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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 093

張 郃 就 畀 張飛 激到 火起 , 立即 傳令 啊 今晚 落山 去 偷襲 張飛 嘅 營寨 。 同時 又 命令 蒙頭 、 蕩 石 兩個 寨 呢 都 要 一齊 出兵 , 喺 左右 兩側 支援 。 當晚 , 張 郃 趁 住 有 多少 月色 , 帶領 人馬 就 跟 住 山邊 落山 , 一直 去 到 張飛 嘅 營寨 。 遠遠 望見 張飛 喺 帳幕 裏 便 呀 點着 支大 蠟燭 , 光棖 棖 喺 度 飲酒 喎 。 張 郃 一馬當先 , 衝啊 噉 大叫 一聲 , 山頭 上面 又 擂鼓 助威 直 殺入 中軍 。 哈 , 只見 張飛 仲坐 正 喺 度 逳 都 唔 逳噃。 你 飲 醉酒 定 喇 我 攞 你 條 命 ! 張 郃 策馬 去 到 張飛 面前 , 一 槍刺 過去 , 張飛 當堂 𢴈 倒 。 唓! 原來 係 個 草人 。 弊 喇 中計 喇 ! 急急 勒馬 跑 返 轉頭 。 只 聽見 外便 轟轟 轟轟 轟轟 連珠炮 響起 嚟 嘞 。 有 一員大將 , 迎面 攔住 去路 。 張 郃 定神 一望 , 嘩 ! 原來 係 張飛 ! 噉 兩個 老張 , 一個 使矛 一個 使槍 , 呢 個 就 烏龍 鬧海 啊 , 嗰 個 毒蛇 吐信 , 喺 火光 之中 大戰 起 嚟 。 一直 打 到 四五十個 回合 , 張 郃 一味 盼望 嗰 兩 寨 人馬 殺 嚟 救 佢 啦 。 點 知 嗰 兩 寨 救兵 呀 , 已經 畀 魏延 、 雷銅 殺退 咗 , 而且 嗰 兩個 寨 都 失 咗 添 喇 。 張 郃 唔 見 救兵 嚟 , 正 係 吃緊 到極 , 忽然 見到 山 上面 燒 起 上來 添弊 傢伙 ! 原來 畀 張飛 嘅 後軍 攻破 咗 佢 個 營寨 , 噉 啊 三個 寨 都 失守 嘞 。 張 郃 唯有 殺 開條 血路 逃跑 出去 瓦口關 啦 。 張飛 呢 次 大獲全勝 啊 , 立即 派 人 去 成都 報捷 。 嘿 劉備 高興 啊 , 啊 , 張飛 三弟 原來 飲酒 係 用 計想 氹 張 郃 落山 啫 。 噉 張 郃 退守 瓦口關 , 三萬 人馬 已經 損失 咗 二萬 咯 , 派 人 向 曹洪 求救 咯 喎 。 曹洪 可惱 嘢 喇 : 你 唔 肯 聽 我講 , 夾硬要 進兵 , 結果 失 咗 咁 緊要 嘅 隘口 , 而家 你 又 嚟 求救 ? 曹洪 唔 肯發 救兵 , 仲派 人 去 督住 張 郃 要 佢 出戰 。 張 郃 唔 敢 違抗命令 㗎 , 就 諗 咗 條計 。 分出 兩支 人馬 喺 關口 前 便 啲 山坳 埋伏 , 又 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : 當我 詐敗 嘅 時候 , 張飛 必定 追住 嚟 嘅 , 你 哋 就 截斷 佢 嘅 退路 。 呢 一日 , 張 郃 帶兵 前進 就 遇 着 雷銅 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 張 郃 就 詐敗 逃走 。 雷銅 呀 追住 掩殺 過去 啦 , 一直 追 到 山坳 。 兩支 人馬 衝出 嚟 截斷 咗 退路 , 張 郃 即刻 跑 返 轉頭 一槍 就 刺死 咗 雷銅 。 噉 啊 張 郃 先贏 咗 第一場 咯 喎 。 啲 敗兵 返去 報告 張飛 , 張飛 諗 你 個 傢伙 唔 怕死 又 嚟 係 嘛 , 仲殺 咗 我 一員 將軍 添 。 好 ! 我非 捉住 你 為 雷銅 報仇 不可 ! 就 自己 出馬 嚟 向 張 郃 挑戰 嘞 。 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 張 郃 又 出 嗰 槓 嘢 , 又試 詐敗 逃走 。 嘿嘿 , 張飛 唔 領 嘢 啊 , 勒定 馬 唔 追 。 張 郃 見 佢 唔 追 唄 , 返 轉頭 又 嚟 打過 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 又 走 。 張飛 知道 佢 係 有 詭計 㗎 喇 , 索性 收兵 回營 。 噉 張飛 一路行 一路 諗 , 返到 去 就 同 魏延話 喇 : 豈有此理 ! 張 郃 用 埋伏 計殺 咗 雷銅 , 又 想 嚟 引 我 。 哼 ! 等 我 將計就計 至 得 ! 點樣 呢 ? 嗱, 聽日 , 我帶 一隊 人馬 去 同張 郃 交戰 先 。 你 啊 帶 一隊 精兵 喺 後 便 嚟 , 等 佢 嘅 伏兵 一出 , 你 就 分頭 嚟 㩧 佢 。 另外 , 用十零 架車 , 堆滿 柴草 塞住 啲 小路 , 放火 嚟 燒 佢 ! 我 就 趁勢 捉 佢 張 郃 , 為 雷銅 報仇 啊 ! 魏延話 張飛 好計 啊 , 就 一 於是 噉 做 啦 ! 第 日 , 張飛 帶兵 出去 嘞 。 張 郃 又 嚟 嘞 喎 , 照板 煮 碗 , 打 咗 十個 回合 , 張 郃 啊 虛晃一槍 詐敗 走 人 。 張飛 喝 一聲 : 追 ! 噉 啊 率領 馬步軍 掩殺 過去 。 張 郃 得意 喇 , 以為 張飛 領 嘢 喇 呢 勻 。 佢 且 戰 且 走 , 引 張飛 一直 追過 咗 山谷 嘅 入口 。 噉 張 郃 立即 變前 為 後 又 變後為 前 , 一閘 住 人馬 , 同 張飛 真傢伙 再 打 咯 喎 。 噉 啊 指望 兩面 嘅 伏兵 喺 後 便 出 嚟 , 就 圍困 住 張飛 啦 。 佢 點 知 啲 伏兵 啱 啱 衝出 嚟 唧 , 就 畀 魏 延 嗰 隊 精兵 攔住 , 趕晒入 去 山谷 裡頭 。 跟 住 就將 啲 車輛 塞住 啲 小路 , 放火燒 車 。 一場 大 火燒 到 啲 樹木 雜草 呀 含 含聲 , 濃煙滾滾 火焰 沖天 。 嗰 啲 兵 根本 冇 法子 再出 得 嚟 嘞 。 張飛 一味 帶住 人馬 , 好似 一群 下山 猛虎 噉 啊 左衝右 殺 打 到 張 郃 零丁 賴敗 , 搏 死命 先至 殺 開條 血路 趯 返 上去 瓦口關 。 收容 返 嗰 啲 敗兵 嘞 就 閂 實 城門 , 老虎 蟹 都 唔 出 嚟 交戰 喇 。 張飛 同魏 延連氣 好多 日 , 猛攻 瓦口關 , 之 硬 係 攻 佢 唔 落 。 張飛 見 噉 都 唔 中用 㗎 , 就 將軍 隊徹 後 二十里 扎落 營先 。 然後 呢 , 有 一日 就 同 魏延帶 住 幾廿個 馬 軍 , 喺 關隘 嘅 兩側 探下 有 冇 另外 啲 路 , 上 得 山 嘅 噉 。 呢 一日 , 咦 ? 見到 有 幾個 人有 男有 女 嘅 , 都 係 孭 住 包袱 仔 嘅 , 喺 啲 山路 行 緊 噃。 行 呢 就 行得 好 艱難 嘅 之 行 得 。 張飛 高興 嘞 , 佢 指 住 畀 魏 延 睇 : 你 睇 你 睇 , 奪取 瓦口關 , 就 喺 呢 幾個 百姓 嘅 身上 啊 ! 張飛 叫個 兵 嚟 吩咐 佢 , 要 佢 嗌 嗰 幾個 老百姓 過 嚟 要 好 態度 啲 , 唔 準嚇 親人 噉 。 嗰 個 兵 啊 嗌 咗 幾個 老百姓 嚟 到 張飛 面前 。 張飛 和和氣氣 噉 叫 佢 哋 唔 使 怕 , 畀 粒 定心丸 佢 哋 吃 咗 先 , 然後 問 佢 哋 由 邊 處 嚟 㗎 噉 。 噉 啲 百姓 就 話 喇 : 誒 我 哋 都 係 漢中 嘅 居民 , 誒 而家要 返鄉 啊 。 誒 聽聞 話 打緊 仗 , 誒 閬中 嘅 官道 封鎖 咗 。 所以 , 誒 所以 我 哋 就 經過 蒼溪 , 由 梓潼 山 、 嗯 檜 釿 川入 漢中 返 屋企 咯 。 由 呢 條路 , 去 唔 去 得 瓦口關 㗎 ? 誒 , 誒 , 誒 混 梓潼 山 嘅 小路 行 , 就 去 得到 誒 瓦口關 背後 嘅 喇 。 好 , 多謝 晒 ! 張飛 唔 知 幾 歡喜 啊 , 帶 咗 啲 百姓 返去 營寨 , 畀 飯 佢 哋 食 。 佢 吩咐 魏延話 嘞 : 魏 將軍 , 你 帶兵 由 正面 攻關 , 我 啊 帶 一隊 馬 軍兜過 梓潼 山 攻 佢 後 便 。 噉 張飛 呀 叫 嗰 啲 百姓 帶路 , 選 咗 五百名 馬 軍 , 由 小路 輕裝前進 。 呢 一日 , 張 郃 見到 仲 冇 救兵 嚟 個 心 都 唔 知 幾 煩悶 。 有人 嚟 報告 話 魏 延 喺 關 下 又 發起 進攻 喇 噉 。 張 郃 啊 忍 唔 住 , 就 披掛 上馬 正話 想 落山 去 迎戰 。 突然 間 又 有人 嚟 報告 話 喇弊 喇弊 喇 , 關後有 四五 笪 地方 燒起 上 嚟 添 , 都 唔 知 啲 兵 喺 邊 處 嚟 嘅 。 張 郃 連忙 帶兵 去關 後 頂住 。 只見 對方 個 大旗 招展 , 嘩 張飛 嚟 啊 ! 嚇到 張 郃 大驚失色 , 急急 混 小路 鬆 人 。 跑 咗 一輪 , 匹馬 都 頂 唔 住 嘞 。 而 張飛 喺 後 便 又 猛 咁 追 住 嚟 , 冇 法子 啦 , 張 郃 唯有 掉 咗 匹馬 , 徒步 爬山 搵 到條 羊腸 小路 , 噉 先 至 走 甩身 。 到 最後 , 只 係 剩返 十幾個 人 跟隨 住 佢 , 行路 返去 南鄭 見 曹洪 。 曹洪 見到 張 郃 丟盔棄甲 , 就 得 返 十幾個 人返 嚟 唄 嬲 到 面 都 黑 晒 , 拍 枱 噉 鬧 佢 話 : 當初 我 叫 你 唔 好 去 , 你立 咗 軍令狀 偏要 去 。 好 啦 , 今日 全軍覆滅 , 你 自己 唔 跟 住 死 埋仲返 嚟 做 咩 嘢 事 ! 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 推出 去 斬 ! 且慢 , 且慢 ! 行軍 司馬 郭淮 就 勸 曹洪話 喇 : 曹將軍 , 自古 話 三軍 易得 , 一將難求 啊 。 張 郃 固然 係 有罪 咯 , 之 佢 乃 係 魏 王 極 喜愛 嘅 將軍 , 唔 好 噉 就 殺 咗 佢 啊 。 誒 , 曹將軍 是否 可以 再交 五千 人馬 畀 張 郃 , 叫 佢 去 奪取 葭 萌關 , 牽制 劉備 各地 嘅 軍隊 。 噉 一 嚟 , 漢中 就 冇 事 喇 。 如果 佢 呢 次 仲 係 唔 成功 嘞 , 就 兩罪 俱罰 啦 。 曹將軍 , 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 好 啦 ! 曹洪 於是 又點 五千 兵 畀 張 郃 , 叫 佢 去 奪取 葭 萌關 。 張 郃 接受 咗 命令 就 出發 喇 。 鎮守 葭 萌 關 嘅 係 孟 達 同 霍 峻 。 佢 知道 張 郃 帶兵 嚟 , 霍峻 就 主張 堅守 。 孟達 啊 幾 大都 要 迎戰 , 噉 啊 帶兵 落去 同張 郃 交鋒 。 佢 又 邊度 係 張 郃 手腳 㗎 , 結果 就 大敗 一場 。 霍 峻急 急寫 一封 告急 文書 , 派 人 送 去 成都 。 劉備 接到 報告 , 就 請 孔明 嚟 商量 。 孔明 就 召集 所有 嘅 將官 嚟 到 議事 大廳 , 佢 話 : 葭 萌 關 嘅 形勢 非常 緊急 。 我個 意思 係 , 必須 去 閬中 調翼德 去 噉 先至 能夠 擊敗 張 郃 㗎 。 法 正話 喇 : 而家翼 德 喺 瓦 口 關 駐 扎 , 鎮守 閬中 嗰 處 亦 係 好 緊要 嘅 地方 嚟 。 唔 好 調 佢 去 喇 , 仲 係 喺 呢 處 嘅 將官 當中 , 選派 一位 去 破張 郃 罷啦 。 孔明笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 張 郃 係 北魏 嘅 名將 嚟 噃, 一般 人 係 比 唔 上 佢 㗎 。 除 咗 翼 德 之外 , 我 睇 冇 人 能夠 抵擋 得 住 佢 啊 。 軍師 , 點解 你 咁 輕視 我 哋 大家 啊 ? 我 雖然 冇 乜 本事 , 之 我 願 去 斬 張 郃 嘅 首級 , 獻 於 軍師 嘅 麾下 ! 邊個 啊 ? 原來 係 老將 黃忠 啊 。 哦 , 黃 將軍 , 你 雖然 英勇 , 無奈 年紀 已經 老喇 , 恐怕 唔 係 張 郃 嘅 敵手 噃。 吓 ? 我 黃忠 雖然 年老 , 但 係 我 兩隻 手臂 , 仲 能夠 開三 石之弓 , 周身 上下 仲有 千斤 之力 , 點會 敵 唔 過張 郃 呢 個 匹夫 啊 ? 黃 將軍 , 你 都 年 近 七十 咯 , 仲話 唔 老 ? 黃忠 噔 噔 聲行 出 大廳 , 喺 兵器 架上 便 攞 起 把 大刀 , 擺開 姿勢 舞 咗 一輪 , 只見 刀 光閃閃 其快 如飛 啊 。 又 攞 起 張 硬弓 , 一下 兩下 , 連氣 拉斷 咗 兩張 。 嘩 嗨 , 薑 仲 係 老 嘅 辣 啊 , 真 係 老當益壯 啊 ! 孔明 話 嘞 : 黃 將軍 既然 要 去 , 邊個 做 副將 好 呢 ? 老將 嚴顏同 我 去 。 如果 失敗 , 我 呢 個 白頭 就 交 畀 軍師 你 先 。 劉備 好 歡喜 , 就 下令 黃忠 、 嚴顏 帶兵 去 同張 郃 交戰 。 趙雲 覺得 唔 妥當 啊 , 佢 對 劉備 同 孔明 話 喇 : 張 郃 而家 帶兵 嚟 侵犯 葭 萌關 , 軍師 唔 好 當做 兒戲 啊 。 葭 萌關 一失 , 益州 就 危險 㗎 喇 。 為 咩 事 , 要 用 兩個 老將 去 抵擋 呢 個 咁 強 嘅 敵手 呢 ? 孔明 話 : 你 以 為 佢 兩個 年紀 太老 唔 中用 呀 , 子龍 你 睇 錯 喇 。 照 我 睇 呀 , 第 日 得到 漢中 , 亦 必定 係 靠 佢 哋 兩個 人 㗎 。 趙雲 佢 哋 都 唔 信 個 心猛 咁 偷笑 。 好 喇 , 而家講 下 嗰 兩位 老將 黃忠 同 嚴顏 。 佢 哋 嚟 到 葭 萌 關 嘅 時候 呢 , 孟達 、 霍 峻 佢 兩 個個 心 亦 都 笑 孔明 乜 咁 糊塗 㗎 。 一個 咁 緊要 嘅 地方 點解 派 兩個 老 嘢 嚟 嘅 ? 黃忠 聞到 味道 嘞 , 佢 對 嚴 顏 話 : 你 見 唔 見 嗰 啲 人 嘅 動靜 啊 , 笑 我 哋 兩個 年老 喎 。 我 哋 要 建立 奇功 , 等 佢 哋 心服 至 得 。 係 啊 , 總之 我 一切 聽從 黃 將軍 你 嘅 命令 。 噉 兩個 商量 妥喇 , 黃忠 就 帶兵 出關 同張 郃 交戰 啦 。 呢 一日 , 兩 軍 對陣 , 張 郃 出馬 。 見到 黃忠 就 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 你 咁 大 年紀 都 唔 識 醜 嘅 , 仲想 嚟 同 我 交鋒 添 呀 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 黃忠 發火 嘞 : 你 呢 個 衰仔 蝦 我 年老 啊 , 我 手上 呢 把 寶刀 就 唔 老 啊 ! 一 拍馬 , 就 衝上 前去 同張 郃 鬥過 。 兩個 大戰 二十幾個 回合 , 張 郃 忽然 聽見 背後 響起 吶喊聲 。 誒 ? 原來 係 嚴顏 混 小路 包抄 張 郃 嘅 後方 啊 而家 一 夾攻 , 打到 張 郃 失晒魂 , 大敗 逃走 。 黃忠 、 嚴顏 就 漏夜 咁 追住 去 , 一直 逼到 張 郃 嘅 人馬 後退 八九十里 。 黃忠 、 嚴顏 大勝 一場 收兵 回營 。 噉 之後 呢 , 彼此 都 按兵不動 嘞 。 曹洪 聽講 張 郃 又 輸 咗 一仗 , 噉 又 想 懲辦 佢 咯 喎 。 郭淮 勸 佢 話 喇 : 噉 唔 好 啊 。 如果 逼得 張 郃 緊要 過頭 , 佢 就 會 投降 西蜀 㗎 喇 。 而家 不如 派 個人 去 協助 佢 , 順便去 監督 住 佢 , 等 佢 唔 敢 離心 至 得 。 曹洪一 諗 冇 錯 啊 , 就 派 夏侯惇 個 侄 夏侯尚 , 同埋 降將韓 玄 嘅 細 佬 韓 浩 兩個 人 , 帶 五千 兵去 助戰 。 佢 兩個 去 到 張 郃 嘅 營寨 , 就 問 佢 近日 嘅 軍情 如何 啊 噉 。 張 郃 話 : 老將 黃忠 非常 英雄 了 得 , 更 兼有 嚴顏 幫 佢 不可 輕敵 啊 。 韓浩話 嘞 : 嗯 ! 我 喺 長沙 嘅 時候 , 早就 知道 呢 個 老賊 厲害 㗎 喇 。 當日 , 佢 同 魏 延 獻 咗 城池 殺死 咗 我 兄長 。 今日 撞 到 佢 呀 , 我 一定 要 報仇 啊 ! 於是 韓浩 就 同 夏侯尚 帶住 五千 生力軍 , 離開 營寨 向 葭 萌關 進發 。 而家 講下 黃忠 , 佢 連日 以來 派 人 到處 咁 偵察 , 已經 摸清楚 晒 啲 地形 路徑 。 嚴顏話 : 呢 處 有 個 山 叫做 天 蕩 山 , 山上 , 係 曹操 儲備 糧草 個 地方 喎 。 如果 奪取 到 嗰 度 呀 , 斷絕 咗 佢 嘅 糧草 , 噉 漢中 就 容易 打 啦 嘛 。 黃忠 話 嘞 : 嚴 將軍 你 嘅 諗 法 同 我 一樣 啊 , 哈哈 真 係 英雄所見略同 啊 ! 嚴 將軍 , 我 哋 如此 如此 啦 。 好 , 好 ! 嚴顏 根據 黃忠 嘅 計策 , 帶 咗 一支 軍隊 就 出發 去 咗 先 。 呢 一日 , 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 啊 帶兵 嚟 到 。 黃忠 率領 人馬 出寨 迎戰 。 韓浩 出馬 陣前 , 見到 黃忠 就 眼 都 紅晒 啊 , 一口一聲 老賊 咁 鬧 , 拍 馬挺槍 直取 黃忠 。 夏侯尚 同時 衝出 嚟 夾攻 。 黃忠 力敵 二將鬥 咗 十幾 廿個 回合 , 唔 夠打 趯 人 嘞 。 夏侯尚 、 韓浩 一直 追 咗 佢 廿 幾 里 路 , 奪 咗 黃忠 原來 嘅 營寨 。 噉 黃忠 又 臨時 扎 好個 新營 。 第 日 , 夏侯尚 、 韓浩 就 繼續 向前 推進 。 噉 黃忠 再次 出陣 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 又 打敗 走 人 。 夏侯尚 同 韓浩猛 咁 追 啦 , 呢 一日 , 又 向前 追擊 咗 廿幾里 , 又 奪 咗 黃忠 新 扎 嘅 營寨 , 好 得意 啊 。 就 命令 張 郃 呢 守住 後 寨 , 噉 張 郃 走 嚟 前 寨 勸 佢 哋 兩個 話 嘞 : 黃忠連 退 兩日 , 其中 必有 詭計 㗎 。 夏侯尚 就 鬧 佢 嘞 : 你 咁 膽怯 嘅 , 唔 怪 得 打親 都 輸 啦 。 唔 好講 咁 多 喇 , 睇 住 我 哋 兩個 立功 啦 你 。 張 郃 畀 佢 噴 到 面 都 紅 晒 , 唯有 頭耷 耷返 去 守後寨 。 第 日 , 又試 交戰 嘞 , 黃忠 啊 又 係 敗退 廿 几里 。 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 一路 咁 追上去 。 又過 咗 一日 , 佢 兩個 帶兵 出戰 , 黃忠 啊 , 打 都 唔 敢 打 喇 望風 而 走 一直 退到 葭 萌 關上 。 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 直逼 關下 扎營 。 黃忠 而家 呢 就 堅守 唔 出去 喇 。 孟達 睇 見 唔 係 路 噃 又 唔 好意思 問喇 , 暗中 寫 咗 封信 , 派 人 去 報告 劉備 話 黃忠連 輸幾仗 啊 , 而家 退返 入關 喇 噉 。 劉備 有 啲 驚 喇 就問 孔明 點辦 啦 。 孔明 話 , 呢 啲 乃 係 黃忠 老將 驕兵之計 啫 噉 。 趙雲 佢 哋 仲 唔 信 喎 。 劉備 諗 落 咪 喇 , 最後 仲 係 派 咗 劉封 去 葭 萌關 支援 黃忠 。 見 咗 面 之後 黃忠 就問 嘞 : 小 將軍 你 嚟 助戰 , 係 乜嘢 意思 啊 , 吓 ? 父親 聽講 將軍 連氣輸 咗 幾仗 , 故此 派 我 嚟 唧 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 個 係 老夫 驕兵之計 啊 ! 我 今晚 , 一仗 就 可以 收服 所有 嘅 營寨 , 繳獲 魏 軍 嘅 糧食 馬匹 。 我 不過 係 借 幾個 營寨 畀 佢 哋 放 軍用物資 咋 嘛 。 今晚 , 留 霍峻守 關 , 孟 將軍 就 幫 我 去 搬運 糧草 , 奪取 馬匹 。 哈哈哈哈 , 小 將軍 , 請 你 睇 住 我 破 敵 啦 ! 當晚 二 更 , 黃忠 率領 五千 人馬 , 開關 直衝 而 下 。 原來 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 啊 見到 關上 連氣 咁 多日 都 唔 敢 出戰 唄 , 就 放鬆 晒 警惕 。 而家 畀 黃忠 打破 寨門 直 撞入 嚟 嘿真 係 狼狽 到極 喇 , 人 不及 甲馬 不及 鞍 。 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 各自 逃命 逮擾 咗 魏 兵 喺 黑夜 之中 自 相 踐踏 , 死 咗 無數 咁 多 人 , 一路打 到 天光 , 連氣 就 奪返 三個 寨 。 每個 寨 呀 都 掉 低 好多 軍械 等等 嘅 物資 嘅 , 噉 啊 孟達督 住 班 兵卒 猛 搬 上關 就 係 嘞 。 黃忠 啊 催促 部隊 乘勝 追敵 。 劉封話 : 打 咗 成晚 喇 士兵 太過 疲勞 喇 , 不如 休息 下先 啦 。 小 將軍 , 不入虎穴 , 焉得虎子 啊 ? 追 ! 黃忠 一鞭 隻 馬 ,𡃈𡃈 聲 當先 前進 , 噉 啊 全軍 個個 都 奮勇向前 喇 。 張 郃 本來 係 守 後 寨 嘅 , 點知 畀 自己 嘅 敗兵 一衝 , 衝到 閘都閘 唔 住 就 唯有 向後猛 退 。 啲 營寨 就 全部 放棄 喇 , 一直 撤退 到 漢水 邊 。 呢 個 漢水 呢 就 係指 漢水 嘅 上游 , 喺 陝西省 嘅 西南部 。 張 郃 搵 到 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 , 就 同 佢 哋 商量 話 喇 : 呢 度 附近 嘅 天 蕩 山 同 米糧 山 , 都 係 我軍 儲備 糧草 嘅 地方 。 漢中 嘅 大軍 , 養命 全 靠 佢 㗎 喇 , 冇 咗 佢 即 係 冇 咗 漢中 , 要 考慮 下 點樣 保住 呢 啲 地方 至 好 啊 。 夏侯尚 話 嘞 : 米倉山 有 我 阿叔 夏侯淵 分 兵 守衛 , 嗰 度 亦 靠近 定軍山 , 所以 唔 使 憂 嘅 。 天 蕩 山 係 我 阿哥 夏侯 德 鎮守 , 我 哋 去 佢 嗰 度 啦 , 幫 佢 保住 呢 個 山 啦 。 於是 張 郃 同埋 夏侯尚 、 韓浩 一齊 , 漏夜 趕去 天 蕩 山 。 見到 夏侯 德 之後 , 就 將前 便 嘅 作戰 經過 講 咗 畀 佢 知 。 夏侯 德話 嘞 : 我 呢 度 駐 扎 咗 十萬 人馬 , 你 帶兵 去 收復 原來 嘅 營寨 啦 。 張 郃 話 嘞 : 目前 , 只 應該 堅守 , 唔 能夠 輕舉妄動 喇 。 呢 一日 , 只 聽見 山前 打鑼 打鼓 震天動地 。 原來 係 黃忠 人馬 殺到 嚟 嘞 。 夏侯 德 哈哈大笑 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 老賊 都 唔 識 兵法 嘅 , 一味 恃 住 勇敢 嘅 啫 。 張 郃 話 : 唔 係 㗎 , 黃忠 好 有 計謀 , 唔 淨止 勇敢 㗎 。 哼 ! 敵兵 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 係 非常 疲勞 嘅 。 今日 仲 深入 我軍 嘅 陣地 嚟 挑戰 , 噉 就 講明 黃忠 無謀 㗎 啦 嘛 。 張 郃 話 : 噉 亦 唔 好 輕敵 啊 , 堅守 就 啱 嘞 。 韓浩忍 唔 住 就 對 夏侯 德話 : 請 將軍 你 交 三千名 精兵 我 , 我 一定 擊敗 黃忠 老賊 ! 夏侯 德 立即 叫 韓浩 帶兵 落山 。 黃忠 見 魏 軍 出動 嘞 , 就 整頓 好 人馬 準備 迎戰 。 劉封 勸 佢 話 : 日頭 都 落山 嘞 , 士兵 行 咁 遠 嚟 到 太過 疲勞 啊 , 真 係 要 休息 下至 好 喇 。 黃忠 話 嘞 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 唔 係 啊 , 呢 個 係 天賜 奇功 , 唔 去 攞 就 錯 喇 。 講完 黃忠 就 下令 , 全軍 大聲 吶喊 向前 衝鋒 。 韓浩 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 , 黃忠 揮舞 大刀 直取 韓浩 。 僅僅 一個 回合 咋 , 一刀 就將 韓浩 斬 於 馬 下 。 喎 嗬衝 啊 ! 蜀兵 搏命 咁 殺 上山 去 。 張 郃 同 夏侯尚 急急 帶兵 嚟 迎戰 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 山後 便 突然 響起 吶喊聲 , 火光 呀 衝天 而 起 , 燒到 半邊天 都 紅晒 。 夏侯 德 立即 帶兵 去 救火 嘞 喎 , 迎面 撞 正 老將 嚴顏 , 手起刀落 , 誒 ! 當堂 將 夏侯 德 斬 於 馬 下 。 哈哈 , 原來 黃忠 啊 , 預先 就 派 咗 嚴顏帶 住 一支 軍隊 , 埋伏 喺 山上 靜僻 嘅 地方 。 噉 啊 等 黃忠 兵到 就 出 嚟 放火 , 將 山上 啲 柴堆 啊 草堆 啊 一齊 點着 , 燒到 大火 騰空 。 嚴顏殺 咗 夏侯 德 , 馬上 由 山後 殺過 嚟 。 嘩 ! 張 郃 、 夏侯尚 顧得 前 嚟 顧 唔 得 後 , 腹背受敵 , 就 唯有 放棄 天 蕩 山 逃跑 去 定軍山 , 投奔 夏侯淵 嘞 。 定軍山 就 喺 陝西省 嘅 西南部 嘅 勉縣 附近 , 兩峰 對峙 非常 之 險要 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 收到 攻取 天 蕩 山 嘅 捷報 高興 到極 , 召集 所有 嘅 將領 嚟 慶祝 勝利 。 法 正話 嘞 : 前 幾年 , 曹操 打敗 張 魯 嘅 時候 掃平 漢中 , 佢 唔 乘 住 得勝 嘅 形勢 , 進一步 奪取 巴蜀 。 淨 係 留低 夏侯淵 同張 郃 兩個 人 喺 度 駐兵 防守 , 自己 就 帶領 大軍 返 咗 去 許昌 , 嘿嘿 , 認真 失策 咯 。 今日 , 張 郃 畀 我軍 擊敗 , 天 蕩 山 落於 我手 。 主公 如果 趁 呢 個 大好時機 , 出動 大軍 親自 掛帥 去 攻打 漢中 , 就 必定 能夠 成功 㗎 。 漢中 平定 咗 之後 , 就 積蓄 糧草 , 訓練 兵馬 , 尋找機會 , 進 可以 討賊 , 退 可以 自守 。 主公 啊 , 呢 個 係 天賜良機 , 切不可 失 啊 ! 劉備 同 孔明 都 非常 同意 法正 呢 一個 意見 , 就 決定 擇個 好日子 出兵 去 攻打 漢中 。 當日 , 就 通知 各處 地方 作好 準備 。 到 咗 建安 二十三年 , 即 係 公元 二一 八年 , 呢 一年 呢 , 劉備 五廿 八歲 喇 。 七月 嘅 一個 吉日 , 劉備 任命 趙雲 、 張飛 做 先鋒 ; 自己 同 孔明 親自 掛帥 , 統率 十萬 大軍 , 浩浩蕩蕩 出發 去 攻打 漢中 。 呢 一日 , 出到 葭 萌 關外 扎落 營寨 , 劉備 立即 召見 黃忠 同 嚴顏 , 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 哋 。 劉備 話 : 人人 都 話 將軍 老喇 , 唯獨 軍師 知道 將軍 嘅 能力 , 呢 次 果然 立 咗 大功 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 定軍山 乃 係 南鄭 嘅 屏障 , 漢中 囤積 糧草 嘅 地方 啊 。 如果 得 咗 定軍山 , 陽平 呢 一路 就 唔 使 憂 嘞 。 老 將軍 , 仲敢 唔 敢 去 奪取 定軍山 啊 ? 黃忠 毫不 推辭 , 好 豪邁 噉 一 啖 應承 , 話 即刻 就 帶兵 出發 。 孔明 連忙 阻攔 住 佢 話 : 老 將軍 你 雖然 英勇 , 不過 夏侯淵 就 唔 同張 郃 噃, 佢 叻 得 多 啊 。 夏侯淵 深明 韜略 , 熟悉 兵法 , 一直 以 嚟 曹操 都 係 依靠 佢 嚟 鎮守 西涼 。 前 幾年 , 佢 駐 扎 喺 長安 防備 馬超 , 而家 又 要 佢 駐 扎 喺 漢中 。 呢 啲 獨當一面 , 咁 重 嘅 責任 , 曹操 唔 委託 別人 單單 委託 畀 夏侯淵 。 點解 呢 ? 皆 因 夏侯淵 有 大將 之才 吖 嘛 。 所以 , 老 將軍 你 雖然 勝得 張 郃 , 未必 能勝得過 夏侯淵 喇 。 我 而 家 喺 度 斟酌 緊 , 想派 一個 人去 荊州 替 關將軍 返 嚟 , 噉 先至 敵得 住 夏侯淵 㗎 。 各位 , 正是 請將 須行 激將法 啊 , 少年 不 若 老年人 。 如果 各位 想 知道 黃忠 啊 點樣 畀 諸葛亮 激起 嗰 種 昂揚 鬥志 去 奪取 勝利 呢 , 噉 啊 請 各位 到 時 再 嚟 收聽 啦 。

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張 郃 就 畀 張飛 激到 火起 , 立即 傳令 啊 今晚 落山 去 偷襲 張飛 嘅 營寨 。 Zhang|He|then|by|Zhang Fei|provoked|anger|immediately|issued an order|ah|tonight|after dark|to|ambush|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|camp Zhang He was so enraged by Zhang Fei that he immediately ordered to descend the mountain tonight to ambush Zhang Fei's camp. 同時 又 命令 蒙頭 、 蕩 石 兩個 寨 呢 都 要 一齊 出兵 , 喺 左右 兩側 支援 。 at the same time|also|order|Mengtou|||both|villages|question particle|all|need to|together|deploy troops|at|left and right|both sides|support At the same time, he also commanded the two camps of Meng Tou and Dang Shi to send troops together to support from both sides. 當晚 , 張 郃 趁 住 有 多少 月色 , 帶領 人馬 就 跟 住 山邊 落山 , 一直 去 到 張飛 嘅 營寨 。 that night|||taking advantage of|having||how much|moonlight|led|troops|then|followed|along|the mountain|descending|continuously|went|to|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|camp That night, taking advantage of the moonlight, Zhang He led his troops down the mountain along the edge, heading straight for Zhang Fei's camp. 遠遠 望見 張飛 喺 帳幕 裏 便 呀 點着 支大 蠟燭 , 光棖 棖 喺 度 飲酒 喎 。 far away|saw|Zhang Fei|at|tent|inside|then|particle|lit||candle|light|stick|at|place|drinking|particle From a distance, he saw Zhang Fei inside the tent lighting a large candle, drinking merrily. 張 郃 一馬當先 , 衝啊 噉 大叫 一聲 , 山頭 上面 又 擂鼓 助威 直 殺入 中軍 。 Zhang|He|leading the charge|charge|then|shouted|one shout|hilltop|above|again|beating drums|cheering|straight|killed into|the central army Zhang He charged forward, shouting loudly, while drums were beaten on the mountain to boost morale as they rushed into the center of the army. 哈 , 只見 張飛 仲坐 正 喺 度 逳 都 唔 逳噃。 Ha|only saw|Zhang Fei||right|at|place|run|all|not|running Ha, I see Zhang Fei is still sitting there, not moving at all. 你 飲 醉酒 定 喇 我 攞 你 條 命 ! you|drink|alcohol|or|particle indicating completed action|I|take|you|measure word for long objects|life Are you drunk? If so, I'll take your life! 張 郃 策馬 去 到 張飛 面前 , 一 槍刺 過去 , 張飛 當堂 𢴈 倒 。 Zhang|He|ride|go|to|Zhang Fei|in front of|one||forward|Zhang Fei|on the spot|fell|down Zhang He rode his horse to Zhang Fei's front and thrust his spear forward, causing Zhang Fei to fall down immediately. 唓! 原來 係 個 草人 。 ah|originally|is|the|scarecrow Oh! It turns out to be a scarecrow. 弊 喇 中計 喇 ! 急急 勒馬 跑 返 轉頭 。 we|particle indicating completed action|tricked|particle indicating completed action|quickly|rein in the horse|run|return|turn around Oh no! I've fallen into a trap! Quickly rein in the horse and turn back. 只 聽見 外便 轟轟 轟轟 轟轟 連珠炮 響起 嚟 嘞 。 only|heard|outside|rumbling|rumbling|rumbling|rapid-fire|sounded|coming|past tense particle All I could hear was the sound of cannon fire, booming continuously. 有 一員大將 , 迎面 攔住 去路 。 there is||head-on|blocked|way A general stood in the way, blocking the path. 張 郃 定神 一望 , 嘩 ! 原來 係 張飛 ! Zhang|He|composed himself|with one glance|wow|it turns out|is|Zhang Fei Zhang He focused and looked, wow! It turned out to be Zhang Fei! 噉 兩個 老張 , 一個 使矛 一個 使槍 , 呢 個 就 烏龍 鬧海 啊 , 嗰 個 毒蛇 吐信 , 喺 火光 之中 大戰 起 嚟 。 then|two|Lao Zhang|one|uses a spear|one|uses a gun|||just|Wulong|quarrel at sea|ah|||poisonous snake|spits venom|in|firelight|within|great battle|rise|come So the two old Zhangs, one wielding a spear and the other a lance, it was like a chaotic battle at sea, with one being a dragon and the other a snake, fighting fiercely amidst the flames. 一直 打 到 四五十個 回合 , 張 郃 一味 盼望 嗰 兩 寨 人馬 殺 嚟 救 佢 啦 。 continuously|fight|until|forty to fifty|rounds|Zhang|He|always|hoping|those|two|bandit|men|come|here|rescue|him|particle They fought for about forty to fifty rounds, and Zhang He kept hoping that those two camps would come to rescue him. 點 知 嗰 兩 寨 救兵 呀 , 已經 畀 魏延 、 雷銅 殺退 咗 , 而且 嗰 兩個 寨 都 失 咗 添 喇 。 ||that|two|villages|reinforcements|particle|already|by|Wei Yan|Lei Tong|repelled|past tense marker|moreover|that|two|villages|all|lost|past tense marker|additionally|particle How would I know that those two camps' reinforcements have already been repelled by Wei Yan and Lei Tong, and both camps have also been lost? 張 郃 唔 見 救兵 嚟 , 正 係 吃緊 到極 , 忽然 見到 山 上面 燒 起 上來 添弊 傢伙 ! Cheung|Hap|not|see|reinforcements|come|just|is|in a tight spot|to the extreme|suddenly|saw|mountain|on top|burning|up|coming|troublesome|guy Zhang He, not seeing any reinforcements coming, was in a dire situation, when suddenly he saw smoke rising from the mountain! 原來 畀 張飛 嘅 後軍 攻破 咗 佢 個 營寨 , 噉 啊 三個 寨 都 失守 嘞 。 it turns out|by|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|rear guard|breached|past tense marker|his|measure word|camp|then|ah|three|camps|all|lost|past tense marker It turned out that Zhang Fei's rear troops had broken into his camp, so all three camps have fallen. 張 郃 唯有 殺 開條 血路 逃跑 出去 瓦口關 啦 。 Zhang|He|only|kill|open a|blood path|escape|go out|Wako Pass|particle Zhang He had no choice but to fight his way out and escape through Wako Pass. 張飛 呢 次 大獲全勝 啊 , 立即 派 人 去 成都 報捷 。 Zhang Fei|this|time|achieved a complete victory|ah|immediately|send|person|to|Chengdu|report the victory Zhang Fei achieved a great victory this time and immediately sent someone to Chengdu to report the success. 嘿 劉備 高興 啊 , 啊 , 張飛 三弟 原來 飲酒 係 用 計想 氹 張 郃 落山 啫 。 hey|Liu Bei|happy|ah||Zhang Fei|third brother|originally|drinking|is|using||trick|Zhang|He|down the mountain|only Hey Liu Bei, I'm so happy! Ah, Zhang Fei, the third brother, originally planned to get Zhang He to come down the mountain while drinking. 噉 張 郃 退守 瓦口關 , 三萬 人馬 已經 損失 咗 二萬 咯 , 派 人 向 曹洪 求救 咯 喎 。 then|Zhang|He|retreated to|Wako Pass|thirty thousand|troops|already|lost|past tense marker|twenty thousand|sentence-final particle|sent|people|towards|Cao Hong|asking for help|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle So Zhang He is retreating to Wako Pass, and out of thirty thousand troops, twenty thousand have already been lost. He sent someone to ask Cao Hong for help. 曹洪 可惱 嘢 喇 : 你 唔 肯 聽 我講 , 夾硬要 進兵 , 結果 失 咗 咁 緊要 嘅 隘口 , 而家 你 又 嚟 求救 ? Cao Hong|annoyed|thing|particle|you|not|willing|listen|||advance troops|result|lost|past tense marker|so|important|possessive particle|narrow pass|now|you|again|come|asking for help Cao Hong is really annoyed: You didn't want to listen to me, insisted on advancing, and as a result, lost such an important pass. Now you're coming to ask for help? 曹洪 唔 肯發 救兵 , 仲派 人 去 督住 張 郃 要 佢 出戰 。 Cao Hong|not|willing to send|reinforcements||people|to|supervise|Zhang|He|wants|him|to fight Cao Hong refuses to send reinforcements and even sends someone to supervise Zhang He to make him go into battle. 張 郃 唔 敢 違抗命令 㗎 , 就 諗 咗 條計 。 Cheung|Hap|not|dare||particle|then|think|past tense marker| Zhang He doesn't dare to disobey orders, so he thinks of a plan. 分出 兩支 人馬 喺 關口 前 便 啲 山坳 埋伏 , 又 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : divide|two teams|personnel|at|checkpoint|in front of|then|some|valleys|ambush|also|instructed|they|plural marker|to say Divide two groups of troops to ambush at the mountain pass before the checkpoint, and instruct them to say: 當我 詐敗 嘅 時候 , 張飛 必定 追住 嚟 嘅 , 你 哋 就 截斷 佢 嘅 退路 。 when I|feigned defeat|possessive particle|time|Zhang Fei|will definitely|chase after|come|past action particle|you|plural marker|then|cut off|he|possessive particle|escape route When I feign defeat, Zhang Fei will definitely chase after me, so you should cut off his retreat. 呢 一日 , 張 郃 帶兵 前進 就 遇 着 雷銅 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 張 郃 就 詐敗 逃走 。 this|one day|Zhang|He|led the troops|advance|then|||Lei Tong|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds|||then|feigned defeat|escaped On this day, Zhang He advanced with his troops and encountered Lei Tong. After a few rounds of fighting, Zhang He feigned defeat and fled. 雷銅 呀 追住 掩殺 過去 啦 , 一直 追 到 山坳 。 Leung Tung|particle|chasing|blocking|past|particle|continuously|chasing|to|mountain pass Lei Tong chased after him to ambush, following him all the way to the mountain pass. 兩支 人馬 衝出 嚟 截斷 咗 退路 , 張 郃 即刻 跑 返 轉頭 一槍 就 刺死 咗 雷銅 。 two|cavalry|charged out|here|cut off|past tense marker|escape route|Zhang|He|immediately|ran|back|around|one shot|then|stabbed to death|past tense marker|Lei Tong The two groups of troops rushed out and cut off his retreat. Zhang He immediately turned back and stabbed Lei Tong to death with a spear. 噉 啊 張 郃 先贏 咗 第一場 咯 喎 。 then|ah|Zhang|He|first win|past tense marker|first match|sentence-final particle|question particle So, Zhang He has won the first match. 啲 敗兵 返去 報告 張飛 , 張飛 諗 你 個 傢伙 唔 怕死 又 嚟 係 嘛 , 仲殺 咗 我 一員 將軍 添 。 plural marker|defeated soldiers|return|report|Zhang Fei||thinks|you|classifier|guy|not|afraid of death|again|come|is|particle||past tense marker|me|one|general|also The defeated soldiers returned to report to Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei thought, 'This guy is not afraid of death and has come back, and he even killed one of my generals.' 好 ! 我非 捉住 你 為 雷銅 報仇 不可 ! 就 自己 出馬 嚟 向 張 郃 挑戰 嘞 。 good||catch|you|for|Lei Tung|take revenge|cannot|then|myself|step up|to|towards|Zhang|He|challenge|past tense particle Alright! I must catch you to avenge Lei Tong! I will personally challenge Zhang He. 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 張 郃 又 出 嗰 槓 嘢 , 又試 詐敗 逃走 。 hit|past tense marker|several|rounds|Zhang|He|again|brought out|that|ganging up|thing||feigning defeat|escape After fighting for a few rounds, Zhang He used that trick again, trying to feign defeat and escape. 嘿嘿 , 張飛 唔 領 嘢 啊 , 勒定 馬 唔 追 。 hehe|Zhang Fei|not|lead|thing|ah|definitely|horse|not|chase Hehe, Zhang Fei won't fall for it, he steadied his horse and did not pursue. 張 郃 見 佢 唔 追 唄 , 返 轉頭 又 嚟 打過 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 又 走 。 Cheung|Hap|saw|him|not|chase|particle|turn|around|again|come|fight|hit|past tense marker|a few|rounds|again|leave Zhang He saw that he wasn't pursuing, so he turned back and came to fight again, after fighting for a few rounds he left. 張飛 知道 佢 係 有 詭計 㗎 喇 , 索性 收兵 回營 。 Zhang Fei|knows|he|is|has|trick|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|simply|withdraw troops|return to camp Zhang Fei knew that he had a scheme, so he simply withdrew his troops back to camp. 噉 張飛 一路行 一路 諗 , 返到 去 就 同 魏延話 喇 : then|Zhang Fei||all the way|thought|returned|home|then|with||particle indicating completion or change of state As Zhang Fei walked and thought, when he returned he told Wei Yan: 豈有此理 ! 張 郃 用 埋伏 計殺 咗 雷銅 , 又 想 嚟 引 我 。 how could this be reasonable|Zhang|He|use|ambush||past tense marker|Lei Tong|again|want|come|lure|me This is outrageous! Zhang He used an ambush to kill Lei Tong, and now he wants to lure me. 哼 ! 等 我 將計就計 至 得 ! hum|wait|I|take action according to the plan|until|succeed Hmph! Let me use his own scheme against him! 點樣 呢 ? how|question particle What about it? 嗱, 聽日 , 我帶 一隊 人馬 去 同張 郃 交戰 先 。 well|tomorrow||a team|troops|go||He|engage in battle|first Well, tomorrow, I will take a team to engage Zhang He first. 你 啊 帶 一隊 精兵 喺 後 便 嚟 , 等 佢 嘅 伏兵 一出 , 你 就 分頭 嚟 㩧 佢 。 you|particle indicating surprise|bring|a team of|elite soldiers|at|rear|then|come|wait|he|possessive particle|ambush troops||you|then|separately|come|attack|him You bring a team of elite soldiers to the back, and when his ambush troops come out, you can attack them from both sides. 另外 , 用十零 架車 , 堆滿 柴草 塞住 啲 小路 , 放火 嚟 燒 佢 ! additionally|||piled up|hay|blocked|plural marker|small roads|set fire|to|burn|it Additionally, use about ten vehicles to block the small paths with firewood, and set them on fire! 我 就 趁勢 捉 佢 張 郃 , 為 雷銅 報仇 啊 ! I|then|take advantage of the situation|catch|him|surname|He|for|Lei Tung|take revenge|ah I will take the opportunity to capture Zhang He and avenge Lei Tong! 魏延話 張飛 好計 啊 , 就 一 於是 噉 做 啦 ! |Zhang Fei|good plan|ah|then|just|so|like this|do|particle indicating completed action Wei Yan said that Zhang Fei had a good plan, so let's do it this way! 第 日 , 張飛 帶兵 出去 嘞 。 the|day|Zhang Fei|led the troops|out|past tense marker The next day, Zhang Fei led the troops out. 張 郃 又 嚟 嘞 喎 , 照板 煮 碗 , 打 咗 十個 回合 , 張 郃 啊 虛晃一槍 詐敗 走 人 。 Zhang|He|again|come|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|according to the rules|cook|bowl|fight|past tense particle|ten|rounds|||ah||fake defeat|run|person Zhang He came again, and they fought for ten rounds, but Zhang He feigned defeat and ran away. 張飛 喝 一聲 : 追 ! 噉 啊 率領 馬步軍 掩殺 過去 。 Zhang Fei|shouted|one shout|Chase|then|ah|led|cavalry and infantry|ambush|past Zhang Fei shouted: Chase! And led the cavalry and infantry to ambush. 張 郃 得意 喇 , 以為 張飛 領 嘢 喇 呢 勻 。 Zhang|He|proud|particle indicating completed action|thought|Zhang Fei|lead|thing|particle indicating completed action|this|evenly Zhang He was pleased, thinking that Zhang Fei had taken the bait. 佢 且 戰 且 走 , 引 張飛 一直 追過 咗 山谷 嘅 入口 。 He|while|fight||run|lead|Zhang Fei|continuously|chased past|past tense marker|valley|possessive particle|entrance He fought while retreating, leading Zhang Fei to chase him all the way to the entrance of the valley. 噉 張 郃 立即 變前 為 後 又 變後為 前 , 一閘 住 人馬 , 同 張飛 真傢伙 再 打 咯 喎 。 then|Zhang|He|immediately|change to front|as|back|again|change back to|front|one gate|stop|cavalry|with|Zhang Fei|real guy|again|fight|particle|particle Then Zhang He immediately switched from the front to the back and from the back to the front, blocking the cavalry, and fought with Zhang Fei for real. 噉 啊 指望 兩面 嘅 伏兵 喺 後 便 出 嚟 , 就 圍困 住 張飛 啦 。 then|particle|hope|from both sides|possessive particle|ambush troops|at|rear|then|come out|particle|then|surround|particle|Zhang Fei|particle So, he hoped that the ambush troops on both sides would come out from behind and surround Zhang Fei. 佢 點 知 啲 伏兵 啱 啱 衝出 嚟 唧 , 就 畀 魏 延 嗰 隊 精兵 攔住 , 趕晒入 去 山谷 裡頭 。 He|how|knows|the|ambush troops|||charged out|here|shoot|then|was|||that|team|elite soldiers|blocked||the|valley|inside Little did he know that the ambush troops had just rushed out and were intercepted by Wei Yan's elite soldiers, driving them all into the valley. 跟 住 就將 啲 車輛 塞住 啲 小路 , 放火燒 車 。 |||the|vehicles|block|the|alleys|set fire to|cars Then they blocked the small paths with vehicles and set the vehicles on fire. 一場 大 火燒 到 啲 樹木 雜草 呀 含 含聲 , 濃煙滾滾 火焰 沖天 。 a|big|fire|to|the|trees|weeds|particle|containing|sound||flames|soaring A great fire burned the trees and weeds, with a rumbling sound, thick smoke billowing and flames shooting into the sky. 嗰 啲 兵 根本 冇 法子 再出 得 嚟 嘞 。 that|plural marker|soldiers|fundamentally|not|way||able|to go|past tense particle Those soldiers simply had no way to come out anymore. 張飛 一味 帶住 人馬 , 好似 一群 下山 猛虎 噉 啊 左衝右 殺 打 到 張 郃 零丁 賴敗 , 搏 死命 先至 殺 開條 血路 趯 返 上去 瓦口關 。 Zhang Fei|relentlessly|leading|troops|just like|a group of|descending|fierce tigers|like|ah|||||||completely|defeated|fighting|with all their might|only then|||bloody path|rushing|returning|up|Wako Pass Zhang Fei led his troops like a pack of fierce tigers descending the mountain, charging left and right, defeating Zhang He completely, fighting for their lives just to carve a bloody path back up to Wako Pass. 收容 返 嗰 啲 敗兵 嘞 就 閂 實 城門 , 老虎 蟹 都 唔 出 嚟 交戰 喇 。 to take in|return|those|plural marker|defeated soldiers|past tense marker|then|close|tightly|city gate|tiger|crab|all|not|come out|to|fight|completed action particle After gathering those defeated soldiers, they closed the city gates, not even a tiger or crab would come out to fight. 張飛 同魏 延連氣 好多 日 , 猛攻 瓦口關 , 之 硬 係 攻 佢 唔 落 。 Zhang Fei|||many|days|fierce attack|Wako Pass|his|hard|is|attacking|him|not|fall Zhang Fei and Wei Yan continued their fierce assault on Wako Pass for many days, but they just couldn't break through. 張飛 見 噉 都 唔 中用 㗎 , 就 將軍 隊徹 後 二十里 扎落 營先 。 Zhang Fei|saw|like that|all|not|useful|particle|then|general||behind|twenty li|set up camp| Zhang Fei saw that this was not useful, so he ordered the troops to retreat twenty miles and set up camp first. 然後 呢 , 有 一日 就 同 魏延帶 住 幾廿個 馬 軍 , 喺 關隘 嘅 兩側 探下 有 冇 另外 啲 路 , 上 得 山 嘅 噉 。 then|question particle|has|one day|then|with||with|around twenty|horse|soldiers|at|pass|possessive particle|both sides|check|has|no|other|plural particle|roads|up|able to|mountain|possessive particle|like this Then, one day, he and Wei Yan took a few dozen cavalry and explored both sides of the pass to see if there were any other paths leading up the mountain. 呢 一日 , 咦 ? 見到 有 幾個 人有 男有 女 嘅 , 都 係 孭 住 包袱 仔 嘅 , 喺 啲 山路 行 緊 噃。 this|one day|eh|saw|there are|several|||female|possessive particle|all|are|||burden|child|possessive particle|at|the|mountain road|walking|continuous tense particle|sentence-final particle On that day, they saw a few people, both men and women, carrying bundles and walking along the mountain path. 行 呢 就 行得 好 艱難 嘅 之 行 得 。 walk|this|then|walk|very|difficult|particle indicating possession|of|| It was very difficult for them to walk. 張飛 高興 嘞 , 佢 指 住 畀 魏 延 睇 : 你 睇 你 睇 , 奪取 瓦口關 , 就 喺 呢 幾個 百姓 嘅 身上 啊 ! Zhang Fei|happy|past tense marker|he|point|continuous aspect marker|to|Wei|Yan|see|you|see|||capture|Wako Pass|just|at|these|several|common people|possessive particle|on|exclamatory particle Zhang Fei was happy and pointed to Wei Yan, saying: "Look, look, capturing Wako Pass depends on these common people!" 張飛 叫個 兵 嚟 吩咐 佢 , 要 佢 嗌 嗰 幾個 老百姓 過 嚟 要 好 態度 啲 , 唔 準嚇 親人 噉 。 Zhang Fei|call a|soldier|here|instruct|him|to|him|shout|those|few|common people|come|here|to|good|attitude|more|not||relatives|like that Zhang Fei called a soldier over and instructed him to tell those few common people to come over with a good attitude and not to scare their relatives. 嗰 個 兵 啊 嗌 咗 幾個 老百姓 嚟 到 張飛 面前 。 that|measure word for people|soldier|particle|called|past tense marker|several|civilians|come|to|Zhang Fei|in front of That soldier shouted for a few common people to come in front of Zhang Fei. 張飛 和和氣氣 噉 叫 佢 哋 唔 使 怕 , 畀 粒 定心丸 佢 哋 吃 咗 先 , 然後 問 佢 哋 由 邊 處 嚟 㗎 噉 。 Zhang Fei|in a friendly manner|like that|told|they|plural marker|not|need|afraid|give|a|reassurance|they|plural marker|eat|past tense marker|first|then|asked|they|plural marker|from|which|place|come||like that Zhang Fei kindly told them not to be afraid, gave them a reassuring pill to take first, and then asked them where they came from. 噉 啲 百姓 就 話 喇 : 誒 我 哋 都 係 漢中 嘅 居民 , 誒 而家要 返鄉 啊 。 then|plural marker|common people|then|said|sentence-final particle|interjection|I|plural marker|also|are|Hanzhong|possessive particle|residents|interjection||return home|sentence-final particle The common people replied: "Hey, we are all residents of Hanzhong, and we want to go home now." 誒 聽聞 話 打緊 仗 , 誒 閬中 嘅 官道 封鎖 咗 。 hey|I heard|that|currently fighting|war||in the area|possessive particle|official road|blockade|past tense marker Hey, we heard that there is a war going on, and the official road in Langzhong is blocked. 所以 , 誒 所以 我 哋 就 經過 蒼溪 , 由 梓潼 山 、 嗯 檜 釿 川入 漢中 返 屋企 咯 。 so|eh||I|plural marker|then|passed|Cangxi|from|Zitong|mountain|um|Huai|Jin||Hanzhong|return|home|particle indicating completed action So, uh, we passed through Cangxi, from Zitong Mountain, um, and entered Hanzhong to go home. 由 呢 條路 , 去 唔 去 得 瓦口關 㗎 ? from|this||go|not|||Wako Pass|question particle From this road, can we go to Wako Pass? 誒 , 誒 , 誒 混 梓潼 山 嘅 小路 行 , 就 去 得到 誒 瓦口關 背後 嘅 喇 。 hey|hey|||||possessive particle||||||||||final particle Uh, uh, uh, if we take the small road through Zitong Mountain, we can reach behind Wako Pass. 好 , 多謝 晒 ! good|thank you|very much Okay, thank you very much! 張飛 唔 知 幾 歡喜 啊 , 帶 咗 啲 百姓 返去 營寨 , 畀 飯 佢 哋 食 。 Zhang Fei|not|know|how much|happy|ah|bring|past tense marker|some|common people|return|camp|give|rice|they|plural marker|eat Zhang Fei was very happy, ah, he brought the people back to the camp and gave them food to eat. 佢 吩咐 魏延話 嘞 : 魏 將軍 , 你 帶兵 由 正面 攻關 , 我 啊 帶 一隊 馬 軍兜過 梓潼 山 攻 佢 後 便 。 he|instructed||past tense marker|Wei|general|you|lead the troops|from|frontal|attack the pass|I|ah|lead|a unit|cavalry||Zitong|mountain|attack|him|rear|then He instructed Wei Yan, saying: General Wei, you lead the troops to attack from the front, and I will take a cavalry unit to go around Zitong Mountain to attack from the rear. 噉 張飛 呀 叫 嗰 啲 百姓 帶路 , 選 咗 五百名 馬 軍 , 由 小路 輕裝前進 。 then|Zhang Fei|particle|asked|those|particle|commoners|to lead the way|selected|past tense marker||horse|soldiers|from|small road|advanced lightly Then Zhang Fei called those common people to lead the way, selecting five hundred cavalry to advance lightly along the small path. 呢 一日 , 張 郃 見到 仲 冇 救兵 嚟 個 心 都 唔 知 幾 煩悶 。 this|day|Zhang|He|saw|still|no|reinforcements|coming|his|heart|also|not|know|how much|troubled On this day, Zhang He felt very troubled as he saw that there were still no reinforcements coming. 有人 嚟 報告 話 魏 延 喺 關 下 又 發起 進攻 喇 噉 。 someone|come|report|said|Wei|Yan|at|Guan|under|again|launch|attack|particle indicating completed action|like this Someone came to report that Wei Yan had launched an attack at the pass. 張 郃 啊 忍 唔 住 , 就 披掛 上馬 正話 想 落山 去 迎戰 。 Cheung|Hap|ah||||then|put on armor|mount horse|really|want|descend the mountain|to|face the battle Zhang He couldn't hold back any longer, so he donned his armor and mounted his horse, intending to go down the mountain to engage in battle. 突然 間 又 有人 嚟 報告 話 喇弊 喇弊 喇 , 關後有 四五 笪 地方 燒起 上 嚟 添 , 都 唔 知 啲 兵 喺 邊 處 嚟 嘅 。 suddenly|time|again|someone|come|report|said|fire||particle indicating completed action||four or five|vehicles|places|burned|up|come|also|all|not|know|the|soldiers|at|where|place|come|particle indicating possession Suddenly, someone came to report that there was a fire, a fire, a fire! There were four or five places burning behind, and we didn't even know where the soldiers were coming from. 張 郃 連忙 帶兵 去關 後 頂住 。 Zhang|He|hurriedly|led the troops||behind|held off Zhang He quickly led his troops to the back to hold the position. 只見 對方 個 大旗 招展 , 嘩 張飛 嚟 啊 ! 嚇到 張 郃 大驚失色 , 急急 混 小路 鬆 人 。 only saw|the opponent|measure word for flags|big flag|waving|wow|Zhang Fei|coming|exclamation particle|scared|||greatly frightened|hurriedly|mixed|small path|loosened|people He saw the enemy's big flag waving, wow, it's Zhang Fei! Zhang He was so shocked that he turned pale and hurriedly found a small path to escape. 跑 咗 一輪 , 匹馬 都 頂 唔 住 嘞 。 run|past tense marker|one lap|single horse|also||||sentence-final particle After running for a while, even the horse couldn't keep up. 而 張飛 喺 後 便 又 猛 咁 追 住 嚟 , 冇 法子 啦 , 張 郃 唯有 掉 咗 匹馬 , 徒步 爬山 搵 到條 羊腸 小路 , 噉 先 至 走 甩身 。 and|Zhang Fei|at|behind|then|again|fiercely|so|chase|continuously|come|no|way|particle|||only|drop|past tense marker|horse|on foot|climb mountain|find||narrow|path|like that|||escape|get away And Zhang Fei was fiercely chasing from behind. There was no other way, so Zhang He had to abandon his horse and climb the mountain on foot to find a narrow path, and only then did he manage to escape. 到 最後 , 只 係 剩返 十幾個 人 跟隨 住 佢 , 行路 返去 南鄭 見 曹洪 。 until|last|only|is|remaining|a little over ten|people|following|continuously|him|walking|back to|Nanzheng|to see|Cao Hong In the end, only a dozen people were left following him, walking back to Nanzheng to see Cao Hong. 曹洪 見到 張 郃 丟盔棄甲 , 就 得 返 十幾個 人返 嚟 唄 嬲 到 面 都 黑 晒 , 拍 枱 噉 鬧 佢 話 : Cao Hong|saw|Zhang|He|abandon all hope of victory|then|get|return|more than ten||here|particle indicating suggestion|angry|to|face|all|dark|completely|slap|table|like that|scold|him|said When Cao Hong saw Zhang He abandon his armor and flee, he was furious, his face darkened, and he slammed the table, scolding him, saying: 當初 我 叫 你 唔 好 去 , 你立 咗 軍令狀 偏要 去 。 at first|I|told|you|||go|you signed|past tense marker|military order|insisted on|going At first, I told you not to go, but you insisted on going despite signing the military order. 好 啦 , 今日 全軍覆滅 , 你 自己 唔 跟 住 死 埋仲返 嚟 做 咩 嘢 事 ! ||today|total defeat|you|yourself|not||||||do|what|| Alright, today the entire army has been wiped out, and you didn't die with them, what are you doing back here! 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 推出 去 斬 ! people|come|will|he|push out|to|kill Someone! Take him out and execute him! 且慢 , 且慢 ! wait a moment|wait a moment Wait, wait! 行軍 司馬 郭淮 就 勸 曹洪話 喇 : 曹將軍 , 自古 話 三軍 易得 , 一將難求 啊 。 march|Sima|Guo Huai|then|advised|Cao Hong said|particle indicating exclamation|General Cao|since ancient times|said|three armies|easy to obtain||ah The army commander Guo Huai advised Cao Hong, saying: General Cao, it has been said since ancient times that three armies are easy to obtain, but a general is hard to find. 張 郃 固然 係 有罪 咯 , 之 佢 乃 係 魏 王 極 喜愛 嘅 將軍 , 唔 好 噉 就 殺 咗 佢 啊 。 Zhang|He|certainly|is|guilty|sentence particle|his|he|indeed|is|Wei|Wang|extremely|fond of|possessive particle|general|not|good|like that|then|kill|past tense marker|him|exclamatory particle Zhang He certainly has his faults, but he is a general greatly favored by the King of Wei, so we shouldn't just kill him like that. 誒 , 曹將軍 是否 可以 再交 五千 人馬 畀 張 郃 , 叫 佢 去 奪取 葭 萌關 , 牽制 劉備 各地 嘅 軍隊 。 eh|General Cao|whether|can||five thousand|troops|to|Zhang|He|tell|him|to|capture|Jia|Meng Pass|restrain|Liu Bei|various regions|possessive particle|armies Hey, General Cao, can you send another five thousand troops to Zhang He, asking him to seize the Jiameng Pass and restrain Liu Bei's forces in various regions? 噉 一 嚟 , 漢中 就 冇 事 喇 。 like this|one|come|Hanzhong|then|have not|issue|particle indicating completed action If that happens, there will be no trouble in Hanzhong. 如果 佢 呢 次 仲 係 唔 成功 嘞 , 就 兩罪 俱罰 啦 。 if|he|this|time|still|is|not|successful|past action particle|then|||sentence-final particle If he fails this time again, then both crimes will be punished. 曹將軍 , 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? General Cao|then|good|not|good|question particle General Cao, is this good? 好 啦 ! 曹洪 於是 又點 五千 兵 畀 張 郃 , 叫 佢 去 奪取 葭 萌關 。 ||Cao Hong|so||five thousand|soldiers|to|Zhang|He|ordered|him|to|capture|Ji|Meng Pass Alright! Cao Hong then sent another five thousand troops to Zhang He, asking him to seize the Jiameng Pass. 張 郃 接受 咗 命令 就 出發 喇 。 Zhang|He|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|departed|completed action marker Zhang He accepted the order and set off. 鎮守 葭 萌 關 嘅 係 孟 達 同 霍 峻 。 garrison|reeds|Meng|Guan|possessive particle|is|Meng|Da|and|Huo|Jun Defending the Jiameng Pass are Meng Da and Huo Jun. 佢 知道 張 郃 帶兵 嚟 , 霍峻 就 主張 堅守 。 he|knows|Zhang|He|leads troops|here|Huo Jun|then|advocates|holding firm He knew that Zhang He was leading troops here, so Huo Jun insisted on holding the fort. 孟達 啊 幾 大都 要 迎戰 , 噉 啊 帶兵 落去 同張 郃 交鋒 。 Meng Da|ah|quite|mostly|needs|to face|then|ah|lead troops|down||He|clash Meng Da had to face the battle, so he led his troops down to confront Zhang He. 佢 又 邊度 係 張 郃 手腳 㗎 , 結果 就 大敗 一場 。 he|again|where|is|Zhang|He|limbs|question particle|as a result|then|was defeated|one match Where did he have Zhang He's hands and feet? As a result, they suffered a great defeat. 霍 峻急 急寫 一封 告急 文書 , 派 人 送 去 成都 。 Huo||write urgently||urgent|document|send|person|deliver|to|Chengdu Huo Jun quickly wrote an urgent document and sent someone to deliver it to Chengdu. 劉備 接到 報告 , 就 請 孔明 嚟 商量 。 Liu Bei|received|report|then|invited|Kongming|to come|discuss Liu Bei received the report and invited Kong Ming to discuss it. 孔明 就 召集 所有 嘅 將官 嚟 到 議事 大廳 , 佢 話 : Kongming|then|summoned|all|possessive particle|military officers|to come|to|deliberation|hall|he|said Kong Ming gathered all the generals to the conference hall, and he said: 葭 萌 關 嘅 形勢 非常 緊急 。 reed|sprout|pass|possessive particle|situation|very|urgent The situation at Ga Meng Guan is very urgent. 我個 意思 係 , 必須 去 閬中 調翼德 去 噉 先至 能夠 擊敗 張 郃 㗎 。 my|meaning|is|must|go|in the arena|adjust Wing Tak|go|like that|only then|able to|defeat|Zhang|He|particle What I mean is, we must send Yi De to Lang Zhong first in order to defeat Zhang He. 法 正話 喇 : 而家翼 德 喺 瓦 口 關 駐 扎 , 鎮守 閬中 嗰 處 亦 係 好 緊要 嘅 地方 嚟 。 law|to be honest|particle||Tak|at|Wa|Hau|Kwan|stationed|Zat|defending|Lang Chung|that|place|also|is|very|important|possessive particle|area|particle Fa Zheng said: Right now, Yi De is stationed at Wa Kou Guan, and guarding that area in Lang Zhong is also a very important place. 唔 好 調 佢 去 喇 , 仲 係 喺 呢 處 嘅 將官 當中 , 選派 一位 去 破張 郃 罷啦 。 not|good|transfer|him|go|particle indicating completed action|still|is|at|this|place|possessive particle|officer|among|select and send||to|break through|He| Don't send him away, instead, select one of the generals here to deal with Zhang He. 孔明笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 張 郃 係 北魏 嘅 名將 嚟 噃, 一般 人 係 比 唔 上 佢 㗎 。 Kongming laughs|particle indicating completion|hahaha|hahaha|Zhang|He|is|Northern Wei|possessive particle|famous general|comes|particle indicating assertion|ordinary|people|is|compared to|not|up|him|particle indicating certainty Kong Ming laughed: Hahaha, hahaha, Zhang He is a famous general of the Northern Wei, you know, ordinary people can't compare to him. 除 咗 翼 德 之外 , 我 睇 冇 人 能夠 抵擋 得 住 佢 啊 。 except|past tense marker|Wing|Tak|apart from|I|see|no|person|able to|resist|||he|sentence-final particle Aside from Yi De, I don't think anyone can withstand him. 軍師 , 點解 你 咁 輕視 我 哋 大家 啊 ? strategist|why|you|so|underestimate|I|we|everyone|question particle Military advisor, why do you look down on all of us? 我 雖然 冇 乜 本事 , 之 我 願 去 斬 張 郃 嘅 首級 , 獻 於 軍師 嘅 麾下 ! I|although|have not|any|ability|but|I|willing|to go|kill|Zhang|He|possessive particle|head|offer|to|military advisor|possessive particle|under command Although I don't have much ability, I am willing to go and behead Zhang He's head, to present it to the military advisor! 邊個 啊 ? 原來 係 老將 黃忠 啊 。 who|particle|originally|is|veteran general|Huang Zhong|particle Who is it? It turns out to be the old general Huang Zhong. 哦 , 黃 將軍 , 你 雖然 英勇 , 無奈 年紀 已經 老喇 , 恐怕 唔 係 張 郃 嘅 敵手 噃。 oh|Wong|General|you|although|brave|unfortunately|age|already|old|I'm afraid|not|is|Cheung|Hap|possessive particle|match|particle indicating uncertainty Oh, General Huang, although you are brave, unfortunately, you are already old, and I fear you may not be a match for Zhang He. 吓 ? 我 黃忠 雖然 年老 , 但 係 我 兩隻 手臂 , 仲 能夠 開三 石之弓 , 周身 上下 仲有 千斤 之力 , 點會 敵 唔 過張 郃 呢 個 匹夫 啊 ? huh|I|Huang Zhong|although|old|||I|two|arms|still|able to|||whole body|up and down|still has|thousand pounds||how could|rival|not||He|this|classifier|petty man|ah Huh? Although I, Huang Zhong, am old, I can still draw a three-stone bow with both arms, and I still have the strength of a thousand pounds all over my body. How could I possibly be inferior to that scoundrel Zhang He? 黃 將軍 , 你 都 年 近 七十 咯 , 仲話 唔 老 ? Wong|General|you|already|age|nearly|seventy|sentence-final particle||not|old General Huang, you are nearly seventy years old, and you still say you are not old? 黃忠 噔 噔 聲行 出 大廳 , 喺 兵器 架上 便 攞 起 把 大刀 , 擺開 姿勢 舞 咗 一輪 , 只見 刀 光閃閃 其快 如飛 啊 。 Huang Zhong|thud|thud|sound of footsteps|exit|hall|at|weapons|rack|then|take|up|measure word for knives|broadsword|assume|stance|dance|past tense marker||only saw|sword|light flashing|its speed||ah Huang Zhong walked out of the hall with a thud, picked up a large knife from the weapon rack, and struck a pose to perform a dance. The blade flashed and was as fast as lightning. 又 攞 起 張 硬弓 , 一下 兩下 , 連氣 拉斷 咗 兩張 。 again|take|up|measure word for flat objects|hard bow|one shot|two shots|with full force|broke|past tense marker|two sheets He also picked up a hard bow, and with one pull and then another, he broke two bows in quick succession. 嘩 嗨 , 薑 仲 係 老 嘅 辣 啊 , 真 係 老當益壯 啊 ! wow|hi|ginger|still|is|old|possessive particle|spicy|exclamation particle|really|is|old but vigorous|exclamation particle Wow, hi, ginger is still spicy as ever, truly aging like fine wine! 孔明 話 嘞 : 黃 將軍 既然 要 去 , 邊個 做 副將 好 呢 ? Kongming|said|past tense marker|Huang|general|since|wants|to leave|who|to be|deputy general|good|question particle Kong Ming said: Since General Huang is going, who should be the deputy general? 老將 嚴顏同 我 去 。 如果 失敗 , 我 呢 個 白頭 就 交 畀 軍師 你 先 。 old general||I|go|if|fail|I|this|measure word|white-haired|then|hand over|to|military advisor|you|first Old General Yan Yan will go with me. If we fail, I will leave my white-haired head to you, strategist. 劉備 好 歡喜 , 就 下令 黃忠 、 嚴顏 帶兵 去 同張 郃 交戰 。 Liu Bei|very|happy|then|ordered|Huang Zhong|Yan Yan|to lead troops|to||He|engage in battle Liu Bei was very happy and ordered Huang Zhong and Yan Yan to lead troops to battle against Zhang He. 趙雲 覺得 唔 妥當 啊 , 佢 對 劉備 同 孔明 話 喇 : Zhao Yun|thinks|not|appropriate|ah|he|to|Liu Bei|and|Kong Ming|said|particle Zhao Yun felt it was inappropriate, so he said to Liu Bei and Kong Ming: 張 郃 而家 帶兵 嚟 侵犯 葭 萌關 , 軍師 唔 好 當做 兒戲 啊 。 Zhang|He|now|lead troops|come|invade|Jia|Meng Pass|strategist|not|well|treat as|child's play|ah Zhang He is now leading troops to invade the Jiameng Pass, the strategist shouldn't take this lightly. 葭 萌關 一失 , 益州 就 危險 㗎 喇 。 reed|Mengguan|one mistake|Yizhou|then|dangerous|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion If Jiameng Pass falls, then Yizhou will be in danger. 為 咩 事 , 要 用 兩個 老將 去 抵擋 呢 個 咁 強 嘅 敵手 呢 ? |||need|to use|two|veteran players|to|defend against|this|||||| Why do we need to use two old generals to fend off such a strong enemy? 孔明 話 : 你 以 為 佢 兩個 年紀 太老 唔 中用 呀 , 子龍 你 睇 錯 喇 。 Kongming|said|you|||he|both|age||not|useful|question particle|Zilong|you|see|wrong|past action particle Kongming said: You think their age makes them useless, Zilong, you are mistaken. 照 我 睇 呀 , 第 日 得到 漢中 , 亦 必定 係 靠 佢 哋 兩個 人 㗎 。 according to|I|see|particle|next|day|obtain|Hanzhong|also|definitely|be|rely on|they|plural marker|two|people|particle In my opinion, when we take Hanzhong in the future, it will definitely rely on those two. 趙雲 佢 哋 都 唔 信 個 心猛 咁 偷笑 。 Zhao Yun|he|they|all|not|believe|the|heartily|so|secretly laughed Zhao Yun, they don't believe it and are secretly laughing. 好 喇 , 而家講 下 嗰 兩位 老將 黃忠 同 嚴顏 。 good|particle indicating completion||about|those|two|veteran generals|Huang Zhong|and|Yan Yan Alright, now let's talk about those two veteran generals, Huang Zhong and Yan Yan. 佢 哋 嚟 到 葭 萌 關 嘅 時候 呢 , 孟達 、 霍 峻 佢 兩 個個 心 亦 都 笑 孔明 乜 咁 糊塗 㗎 。 they|plural marker|||||a person's name|possessive particle|time|sentence-final particle|a person's name|||they|two||heart|also|all|laugh|a person's name|why|so|confused|sentence-final particle When they arrived at the Jiameng Pass, Meng Da and Huo Jun were also secretly laughing at Kong Ming for being so foolish. 一個 咁 緊要 嘅 地方 點解 派 兩個 老 嘢 嚟 嘅 ? a|so|important|possessive particle|place|why|send|two|old|people|come|possessive particle Why would they send two old men to such an important place? 黃忠 聞到 味道 嘞 , 佢 對 嚴 顏 話 : 你 見 唔 見 嗰 啲 人 嘅 動靜 啊 , 笑 我 哋 兩個 年老 喎 。 Huang Zhong|smelled|smell|particle indicating realization|he|to|||said|you|see|not|see|those|particle indicating plural|people|possessive particle|movements|particle indicating question|laugh|we|plural marker|two|old|particle indicating assertion Huang Zhong sensed something and said to Yan Yan: "Do you see those people's movements? They are laughing at us being old." 我 哋 要 建立 奇功 , 等 佢 哋 心服 至 得 。 ||need to|establish|great achievement|so that|||convinced|until|successful We need to achieve great success so that they will be convinced. 係 啊 , 總之 我 一切 聽從 黃 將軍 你 嘅 命令 。 ||in any case|I|everything|obey|Huang|General|you|possessive particle|orders Yes, in any case, I will follow all of General Huang's orders. 噉 兩個 商量 妥喇 , 黃忠 就 帶兵 出關 同張 郃 交戰 啦 。 then|the two|discussed|reached an agreement|Huang Zhong|then|led his troops|out of the pass||He|fought|particle indicating completed action So the two of them have come to an agreement, and Huang Zhong will lead the troops out of the pass to engage in battle with Zhang He. 呢 一日 , 兩 軍 對陣 , 張 郃 出馬 。 this|one day|two|armies|faced each other|Zhang|He|went into battle On that day, the two armies faced off, and Zhang He came out to fight. 見到 黃忠 就 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 你 咁 大 年紀 都 唔 識 醜 嘅 , 仲想 嚟 同 我 交鋒 添 呀 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 seeing|Huang Zhong|then|laughed|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|ha|you|so|big|age|also|not|know|shameful|particle indicating possession||to come|with|me|spar|also|particle indicating question or exclamation|hahaha|ha Seeing Huang Zhong, he laughed: Hahaha, you are so old and still don't know shame, and you want to come and duel with me, hahaha. 黃忠 發火 嘞 : 你 呢 個 衰仔 蝦 我 年老 啊 , 我 手上 呢 把 寶刀 就 唔 老 啊 ! Huang Zhong|got angry|past tense marker|you|this|measure word|bad boy|to mock|I|old|particle|I|in hand|this|measure word|treasured sword|then|not|old|particle Huang Zhong got angry: "You little brat, you think I'm old, huh? This treasured sword in my hand doesn't age!" 一 拍馬 , 就 衝上 前去 同張 郃 鬥過 。 one|spur the horse|then|charge forward|go forward||He|fought With a single leap, he charged forward to fight against Zhang He. 兩個 大戰 二十幾個 回合 , 張 郃 忽然 聽見 背後 響起 吶喊聲 。 two|great battles|more than twenty|rounds|Zhang|He|suddenly|heard|behind|sounded|shouting The two battled for over twenty rounds when suddenly, Zhang He heard shouting from behind. 誒 ? 原來 係 嚴顏 混 小路 包抄 張 郃 嘅 後方 啊 而家 一 夾攻 , 打到 張 郃 失晒魂 , 大敗 逃走 。 eh|originally|is|Yan Yan|mixed|alley|encircled|Zhang|He|possessive particle|rear|ah|now|one|pincer attack|hit until|Zhang|He||great defeat|escaped Huh? It turned out that Yan Yan was ambushing Zhang He from the rear, and now they were attacking together, causing Zhang He to lose his wits and flee in defeat. 黃忠 、 嚴顏 就 漏夜 咁 追住 去 , 一直 逼到 張 郃 嘅 人馬 後退 八九十里 。 Huang Zhong|Yan Yan|then|through the night|so|pursued|away|continuously|forced|Zhang|He|possessive particle|troops|retreat|eighty or ninety li Huang Zhong and Yan Yan pursued through the night, driving Zhang He's forces back by eighty to ninety miles. 黃忠 、 嚴顏 大勝 一場 收兵 回營 。 Huang Zhong|Yan Yan|achieved a great victory|one battle|withdrew troops|returned to camp Huang Zhong and Yan Yan achieved a great victory and returned to camp. 噉 之後 呢 , 彼此 都 按兵不動 嘞 。 then|after|question particle|each other|all|hold back|past action particle After that, both sides remained inactive. 曹洪 聽講 張 郃 又 輸 咗 一仗 , 噉 又 想 懲辦 佢 咯 喎 。 Cao Hong|I heard|Zhang|He|again|lost|past tense marker|a battle|then|again|wants|to punish|him|sentence-final particle|particle indicating realization Cao Hong heard that Zhang He lost another battle, so he wanted to punish him. 郭淮 勸 佢 話 喇 : 噉 唔 好 啊 。 Guo Huai|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action|like that|not|good|particle indicating exclamation Guo Huai advised him, saying: "That's not good." 如果 逼得 張 郃 緊要 過頭 , 佢 就 會 投降 西蜀 㗎 喇 。 if|forced|Zhang|He|urgently|over|he|then|will|surrender|Western Shu|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action If Zhang He is pushed too hard, he will surrender to the Western Shu. 而家 不如 派 個人 去 協助 佢 , 順便去 監督 住 佢 , 等 佢 唔 敢 離心 至 得 。 now|might as well|send|a person|to|assist|him||supervise|continuously|him|let|him|not|dare|slack off|until|good Now, it would be better to send someone to assist him, and at the same time supervise him, so that he doesn't dare to stray. 曹洪一 諗 冇 錯 啊 , 就 派 夏侯惇 個 侄 夏侯尚 , 同埋 降將韓 玄 嘅 細 佬 韓 浩 兩個 人 , 帶 五千 兵去 助戰 。 Cao Hongyi|thought|not|wrong|particle|then|send|Xiahou Dun|possessive particle|nephew|Xiahou Shang|and||Xuan|possessive particle|small|child|Han|Hao|two|people|lead|five thousand||assist in battle Cao Hong thought it was a good idea, so he sent Xiahou Dun's nephew, Xiahou Shang, along with the subordinate Han Xuan's son, Han Hao, with five thousand troops to assist in the battle. 佢 兩個 去 到 張 郃 嘅 營寨 , 就 問 佢 近日 嘅 軍情 如何 啊 噉 。 he|two|go|to|Zhang|He|possessive particle|camp|then|asked|him|recent|possessive particle|military situation|how|ah|like that The two of them arrived at Zhang He’s camp and asked him about the recent military situation. 張 郃 話 : 老將 黃忠 非常 英雄 了 得 , 更 兼有 嚴顏 幫 佢 不可 輕敵 啊 。 ||said|old general|Huang Zhong|very|heroic|||even|also has|Yan Yan|helping|him|not|underestimate|ah Zhang He said: The old general Huang Zhong is very heroic, and with Yan Yan assisting him, we must not underestimate them. 韓浩話 嘞 : 嗯 ! 我 喺 長沙 嘅 時候 , 早就 知道 呢 個 老賊 厲害 㗎 喇 。 Han Hao said|past tense marker|hmm|I|at|Changsha|possessive particle|time|long ago|knew|||old thief|formidable|sentence-final particle|past action marker Han Hao replied: Hmm! When I was in Changsha, I already knew that this old thief was formidable. 當日 , 佢 同 魏 延 獻 咗 城池 殺死 咗 我 兄長 。 that day|he|with|||surrendered|past tense marker|city|killed|past tense marker|my|elder brother On that day, he and Wei Yan offered the city and killed my brother. 今日 撞 到 佢 呀 , 我 一定 要 報仇 啊 ! today|||him|sentence-final particle|I|definitely|must|take revenge|exclamatory particle Today, if I run into him, I will definitely take revenge! 於是 韓浩 就 同 夏侯尚 帶住 五千 生力軍 , 離開 營寨 向 葭 萌關 進發 。 then|Han Hao|then|with|Xiahou Shang|leading|five thousand|fresh troops|left|camp|towards|||advanced So Han Hao and Xiahou Shang took five thousand fresh troops and left the camp to head towards Jiameng Pass. 而家 講下 黃忠 , 佢 連日 以來 派 人 到處 咁 偵察 , 已經 摸清楚 晒 啲 地形 路徑 。 now|let's talk about|Huang Zhong|he|for several days|since|sent|people|everywhere|so|reconnaissance|already|figured out|completely|the|terrain|routes Now let's talk about Huang Zhong, who has been sending people to scout everywhere for several days and has already figured out the terrain and routes. 嚴顏話 : 呢 處 有 個 山 叫做 天 蕩 山 , 山上 , 係 曹操 儲備 糧草 個 地方 喎 。 Yan Yan said|this|place|has|a|mountain|called|heaven|Tang|mountain|on the mountain|is|Cao Cao|storing|grain and fodder|a|place|particle indicating certainty Yan Yan said: There is a mountain here called Tiandang Mountain, and on the mountain, it is where Cao Cao stores his supplies. 如果 奪取 到 嗰 度 呀 , 斷絕 咗 佢 嘅 糧草 , 噉 漢中 就 容易 打 啦 嘛 。 if|capture|arrive|that|place|particle|cut off|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|supplies|then|Hanzhong|then|easily|defeat|particle|particle If we can capture that place and cut off their supplies, then it will be easier to attack Han Zhong. 黃忠 話 嘞 : 嚴 將軍 你 嘅 諗 法 同 我 一樣 啊 , 哈哈 真 係 英雄所見略同 啊 ! Huang Zhong|said|past tense particle|Yan|general|you|possessive particle|thought|method|same|I|equally|particle|haha|really|is||particle Huang Zhong said: General Yan, your thoughts are the same as mine, haha, truly great minds think alike! 嚴 將軍 , 我 哋 如此 如此 啦 。 General Yim|General|I|we|like this|like this|particle General Yan, let's proceed like this. 好 , 好 ! good|good Good, good! 嚴顏 根據 黃忠 嘅 計策 , 帶 咗 一支 軍隊 就 出發 去 咗 先 。 Yan Yan|according to|Huang Zhong|possessive particle|strategy|lead|past tense marker|a|army|then|depart|go|past tense marker|first General Yan, following Huang Zhong's strategy, led a troop and set off first. 呢 一日 , 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 啊 帶兵 嚟 到 。 this|day|Xiahou Shang|and|Han Hao|particle|lead troops|come|arrived On this day, Xiahou Shang and Han Hao brought their troops here. 黃忠 率領 人馬 出寨 迎戰 。 Huang Zhong|led|troops|out of the camp|to engage in battle Huang Zhong led his men out of the camp to meet the battle. 韓浩 出馬 陣前 , 見到 黃忠 就 眼 都 紅晒 啊 , 一口一聲 老賊 咁 鬧 , 拍 馬挺槍 直取 黃忠 。 Han Hao|charge into battle|in front of the formation|upon seeing|Huang Zhong|then|eyes|all|reddened|ah|with every breath|old thief|like this|scolded|patting||directly targeting|Huang Zhong Han Hao rode out to the front lines, saw Huang Zhong, and his eyes turned red, cursing him as an old thief, charging straight at Huang Zhong with his spear. 夏侯尚 同時 衝出 嚟 夾攻 。 Xiahou Shang|at the same time|rushed out|to|attack from both sides At the same time, Xiahou Shang charged out to flank the attack. 黃忠 力敵 二將鬥 咗 十幾 廿個 回合 , 唔 夠打 趯 人 嘞 。 Huang Zhong|fiercely matched||past tense marker|over ten|twenty|rounds|||defeat|people|past tense marker Huang Zhong fought against the two generals for over ten or twenty rounds, but he was outnumbered. 夏侯尚 、 韓浩 一直 追 咗 佢 廿 幾 里 路 , 奪 咗 黃忠 原來 嘅 營寨 。 Xiahou Shang|Han Hao|continuously|chased|past tense marker|him|twenty|several|li (a unit of distance)|road|captured|past tense marker|Huang Zhong|originally|possessive particle|camp Xiahou Shang and Han Hao chased him for more than twenty miles and captured Huang Zhong's original camp. 噉 黃忠 又 臨時 扎 好個 新營 。 then|Huang Zhong|again|temporarily|set up|good|new camp So Huang Zhong quickly set up a new camp. 第 日 , 夏侯尚 、 韓浩 就 繼續 向前 推進 。 the|day|Xiahou Shang|Han Hao|then|continue|forward|advance The next day, Xiahou Shang and Han Hao continued to advance. 噉 黃忠 再次 出陣 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 又 打敗 走 人 。 then|Huang Zhong|again|go into battle|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds|again|defeated|drove away|enemy So Huang Zhong went out to battle again, fought for a few rounds, and drove the enemy away. 夏侯尚 同 韓浩猛 咁 追 啦 , 呢 一日 , 又 向前 追擊 咗 廿幾里 , 又 奪 咗 黃忠 新 扎 嘅 營寨 , 好 得意 啊 。 Xiahou Shang|with|Han Haomeng|so|chase|particle indicating completed action|this|one day|again|forward|pursuit|past tense marker|over twenty miles|again|captured|past tense marker|Huang Zhong|new|camp|possessive particle|camp|very|pleased|particle indicating exclamation Xiahou Shang and Han Hao chased fiercely, and on this day, they pursued for more than twenty miles again, capturing Huang Zhong's newly established camp, which was quite amusing. 就 命令 張 郃 呢 守住 後 寨 , 噉 張 郃 走 嚟 前 寨 勸 佢 哋 兩個 話 嘞 : then|ordered|Zhang|He|particle indicating a question|to guard|rear|camp|then|||came|to|front|camp|to persuade|they|plural marker|the two|said|past tense marker Zhang He was ordered to guard the rear camp, so he came to the front camp to persuade them both, saying: 黃忠連 退 兩日 , 其中 必有 詭計 㗎 。 Huang Zhonglian|retreat|two days|among them|there must be|trick|particle indicating certainty Huang Zhong has retreated for two days, there must be some trick behind it. 夏侯尚 就 鬧 佢 嘞 : 你 咁 膽怯 嘅 , 唔 怪 得 打親 都 輸 啦 。 Xiahou Shang|then|scolded|him|past tense marker|you|so|timid|possessive particle|not|||fighting|all|lose|sentence-final particle Xiahou Shang scolded him: "You are so cowardly, no wonder you lose even when you fight!" 唔 好講 咁 多 喇 , 睇 住 我 哋 兩個 立功 啦 你 。 not|talk|so|much|particle indicating completed action|||I|plural marker|two of us|achieve merit|particle suggesting suggestion or encouragement|you Don't talk so much, just watch us two achieve merit! 張 郃 畀 佢 噴 到 面 都 紅 晒 , 唯有 頭耷 耷返 去 守後寨 。 Cheung|Hap|gave|him|sprayed|onto|face|all|red|completely|only|||to|guard the rear camp Zhang He was so embarrassed that his face turned completely red, and he could only lower his head and return to guard the rear camp. 第 日 , 又試 交戰 嘞 , 黃忠 啊 又 係 敗退 廿 几里 。 the|day||to engage in battle|past tense marker|Huang Zhong|ah|again|was|retreat|twenty| On the day, they tried to engage in battle again, and Huang Zhong retreated for more than twenty miles. 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 一路 咁 追上去 。 Xiahou Shang|with|Han Hao|all the way|so|caught up Xiahou Shang and Han Hao pursued them. 又過 咗 一日 , 佢 兩個 帶兵 出戰 , 黃忠 啊 , 打 都 唔 敢 打 喇 望風 而 走 一直 退到 葭 萌 關上 。 another day|past tense marker|one day|he|two|lead troops|go to battle|Huang Zhong|particle|fight|all|not|dare|fight|particle|looking at the wind|and|run away|continuously|retreated to||| Another day passed, and the two of them led their troops into battle, but Huang Zhong didn't dare to fight and retreated all the way to the Jiameng Pass. 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 直逼 關下 扎營 。 Xiahou Shang|with|Han Hao|directly pressing|under Guan|camped Xiahou Shang and Han Hao set up camp right at the foot of the pass. 黃忠 而家 呢 就 堅守 唔 出去 喇 。 Huang Zhong|now|this|just|hold his ground|not|go out|particle indicating completed action Huang Zhong is now firmly holding his position and not going out. 孟達 睇 見 唔 係 路 噃 又 唔 好意思 問喇 , 暗中 寫 咗 封信 , 派 人 去 報告 劉備 話 黃忠連 輸幾仗 啊 , 而家 退返 入關 喇 噉 。 Meng Da|see|meet|not|is|road|particle|again||||secretly|write|past tense marker|letter|send|person|to|report|Liu Bei|said|||particle|now|retreat|into the pass|particle|like this Meng Da saw that it wasn't the right path and felt embarrassed to ask, so he secretly wrote a letter and sent someone to report to Liu Bei that Huang Zhong had lost several battles and was now retreating back into the pass. 劉備 有 啲 驚 喇 就問 孔明 點辦 啦 。 Liu Bei|has|a little|scared|particle indicating change of state||Kongming|what to do|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Liu Bei was a bit scared and asked Kong Ming what to do. 孔明 話 , 呢 啲 乃 係 黃忠 老將 驕兵之計 啫 噉 。 Zhuge Liang|said|these|plural marker|are|the|Huang Zhong|old general|strategy of overconfidence|only|like that Kong Ming said, "This is just Huang Zhong the old general's strategy to deceive the enemy." 趙雲 佢 哋 仲 唔 信 喎 。 Zhao Yun|he|they|still|not|believe|sentence-final particle Zhao Yun and the others still didn't believe it. 劉備 諗 落 咪 喇 , 最後 仲 係 派 咗 劉封 去 葭 萌關 支援 黃忠 。 Liu Bei|thought|down|don't|particle|finally|still|is|sent|past tense marker|Liu Feng|to|Ga||support|Huang Zhong Liu Bei thought for a moment and ultimately sent Liu Feng to Ji Meng Pass to support Huang Zhong. 見 咗 面 之後 黃忠 就問 嘞 : 小 將軍 你 嚟 助戰 , 係 乜嘢 意思 啊 , 吓 ? see|past tense marker|face|after|Huang Zhong||question particle|little|general|you|come|assist in battle|is|what|meaning|particle|surprised particle After meeting, Huang Zhong asked: "Little General, you came to assist in battle, what does that mean, huh?" 父親 聽講 將軍 連氣輸 咗 幾仗 , 故此 派 我 嚟 唧 。 father|heard|general|continuously lost|past tense marker|several battles|therefore|sent|I|here|to help My father heard that the general has lost several battles, so he sent me here to help. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 個 係 老夫 驕兵之計 啊 ! hahaha|haha||this|measure word|is|I (old man)|strategy of overconfidence|ah particle Hahaha, this is an old man's strategy to deceive the soldiers! 我 今晚 , 一仗 就 可以 收服 所有 嘅 營寨 , 繳獲 魏 軍 嘅 糧食 馬匹 。 I|tonight|one battle|then|can|subdue|all|possessive particle|camps|capture|Wei|army|possessive particle|food|horses Tonight, with one battle, I can capture all the camps and seize the food and horses of the Wei army. 我 不過 係 借 幾個 營寨 畀 佢 哋 放 軍用物資 咋 嘛 。 I|only|am|borrow|a few|camps|to|them|plural marker|store|military supplies|just|particle indicating obviousness I am just borrowing a few camps for them to store military supplies. 今晚 , 留 霍峻守 關 , 孟 將軍 就 幫 我 去 搬運 糧草 , 奪取 馬匹 。 tonight|leave||pass|Meng|general|then|help|I|go|transport|grain and fodder|seize|horses Tonight, I will leave Huo Jun to guard the pass, and General Meng will help me transport the supplies and seize the horses. 哈哈哈哈 , 小 將軍 , 請 你 睇 住 我 破 敵 啦 ! Hahaha|||please|you|||I|defeat|enemy|sentence-final particle Hahaha, little general, please watch me break the enemy! 當晚 二 更 , 黃忠 率領 五千 人馬 , 開關 直衝 而 下 。 that night|second|watch|Huang Zhong|led|five thousand|troops|open and close|charged straight|and|down That night at the second watch, Huang Zhong led five thousand troops and charged straight down. 原來 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 啊 見到 關上 連氣 咁 多日 都 唔 敢 出戰 唄 , 就 放鬆 晒 警惕 。 it turns out|Xiahou Shang|and|Han Hao|ah|saw|close|Lianqi|so|many days|all|not|dare|fight|particle indicating suggestion|then|relaxed|completely|vigilance It turns out that Xiahou Shang and Han Hao saw that the pass had been under siege for so many days and did not dare to fight, so they completely relaxed their vigilance. 而家 畀 黃忠 打破 寨門 直 撞入 嚟 嘿真 係 狼狽 到極 喇 , 人 不及 甲馬 不及 鞍 。 now|by|Huang Zhong|broke|gate|straight|crashed in|here|really|is|in a difficult situation||particle indicating completed action|person|not as good as|armored horse|not as good as|saddle Now that Huang Zhong has broken through the gate and crashed in, it really is a complete mess, with people not as good as armor and horses not as good as saddles. 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 各自 逃命 逮擾 咗 魏 兵 喺 黑夜 之中 自 相 踐踏 , 死 咗 無數 咁 多 人 , 一路打 到 天光 , 連氣 就 奪返 三個 寨 。 Xiahou Shang|and|Han Hao|each|escape|ambush|past tense marker|Wei|soldiers|in|night|within|self|each other|trample|die|past tense marker|countless|||people||until|dawn|in one breath|then|recapture|three|strongholds Xiahou Shang and Han Hao each fled for their lives, causing the Wei soldiers to trample over each other in the darkness, resulting in countless deaths. They fought until dawn, and even managed to reclaim three camps. 每個 寨 呀 都 掉 低 好多 軍械 等等 嘅 物資 嘅 , 噉 啊 孟達督 住 班 兵卒 猛 搬 上關 就 係 嘞 。 every|village|particle|all|drop|down|a lot of|weapons|etc|possessive particle|supplies||then|particle||continuous particle|group|soldiers|fiercely|move|to the upper pass|just|is|particle Each camp had dropped a lot of weapons and other supplies, so Meng Da ordered the soldiers to quickly transport them back. 黃忠 啊 催促 部隊 乘勝 追敵 。 Huang Zhong|ah|urged|troops|in victory|pursued the enemy Huang Zhong urged the troops to pursue the enemy while they were still victorious. 劉封話 : 打 咗 成晚 喇 士兵 太過 疲勞 喇 , 不如 休息 下先 啦 。 Liu Feng said|fight|past tense marker|all night|sentence-final particle|soldiers|too|tired|sentence-final particle|might as well|rest||sentence-final particle Liu Feng said: "After fighting all night, the soldiers are too exhausted. Let's take a break first." 小 將軍 , 不入虎穴 , 焉得虎子 啊 ? 追 ! ||||ah|chase Young general, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger cub? Pursue! 黃忠 一鞭 隻 馬 ,𡃈𡃈 聲 當先 前進 , 噉 啊 全軍 個個 都 奮勇向前 喇 。 Huang Zhong|one whip|measure word for animals|horse|neighing|sound|leading|advance|then|ah|the whole army|everyone|all|bravely advance|particle indicating completed action Huang Zhong whipped his horse, and with a loud sound, he led the charge forward, causing the entire army to bravely advance. 張 郃 本來 係 守 後 寨 嘅 , 點知 畀 自己 嘅 敗兵 一衝 , 衝到 閘都閘 唔 住 就 唯有 向後猛 退 。 Zhang|He|originally|was|defending|rear|camp|possessive particle|unexpectedly|by|own|possessive particle|defeated soldiers||charged to||not|able to stop|then|had no choice but to||retreat Zhang He was originally guarding the rear camp, but unexpectedly, he was charged by his own defeated soldiers, and when they couldn't hold the gate, he had no choice but to retreat rapidly. 啲 營寨 就 全部 放棄 喇 , 一直 撤退 到 漢水 邊 。 plural marker|camps|then|all|abandoned|sentence-final particle|continuously|retreated|to|Han River|bank The camps were all abandoned, and they retreated all the way to the banks of the Han River. 呢 個 漢水 呢 就 係指 漢水 嘅 上游 , 喺 陝西省 嘅 西南部 。 this|measure word|Han River|this|then|refers to|Han River|possessive particle|upstream|at|Shaanxi Province|possessive particle|southwestern part This Han River refers to the upper reaches of the Han River, located in the southwestern part of Shaanxi Province. 張 郃 搵 到 夏侯尚 同 韓浩 , 就 同 佢 哋 商量 話 喇 : Zhang|He|find|arrived|Xiahou Shang|with|Han Hao|then|together|they|plural marker|discuss|saying|final particle Zhang He found Xiahou Shang and Han Hao, and discussed with them saying: 呢 度 附近 嘅 天 蕩 山 同 米糧 山 , 都 係 我軍 儲備 糧草 嘅 地方 。 this|place|nearby|possessive particle|Tian|Tang|mountain|and|rice|mountain|all|are|our army|reserve|supplies|possessive particle|place The nearby Tiandang Mountain and Milang Mountain are both places where our army stores supplies. 漢中 嘅 大軍 , 養命 全 靠 佢 㗎 喇 , 冇 咗 佢 即 係 冇 咗 漢中 , 要 考慮 下 點樣 保住 呢 啲 地方 至 好 啊 。 Hanzhong|possessive particle|army|livelihood|completely|rely on|it|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|without|past tense marker|it|immediately|is|without|past tense marker|Hanzhong|need|consider|particle indicating action|how|protect|these|plural particle|places|only|good|particle indicating exclamation The large army in Hanzhong relies entirely on it; without it, there is no Hanzhong. We need to consider how to best protect these areas. 夏侯尚 話 嘞 : 米倉山 有 我 阿叔 夏侯淵 分 兵 守衛 , 嗰 度 亦 靠近 定軍山 , 所以 唔 使 憂 嘅 。 Xiahou Shang|said|past tense marker|Mi Cang Mountain|has|I|uncle|Xiahou Yuan|divide|troops|guard|that|place|also|close to|Dingjun Mountain|so|not|need|worry|particle indicating possession or modification Xiahou Shang said: "The rice granary mountain is guarded by my uncle Xiahou Yuan, and it is also close to Dingjun Mountain, so there is no need to worry." 天 蕩 山 係 我 阿哥 夏侯 德 鎮守 , 我 哋 去 佢 嗰 度 啦 , 幫 佢 保住 呢 個 山 啦 。 sky|clear|mountain|is|I|older brother|Xiahou|De|guarding|||go|he|that|place|particle|help|him|protect|this|measure word|mountain|particle Tiandang Mountain is guarded by my brother Xiahou De. Let's go to him and help him protect this mountain. 於是 張 郃 同埋 夏侯尚 、 韓浩 一齊 , 漏夜 趕去 天 蕩 山 。 then|Zhang|He|and|Xiahou Shang|Han Hao|together|late at night|rushed to|Tian|Tang|mountain So Zhang He, Xiahou Shang, and Han Hao hurried to Tiandang Mountain overnight. 見到 夏侯 德 之後 , 就 將前 便 嘅 作戰 經過 講 咗 畀 佢 知 。 saw|Xiahou|De|after|then||immediately|possessive particle|battle|process|tell|past tense marker|to|him|know After seeing Xiahou De, I explained the previous battle situation to him. 夏侯 德話 嘞 : 我 呢 度 駐 扎 咗 十萬 人馬 , 你 帶兵 去 收復 原來 嘅 營寨 啦 。 Xiahou|Dehua|past tense marker|I|this|place|stationed|set up|past tense marker|100000|troops|you|lead troops|to|recover|original|possessive particle|camp|sentence-final particle Xiahou De said: I have stationed a hundred thousand troops here, you should take your soldiers to recover the original camp. 張 郃 話 嘞 : 目前 , 只 應該 堅守 , 唔 能夠 輕舉妄動 喇 。 ||said|past tense particle|currently|only|should|hold firm|not|able to|act rashly|sentence-final particle Zhang He said: For now, we should just hold our ground and not act rashly. 呢 一日 , 只 聽見 山前 打鑼 打鼓 震天動地 。 this|one day|only|heard|in front of the mountain|beating gongs|beating drums|shaking heaven and earth On that day, we only heard the sound of drums and gongs shaking the heavens and the earth. 原來 係 黃忠 人馬 殺到 嚟 嘞 。 originally|is|Huang Zhong|cavalry|arrived|here|past tense marker It turned out that Huang Zhong's troops had arrived. 夏侯 德 哈哈大笑 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 老賊 都 唔 識 兵法 嘅 , 一味 恃 住 勇敢 嘅 啫 。 Xiahou|De|laughed heartily|said|haha||old thief|all|not|know|military strategy|particle indicating possession|only|relying on|on|bravery|particle indicating possession|only Xiahou De laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, the old thief doesn't even know military strategy, just relying on bravery!". 張 郃 話 : 唔 係 㗎 , 黃忠 好 有 計謀 , 唔 淨止 勇敢 㗎 。 ||said|||particle|||||||| Zhang He said: "That's not true, Huang Zhong is very strategic, not just brave." 哼 ! 敵兵 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 係 非常 疲勞 嘅 。 hum|enemy|at|so|far|||is|very|tired|(possessive particle) Hmph! The enemy soldiers are coming from so far away, they must be very tired. 今日 仲 深入 我軍 嘅 陣地 嚟 挑戰 , 噉 就 講明 黃忠 無謀 㗎 啦 嘛 。 today|still|deep into|our army|possessive particle|territory|come|challenge|then|just|make clear|Huang Zhong|reckless|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating suggestion|particle indicating obviousness Today they even came deep into our army's position to challenge us, that clearly shows Huang Zhong is reckless. 張 郃 話 : 噉 亦 唔 好 輕敵 啊 , 堅守 就 啱 嘞 。 Zhang|He|said|like that|also|not|very|underestimate the enemy|particle|hold firm|just|right|particle Zhang He said: "But we shouldn't underestimate them, holding our ground is the right thing to do." 韓浩忍 唔 住 就 對 夏侯 德話 : 請 將軍 你 交 三千名 精兵 我 , 我 一定 擊敗 黃忠 老賊 ! Han Haoren|not|able to|then|to|Xiahou||please|general|you|hand over|three thousand|elite soldiers|I||definitely|defeat|Huang Zhong|old thief Han Hao couldn't help but say to Xiahou De: Please, General, give me three thousand elite soldiers, and I will definitely defeat the old thief Huang Zhong! 夏侯 德 立即 叫 韓浩 帶兵 落山 。 Xiahou|De|immediately|ordered|Han Hao|to bring troops|down the mountain Xiahou De immediately ordered Han Hao to lead the troops down the mountain. 黃忠 見 魏 軍 出動 嘞 , 就 整頓 好 人馬 準備 迎戰 。 Huang Zhong|saw|Wei|army|mobilize|past tense marker|then|organize|well|troops|prepare|to face the battle When Huang Zhong saw the Wei army mobilizing, he quickly organized his troops to prepare for battle. 劉封 勸 佢 話 : 日頭 都 落山 嘞 , 士兵 行 咁 遠 嚟 到 太過 疲勞 啊 , 真 係 要 休息 下至 好 喇 。 Liu Feng|advised|him|said|daytime|already|set|past tense particle|soldiers|travel|so|far|come|arrive|too|tired|ah|really|is|need|rest|only then|well|particle indicating completion Liu Feng advised him, saying: It's already getting dark, and the soldiers have traveled too far and are too tired; we really need to rest first. 黃忠 話 嘞 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 唔 係 啊 , 呢 個 係 天賜 奇功 , 唔 去 攞 就 錯 喇 。 Huang Zhong|said|past tense marker|hahaha||not|is|ah|this|measure word|is|heaven-sent|extraordinary skill|not|go|take|then|wrong|completed action marker Huang Zhong replied: Hahahaha, no, this is a heaven-sent opportunity; if we don't seize it, it would be a mistake. 講完 黃忠 就 下令 , 全軍 大聲 吶喊 向前 衝鋒 。 finish speaking|Huang Zhong|then|ordered|the whole army|loudly|shouted|forward|charge After speaking, Huang Zhong ordered the entire army to shout loudly and charge forward. 韓浩 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 , 黃忠 揮舞 大刀 直取 韓浩 。 Han Hao|lead troops|come|arrive|past tense marker|Huang Zhong|wield|broadsword|directly attack|Han Hao Han Hao led his troops here, and Huang Zhong swung his big sword directly at Han Hao. 僅僅 一個 回合 咋 , 一刀 就將 韓浩 斬 於 馬 下 。 only|one|round|how|with one strike||Han Hao|kill|on|horse|ground In just one round, with one strike, he beheaded Han Hao off his horse. 喎 嗬衝 啊 ! 蜀兵 搏命 咁 殺 上山 去 。 oh|rush|particle|Shu soldiers|fight to the death|so|kill|up the mountain|go Wow, what a charge! The Shu soldiers fought desperately to climb the mountain. 張 郃 同 夏侯尚 急急 帶兵 嚟 迎戰 。 Zhang|He|and|Xiahou Shang|urgently|lead troops|come|to battle Zhang He and Xiahou Shang hurriedly brought their troops to engage in battle. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 山後 便 突然 響起 吶喊聲 , 火光 呀 衝天 而 起 , 燒到 半邊天 都 紅晒 。 at|this|measure word for events|time|behind the mountain|then|suddenly|sounded|shouting|firelight|particle indicating exclamation|soaring into the sky|and|rising|burned until|half the sky|all|completely red At this moment, a shout suddenly echoed from behind the mountain, and flames shot up into the sky, turning half the sky red. 夏侯 德 立即 帶兵 去 救火 嘞 喎 , 迎面 撞 正 老將 嚴顏 , 手起刀落 , 誒 ! 當堂 將 夏侯 德 斬 於 馬 下 。 ||immediately|lead troops|to|extinguish the fire|past action particle|sentence-final particle|head-on|collide|just|veteran general|Yan Yan|with a swift motion of his hand|exclamation|on the spot|to execute|||behead|at|horse|under Xiahou De immediately led his troops to put out the fire, but he ran into the veteran general Yan Yan, who struck with his sword and, oh! He killed Xiahou De right off his horse. 哈哈 , 原來 黃忠 啊 , 預先 就 派 咗 嚴顏帶 住 一支 軍隊 , 埋伏 喺 山上 靜僻 嘅 地方 。 haha|it turns out|Huang Zhong|ah|in advance|then|sent|past tense marker||with|a|army|ambushed|at|on the mountain|secluded|possessive particle|place Haha, it turns out it was Huang Zhong who had previously sent Yan Yan with an army to ambush in a secluded area on the mountain. 噉 啊 等 黃忠 兵到 就 出 嚟 放火 , 將 山上 啲 柴堆 啊 草堆 啊 一齊 點着 , 燒到 大火 騰空 。 then|particle|wait|Huang Zhong||then|come out|to|set fire|will|on the mountain|particle indicating plural|wood pile|particle|grass pile|particle|together|ignite|burn until|big fire|rises into the air So when Huang Zhong's troops arrived, they came out to set fire, igniting the piles of firewood and grass on the mountain, creating a huge blaze. 嚴顏殺 咗 夏侯 德 , 馬上 由 山後 殺過 嚟 。 |past tense marker|Xiahou|De|immediately|from|behind the mountain|killed|here Yan Yan killed Xiahou De and immediately charged down from the mountain. 嘩 ! 張 郃 、 夏侯尚 顧得 前 嚟 顧 唔 得 後 , 腹背受敵 , 就 唯有 放棄 天 蕩 山 逃跑 去 定軍山 , 投奔 夏侯淵 嘞 。 wow|Zhang|He|Xiahou Shang|could pay attention to|front|coming|pay attention to|not|able to|back|attacked from both front and back|then|only|give up|Tian|Tang|mountain|escape|to|Dingjun Mountain|seek refuge with|Xiahou Yuan|past tense particle Wow! Zhang He and Xiahou Shang were so focused on the front that they couldn't take care of the back, surrounded by enemies, so they had no choice but to abandon Mount Tiandang and flee to Mount Dingjun, seeking refuge with Xiahou Yuan. 定軍山 就 喺 陝西省 嘅 西南部 嘅 勉縣 附近 , 兩峰 對峙 非常 之 險要 。 Dingjun Mountain|is|in|Shaanxi Province|possessive particle|southwestern part|possessive particle|Mian County|near|two peaks|confront each other|very|particle indicating modification|strategically important Mount Dingjun is located in the southwestern part of Shaanxi Province, near Mian County, with two peaks facing each other, making it a very strategic location. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 收到 攻取 天 蕩 山 嘅 捷報 高興 到極 , 召集 所有 嘅 將領 嚟 慶祝 勝利 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|received|conquest of|heaven|蕩|mountain|possessive particle|victory report|happy|to the extreme|gathered|all|possessive particle|generals|to come|celebrate|victory Now let's talk about Liu Bei. He was extremely happy to receive the news of the successful attack on Mount Tiandang and called all the generals to celebrate the victory. 法 正話 嘞 : 前 幾年 , 曹操 打敗 張 魯 嘅 時候 掃平 漢中 , 佢 唔 乘 住 得勝 嘅 形勢 , 進一步 奪取 巴蜀 。 law|to be honest|past tense marker|previous|few years|Cao Cao|defeated|Zhang|Lu|possessive particle|when|pacified|Hanzhong|he|not|||victory|possessive particle|situation|further|seize|Bashu Fa Zheng said: A few years ago, when Cao Cao defeated Zhang Lu and pacified Hanzhong, he did not take advantage of the victorious situation to further seize Bashu. 淨 係 留低 夏侯淵 同張 郃 兩個 人 喺 度 駐兵 防守 , 自己 就 帶領 大軍 返 咗 去 許昌 , 嘿嘿 , 認真 失策 咯 。 ||leave behind|Xiahouyuan||He|two|people|at|place|stationed troops|defense|he himself|then|led|army|||to|Xuchang|hehe|seriously|miscalculation|particle He only left Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He to garrison and defend, while he himself led the main army back to Xuchang. Hehe, that was really a serious miscalculation. 今日 , 張 郃 畀 我軍 擊敗 , 天 蕩 山 落於 我手 。 today|Zhang|He|by|our army|defeated|Tian|Tang|mountain|fell into|my hands Today, Zhang He was defeated by our army, and Tiandang Mountain has fallen into our hands. 主公 如果 趁 呢 個 大好時機 , 出動 大軍 親自 掛帥 去 攻打 漢中 , 就 必定 能夠 成功 㗎 。 Your Majesty|if|take advantage of|this|measure word|great opportunity|deploy|army|personally|lead|to|attack|Hanzhong|then|definitely|able to|succeed|particle indicating certainty If the lord takes advantage of this great opportunity and personally leads the army to attack Hanzhong, success is certain. 漢中 平定 咗 之後 , 就 積蓄 糧草 , 訓練 兵馬 , 尋找機會 , 進 可以 討賊 , 退 可以 自守 。 Hanzhong|pacified|past tense marker|after|then|stockpiling|grain and fodder|training|troops||advance|can|attack the bandits|retreat|can|defend themselves After pacifying Hanzhong, we will stockpile grain and train troops, looking for opportunities to advance against the bandits or retreat to defend. 主公 啊 , 呢 個 係 天賜良機 , 切不可 失 啊 ! Your Lord|ah|||is|heaven-sent opportunity|must not|miss|ah My lord, this is a heaven-sent opportunity, it must not be missed! 劉備 同 孔明 都 非常 同意 法正 呢 一個 意見 , 就 決定 擇個 好日子 出兵 去 攻打 漢中 。 Liu Bei|and|Kongming|both|very|agree|Fa Zheng|this|one|opinion|then|decided|choose a|good day|deploy troops|to|attack|Hanzhong Liu Bei and Kongming both strongly agreed with Fa Zheng's opinion and decided to choose a good day to send troops to attack Hanzhong. 當日 , 就 通知 各處 地方 作好 準備 。 that day|then|notify|all places|locations|make good|preparations On that day, notifications were sent to all local areas to make preparations. 到 咗 建安 二十三年 , 即 係 公元 二一 八年 , 呢 一年 呢 , 劉備 五廿 八歲 喇 。 arrive|past tense marker|Jian'an|23rd year|||AD|21|8|this|year|this|Liu Bei|58|years old|sentence-final particle In the year of Jian'an 23, which is the year 218 AD, Liu Bei was 58 years old. 七月 嘅 一個 吉日 , 劉備 任命 趙雲 、 張飛 做 先鋒 ; 自己 同 孔明 親自 掛帥 , 統率 十萬 大軍 , 浩浩蕩蕩 出發 去 攻打 漢中 。 July|possessive particle|one|auspicious day|Liu Bei|appointed|Zhao Yun|Zhang Fei|to be|vanguard|himself|and|Kongming|personally|took command|commanded|one hundred thousand|army|grandly|departed|to|attack|Hanzhong On an auspicious day in July, Liu Bei appointed Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei as vanguards; he himself, along with Kongming, took command, leading an army of 100,000, setting off grandly to attack Hanzhong. 呢 一日 , 出到 葭 萌 關外 扎落 營寨 , 劉備 立即 召見 黃忠 同 嚴顏 , 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 哋 。 this|day|when they arrived|||outside the pass|set up|camp|Liu Bei|immediately|summoned|Huang Zhong|and|Yan Yan|heavily|like that|rewarded|them|plural marker On that day, upon reaching the camp outside of Jiameng Pass, Liu Bei immediately summoned Huang Zhong and Yan Yan, rewarding them generously. 劉備 話 : 人人 都 話 將軍 老喇 , 唯獨 軍師 知道 將軍 嘅 能力 , 呢 次 果然 立 咗 大功 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Liu Bei|said|everyone|all|says|general|old man|only|strategist|knows|general|possessive particle|ability|this|time|indeed|achieved|past tense marker|great merit|hahaha|hahaha Liu Bei said: Everyone says the general is old, but only the strategist knows the general's capabilities; this time, he indeed achieved great merit, hahahaha. 定軍山 乃 係 南鄭 嘅 屏障 , 漢中 囤積 糧草 嘅 地方 啊 。 Dingjun Mountain|is|is|Nanzheng|possessive particle|barrier|Hanzhong|stockpiling|grain and fodder|possessive particle|place|sentence-final particle Dingjun Mountain is the barrier of Nanzheng, a place where Hanzhong stockpiles grain and supplies. 如果 得 咗 定軍山 , 陽平 呢 一路 就 唔 使 憂 嘞 。 if|can|past tense marker|Dingjun Mountain|Yangping|this|road|then|not|need|worry|sentence-final particle If we take Dingjun Mountain, then Yangping will not have to worry. 老 將軍 , 仲敢 唔 敢 去 奪取 定軍山 啊 ? old|general||not|dare|go|seize|Dingjun Mountain|ah Old General, do you still dare to go and seize Dingjun Mountain? 黃忠 毫不 推辭 , 好 豪邁 噉 一 啖 應承 , 話 即刻 就 帶兵 出發 。 Huang Zhong|not at all|decline|very|heroic|like this|one|mouthful|promised|said|immediately|then|lead the troops|depart Huang Zhong did not hesitate at all, boldly agreeing, saying he would set off with his troops immediately. 孔明 連忙 阻攔 住 佢 話 : 老 將軍 你 雖然 英勇 , 不過 夏侯淵 就 唔 同張 郃 噃, 佢 叻 得 多 啊 。 Kongming|hurriedly|stopped|him|he|said|old|general|you|although|brave|but|Xiahouyuan|just|not||He|right|he|clever|by|much|ah Kongming quickly stopped him, saying: Old General, although you are brave, Xiahou Yuan is not like Zhang He; he is much more capable. 夏侯淵 深明 韜略 , 熟悉 兵法 , 一直 以 嚟 曹操 都 係 依靠 佢 嚟 鎮守 西涼 。 Xiahou Yuan|deeply understands|strategy|familiar with|military tactics|always|by|coming|Cao Cao|all|is|relying|him|coming|defending|Xiliang Xiahou Yuan was well-versed in strategy and familiar with military tactics. All along, Cao Cao relied on him to defend Xiliang. 前 幾年 , 佢 駐 扎 喺 長安 防備 馬超 , 而家 又 要 佢 駐 扎 喺 漢中 。 previous|few years|he|stationed|stationed|at|Chang'an|guard against|Ma Chao|now|again|needs|he|stationed|stationed|at|Hanzhong A few years ago, he was stationed in Chang'an to guard against Ma Chao, and now he has to be stationed in Hanzhong. 呢 啲 獨當一面 , 咁 重 嘅 責任 , 曹操 唔 委託 別人 單單 委託 畀 夏侯淵 。 ||capable of handling alone|so|heavy|possessive particle|responsibility|Cao Cao|not|entrust|others|only|entrusted|to|Xiahou Yuan Such a heavy responsibility, Cao Cao did not entrust it to anyone else but solely to Xiahou Yuan. 點解 呢 ? 皆 因 夏侯淵 有 大將 之才 吖 嘛 。 why|question particle|all|because|Xiahou Yuan|has|great general||sentence-final particle|question particle Why is that? It is because Xiahou Yuan has the talent of a great general. 所以 , 老 將軍 你 雖然 勝得 張 郃 , 未必 能勝得過 夏侯淵 喇 。 so|old|general|you|although|defeated|Zhang|He|not necessarily|can defeat|Xiahouyuan|particle Therefore, old general, although you may have defeated Zhang He, you may not necessarily be able to defeat Xiahou Yuan. 我 而 家 喺 度 斟酌 緊 , 想派 一個 人去 荊州 替 關將軍 返 嚟 , 噉 先至 敵得 住 夏侯淵 㗎 。 I|||at|here|deliberating|ongoing action particle||one||Jingzhou|in place of|General Guan|return|here|then|only then|||Xiahou Yuan|sentence-final particle I am currently deliberating here, wanting to send someone to Jingzhou to bring back General Guan, only then can we hold off Xiahou Yuan. 各位 , 正是 請將 須行 激將法 啊 , 少年 不 若 老年人 。 everyone|indeed|please use|must employ|provocation method|ah|youth|not|as|elderly Everyone, it is time to use the method of provocation, the youth is not as good as the elderly. 如果 各位 想 知道 黃忠 啊 點樣 畀 諸葛亮 激起 嗰 種 昂揚 鬥志 去 奪取 勝利 呢 , 噉 啊 請 各位 到 時 再 嚟 收聽 啦 。 if|everyone|want|to know|Huang Zhong|ah|how|to be|Zhuge Liang|to inspire|that|kind|high|fighting spirit|to|seize|victory|question particle|then|ah|please|everyone|at|time|again|come|listen|particle indicating suggestion If everyone wants to know how Huang Zhong was provoked by Zhuge Liang to ignite that kind of fighting spirit to achieve victory, then please come back to listen later.

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