle|development In these six years, Cao Cao has pacified the north, and his career has developed significantly. 而 劉備 呢 , 嘿嘿 , 只有 寄人離 下 嘞 。 and|Liu Bei|question particle|hehe|only|dependent on others|down|past action particle As for Liu Bei, hehe, he is just relying on others. 到 咗 建安 十二年 春天 , 甘夫人 呢 就 生落個 仔 叫做 劉禪 。 arrive|past tense marker|Jian'an||spring|Lady Gan|this|then||son|named|Liu Shan By the spring of the twelfth year of Jian'an, Lady Gan gave birth to a son named Liu Shan. 劉禪 出世 係 有 啲 兆頭 個 噃。 Liu Shan|birth|is|have|some|signs|particle| Liu Shan's birth had some signs. 當晚 , 有 一隻 白鶴 飛 到 喺 縣衙門 嘅 屋頂 上 便 , 高聲 噉 叫 咗 四十 幾聲 , 就 向 住 西 便 飛 走 咗 。 that night|there was|a|white crane|flew|to|at|county office|possessive particle|roof|on|then|loudly|like that|called|past tense marker|forty||then|towards|facing|west|then|flew|left|past tense marker That night, a white crane flew onto the roof of the county office and called out loudly for more than forty times before flying west. 噉 臨到 分娩 嘅 時候 呢 , 嘩 嗨 , 異香 滿室 。 then|approaching|childbirth|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|wow|hi|fragrant aroma|filling the room So when it came time for childbirth, wow, the room was filled with a wonderful fragrance. 而且 甘夫人 啊 曾經 發過 個 夢 嘅 , 就 夢見 吞 咗 北斗星 落肚 , 跟 住 就 懷 咗 孕 嘞 , 因此 劉禪 個 乳名 呢 又 叫做 阿斗 。 moreover|Lady Gan|ah|once|had|a|dream|past tense particle|then|dreamed|swallowing|past tense particle|the Big Dipper|into her stomach|||then|conceived|past tense particle|pregnancy|past tense particle|therefore|Liu Shan|a|milk name|this|again|called|A Dou Moreover, Lady Gan once had a dream where she swallowed the Big Dipper, and then she became pregnant, which is why Liu Shan's nickname is also A Dou. 哈哈哈 , 噉 好 喇 , 唔 講 咁 多 阿斗 住 喇 。 hahaha|then|good|particle indicating completion|not|talk|so|much|a name|live|particle indicating completion Hahaha, that's enough, let's not talk too much about A Dou. 當 其時 呀 , 曹操 正在 帶兵 喺 北方 打仗 , 即 係 上 幾回 講 嗰 啲 嘞 。 when|at that time|particle|Cao Cao|was|leading troops|in|the north|fighting|that is|is|previous||talking|those|particle|particle At that time, Cao Cao was leading his troops in the north fighting battles, which is what we talked about a few times. 劉備 見到 有 機會 , 就 去 荊州 見 劉表 對 佢 話 : Liu Bei|saw|have|opportunity|then|go|Jingzhou|meet|Liu Biao|to|him|said Liu Bei saw an opportunity and went to Jingzhou to meet Liu Biao and said to him: 目前 曹操 出盡 人馬 去 咗 北方 打仗 , 許昌 已經 空晒 喇 。 currently|Cao Cao|exhausted|troops|went|past tense marker|north|battle|Xuchang|already|completely empty|sentence-final particle Currently, Cao Cao has sent all his troops to the north to fight, and Xuchang is completely empty. 如果 以 荊襄 咁 多 兵力 , 乘機 去 襲擊 佢 , 噉 就 大事 成功 喇 。 if|with|Jingxiang|so|many|troops|take the opportunity|to|attack|him|then|then|big event|successful|particle indicating completed action If we take advantage of the situation with so many troops in Jingxiang to attack him, then it would be a great success. 點知 劉表 話 喎 : 我 喺 呢 處 擁有 九個 郡 咁 多 嘅 地方 , 舒舒服服 , 我 好 滿足 咯 , 仲點 需要 另外 去 諗 咁 多 呢 ? who would have thought|Liu Biao|said|particle indicating realization|I|at|this|place|own|nine|counties|so|many|possessive particle|land|comfortably|I|very|satisfied|particle indicating completion||need|additionally|to|think|so|much|particle indicating question But Liu Biao said: I have nine prefectures in this place, so much land, and I am very comfortable and satisfied, why do I need to think about so much more? 嚱嚱, 嚟 嚟 嚟 賢弟 , 我 哋 入 去 飲 兩杯 。 haha|come|come|come|dear younger brother|I|we|go in|to|drink|two cups Haha, come, come, come, my dear brother, let's go in and have a couple of drinks. 劉備 冇 聲出 嘞 , 唯有 跟 住 劉表 入去 後堂 飲酒 。 Liu Bei|has no|sound|past tense marker|only|||Liu Biao|go in|back hall|drink alcohol Liu Bei didn't say anything, he could only follow Liu Biao into the back hall to drink. 飲到 半醉 , 劉表 忽然 唞 咗 個 大氣 , 長 歎 一聲 。 drank to|half drunk|Liu Biao|suddenly|exhaled|past tense marker|a|big sigh|long|sigh|one sound After drinking to a slight drunkenness, Liu Biao suddenly let out a big sigh, taking a long breath. 劉備 問 佢 : 兄長 為 咩 事 歎 起 氣 上 嚟 呀 ? Liu Bei|asked|him|elder brother|for|what|matter|sigh|become|angry|up|come|question particle Liu Bei asked him: "Brother, why are you sighing like that?" 唉 , 我 有 心事 呀 , 但 係 , 但 係 , 唉 , 一時 都 難以 講得 清 嘅 。 sigh|I|have|worries|particle||||||at one moment|all|hard to|explain|clearly|particle Sigh, I have something on my mind, but, but, sigh, it's hard to explain clearly at the moment. 劉備 啱 啱 想 再 問落 去 嘅 時候 , 蔡夫人 就 行出 嚟 企 正 喺 屏風 後 便 , 劉表 就 即刻 耷 低頭 唔 出聲 嘞 。 Liu Bei|||wanted|again|||possessive particle|time|Lady Cai|then|||stood|right|at|screen|behind|then|Liu Biao|then|immediately|||not|speak|past tense particle Just when Liu Bei was about to ask further, Lady Cai walked out and stood right behind the screen, and Liu Biao immediately lowered his head and fell silent. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 就 散席 , 劉備 就 返 去 新 嘢 啦 。 past|completed action marker|not|long|then|dismiss class|Liu Bei|then|return|to|new|thing|sentence-final particle After a while, the gathering dispersed, and Liu Bei went back to his new things. 好 快脆 , 又 到 冬天 嘞 喎 。 very|quickly|again|arrive|winter|past action particle|sentence-final particle It's so fast, winter is here again. 噉 聽 講話 曹操 呀 , 喺 柳城 返 嚟 喇 , 劉備 就 𨂽 腳 喇 , 係 唔 係 呢 嗱? then|hear|talking|Cao Cao|particle|at|Liu Cheng|return|come|particle|Liu Bei|then|kick|leg|particle|is|not|is|this|particle I heard that Cao Cao is back from Liu Cheng, and Liu Bei is in trouble, isn't that right? 劉表 你 當初 聽 我 嘅 說話 就 好 啦 嘛 , 之而家 已經 係 機會 難逢 咯 。 Liu Biao|you|at that time|listened|I|possessive particle|words|then|good|particle indicating completion|particle indicating obviousness|now|already|is|opportunity|hard to come by|particle indicating finality If Liu Biao had listened to me back then, it would have been great, but now opportunities are hard to come by. 有 一日 , 劉表 派 咗 個 使者 嚟 , 請 劉備 去 荊州 見面 噉 。 there is|one day|Liu Biao|sent|past tense marker|classifier|messenger|here|invited|Liu Bei|to go|Jingzhou|meet|like that One day, Liu Biao sent a messenger to invite Liu Bei to meet in Jingzhou. 劉備 就 跟 住 個 使者 一齊 去 啦 。 Liu Bei|then|||the|messenger|together|go|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei then went with the messenger. 去 到 荊州 見到 劉表 互相 行過禮 , 劉表 又 試請 劉備入 去 後堂 飲宴 。 go|to|Jingzhou|saw|Liu Biao|mutually|exchanged greetings|Liu Biao|again|tried to invite||to|back hall|banquet When I arrived in Jingzhou, I met Liu Biao and we exchanged greetings. Liu Biao then invited Liu Bei to the back hall for a banquet. 佢 對 劉備 話 : 近來 聽聞 曹操 帶兵 返到 去 許都 , 勢力 越 嚟 越 強盛 噉 話 。 He|to|Liu Bei|said|recently|heard|Cao Cao|bringing troops|returning|to|Xu Du|power|more|coming|more|strong|like|talk He told Liu Bei: Recently, I have heard that Cao Cao has brought his troops back to Xudu, and his power is becoming stronger and stronger. 誒 睇 起 嚟 , 佢 必定 有 吞併 荊 襄 嘅 意思 㗎 喇 。 hey|look|rise|come|he|definitely|has|annexation|Jing|Xiang|possessive particle|intention|sentence-final particle|past action particle Ah, it seems that he must have the intention to annex Jingxiang. 唉 我 好 後悔 當初 冇 聽 賢弟 你 嘅 說話 , 以至 失去 呢 個 大好 良機 呀 ! sigh|I|very|regret|at that time|didn't|listen|younger brother|you|possessive particle|advice|resulting in|losing|this|classifier for nouns|great|opportunity|sentence-final particle Sigh, I really regret not listening to you, my wise brother, at that time, which led to losing this great opportunity! 兄長 , 當前 天下 分裂 , 到處 都 打仗 , 機會 點會 話 冇 嘅 呢 ? elder brother|currently|world|divided|everywhere|all|fighting|opportunity|how could|say|not have|possessive particle|question particle Brother, the world is currently divided, and there are battles everywhere. How could there be no opportunities? 若果 以後 能夠 把握 時機 咯 , 噉 就 唔 使 一味 怨恨 啦 。 if|in the future|can|seize|opportunity|particle indicating realization|then|then|not|need|blindly|resent|particle indicating suggestion If in the future we can seize the opportunity, then we won't have to keep resenting. 啊 , 賢弟 你 講得 好 啱 啊 , 嚟 , 飲 , 飲 ! ah|wise younger brother|you|speak|very|right|ah|come|drink|drink Ah, my dear brother, you are absolutely right, come, drink, drink! 飲 啊 飲 , 飲到 好 㷫 嘞 , 劉表 忽然間 流 起 眼淚 上 嚟 喎 , 奇 嘞 。 drink|particle|drink||well|full|past action particle|Liu Biao|suddenly|flow|up|tears|on|come|particle|strange|past action particle Drink, drink, after drinking a lot, Liu Biao suddenly started to cry, how strange. 劉備 就 問 佢 為 咩 事 啦 。 Liu Bei|then|asked|him|for|what|matter|particle Liu Bei then asked him what was wrong. 劉表 話 : 唉 ! 我 有 啲 心事 呀 。 Liu Biao|said|sigh|I|have|a little|worries|particle Liu Biao said: Sigh! I have some worries. 前 嗰 排 我 就 好 想 講 畀 賢弟 知 㗎 喇 , 之 總 係 未有 方便 嘅 機會 。 before|that|period|I|then|very|wanted|to tell|to|younger brother|to know|particle|particle|of|always|is|not yet|convenient|particle|opportunity I really wanted to tell my younger brother about it before, but there just wasn't a convenient opportunity. 兄長 有 咩 難以 決定 嘅 事 呢 ? 請 你 講出 嚟 。 elder brother|has|what|difficult to|decide|possessive particle|matter|question particle|please|you|speak out|come What difficult decisions does the elder brother have? Please speak up. 若果 有用 得到 小弟 嘅 地方 , 小弟 萬死不辭 ! if|useful|obtain|younger brother|possessive particle|place||will not hesitate to die a thousand deaths If there is a way to be of use to my younger brother, I would gladly do it! 唉 , 噉 嘅 , 我個 大仔 阿琦 呀 , 係 前妻 陳 氏 生 嘅 。 sigh||possessive particle|||||||||| Sigh, my eldest son, A-Kei, is from my ex-wife, Ms. Chan. 佢 個 為 人 雖然 係 賢德 , 不過 就 懦弱 怕事 , 冇 乜 用 嘅 。 he|possessive particle|||although|is|virtuous|but|then|cowardly|afraid of trouble|has no|any|use|particle indicating possession or description Although he is virtuous, he is weak and timid, and not very useful. 我個 細仔 阿琮 係 後妻 蔡氏 生 嘅 , 佢 個人 幾 聰明 㗎 。 my|son|Ah Chung|is|second wife|Choi|born|possessive particle|he|person|quite|smart|sentence-final particle My youngest son, Ah Chung, was born to my second wife, the Choi family. He is quite smart. 我 呀 好 想 廢 長立幼 , 之 又 怕 於 禮法 不合 。 I|particle indicating exclamation|very|want|to give up|long-term career|particle indicating possession|again|afraid|of|etiquette and law|not in accordance I really want to abolish the eldest son and establish the youngest, but I'm afraid it doesn't comply with the rites. 誒 你 話 如果 立 長子 做 繼承人 咯 , 唉 無奈 蔡氏 家族 嘅 人 , 都 係 掌管 軍務 嘅 , 噉 以後 呀 實會 叛亂 㗎 嘛 。 eh|you|said|if|appoint|eldest son|as|heir|particle indicating realization|sigh|helpless|Choi family|family|possessive particle|people|all|are|in charge of|military affairs|possessive particle|then|in the future|particle indicating realization|really will|rebellion|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness Hey, you said if we make the eldest son the heir, sigh, unfortunately, the Choi family members are all in charge of military affairs, so in the future, there might really be a rebellion. 因此 我 諗 嚟 諗 去 , 都 冇 辦法 決定 得落 嚟 呀 。 therefore|I|think|come|think|go|all|have no|way|decide|to be able to|come|particle Therefore, I have thought about it over and over, but I still can't make a decision. 兄長 呀 , 自古以來 廢 長立幼 都 係 取亂 之 道 嚟 呀 。 elder brother|particle|since ancient times|to disregard||all|is|to create chaos|possessive particle|way|to come|particle Brother, since ancient times, abolishing the eldest and establishing the youngest has always been a way to create chaos. 如果 擔心 蔡 氏 嘅 權勢 太重 嘅 話 , 可以 慢慢 噉 削弱 佢 哋 嘅 啫 。 if|worry|Tsai|surname|possessive particle|power|too strong|possessive particle|statement|can|slowly|like this|weaken|they|plural marker|possessive particle|only If you are worried that the power of the Tsai family is too strong, you can gradually weaken them. 千祈 唔 好 因為 鍾 意咯 就 立個 細仔 呀 。 please|||because|||then|have a|son|particle indicating a question or exclamation Please don't just appoint a little boy because you like him. 哦 , 哦 , 劉表 粒聲 唔 出 噃。 oh||Liu Biao|sound|not|come out|particle indicating realization or confirmation Oh, oh, Liu Biao's voice is not coming out. 原來 嗰 個 蔡夫人 啊 , 佢 歷來 都 係 疑心 劉備 嘅 。 it turns out|that|measure word for people|Lady Choi|ah|she|always|all|is|suspicious of|Liu Bei|possessive particle It turns out that Mrs. Tsai has always been suspicious of Liu Bei. 所以 每逢 佢 丈夫 搵 親 劉備 嚟 談論 事情 呢 , 佢 啊 一定 走 嚟 偷聽 。 so|whenever|he|father-in-law|looking for|to meet|Liu Bei|come|discuss|matters|particle|he|ah|definitely|run|come|eavesdrop So every time her husband seeks to discuss matters with Liu Bei, she definitely comes to eavesdrop. 呢 , 而 家 佢 又 企 實 喺 屏風 後 便 , 佢 聽到 劉備 講呢 一番 說話 個心 呀 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 。 this|||he|again|stands|firmly|at|screen|behind|then|he|heard|Liu Bei||one|speech||particle|angry|to|grumbling|sound Now, he is standing behind the screen, and he hears Liu Bei say something that makes his heart very angry. 劉備 嘅 說話 一講出 口 , 佢 亦 知道 自己 失言 嘞 。 Liu Bei|possessive particle|speech||mouth|he|also|knew|himself|misspoke|past tense particle As soon as Liu Bei's words came out, he also realized that he had misspoken. 佢 就 起身 去 廁所 行開 下 。 He|then|got up|to|bathroom|walked away|a little He then got up and went to the bathroom for a bit. 哎呀 佢 見到 自己 嘅 大 髀 都 長 返 肥肉 , 哈 , 就 不覺 流 起 眼淚 嚟 。 oh no|he|saw|himself|possessive particle|big|thigh|also|grow|back|fat|ha|then|unconsciously|flow|up|tears|come Oh, he saw that his thighs had gained some fat, haha, and he couldn't help but shed some tears. 過 咗 一陣 , 佢 返 埋 席 。 after|past tense marker|a while|he|return|back|seat After a while, he returned to his seat. 劉表 見 佢 眼紅紅 噉 就 好 奇怪 啦 , 就 問 佢 咩 事 呀 噉 。 Liu Biao|saw|he|eyes red|like that|then|very|strange|sentence final particle|then|asked|he|what|matter|sentence final particle|like that Liu Biao saw him with red eyes and found it very strange, so he asked him what was wrong. 劉備 長 歎 一聲 話 : 唉 ! 小弟 往日 身不離 馬鞍 , 大 髀 個 肉 好 結實 嘅 。 Liu Bei|long||one sound|said|sigh|younger brother|in the past|body not leaving|saddle|big|thigh|measure word|meat|very|strong|particle Liu Bei sighed and said: Alas! In the past, I was never away from the saddle, and my thighs were very muscular. 而家 好 耐 好 耐 冇 騎馬 咯 , 大 髀 又 長 返 肥肉 嘞 。 now|very|long|very|long|no|horse riding|particle indicating change|big|thigh|again|long|returning|fat|particle indicating completed action Now, I haven't ridden a horse for a long time, and my thighs have gained fat again. 日月蹉跎 , 人 就 嚟 老 喇 , 仲 唔 能夠 建功立業 , 所以 一時 傷感 起 嚟 啫 。 time passes quickly|people|then|come|old|particle indicating change of state|still|not|able to|achieve success|so|for a moment|sad|rise|come|only Time flies, and people are getting old. If I still can't achieve anything, it's just a moment of sentimentality. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 聽聞 賢弟 喺 許昌 嘅 時候 , 有 一次 同 曹操 青梅 煮 酒 , 一齊 嚟 議論 天下英雄 。 hahaha||I|heard|virtuous younger brother|at|Xuchang|possessive particle|time|had|one time|with|Cao Cao|green plums|cooking|wine|together|come|discuss| Hahaha, I heard that when my virtuous brother was in Xuchang, there was a time when he had a drink with Cao Cao, discussing the heroes of the world. 賢弟 你 數盡 當代 嘅 名士 , 曹操 都 唔 同意 呀 。 virtuous younger brother|you|count all|contemporary|possessive particle|scholars|Cao Cao|all|not|agree|sentence-final particle Dear brother, if you count all the contemporary celebrities, even Cao Cao wouldn't agree. 佢 就 係 話 , 天下英雄 , 就 得 使君 同 我 曹操 啫 噉 。 he|just|is|said||only|only|Lord|and|I|Cao Cao|only|like this What he means is, among the heroes of the world, there are only you, the lord, and I, Cao Cao. 嘿嘿嘿 你 睇 下 , 以 曹操 咁 大 嘅 權力 , 尚且 唔 敢將 自己 擺 喺 賢弟 嘅 前 便 , 噉 賢弟 你 使 乜 憂心 建立 唔 到 功業 呢 吓 ? 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 hehehe|you|look|down|with|Cao Cao|so|great|possessive particle|power|still|not||oneself|put|at|virtuous younger brother|possessive particle|front|in front of|then|virtuous younger brother|you|need|what|worry|establish|not|achieve|achievements|question particle|ah|hehehe|hehehe Hehehe, look at this, with Cao Cao's great power, he still doesn't dare to place himself before you, dear brother. So why should you worry about not being able to achieve great things? Hehehe. 噉 啊 係 呀 , 我 如果 有個 根基 立腳 , 噉 天下 碌碌 之輩 一 啲 都 唔 使 怕 㗎 。 then|ah|is|particle|I|if|have a|foundation|stand|then|the world|ordinary|people|one|a little|all|not|need|fear|particle That's right, if I have a solid foundation, then I wouldn't have to fear the mediocre people of the world at all. 哦 , 誒 誒 , 劉表 一聽 , 啞晒 唔 出聲 。 oh|||Liu Biao|upon hearing|completely dumbfounded|| Oh, when Liu Biao hears this, he becomes completely speechless. 哎呀 , 弊 ! oh no|mistake Oh no, what a blunder! 劉備 先頭 講呢 一句 說話 , 係 趁 住 酒興 一時 失口 將 真心話 講 咗 出 嚟 。 Liu Bei|first|saying this|one sentence|speech|is|||drinking mood|for a moment|slip of the tongue|to|honest words|say|past tense marker|out|come Liu Bei said this line at the beginning, taking advantage of the wine's effect, and accidentally let out his true feelings. 見到 劉表 噉 嘅 表情 , 知道 講 咗 唔 該 講 嗰 句 嘞 , 就 即刻 藉口 話 飲 醉酒 , 告辭 返去 賓館 休息 。 saw|Liu Biao|like that|possessive particle|expression|knew|to say|past tense marker|not|should|to say|that|sentence|past action particle|then|immediately|excuse|said|drinking|drunk|took leave|returned|hotel|rest Seeing Liu Biao's expression, he knew he had said something he shouldn't have, so he immediately made an excuse about being drunk and left to rest at the hotel. 劉表 聽 劉備 講句 噉 嘅 說話 , 當時 個口 雖然 冇 話 乜嘢 , 之個 心 就 好 唔 高興 。 Liu Biao|heard|Liu Bei|say something|like that|possessive particle|words|at that time|his mouth|although|did not|say|anything|his|heart|then|very|not|happy When Liu Biao heard Liu Bei say something like that, although he didn't say anything at the time, he was very unhappy inside. 劉備 告辭 走 咗 , 佢 又 返 入 去 內室 嘞 。 Liu Bei|said goodbye|left|past tense marker|he|again|returned|into|the|inner chamber|completed action marker After Liu Bei left, he went back into the inner room. 蔡夫人 同 佢 話 : 啱 先 我 喺 屏風 後 便 聽 , 聽到 劉備 講 嗰 啲 說話 , 幾 咁 睇 小人 啊 。 Mrs Choi|with|him|said|just|now|I|at|screen|behind|then|heard|heard|Liu Bei|talking|those|particle for plural|words|quite|so|look|petty person|ah Madam Cai said to him: Just now I was behind the screen and heard Liu Bei talking, how he looks down on people. 噉 就 可見 佢 有 吞併 荊州 嘅 意思 啦 。 then|just|it can be seen|he|has|to annex|Jingzhou|possessive particle|intention|sentence-final particle So it can be seen that he has the intention to annex Jingzhou. 而家 唔 趁早 剷除 咗 佢 呀 , 必為 後患 㗎 。 now|not|as soon as possible|eliminate|past tense marker|him|sentence final particle|will be|future trouble|sentence final particle If we don't eliminate him early, it will definitely lead to future troubles. 唉 ! 劉表 冇 回答 佢 , 一味 咁 擰頭 。 sigh|Liu Biao|did not|answer|he|always|so| Alas! Liu Biao did not respond to him, just kept shaking his head. 蔡夫人 見 劉表 冇 話 得 之 又 冇 話 唔 得 啊 , 於是 就 唔 再理 咁 多 , 靜靜 派 人 叫 佢 細 佬 蔡 瑁 入 嚟 商量 呢 件 事 。 Madam Cai|saw|Liu Biao|not|say|possible|it|again|not|say|not|possible|ah|so|then|not||||quietly|send|person|to call|him|younger|brother|||come|in|discuss|this|classifier for events|matter Seeing that Liu Biao neither agreed nor disagreed, Madam Cai decided not to think too much about it and quietly sent someone to call her younger brother Cai Mao in to discuss this matter. 蔡瑁 話 : 噉 就 直情 去 賓館 殺 咗 佢 先 , 然後 先至 稟告 主公 啦 。 Cai Mao|said|then|just|directly|go|hotel|kill|past tense marker|him|first|then|only then|report|lord|sentence-final particle Cai Mao said: "Then just go to the hotel and kill him first, then report to the lord." 係 噉 話 啦 , 你 快 啲 去 佈置 啦 ! is|like that|saying|particle|you|quickly|more|go|set up|particle That's what I'm saying, hurry up and make arrangements! 噉 兩個 商量 好 , 蔡瑁 返 出去 就 漏夜 點起 人馬 , 準備 逳 手 嘞 喎 。 then|the two of them|discuss|good|Choi Mau|return|outside|then|late at night|light up|horses|prepare|escape|hand|past tense marker|sentence-final particle So the two of them made a plan, Cai Mao went out to gather troops at night, preparing to take action. 而家 講下 劉備 佢 返 到 去 賓館 , 點起 支 蠟燭 , 一個 人 坐 喺 處 諗 心事 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|he||||hotel|lit|a|candle|one|person|sat|at|place|thinking|worries Now let's talk about Liu Bei, he returned to the hotel, lit a candle, and sat alone deep in thought. 到 咗 三 更 咁 上下 , 正話 想 瞓覺 , 伊籍 突然 間 敲門 入 嚟 搵 佢 。 arrive|past tense marker|three|watch|so|up and down|just saying|want|sleep|he|suddenly|measure word for actions|knock on the door|enter|come|find|him By the time it was around the third watch, just when he wanted to sleep, someone suddenly knocked on the door to find him. 原來 伊籍 啊 , 佢 探聽到 蔡瑁 想 謀害 劉備 , 所以 就 漏夜 嚟 報信 。 it turns out|he is|ah|he|found out|Cai Mao|wanted|to assassinate|Liu Bei|so|then|in the dead of night|came|to report the news It turns out that Yi Ji heard that Cai Mao wanted to harm Liu Bei, so he came at night to report it. 當時 伊籍將 蔡瑁 個 陰謀 一五一十 講 咗 畀 劉備 聽 , 催 佢 快 啲 鬆 人 。 at that time||Cai Mao|possessive particle|conspiracy|in detail|to tell|past tense marker|to give|Liu Bei|to hear|to urge|he|quickly|comparative particle|to release|people At that time, Yi Ji told Liu Bei all about Cai Mao's conspiracy and urged him to release the people quickly. 劉備 話 : 哎呀 , 我 都 未曾 向景升 辭行 , 噉 樣 走 好 唔 好 啊 ? Liu Bei|said|oh no|I|also|not yet||say goodbye|like this|manner|leave|good|not|good|question particle Liu Bei said: "Oh no, I haven't even said goodbye to Jing Sheng yet, is it okay to leave like this?" 唉 , 你 如果 仲去 辭行 , 就實 畀 蔡瑁 殺 咗 都 得 喇 ! sigh|you|if||resign||be|Cai Mao|killed|past tense marker|already|fine|sentence-final particle Sigh, if you go to say goodbye, you might as well be killed by Cai Mao! 劉備 於是乎 即刻 嗌 埋 自己 嘅 隨從 , 一齊 上馬 , 多謝 過伊籍 , 漏夜 趯 返去 新野 。 Liu Bei|therefore|immediately|called|over|himself|possessive particle|retinue|together|mounted|thanked||late at night|hurried|returned to|Xinye Liu Bei then immediately called his attendants, mounted their horses together, thanked Yi Ji, and hurried back to Xin Ye at night. 好 喇 , 及至 蔡瑁 帶兵 嚟 到 賓館 嘅 時候 , 劉備 已經 去 咗 好 遠 好 遠 嘞 。 good|particle indicating completed action|by the time|Cai Mao|lead troops|come|arrive|hotel|possessive particle|time|Liu Bei|already|go|past tense marker|very|far|very|far|particle indicating completed action Alright, by the time Cai Mao brought his troops to the inn, Liu Bei had already gone very far away. 誒 ! 嚟 遲 咗 喇 ! 蔡瑁 猛 咁 𨂽 腳 啊 。 hey|come|late|past tense marker|sentence final particle|Choi Mau|very|so|kick|leg|sentence final particle Hey! We're late! Cai Mao hurriedly stomped his feet. 佢 諗 一 諗 , 就 喺 牆上 便 , 題 咗 一首 詩 。 he|thought|a|thought|then|at|on the wall|easily|wrote|past tense marker|a|poem He thought for a moment and then wrote a poem on the wall. 然後 佢 自己 又 返 去 見 劉表 話 : 劉備 係 有心 反叛 㗎 喇 , 佢 題 咗 首 反 詩 喺 牆上 便 , 不辭而別 啊 。 then|he|himself|again|return|to|see|Liu Biao|said|Liu Bei|is|intent|rebellion|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|he|wrote|past tense marker|a|rebellious|poem|at|on the wall|then|left without saying goodbye|ah Then he went back to see Liu Biao and said: Liu Bei is indeed planning to rebel, he wrote a rebellious poem on the wall and left without saying goodbye. 係 咩 ? 好 , 去 睇 下去 睇 下 。 ||good|go|see|||a particle indicating an action Really? Alright, let's go take a look. 劉表 唔 信 , 就 同 蔡瑁 一齊 去 賓館 睇 過 。 Liu Biao|not|believe|then|together|Cai Mao|at the same time|go|hotel|see|past tense marker Liu Biao didn't believe it, so he went to the hotel with Cai Mao to take a look. 啊 , 果然 喺 牆上 便 係 寫 住 四句 詩 喎 , 嗰 首 詩 係 噉 嘅 : ah|as expected|at|on the wall|then|is|||four lines|poem|particle indicating realization|that|measure word for poems|poem|is|like this|possessive particle Ah, sure enough, there were four lines of poetry written on the wall, and the poem went like this: 數年 徒守困 , 空對 舊 山川 。 several years|||old|mountains and rivers For years I have guarded this place, facing the old mountains and rivers. 龍 豈 池中物 , 乘雷欲 上天 ! dragon|how|||to ascend to heaven How can a dragon be just a creature in a pond, wanting to ride the thunder to ascend to the heavens! 嘿 ! 可惱 也 啦 ! 劉表 當堂 嬲 起 上 嚟 ,掹 出 把 劍 嚟 話 : hey|annoying|also|particle|Liu Biao|on the spot|angry|get|up|here|draw|out|measure word|sword|here|said Hey! How infuriating! Liu Biao got angry right there and pulled out his sword, saying: 我 發誓 要 殺 咗 呢 個 無義之 徒 ! I|swear|will|kill|past tense marker|this|measure word|| I swear I will kill this useless person! 蹬蹬 蹬蹬 行 咗 幾步 , 誒 ? 停住 腳 嘞 , 劉表 猛然 醒起 : stomping||walk|past tense marker|a few steps|eh|stop|feet|past action particle|Liu Biao|suddenly|realized Step by step, wait? Stop right there, Liu Biao suddenly woke up: 誒 ? 唔 係 噃, 我同 玄德 相處 咁 耐 , 從來未 見 佢 作 過 詩 㗎 。 eh|||right||Xuande|get along|so|long|never|seen|he|write|past|poem|particle Wait? No way, I've been with Xuande for so long, I've never seen him write poetry. 啊 ! 實 係 有人 搞 啲 離間 之計 啫 。 ah|||someone|planning|some|sowing discord|scheme|only Ah! Someone is indeed plotting some divisive schemes. 劉表 行返 轉頭 ,𠻘𠻘𠻘, 用 劍尖 刮 咗 嗰 首 詩 , 掉 低 把 劍 上馬 返扯 。 Liu Biao|walked back|turned around|quickly|used|sword tip|scraped|past tense marker|that|measure word for poems|poem|dropped|down|measure word for tools|sword|mounted|pulled back Liu Biao turned back, swish, swish, swish, scraped that poem with the tip of his sword, dropped the sword and got on the horse to leave. 蔡瑁 請示 佢 話 : 兵士 已經 點齊 喇 , 可以 出發 去 新野 捉拿 劉備 嘞 。 Cai Mao|to ask|he|said|soldiers|already|assembled|particle indicating completed action|can|depart|to|Xin Ye|capture|Liu Bei|particle indicating completed action Cai Mao asked him, saying: The soldiers are already gathered, we can set off to catch Liu Bei. 誒 , 唔 好立 亂 逳 手 , 啊 , 等 以後 慢慢 至講 啦 。 hey|not|||||ah|wait|later|slowly|to talk|particle Hey, don't act recklessly, let's talk about it slowly later. 呢 噉 就 害 劉備 唔 成 喇 。 this|like that|then|harm|Liu Bei|not|succeed|particle indicating completed action This way, it will cause Liu Bei to fail. 蔡瑁 見 劉表 總 係 噉 猶疑不決 , 又 去 搵 蔡夫人 商量 。 Cai Mao|saw|Liu Biao|always|is|like that|indecisive|again|went|to find|Lady Cai|to discuss Seeing Liu Biao still hesitating, Cai Mao went to find Lady Cai to discuss. 商量 嘅 結果 呢 , 係 準備 喺 襄陽 城 啊 召集 所有 嘅 官員 舉行 大會 , 就 喺 大會 殺 劉備 。 discussion|possessive particle|result|question particle|is|preparing|at|Xiangyang|city|particle|to gather|all|possessive particle|officials|to hold|conference|then|at|conference|kill|Liu Bei The result of the discussion is to prepare to gather all the officials in Xiangyang City to hold a conference, and at the conference, to kill Liu Bei. 呢 一日 , 蔡瑁 去 見 劉表 話 : this|one day|Cai Mao|went|to see|Liu Biao|said One day, Cai Mao went to see Liu Biao and said: 今年 糧食 豐收 , 應該 召集 所有 嘅 官員 喺 襄陽 舉行 個 大會 , 表示 下 對 佢 哋 慰問 嘅 意思 , 誒 請 主公 你 去一趟 。 this year|food|abundant harvest|should|gather|all|possessive particle|officials|at|Xiangyang|hold|measure word|conference|express|next|towards|them|plural marker|condolences|possessive particle|meaning|ah|please|lord|you|go once This year, the harvest is abundant, we should gather all the officials in Xiangyang to hold a grand meeting to express our condolences to them. Please, my lord, you should go. 劉表 話 : 近日 我 啲 舊病 又 發作 , 實在 唔 去 得 喇 。 Liu Biao|said|recently|I|my|old illness|again|relapsed|really|not|go|able|particle indicating completed action Liu Biao said: Recently, my old illness has relapsed, I really cannot go. 誒 , 誒 叫 我 兩個 仔 出面 啦 。 hey||call|me|two|kids|outside|particle Ah, ah, call my two sons out. 不過 兩位 公子 仲 係 年輕 , 恐怕 有失 禮節 喎 。 but|you two|young masters|still|are|young|I'm afraid|may lose|manners|sentence-final particle However, the two young masters are still young, I fear it may be disrespectful. 噉 呀 , 誒 噉 啊 去 新野 請 玄德 , 嚟 代表 我 去 接待 賓客 啦 。 like this|particle|hey|like this|particle|go|new place|invite|Xuande|come|represent|I|go|receive|guests|particle Well, uh, let's go to the new place and invite Xuande to come and represent me to receive the guests. 就 係 想 劉表 講呢 一句 。 ||want|Liu Biao||sentence That's exactly what I want Liu Biao to say. 蔡瑁 高興 嘞 , 劉表 呀 正中 其計 啦 嘛 。 Cai Mao|happy|past tense particle|Liu Biao|question particle|right in the middle of||sentence-final particle|particle indicating obviousness Cai Mao is happy, Liu Biao is playing right into his hands. 佢 即刻 就 派 人 通知 劉備 , 請 佢 去 襄陽 。 He|immediately|then|send|person|inform|Liu Bei|invite|him|to go|Xiangyang He immediately sent someone to notify Liu Bei, inviting him to Xiangyang. 襄陽 係 咩 嘢 地方 呢 ? Xiangyang|is|what|thing|place|question particle What kind of place is Xiangyang? 襄陽 啊 喺 當時 係 分開 兩個 郡 嘅 , 一個 叫做 南郡 , 一個 叫做 南陽 。 Xiangyang|ah|at|that time|was|separate|two|counties|possessive particle|one|called|Nanjun|one|called|Nanyang Xiangyang was divided into two counties at that time, one called Nanjun and the other called Nanyang. 噉 襄陽 城 呢 , 就 係 喺 今日 湖北省 嘅 襄陽縣 嚟 。 then|Xiangyang|city|question particle|just|is|at|today|Hubei Province|possessive particle|Xiangyang County|come So, Xiangyang City is located in today's Xiangyang County, Hubei Province. 襄陽 係 處於 長江 同 漢水 之間 , 亦 係 南北 陸路 交通 嘅 要 沖 。 Xiangyang|is|located at|Yangtze River|and|Han River|between|also|is|north-south|land|transportation|possessive particle|important|hub Xiangyang is situated between the Yangtze River and the Han River, and it is also a crucial hub for north-south land transportation. 噉 啊 劉備 自從 嗰 日 趯 咗 返 新野 之後 , 自己 知道 係 因為 失言 惹禍 嘞 , 所以 亦 冇 同 大家 講呢 件 事 。 then|ah|Liu Bei|since|that|day|returned||to|Xinye|after|he|knew|is|because|slip of the tongue|caused trouble|past tense marker|so|also|did not|with|everyone||classifier for events|matter After Liu Bei returned to Xinye that day, he knew that he had caused trouble due to his careless words, so he did not mention this matter to everyone. 呢 一日 , 使者 嚟 到 , 話 請 佢 去 襄陽 噉 。 this|one day|messenger|||said|to invite|him|to go|Xiangyang|like that On this day, a messenger came and said to invite him to Xiangyang. 孫乾 就 話 喇 : 前幾日 , 見 主公 匆匆忙忙 噉 返 嚟 , 好似 個心 好 唔 安樂 噉 。 Sun Qian|then|said|particle indicating completed action|a few days ago|saw|Lord|in a hurry|like that|return|here|seems|his heart|very|not|at peace|like that Sun Qian said: A few days ago, I saw the lord hurriedly returning, looking as if his heart was very unsettled. 我 睇 荊州 實 係 出 咗 啲 咩 事 嘞 。 I|see|Jingzhou|really|is|happen|past tense marker|some|what|event|sentence-final particle I think something really happened in Jingzhou. 而家 忽然間 話 要 請 主公 你 去 赴 會 , 仲 係 唔 去 好 喇 。 right now|suddenly|said|wants|invite|lord|you|to go|attend|meeting|still|is|not|go|good|particle indicating change of state Now suddenly saying that the lord is invited to a meeting, it would be better not to go. 因為 孫乾 噉 樣一講 啊 , 劉備 先至 將 嗰 日 嘅 事 講出 嚟 畀 大家 聽 。 because|Sun Qian|like that||ah|Liu Bei|only then|will|that|day|possessive particle|matter|bring up|here|to|everyone|hear Because when Sun Qian said this, Liu Bei then revealed what happened that day to everyone. 關羽 話 : 兄長 係 你 自己 疑心 講錯 說話 唧 , 睇 嚟 , 劉景升 並 冇 唔 高興 噃。 Guan Yu|said|elder brother|is|you|yourself|suspicion|said something wrong|talking|sound of annoyance|look|come|Liu Jing Sheng|and|not|very|happy|particle indicating realization Guan Yu said: Brother, you are just being suspicious and misinterpreting things, it seems that Liu Jing Sheng is not unhappy at all. 外人 嘅 說話 唔 信得 咁 多 嘅 。 outsider|possessive particle|words|not|believable|so|much|particle You can't trust what outsiders say that much. 襄陽 離 呢 處 冇 幾遠 , 如果 噉 都 唔 去 , 荊州 方面 反而 會思疑 。 Xiangyang|from|this|place|not|very far|if|like this|also|not|go|Jingzhou|side|instead| Xiangyang is not that far from here, if we don't go, the Jingzhou side will instead be suspicious. 劉備 話 : 係 , 雲長 講得 係 啱 嘅 。 Liu Bei|said|yes|Yun Chang|speaking|is|correct|particle Liu Bei said: Yes, what Yun Chang said is correct. 張飛 話 喇 : 哼哼 , 宴無好 宴 , 會無好 會 , 不如 唔 好 去 喇 。 Zhang Fei|said|particle indicating completed action|humph||banquet||meeting|might as well|not|good|go|particle indicating completed action Zhang Fei said: Hmph, if the banquet isn't good, the meeting won't be good either, it's better not to go. 趙雲 話 : 等 我 帶 三百名 步兵 一齊 去 , 擔保 主公 冇 事 ! Zhao Yun|said|wait|I|bring|300|infantry|together|go|guarantee|lord|no|harm Zhao Yun said: Let me bring three hundred infantry along, I guarantee the lord will be fine! 啊 , 噉 就 好極 喇 ! 劉備 同意 嘞 。 ah|then|just|extremely good|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|agreed|particle indicating completed action Ah, that's great! Liu Bei agrees. 商量 妥當 之後 , 劉備 就 同 趙雲 一齊 去 襄陽 。 discuss|properly|after|Liu Bei|then|with|Zhao Yun|together|go|Xiangyang After discussing it thoroughly, Liu Bei went to Xiangyang together with Zhao Yun. 去 到 嘅 時候 , 蔡瑁 出城 嚟 迎接 , 態度 十分 恭敬 謙虛 。 go|arrive|past tense marker|time|Cai Mao|out of the city|come|to welcome|attitude|very|respectful|humble When they arrived, Cai Mao came out of the city to welcome them, with a very respectful and humble attitude. 隨後 呢 , 劉表 嗰 兩個 仔 劉琦同 劉琮 , 帶住 一班 文武 官員 出 嚟 迎接 。 afterwards|question particle|Liu Biao|that|two|sons||Liu Cong|brought|a group of|civil and military|officials|out|here|to welcome Following that, Liu Biao's two sons, Liu Qi and Liu Cong, came out with a group of civil and military officials to greet them. 劉備 見到 兩位 公子 都 喺 處 , 諗 住實 冇 咩 事 㗎 , 就 一 啲 都 唔 疑心 嘞 。 Liu Bei|saw|two|sons|all|at|home|||had no|any|matters|particle|then|one|a little|all|not|suspicious|particle When Liu Bei saw both young masters present, he thought there was really nothing to worry about, so he had no suspicions at all. 當日 , 就 請 劉備 喺 賓館 住落 。 that day|then|invite|Liu Bei|at|hotel|stay On that day, Liu Bei was invited to stay at the guesthouse. 趙雲 就 率領 三百名 士兵 , 喺 賓館 周圍 保護 。 Zhao Yun|then|led|300|soldiers|at|hotel|around|protect Zhao Yun led three hundred soldiers to protect the area around the guesthouse. 趙雲 全副 盔甲 啊 , 帶住 寶劍 , 跟 到 劉備 實一實 , 一行 一坐 都 不離 劉備 左右 。 Zhao Yun|full set of|armor|ah|carrying|sword|||Liu Bei|testing|one group|one sitting|all|not leaving|Liu Bei|side Zhao Yun was fully armored, carrying a precious sword, and closely followed Liu Bei, never leaving his side whether walking or sitting. 劉琦 呢 就講 畀 劉備 聽 , 話 : Liu Qi|this||to|Liu Bei|hear|words Liu Qi then told Liu Bei, saying: 父親 因為 舊病 發作 , 行動不便 , 特意 請 叔父 嚟 會見 賓客 , 慰問 各處 嘅 官員 啊 。 father|because|old illness|relapse|mobility impaired|specially|invited|uncle|to come|meet|guests|condolences|from all over|possessive particle|officials|sentence-final particle Father is suffering from an old illness, making it difficult for him to move, so he specially invited Uncle to meet the guests and inquire about the officials from various places. 劉備 話 : 我 啊 本來 唔 敢 擔當 呢 個 責任 嘅 , 既然 兄長 叫 到 咯 , 就 唔 敢 唔 聽 啦 。 Liu Bei|said|I|ah|originally|not|dare|take on|this|measure word for responsibility|responsibility|past tense marker|since|elder brother|called|here|particle indicating realization|then|not|dare|not|listen|particle indicating suggestion or finality Liu Bei said: I originally didn't dare to take on this responsibility, but since my elder brother called for it, I can't refuse. 到 咗 第日 , 九郡 四十二 州 嘅 官員 啊 , 已經 全部 到 齊 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|Nine Counties|forty-two|states|possessive particle|officials|sentence-final particle|already|all|arrive|together|completed action particle On that day, all the officials from the nine prefectures and forty-two states had already gathered. 蔡瑁 預先 請 咗 蒯越 嚟 商量 佢 話 : 劉備 係 個 梟雄 , 留 喺 處 時間 一長 , 日後 必定 成為 禍害 嘅 , 所以 , 今日 就要 殺 咗 佢 ! Cai Mao|in advance|invite|past tense marker|Kuai Yue|come|discuss|he|said|Liu Bei|is|a|tyrant|stay|at|this|time||in the future|definitely|become|harm|possessive particle|so|today||kill|past tense marker|him Cai Mao had previously invited Kuai Yue to discuss, saying: Liu Bei is a tyrant, and if he stays in power for too long, he will definitely become a disaster in the future, so we must kill him today! 蒯越 話 : 誒 噉 又 怕 會 使 到 民眾 有 意見 噃。 Kuai Yue|said|eh|like this|again|afraid|might|cause|to|the public|have|opinions|particle Kuai Yue said: Ah, but I'm afraid this will cause public dissent. 唔 怕 ! 主公 已經 秘密 吩咐 過我 㗎 嘞 。 not|afraid|lord|already||instructed||sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Don't worry! The lord has already secretly instructed me. 既然 係 噉 , 就要 預先 作好 準備 至 得 。 since|is|like this|then must|in advance|do well|preparation|only|okay Since it is like this, we need to prepare in advance. 東門 峴 山大路 , 我 已經 派 咗 我 細佬 蔡 和 帶兵 喺 度 把守 ; 南 門外 便 派 咗 蔡中 把守 ; East Gate|Hill|Shanda Road|I|already|sent|past tense marker|my|younger brother|Choi|and|commanding troops|at|there|guarding|South|outside the gate|then|sent|past tense marker|Choi Chung|guarding At Dongmen Xianshan Road, I have already sent my younger brother Cai He to guard there; at the South Gate, I have sent Cai Zhong to guard; 北 門外 便 , 派 咗 蔡 勛 把守 ; North|outside the gate|then|sent|past tense marker|Choi|Hsun|to guard at the North Gate, I have sent Cai Xun to guard; 至於 西門 , 就 唔 使 派 人守 喇 , 因為 前 便 有 條檀溪 阻隔 , 就算 有 幾萬人 咁 多 亦 唔 容易 衝得 過去 嘅 。 as for|West Gate|then|||send||particle indicating completed action|because|in front|then|has||barrier|even if|has|tens of thousands of people|||also|||||particle indicating possession or modification As for the West Gate, there is no need to send anyone to guard, because there is a Tanshui River blocking the way in front, even if there are tens of thousands of people, it would not be easy to rush over. 不過 蔡將軍 , 我 見到 趙雲 寸步不離 劉玄德 , 恐怕 好 難落 手 噃。 however|General Cai|I|saw|Zhao Yun|never leaves|Liu Xuande|I'm afraid|very|||particle indicating realization or concern However, General Cai, I see that Zhao Yun is never far from Liu Xuande, so it might be very difficult to take action. 噉 , 等 我 埋伏 定 五百名 兵士 喺 城內 準備 啦 ! then|wait|I|ambush|or|500|soldiers|in|the city|ready|particle indicating completion or emphasis Then, let me ambush five hundred soldiers inside the city and get ready! 你 睇 噉 好 唔 好 呢 蔡將軍 ? you|think|like this|good|not|good|question particle|General Choi What do you think, General Choi? 我 哋 叫 文聘 、 王威 兩個 人 另外 設 一席 喺 外 便 大廳 , 款待 武將 。 ||are called|Wen Ping|Wang Wei|two|people|additionally|set|a table|at|outside|then|hall|entertain|military general We will ask Wen Ping and Wang Wei to set up another table outside the main hall to entertain the military generals. 一 調開 咗 趙雲 呀 , 就 好 逳 手 啦 嘛 。 one|distracted|past tense marker|Zhao Yun|sentence-final particle|then|very|||sentence-final particle|rhetorical particle Once Zhao Yun is distracted, it will be easy to handle. 好 辦法 啊 , 好 辦法 啊 ! good|method|particle|good|method|particle What a great plan, what a great plan! 蔡 瑁 佢 哋 佈置 好 嘞 , 當日 , 殺 牛 劏 馬 大 排 筵席 。 ||he|plural marker|arrangement|good|past tense marker|that day|slaughter|cow|butcher|horse|big|set up|banquet Cai Mao and his team set up well, on that day, they slaughtered cattle and horses for a grand banquet. 宴會 嘅 時候 , 劉備 啊 做 主人 , 兩位 公子 呀 分別 坐 喺 兩邊 , 其餘 啲 人 呢 就 依住 次序 坐落 。 banquet|possessive particle|time|Liu Bei|sentence-final particle|act as|host|two|young masters|sentence-final particle|respectively|sit|at|two sides|the rest|plural marker|people|question particle|then|according to|order|sit down During the banquet, Liu Bei was the host, and the two young masters sat on either side, while the rest of the guests sat in order. 趙雲帶 住 寶劍 , 就 企 喺 劉備 身邊 。 ||sword|then|stood|at|Liu Bei|side Zhao Yun, carrying a treasured sword, stood beside Liu Bei. 文聘 、 王威 就 入 嚟 請 趙雲 出去 外廳 飲 啦 。 Wen Ping|Wang Wei|then|come|here|invite|Zhao Yun|go out|dining hall|drink|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Wen Pin and Wang Wei came in to invite Zhao Yun to the outer hall for a drink. 趙雲 推辭 唔 去 啊 。 Zhao Yun|declined|not|go|particle Zhao Yun declined and did not go. 劉備 就 叫 趙雲 出去 飲 啦 , 唔 緊要 嘅 噉 。 Liu Bei|then|asked|Zhao Yun|to go out|drink|sentence final particle|not|important|possessive particle|like that Liu Bei just told Zhao Yun to go out for a drink, it's not a big deal. 趙雲 冇 辦法 , 唯有 勉強 遵命 出去 啦 。 Zhao Yun|has no|way|only|reluctantly|obeying orders|go out|particle indicating suggestion or command Zhao Yun had no choice but to reluctantly obey the order and go out. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 蔡 瑁 喺 外 便 啊 , 已經 佈置 得 鐵桶 咁 密實 嘞 。 at|this|measure word|time|||at|outside|convenience|particle|already|arranged|to be|iron barrel|so|tightly|particle At this time, Cai Mao was outside, and he had already set up a trap as tight as a steel barrel. 將 劉備 帶 嚟 嗰 三百名 兵士 ,冚𠾴唥 叫 咗 佢 哋 返 去 賓館 。 bring|Liu Bei|bring|here|that|300|soldiers|all|told|past tense marker|he|plural marker|return|to|hotel He brought Liu Bei's three hundred soldiers and ordered them to return to the hotel. 噉 啊 就 係 等 飲 到 半 醉 嘅 時候 啊 , 一聲 號令 就 逳 手 。 like that|particle|then|is|wait|drink|until|half|drunk|possessive particle|time|particle|one sound|command|then|run|hand So, when they were about half drunk, a command was given to strike. 酒過三巡 , 伊籍 起身 敬酒 , 就 輪 到 敬酒 畀 劉備 嘅 時候 呢 , 佢 就 望 實 劉備 , 細細 聲話 : 請 更衣 。 after three rounds of drinks|Yi Ji|stood up|toasting|then|||toasting|to|Liu Bei|possessive particle|moment|this|he|then|looked at|real|Liu Bei|softly||please|change clothes After a few rounds of drinks, Yi Ji stood up to toast, and when it was time to toast Liu Bei, he looked at Liu Bei and whispered: Please change your clothes. 劉備 會意 嘞 , 就 起身 去 廁所 咯 喎 。 Liu Bei|understood|past tense marker|then|got up|to go|restroom|completed action particle|sentence-final particle Liu Bei understood and got up to go to the restroom. 伊籍 敬 完酒 , 喇喇聲 走 去 後園 , 搵 到 劉備 就 伏 埋 喺 耳 仔 邊 講 佢 聽 : 蔡瑁 呀 定 咗 計 要害 你 呀 ! he|respectfully|finished drinking|with a clattering sound|ran|to|the back garden|found|arriving|Liu Bei|then|crouched|close|at|||side|said|he|heard|Cai Mao|particle|plotted|past tense marker|scheme|to kill|you|particle After Yi Ji finished toasting, he hurriedly went to the back garden, found Liu Bei, and whispered in his ear: Cai Mao has plotted to harm you! 城外 嘅 東 、 南 、 北三 笪 地方 都 有 兵馬 把守 , 只有 西門 可以 走 嘅 , 使君 你 快 啲 逃跑 啦 ! outside the city|possessive particle|east|south||small|places|all|have|soldiers and horses|guarding|only|west gate|can|leave|particle|sir|you|quickly|a little|escape|particle The east, south, and north gates outside the city are all guarded by soldiers, only the west gate is open, you should escape quickly! 劉備 大吃一驚 , 急急 解開 的 盧馬 , 開 咗 後園 門 , 牽 隻 馬 出去 , 然後 飛身 上馬 , 亦 嚟 唔 切 叫 埋 嗰 個 隨從 喇 , 就 係 單身 匹馬 就 向 住 西門 猛跑 。 Liu Bei|was greatly shocked|hurriedly|untied|possessive particle|Lu horse|opened|past tense marker|back garden|door|led|measure word for animals|horse|out|then|leapt|onto the horse|also|come|not|able|call|together|that|measure word|attendant|particle indicating completion|just|was|single||just|towards|particle indicating direction|west gate|ran fiercely Liu Bei was greatly shocked, hurriedly untied his horse, opened the back garden door, led the horse out, then jumped on the horse, without even calling for his attendant, he rode alone towards the west gate. 去 到 西門 , 守門 官 就 問 佢 出 城 有 咩 事 呀 噉 。 go|to|Ximen|gate|officer|then|asked|he|leave|city|has|what|matter|particle|like that When he reached the West Gate, the gatekeeper asked him what he was doing out of the city. 劉備 理都 唔 理 佢 呀 , 加 咗 兩鞭 , 跑 衡馬衝 咗 出 西門 。 Liu Bei||not|care about|him|sentence final particle|added|past tense marker|two whips|ran||past tense marker|out|west gate Liu Bei ignored him completely, gave him two lashes, and charged out of the West Gate. 守門 官 就 攔 佢 唔 住 , 就 飛報 蔡瑁 啦 。 goalkeeper|referee|then|stop|him|not|able to|then|report|Cai Mao|particle The gatekeeper couldn't stop him, so he quickly reported to Cai Mao. 蔡瑁 立即 上馬 , 帶住 五百名 兵卒 就 跟 住 尾 去 追 。 Cai Mao|immediately|mount (a horse)|bringing|500|soldiers|then|||tail|to|chase Cai Mao immediately mounted his horse, took five hundred soldiers, and followed closely behind to chase. 劉備 衝出 咗 西門 , 跑 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 只見 前面 有條 大溪 攔住 去路 啊 。 Liu Bei|rushed out|past tense marker|West Gate|ran|past tense marker|not|much|distance|only saw|ahead||big river|blocking|way|sentence-final particle Liu Bei burst out of the West Gate, ran for a short distance, and saw a large creek blocking his way ahead. 呢 呢 條就 係 檀溪 嘞 , 成 幾丈 闊 , 一直 呀 通到 去 襄 江 嘅 , 水流 呀 非常 之 湍急 。 this|||is|Tanxi River|particle indicating completed action|about|several zhang (a unit of length)|wide|continuously|particle for emphasis|leading to|to|||possessive particle|water flow|particle for emphasis|very|particle indicating possession|swift This stream is called Tanxi, it is several zhang wide, and it flows all the way to the Xiang River. The water flow is extremely rapid. 劉備 跑 到 去 溪邊 見過 唔 去 嘅 喎 , 就 勒 轉馬 頭返 去 啦 。 Liu Bei|run|arrive|to|riverside|seen|not|go|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|then|pull|||to|sentence-final particle Liu Bei ran to the stream and saw that he couldn't go any further, so he turned his horse around and went back. 弊 ! 遠遠 望見 城西 塵頭 大起 , 追兵 就 到 嘞 。 oh no|far away|saw|west of the city|dust|rising|pursuers|then|arrive|past tense marker Oh no! From a distance, he saw a large cloud of dust rising in the west of the city, the pursuers were arriving. 劉備 話 : 哎呀 , 呢 趟 實死 咯 ! Liu Bei|said|oh no|this|trip|really die|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei said: Oh no, this time I'm really going to die! 又 回馬 跑 返去 溪邊 , 擰 轉頭 望下 , 追兵 已經 嚟 到 好 近 嘞 。 again|turn back|run|return|riverside||turn head|look down|pursuers|already|||very|close|particle indicating completed action He turned his horse around and ran back to the stream, looking back, the pursuers were already very close. 劉備 慌起 上 嚟 , 就 縱 馬行 落條 溪處 。 Liu Bei|panicked|up|here|then|urged|||creek area Liu Bei panicked and rode down to a stream. 行 咗 幾步 , 哎呀 , 突然 馬失前蹄 一 跪 , 嘿 呀 ! 連件 袍 都 浸濕 晒 。 walk|past tense marker|a few steps|oh no|suddenly||one|kneeled|||even the|robe|all|soaked|completely After a few steps, oh no, suddenly the horse stumbled and knelt down, hey! Even my robe got completely soaked. 劉備 出力 咁 鞭 隻 馬 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 的 盧啊的盧 , 今日 你 剋死 我 喇 ! Liu Bei|exerting effort|like this|whip|measure word for animals|horse|loudly|like this||possessive particle||today|you|kill|me|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei whipped the horse with all his might, shouting loudly: "Dilu, Dilu, today you are going to kill me!" 啊 ? 真 係 奇怪 喎 , 劉備 一 嗌 完唧 , 嗰 匹 馬 突然 間 喺 水 裏頭 湧身 而 起 ,𠽤𡃈 噉 一 跳 就 成 三丈 遠 , 飛 咗 上 西岸 。 ah|||strange|particle|Liu Bei|one|shout|finished|that|measure word for horses|horse|suddenly|moment|in|water|inside|emerged|and|rose|like that|so|one|jump|then|about|three zhang (a unit of distance)|far|flew|past tense marker|onto|west bank Huh? It's really strange, as soon as Liu Bei shouted, that horse suddenly sprang up from the water, leaping three zhang away, and flew up to the west bank. 嘿 劉備 呀 , 當時 好似 騰雲駕霧 噉 啊 。 hey|Liu Bei|particle|at that time|seemed like|riding on clouds and driving through mist|like that|particle Hey Liu Bei, at that moment it was like riding on clouds and mist. 劉備 騎馬 跳過 咗 西岸 , 回過 頭 嚟 望一望 東岸 啦 , 只見 蔡瑁 已經 帶兵 追到 嚟 溪邊 嘞 。 Liu Bei|riding a horse|jumped over|past tense marker|west bank|turned|head|here|took a glance|east bank|sentence final particle|only saw|Cai Mao|already|led troops|caught up|here|riverside|past tense marker Liu Bei rode his horse and jumped over to the west bank, turned around to take a look at the east bank, and saw that Cai Mao had already brought his troops to the creek. 蔡瑁 高聲 大叫 話 : 使君 你 點解 逃席 走 咗 去 呀 ! Choi Mau|loudly|shouted|said|Sir|you|why|leave the seat|run|past tense marker|go|question particle Cai Mao shouted loudly: "Why did you run away, sir!" 劉備 話 : 我同 你 無怨 無仇 , 你 為 咩 事 要害 我 吖 ? Liu Bei|said||you|no resentment|no hatred|you|for|what|reason|want to harm|me|question particle Liu Bei replied: "I have no grievances or enmity with you, why do you want to harm me?" 我 一 啲 都 冇 噉 嘅 意思 㗎 , 使君 千祈 唔 好聽 人 亂講 啊 ! I|a|little|at all|have not|like that|possessive particle|meaning|sentence-final particle|Sir|absolutely|not|listen to|people|talk nonsense|ah I have no intention of doing that at all, sir, please do not listen to rumors!" 把 口 就 話 冇 噉 意思 咯 , 劉備 望見 佢 呀 已經 拈 弓 掹 箭 嘞 , 咪 拘 , 立即 撥馬 向 住 西南方 跑 咗 去 。 particle indicating action|mouth|then|said|not have|like that|meaning|particle indicating finality|Liu Bei|saw|he|particle indicating surprise|already|nocked|bow|pulled|arrow|past tense particle|don't|hesitate|immediately|urged his horse|towards|particle indicating direction|southwest|ran|past tense particle|away As he said that, Liu Bei saw that Cai Mao had already drawn his bow and nocked an arrow, so he was alarmed and immediately turned his horse to run southwest. 蔡瑁 好 奇怪 呀 , 佢 對 左右 啲 人話 : Choi Mau|very|strange|sentence-final particle|he|to|around|plural marker| Cai Mao is very strange, he said to the people around him: 係 乜嘢 神靈 保佑 佢 㗎 ? 佢 點 過得去 嘅 呢 ? is|what|spirit|bless|he|question particle|he|how|get through|past tense particle|question particle What kind of deity is protecting him? How can he get through this? 佢 正話 想 收兵 回城 , 只見 西門 之內 呀 , 趙雲帶 住 三百名 士兵 趕到 嚟 嘞 。 He|was just saying|wants|retreat|return to the city|only saw|West Gate|inside|particle||with|300|soldiers|arrived|here|past action particle He was just saying he wanted to withdraw his troops back to the city, when suddenly inside the west gate, Zhao Yun arrived with three hundred soldiers. 原來 趙雲 啊 , 佢 正 喺 度 飲 緊 酒 , 忽然 見到 人馬 出動 就 急急 入去 裏頭 睇 下 啦 。 it turns out|Zhao Yun|ah|he|currently|at|place|||alcohol|suddenly|saw|cavalry|mobilize|then|hurriedly|went in|inside|||particle It turns out Zhao Yun was drinking at the time, and when he suddenly saw the troops moving, he hurried inside to take a look. 咦 ? 喺 席 上 唔 見 咗 劉備 。 eh|at|table|on|not|see|past tense marker|Liu Bei Hey? Liu Bei is not at the table. 趙雲 就 大吃一驚 , 立即 出去 想 走 返去 賓館 啦 。 Zhao Yun|then|was greatly shocked|immediately|went out|wanted|to walk|return|hotel|particle indicating a suggestion or change of state Zhao Yun was taken aback and immediately went out wanting to return to the hotel. 佢 聽見 啲 人話 : 蔡瑁 帶 住 兵 向 西 便 追 咗 過去 呀 噉 。 He|heard|plural marker||Cai Mao|brought|with|soldiers|towards|west|then|chased|past tense marker|past|sentence-final particle|like that He heard people saying: Cai Mao took soldiers and headed west, so he chased after them. 哎呀 不得了 ! 趙雲 就 火急 提槍 上馬 , 率領 住 原來 帶 嚟 嗰 三百名 兵士 , 一陣風 噉 奔 出 西門 。 oh no|terrible|Zhao Yun|then|in a hurry|drew his spear|mounted his horse|led|holding|originally|brought|come|that|three hundred|soldiers|like the wind|like|rushed|out|west gate Oh no! Zhao Yun urgently drew his spear and mounted his horse, leading the three hundred soldiers he originally brought, and rushed out of the west gate like the wind. 誒 , 啱 喇 , 撞 正 蔡瑁 , 即刻 就 問 佢 話 : hey|right|particle indicating completion|hit|directly|Choi Mau|immediately|then|asked|he|said Hey, just right, he ran into Cai Mao and immediately asked him: 我 主公 去 咗 邊度 啊 ? I|my lord|go|past tense marker|where|question particle Where did my lord go? 誒 使君 逃席 走 咗 , 唔 知去 咗 邊度 噃。 hey|sir|leave|left|past tense marker|not||past tense marker|where|sentence-final particle Hey, my lord, the person has run away, I don't know where they went. 趙雲 係 個 謹慎 細心 嘅 人 , 佢 冇 立 亂 嚟 呀 , 發火 亦 冇 用 。 Zhao Yun|is|a|cautious|careful|'s|person|he|not|act|recklessly|come|particle|get angry|also|not|useful Zhao Yun is a cautious and meticulous person, he doesn't act recklessly, getting angry is useless. 佢 即刻 策馬 向前 便行 , 好 快脆 就 嚟 到 溪邊 。 He|immediately|rode his horse|forward|walked|very|quickly|then|came|arrived|riverside He immediately spurred his horse forward and quickly arrived at the riverbank. 唔 見 人 喇 , 冇 第條 路 㗎 啦 。 not|see|people|particle indicating completed action|no|the|road|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating suggestion or change of state No one is in sight, there is no other path. 一勒轉 隻 馬 , 跑 返 轉頭 追 上蔡 瑁 就 問 佢 : suddenly turned|classifier for animals|horse|ran|back|turned around|chased|||then|asked|him/her He turned the horse around and ran back to catch up with Cai Mao and asked him: 蔡將軍 , 你 哋 請 我 主公 嚟 赴宴 啦 , 點解 要 你 帶 住 兵馬 嚟 追 嘅 呢 ? General Choi|you|plural marker|invite|me|Lord|come|to the banquet|sentence-final particle|why|need|you|bring|with|soldiers and horses|come|chasing|possessive particle|question particle General Cai, you invited my lord to the banquet, why do you need to bring soldiers to chase him? 嘿嘿 , 九郡 四十二 州 縣 嘅 官員 都 喺 呢 一度 嚟 , 我身 為 上將 點 能夠 唔 加強防衛 呀 ? hee hee|nine counties|forty-two|state|county|possessive particle|officials|all|at|this|one place|come||as|general|how|able to|not||question particle Hehe, officials from forty-two counties in nine prefectures are all here, as a general, how can I not strengthen the defense? 究竟 你 哋 將 我 嘅 主公 逼 咗 去 邊處 ? exactly|you|plural marker|will|I|possessive particle|lord|force|past tense marker|go|where Where exactly have you forced my lord to go? 我 只 係 聽講 使君 單人 匹馬出 咗 西門 , 但 係 嚟 到 呢 處 又 唔 見 人 喎 。 I|||heard|Sir|alone||past tense marker|West Gate|||||||again|||person|sentence-final particle I only heard that the governor left the west gate alone on horseback, but when I got here, I didn't see anyone. 趙雲 非常 疑心 , 佢 又 返 去 溪邊 睇 下 ,嚱! 呢 次 睇 到 啲 嘢 喇 。 Zhao Yun|very|suspicious|he|again|return|to|riverside|look|a little|exclamation|this|time|see|to|some|things|particle Zhao Yun is very suspicious, he went back to the riverbank to take a look, ha! This time he saw something. 究竟 睇 到 啲 乜嘢 呢 ? 下次 再講 。 exactly|see|to|some|what|question particle|next time| What exactly can we see? Let's talk about it next time.

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