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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 088

今日 講下 魯肅 , 佢 聽見 送 請帖 嘅 使者 返 嚟 話 : 關雲長 一 啖 應承 , 聽日 一定 嚟 赴宴 喇 噉 。 魯肅 就 同 呂蒙 商量 : 關雲長 聽日 嚟 喇 , 我 哋 點樣 做 呢 ? 呂蒙 話 : 佢 若果 帶 軍隊 嚟 , 噉 我 同 甘寧 , 就 各帶 一支 軍隊 埋伏 喺 岸邊 , 以 放炮 為號 , 準備 廝殺 。 若果 佢 唔 帶 軍隊 嚟 呢 , 噉 我 哋 就 喺 臨江 亭後便 , 埋伏 五十名 刀斧手 , 喺 飲酒 嘅 時候 殺 咗 佢 , 噉 魯肅 佢 哋 就 商量 佈置 好 嘞 喎 。 第 日 , 魯肅 派 人 喺 岸邊 瞭望 。 啱 啱 過 咗 辰時 , 即 係 而家講 八點鐘 咁 上下 , 只見 江面 上 有 隻 船 嚟 緊 嘞 , 船上 只有 幾個 艄公 水手 。 船上 , 插住 一面 紅旗 迎風招展 , 旗上 繡 住 大大 一個 關字 。 越 嚟 越近 喇 , 到 嘞 , 靠岸 嘞 , 嘩 ! 只見 關雲長 頭 戴青巾 , 身穿 綠袍 , 坐 喺 船上 。 喺 佢 旁邊 , 周倉 企 喺 處 抱住 青龍 偃月 刀 。 仲有 八九個 關西 大漢 , 每人 都 掛住 腰刀 一把 , 嗯 , 魯肅 個心 有 啲 驚疑 喇 。 迎接 咗 關雲長 請 佢 入 去 臨江 亭 , 行過禮 寒暄 一番 , 就 埋位 入席 飲酒 。 魯肅 一 嚟 呢 , 心中有鬼 , 二 嚟 就 畀 關雲長 個 威風 震住 啊 , 所以 敬酒 個 時候 都 唔 敢擔 高頭 望 關雲長 一眼 嘅 。 但 係 關雲長 呢 , 藝高人膽大 啊 依然 有 講有 笑 都 唔 知 幾淡定 。 飲到 咁 上下 , 魯肅 就 講到 主題 喇 , 佢 話 : 有 一件 事要講 畀 君侯 你 知 。 往日 , 令兄 皇叔 要 我 喺 我 哋 主公 面前 , 擔保 佢 借 荊州 嚟 暫時 住落 , 約定 , 喺 攞 咗 西川 之後 就 歸還 喇 噉 。 今日 , 西川 已經 得到 啦 , 但 係 荊州 仲未還 喎 , 噉 未免 係 失信 嘞 噃。 關雲長 話 喇 : 呢 啲 乃 係 國家 之 事 , 喺 筵席 上 , 唔 好 講喇 ! 誒 關將軍 , 仲 係 請 你 聽 我講 埋 佢 。 我 哋 主公 雖然 只 係 得 江東 一 笪 咁 小 嘅 地方 , 之 都 仲 肯將 荊州 借出 嚟 又 點解 呢 ? 皆 因為 乃念 君侯 你 哋 打 咗 敗仗 , 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 冇 個 立腳 嘅 地方 唧 。 今日 , 皇叔 已經 得 咗 益州 咯 , 噉 , 荊州 就 理應 歸還 嘞 喎 。 皇叔 都 應承 話 喇 , 還返 三個 郡 先 嘅 。 之君侯 你 又 唔 聽 , 恐怕 喺 道理 上講 唔 過去 啩? 當年 烏林 戰役 , 我 兄長 親冒矢石 不 避 危險 , 同 東吳 合力 擊破 曹賊 。 點 能夠 要 我 哋 白白 出 咗 力 , 連 一寸 一尺 嘅 土地 嘅 酬勞 都 冇 呢 ? 點解 而家 都督 你 又 要 嚟 攞 返 啲 地 啊 ? 誒 唔 係 噉 講 嘅 君 侯 ,嗱, 當初 君侯同 皇叔 喺 長 坂 打 咗 敗仗 , 計窮力竭 , 都 準備 有 咁 遠 趯 咁 遠 喇 。 我 哋 主公 見到 皇叔 連個 棲身之地 都 冇 , 就 深表同情 , 情願 借 啲 地方 出 嚟 , 等 皇叔 有 笪 地方 落腳 咯 , 嚟 到 謀求 日後 嘅 發展 啊 。 但 係 皇叔 今日 不顧 道義 , 唔 講交情 , 得到 西川 咯 都 仲 佔 住 荊州 。 嘿嘿 既 貪心 , 又 背信棄義 , 真 係 會 畀 天下 所 恥笑 㗎 , 請君侯 你 認真 考慮 下 啦 。 呢 啲 都 係 我 兄長 嘅 事 , 唔 係 我關 某 所 應該 過問 。 聽講 君侯 你 同 皇叔 桃園 結義 , 誓同生死 , 噉 , 皇叔 嘅 事 即 係 君 侯 嘅 事 啫 , 使 乜 推託 呢 ? 關雲長 都 仲未 回答 啊 , 周倉 企 喺 台 階下 便 就 大聲 噉 話 嘞 : 天下 嘅 土地 , 邊個 有 能力 就 邊個 得 , 唔 通淨 係 你 哋 東吳 有份 咩 ! 關雲長 面色 一變 , 霎聲 企 起身 行落 台階 , 一手 攞 起 周 倉 捧住 嗰 把 大刀 , 威風凜凜 企 喺 處 , 望住 周倉 喝 佢 話 : 呢 啲 乃 係 國家 嘅 事情 , 唔 使 你 多嘴 , 快快 出去 ! 周倉 會意 嘞 , 喇喇聲 去 到 岸邊 , 將關 字 紅旗 一拂 , 嗨 呀 ! 關平 率領 住 嘅 船隊 啊 , 就 好似 箭 一樣 飛快 駛到 嚟 江東 呢 便 嘞 。 呢 個 時候 , 關雲長 右手 提刀 , 左手 就 挽住 魯肅 隻 手臂 , 詐作 飲 醉酒 噉 話 喇 : 都督 , 你 請 我 飲酒 , 唔 好 提起 荊州 嘅 事 啊 。 我而家 已經 醉 , 醉 喇 , 怕 一下 會傷 咗 我 哋 嘅 交情 。 第 日 , 我 派 人 嚟 請 都督 到 荊州 赴宴 , 再作 商量 啊 ! 嘩 , 魯肅 呀 嚇到 魂不附體 啊 , 任由 關雲長 拖 佢 去 邊度 就 去 邊度 啦 , 結果 就 一直 拖住 佢 去 到 江邊 。 呂蒙 、 甘寧 本來 想 指揮 兵馬 出 嚟 捉 關雲長 嘅 , 咦 ? 見到 關雲長 揸 住 佢 嗰 把 大關 刀 , 又拉住 魯肅 。 弊 啦 , 噉 就 唔 逳 得手 嘅 噃, 容乜易 魯肅 畀 佢 一刀 劏 咗 先 喇 , 於是 就 唔 敢 逳 嘞 。 關雲長 一直 拉 住 魯肅 行到 去 船邊 , 噉 先至 放手 。 大步 上船 , 企 喺 船頭 拱 一 拱手 : 告辭 喇 ! 同 魯肅 告別 嘞 。 魯肅 定定 噉 企 喺 處 好似 傻 咗 一樣 , 眼光 光睇 住 關雲長 隻 船 呀 乘風破浪 返去 荊州 。 噉 好 唔 甘心 㗎 , 魯肅 同 呂蒙 就 商量 話 : 唉 , 呢 條計 又 唔 成功 , 如之奈何 呢 ? 呂蒙 話 : 即刻 稟告 主公 , 起兵 同 關雲長 決戰 啦 。 魯肅 亦 冇 其他 更好 嘅 辦法 嘞 , 就 即時 使人 去 稟告 孫權 。 孫權 就 好 嬲 啊 , 正話 想 出動 全部 兵馬 去 奪取 荊州 。 忽然 得到 消息 , 話 曹操 啊 又 試點 起 三十萬 大軍 殺 嚟 喇 噉 。 孫權 驚 , 唯有 命令 魯肅 啊 先 唔 好 去 惹 荊州 嗰 便 。 仲 係 將 自己 嘅 兵力 啊 轉移 去 合肥 、 濡須 一 呢條 戰線 嚟 頂住 曹操 。 曹操 呢 , 原先 確實 係 想 嚟 打 東吳 報仇 嘅 , 但 係 有人 勸 佢 喺 當前 啊 最好 暫時 就 唔 好 用兵 。 因為 孫權 呢 , 喺 江東 據 有 長江 天險 吖 ; 劉備 啊 佔 住 西 蜀 喎 有 崇山峻嶺 嚟 做 屏障 , 都 係 極之 唔 容易 打 嘅 。 就 不如 首先 , 重視 文教 養精蓄銳 , 有 機會 先至 出兵 啦 噉 。 曹操 考慮 咗 一番 , 終歸 接納 咗 呢 個 意見 , 就 決定 停止 南征 嘞 。 噉 做 咩 嘢 呢 ? 興辦 學校 , 聘請 各種 有 學問 嘅 人才 嚟 幫 佢 做事 , 即 係 搞 下文 便 嘅 嘢 先 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 王 粲 啊 、 杜襲 啊 、 衛凱 啊 、 和洽 啊 四個 人 就 商量 話 要 請求 皇帝 啊 , 封 曹操 做 魏王 嘞 喎 。 嘿嘿 , 呢 四個 人 呀 真 係 會 抬 轎 喇 。 但 係 荀 攸 唔 同意 啊 , 佢 反對 佢 哋 , 佢 話 : 唔 好 噉 做 喇 。 丞相 嘅 官銜 , 已經 做到 魏公 , 仲榮 加九錫 , 地位 已經 高 到極點 㗎 喇 。 而家仲要 晉升 為 王位 , 太 過份 喇 。 曹操 知道 咗 就 發惡 喇 佢 話 : 哼 ! 此人 想學 荀彧 係 嘛 ? 有人 講返 荀 攸 聽 , 話 曹丞相 好 唔 高興 噃。 荀攸個 心好 難過 啊 。 結果 得 咗 病 , 病 咗 十幾日 就 一命嗚呼 , 死 嘅 時候 先至 係 五十八歲 唔 。 曹操 吩咐 隆重 啲 安葬 咗 佢 。 同時 呢 , 佢 亦 叫 啲 人 啊 , 唔 好 再 提 晉升 魏 王 嘅 事 喇 。 有 一日 , 曹操 帶住 劍入 去 宮殿 去 見 漢獻帝 。 當時 獻帝 啊 正在 同皇 後坐 喺 處 傾 偈 。 呢 個 皇後姓 伏 , 伏皇 後 啊 。 皇後一 見到 曹操 嚟 呀 , 慌忙 企 起身 。 而 皇帝 見到 曹操 呢 , 亦 都 驚到 周身 震 啊 。 曹操 對 皇帝 話 : 而家 孫權 、 劉備 , 各霸 一方 , 唔 聽 朝廷 嘅 命令 , 要點 嚟 對待 佢 哋 啊 ? 誒 , 誒 , 就 睇 魏公 你 , 你 決定 啦 。 哼 ! 陛下 你講 啲 噉 嘅 說話 , 畀 外人 知道 , 就 會 話 我 欺君 㗎 喇 。 魏公 , 你 如果 肯 繼續 做 丞相 嚟 輔助 我 嚱, 噉 就 , 幸運 到極 喇 。 否則 , 誒 , 魏公 , 你 要 我 唔 做 亦 可以 嘅 。 曹操 聽 獻帝 噉 樣講 , 冇 出聲 , 碌 大 雙眼 望實 漢獻帝 , 望 咗 一陣 就 嬲 爆爆 噉 走 咗 嘞 。 有 一日 , 有個 侍臣 啊 靜靜 噉 稟奏 畀 獻帝 聽 , 話 聽講 呀 , 魏公想 做 魏王 添 啊 , 冇 幾耐 就 必定會 篡位 㗎 喇 噉 。 獻帝 同伏 皇後都 喊 起 上 嚟 呀 。 皇後話 喇 : 臣妾 嘅 父親 伏 完 , 平時 都 好 想 殺 咗 曹操 㗎 喇 。 啊 臣妾 不如 即刻 寫封信 , 同 父親 商量 下 , 好 唔 好 啊 陛下 ? 唉 , 以前 , 董承 就 係 因為 做事 唔 得 機密 , 反而 惹 咗 場 大禍 。 呢 次 如果 又 洩露 咗 出去 , 朕 同 你 都 冇 命 咯 。 陛下 , 我 哋 日日夜夜 , 都 受 曹賊 欺凌 , 如 坐 針氈 。 噉 樣 做人 , 不如 早 啲 死 咗 好過 咯 。 陛下 , 以 臣妾 睇 嚟 , 喺 宦官 當中 最 忠義 可靠 嘅 , 就 係 穆順 喇 , 叫 佢 帶 信 就 最 啱 㗎 喇好 嘛 ? 好 啦 。 於是 就 召 穆順 入 嚟 , 叫 嗰 啲 近 身 侍 臣 行 咗 出去 。 獻帝 都 未 出聲 啊 , 就 同 皇後喊 起 上 嚟 。 喊 咗 一陣 , 獻帝 忍住 眼淚 就 對 穆順 話 喇 : 曹操 奸賊 , 想 做 魏王 , 好快 就要 謀朝 篡位 。 朕 想 秘密 通知 伏 完 國丈 , 要 佢 想 辦法 殺 咗 曹操 。 但 係 , 朕 左右 嘅 人 , 都 係 曹 賊 嘅 心腹 , 冇 個人 靠得住 嘅 。 而家 想 , 想 , 想 叫 你 將皇 後寫 嘅 一封 密信 帶去 畀 伏 完 。 我 睇 你 為 人 忠義 , 必定 唔 會 辜負 朕 嘅 。 穆順 一字 聽 一字 喊 , 佢 話 : 陛下 對 臣 嘅 大恩大德 , 臣 雖然 死 一萬次 都 報答 唔 完 , 請 陛下 立即 派臣 去 啦 。 於是 伏皇 後寫 好 封信 交 畀 穆順 。 穆順 將 封信 收埋 喺 頭髮 裏 便 , 靜靜 出 咗 皇宮 , 去 到 伏 完 嘅 住宅 , 將 封信 , 當面 呈 畀 伏 完 。 伏 完 見到 係 皇 後 嘅 親筆 , 睇 完信 嘞 , 就 對 穆順 話 : 曹賊 心腹 甚 多 , 一時之間 , 想 剷除 佢 係 唔 容易 嘅 。 誒 , 除非 噉 啦 , 等 江東 孫權 、 西川 劉備 佢 哋 兩個 起兵 嚟 打 , 曹操 必定會 親自 去 迎戰 嘅 。 到 其時 , 再 夾埋 在 朝 嘅 忠臣 , 一齊 嚟 想 辦法 謀 佢 。 噉 內外夾攻 , 大概 噉 就 可以 成功 喇 。 噉 , 國丈 你 寫封信 回覆 皇上 同皇 後 。 請 皇上 寫 一封 詔書 , 暗中 派 人 送 去 東吳 、 西川 , 約 佢 哋 起兵 , 討伐 曹賊 , 拯救 主上 吖 。 伏 完即 刻寫 咗 封信 交 畀 穆順 。 穆順 啊 仍舊 收 喺 頭髮 裏 便 辭別 伏 完 就 返去 皇宮 嘞 。 有人 就會問 : 穆順 又 唔 係 女人 , 噉 頭髮 裏 便 係 點收 得 埋 一封信 落 㗎 ? 嘿嘿 , 收 得 。 事關 古時 啊 , 男女 嘅 頭髮 都 係 留得 好 長 嘅 。 男人 嘅 頭髮 呢 , 亦 都 要 梳起 喺 頭 殼頂 ,繑 成 隻 髻 , 就 然後 用頭巾包 頭 , 或者 戴帽 。 所以 穆順 呢 頭髮 裏 便 係 收得落 封信 㗎 。 哎 , 俗語 話 齋 : 雞春 咁 密 都 哺出 仔 。 噉 穆順 入宮 又 出 咗 去 外 便 嘅 事 呢 , 早就 有人 報告 畀 曹操 聽 。 曹操 就 帶 埋 人 , 喺 皇宮 門口 就 睺 到實 。 穆順 返 嚟 嘞 , 畀 曹操 一 截 截住 , 曹操 問 佢 : 你 去 邊處 嚟 啊 ? 皇後有 病 , 叫 我 去 請 醫生 。 你 請 嚟 嘅 醫生 呢 ? 仲未 嚟 啊 。 人 嚟 ! 搜 下 佢 身 ! 噉 啲 衛士 上上下下 裏裏外外 , 抄過 穆順 , 嘿 , 並無 夾帶 噃。 曹操 就 吩咐 放 佢 走 。 吓 , 點知 一陣風 嚟 , 將 穆順 嗰 頂 帽 吹 跌 咗 。 嚱, 曹操 又 醒 起 嘞 ,嗌 佢 返 轉頭 ,攞 起 佢 頂 帽 嚟 睇 下 。 睇 嚟 睇 去 摙 下 撳下 亦 冇 發現 啲 咩 嘢 吖 , 又 還返 頂 帽 佢 , 叫 佢 戴 起 嚟 。 曹操 見 穆順 帶帽 個 姿勢 就 古古怪怪 , 又 慌怕 整親 啲 頭髮 噉 , 嗯 , 有 問題 ! 即刻 就 叫 衛士 搜查 佢 嘅 頭髮 , 一下 就 抄 出 咗 伏 完 嗰 封信 啦 。 曹操 攞 封信 嚟 一 睇 , 裏頭 話 要 聯合 孫權 、 劉備 做 外應 。 嘩 ! 嬲 到 曹操 不得了 。 拉 咗 穆順 返去 密室 , 嚴刑拷打 審問 佢 。 穆順 誒 夠叻 啊 , 乜 都 唔 肯講 。 曹操 漏夜 點起 三千名 鐵甲兵 , 圍住 伏 完 嘅 住宅 , 全家 大細 都 捉起 嚟 , 抄 出伏 皇 後 嗰 封 親筆 密信 。 好 喇 , 隨 即將 伏家 三族 ,冚𠾴唥 捉 晒 韞 咗 入監 。 到 咗 第朝 早 蒙蒙 光 , 曹操 派 御 林將軍 郗慮 , 揸 住 符節 入宮 。 符節 即 係 行使權力 嘅 憑證 啊 。 去 沒收 皇後個 玉璽 , 即 係 皇後個 大印 。 當日 , 獻帝 喺 外 殿 , 見到 郗慮 帶 住 三百名 鐵甲兵 噔 噔 聲直 衝入 嚟 就 問 佢 有 咩 嘢 事 咁 緊張 。 郗慮 話 奉 咗 魏公之命 , 要 沒收 皇 後 玉璽 噉 。 死 喇 ! 獻帝 一聽 呀 知道 事情 洩露 喇嚇 到 膽都裂 咗 咁 交關 。 當 郗慮 嚟 到 皇 後 嘅 宮室 嘅 時候 呢 , 伏 皇後先 至 啱 啱 起身 。 郗慮 叫 管 玉璽 嘅 人 嚟 , 問 佢 攞 咗 個 玉璽 就 走 咗 嘞 。 伏皇 後 知道 事情 敗露 , 不得了 喇 呢 趟 , 即刻 呢 就 走 咗 去 大殿 後 便 , 喺 一間 宮室 嘅 夾 墻 裏 便 匿 起 上 嚟 。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 尚書令 華歆 帶 住 五百名 鐵甲兵 又 嚟 到 皇 後 嘅 宮殿 嘞 。 佢 問 啲 宮女 皇 後 喺 邊度 , 啲 宮女 個個 都 推話 唔 知 。 華歆 叫 啲 鐵甲兵 到處 打開 晒 啲 門 , 逐間 房 逐間 房 噉 搵 , 哈 搵 唔 到 喎 。 華歆 諗 住 皇 後 冇 埞 趯 㗎 , 實 係 匿 埋 喺 啲 夾 墻 裏頭 個唧 。 就 叫 啲 鐵甲兵 鑿開 啲 夾 墻 嚟 搜查 , 果然 就 搵 到 , 伏 皇後縮 埋 一 嚿 匿 喺 處 。 華歆 親自 逳 手 揪住 皇 後 隻 髻 拖 佢 出 嚟 。 皇後仲想 𠼮 華歆 免 佢 一 死 啦 噉 , 華歆 呢 個 時候 呀 識 你 係 老鼠 啊 。 直情 鬧 皇後話 : 你 自己 去 同魏 王講 啦 噉 。 唉 可憐 伏 皇後呀 , 披頭散髮 , 打大 赤腳 , 畀 兩個 鐵甲兵 推推 㧬㧬 噉 就 拉 咗 出去 。 原來 華歆 呢 個人 呢 , 向來 都 有 才子 之 稱 嘅 喇 好 出名 嘅 。 往日 佢 同 兩個 人 係 最好 朋友 , 一個 叫做 邴原 , 一個 叫做 管寧 。 當時 啲 人 呢 稱 佢 哋 三個 人夾 埋 就 係 一條龍 噃。 華歆 係 龍頭 , 邴原 係 龍腹 , 管寧 係 龍尾 。 嘿 , 噉 華歆 呢 個 龍頭 才學 確係 好 嘅 , 但 係 為 人 啊 比較 俗氣 貪慕虛榮 。 講起 嚟 又 有 段 古 。 當 佢 哋 後生 嗰 陣 啊 , 有 一日 , 管寧 同華歆 呢 就 喺 菜園 鋤地 種菜 。 鋤 鋤 下地 呢 , 吓 嗨 , 見到 有 嚿 金 噃。 管寧 見到 啊當 冇 事 , 照 鋤 照掘 , 就理 都 唔 理 。 華歆 又點 呢 ? 佢 一 見到 嚿 金 , 即刻 就 踎 低 執 起 嚟 睇 下 , 然後 呢 , 就 掉 返低 。 嗱 呢 處 一件 嘞 喎 。 又 有 一日 , 管寧 同華歆 就 喺 書房 坐 喺 處 睇 書 , 聽見 外便 有 啲 呼呼 喝喝 嘅 聲音 。 原來 係 一個 達官貴人 啊 , 坐住 一架 非常 華麗 嘅 車 前呼後擁 噉 經過 。 管寧 根本 都 冇 受到 干擾 , 依然 正襟危坐 你過 你 嘅 車 我 睇 我 嘅 書 。 之華歆 就 唔 係 咯 , 掉 低部書 就 行 出去 睇 嘢 。 噉 啊 從此 之後 呢 , 管寧 就 好 睇 唔 起華 歆 嘅 為 人 , 唔 同 佢 做 朋友 嘞 。 收尾 , 管寧 就 索性 去 咗 遼東 隱居 , 終身 都 唔 肯出 嚟 為 曹操 做事 。 而華歆 呢 , 開始 係 追隨 孫權 嘅 , 後來 就 歸順 曹操 。 到 咗 而家 呢 , 又 發生 佢 親自 逳 手 逳 腳 去 逮捕 伏皇 後 嘅 事 嘞 。 好 喇 , 而家 講返 轉頭 。 華歆 拉 咗 伏 皇後去 到 外殿 。 獻帝 見到 喇喇喇聲 行落 嚟 抱住 皇後喊 得 好 傷心 。 華歆 喝 佢 哋 話 : 魏 公有 命快 啲 行 啊 ! 皇後就 喊住 話 喇 : 主上 呀 ! 我 哋 唔 能夠 喺 埋 一齊 喇 係 嘛 ? 獻帝 話 喇 : 啊 , 我 條命 呀 , 亦 唔 知 能夠 到 幾時 啊 ! 啊啊啊 啊 啊 。 啲 鐵甲兵 就 夾硬 拉走 咗 皇 後 , 獻帝 就 抌 住 心口 嚎啕大哭 。 佢 見 郗 慮 就 企 喺 側 跟 , 佢 就 話 喇 : 郗公 呀 , 天下 間點 會 有 噉 嘅 事 啊 ! 唉 ! 喊到 成個 跌 喺 地 嚟 。 郗慮 啊 叫 啲 太監 扶返 獻帝 入宮 就算 嘞 。 華歆將 皇後拉到 去 見 曹操 , 曹操 就 鬧 皇後話 : 我 一片 誠心 , 對待 你 哋 , 哼 ! 你 哋 反而 想害 我 係 嘛 ! 我 唔 殺 你 呀 , 你 就 殺 我 㗎 喇 ! 曹操 喝 啲 衛士 啊 , 將伏 皇後亂 棍 打死 。 跟 住 , 曹操 入去 皇宮 , 將伏 皇後所 生 嘅 兩個 仔 , 都 用 毒酒 嚟 到 毒死 佢 哋 。 當晚 , 又 將伏 完 、 穆順 佢 哋 嘅 宗族 二百 幾人 , 全部 拉 去 街市 斬頭 。 呢 件 事 呀 , 使到 上上下下 做官 嘅 又 好 老百姓 又 好 , 冇 個 唔 震動 啊 冇 個 唔 驚 啊 。 呢 件 事 係 發生 喺 建安 十九年 十一月 。 漢獻帝 自從 伏皇 後 被 殺 之後 呢 , 連氣 好多 日 嘞 都 食 唔 落飯 , 成個喪 咗 噉 。 曹操 入宮 見 獻帝 話 喇 : 陛下 唔 使 憂 , 臣並 無異 心 呀 。 臣 嘅 女兒 已經 畀 咗 陛下 做 貴人 , 佢 大賢 大孝 , 理應 居於 正宮 。 獻帝 敢講 半個 不字 咩 , 曹操 話 點咪點 咯 。 於是 就 喺 建安 二十年 即 係 公元 二一五 年 , 正月初一 , 喺 慶賀 元旦 嘅 大喜 節日 喇 , 冊立 曹操 個 女兒 曹 貴人 做 正宮 皇 後 。 文武百官 , 冇 個 敢 出聲 。 呢 個 時候 , 曹操 個 威勢 就 日甚一日 。 佢 想 召集 一班 大臣 嚟 商量 消滅 東吳 同西 蜀 嘅 計劃 。 賈詡 就 話 喇 : 呢 件 事 極其重要 , 一定 要召 夏侯惇 同 曹仁 兩位 返 嚟 一齊 商量 至 好 啊 。 曹操 覺得 冇 錯 吖 , 即時 就 派 使者 去 召 佢 哋 返 嚟 。 呢 一日 , 夏侯惇 都 未 到 , 曹仁 嚟 到 先 , 佢 漏夜 就 去 丞相 府 見 曹操 。 當時 曹操 正 係 飲醉 咗 酒 瞓 緊 。 許褚 就 揸 住 把 劍 , 企 喺 大堂 門口 守衛 。 曹仁 係 想入 去 , 畀 許褚 攔住 唔 準 佢 入 。 曹仁 發惡 喇 : 哼 ! 我 係 曹氏 宗族 , 你 敢 唔 畀 我入 去 咁 大膽 ! 許褚話 喇 : 曹將軍 你 雖然 係 親 , 但 係 而家 乃 係 外藩 鎮守 之官 。 我許 褚 雖然 係 疏 , 之而家 乃 係 內侍 。 主公 飲醉 咗 瞓覺 , 所以 唔 敢 放 你 入 去 ! 嘩 係 啊 係 啊 。 曹仁 噉 就 唔 敢 入 去 嘞 。 曹操 瞓 醒 之後 知道 咗 呢 件 事 , 大 讚許 褚 係 忠臣 啊 。 過 咗 幾日 , 夏侯惇 亦 返到 嚟 嘞 , 就 同 曹操 一齊 商量 攻打 吳 蜀 嘅 計劃 。 夏侯惇 就 提出 一個 新 嘅 方案 , 佢 話 : 東吳 、 西蜀 , 一下 之間 攻 佢 哋 唔 落 嘅 , 仲 係 先 去 擊破 漢中 張魯 。 然後 以 得勝 之兵 去 攻打 西蜀 , 必定 可以 一戰 成功 ! 曹操 話 好 啊 , 合晒 我 意思 。 於是 曹操 就 決定 西征 , 佢 將 大軍 分為 三隊 。 前部 先鋒 夏侯淵 、 張 郃 ; 中軍 , 由 曹操 , 同 各 將官 親自 率領 ; 後部 曹仁 、 夏侯惇 , 押運 糧草 。 張魯 探聽到 曹操 帶兵 嚟 侵犯 , 就 同 佢 細 佬 張 衛 啊 , 一齊 研究 抵抗 嘅 辦法 。 張衛話 嘞 : 漢中 最 險要 嘅 地方 , 莫如 陽平關 喇 。 我 哋 可以 喺 陽平關 嘅 左右兩 便 , 依山傍林 , 立 十幾個 營寨 嚟 到 迎敵 曹兵 。 兄長 你 喺 漢 寧 , 撥多 啲 糧草 嚟 支援 就 得 喇 。 張魯 同意 啊 , 就 派 大將 楊昂 、 楊任 同 佢 細 佬 張 衛 , 即日 帶兵 出發 。 陽平關 呢 , 誒 係 古時 一個 好 重要 嘅 地方 , 係 漢中盆地 西 便 嘅 門戶 , 喺 正 四川 、 陝西 嘅 交通 要 沖 。 噉 呢 個 關而家 已經 冇 咗 喇 , 遺址 呢 就 喺 今日 陝西省 勉縣 嘅 西 便 嚟 。 噉 啊 當張 衛 佢 哋 嘅 兵馬 去 到 陽平關 , 安好 營寨 之後 冇 幾耐 , 夏侯淵 同張 郃 嘅 前軍 亦 到 嘞 。 佢 哋 知道 陽平關 已經 有 咗 準備 , 就 喺 離 關 十五里 嘅 地方 扎寨 , 連續 行軍 咁 耐 嚱, 士兵 啊 梗 係 非常 疲勞 㗎 啦 。 今日 又 到達 目的地 咯 , 又 唔 使 即時 打仗 , 所以 當晚 一 安好 營 , 食飽飯 之後 呢 人人 都 碌 低 就 大 覺 瞓 。 到 咗 半夜 , 突然 間 寨 後 一把 火燒 起上 嚟 哈 , 原來 係 楊昂 、 楊任 兩路 兵馬 嚟 到 劫寨 啊 。 夏侯淵 同張 郃 呢 趟 啊 老貓 燒 鬚 咯 , 急忙 上 得 馬 嚟 , 四邊 四便 人馬 就 㗾㗾 聲湧入 嚟 喇 。 呢 晚 偷襲 成功 , 打到 曹 軍 大敗 。 夏侯淵 同張 郃 啊 帶 住 一班 殘軍敗將 趯 返 去 見 曹操 。 曹操 發火 鬧 佢 哋 話 : 你 兩個 行軍 打仗 咁 多年 , 噉 都 仲 唔 知道 兵若 遠行 疲困 , 可 防劫 寨 咩 ! 點解 一 啲 都 唔 做 準備 啊 ? 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 曹操 真 係 想 下令 殺 咗 佢 兩個 。 好彩 其他 啲 官員 求情 噉 先至 免罪 。 第 日 , 曹操 親自 帶兵 做 前隊 。 行得 幾行 , 咦 ? 唔 得 ! 究竟 曹操 乜嘢 唔 得 呢 ? 就 且 聽 下回分解 。

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今日 講下 魯肅 , 佢 聽見 送 請帖 嘅 使者 返 嚟 話 : 關雲長 一 啖 應承 , 聽日 一定 嚟 赴宴 喇 噉 。 today|let's talk about|Lu Su|he|heard|deliver|invitation|possessive particle|messenger|return|come|said|Guan Yu|one|mouthful|promised|tomorrow|definitely|come|attend the banquet|particle indicating completed action|like this Today, let's talk about Lu Su. He heard from the messenger who delivered the invitation that Guan Yu has agreed to come to the banquet tomorrow. 魯肅 就 同 呂蒙 商量 : 關雲長 聽日 嚟 喇 , 我 哋 點樣 做 呢 ? Lu Su|then|with|Lu Meng|discuss|Guan Yu|tomorrow|come|particle indicating action completion|we|plural marker|how|do|question particle Lu Su then discussed with Lu Meng: Guan Yu is coming tomorrow, what should we do? 呂蒙 話 : 佢 若果 帶 軍隊 嚟 , 噉 我 同 甘寧 , 就 各帶 一支 軍隊 埋伏 喺 岸邊 , 以 放炮 為號 , 準備 廝殺 。 Lu Meng|said|he|if|bring|army|here|then|I|and|Gan Ning|then|each bring|one|army|ambush|at|riverside|using|cannon fire||prepare|to fight to the death Lu Meng said: If he brings an army, then I and Gan Ning will each lead a troop to ambush by the shore, using cannon fire as a signal to prepare for battle. 若果 佢 唔 帶 軍隊 嚟 呢 , 噉 我 哋 就 喺 臨江 亭後便 , 埋伏 五十名 刀斧手 , 喺 飲酒 嘅 時候 殺 咗 佢 , 噉 魯肅 佢 哋 就 商量 佈置 好 嘞 喎 。 if|he|not|bring|army|come|this|then|I|we|then|at|Linjiang||ambush|fifty|swordsmen|at|drinking|possessive particle|time|kill|past tense marker|him|then|Lu Su|they|plural marker|then|discuss|arrangement|well|past action marker|final particle If he doesn't bring an army, then we will ambush fifty axe men behind the pavilion by the river and kill him while he is drinking. So Lu Su and the others planned their arrangements. 第 日 , 魯肅 派 人 喺 岸邊 瞭望 。 the|day|Lu Su|sent|men|at|the shore|to watch The next day, Lu Su sent people to watch from the shore. 啱 啱 過 咗 辰時 , 即 係 而家講 八點鐘 咁 上下 , 只見 江面 上 有 隻 船 嚟 緊 嘞 , 船上 只有 幾個 艄公 水手 。 ||passed|past tense marker|morning||||eight o'clock|about|around|only saw|river surface|on|there is|measure word for boats|boat|coming|continuous action marker|past action marker|on the boat|only|a few|boatmen|sailors Just past the hour of Chen, which is around eight o'clock now, I saw a boat coming on the river, with only a few boatmen on board. 船上 , 插住 一面 紅旗 迎風招展 , 旗上 繡 住 大大 一個 關字 。 on the boat|hoisted|a|red flag|fluttering in the wind|on the flag|||big|one|character for 'guan' On the boat, a red flag was fluttering in the wind, with a large character for 'Guan' embroidered on it. 越 嚟 越近 喇 , 到 嘞 , 靠岸 嘞 , 嘩 ! 只見 關雲長 頭 戴青巾 , 身穿 綠袍 , 坐 喺 船上 。 more|come|closer|particle indicating completed action|arrive|particle indicating completed action|dock|particle indicating completed action|wow|only saw|Guan Yu|head|||green robe|sitting|at|on the boat It was getting closer, and now it has arrived at the shore. Wow! I saw Guan Yun Chang wearing a blue headscarf and a green robe, sitting on the boat. 喺 佢 旁邊 , 周倉 企 喺 處 抱住 青龍 偃月 刀 。 at|him|beside|Zhou Chang|stood|at|place|holding|Qinglong|crescent moon|sword Next to him, Zhou Cang was standing there holding a Green Dragon Crescent Blade. 仲有 八九個 關西 大漢 , 每人 都 掛住 腰刀 一把 , 嗯 , 魯肅 個心 有 啲 驚疑 喇 。 still have|eight or nine|from the Kansai region|strong men|each person|all|wearing|waist sword|one|hmm|Lu Su|heart|has|a little|fearful and suspicious|particle indicating change of state There were also eight or nine strong men from Guanxi, each carrying a sword at their waist. Hmm, Lu Su felt a bit anxious. 迎接 咗 關雲長 請 佢 入 去 臨江 亭 , 行過禮 寒暄 一番 , 就 埋位 入席 飲酒 。 welcome|past tense marker|Guan Yu|invite|him|enter|to|Linjiang|pavilion||small talk|a round|then|take a seat|seated|drinking Welcoming Guan Yu, he was invited into the Lingjiang Pavilion, exchanged pleasantries, and then took his seat to drink. 魯肅 一 嚟 呢 , 心中有鬼 , 二 嚟 就 畀 關雲長 個 威風 震住 啊 , 所以 敬酒 個 時候 都 唔 敢擔 高頭 望 關雲長 一眼 嘅 。 Lu Su|one|come|here||two|come|then|by|Guan Yu|possessive particle|imposing manner|intimidated|ah|so|toasting|possessive particle|time|all|not||high-headed|to look at|Guan Yu|a glance|particle indicating past action As for Lu Su, he had a guilty conscience, and being in the presence of Guan Yu's imposing aura made him too intimidated to even dare to look Guan Yu in the eye while toasting. 但 係 關雲長 呢 , 藝高人膽大 啊 依然 有 講有 笑 都 唔 知 幾淡定 。 ||Guan Yu|this|highly skilled people are bold|ah|still|have|talking and|laughing|all|not|know| However, Guan Yu, being skilled and bold, remained calm and composed, engaging in conversation and laughter. 飲到 咁 上下 , 魯肅 就 講到 主題 喇 , 佢 話 : 有 一件 事要講 畀 君侯 你 知 。 drink|so|up and down|Lu Su|then|got to|topic|already|he|said|have|one thing||to|Lord Jun|you|know After drinking for a while, Lu Su finally brought up the main topic, saying: There is something I need to tell you, my lord. 往日 , 令兄 皇叔 要 我 喺 我 哋 主公 面前 , 擔保 佢 借 荊州 嚟 暫時 住落 , 約定 , 喺 攞 咗 西川 之後 就 歸還 喇 噉 。 in the past|your elder brother|imperial uncle|asked|I|at|||lord|in front of|guarantee|he|borrow|Jingzhou|to|temporarily|live|agreement|when|||Xichuan|after|then|return|particle indicating completed action|like that In the past, your brother, the Emperor's uncle, asked me to guarantee in front of our lord that he could temporarily reside in Jingzhou, with the agreement that it would be returned after we took Xichuan. 今日 , 西川 已經 得到 啦 , 但 係 荊州 仲未還 喎 , 噉 未免 係 失信 嘞 噃。 today|Xichuan|already|obtained|sentence-final particle||is|||||||untrustworthy|past action particle|sentence-final particle Today, Xichuan has already been obtained, but Jingzhou has not yet been returned, which is quite untrustworthy. 關雲長 話 喇 : 呢 啲 乃 係 國家 之 事 , 喺 筵席 上 , 唔 好 講喇 ! Guan Yu|said|particle indicating completed action|these|plural marker|only|are|country|possessive particle|matters|at|banquet|on|not|well|talk Guan Yunchang said: These are matters of the state, do not speak of them at the banquet! 誒 關將軍 , 仲 係 請 你 聽 我講 埋 佢 。 hey|General Kwan|still|is|please|you|listen||including|him Hey General Guan, I still ask you to listen to me. 我 哋 主公 雖然 只 係 得 江東 一 笪 咁 小 嘅 地方 , 之 都 仲 肯將 荊州 借出 嚟 又 點解 呢 ? we|plural marker|lord|although|only|is|have|Jiangdong|one|unit of measurement|so|small|possessive particle|place|possessive particle|also|still||Jingzhou|lend out|here|again|why|question particle Although our lord only has such a small place in Jiangdong, why is he still willing to lend out Jingzhou? 皆 因為 乃念 君侯 你 哋 打 咗 敗仗 , 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 冇 個 立腳 嘅 地方 唧 。 all|because|thinking of|sir|you|plural marker|fight|past tense marker|losing battle|at|so|far|come|arrive|not have|a|standing|possessive particle|place|to complain It is all because we remember that you lost the battle, and there is no place for you to stand so far away. 今日 , 皇叔 已經 得 咗 益州 咯 , 噉 , 荊州 就 理應 歸還 嘞 喎 。 today|uncle|already|obtained|past tense marker|Yizhou|sentence-final particle|then|Jingzhou|then|should|return|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Today, the Emperor's uncle has already gained control of Yizhou, so Jingzhou should rightfully be returned. 皇叔 都 應承 話 喇 , 還返 三個 郡 先 嘅 。 uncle|all|promised|words|particle indicating completion|return|three|counties|first|particle indicating possession The Emperor's uncle has also promised to return the three counties first. 之君侯 你 又 唔 聽 , 恐怕 喺 道理 上講 唔 過去 啩? oh noble sir|you|again|not|listening|I'm afraid|at|reason||not|getting through|right Lord, you are not listening again; I fear that it cannot be justified logically? 當年 烏林 戰役 , 我 兄長 親冒矢石 不 避 危險 , 同 東吳 合力 擊破 曹賊 。 that year|Wulin|battle|I|elder brother||not|avoid|danger|together|Eastern Wu|combined forces|defeated|the bandit Cao During the Wulin battle, my brother personally faced arrows and stones without avoiding danger, working together with Eastern Wu to defeat the Cao bandits. 點 能夠 要 我 哋 白白 出 咗 力 , 連 一寸 一尺 嘅 土地 嘅 酬勞 都 冇 呢 ? how|can|need|I|we|in vain|put|past tense marker|effort|even|one inch|one foot|possessive particle|land||reward|all|have not|this How can we be expected to exert ourselves for nothing, without even a reward of an inch or a foot of land? 點解 而家 都督 你 又 要 嚟 攞 返 啲 地 啊 ? why|now|Governor|you|again|want|come|take|return|some|land|question particle Why do you want to take back the land now, Governor? 誒 唔 係 噉 講 嘅 君 侯 ,嗱, 當初 君侯同 皇叔 喺 長 坂 打 咗 敗仗 , 計窮力竭 , 都 準備 有 咁 遠 趯 咁 遠 喇 。 eh|not|is|like this|said|possessive particle|Lord|Hou|well|at that time||Uncle Huang|at|Chang|Slope|fought|past tense marker|losing battle||all|prepared|have|that|far|escape|that|far|particle indicating completed action Hey, that's not how it is, my lord. At first, when you and the Emperor's uncle lost the battle at Changban, you were exhausted and prepared to retreat far away. 我 哋 主公 見到 皇叔 連個 棲身之地 都 冇 , 就 深表同情 , 情願 借 啲 地方 出 嚟 , 等 皇叔 有 笪 地方 落腳 咯 , 嚟 到 謀求 日後 嘅 發展 啊 。 I|we|lord|saw|uncle||place to live|all|have not|then||willing|lend|some|space|out|come|let|uncle|have|enough|space|settle|particle|||seek|future|possessive particle|development|particle Our lord saw that the Emperor's uncle had no place to settle, so he expressed deep sympathy and was willing to lend some land so that the Emperor's uncle would have a place to land and seek future development. 但 係 皇叔 今日 不顧 道義 , 唔 講交情 , 得到 西川 咯 都 仲 佔 住 荊州 。 ||Uncle Huang|today|disregarding|righteousness|not||obtaining|Xichuan|particle indicating realization|still|still|occupying|residing|Jingzhou But today, the Emperor's uncle disregards righteousness and friendship, having taken Xichuan and still occupying Jingzhou. 嘿嘿 既 貪心 , 又 背信棄義 , 真 係 會 畀 天下 所 恥笑 㗎 , 請君侯 你 認真 考慮 下 啦 。 hee hee|both|greedy|and|treacherous|really|is|will|be|the world|by|ridicule|particle||you|seriously|consider|a little|particle Heh, being both greedy and treacherous will truly make him a laughingstock in the world. Please consider this seriously, my lord. 呢 啲 都 係 我 兄長 嘅 事 , 唔 係 我關 某 所 應該 過問 。 ||all|are|my|older brother|possessive particle|business|not|is||certain|place|should|inquire These matters are all my brother's, not something I should interfere with. 聽講 君侯 你 同 皇叔 桃園 結義 , 誓同生死 , 噉 , 皇叔 嘅 事 即 係 君 侯 嘅 事 啫 , 使 乜 推託 呢 ? I heard|Lord Jun|you|with|Uncle Huang|Peach Garden|sworn brotherhood||then|Uncle Huang|possessive particle|matter|just|is|you|Lord|possessive particle|matter|only|need|what|to shirk responsibility|question particle I heard that Lord Jun, you and the Emperor's uncle have sworn brotherhood in the Peach Garden, vowing to live and die together. So, the Emperor's uncle's matters are your matters too, why push it away? 關雲長 都 仲未 回答 啊 , 周倉 企 喺 台 階下 便 就 大聲 噉 話 嘞 : Guan Yu|still|not yet|answered|ah|Zhou Cang|standing|at|platform|downstairs|then|just|loudly|like that|said|past tense particle Guan Yunchang hasn't answered yet, and Zhou Cang, standing at the foot of the stage, loudly said: 天下 嘅 土地 , 邊個 有 能力 就 邊個 得 , 唔 通淨 係 你 哋 東吳 有份 咩 ! world|possessive particle|land|whoever|has|ability|then|whoever|can|not|completely|is|you|plural marker|Eastern Wu||question particle In this world, whoever has the ability gets the land. Is it just you guys from Eastern Wu who have a share? 關雲長 面色 一變 , 霎聲 企 起身 行落 台階 , 一手 攞 起 周 倉 捧住 嗰 把 大刀 , 威風凜凜 企 喺 處 , 望住 周倉 喝 佢 話 : Guan Yu|complexion|changed|suddenly|stood|up|walked down|stairs|with one hand|took|up|Zhou|Cang|holding|that|measure word for knives|big sword|imposing|stood|at|place|looking at|Zhou Cang|shouted|he|said Guan Yunchang's expression changed, and in an instant, he stood up and walked down the steps, grabbing Zhou Cang and holding that big knife, standing imposing and looking at Zhou Cang, shouting at him: 呢 啲 乃 係 國家 嘅 事情 , 唔 使 你 多嘴 , 快快 出去 ! ||are|is|country|possessive particle|matters|not|need|you|to talk back|quickly|go out These are national matters, no need for you to say much, quickly go out! 周倉 會意 嘞 , 喇喇聲 去 到 岸邊 , 將關 字 紅旗 一拂 , 嗨 呀 ! Zhou Cang|understood|past tense marker|sound of splashing|||riverside|||red flag|with a flick|hi|particle Zhou Cang understood, with a loud shout he went to the shore, waving the red flag of Guan. 關平 率領 住 嘅 船隊 啊 , 就 好似 箭 一樣 飛快 駛到 嚟 江東 呢 便 嘞 。 Guan Ping|leads|present continuous particle|possessive particle|fleet|sentence-final particle|then|like|arrow|as|very fast|arrives|here|Jiangdong|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|particle indicating completion or change of state The fleet led by Guan Ping is like an arrow, swiftly sailing to Jiangdong. 呢 個 時候 , 關雲長 右手 提刀 , 左手 就 挽住 魯肅 隻 手臂 , 詐作 飲 醉酒 噉 話 喇 : this|measure word|time|Guan Yu|right hand|raised his sword|left hand|then|grabbed|Lu Su|measure word|arm|pretending to|drink|drunkenness|like that|said|particle indicating completed action At this moment, Guan Yunchang held a knife in his right hand and with his left arm he held onto Lu Su's arm, pretending to be drunk and said: 都督 , 你 請 我 飲酒 , 唔 好 提起 荊州 嘅 事 啊 。 Governor|you|please|I|drink alcohol|||bring up|Jingzhou|possessive particle|matter|sentence-final particle Governor, you invite me to drink, please do not mention the matter of Jingzhou. 我而家 已經 醉 , 醉 喇 , 怕 一下 會傷 咗 我 哋 嘅 交情 。 I now|already|drunk|||afraid|suddenly||past tense marker|||possessive particle|friendship I am already drunk, very drunk, afraid that it might hurt our friendship. 第 日 , 我 派 人 嚟 請 都督 到 荊州 赴宴 , 再作 商量 啊 ! the|day|I|send|person|here|invite|governor|to|Jingzhou|attend the banquet|discuss again|negotiation|ah The day after, I will send someone to invite the governor to Jingzhou for a banquet, and we can discuss it again! 嘩 , 魯肅 呀 嚇到 魂不附體 啊 , 任由 關雲長 拖 佢 去 邊度 就 去 邊度 啦 , 結果 就 一直 拖住 佢 去 到 江邊 。 wow|Lu Su|particle|scared|soul leaving body|particle|let|Guan Yu|drag|he|go|where|then|go|where|particle|result|then|continuously|dragging|him|go|to|riverside Wow, Lu Su was so scared that he lost his senses, letting Guan Yunzhang drag him wherever he wanted, and as a result, he was dragged all the way to the riverbank. 呂蒙 、 甘寧 本來 想 指揮 兵馬 出 嚟 捉 關雲長 嘅 , 咦 ? 見到 關雲長 揸 住 佢 嗰 把 大關 刀 , 又拉住 魯肅 。 Lǚ Méng|Gān Níng|originally|wanted|to command|troops|to come out|here|to capture|Guan Yu|possessive particle|eh|saw||holding|to hold|him|that|measure word for knives||||Lǔ Sù Lü Meng and Gan Ning originally wanted to command the troops to catch Guan Yunzhang, but when they saw Guan Yunzhang holding that big Guan Dao and dragging Lu Su. 弊 啦 , 噉 就 唔 逳 得手 嘅 噃, 容乜易 魯肅 畀 佢 一刀 劏 咗 先 喇 , 於是 就 唔 敢 逳 嘞 。 wrong|sentence-final particle|like this|then|not|catch|successful|possessive particle|sentence-final particle|how easy|a person's name|by|he|one knife|cut|past tense marker|first|sentence-final particle|so|then|not|dare|catch|past tense marker Oh no, it seems like they can't catch him now, how could they let Lu Su get cut by him first, so they didn't dare to act. 關雲長 一直 拉 住 魯肅 行到 去 船邊 , 噉 先至 放手 。 Guan Yu|continuously|||Lu Su|walked to|the|side of the boat|then|only then|let go Guan Yu kept holding onto Lu Su and walked to the side of the ship, and only then did he let go. 大步 上船 , 企 喺 船頭 拱 一 拱手 : 告辭 喇 ! 同 魯肅 告別 嘞 。 stride|board the ship|stand|at|bow of the ship|bow|one|bowing gesture|farewell|particle indicating completed action|with|Lu Su|parting|particle indicating completed action He stepped onto the ship, stood at the bow, and cupped his hands: Farewell! He said goodbye to Lu Su. 魯肅 定定 噉 企 喺 處 好似 傻 咗 一樣 , 眼光 光睇 住 關雲長 隻 船 呀 乘風破浪 返去 荊州 。 Lu Su|steady|like that|stand|at|place|seems|foolish|past tense marker|the same|gaze|only looking|at|Guan Yu|measure word for boats|boat|particle|riding the wind and breaking the waves|returning to|Jingzhou Lu Su stood there, looking as if he was in a daze, his gaze fixed on Guan Yu's ship as it sailed away, cutting through the waves back to Jingzhou. 噉 好 唔 甘心 㗎 , 魯肅 同 呂蒙 就 商量 話 : 唉 , 呢 條計 又 唔 成功 , 如之奈何 呢 ? then|very|not|reconciled|particle|Lu Su|and|Lu Meng|then|discuss|said|sigh|this||again|not|successful|what to do|this Feeling quite unwilling, Lu Su discussed with Lu Meng: Sigh, this plan has failed again, what should we do? 呂蒙 話 : 即刻 稟告 主公 , 起兵 同 關雲長 決戰 啦 。 Lu Meng|said|immediately|report|lord|raise troops|together|Guan Yu|have a decisive battle|particle indicating urgency or emphasis Lu Meng said: Immediately report to the lord, raise the troops, and confront Guan Yu in battle! 魯肅 亦 冇 其他 更好 嘅 辦法 嘞 , 就 即時 使人 去 稟告 孫權 。 Lu Su|also|have not|other|better|(possessive particle)|method|(sentence-final particle)|then|immediately|send someone|to|report|Sun Quan Lu Su had no better way, so he immediately sent someone to report to Sun Quan. 孫權 就 好 嬲 啊 , 正話 想 出動 全部 兵馬 去 奪取 荊州 。 Sun Quan|then|very|angry|ah|to be precise|wants|deploy|all|troops|to|capture|Jingzhou Sun Quan was very angry, as he was planning to mobilize all his troops to seize Jingzhou. 忽然 得到 消息 , 話 曹操 啊 又 試點 起 三十萬 大軍 殺 嚟 喇 噉 。 suddenly|received|news|said|Cao Cao|ah|again|testing|raising|300000|army|kill|come|particle indicating completed action|like this Suddenly, he received news that Cao Cao was also mustering an army of 300,000 to attack. 孫權 驚 , 唯有 命令 魯肅 啊 先 唔 好 去 惹 荊州 嗰 便 。 Sun Quan|was worried|only|ordered|Lu Su|ah|first|||go|provoke|Jingzhou|that|side Sun Quan was alarmed and could only order Lu Su not to provoke Jingzhou for the time being. 仲 係 將 自己 嘅 兵力 啊 轉移 去 合肥 、 濡須 一 呢條 戰線 嚟 頂住 曹操 。 ||to transfer|own|possessive particle|troops|particle|to move|to|Hefei|Ruxu|one|this|front line|to come|to hold off|Cao Cao He also decided to shift his own forces to the Hefei and Ruxu front to hold off Cao Cao. 曹操 呢 , 原先 確實 係 想 嚟 打 東吳 報仇 嘅 , 但 係 有人 勸 佢 喺 當前 啊 最好 暫時 就 唔 好 用兵 。 Cao Cao|question particle|originally|indeed|was|wanted|to come|fight|Eastern Wu|take revenge|past tense particle|||someone|advised|him|at|present|particle|best|temporarily|then|||wage war Cao Cao originally indeed wanted to attack Eastern Wu for revenge, but someone advised him that it would be best not to use military force for the time being. 因為 孫權 呢 , 喺 江東 據 有 長江 天險 吖 ; 劉備 啊 佔 住 西 蜀 喎 有 崇山峻嶺 嚟 做 屏障 , 都 係 極之 唔 容易 打 嘅 。 because|Sun Quan|particle indicating a question|at|Jiangdong|occupy|has|Yangtze River|natural defense|particle indicating affirmation|Liu Bei|particle indicating exclamation|occupy|residing|West|Shu|particle indicating assertion|has|towering mountains|coming|as|barrier|all|is|extremely|not|easy|defeat|particle indicating possession Because Sun Quan has the natural defense of the Yangtze River in Jiangdong; Liu Bei occupies the mountainous region of Xishu, which serves as a barrier, making it extremely difficult to attack. 就 不如 首先 , 重視 文教 養精蓄銳 , 有 機會 先至 出兵 啦 噉 。 then|might as well|first|emphasize|cultural education|conserve energy and sharpen skills|have|opportunity|only then|deploy troops|particle indicating suggestion|like this It would be better to first focus on education and build up strength, and only deploy troops when the opportunity arises. 曹操 考慮 咗 一番 , 終歸 接納 咗 呢 個 意見 , 就 決定 停止 南征 嘞 。 Cao Cao|considered|past tense marker|thoroughly|ultimately|accepted|past tense marker|||suggestion|then|decided|to stop|southern campaign|past tense marker Cao Cao considered this for a while and ultimately accepted this opinion, deciding to halt the southern campaign. 噉 做 咩 嘢 呢 ? 興辦 學校 , 聘請 各種 有 學問 嘅 人才 嚟 幫 佢 做事 , 即 係 搞 下文 便 嘅 嘢 先 。 then|do|what|thing|question particle|establish|school|hire|all kinds of|have|knowledge|possessive particle|talent|come|help|he|work|that is|is|handle|following|convenient|possessive particle|thing|first So what did he do? He established schools and hired various knowledgeable talents to help him with his work, focusing on cultural and educational matters first. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 王 粲 啊 、 杜襲 啊 、 衛凱 啊 、 和洽 啊 四個 人 就 商量 話 要 請求 皇帝 啊 , 封 曹操 做 魏王 嘞 喎 。 at|this|measure word for events|time|Wang|Can|particle|Du Xi|particle||particle||||||||||||to confer|Cao Cao|to make|King of Wei|past action particle|particle At this time, Wang Can, Du Xi, Wei Kai, and He Qia were discussing asking the emperor to appoint Cao Cao as the King of Wei. 嘿嘿 , 呢 四個 人 呀 真 係 會 抬 轎 喇 。 hehe|this|four|people|particle|really|are|can|carry|sedan chair|particle Hehe, these four really know how to carry the sedan. 但 係 荀 攸 唔 同意 啊 , 佢 反對 佢 哋 , 佢 話 : 唔 好 噉 做 喇 。 ||Xun|You|not|agree|particle|he|opposes|he|||said|not|well|like this|do|particle However, Xun You disagreed, he opposed them, saying: 'Don't do that.' 丞相 嘅 官銜 , 已經 做到 魏公 , 仲榮 加九錫 , 地位 已經 高 到極點 㗎 喇 。 Prime Minister|possessive particle|official title|already|achieved|Duke of Wei|||status|already|high||sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action The chancellor's title has already been elevated to Wei Gong, and he has also been honored with the Nine Ranks, his status is already at its peak. 而家仲要 晉升 為 王位 , 太 過份 喇 。 |promote|to|throne|too|excessive|particle indicating change of state Now they want to promote him to a king, that's too much. 曹操 知道 咗 就 發惡 喇 佢 話 : 哼 ! 此人 想學 荀彧 係 嘛 ? Cao Cao|knows|past tense marker|then|gets angry|sentence-final particle|he|said|humph|this person||Xun Yu|is|question particle Cao Cao found out and became furious. He said: "Hmph! Does this person want to learn from Xun Yu?" 有人 講返 荀 攸 聽 , 話 曹丞相 好 唔 高興 噃。 someone|said|Xun|You|heard|said|Prime Minister Cao|very|not|happy|particle indicating surprise or realization Someone reported to Xun You, saying that Prime Minister Cao was very unhappy. 荀攸個 心好 難過 啊 。 ||sad|sentence-final particle Xun You felt very sad. 結果 得 咗 病 , 病 咗 十幾日 就 一命嗚呼 , 死 嘅 時候 先至 係 五十八歲 唔 。 result|contracted|past tense marker|illness|||over ten days|then|died|die|possessive particle|time|only then|was|fifty-eight years old|not As a result, he fell ill, and after being sick for more than ten days, he passed away. He died at the age of fifty-eight. 曹操 吩咐 隆重 啲 安葬 咗 佢 。 Cao Cao|instructed|solemnly|particle indicating degree|burial|past tense marker|him Cao Cao ordered a grand burial for him. 同時 呢 , 佢 亦 叫 啲 人 啊 , 唔 好 再 提 晉升 魏 王 嘅 事 喇 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|he|also|called|some|people|particle for emphasis|||again|mention|promotion|||possessive particle|matter|particle indicating completed action At the same time, he also told the people not to mention the promotion of Wei Wang anymore. 有 一日 , 曹操 帶住 劍入 去 宮殿 去 見 漢獻帝 。 there is|one day|Cao Cao|brought||to|palace|to|see|Emperor Xian of Han One day, Cao Cao entered the palace with a sword to see Emperor Xian of Han. 當時 獻帝 啊 正在 同皇 後坐 喺 處 傾 偈 。 at that time|Emperor Xian|ah|was||sitting in the back|at|place|talking|conversation At that time, Emperor Xian was chatting with the Empress. 呢 個 皇後姓 伏 , 伏皇 後 啊 。 this|measure word||Fok|||ah The Empress's surname was Fu, Fu Empress. 皇後一 見到 曹操 嚟 呀 , 慌忙 企 起身 。 |saw|Cao Cao|coming|particle|hurriedly|stood|up As soon as the Empress saw Cao Cao, she hurriedly stood up. 而 皇帝 見到 曹操 呢 , 亦 都 驚到 周身 震 啊 。 and|the emperor|saw|Cao Cao|question particle|also|all|frightened|whole body|trembled|exclamatory particle And when the Emperor saw Cao Cao, he was also shocked to the point of trembling all over. 曹操 對 皇帝 話 : 而家 孫權 、 劉備 , 各霸 一方 , 唔 聽 朝廷 嘅 命令 , 要點 嚟 對待 佢 哋 啊 ? Cao Cao|to|Emperor|said|now|Sun Quan|Liu Bei|each dominates|one region|not|listen|court|possessive particle|orders|how|to come|treat|them|plural marker|question particle Cao Cao said to the Emperor: Now Sun Quan and Liu Bei each dominate a region and do not listen to the orders of the court. How should we deal with them? 誒 , 誒 , 就 睇 魏公 你 , 你 決定 啦 。 hey||just|look|Lord Wei|you|you|decide|particle Well, well, it's up to you, Wei Gong, you decide. 哼 ! 陛下 你講 啲 噉 嘅 說話 , 畀 外人 知道 , 就 會 話 我 欺君 㗎 喇 。 hum|Your Majesty||such|like|possessive particle|words|let|outsiders|know|then|will|say|I|deceive the emperor|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Hmph! Your Majesty, if you say such things and let outsiders know, they will say I am deceiving the Emperor. 魏公 , 你 如果 肯 繼續 做 丞相 嚟 輔助 我 嚱, 噉 就 , 幸運 到極 喇 。 Lord Wei|you|if|are willing|to continue|to be|Prime Minister|to|assist|me||like this|then|fortunate|to the extreme|particle indicating completion Wei Gong, if you are willing to continue being the Chancellor to assist me, then it would be extremely fortunate. 否則 , 誒 , 魏公 , 你 要 我 唔 做 亦 可以 嘅 。 otherwise|eh|Lord Wei|you|want|I|not|do|also|can|particle indicating past action Otherwise, hey, Duke Wei, you can also ask me not to do it. 曹操 聽 獻帝 噉 樣講 , 冇 出聲 , 碌 大 雙眼 望實 漢獻帝 , 望 咗 一陣 就 嬲 爆爆 噉 走 咗 嘞 。 Cao Cao|heard|Emperor Xian|like that||not|make a sound|roll|big|eyes|stare||look|past tense marker|for a moment|then|angry|explosively|like that|run|past tense marker|final particle Cao Cao listened to Emperor Xian say that, and didn't say a word, rolling his big eyes to stare at Emperor Xian, after staring for a while, he got so angry that he exploded and left. 有 一日 , 有個 侍臣 啊 靜靜 噉 稟奏 畀 獻帝 聽 , 話 聽講 呀 , 魏公想 做 魏王 添 啊 , 冇 幾耐 就 必定會 篡位 㗎 喇 噉 。 there is|one day|there was a|servant|particle|quietly|like that|report|to|Emperor Xian|hear|said|heard|particle||to be|King of Wei|also|particle|not||then||usurp the throne|particle|particle|like that One day, a servant quietly reported to Emperor Xian, saying that he heard that Duke Wei wanted to become King Wei, and it wouldn't be long before he would definitely usurp the throne. 獻帝 同伏 皇後都 喊 起 上 嚟 呀 。 Emperor Xian|||shout|rise|up|come|particle Emperor Xian and Empress Fu both started crying. 皇後話 喇 : 臣妾 嘅 父親 伏 完 , 平時 都 好 想 殺 咗 曹操 㗎 喇 。 the queen said|particle indicating completed action|I (humble form)|possessive particle|father|||usually|also|very|wanted|||Cao Cao|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action The Empress said: My father Fu Yuan usually really wanted to kill Cao Cao. 啊 臣妾 不如 即刻 寫封信 , 同 父親 商量 下 , 好 唔 好 啊 陛下 ? ah|I (humble form)|might as well|immediately|write a letter|with|father|discuss|later|good|||ah|Your Majesty Ah, Your Majesty, it would be better for me to write a letter immediately to discuss with my father, what do you think? 唉 , 以前 , 董承 就 係 因為 做事 唔 得 機密 , 反而 惹 咗 場 大禍 。 sigh|in the past|Dong Cheng|just|was|because|work|not|keep|confidential|instead|caused|past tense marker|a|disaster Sigh, in the past, Dong Cheng got into big trouble because he couldn't keep things confidential. 呢 次 如果 又 洩露 咗 出去 , 朕 同 你 都 冇 命 咯 。 this|time|if|again|leak|past tense marker|outside|I (imperial pronoun)|with|you|both|have not|life|final particle If this time it leaks out again, neither you nor I will have our lives. 陛下 , 我 哋 日日夜夜 , 都 受 曹賊 欺凌 , 如 坐 針氈 。 Your Majesty|I|plural marker|day and night|all|suffer|enemy|bullying|like|sitting|on a bed of needles Your Majesty, we are bullied by the Cao bandits day and night, it's like sitting on a bed of needles. 噉 樣 做人 , 不如 早 啲 死 咗 好過 咯 。 like this|way|to live|might as well|||||better than|particle indicating finality In this way of living, it would be better to die early. 陛下 , 以 臣妾 睇 嚟 , 喺 宦官 當中 最 忠義 可靠 嘅 , 就 係 穆順 喇 , 叫 佢 帶 信 就 最 啱 㗎 喇好 嘛 ? Your Majesty|by|I (humble self)|see|come|in|eunuchs|among|most|loyal and righteous|reliable|particle indicating possession|then|is|Mu Shun|particle indicating completed action|ask|him|bring|letter|then|most|appropriate|particle indicating certainty|good|particle indicating suggestion Your Majesty, in my opinion, among the eunuchs, the most loyal and reliable one is Mu Shun. It would be best to have him deliver the message, right? 好 啦 。 good|particle indicating suggestion or agreement Alright. 於是 就 召 穆順 入 嚟 , 叫 嗰 啲 近 身 侍 臣 行 咗 出去 。 then|immediately|summon|Muxun|come|in|tell|those|plural marker|||attendant|minister|walk|past tense marker|outside So, they summoned Mu Shun in and asked the close attendants to leave. 獻帝 都 未 出聲 啊 , 就 同 皇後喊 起 上 嚟 。 Emperor Xian|already|not|spoken|ah|then|with||up|on|come The Emperor Xian hadn't spoken yet, but he started to cry with the Empress. 喊 咗 一陣 , 獻帝 忍住 眼淚 就 對 穆順 話 喇 : shout|past tense marker|for a moment|Emperor Xian|holding back|tears|then|to|Mu Shun|said|sentence-final particle After crying for a while, Emperor Xian held back his tears and said to Mu Shun: 曹操 奸賊 , 想 做 魏王 , 好快 就要 謀朝 篡位 。 Cao Cao|treacherous bandit|wants|to be|King of Wei|very soon||plot against the court|usurp the throne Cao Cao is a treacherous villain, wanting to become the King of Wei, and soon he will plot to usurp the throne. 朕 想 秘密 通知 伏 完 國丈 , 要 佢 想 辦法 殺 咗 曹操 。 I|want|secretly|inform|ambush|finish|father-in-law|need|he|think|way|||Cao Cao I want to secretly inform my father-in-law Fu Wan, asking him to find a way to kill Cao Cao. 但 係 , 朕 左右 嘅 人 , 都 係 曹 賊 嘅 心腹 , 冇 個人 靠得住 嘅 。 |are|||possessive particle||||||particle indicating possession||||| However, the people around me are all trusted subordinates of Cao, and there is no one I can rely on. 而家 想 , 想 , 想 叫 你 將皇 後寫 嘅 一封 密信 帶去 畀 伏 完 。 now|want|||ask|you|||possessive particle||secret letter||to give|Fok|Yun Right now, I want you to take a secret letter written by the Empress to Fu Wan. 我 睇 你 為 人 忠義 , 必定 唔 會 辜負 朕 嘅 。 I|see|you|as|person|loyal and righteous|definitely|not|will|betray|I (royal we)|possessive particle I see that you are a person of loyalty and righteousness, and you will definitely not let me down. 穆順 一字 聽 一字 喊 , 佢 話 : Muk Shun|one word|listen|one word|shout|he|said Mu Shun listened and shouted, he said: 陛下 對 臣 嘅 大恩大德 , 臣 雖然 死 一萬次 都 報答 唔 完 , 請 陛下 立即 派臣 去 啦 。 Your Majesty|to|I (the servant)|possessive particle|great kindness and virtue|I (the servant)|although|die|ten thousand times|all|repay|not|complete|please|Your Majesty|immediately||go|sentence-final particle Your Majesty's great kindness and virtue towards your servant, even if I die ten thousand times, I cannot repay it. Please, Your Majesty, send me immediately. 於是 伏皇 後寫 好 封信 交 畀 穆順 。 so|Fuhuang||a good|letter|handed|to|Muksun So, Empress Fu wrote a letter and handed it to Mu Shun. 穆順 將 封信 收埋 喺 頭髮 裏 便 , 靜靜 出 咗 皇宮 , 去 到 伏 完 嘅 住宅 , 將 封信 , 當面 呈 畀 伏 完 。 Muk Shun|will|letter|hide|in|hair|inside|then|quietly|exit|past tense marker|palace|go|arrive|||possessive particle|residence|will|letter|in person|present|to|| Mu Shun hid the letter in his hair and quietly left the palace, going to Fu Wan's residence, where he presented the letter to Fu Wan in person. 伏 完 見到 係 皇 後 嘅 親筆 , 睇 完信 嘞 , 就 對 穆順 話 : Fok|finished|saw|is|Emperor|Empress|possessive particle|handwritten|read|finished reading the letter|past tense particle|then|to|Muk Shun|said When Fu Wan saw it was the Empress's handwriting, after reading the letter, he said to Mu Shun: 曹賊 心腹 甚 多 , 一時之間 , 想 剷除 佢 係 唔 容易 嘅 。 Cao bandit|trusted aide|very|many|in a moment|to want|to eliminate|him|is|not|easy|particle Cao Cao has many trusted subordinates, so it's not easy to eliminate him all at once. 誒 , 除非 噉 啦 , 等 江東 孫權 、 西川 劉備 佢 哋 兩個 起兵 嚟 打 , 曹操 必定會 親自 去 迎戰 嘅 。 eh|unless|like this|particle|wait|Jiangdong|Sun Quan|Xichuan|Liu Bei|they|plural particle|both|raise troops|come|fight|Cao Cao||personally|go|engage in battle|particle Unless, let's wait for Sun Quan from Jiangdong and Liu Bei from Xichuan to raise their armies to fight; Cao Cao will definitely go to battle personally. 到 其時 , 再 夾埋 在 朝 嘅 忠臣 , 一齊 嚟 想 辦法 謀 佢 。 at|that time|again|gather|in|court|possessive particle|loyal ministers|together|come|think of|a way|plot|him At that time, we can gather the loyal ministers in the court to come up with a plan to deal with him. 噉 內外夾攻 , 大概 噉 就 可以 成功 喇 。 like this|inside and outside attack|probably|like this|then|can|succeed|particle indicating completed action With internal and external attacks combined, we should be able to succeed. 噉 , 國丈 你 寫封信 回覆 皇上 同皇 後 。 then|father-in-law|you|write a letter|reply|the Emperor|| So, my lord, you should write a letter to reply to the Emperor and the Empress. 請 皇上 寫 一封 詔書 , 暗中 派 人 送 去 東吳 、 西川 , 約 佢 哋 起兵 , 討伐 曹賊 , 拯救 主上 吖 。 please|Your Majesty|write|a|decree|secretly|send|someone|deliver|to|Eastern Wu|Western Shu|invite|them|plural marker|raise troops|attack|the bandit Cao|rescue|our lord|particle Please, Your Majesty, write a decree and secretly send someone to Eastern Wu and Western Sichuan to invite them to raise troops to attack the Cao bandits and rescue the Lord. 伏 完即 刻寫 咗 封信 交 畀 穆順 。 to submit|immediately|write|past tense marker|letter|to hand over|to|a person's name After finishing, Fu Wan immediately wrote a letter and handed it to Mu Shun. 穆順 啊 仍舊 收 喺 頭髮 裏 便 辭別 伏 完 就 返去 皇宮 嘞 。 Muk Shun|ah|still|put away|in|hair|inside|then|farewell|bow|finish|then|return to|palace|past tense particle Mu Shun, still keeping it in his hair, bid farewell to Fu Wan and returned to the palace. 有人 就會問 : 穆順 又 唔 係 女人 , 噉 頭髮 裏 便 係 點收 得 埋 一封信 落 㗎 ? 嘿嘿 , 收 得 。 someone||Muk Shun|again|not|is|woman|then|hair|inside|then|is|how to receive|able|also|a letter|drop|question particle|hehe|| Some might ask: Mu Shun is not a woman, so how can he keep a letter in his hair? Hehe, it can be done. 事關 古時 啊 , 男女 嘅 頭髮 都 係 留得 好 長 嘅 。 regarding|ancient times|ah|men and women|possessive particle|hair|both|were|kept|very|long| This is because in ancient times, both men and women kept their hair very long. 男人 嘅 頭髮 呢 , 亦 都 要 梳起 喺 頭 殼頂 ,繑 成 隻 髻 , 就 然後 用頭巾包 頭 , 或者 戴帽 。 man|possessive particle|hair|question particle|||must|be styled up|at|head|top of the head|tied|whole|measure word for hair bun|bun|then|afterwards||head|or| Men's hair should also be styled on top of the head, tied into a bun, and then wrapped with a headscarf or worn with a hat. 所以 穆順 呢 頭髮 裏 便 係 收得落 封信 㗎 。 so|Muk Shun|this|hair|inside|then|is|able to fit|envelope|particle indicating certainty So, Mu Shun's hair can be tucked into an envelope. 哎 , 俗語 話 齋 : 雞春 咁 密 都 哺出 仔 。 ah|proverb|says|fasting|chicken spring|so|close|all|feed out|chicks Ah, as the saying goes: even a hen can lay eggs in spring. 噉 穆順 入宮 又 出 咗 去 外 便 嘅 事 呢 , 早就 有人 報告 畀 曹操 聽 。 then|Mu Shun|entered the palace|again|went out|past tense marker|to|outside|convenience|possessive particle|matter|question particle|long ago|someone|reported|to|Cao Cao|heard So, the matter of Mu Shun entering and leaving the palace has long been reported to Cao Cao. 曹操 就 帶 埋 人 , 喺 皇宮 門口 就 睺 到實 。 Cao Cao|then|bring|along|people|at|palace|gate|then|see| Cao Cao then brought people and waited at the palace gate. 穆順 返 嚟 嘞 , 畀 曹操 一 截 截住 , 曹操 問 佢 : 你 去 邊處 嚟 啊 ? Mu Shun|return|here|past tense particle|give|Cao Cao|one|intercept|intercepted|Cao Cao|asked|he||go|where|come|question particle Mu Shun has returned, and was intercepted by Cao Cao, who asked him: Where have you come from? 皇後有 病 , 叫 我 去 請 醫生 。 |illness|told|me|to go|invite|doctor The Empress is ill and asked me to call a doctor. 你 請 嚟 嘅 醫生 呢 ? you|please|come|past tense marker|doctor|question particle Which doctor did you call? 仲未 嚟 啊 。 not yet|come|particle He hasn't arrived yet. 人 嚟 ! 搜 下 佢 身 ! person|come|search|particle indicating action|he|body Someone is coming! Search him! 噉 啲 衛士 上上下下 裏裏外外 , 抄過 穆順 , 嘿 , 並無 夾帶 噃。 like this|plural marker|guards|thoroughly|inside and outside|checked|Muxun|hey|there is not|carrying|particle So the guards searched him up and down, inside and out, and checked Mu Shun, hey, but found nothing hidden. 曹操 就 吩咐 放 佢 走 。 Cao Cao|then|ordered|let|him|go Cao Cao then instructed to let him go. 吓 , 點知 一陣風 嚟 , 將 穆順 嗰 頂 帽 吹 跌 咗 。 huh|how did I know|a gust of wind|come|to|Muk Shun|that|top|hat|blow|fall|past tense marker Huh, who knew a gust of wind came and blew Mu Shun's hat off. 嚱, 曹操 又 醒 起 嘞 ,嗌 佢 返 轉頭 ,攞 起 佢 頂 帽 嚟 睇 下 。 sound of waking up|Cao Cao|again|wake|up|past tense particle|shout|he|return|turn around|take|up|his|top|hat|come|see|down Ah, Cao Cao remembered again, called him back, and picked up his hat to take a look. 睇 嚟 睇 去 摙 下 撳下 亦 冇 發現 啲 咩 嘢 吖 , 又 還返 頂 帽 佢 , 叫 佢 戴 起 嚟 。 look|come|look|go|push|down||also|not|find|any|what|thing|particle|again|return|top|hat|him|tell|him|wear|up|come After looking around and pressing down, he still didn't find anything, so he returned the hat to him and told him to put it on. 曹操 見 穆順 帶帽 個 姿勢 就 古古怪怪 , 又 慌怕 整親 啲 頭髮 噉 , 嗯 , 有 問題 ! Cao Cao|saw|Mu Shun|wearing a hat|(measure word)|posture|just|very strange|also|afraid|messing up|(measure word)|hair|like that|hmm|has|problem Cao Cao saw Mu Shun's strange posture with the hat and was worried about messing up his hair, hmm, there is a problem! 即刻 就 叫 衛士 搜查 佢 嘅 頭髮 , 一下 就 抄 出 咗 伏 完 嗰 封信 啦 。 immediately|then|called|bodyguard|searched|he|possessive particle|hair|in one go|then|copied|out|past tense marker|hidden|finished|that|letter|sentence-final particle He immediately ordered the guards to search his hair, and they quickly found the hidden letter. 曹操 攞 封信 嚟 一 睇 , 裏頭 話 要 聯合 孫權 、 劉備 做 外應 。 Cao Cao|took|sealed letter|come|one|read|inside|said|to|unite|Sun Quan|Liu Bei|act as|external support Cao Cao took the letter and looked at it; it mentioned the need to unite with Sun Quan and Liu Bei for external support. 嘩 ! 嬲 到 曹操 不得了 。 wow|angry|to|Cao Cao|extremely Wow! Cao Cao was extremely angry. 拉 咗 穆順 返去 密室 , 嚴刑拷打 審問 佢 。 pull|past tense marker|Muk Shun|return to|secret room|severe torture|interrogate|him He dragged Mu Shun back to the secret chamber and tortured him severely for interrogation. 穆順 誒 夠叻 啊 , 乜 都 唔 肯講 。 Muk Shun|eh|so smart|ah|what|all|not| Mu Shun, wow, so clever, huh? Not willing to say anything. 曹操 漏夜 點起 三千名 鐵甲兵 , 圍住 伏 完 嘅 住宅 , 全家 大細 都 捉起 嚟 , 抄 出伏 皇 後 嗰 封 親筆 密信 。 Cao Cao|in the night|lit|three thousand|armored soldiers|surrounded|||possessive particle|residence|whole family|big and small|all|captured|came|copied|from Fu|emperor|empress|that|letter|handwritten|secret letter Cao Cao secretly gathered three thousand armored soldiers in the middle of the night, surrounding the residence where Fu was hiding, capturing the entire family and seizing the handwritten secret letter from the Empress. 好 喇 , 隨 即將 伏家 三族 ,冚𠾴唥 捉 晒 韞 咗 入監 。 good|particle indicating completion|||capture|three clans|all|catch|all|hidden|past tense marker|into prison Alright, immediately arrest all three clans of the Fu family and throw them all into prison. 到 咗 第朝 早 蒙蒙 光 , 曹操 派 御 林將軍 郗慮 , 揸 住 符節 入宮 。 arrive|past tense marker|next morning|early|||Cao Cao|sent|||Xi Lu|drive|holding|imperial edict|enter the palace By the next morning, as dawn broke, Cao Cao sent the Imperial Guard General Xi Lu, holding the imperial edict, into the palace. 符節 即 係 行使權力 嘅 憑證 啊 。 certificate||||possessive particle|proof|sentence-final particle The imperial edict is the proof of exercising power. 去 沒收 皇後個 玉璽 , 即 係 皇後個 大印 。 go|confiscate||royal seal||||great seal Go and confiscate the Empress's jade seal, which is the Empress's great seal. 當日 , 獻帝 喺 外 殿 , 見到 郗慮 帶 住 三百名 鐵甲兵 噔 噔 聲直 衝入 嚟 就 問 佢 有 咩 嘢 事 咁 緊張 。 that day|Emperor Xian|at|||saw|Xi Lu|||three hundred|armored soldiers||||rushed in|here|then|asked|he|has|what|thing|matter|so|anxious On that day, Emperor Xian was in the outer hall when he saw Xi Lu bringing in three hundred armored soldiers with a loud clatter, and he asked him what was the urgent matter. 郗慮 話 奉 咗 魏公之命 , 要 沒收 皇 後 玉璽 噉 。 Xi Lu|said|in accordance with|past tense marker||must|confiscate|emperor|empress|imperial seal|like this Xi Lu said he was carrying out the order of Duke Wei to confiscate the Empress's jade seal. 死 喇 ! 獻帝 一聽 呀 知道 事情 洩露 喇嚇 到 膽都裂 咗 咁 交關 。 die|past tense particle|Emperor Xian|upon hearing|particle indicating realization|knew|matter|leaked||to||past tense particle|so|troublesome It's over! As soon as Emperor Xian heard this, he knew the matter had been leaked, and he was so scared that his heart almost stopped. 當 郗慮 嚟 到 皇 後 嘅 宮室 嘅 時候 呢 , 伏 皇後先 至 啱 啱 起身 。 when|Xi Lyu|arrived|at|Empress|Empress|possessive particle|palace|possessive particle|time|particle indicating past action|lying down||then|||got up When Xi Lu arrived at the Empress's palace, the Empress had just gotten out of bed. 郗慮 叫 管 玉璽 嘅 人 嚟 , 問 佢 攞 咗 個 玉璽 就 走 咗 嘞 。 Xi Lu|called|Guan|jade seal|possessive particle|person|come|asked|he|took|past tense marker|measure word|jade seal|then|left|past tense marker|final particle Xi Lu called the person who took the jade seal, asking him why he took the jade seal and left. 伏皇 後 知道 事情 敗露 , 不得了 喇 呢 趟 , 即刻 呢 就 走 咗 去 大殿 後 便 , 喺 一間 宮室 嘅 夾 墻 裏 便 匿 起 上 嚟 。 the Emperor|later|knew|matter|exposed|serious|particle indicating completed action|this|trip|immediately|this|then|ran|past tense marker|to|main hall|behind|then|at||palace|possessive particle|between||inside|then|hide|up|on|come The Empress Dowager knew that the matter was exposed, and it was serious this time, so she immediately went to the back of the main hall and hid in a wall cavity of a palace room. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 尚書令 華歆 帶 住 五百名 鐵甲兵 又 嚟 到 皇 後 嘅 宮殿 嘞 。 passed|past tense marker|not|long|Minister of Rites|Hua Xin|brought|with|500|armored soldiers|again|came|to|emperor|empress|possessive particle|palace|sentence-final particle After a short while, the Minister of State, Hua Xin, arrived at the Empress Dowager's palace with five hundred armored soldiers. 佢 問 啲 宮女 皇 後 喺 邊度 , 啲 宮女 個個 都 推話 唔 知 。 He|asked|plural marker|palace maids|emperor|empress|at|where|||everyone|all|pushed back|| He asked the palace maids where the Empress Dowager was, but all the maids claimed they didn't know. 華歆 叫 啲 鐵甲兵 到處 打開 晒 啲 門 , 逐間 房 逐間 房 噉 搵 , 哈 搵 唔 到 喎 。 Hua Xin|called|plural marker|armored soldiers|everywhere|open|all|plural marker|doors|each|room|each|room|like that|searching|ha|searching|not|found|particle indicating realization Hua Xin ordered the armored soldiers to open all the doors and search room by room, but they couldn't find her. 華歆 諗 住 皇 後 冇 埞 趯 㗎 , 實 係 匿 埋 喺 啲 夾 墻 裏頭 個唧 。 Wah Hin|think|about|Emperor|after|not have|place|kick|particle|really|is|hide|together|in|plural marker|between|wall|inside| Hua Xin thought that the Empress had no way to escape, and was actually hiding in the gaps of the walls. 就 叫 啲 鐵甲兵 鑿開 啲 夾 墻 嚟 搜查 , 果然 就 搵 到 , 伏 皇後縮 埋 一 嚿 匿 喺 處 。 then|ordered|plural marker|armored soldiers|to break open|plural marker|squeeze||to come|search|as expected|then|found|to|hiding||together|a|piece|hiding|in|place So he ordered the armored soldiers to break open the walls to search, and sure enough, they found her hiding in a corner. 華歆 親自 逳 手 揪住 皇 後 隻 髻 拖 佢 出 嚟 。 Hua Xin|personally|to pull|hand|to grab|emperor|empress|measure word for animals|bun|to drag|he|out|come Hua Xin personally reached out and grabbed the Empress by her bun to drag her out. 皇後仲想 𠼮 華歆 免 佢 一 死 啦 噉 , 華歆 呢 個 時候 呀 識 你 係 老鼠 啊 。 |to kill|Wah Hin|to spare|him|one|die|particle|like that|Wah Hin|this|measure word|time|particle|to know|you|are|mouse|particle The Empress still wanted to plead with Hua Xin to spare her life, but at that moment, Hua Xin recognized her as a rat. 直情 鬧 皇後話 : 你 自己 去 同魏 王講 啦 噉 。 just directly|scold||you|yourself|go|||sentence-final particle|like that He directly scolded the Empress, saying: "You go talk to King Wei yourself." 唉 可憐 伏 皇後呀 , 披頭散髮 , 打大 赤腳 , 畀 兩個 鐵甲兵 推推 㧬㧬 噉 就 拉 咗 出去 。 sigh|poor|prostrated||hair disheveled||barefoot|by|two|armored soldiers|push|roughly|like this|then|pulled|past tense marker|outside Alas, poor Empress Fu, with her hair disheveled, barefoot, being pushed around by two armored soldiers and dragged out. 原來 華歆 呢 個人 呢 , 向來 都 有 才子 之 稱 嘅 喇 好 出名 嘅 。 it turns out|Hua Xin|this|person|question particle|always|all|has|talented person|possessive particle|title|past tense particle|completed action particle|very|famous| It turns out that this person, Hua Xin, has always been known as a talented individual, quite famous. 往日 佢 同 兩個 人 係 最好 朋友 , 一個 叫做 邴原 , 一個 叫做 管寧 。 in the past|he|with|two|people|were|best|friends|one|named|Bing Yuan|one|named|Guan Ning In the past, he was best friends with two people, one named Ping Yuan and the other named Guan Ning. 當時 啲 人 呢 稱 佢 哋 三個 人夾 埋 就 係 一條龍 噃。 at that time|plural marker|people|question particle|call|they|plural marker|three|||then|are|a team|sentence-final particle At that time, people referred to the three of them as a dragon. 華歆 係 龍頭 , 邴原 係 龍腹 , 管寧 係 龍尾 。 Hua Xin|is|dragon head|Bing Yuan||dragon belly|Guan Ning||dragon tail Hua Xin was the head of the dragon, Ping Yuan was the belly of the dragon, and Guan Ning was the tail of the dragon. 嘿 , 噉 華歆 呢 個 龍頭 才學 確係 好 嘅 , 但 係 為 人 啊 比較 俗氣 貪慕虛榮 。 hey|then|Wah Sin|this|measure word|dragon head|just learned|really is|good|particle indicating possession|||||particle for emphasis|relatively|vulgar|vain Hey, this Longtou Cai Xue from Hua Xin is indeed good, but as a person, he is quite vulgar and vain. 講起 嚟 又 有 段 古 。 speaking of|coming|again|has|section|history Speaking of which, there is a story. 當 佢 哋 後生 嗰 陣 啊 , 有 一日 , 管寧 同華歆 呢 就 喺 菜園 鋤地 種菜 。 when|they|plural marker|young|that|time|particle|have|one day|Guan Ning||particle|then|at|vegetable garden|hoe the ground|plant vegetables When they were young, one day, Guan Ning and Hua Xin were in the vegetable garden hoeing and planting vegetables. 鋤 鋤 下地 呢 , 吓 嗨 , 見到 有 嚿 金 噃。 hoe||plow the field|question particle|surprise particle|hi|saw|have|piece|gold|particle indicating realization While hoeing the ground, suddenly, they saw a piece of gold. 管寧 見到 啊當 冇 事 , 照 鋤 照掘 , 就理 都 唔 理 。 Guan Ning|saw|A Dong|no|issue|as usual|hoe|dig||all|not|pay attention to Guan Ning saw it and treated it as nothing, continuing to hoe and dig, completely ignoring it. 華歆 又點 呢 ? 佢 一 見到 嚿 金 , 即刻 就 踎 低 執 起 嚟 睇 下 , 然後 呢 , 就 掉 返低 。 Wah Hin||question particle|he|one|saw|piece|gold|immediately|then|crouched|down|picked|up|here|looked|at|then|question particle|then|dropped|back down What about Hua Xin? As soon as he saw the gold, he immediately bent down to pick it up and take a look, and then he just dropped it again. 嗱 呢 處 一件 嘞 喎 。 look|this|place|one item|past tense marker|sentence final particle Look, there's something here. 又 有 一日 , 管寧 同華歆 就 喺 書房 坐 喺 處 睇 書 , 聽見 外便 有 啲 呼呼 喝喝 嘅 聲音 。 again|has|one day|Guan Ning||then|at|study|sitting|at|place|reading|book|heard|outside|has|some|whistling|shouting|possessive particle|sound One day, Guan Ning and Hua Xin were sitting in the study reading when they heard some loud noises outside. 原來 係 一個 達官貴人 啊 , 坐住 一架 非常 華麗 嘅 車 前呼後擁 噉 經過 。 originally|is|a|high official|ah|sitting in|a|very|luxurious|possessive particle|car|surrounded by people|like that|passing by It turned out to be a high-ranking official, sitting in a very luxurious carriage, being surrounded by people as he passed by. 管寧 根本 都 冇 受到 干擾 , 依然 正襟危坐 你過 你 嘅 車 我 睇 我 嘅 書 。 Guan Ning|at all|all|not|received|interference|still|sitting upright and serious||you|possessive particle|car|I|read|my|possessive particle|book Guan Ning was not disturbed at all, still sitting upright, you go by in your carriage, and I will continue reading my book. 之華歆 就 唔 係 咯 , 掉 低部書 就 行 出去 睇 嘢 。 Zhi Wah Hin|then|not|is|particle indicating realization|drop||then|walk|go out|see|things Zhi Hua Xin just isn't like that, he dropped the book and went out to see things. 噉 啊 從此 之後 呢 , 管寧 就 好 睇 唔 起華 歆 嘅 為 人 , 唔 同 佢 做 朋友 嘞 。 then|particle|from now on|after|particle|Guan Ning|then|very|look|not|||||||with|him|be|friend|particle From then on, Guan Ning looked down on Hua Xin's character and didn't want to be friends with him. 收尾 , 管寧 就 索性 去 咗 遼東 隱居 , 終身 都 唔 肯出 嚟 為 曹操 做事 。 finishing up|Guan Ning|then|simply|go|past tense marker|Liaodong|live in seclusion|for life|all|not|||for|Cao Cao|work In the end, Guan Ning simply went to Liaodong to live in seclusion, refusing to work for Cao Cao for the rest of his life. 而華歆 呢 , 開始 係 追隨 孫權 嘅 , 後來 就 歸順 曹操 。 and Hua Xin|particle indicating a question|initially|was|following|Sun Quan|possessive particle|later|then|surrendered|Cao Cao As for Hua Xin, he initially followed Sun Quan, but later surrendered to Cao Cao. 到 咗 而家 呢 , 又 發生 佢 親自 逳 手 逳 腳 去 逮捕 伏皇 後 嘅 事 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|now|question particle|again|happened|he|personally|run|by hand|run|by foot|go|arrest|the suspect|after|possessive particle|incident|completed action particle Now, it has happened that he personally went to arrest the Empress Dowager. 好 喇 , 而家 講返 轉頭 。 good|particle indicating change of state|now|talk about|later Alright, now let's talk about turning back. 華歆 拉 咗 伏 皇後去 到 外殿 。 Hua Xin|pulled|past tense marker|ambush||to|outer hall Hua Xin took the Empress to the outer hall. 獻帝 見到 喇喇喇聲 行落 嚟 抱住 皇後喊 得 好 傷心 。 Emperor Xian|saw|sound of crying|walked down|came|hugged||very|very|sad When the Emperor Xian saw the commotion coming down, he rushed over to hug the Empress and cried very sadly. 華歆 喝 佢 哋 話 : 魏 公有 命快 啲 行 啊 ! Hua Xin|said|he|they|said|Wei||life fast|a bit|walk|particle Hua Xin shouted at them: "Lord Wei has ordered you to leave quickly!" 皇後就 喊住 話 喇 : 主上 呀 ! 我 哋 唔 能夠 喺 埋 一齊 喇 係 嘛 ? |crying|said|particle indicating completed action|your majesty|particle for emphasis|I|we|not|can|at|together|together|particle indicating completed action|is|question particle The Empress cried and said: "Your Majesty! We can't be together anymore, can we?" 獻帝 話 喇 : 啊 , 我 條命 呀 , 亦 唔 知 能夠 到 幾時 啊 ! 啊啊啊 啊 啊 。 Emperor Xian|said|particle indicating completed action|ah|I|life|particle indicating exclamation|also|not|know|able to|live until|when|ah|ahhh|ah| Emperor Xian said: Ah, my life, I don't even know how long I can last! Ah ah ah ah ah. 啲 鐵甲兵 就 夾硬 拉走 咗 皇 後 , 獻帝 就 抌 住 心口 嚎啕大哭 。 the|armored soldiers|then|forcibly|took away|past tense marker|emperor|empress|Emperor Xian|then|pressed|against|heart|cried out loud The armored soldiers forcibly dragged the empress away, and Emperor Xian clutched his chest and cried loudly. 佢 見 郗 慮 就 企 喺 側 跟 , 佢 就 話 喇 : He|saw|a name|a name|then|stood|at|side|behind|He|then|said|a particle When he saw Xi Lu standing beside him, he said: 郗公 呀 , 天下 間點 會 有 噉 嘅 事 啊 ! 唉 ! Sir Xi|particle indicating surprise|world||could|have|such|particle indicating possession|thing|particle indicating exclamation|sighing sound Lord Xi, how could such a thing happen in the world! Alas! 喊到 成個 跌 喺 地 嚟 。 crying until|whole|fall|on|ground|come He cried until he fell to the ground. 郗慮 啊 叫 啲 太監 扶返 獻帝 入宮 就算 嘞 。 Xi Lyu|ah|to call|some|eunuchs|to help return|Emperor Xian|into the palace|even if|past tense marker Xu Lu asked the eunuchs to help bring Emperor Xian back into the palace, that's it. 華歆將 皇後拉到 去 見 曹操 , 曹操 就 鬧 皇後話 : ||to|meet|Cao Cao|Cao Cao|then|scolded| Hua Xin took the Empress to see Cao Cao, and Cao Cao scolded the Empress saying: 我 一片 誠心 , 對待 你 哋 , 哼 ! 你 哋 反而 想害 我 係 嘛 ! I|a piece of|sincerity|treat|you|plural marker|humph|you|plural marker|instead||me|is|question particle I have been sincere in treating you all, humph! You all instead want to harm me, right! 我 唔 殺 你 呀 , 你 就 殺 我 㗎 喇 ! I|not|kill|you|sentence-final particle||then|kill|me|sentence-final particle|past action particle If I don't kill you, you will kill me! 曹操 喝 啲 衛士 啊 , 將伏 皇後亂 棍 打死 。 Cao Cao|drink|particle indicating action|guard|ah|||staff|kill Cao Cao ordered the guards to beat the Empress to death with their clubs. 跟 住 , 曹操 入去 皇宮 , 將伏 皇後所 生 嘅 兩個 仔 , 都 用 毒酒 嚟 到 毒死 佢 哋 。 ||Cao Cao|entered|palace|||gave birth to|(possessive particle)|two|sons|both|used|poison|to|(indicates completion)|poison to death|them|plural marker Then, Cao Cao entered the palace and poisoned the two sons born to Empress Fu, killing them with poisoned wine. 當晚 , 又 將伏 完 、 穆順 佢 哋 嘅 宗族 二百 幾人 , 全部 拉 去 街市 斬頭 。 that night|again|||Muk Shun|he|they|possessive particle|clan|two hundred|something like|all|||market|beheaded That night, he also executed more than two hundred members of the Fu and Mu clans, all of whom were taken to the market and beheaded. 呢 件 事 呀 , 使到 上上下下 做官 嘅 又 好 老百姓 又 好 , 冇 個 唔 震動 啊 冇 個 唔 驚 啊 。 this|classifier for events|matter|particle|causing|all levels of officials|being an official|possessive particle|both|good|common people|||not have|classifier|not|shaken|particle|not have|classifier|not|scared| This incident caused shock and fear among both officials and common people alike. 呢 件 事 係 發生 喺 建安 十九年 十一月 。 this|classifier for events|incident|is|happened|at|Jian'an||November This event occurred in November of the 19th year of Jian'an. 漢獻帝 自從 伏皇 後 被 殺 之後 呢 , 連氣 好多 日 嘞 都 食 唔 落飯 , 成個喪 咗 噉 。 Emperor Xian of Han|since|Emperor Wu|after|by|killed|afterwards|question particle|in high spirits|many|days|past tense particle|all|eat|not|finish eating||past tense particle|like this Since the assassination of Empress Fu, Emperor Xian of Han has been unable to eat for many days, completely in mourning. 曹操 入宮 見 獻帝 話 喇 : 陛下 唔 使 憂 , 臣並 無異 心 呀 。 Cao Cao|enter the palace|saw|Emperor Xian|said|particle indicating completion|Your Majesty|not|need|worry||||particle indicating affirmation Cao Cao entered the palace to see Emperor Xian and said: "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry, I have no ulterior motives." 臣 嘅 女兒 已經 畀 咗 陛下 做 貴人 , 佢 大賢 大孝 , 理應 居於 正宮 。 I (the minister)|possessive particle|daughter|already|given|past tense marker|Your Majesty|made|noble consort|she|very virtuous|very filial|should|reside in|main palace My daughter has already been made a noble consort by Your Majesty; she is virtuous and filial, and should rightfully reside in the main palace. 獻帝 敢講 半個 不字 咩 , 曹操 話 點咪點 咯 。 Emperor Xian|dare to say|half|word of refusal|what|Cao Cao|said|how to do it|particle indicating finality Could Emperor Xian dare to say even half a word of dissent? Cao Cao said it would be as he wished. 於是 就 喺 建安 二十年 即 係 公元 二一五 年 , 正月初一 , 喺 慶賀 元旦 嘅 大喜 節日 喇 , 冊立 曹操 個 女兒 曹 貴人 做 正宮 皇 後 。 then|just|at|Jian'an|year twenty|that is|in|AD|215|year|first day of the first month|at|celebrating|New Year|possessive particle|great joy|festival|particle indicating completed action|formally established|Cao Cao|measure word|daughter|||made|primary|| So, in the 20th year of Jian'an, which is the year 215 AD, on the first day of the first month, during the joyous celebration of the New Year, Cao Cao's daughter, Lady Cao, was officially established as the Empress. 文武百官 , 冇 個 敢 出聲 。 all civil and military officials|no|classifier for people|dare|speak up The civil and military officials did not dare to speak up. 呢 個 時候 , 曹操 個 威勢 就 日甚一日 。 this|measure word|time|Cao Cao|possessive particle|power|then|day by day At this time, Cao Cao's power was growing day by day. 佢 想 召集 一班 大臣 嚟 商量 消滅 東吳 同西 蜀 嘅 計劃 。 He|wants|to summon|a group of|ministers|to|discuss|annihilation|Eastern Wu||Shu|possessive particle|plan He wanted to gather a group of ministers to discuss plans to eliminate Eastern Wu and Western Shu. 賈詡 就 話 喇 : 呢 件 事 極其重要 , 一定 要召 夏侯惇 同 曹仁 兩位 返 嚟 一齊 商量 至 好 啊 。 Jia Xu|then|said|particle indicating completion|this|measure word for events|matter||definitely||Xiahou Dun|with|Cao Ren|both of them|return|here|together|discuss|to|good|particle indicating suggestion Jia Xu said: This matter is extremely important, we must summon both Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren to come back and discuss it together. 曹操 覺得 冇 錯 吖 , 即時 就 派 使者 去 召 佢 哋 返 嚟 。 Cao Cao|thought|not|wrong|particle|immediately|then|sent|messenger|to|summon|they|plural particle|return|come Cao Cao thought it was correct, and immediately sent messengers to summon them back. 呢 一日 , 夏侯惇 都 未 到 , 曹仁 嚟 到 先 , 佢 漏夜 就 去 丞相 府 見 曹操 。 this|day|Xiahou Dun|all|not yet|arrived|Cao Ren|||first|he|late at night|then|went|Prime Minister|residence|to see|Cao Cao On this day, Xiahou Dun had not yet arrived, but Cao Ren came first; he hurriedly went to the Prime Minister's residence to see Cao Cao. 當時 曹操 正 係 飲醉 咗 酒 瞓 緊 。 at that time|Cao Cao|just|was|drunk|past tense marker|alcohol|sleeping|continuous tense marker At that time, Cao Cao was drunk and sleeping. 許褚 就 揸 住 把 劍 , 企 喺 大堂 門口 守衛 。 Xu Chu|then|holding|in a state of|measure word for tools|sword|standing|at|hall|entrance|guard Xu Chu was holding a sword, standing guard at the entrance of the hall. 曹仁 係 想入 去 , 畀 許褚 攔住 唔 準 佢 入 。 Cao Ren|is|wants to enter|in|by|Xu Chu|blocking|not|allowing|him|enter Cao Ren wanted to enter, but was stopped by Xu Chu who wouldn't let him in. 曹仁 發惡 喇 : 哼 ! 我 係 曹氏 宗族 , 你 敢 唔 畀 我入 去 咁 大膽 ! Cao Ren|act wickedly|particle indicating finality|humph|I|am|Cao family|clan|you|dare|not|let||go|so|bold Cao Ren got angry: Hmph! I am from the Cao family, how dare you not let me in! 許褚話 喇 : 曹將軍 你 雖然 係 親 , 但 係 而家 乃 係 外藩 鎮守 之官 。 Xu Chu said|particle indicating finality|General Cao|you|although|are|relative|but|are|now|only|are|foreign vassal|garrison| Xu Chu replied: General Cao, although you are a relative, you are currently an official guarding the outer territory. 我許 褚 雖然 係 疏 , 之而家 乃 係 內侍 。 |surname|although|is|distant|but now|only|is|inner servant I allow Zhu, although he is distant, to now be an inner servant. 主公 飲醉 咗 瞓覺 , 所以 唔 敢 放 你 入 去 ! lord|drunk|past tense marker|sleep|so|not|dare|let|you|enter|go The lord is drunk and asleep, so I dare not let you in! 嘩 係 啊 係 啊 。 曹仁 噉 就 唔 敢 入 去 嘞 。 wow|yes|ah|yes|ah|Chao Ren|like that|then|not|dare|enter|go|past tense particle Wow, yes, yes. Cao Ren also dares not go in. 曹操 瞓 醒 之後 知道 咗 呢 件 事 , 大 讚許 褚 係 忠臣 啊 。 Cao Cao|sleep|wake|after|knew|past tense marker|this|measure word for events|matter|very|praised|Zhu|is|loyal minister|sentence-final particle After Cao Cao woke up and learned about this matter, he greatly praised Zhu as a loyal minister. 過 咗 幾日 , 夏侯惇 亦 返到 嚟 嘞 , 就 同 曹操 一齊 商量 攻打 吳 蜀 嘅 計劃 。 passed|past tense marker|few days|Xiahou Dun|also|returned|here|completed action marker|then|with|Cao Cao|together|discuss|attacking|Wu|Shu|possessive particle|plan A few days later, Xiahou Dun also returned, and together with Cao Cao, they discussed plans to attack Wu and Shu. 夏侯惇 就 提出 一個 新 嘅 方案 , 佢 話 : Xiahou Dun|then|proposed|a|new|possessive particle|plan|he|said Xiahou Dun proposed a new plan, he said: 東吳 、 西蜀 , 一下 之間 攻 佢 哋 唔 落 嘅 , 仲 係 先 去 擊破 漢中 張魯 。 Eastern Wu|Western Shu|in one go|between|attack|they|plural marker|not|fall|possessive particle|still|is|first|go|defeat|Hanzhong|Zhang Lu Eastern Wu and Western Shu, attacking them all at once is not feasible, we should first defeat Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. 然後 以 得勝 之兵 去 攻打 西蜀 , 必定 可以 一戰 成功 ! then|using|victorious||to|attack|Western Shu|definitely|can|one battle|succeed Then, with the victorious troops, we will attack Western Shu, and we will surely succeed in one battle! 曹操 話 好 啊 , 合晒 我 意思 。 Cao Cao|said|good|particle|completely|I|meaning Cao Cao said, 'Good, this aligns with my thoughts.' 於是 曹操 就 決定 西征 , 佢 將 大軍 分為 三隊 。 then|Cao Cao|then|decided|to campaign westward|he|will|army||three divisions So Cao Cao decided to march west, and he divided the army into three teams. 前部 先鋒 夏侯淵 、 張 郃 ; front unit|vanguard|Xiahou Yuan|Zhang|He Front Vanguard: Xiahou Yuan, Zhang He; 中軍 , 由 曹操 , 同 各 將官 親自 率領 ; central army|by|Cao Cao|along with|each|general|personally|led Central Army, led personally by Cao Cao and various generals; 後部 曹仁 、 夏侯惇 , 押運 糧草 。 rear guard|Cao Ren|Xiahou Dun|escort|supplies Rear Guard: Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun, escorting supplies. 張魯 探聽到 曹操 帶兵 嚟 侵犯 , 就 同 佢 細 佬 張 衛 啊 , 一齊 研究 抵抗 嘅 辦法 。 Zhang Lu|heard|Cao Cao|leading troops|come|invade|then|with|him|||||ah|together|study|resistance|possessive particle|method Zhang Lu learned that Cao Cao was coming to invade, so he and his son Zhang Wei discussed ways to resist. 張衛話 嘞 : 漢中 最 險要 嘅 地方 , 莫如 陽平關 喇 。 Zhang Wei said|past tense marker|Hanzhong|most|strategically important|possessive particle|place|not as good as|Yangping Pass|sentence-final particle Zhang Wei said: The most strategic place in Hanzhong is Yangping Pass. 我 哋 可以 喺 陽平關 嘅 左右兩 便 , 依山傍林 , 立 十幾個 營寨 嚟 到 迎敵 曹兵 。 ||can|at|Yangping Pass|possessive particle||sides||set up|more than ten|camps|||to confront the enemy|Cao soldiers We can set up more than ten camps around Yangping Pass, nestled between the mountains and the forest, to confront the enemy troops. 兄長 你 喺 漢 寧 , 撥多 啲 糧草 嚟 支援 就 得 喇 。 elder brother|you|at|Han|Ning|allocate more|a little|supplies|to|support|then|okay|sentence-final particle Elder brother, you just need to send more supplies from Hanning to support us. 張魯 同意 啊 , 就 派 大將 楊昂 、 楊任 同 佢 細 佬 張 衛 , 即日 帶兵 出發 。 Zhang Lu|agrees|particle|then|send|general|Yang Ang|Yang Ren|with|his|||||on the same day|lead troops|depart Zhang Lu agreed, so he dispatched the generals Yang Ang, Yang Ren, and his younger brother Zhang Wei to lead the troops and set off immediately. 陽平關 呢 , 誒 係 古時 一個 好 重要 嘅 地方 , 係 漢中盆地 西 便 嘅 門戶 , 喺 正 四川 、 陝西 嘅 交通 要 沖 。 Yangping Pass|this|ah|is|ancient times|a|very|important|possessive particle|place|is|Hanzhong Basin|west|easily|possessive particle|gateway|at|central|Sichuan|Shaanxi|possessive particle|transportation|essential|hub Yangping Pass was a very important place in ancient times, serving as the gateway to the western part of the Hanzhong Basin, crucial for transportation between Sichuan and Shaanxi. 噉 呢 個 關而家 已經 冇 咗 喇 , 遺址 呢 就 喺 今日 陝西省 勉縣 嘅 西 便 嚟 。 like this|this|measure word||already|not have|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|ruins|this|then|at|today|Shaanxi Province|Mian County|possessive particle|west|convenient|come However, this pass no longer exists; its ruins are located to the west of Mian County in today's Shaanxi Province. 噉 啊 當張 衛 佢 哋 嘅 兵馬 去 到 陽平關 , 安好 營寨 之後 冇 幾耐 , 夏侯淵 同張 郃 嘅 前軍 亦 到 嘞 。 then|ah||Wei|he|plural marker|possessive particle|troops|go|arrive|Yangping Pass|set up|camp|after|not||Xiahou Yuan||He|possessive particle|vanguard|also|arrive|past tense marker So, when Zhang Wei and his troops arrived at Yangping Pass, after setting up camp for a while, Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He’s vanguard also arrived. 佢 哋 知道 陽平關 已經 有 咗 準備 , 就 喺 離 關 十五里 嘅 地方 扎寨 , 連續 行軍 咁 耐 嚱, 士兵 啊 梗 係 非常 疲勞 㗎 啦 。 They|plural marker|know|Yangping Pass|already|have|past tense marker|preparations|then|at|away from|Pass|15 miles|possessive particle|place|set up camp|continuous|marching|so|long|time|soldiers|sentence-final particle|certainly|are|very|tired|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle They knew that Yangping Pass was already prepared, so they set up camp fifteen miles away from the pass. After marching for so long, the soldiers were certainly very tired. 今日 又 到達 目的地 咯 , 又 唔 使 即時 打仗 , 所以 當晚 一 安好 營 , 食飽飯 之後 呢 人人 都 碌 低 就 大 覺 瞓 。 today|again|arrived|destination|particle indicating completion|again|not|need|immediately|fight|so|that night|one|safely|camp|ate a full meal|after|particle indicating a question|everyone|all|roll|down|then|deep|sleep|sleep Today they have reached their destination, and since there was no immediate need to fight, that night after setting up camp and having a full meal, everyone just lay down and fell asleep. 到 咗 半夜 , 突然 間 寨 後 一把 火燒 起上 嚟 哈 , 原來 係 楊昂 、 楊任 兩路 兵馬 嚟 到 劫寨 啊 。 arrive|past tense marker|midnight|suddenly|measure word for buildings|stockade|after|a single||up|come|ah|originally|is|Yang Ang|Yang Ren|two routes|troops|||raid the stockade|ah In the middle of the night, suddenly a fire broke out behind the camp! It turned out that Yang Ang and Yang Ren's troops had come to raid the camp. 夏侯淵 同張 郃 呢 趟 啊 老貓 燒 鬚 咯 , 急忙 上 得 馬 嚟 , 四邊 四便 人馬 就 㗾㗾 聲湧入 嚟 喇 。 Xiahou Yuan||He|question particle|time|ah|old cat|burn|beard|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|mount|able to|horse|come|all around|everywhere|people and horses|then|sound of rushing||come|particle indicating completed action Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He were caught off guard, quickly mounted their horses, and troops from all sides surged in. 呢 晚 偷襲 成功 , 打到 曹 軍 大敗 。 this|evening|ambush|successful|defeated|Cao|army|major defeat Tonight's ambush was successful, and the Cao army suffered a great defeat. 夏侯淵 同張 郃 啊 帶 住 一班 殘軍敗將 趯 返 去 見 曹操 。 Xiahou Yuan||He|ah|lead|with|a group of|defeated soldiers|hurriedly|return|to|see|Cao Cao Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He led a group of defeated soldiers back to see Cao Cao. 曹操 發火 鬧 佢 哋 話 : 你 兩個 行軍 打仗 咁 多年 , 噉 都 仲 唔 知道 兵若 遠行 疲困 , 可 防劫 寨 咩 ! Cao Cao|got angry|scolded|he|plural marker|said|you|two of you|marching|fighting|so|many years|then|still|also|not|know||travel far|tired|can|prevent robbery|bandits|question particle Cao Cao was furious and scolded them, saying: "You two have been in the army and fought for so many years, and you still don't know that soldiers get tired on long marches and can be ambushed!" 點解 一 啲 都 唔 做 準備 啊 ? why|one|some|all|not|do|preparation|question particle Why didn't you prepare at all? 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 曹操 真 係 想 下令 殺 咗 佢 兩個 。 angry|get|up|here|Cao Cao|really|is|wanted|to order|kill|past tense marker|he|two of them Angered, Cao Cao really wanted to order the execution of the two of them. 好彩 其他 啲 官員 求情 噉 先至 免罪 。 fortunately|other|plural marker|officials|intercede|like that|only then|be exempt from punishment Fortunately, other officials pleaded for mercy, which led to the acquittal. 第 日 , 曹操 親自 帶兵 做 前隊 。 the|day|Cao Cao|personally|led the troops|acted as|vanguard On that day, Cao Cao personally led the troops as the vanguard. 行得 幾行 , 咦 ? 唔 得 ! can walk|a few steps|huh|| After marching a few steps, huh? This won't do! 究竟 曹操 乜嘢 唔 得 呢 ? exactly|Cao Cao|what|not|possible|question particle What exactly is it that Cao Cao cannot do? 就 且 聽 下回分解 。 then|and|listen| Let's wait for the next episode to find out.

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