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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 101

話 說 經過 一 晚 激戰 , 就 到 咗 天光 。 孫權 聽聞 關雲長 父子 已經 捉 到 , 啊 歡喜 到講 唔 出 , 立即 叫齊 所有 將領 啊 嚟 到 中軍帳 集合 。 過 咗 一陣 , 馬 忠 同一 班 刀斧手 啊 擁住 關雲長 入到 嚟 。 孫權 話 : 我 一向 都 極之 仰慕 將軍 , 想同 將軍 結為 秦晉之好 嘅 。 你 點解 咁 嫌棄 我 呢 ? 將軍 你 素來 都 自以 為 天下無敵 , 今日 , 為 咩 嘢 事 又 會 畀 我 捉 到 㗎 ? 啊 ? 關將軍 今日 , 服 唔 服 我 孫權 啊 ? 吖 吖 呸 ! 碧眼 小兒 , 紫 鬚 鼠輩 ! 想 我關 某同 劉皇叔 , 桃園 結義 , 誓 扶漢室 , 點 能夠 同 你 呢 啲 反 漢 嘅 奸賊 為伍 ? 今日 , 我關 某誤 中 奸計 , 不過 一死 而已 , 何必 多講 ! 孫權 擰 過頭 嚟 問 佢 嗰 班 官員 話 : 雲長 係 世間 豪傑 , 我極 之 鍾 意 佢 。 我 想 以禮相待 勸 佢 投降 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 主簿 左 鹹 話 喇 : 唔 得 呀 唔 得 啊 ! 往日 曹操 得到 佢 嘅 時候 , 封侯賜 爵 , 三日 一小 宴 , 五日 一大 宴 , 上馬 一提金 下馬 一提 銀 , 用 咁 深厚 嘅 恩德 嚟 待 佢 , 終歸 都 係 留 佢 唔 住 , 畀 佢 過關斬將 走 咗 。 致使 今日 反而 畀 佢 逼 到 爭 啲 要 遷都 嚟 避 佢 啊 。 今日 , 主公 既然 已經 捉 到 佢 嘞 , 若果 唔 即刻 殺 咗 佢 呀 , 恐怕 會留 後患 噃。 嗯 , 係 , 你 講得 冇 錯 ! 於是 孫權 就 下令 殺 咗 關雲長 父子 。 當時 , 係 建安 二十四年 , 即 係 公元 二一 九年 , 冬天 十二月 , 關雲長 死 嘅 時候 呢 係 五廿 八歲 。 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 首詩 感 歎 佢 嘅 一生 , 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : 人傑 惟 追古 解良 , 士民 爭拜漢雲長 。 桃園 一日 兄和弟 , 俎 豆 千秋 帝 與 王 。 氣挾 風雷 無 匹敵 , 志垂 日月 有 光芒 。 至今 廟貌 盈 天下 , 古木 寒鴉 幾 夕陽 。 噉 啊 關雲長 死 咗 之後 , 佢 騎 嗰 匹 赤兔馬 呢 , 就 畀 馬 忠 得到 吖 , 佢 就 獻 畀 孫權 。 孫權 因為 馬 忠 捉 到 關雲長 有功 啊 , 就將 赤兔馬 賜 咗 畀 佢 。 但 係 赤兔馬 , 幾日 都 唔 肯食 草料 , 絕食 死 咗 喎 , 哈哈 , 真 係 連匹馬 都 有性 㗎 吓 。 而家 講下 王 甫 佢 喺 麥城 , 呢 一日 佢 突然 間 覺得 骨震 肉跳 。 佢 就 同 周 倉 話 喇 : 尋晚 發 夢見 到 關將軍 佢 周身 都 係 血 , 企 喺 面前 。 我 正話 想 問 佢 就 扎 醒 咗 咯 , 唔 知 係 咩 兆頭 呢 吓 ? 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 衛兵 氣 㗾㗾 噉 走 嚟 報告 話吳 兵 喺 城下 ,攞 住 關雲長 父子 嘅 首級 嚟 到 招安 啊 ! 嘩嚇 到 王甫 、 周倉 , 手腳 都爛 晒 啊 噔 噔 聲 跑 上去 城樓 睇 下 啦 。 哎呀 ! 果然 係 關公 父子 嘅 人頭 啊 ! 啊 ! 王甫 大叫 一聲 , 喺 城樓 跳落 去 自 殺死 咗 。 周倉 跟 住 亦 用 刀 自刎 而 死 。 於是 麥城 , 亦 都 畀 東吳 佔領 。 而家 講下 關雲長 佢 死 後 , 佢 陰魂不散 就 蕩蕩 遊遊 嚟 到 一 笪 地方 。 乃 係 荊門 州 當陽 縣 一座 山 , 叫做 玉泉山 。 山上 有個 老和尚 , 法名 普淨 , 普淨 和尚 。 佢 本來 係 汜 水關 鎮國寺 嘅 長老 , 後來 因為 雲遊 天下 就 嚟 到 呢 度 , 見到 山明水秀 , 就 搭 咗 間 茅庵 , 每日 喺 度 打坐 念經 。 身邊 只有 一個 小 行者 , 靠 化齋 即 係 靠 施捨 度日 。 呢 一晚 , 月白風清 , 三 更 過後 , 普淨 和尚 啊 正 喺 間 茅 庵 裏 便 打坐 。 忽然 聽見 半空中 呀 , 有人 大聲 噉 叫喊 : 還我頭 來 ! 還我頭 來 ! 普淨 和尚 擔 高頭 一望 , 只見 半空中 有 個人 , 手提 青龍刀 , 騎住 赤兔馬 。 左手 便 , 有 一個 白面 將軍 ; 右手 便 , 有 一個 黑面 攣 鬚 嘅 人 跟隨 住 , 一齊 按落 雲頭 就 嚟 到 玉泉山 頂 。 普淨 和尚 認得 呢 個 係 關公 , 就 用 手上 嗰 支 麈 拂 搉 噉 敲下 道門 話 : 雲長 去 邊度 啊 ? 關公 嘅 英靈 頓 時間 醒悟 嘞 , 立即 落馬 乘住 一浸 清風 , 呼 噉 落到 嚟 茅庵 前 便 。 恭恭敬敬 噉 企 喺 處 問 : 師父 係 邊位 啊 ? 法號 點 稱呼 啊 ? 老僧 普淨 , 往日 , 喺 汜 水關 前 鎮國寺 , 曾經 同 將軍 相會 。 唔 通而家 將軍 你 唔 記得 嘞 咩 ? 啊 ! 記得 , 往日 承蒙 大師 相救 , 銘感不忘 。 今日 , 我關 某 遇禍 而 死 , 請 大師 教訓 下 我 , 指點 迷途 啊 ! 今是 而 昨非 , 一切 都 不論 喇 。 後果 前 因 彼此 不 差 嘅 。 今日 將軍 畀 呂蒙 所害 , 就 大叫 還我頭 來 。 然則 顏良 、 文丑 , 五關 六將 等等 眾 人 嘅 頭 , 又 去問 邊個 索取 呢 ? 啊 ! 於是 關公 恍然大悟 , 稽首 皈依 , 化 咗 一浸 清風 而 去 。 從此 之後 啊 , 時時 都 喺 玉泉山 上 顯聖 保護 民眾 。 噉 啲 百姓 啊 感激 佢 嘅 恩德 , 喺 山頂 起 咗 間 廟 , 四時 致 祭 。 收尾 呢 , 有人 喺 間 廟 處 題 咗 副 對聯 係 噉 嘅 : 赤面 秉 赤心 、 騎 赤兔 追風 , 馳驅 時 、 無忘 赤帝 , 青燈 觀 青史 、 仗 青龍 偃月 , 隱微處 、 不愧 青天 。 而家 講下 孫權 , 佢 殺 咗 關雲長 啊 就 全部 收復 荊襄 地區 , 就 慰勞 三軍 啦 。 呢 一日 , 大排 筵席 , 同 所有 嘅 將領 慶功 。 噉 啊 請 呂蒙 坐 喺 上位 , 孫權 對 大家 話 喇 : 我 好 耐 好 耐 都 攞 唔 返 荊州 , 今日 , 一 舉手 之間 就 攞 返 嚟 嘞 , 都 係 子 明 嘅 功勞 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 不敢 , 不敢 ! 呢 啲 都 係 主公 洪福齊天 所致 。 子明 你 不必 過謙 。 往日 , 周郎 雄略 過人 , 喺 赤壁 大敗 曹操 , 哈只 可惜 佢 不幸 早死 啊 。 噉 啊 魯子敬 代替 佢 , 子敬初 初見 我 嗰 陣 , 就 已經 同 我 提及 帝王 事業 嘅 宏圖 大略 , 呢 個 係 第一個 好處 ; 當 曹操 攻打 東吳 嘅 時候 , 人人 都 勸 我 投降 , 唯獨 子 敬 佢 勸 我 召 周 郎 嚟 , 實行 抵抗 反擊 , 呢 個 係 第二個 好處 。 但 係 呢 , 佢 後 嚟 勸 我 借 荊州 過 劉備 , 呢 個 係 佢 一個 短處 咯 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 而 家子 明 出謀劃策 , 立取 荊州 勝過 子敬同 周郎 多 多咯 ! 孫權 講完 , 親自 斟酒 嚟 敬 畀 呂蒙 。 呂蒙 接過 杯酒 正話 想 飲 , 霎時間 , 乓 噉 掉 咗 杯酒 落地 , 一手 揪住 孫權 大聲 噉 喝 佢 話 : 吖 吖 呸 ! 你 呢 個 碧眼 小兒 , 紫 鬚 鼠輩 ! 仲 認得 我 嘛 ! 嘩 做 乜嘢 啊 喂 , 做 咩 嘢 啊 喂 , 嚇 到 嗰 班 將領 不得了 , 急急 啊 埋 去 救 啦 。 呂蒙 一手 推跌 孫權 , 噔 噔 噔 噔 大 步行 前 坐 喺 孫權 嘅 位處 , 豎起 堂 眼眉 , 碌 大 雙眼 , 佢 話 : 我 自從 破 黃巾 以來 , 縱橫天下 三十多年 。 今日 , 畀 你 一時 用 奸計 嚟 害 我 ! 我生 時 不能 食 你 嘅 肉 , 死後亦要 追 你 呂 賊 嘅 魂 啊 ! 我 , 就 係 漢壽 亭 侯 , 關雲長 ! 慌到 孫權 周身 打震 啊 , 連忙 率領 大小 將士 林林聲 跪 喺 處 叩頭 。 只見 呂蒙 大叫 一聲 噼啪 噉 啊 跌 咗 喺 地 , 眼耳口 鼻 七竅流血 一命嗚呼 。 大家 見到 呀 面 都 青晒 咯 。 收尾 , 孫權 叫 人將 呂蒙 嘅 屍首 斂 咗 安葬 好 , 追贈 佢 做 南郡 太守 、 孱陵侯 ; 就 叫 佢 個 仔 呂 霸 呢 , 就 繼承 佢 嘅 爵位 。 呢 個 時候 啊 張 昭 喺 建業 嚟 到 , 佢 一 見到 孫權 就 話 嘞 : 而家 主公 你 殺 咗 關公 父子 , 江東 大禍臨頭 喇 。 點解 噉 講呢 ? 主公 , 此人 同 劉備 喺 桃園 結義 嘅 時候 啊 , 發誓 要 同生共死 嘅 。 今日 劉備 已經 擁有 兩 川 嘅 兵馬 , 更 兼有 諸葛亮 嘅 智謀 , 張 、 黃 、 馬 、 趙 嘅 英勇 啊 。 劉備 若果 一 知道 關公 父子 被 殺 , 必定會 傾 全國 嘅 兵力 嚟 報仇 㗎 , 恐怕 我 哋 東吳 就 好 難 對敵 啊 。 哎呀 ! 我太過 失策 喇 。 而家 噉 點好 , 點好 呢 ? 主公 唔 使 憂 , 我 有 一條 計策 , 可以 令到 劉備 唔 敢 侵犯 東吳 , 荊州 穩如 磐石 嘅 。 先生 有 咩 好計 ? 目前 , 曹操 擁兵 百萬 , 虎視 華夏 。 劉備 佢 啊 心急 報仇 , 必定 會同 曹操 講和 個 噃。 若果 佢 哋 聯合 起 嚟 呢 , 東吳 就 危險 咯 。 不如 我 哋 先派 個人 , 將 關公 嘅 首級 , 轉送 去 畀 曹操 。 噉 就 向 劉備 說明 殺 關公 嘅 事 啊 , 係 由 曹操 指使 嘅 。 劉備 啊實 痛恨 曹操 㗎 啦 。 噉 西 蜀 嘅 兵馬 , 就 唔 會 用 嚟 攻打 東吳 轉移 去 攻打 北魏 咯 。 到 其時 , 睇 住 佢 哋 雙方 嘅 勝負 情形 , 從中取利 。 呢 個 乃 係 上策 啊 主公 。 孫權 聽張 昭 嘅 , 立即 派個 使者 用個 木盒 , 裝住 關公 嘅 首級 , 日夜兼程 送 去 畀 曹操 。 當 其時 呀 , 曹操 就 已經 由摩陂 班師 返到 洛陽 。 聽聞 東吳 使者 送 關雲長 嘅 首級 嚟 , 好 歡喜 啊 佢 話 : 雲長 死 咗 喇 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 以後 , 我 夜晚 瞓覺 就 安樂 晒 喇 ! 大王 , 呢 個 乃 係 東吳 嫁禍 之計 嚟 啊 。 哦 ? 曹操 一睇 , 乃 係 主簿 司馬懿 。 點解 噉 講呢 ? 大王 , 往日 劉 、 關 、 張 三個 人 桃園 結義 之時 啊 , 係 誓同生死 嘅 。 而家 東吳 殺 咗 關公 , 怕 劉備 報仇 。 故此 , 就將 首級 嚟 獻 畀 大王 , 使到 劉備 遷怒於 大王 , 唔 去 攻打 東吳 而 嚟 攻打 我 哋 魏國 。 佢 呢 , 就 乘機 從中取利 啫 。 係 喎 , 仲達 你 講得 啱 啊 ! 噉 孤 王用 乜嘢 辦法 嚟 解決 佢 好 呢 ? 呢 件 事極 之 容易 。 大王 你 可以 將 關公 嘅 首級 , 用 檀香木 刻 一個 身體 嚟 配 返 佢 , 用 大臣 嘅 禮儀 安葬 佢 。 噉 劉備 知道 咗 , 必定 痛恨 孫權 到極點 , 就 會 盡全力 去 攻打 東吳 。 而 我 哋 呢 , 可以 睇 佢 雙方 嘅 勝敗 , 西蜀勝 , 就 去 打 東吳 , 東吳 勝 , 就 去 打西 蜀 。 兩處 如果 得到 一處 先 , 嗰 一處 亦 唔 使 等 幾耐 啦 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好 ! 曹操 好 歡喜 , 就 用 司馬懿 呢 個 辦法 。 於是 呢 , 就 召見 東吳 嘅 使者 。 使者 呈 上個 木盒 。 曹操 打開 個 盒 睇 下 , 只見 關公 嘅 面目 啊 , 同 平時 一樣 嘅 。 曹操 啊 笑 住 話 喇 : 雲長公 , 分別 以來 , 幾好 吖 嘛 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 啊 , 啊 , 啊 ! 哎呀 ! 關公 個人 頭 忽然間 個口 開下 開下 , 雙眼 碌 下碌 下 , 鬍鬚 頭髮 都 鬆起 嚟 嚇到 曹操 成個 跌倒 暈 咗 。 嗰 班 官員 七手八腳 呀 急急 搶救 , 好耐好 耐先 至醒 返 。 哎 , 哎 , 關將軍 , 真 係 天神 喇 ! 東吳 使者 又將 關公 顯聖 附體 , 誒 即 係 俗語 話 鬼 上身 吓 , 罵 孫權 追 呂蒙 嘅 事 講 畀 曹操 聽 。 曹操 就 越發 怕 啦 , 即刻 就 吩咐 用 美酒 三牲 嚟 祭祀 , 拜 咗 關公 一輪 先 。 跟 住 又 叫 人 啊 用 檀香木 刻 咗 個 身體 , 用 王侯 嘅 禮儀 將 關公 安葬 喺 洛陽 南門 之外 。 下令 叫 大小官員 去 送殯 , 曹操 本人 親自 去 拜祭 , 追贈 關公 做 荊王 , 就 派 咗 官員 守墓 。 然後 呢 , 就 打發 東吳 使者 返扯 。 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 喇 。 而家要 講返 下 轉頭 先 , 劉備 啊 佢 由 東川 返到 成都 之後 。 法正 就 稟奏 話 喇 : 王上 先 夫人 早就 去世 , 孫夫人 又 返 咗 東吳 , 睇 嚟 未必 再 嚟 㗎 喇 。 人倫 之道 唔 能夠 偏廢 啊 , 請王 上納 返個 王妃 嚟 襄助 內政 啦 。 誒 , 噉 好 嘅 。 王上 , 吳懿有 個妹 , 又 美麗 又 賢德 啊 。 以前 有個 睇 相 先生 同 佢 睇 過 相 , 話 佢 日後 必定 大 貴 嘅 。 原先 佢 曾經 許配 畀 劉焉個 仔 劉瑁 , 劉瑁 早就 死 咗 喇 , 噉 佢 一直 守寡 。 大王 納 佢 做 王妃 就 啱 喇 。 劉瑁 同 我 係 同宗 , 於 理 不合 噃。 唔 緊要 嘅 主公 , 論 起 親疏 上 嚟 , 又點 及 得 古時 晉文公 同懷 嬴 呢 ? 晉文公 同懷 嬴 , 係 咩 人 又 係 咩 關係 啊 ? 懷嬴 啊 , 係 春秋 嘅 時候 秦穆公 嘅 女 。 先不先 就 嫁 畀 晉懷公 做 老婆 , 收尾 又 改嫁 畀 晉懷 公 嘅 伯父 晉文公 嘅 。 法正呀舉 呢 個例 啊 , 即 係 話 你 睇 , 古時 啲 諸侯 啊 , 伯父 娶 個 侄 新 抱 做 老婆 都 得 嘅 。 何況 你 劉備 同 劉瑁 隔 咁 疏 呢 噉 。 劉備 聽法 正 引經據典 , 話 喺 名份 上 冇 問題 嘅 , 就 高高興興 噉 岌頭 應承 , 納 咗 吳氏 做 王妃 。 噉 以後 呢 就 生 咗 兩個 仔 , 大仔 叫做 劉永 , 字公壽 , 二仔 叫做 劉理 , 字 奉 孝 , 噉 呢 啲 係 以後 嘅 事 喇 , 而家 就 唔 講 佢 。 噉 啊 喺 劉備 統治 東西 兩 川 嘅 初期 啊 , 民安 國富 五穀豐登 , 好 妥當 啦 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 荊州 有人 嚟 , 話 東吳 啊 向 關公 求婚 就 畀 關公 拒絕 咗 。 孔明 一聽 就 話 喇 : 弊 喇 , 荊州 危險 喇 , 快 啲 派 人 去 替 關公 返 嚟 啦 。 因為 關雲長 噉 樣 做 啊 , 完全 違背 咗 孔明 幫 劉備 制定 嘅 東 和 孫權 就 北拒 曹操 嘅 國策 吖 嘛 。 所以 而家 一 出現 噉 嘅 跡象 呢 吓 , 孔明 啊 非常 敏感 , 即刻 就 話 要 調 走 關雲長 。 但 係 呢 隨後 荊州 派 嚟 報捷 嘅 使者 啊 一個 接 住 一個 噃。 有 一日 , 關興 又 嚟 到 報告 話 水淹七軍 嘅 空前 勝利 添 。 跟 住 又 有 報告 嚟 話 關公 喺 沿江 一帶 , 設立 烽火台 , 防守 非常 嚴密 , 萬無一失 嘅 噉 。 故此 呢 , 劉備 啊 雖然 聽 孔明 噉 樣 講過 啊 , 都 仲 係 放心 。 點 知道 有 一日 , 劉備 覺得 坐立不安 , 周身 啲 肉 都 打震 。 到 咗 夜晚 瞓 極 瞓 唔 着 , 噉 佢 就 索性 起身 , 點 咗 支 蠟燭 睇 書 嘞 噃。 睇 睇 下 , 覺得 精神恍惚 , 神思 昏迷 , 就 伏 喺 張 枱 處 瞌 眼瞓 。 啡 , 啡 , 噉 喺 房 處 吹 一 浸 冷風 , 嗰 支 蠟燭 熄下 又 着 返 , 個 火頭 呀 𠻘𠻘𠻘𠻘𠻘 噉 𠻘 下 𠻘 下 。 咦 劉備 嶽 高頭 一睇 , 見到 有 個人 喺 燭光 之下 。 劉備 就 問 佢 嘞 : 你 係 邊個 啊 ? 點解 半夜三更 嚟 我 個 寢室 啊 ? 嗯 ? 嗰 個人 唔 答 噃。 劉備 奇怪 喇 , 就 企 起身 仔細 噉 睇 下 , 哦 原來 係 關雲長 ! 見 佢 喺 燭光 之下 避來 避去 。 劉備 就 話 啦 : 二弟 , 唔 見 咁 耐 你好 吖 嘛 ? 咁 夜 嚟 到實 係 有 緊要 嘅 事 定 嘞 , 咩 事 啊 坐落 嚟 講啦 。 咦 ? 二弟 , 我同 你 係 兄弟 嚟 , 情同骨肉 , 點解 要 噉 樣 避開 我 啊 , 吓 ? 兄長 , 請 你 起兵 , 同 小弟 報仇雪恨 喇 ! 呼 , 啡 , 一浸 冷風吹 嚟 , 唔 見 咗 關雲長 嘞 。 劉備 一下 扎醒 哈 , 原來 係 個 夢 ! 沊沊沊, 噹噹 噹 , 剛剛 係 三 更 。 嘩 劉備 個心 好 奇怪 , 即刻 出去 前 便 大殿 , 使人 請 咗 孔明 嚟 。 好 快趣 孔明 嚟 到 嘞 , 劉備 就將 先頭 發 嘅 夢 啊 講 畀 孔明聽 。 孔明 就 話 : 呢 啲 不過 係 王上 你 個 心 思念 關公 , 故此 發個 噉 夢 啫 , 唔 使 咁 疑心 嘅 。 劉備 啊 硬 係 擔心 , 孔明 一味 用 好話 嚟 到 寬解 佢 係 啦 。 孔明 安慰 咗 劉備 一輪 就 告辭 走 嘞 , 行到 出 嚟 中 門外 便 , 遇着 許靖 。 許靖話 喇 : 軍師 呀 , 我 剛剛 去 你 府上 要 報告 一件 機密 嘅 事情 啊 。 誒 聽講 軍師 你 嚟 咗 王宮 , 所以 我 又 趕住 嚟 喇 。 咩 嘢 機密 事情 啊 ? 軍師 呀 , 我 聽到 啊 , 外便 有人 傳說 啊 , 話 東吳 呂蒙 , 已經 攻陷 咗 荊州 , 關公 已經 遇害 。 故此 特登 趕 嚟 , 報 畀 軍師 你 知 啊 。 唉 ! 我 晚上 觀察 天文 , 見到 有粒 將星 跌落 喺 荊 楚 嘅 地方 , 已經 知道 雲長 必定 有禍 。 但 係 怕 王上 憂慮 , 故此 唔 敢講 唧 。 兩個 人 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 忽然 大殿 裏頭 行出 個人 嚟 一手 掹 住 孔明 嘅 衫袖 話 : 噉 樣 嘅 凶信 你 哋 點解 要 瞞住 我 啊 ! 哦 ! 原來 係 劉備 啊 ! 孔明 、 許靖 都 解釋 話 喇 : 先頭 所講 嘅 都 係 傳聞 嘅 事 , 唔 能夠 信晒 㗎 , 請 王上 寬心 啦 唔 使 憂慮 嘅 。 孤王 同雲長 誓同生死 , 佢 如果 遇難 咯 , 孤王 一個 人仲點 願 留 喺 人世 吖 ! 孔明同 許靖 正在 勸解 緊 劉備 , 侍從 嚟 稟奏 話 喇 馬良 、 伊籍 嚟 咗 喇 噉 。 劉備 立即 召 佢 哋 入 嚟 問 有 咩 事 。 佢 哋 話 荊州 失守 , 關公 兵敗 求救 , 跟 住 呈 上表 章 。 劉備 都 未 嚟 得切 睇 啊 , 侍從 又 嚟 稟奏 話 荊州 廖化 到 。 劉備 慌忙 召 佢 入 嚟 。 廖化 一入 到 嚟 , 啪 聲 跪 喺 地 , 放聲大哭 。 然後 就 詳詳細細 噉 稟奏 畀 劉備 聽 , 話 劉封 、 孟達 唔 肯發 救兵 。 嘩 ! 當堂 驚到 劉備 變 咗 面色 : 啊 , 如 , 如果 係 噉 樣 , 我 二弟 , 嗯 冇 喇 ! 孔明 話 : 劉封 、 孟達 竟然 咁 豈有此理 , 罪該萬死 ! 請 王上 寬心 , 等 我 親自 帶兵 去 救 荊襄之 急 。 軍師 , 雲長 有 咩 嘢 三長兩短 , 孤王 斷斷 唔 願 一個 人 留 喺 人世 。 孤王 聽 日 , 要 親自 帶 一支 軍隊 去 救雲長 ! 劉備 於是 一方面 派 人 去 閬中 通知 張飛 , 一方面 派 人 會集 人馬 。 哎呀 未到 天光 , 連氣 幾次 啲 人 嚟 報告 話 : 關公 夜走臨 沮 , 畀 吳將 擒獲 , 大義凜然 唔 肯 失節 , 父子 歸天 ! 二弟 ! 二弟 啊 ! 劉備 大叫 一聲 , 暈倒 喺 地 嚟 。 噉 啊 大家 急忙 搶救 , 過 咗 一陣 先至醒 返 , 就 扶 佢 返 入 去 內 殿 。 孔明 就 勸 佢 話 : 王上 唔 好 悲傷 , 自古 話 死生有命 。 關公 , 平日 佢 剛強 而 又 驕傲 , 故此 今日 有 呢場 大禍 。 王上 要 好好 保養 身體 , 慢慢 想 辦法 報仇 啊 。 孤王 , 同關 、 張 兩位 賢弟 , 桃園 結義 嘅 時候 , 誓同生死 。 而家 , 雲長 , 已經 去世 咯 , 孤王點 能夠 獨享 富貴 呢 ! 說話 未 完 , 只見 關興 呼天搶地 嚎啕大哭 噉 嚟 到 。 劉備 一見 呀 大叫 一聲 又 試喊 到暈 咗 。 噉 大家 救返 醒 佢 。 如是者 啊 一日 喊暈 四五次 。 三日 咁 長 呀 , 一滴水 一粒 米 都 冇 入口 啊 。 一味 喊 , 喊 到 眼 都 出血 。 幾日 嚟 , 孔明同 埋 一班 大臣 呀 再三 噉 勸解 佢 。 劉備 就 話 喇 : 孤王同 東吳 誓不兩立 啊 ! 孔明 話 : 聽講 東吳 將 關公 嘅 首級 , 獻 咗 畀 曹操 , 曹操 用 王侯 的 禮儀 安葬 同 祭 咗 佢 啊 。 噉 係 乜嘢 意思 呢 軍師 ? 呢 個 係 東吳 想 嫁禍於 曹操 , 曹操 睇 穿 佢 嘅 計謀 , 故此 就 用 厚禮 嚟 安葬 關公 , 使 王上 你將 怨恨 集中 喺 東吳 吖 嘛 。 我 立即 就 起兵 向 東吳 問罪 , 要 報仇雪恨 ! 唔 好 啊 ! 而家 東吳 正 係 想 我 哋 去 打 北魏 , 北魏 呢 , 亦 正 係 想 我 哋 去 打 東吳 。 佢 哋 各 懷 詭計 , 都 係 想 睺 個 機會 嚟 取 利 嘅 。 當前 , 王上 只 係 宜於 按兵不動 , 同關 公辦 咗 喪事 先 。 等到 吳魏 不 和 咯 , 嗰 陣 趁勢 去 打 佢 哋 就 啱 喇 。 各位 大臣 又 再三 噉 勸諫 , 劉備 噉 先肯 食飯 。 傳令 東西 川 嘅 大小 將士 , 為 關公 掛孝 。 嗰 日 , 劉備 親自 出到 去 南門 招魂 祭奠 , 喊 咗 成日 喇 。 噉 啊 劉備 呢 便 係 噉 嘞 , 曹操 又點 呢 ? 曹操 喺 洛陽 呀 有 單 嘢 仲大 啊 。

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話 說 經過 一 晚 激戰 , 就 到 咗 天光 。 say|said|after|one|night|fierce battle|then|arrived|past tense marker|dawn It is said that after a night of fierce battle, dawn has arrived. 孫權 聽聞 關雲長 父子 已經 捉 到 , 啊 歡喜 到講 唔 出 , 立即 叫齊 所有 將領 啊 嚟 到 中軍帳 集合 。 Sun Quan|heard|Guan Yu|father and son|already||to the point of|ah||||||||||come|to|central army tent|assemble Sun Quan heard that Guan Yunchang and his son had been captured, and he was so overjoyed that he couldn't speak, immediately calling all the generals to gather at the central army tent. 過 咗 一陣 , 馬 忠 同一 班 刀斧手 啊 擁住 關雲長 入到 嚟 。 after|past tense marker|a while|||||warriors|ah|surrounded|Guan Yun Chang|entered|here After a while, Ma Zhong and a group of warriors brought Guan Yunchang in. 孫權 話 : 我 一向 都 極之 仰慕 將軍 , 想同 將軍 結為 秦晉之好 嘅 。 Sun Quan|said|I|always|all|extremely|admire|general||general|to be united in|a marriage alliance|particle indicating possession Sun Quan said: I have always greatly admired the general and wish to form a bond of friendship with him. 你 點解 咁 嫌棄 我 呢 ? you|why|so|dislike|me|question particle Why do you despise me so much? 將軍 你 素來 都 自以 為 天下無敵 , 今日 , 為 咩 嘢 事 又 會 畀 我 捉 到 㗎 ? 啊 ? General|you|always|already||for|||||||again|will|be|me|||question particle|ah General, you have always considered yourself invincible in the world. Today, what is the reason that I have caught you? Huh? 關將軍 今日 , 服 唔 服 我 孫權 啊 ? General Guan|today|submit|not|submit|I|Sun Quan|question particle General Guan, do you submit to me, Sun Quan, today? 吖 吖 呸 ! 碧眼 小兒 , 紫 鬚 鼠輩 ! ah||phew|blue-eyed|child|purple|whiskers|rat Ah, bah! Green-eyed little brat, purple-bearded rat! 想 我關 某同 劉皇叔 , 桃園 結義 , 誓 扶漢室 , 點 能夠 同 你 呢 啲 反 漢 嘅 奸賊 為伍 ? want|||Liu Huangshu|Peach Garden|sworn brotherhood|vowed||how|able to|with|you|||anti|Han|possessive particle|traitors|to be in the same group How can I, Guan, and Liu the Emperor's uncle, who swore brotherhood in the Peach Garden to support the Han dynasty, possibly associate with you treacherous rebels against the Han? 今日 , 我關 某誤 中 奸計 , 不過 一死 而已 , 何必 多講 ! today||certain mistake|in|scheme|but|one death|only|why bother|to say more Today, I, Guan, fell into a trap, but it's just death, no need to say more! 孫權 擰 過頭 嚟 問 佢 嗰 班 官員 話 : 雲長 係 世間 豪傑 , 我極 之 鍾 意 佢 。 Sun Quan|twist|over|come|ask|him|that|group|officials|said|Yun Chang|is|in the world|hero|||||him Sun Quan twisted his head and asked his officials, saying: 'Guan Yu is a hero in the world, I really like him.' 我 想 以禮相待 勸 佢 投降 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? I|want||advise|he|surrender|like this|good|not|good|question particle 'I want to treat him with respect and persuade him to surrender, is that good or not?' 主簿 左 鹹 話 喇 : 唔 得 呀 唔 得 啊 ! the clerk|left|salty|said|particle|not|okay|particle|not|okay|particle The chief clerk, Zuo Xian, said: 'No, that's not good!' 往日 曹操 得到 佢 嘅 時候 , 封侯賜 爵 , 三日 一小 宴 , 五日 一大 宴 , 上馬 一提金 下馬 一提 銀 , 用 咁 深厚 嘅 恩德 嚟 待 佢 , 終歸 都 係 留 佢 唔 住 , 畀 佢 過關斬將 走 咗 。 in the past|Cao Cao|received|he|possessive particle|time|||every three days|||every five days|||when mounted|a gold ingot|when dismounted|||using|so|profound|possessive particle|grace|to|treat|him|ultimately|all|is|keep|him|||let|him|pass through obstacles and defeat enemies|escape|past tense marker In the past, when Cao Cao had him, he was granted titles and nobility, with small banquets every three days and large banquets every five days, with gold when he got on the horse and silver when he got off. Despite treating him with such deep kindness, he ultimately could not keep him, and he escaped after cutting through the ranks. 致使 今日 反而 畀 佢 逼 到 爭 啲 要 遷都 嚟 避 佢 啊 。 caused|today|instead|by|him|forced|to|barely|a little|have to|relocate the capital|here|avoid|him|ah particle As a result, today he is instead forcing us to consider relocating the capital to avoid him. 今日 , 主公 既然 已經 捉 到 佢 嘞 , 若果 唔 即刻 殺 咗 佢 呀 , 恐怕 會留 後患 噃。 today|lord|since|already|||him|past tense marker|if|not|immediately|||him|sentence-final particle|afraid||future troubles|sentence-final particle Today, since the lord has already captured him, if we don't kill him immediately, I'm afraid it will leave future troubles. 嗯 , 係 , 你 講得 冇 錯 ! hmm|yes|you|speak|not|wrong Hmm, yes, you are right! 於是 孫權 就 下令 殺 咗 關雲長 父子 。 then|Sun Quan|then|ordered|to kill|past tense marker|Guan Yu|father and son So, Sun Quan ordered the execution of Guan Yun Chang and his son. 當時 , 係 建安 二十四年 , 即 係 公元 二一 九年 , 冬天 十二月 , 關雲長 死 嘅 時候 呢 係 五廿 八歲 。 at that time|was|Jian'an|year 24|that is|in|AD|21|year 9|winter|December|Guan Yu|died|possessive particle|time|this|was|58|years old At that time, it was the 24th year of Jian'an, which is the year 219 AD, in December of winter, when Guan Yun Chang died at the age of 58. 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 首詩 感 歎 佢 嘅 一生 , 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : ||someone|wrote|past tense marker|poem|||his|possessive particle|life|poem|is|like this|possessive particle Later, someone wrote a poem lamenting his life, the poem goes like this: 人傑 惟 追古 解良 , 士民 爭拜漢雲長 。 桃園 一日 兄和弟 , 俎 豆 千秋 帝 與 王 。 氣挾 風雷 無 匹敵 , 志垂 日月 有 光芒 。 至今 廟貌 盈 天下 , 古木 寒鴉 幾 夕陽 。 extraordinary person|only|pursue the past|relieve the good|scholars and commoners||Peach Garden|one day||chopping board|beans|thousand autumns|emperor|and|king|spirit of the wind and thunder|wind and thunder|no|match||sun and moon|have|brilliance|until now|temple appearance|full|world|ancient trees|cold crows|how many|setting sun Heroes are rare, only those who pursue the ancient and understand the good, the scholars and the people compete to worship Han Yun Chang. In the Peach Garden, one day, brothers are harmonious, and the offerings last for a thousand autumns, the emperor and the king. The spirit carries the wind and thunder, unmatched, the ambition shines like the sun and the moon. 噉 啊 關雲長 死 咗 之後 , 佢 騎 嗰 匹 赤兔馬 呢 , 就 畀 馬 忠 得到 吖 , 佢 就 獻 畀 孫權 。 then|particle|Guan Yu|die|past tense marker|after|he|rode|that|measure word for horses|Red Hare horse|particle|then|gave|Ma|Zhong|obtained|particle|he|then|offered|to|Sun Quan After Guan Yun Chang died, his steed, the Red Hare, was obtained by Ma Zhong, who then presented it to Sun Quan. 孫權 因為 馬 忠 捉 到 關雲長 有功 啊 , 就將 赤兔馬 賜 咗 畀 佢 。 Sun Quan|because|Ma|Zhong|captured|to|Guan Yu|had merit|ah||Red Hare horse|bestowed|past tense marker|to|him Because Ma Zhong captured Guan Yun Chang and achieved merit, Sun Quan bestowed the Red Hare upon him. 但 係 赤兔馬 , 幾日 都 唔 肯食 草料 , 絕食 死 咗 喎 , 哈哈 , 真 係 連匹馬 都 有性 㗎 吓 。 ||Red Hare|several days|all|not||fodder|starvation|||particle indicating realization|haha|||even a horse|all|has sexuality|particle indicating emphasis|surprise particle However, the Red Hare refused to eat grass for several days and starved to death. Haha, even a horse has its own temperament. 而家 講下 王 甫 佢 喺 麥城 , 呢 一日 佢 突然 間 覺得 骨震 肉跳 。 now|let's talk about|Wang|Fu|he|at|Maicheng|this|one day|he|suddenly|moment|felt|bone shivering|flesh jumping Now let's talk about Wang Fu in Mai City, one day he suddenly felt his bones tremble and his flesh quiver. 佢 就 同 周 倉 話 喇 : 尋晚 發 夢見 到 關將軍 佢 周身 都 係 血 , 企 喺 面前 。 he|then|with|Zhou|Cang|said|particle indicating completed action|last night|had|dream|to||he|whole body|all|was|blood|standing|at|in front of He said to Zhou Cang: Last night I dreamed of General Guan, he was covered in blood, standing in front of me. 我 正話 想 問 佢 就 扎 醒 咗 咯 , 唔 知 係 咩 兆頭 呢 吓 ? I|just saying|want|to ask|he|then|poke|wake|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|not|know|is|what|sign|question particle|exclamation particle I was just about to ask him when I woke up, I wonder what omen that is? 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 衛兵 氣 㗾㗾 噉 走 嚟 報告 話吳 兵 喺 城下 ,攞 住 關雲長 父子 嘅 首級 嚟 到 招安 啊 ! right|at|place|talking|ongoing|guard|angry|fiercely|like that|run|here|report||soldiers|at|outside the city|taking|holding|Guan Yu|father and son|possessive particle|head|here|arriving|surrender|particle Just as we were talking, the guard rushed over to report that Wu soldiers were at the city gate, bringing the heads of Guan Yu and his son to seek surrender! 嘩嚇 到 王甫 、 周倉 , 手腳 都爛 晒 啊 噔 噔 聲 跑 上去 城樓 睇 下 啦 。 scared|to|Wang Fu|Zhou Cang|hands and feet||completely|ah|||sound|run|up|city tower|look|down|particle Wow, this scared Wang Fu and Zhou Cang so much that their hands and feet went numb, they hurriedly ran up to the city tower to take a look. 哎呀 ! 果然 係 關公 父子 嘅 人頭 啊 ! oh no|as expected|is|Guan Gong|father and son|possessive particle|human head|ah Oh no! It really is the heads of Guan Gong and his son! 啊 ! 王甫 大叫 一聲 , 喺 城樓 跳落 去 自 殺死 咗 。 ah|Wang Fu|shouted|one time|at|city tower|jumped down|to|self|kill|past tense marker Ah! Wang Fu shouted loudly and jumped off the city tower to commit suicide. 周倉 跟 住 亦 用 刀 自刎 而 死 。 Zhou Cang|with|live|also|use|knife|commit suicide|and|die Zhou Cang followed suit and also committed suicide by cutting his throat. 於是 麥城 , 亦 都 畀 東吳 佔領 。 then|Mai City|also|all|by|Eastern Wu|occupied As a result, Mai City was also occupied by Eastern Wu. 而家 講下 關雲長 佢 死 後 , 佢 陰魂不散 就 蕩蕩 遊遊 嚟 到 一 笪 地方 。 now|talk about|Guan Yu|he|died|after|he||then|carefree|wandering|||a|certain|place Now let's talk about Guan Yunchang; after his death, his restless spirit wandered to a certain place. 乃 係 荊門 州 當陽 縣 一座 山 , 叫做 玉泉山 。 is|is|Jingmen|prefecture|Dangyang|county|a|mountain|called|Yiquan Mountain It was a mountain in Dangyang County, Jingmen Prefecture, called Yuling Mountain. 山上 有個 老和尚 , 法名 普淨 , 普淨 和尚 。 on the mountain||old monk|Dharma name|Pujing||monk On the mountain, there is an old monk named Pu Jing. 佢 本來 係 汜 水關 鎮國寺 嘅 長老 , 後來 因為 雲遊 天下 就 嚟 到 呢 度 , 見到 山明水秀 , 就 搭 咗 間 茅庵 , 每日 喺 度 打坐 念經 。 He|originally|was|||a temple name|possessive particle|elder|later|because|wandering|the world|then||||this place|||||||||||meditation|chanting sutras He was originally the elder of the Zhen Guo Temple in Si Shui Guan, but later traveled the world and came to this place. Seeing the beautiful mountains and clear waters, he built a thatched hut and meditates and chants scriptures there every day. 身邊 只有 一個 小 行者 , 靠 化齋 即 係 靠 施捨 度日 。 beside|only|one|small|traveler|relying on|alms|||relying on|charity|day-to-day living He only has a small disciple by his side, relying on alms, that is, living on donations. 呢 一晚 , 月白風清 , 三 更 過後 , 普淨 和尚 啊 正 喺 間 茅 庵 裏 便 打坐 。 this|one night||||after|Pujing|monk|ah|just|at|the|||inside|then|meditated One night, with a bright moon and a gentle breeze, after the third watch, Monk Pu Jing was meditating in the thatched hut. 忽然 聽見 半空中 呀 , 有人 大聲 噉 叫喊 : 還我頭 來 ! 還我頭 來 ! suddenly|heard|in mid-air|ah|someone|loudly|like that|shouted|return my head|here|| Suddenly, he heard someone shouting loudly from mid-air: 'Return my head! Return my head!' 普淨 和尚 擔 高頭 一望 , 只見 半空中 有 個人 , 手提 青龍刀 , 騎住 赤兔馬 。 Pujing|monk|carrying|high-headed|with a glance|only saw|in mid-air|there is|a person|holding|Qinglong sword|riding|Red Hare horse The monk Pu Jing looked up high and saw a person in mid-air, holding a green dragon knife and riding a red rabbit horse. 左手 便 , 有 一個 白面 將軍 ; 右手 便 , 有 一個 黑面 攣 鬚 嘅 人 跟隨 住 , 一齊 按落 雲頭 就 嚟 到 玉泉山 頂 。 left hand|then|has|a|white-faced|general|right hand|then|has|a|black-faced|||possessive particle|person|following|continuously|together|pressing down|cloud head|just|come|to|Yuxuan Mountain|top On the left, there was a general with a white face; on the right, there was a person with a black face and a beard following closely, all descending from the clouds to the top of Jade Spring Mountain. 普淨 和尚 認得 呢 個 係 關公 , 就 用 手上 嗰 支 麈 拂 搉 噉 敲下 道門 話 : Pu Jing|monk|recognized|this|classifier for people|is|Guan Gong|then|used|in hand|that|classifier for long objects|whisk|to sweep|to knock|like this|knock on|temple door|said The monk Pu Jing recognized that this was Guan Gong, so he used the whisk in his hand to knock on the door and said: 雲長 去 邊度 啊 ? Yun Cheung|go|where|question particle "Where is Yun Chang going?" 關公 嘅 英靈 頓 時間 醒悟 嘞 , 立即 落馬 乘住 一浸 清風 , 呼 噉 落到 嚟 茅庵 前 便 。 Guan Gong|possessive particle|spirit|suddenly|moment|realized|past tense marker|immediately|dismounted|riding on|a moment of|fresh breeze|called|like that|arrived at|coming|temple|in front|then Guan Gong's spirit suddenly awakened, and he immediately dismounted, riding a gust of fresh wind, and called down to the front of the thatched hut. 恭恭敬敬 噉 企 喺 處 問 : 師父 係 邊位 啊 ? 法號 點 稱呼 啊 ? respectfully|like this|stand|at|place|asking|master|is|who|question particle|dharma name|how|address|question particle Respectfully, I stand here to ask: Who is the master? What is the Dharma name? 老僧 普淨 , 往日 , 喺 汜 水關 前 鎮國寺 , 曾經 同 將軍 相會 。 old monk|Pujing|in the past|at|||in front of|Zhen Guo Temple|once|with|general|met The old monk is Pu Jing. In the past, at the Zhen Guo Temple in front of the Si Shui Pass, I once met with the general. 唔 通而家 將軍 你 唔 記得 嘞 咩 ? not||General|you|not|remember|past tense marker|question particle Could it be that you, general, do not remember? 啊 ! 記得 , 往日 承蒙 大師 相救 , 銘感不忘 。 ah|remember|in the past|thanks to|master|saving me|eternally grateful Ah! I remember! In the past, I was saved by the master, and I am eternally grateful. 今日 , 我關 某 遇禍 而 死 , 請 大師 教訓 下 我 , 指點 迷途 啊 ! today||a certain|accident|and|died|please|master|teach|me|I|guide|lost path|ah Today, I am facing disaster and death. Please, master, teach me and guide me out of my confusion! 今是 而 昨非 , 一切 都 不論 喇 。 |but||everything|all|regardless of|particle indicating completed action Today is right and yesterday is wrong, everything is irrelevant. 後果 前 因 彼此 不 差 嘅 。 consequence|previous|cause|each other|not|different|possessive particle The consequences and the causes are not different from each other. 今日 將軍 畀 呂蒙 所害 , 就 大叫 還我頭 來 。 today|general|by|Lu Meng|was harmed|then|shouted|return my head|come Today, the general was harmed by Lu Meng, and he shouted to return my head. 然則 顏良 、 文丑 , 五關 六將 等等 眾 人 嘅 頭 , 又 去問 邊個 索取 呢 ? then|Yan Liang|Wen Chou|Five Passes|Six Generals|etc|all|people|possessive particle|leaders|again||who|demand|question particle Otherwise, the heads of Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and the other five generals, who will go to ask for them? 啊 ! 於是 關公 恍然大悟 , 稽首 皈依 , 化 咗 一浸 清風 而 去 。 ah|then|Guan Gong|suddenly realized|bowed|took refuge|transformed|past tense marker|a moment of|fresh breeze|and|left Ah! Thus, Guan Gong suddenly realized, bowed in reverence, and transformed into a gentle breeze and left. 從此 之後 啊 , 時時 都 喺 玉泉山 上 顯聖 保護 民眾 。 from now on|after|ah|always|all|at|Yuyuan Mountain|on|showing divine presence|protecting|people From then on, he often appeared on Mount Yuxuan to protect the people. 噉 啲 百姓 啊 感激 佢 嘅 恩德 , 喺 山頂 起 咗 間 廟 , 四時 致 祭 。 like this|plural marker|common people|particle|grateful|he|possessive particle|kindness|at|mountain top|built|past tense marker|measure word for buildings|temple|all seasons|offer|sacrifices The people were grateful for his grace and built a temple on the mountain top, offering sacrifices throughout the year. 收尾 呢 , 有人 喺 間 廟 處 題 咗 副 對聯 係 噉 嘅 : finishing touches|question particle|someone|at|measure word for buildings|temple|to handle|to write|past tense marker|measure word for couplets|couplet|is|like this|possessive particle To conclude, someone wrote a couplet at the temple that goes like this: 赤面 秉 赤心 、 騎 赤兔 追風 , 馳驅 時 、 無忘 赤帝 , 青燈 觀 青史 、 仗 青龍 偃月 , 隱微處 、 不愧 青天 。 red face|holding|red heart|riding|Red Hare|chasing wind|galloping|time|not forgetting|Red Emperor|green lamp|observing|green history|wielding|Green Dragon|crescent moon|hidden place|not ashamed|blue sky Red-faced, with a red heart, riding the red hare chasing the wind, galloping through time, never forgetting the Red Emperor; with a green lamp observing the green history, relying on the green dragon and the crescent moon, in hidden places, worthy of the blue sky. 而家 講下 孫權 , 佢 殺 咗 關雲長 啊 就 全部 收復 荊襄 地區 , 就 慰勞 三軍 啦 。 now|let's talk about|Sun Quan|he|killed|past tense marker|Guan Yu|sentence-final particle|then|all|recovered|Jingxiang|region|then|rewarded|three armies|sentence-final particle Now let's talk about Sun Quan, he killed Guan Yu and then completely recovered the Jingxiang region, rewarding the three armies. 呢 一日 , 大排 筵席 , 同 所有 嘅 將領 慶功 。 this|day|large|banquet|with|all|possessive particle|generals|celebrate victory On this day, there was a grand banquet to celebrate with all the generals. 噉 啊 請 呂蒙 坐 喺 上位 , 孫權 對 大家 話 喇 : like this|ah|please|Lu Meng|sit|at|the place of honor|Sun Quan|to|everyone|said|final particle So, please let Lu Meng sit in the honored position, Sun Quan said to everyone: 我 好 耐 好 耐 都 攞 唔 返 荊州 , 今日 , 一 舉手 之間 就 攞 返 嚟 嘞 , 都 係 子 明 嘅 功勞 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 I|||||all|take|not|return|Jingzhou|today|one|raise hand|in an instant|then|||come|past action particle|all|is|||possessive particle|credit|ah|hahaha|ha I have not been able to reclaim Jingzhou for a long time, but today, in just a moment, I have taken it back, all thanks to Ziming's efforts! Hahaha. 不敢 , 不敢 ! dare not|dare not I dare not, I dare not! 呢 啲 都 係 主公 洪福齊天 所致 。 ||all|are|Lord|Hong Fu Qi Tian|caused These are all due to the great fortune bestowed by the lord. 子明 你 不必 過謙 。 Ziming|you|need not|be overly modest Ziming, you don't have to be overly modest. 往日 , 周郎 雄略 過人 , 喺 赤壁 大敗 曹操 , 哈只 可惜 佢 不幸 早死 啊 。 in the past|Zhou Lang|heroic prowess|surpassing others|at|Chibi|defeated|Cao Cao|but|unfortunately|he|unfortunately|died young|ah In the past, Zhou Lang was more ambitious than others, defeating Cao Cao at Chibi. It's a pity that he unfortunately died young. 噉 啊 魯子敬 代替 佢 , 子敬初 初見 我 嗰 陣 , 就 已經 同 我 提及 帝王 事業 嘅 宏圖 大略 , 呢 個 係 第一個 好處 ; then|ah|Lu Zijing|to replace|him|||I|that|time|then|already|with|I|mentioned|emperor|career|possessive particle|grand vision|plan|this|measure word|is|first|benefit So, Lu Zijing replaced him. When Zijing first met me, he already mentioned the grand plans of the imperial career. This is the first advantage. 當 曹操 攻打 東吳 嘅 時候 , 人人 都 勸 我 投降 , 唯獨 子 敬 佢 勸 我 召 周 郎 嚟 , 實行 抵抗 反擊 , 呢 個 係 第二個 好處 。 when|Cao Cao|attacked|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|time|everyone|all|advised|me|surrender|only|||he|advised|me|summon|||come|implement|resistance|counterattack|||is|second|benefit When Cao Cao attacked Eastern Wu, everyone advised me to surrender, but only Zijing advised me to summon Zhou Lang to resist and counterattack. This is the second advantage. 但 係 呢 , 佢 後 嚟 勸 我 借 荊州 過 劉備 , 呢 個 係 佢 一個 短處 咯 。 |is||his|||||||||||||one|shortcoming|particle However, later on, he advised me to lend Jingzhou to Liu Bei, which is one of his shortcomings. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 而 家子 明 出謀劃策 , 立取 荊州 勝過 子敬同 周郎 多 多咯 ! haha||but|my son|Ming|strategizing|quickly take|Jingzhou|surpass||Zhou|| Hahaha, hahaha, and now my son is plotting strategies, taking over Jingzhou will be much better than what Zijing and Zhou Lang did! 孫權 講完 , 親自 斟酒 嚟 敬 畀 呂蒙 。 Sun Quan|finished speaking|personally|pouring wine|came|toasting|to|Lu Meng After Sun Quan finished speaking, he personally poured wine to toast Lu Meng. 呂蒙 接過 杯酒 正話 想 飲 , 霎時間 , 乓 噉 掉 咗 杯酒 落地 , 一手 揪住 孫權 大聲 噉 喝 佢 話 : Lu Meng|took over|cup of wine|just about to|wanted|drink|in an instant|with a bang|like that|||cup of wine|on the ground|with one hand|grabbed|Sun Quan|loudly|like that|reprimanded|him|said Lu Meng took the cup of wine and was about to drink, but suddenly, he dropped the cup on the ground, grabbing Sun Quan with one hand and loudly saying to him: 吖 吖 呸 ! 你 呢 個 碧眼 小兒 , 紫 鬚 鼠輩 ! 仲 認得 我 嘛 ! ah||phew|you|question particle|measure word|blue-eyed|child|purple|whiskers|rat|still|recognize|me|question particle Ah ah, spit! You little green-eyed boy, purple-bearded rat! You still recognize me! 嘩 做 乜嘢 啊 喂 , 做 咩 嘢 啊 喂 , 嚇 到 嗰 班 將領 不得了 , 急急 啊 埋 去 救 啦 。 wow|do|what|ah|hey|do|what|thing|ah|hey|scare|to|that|group|generals|unbelievable|urgently|ah|together|go|save|particle Wow, what are you doing? What are you doing? You scared those generals so much, hurry up and go save them. 呂蒙 一手 推跌 孫權 , 噔 噔 噔 噔 大 步行 前 坐 喺 孫權 嘅 位處 , 豎起 堂 眼眉 , 碌 大 雙眼 , 佢 話 : Lu Meng|with one hand|push down|Sun Quan|thud|thud|thud|thud|big|walking|forward|sitting|at|Sun Quan|possessive particle|position|raised|hall|eyebrows|rolling|big|eyes|he|said Lü Meng pushed Sun Quan down with one hand, and with a loud step, he walked forward and sat in Sun Quan's position, raising his eyebrows and rolling his big eyes, he said: 我 自從 破 黃巾 以來 , 縱橫天下 三十多年 。 I|since|defeated|the Yellow Turban|ago||over thirty years Since I broke the Yellow Turbans, I have roamed the world for over thirty years. 今日 , 畀 你 一時 用 奸計 嚟 害 我 ! 我生 時 不能 食 你 嘅 肉 , 死後亦要 追 你 呂 賊 嘅 魂 啊 ! today|give|you|for a moment|use|cunning plan|to|harm|me|I live|time|cannot|eat|your|possessive particle|flesh||chase|you|surname|thief|possessive particle|soul|exclamation particle Today, you use cunning tricks to harm me for a moment! I couldn't eat your flesh while I was alive, and even after death, I will pursue your soul, Lü the Thief! 我 , 就 係 漢壽 亭 侯 , 關雲長 ! I|||||Marquis|Guan Yun Chang I am Guan Yu, the Marquis of Hanshou! 慌到 孫權 周身 打震 啊 , 連忙 率領 大小 將士 林林聲 跪 喺 處 叩頭 。 panicked|Sun Quan|whole body|trembled|ah|hurriedly|led|both|soldiers|in unison|knelt|at|place|kowtowed Sun Quan was so frightened that he trembled all over, and hurriedly led his officers and soldiers to kneel down and bow their heads. 只見 呂蒙 大叫 一聲 噼啪 噉 啊 跌 咗 喺 地 , 眼耳口 鼻 七竅流血 一命嗚呼 。 only saw|Lu Meng|shouted|one sound|crack|like that|ah|fell|past tense marker|at|ground||||died Suddenly, Lu Meng shouted and fell to the ground, blood flowing from his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, and he died. 大家 見到 呀 面 都 青晒 咯 。 everyone|saw|particle|face|all|turned green|particle Everyone's faces turned pale upon seeing this. 收尾 , 孫權 叫 人將 呂蒙 嘅 屍首 斂 咗 安葬 好 , 追贈 佢 做 南郡 太守 、 孱陵侯 ; 就 叫 佢 個 仔 呂 霸 呢 , 就 繼承 佢 嘅 爵位 。 finishing touches|Sun Quan|ordered||Lu Meng|possessive particle|corpse|to collect|past tense marker|burial|properly|posthumously awarded|him|to be|Nanjun|governor|marquis of Chanling|then|called|his|measure word|son|||this|then|inherited|his|possessive particle|title To wrap things up, Sun Quan ordered that Lu Meng's body be collected and buried properly, posthumously granting him the title of Governor of Nanjun and Marquis of Chanling; he then instructed Lu Meng's son, Lu Ba, to inherit his titles. 呢 個 時候 啊 張 昭 喺 建業 嚟 到 , 佢 一 見到 孫權 就 話 嘞 : this|measure word|time|particle|Zhang|Zhao|at|Jianye|||he|one|saw|Sun Quan|then|said|past tense particle At this moment, Zhang Zhao arrived from Jianye, and upon seeing Sun Quan, he said: 而家 主公 你 殺 咗 關公 父子 , 江東 大禍臨頭 喇 。 right now|lord|you|killed|past tense marker|Guan Gong|father and son|Jiangdong||sentence-final particle Now, my lord, you have killed Guan Gong and his son, and great disaster is approaching Jiangdong. 點解 噉 講呢 ? why|like this|say this Why are you saying that? 主公 , 此人 同 劉備 喺 桃園 結義 嘅 時候 啊 , 發誓 要 同生共死 嘅 。 Your Majesty|this person|with|Liu Bei|at|Peach Garden|sworn brotherhood|possessive particle|time|ah|swore|to|live and die together|possessive particle My lord, this person swore to live and die together with Liu Bei when they formed their brotherhood in the Peach Garden. 今日 劉備 已經 擁有 兩 川 嘅 兵馬 , 更 兼有 諸葛亮 嘅 智謀 , 張 、 黃 、 馬 、 趙 嘅 英勇 啊 。 today|Liu Bei|already|possesses|two|provinces|possessive particle|troops|even|also possesses|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|wisdom|Zhang|Huang|Ma|Zhao|possessive particle|bravery|ah particle Today, Liu Bei already has the troops of the Two Rivers, along with Zhuge Liang's wisdom, and the bravery of Zhang, Huang, Ma, and Zhao. 劉備 若果 一 知道 關公 父子 被 殺 , 必定會 傾 全國 嘅 兵力 嚟 報仇 㗎 , 恐怕 我 哋 東吳 就 好 難 對敵 啊 。 Liu Bei|if|one|knew|Guan Yu|father and son|by|killed|would definitely|concentrate|the whole country|possessive particle|military strength|to|take revenge|sentence-final particle|I'm afraid|I|plural marker|Eastern Wu|then|very|difficult|to face the enemy|ah If Liu Bei finds out that Guan Gong and his son have been killed, he will definitely mobilize all the troops in the country for revenge, and I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us in Eastern Wu to face them. 哎呀 ! 我太過 失策 喇 。 而家 噉 點好 , 點好 呢 ? oh no||careless|particle indicating completed action|now|like this|how to do|how to do|question particle Oh no! I have been too careless. What should we do now? 主公 唔 使 憂 , 我 有 一條 計策 , 可以 令到 劉備 唔 敢 侵犯 東吳 , 荊州 穩如 磐石 嘅 。 Your Excellency|not|need|worry|I|have|one|strategy|can|make|Liu Bei|not|dare|invade|Eastern Wu|Jingzhou|as stable as|a rock|possessive particle My lord, don't worry, I have a plan that can make Liu Bei dare not invade Eastern Wu, and Jingzhou will be as stable as a rock. 先生 有 咩 好計 ? sir|has|what|good plan What good plan do you have, sir? 目前 , 曹操 擁兵 百萬 , 虎視 華夏 。 currently|Cao Cao|has troops|one million|glaring at|Huaxia Currently, Cao Cao has a million troops and is eyeing Huaxia. 劉備 佢 啊 心急 報仇 , 必定 會同 曹操 講和 個 噃。 Liu Bei|he|ah|anxious|revenge|definitely||Cao Cao|make peace|particle| Liu Bei is anxious for revenge, so he will definitely negotiate with Cao Cao. 若果 佢 哋 聯合 起 嚟 呢 , 東吳 就 危險 咯 。 if|they|plural marker|unite|up|come|question particle|Eastern Wu|then|dangerous|final particle If they unite, Eastern Wu will be in danger. 不如 我 哋 先派 個人 , 將 關公 嘅 首級 , 轉送 去 畀 曹操 。 why not|we|plural marker||a person|to|Guan Gong|possessive particle|head|deliver|to|give|Cao Cao How about we first send someone to deliver Guan Gong's head to Cao Cao? 噉 就 向 劉備 說明 殺 關公 嘅 事 啊 , 係 由 曹操 指使 嘅 。 then|just|to|Liu Bei|explain|kill|Guan Gong|possessive particle|matter|ah|is|by|Cao Cao|instigate|possessive particle Then we can explain to Liu Bei that the order to kill Guan Gong came from Cao Cao. 劉備 啊實 痛恨 曹操 㗎 啦 。 Liu Bei|Ah Shih|hates|Cao Cao|particle|particle Liu Bei really hates Cao Cao. 噉 西 蜀 嘅 兵馬 , 就 唔 會 用 嚟 攻打 東吳 轉移 去 攻打 北魏 咯 。 then|West|Shu|possessive particle|troops|then|not|will|used|to|attack|Eastern Wu|transfer|to|attack|Northern Wei|sentence-final particle Then the troops from the Western Shu won't be used to attack Eastern Wu, but will be redirected to attack Northern Wei. 到 其時 , 睇 住 佢 哋 雙方 嘅 勝負 情形 , 從中取利 。 at|that time|watching|particle indicating continuous action|they|plural marker|both sides|possessive particle|win or lose|situation| At that time, we can watch the outcome of their battle and take advantage of the situation. 呢 個 乃 係 上策 啊 主公 。 this|measure word|is|is|best strategy|ah|lord This is indeed the best strategy, my lord. 孫權 聽張 昭 嘅 , 立即 派個 使者 用個 木盒 , 裝住 關公 嘅 首級 , 日夜兼程 送 去 畀 曹操 。 Sun Quan||Zhao|possessive particle|immediately|sent a|messenger|using a|wooden box|containing|Guan Gong|possessive particle|head|day and night without stopping|delivered|to|to|Cao Cao Sun Quan listened to Zhang Zhao and immediately sent a messenger with a wooden box containing Guan Gong's head, traveling day and night to deliver it to Cao Cao. 當 其時 呀 , 曹操 就 已經 由摩陂 班師 返到 洛陽 。 when|at that time|particle|Cao Cao|then|already||withdrew|returned to|Luoyang At that time, Cao Cao had already returned to Luoyang from the battle at Mo Bei. 聽聞 東吳 使者 送 關雲長 嘅 首級 嚟 , 好 歡喜 啊 佢 話 : heard|Eastern Wu|messenger|deliver|Guan Yu|possessive particle|head|here|very|happy|ah|he|said Upon hearing that the envoy from Eastern Wu was delivering Guan Yun Chang's head, he was very pleased and said: 雲長 死 咗 喇 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 以後 , 我 夜晚 瞓覺 就 安樂 晒 喇 ! Yun Chang|die|past tense marker|final particle|hahaha||in the future|I|night|sleep|then|peaceful|completely|final particle Yun Chang is dead! Hahaha, hahaha! From now on, I can sleep peacefully at night! 大王 , 呢 個 乃 係 東吳 嫁禍 之計 嚟 啊 。 Your Majesty|this|measure word|indeed|is|Eastern Wu|shifting blame|scheme|come|sentence-final particle My lord, this is a scheme by Eastern Wu to frame us. 哦 ? 曹操 一睇 , 乃 係 主簿 司馬懿 。 oh|Cao Cao|at a glance|actually|is|chief clerk|Sima Yi Oh? Cao Cao took a look and saw it was Sima Yi, the registrar. 點解 噉 講呢 ? why|like this|say this Why do you say that? 大王 , 往日 劉 、 關 、 張 三個 人 桃園 結義 之時 啊 , 係 誓同生死 嘅 。 Your Majesty|in the past|Liu|Guan|Zhang|three|men|Peach Garden|sworn brotherhood||ah|was||possessive particle My lord, in the past, when Liu, Guan, and Zhang swore brotherhood in the Peach Garden, they vowed to live and die together. 而家 東吳 殺 咗 關公 , 怕 劉備 報仇 。 now|Eastern Wu|killed|past tense marker|Guan Yu|afraid|Liu Bei|take revenge Now that Eastern Wu has killed Guan Gong, they fear Liu Bei will seek revenge. 故此 , 就將 首級 嚟 獻 畀 大王 , 使到 劉備 遷怒於 大王 , 唔 去 攻打 東吳 而 嚟 攻打 我 哋 魏國 。 therefore||head|come|offer|to|the great king|causing|Liu Bei|to transfer anger to|the great king|not|go|attack|Eastern Wu|but|come|attack|us|plural marker|Wei state Therefore, I will present the head to the king, so that Liu Bei will vent his anger on the king, and will not attack Eastern Wu but will come to attack our Wei state. 佢 呢 , 就 乘機 從中取利 啫 。 he|particle indicating a question|then|take advantage of the opportunity||particle indicating limitation He is just taking advantage of the situation. 係 喎 , 仲達 你 講得 啱 啊 ! ||still|you|speaking|correct|particle That's right, you are absolutely correct! 噉 孤 王用 乜嘢 辦法 嚟 解決 佢 好 呢 ? then|lonely||what|method|to|solve|he|well|question particle So what method should I use to resolve this? 呢 件 事極 之 容易 。 this|measure word for events||possessive particle|easy This matter is extremely easy. 大王 你 可以 將 關公 嘅 首級 , 用 檀香木 刻 一個 身體 嚟 配 返 佢 , 用 大臣 嘅 禮儀 安葬 佢 。 Your Majesty|you|can|take|Guan Gong|possessive particle|head|using|sandalwood|carve|a|body|to|||him|using|minister|possessive particle|ceremony|bury|him Great King, you can carve a body for Guan Gong using sandalwood to match his head, and bury him with the rituals of a minister. 噉 劉備 知道 咗 , 必定 痛恨 孫權 到極點 , 就 會 盡全力 去 攻打 東吳 。 then|Liu Bei|knew|past tense marker|definitely|hate|Sun Quan||then|will|do his utmost|to|attack|Eastern Wu When Liu Bei learns of this, he will surely hate Sun Quan to the extreme and will do everything he can to attack Eastern Wu. 而 我 哋 呢 , 可以 睇 佢 雙方 嘅 勝敗 , 西蜀勝 , 就 去 打 東吳 , 東吳 勝 , 就 去 打西 蜀 。 and|I|plural marker|question particle|can|see|he|both sides|possessive particle|victory and defeat||then|go|fight|Eastern Wu|Eastern Wu|wins|then|go|| As for us, we can watch the victories and defeats of both sides; if Western Shu wins, we will attack Eastern Wu, and if Eastern Wu wins, we will attack Western Shu. 兩處 如果 得到 一處 先 , 嗰 一處 亦 唔 使 等 幾耐 啦 。 two places|if|get|one place|first|that|one place|also|not|need|wait|long|sentence final particle If one side gains an advantage, the other side won't have to wait too long. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好 ! hahaha|haha||good Hahaha, good! 曹操 好 歡喜 , 就 用 司馬懿 呢 個 辦法 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|then|use|Sima Yi|this|measure word|method Cao Cao was very pleased, so he used Sima Yi's method. 於是 呢 , 就 召見 東吳 嘅 使者 。 then|particle indicating a question|then|summoned|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|envoy Then, he summoned the envoy from Eastern Wu. 使者 呈 上個 木盒 。 messenger|present|last|wooden box The envoy presented a wooden box. 曹操 打開 個 盒 睇 下 , 只見 關公 嘅 面目 啊 , 同 平時 一樣 嘅 。 Cao Cao|opened|the|box|look|down|only saw|Guan Gong|possessive particle|face|ah|same|usual|same|possessive particle Cao Cao opened the box to take a look, and saw Guan Gong's face, just like usual. 曹操 啊 笑 住 話 喇 : 雲長公 , 分別 以來 , 幾好 吖 嘛 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 啊 , 啊 , 啊 ! Cao Cao|ah|||said|particle indicating completed action|Lord Yun Chang|parting|since|quite well|particle|question particle|huh|hahaha|ha|ah|ah|ah Cao Cao laughed and said: "Yun Chang, it's been a while since we last met, how have you been? Ha ha ha ha, ah, ah, ah!" 哎呀 ! 關公 個人 頭 忽然間 個口 開下 開下 , 雙眼 碌 下碌 下 , 鬍鬚 頭髮 都 鬆起 嚟 嚇到 曹操 成個 跌倒 暈 咗 。 oh no|Guan Gong|person|head|suddenly|mouth|opened|opened|eyes||||beard|hair|all|stood up|in|scared|Cao Cao|whole|fell|fainted|past tense marker Oh no! Guan Gong's head suddenly opened its mouth, his eyes rolled around, and his beard and hair all fluffed up, scaring Cao Cao so much that he fell down and fainted. 嗰 班 官員 七手八腳 呀 急急 搶救 , 好耐好 耐先 至醒 返 。 that|group|officials|in a flurry|particle|urgently|rescue|||| Those officials were in a flurry, hurriedly trying to rescue him, and it took a long time for him to wake up. 哎 , 哎 , 關將軍 , 真 係 天神 喇 ! ah||General Kwan|||god|particle indicating completed action Oh, oh, General Guan, you really are a divine being! 東吳 使者 又將 關公 顯聖 附體 , 誒 即 係 俗語 話 鬼 上身 吓 , 罵 孫權 追 呂蒙 嘅 事 講 畀 曹操 聽 。 Eastern Wu|messenger||Guan Yu|to show divine power|possession|ah||is|saying|that|ghost|possession|scare|to scold|Sun Quan|to pursue|Lu Meng|possessive particle|matter|to tell|to|Cao Cao|to hear The envoy from Eastern Wu also reported that Guan Gong had manifested, which is what people say when a ghost possesses someone, and told Cao Cao about how he scolded Sun Quan and chased after Lü Meng. 曹操 就 越發 怕 啦 , 即刻 就 吩咐 用 美酒 三牲 嚟 祭祀 , 拜 咗 關公 一輪 先 。 Cao Cao|then|increasingly|afraid|particle|immediately|then|ordered|to use|fine wine|three sacrificial animals|to|sacrifice|worshipped|past tense marker|Guan Gong|one round|first Cao Cao became even more frightened and immediately ordered offerings of fine wine and three sacrificial animals to be made, first paying respects to Guan Gong. 跟 住 又 叫 人 啊 用 檀香木 刻 咗 個 身體 , 用 王侯 嘅 禮儀 將 關公 安葬 喺 洛陽 南門 之外 。 ||again|call|people|ah|using|sandalwood|carved|past tense marker|measure word|body|using|kings and nobles|possessive particle|etiquette|to place|Guan Gong|buried|at|Luoyang|south gate|outside Then they called someone to carve a body out of sandalwood, and with the rituals of the nobility, they buried Guan Gong outside the south gate of Luoyang. 下令 叫 大小官員 去 送殯 , 曹操 本人 親自 去 拜祭 , 追贈 關公 做 荊王 , 就 派 咗 官員 守墓 。 ordered|to call|all officials|to go|funeral|Cao Cao|himself|personally|to go|to pay respects|posthumously awarded|Guan Gong|to be|King of Jing|then|sent|past tense marker|officials|to guard the tomb They ordered officials of all ranks to attend the funeral, and Cao Cao himself went to pay his respects, posthumously granting Guan Gong the title of King of Jing, and appointed officials to guard the tomb. 然後 呢 , 就 打發 東吳 使者 返扯 。 then|question particle|then|send away|Eastern Wu|messenger|return Then they sent the envoy from Eastern Wu back. 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 喇 。 particle indicating a question|||then|not|talk|he|particle indicating completed action These matters are not to be discussed. 而家要 講返 下 轉頭 先 , 劉備 啊 佢 由 東川 返到 成都 之後 。 |talk about|next|later|first|Liu Bei|ah|he|from|Dongchuan|returned to|Chengdu|after Now let's talk about what happened next, after Liu Bei returned to Chengdu from Eastern Chuan. 法正 就 稟奏 話 喇 : 王上 先 夫人 早就 去世 , 孫夫人 又 返 咗 東吳 , 睇 嚟 未必 再 嚟 㗎 喇 。 Fa Zheng|then|report|said|particle indicating completed action|His Majesty|previous|wife|long ago|passed away|Lady Sun|again|return|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|see|come|unlikely|again|come|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Fa Zheng reported: The Empress has long passed away, and the Grand Lady has returned to Eastern Wu. It seems she may not come back again. 人倫 之道 唔 能夠 偏廢 啊 , 請王 上納 返個 王妃 嚟 襄助 內政 啦 。 human relationships|principle|not|able to|neglect|particle||bring back||queen|to|assist|internal affairs|particle The principles of human relationships cannot be neglected. I request the King to bring back a Queen to assist in domestic affairs. 誒 , 噉 好 嘅 。 hey|like this|good|particle indicating possession or emphasis Ah, that sounds good. 王上 , 吳懿有 個妹 , 又 美麗 又 賢德 啊 。 Your Majesty|||both|beautiful|and|virtuous|ah Your Majesty, Wu Yi has a younger sister who is both beautiful and virtuous. 以前 有個 睇 相 先生 同 佢 睇 過 相 , 話 佢 日後 必定 大 貴 嘅 。 in the past|there was||photo|||he||||||in the future|definitely|||particle indicating possession or description Previously, a fortune teller looked at her and said that she would definitely become very noble in the future. 原先 佢 曾經 許配 畀 劉焉個 仔 劉瑁 , 劉瑁 早就 死 咗 喇 , 噉 佢 一直 守寡 。 originally|he|once|betrothed|to||son|Liu Mao||long ago|died|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action|so|he|always|remained a widow Originally, she was promised to Liu Yan's son, Liu Mao, who had already died, so she has been a widow all this time. 大王 納 佢 做 王妃 就 啱 喇 。 the king|accepts|she|to be|princess|then|right|particle indicating completed action It would be appropriate for the king to take her as a queen. 劉瑁 同 我 係 同宗 , 於 理 不合 噃。 Liu Mao|together|I|am|of the same clan|in|reason|not compatible|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Liu Mao and I are of the same clan, so it doesn't make sense. 唔 緊要 嘅 主公 , 論 起 親疏 上 嚟 , 又點 及 得 古時 晉文公 同懷 嬴 呢 ? not|important|possessive particle|lord|||closeness or distance|in|come||||ancient times|Duke Wen of Jin||Ying|question particle It's not important, my lord. When it comes to kinship, how can it compare to the ancient Jin Wengong and Huai Ying? 晉文公 同懷 嬴 , 係 咩 人 又 係 咩 關係 啊 ? Duke Wen of Jin|Tonghuai|Ying|is|what|person|also|is|what|relationship|question particle Who were Jin Wengong and Huai Ying, and what was their relationship? 懷嬴 啊 , 係 春秋 嘅 時候 秦穆公 嘅 女 。 Huaiying|ah|is|Spring and Autumn|possessive particle|time|Duke Mu of Qin|possessive particle|daughter Huai Ying, ah, was the daughter of Duke Mu of Qin during the Spring and Autumn period. 先不先 就 嫁 畀 晉懷公 做 老婆 , 收尾 又 改嫁 畀 晉懷 公 嘅 伯父 晉文公 嘅 。 whether to marry|then|marry|to|Duke of Jin Huai|be|wife|in the end|again|remarry|to|||possessive particle|uncle|Duke of Jin Wen| First, she married Duke Huai of Jin as his wife, and later she remarried Duke Wen of Jin, who was the uncle of Duke Huai. 法正呀舉 呢 個例 啊 , 即 係 話 你 睇 , 古時 啲 諸侯 啊 , 伯父 娶 個 侄 新 抱 做 老婆 都 得 嘅 。 legal principles|this||particle|||to say|you|see|ancient times|plural marker|feudal lords|particle|uncle|marry|measure word|niece|new|husband|be|wife|all|okay|particle This example of Fa Zheng, ah, means that you see, in ancient times, the feudal lords, it was acceptable for an uncle to marry his nephew's new wife. 何況 你 劉備 同 劉瑁 隔 咁 疏 呢 噉 。 let alone|you|Liu Bei|and|Liu Mao|separated|so|distant|question particle|like this Not to mention that you, Liu Bei, and Liu Mao are so distantly related. 劉備 聽法 正 引經據典 , 話 喺 名份 上 冇 問題 嘅 , 就 高高興興 噉 岌頭 應承 , 納 咗 吳氏 做 王妃 。 Liu Bei|listening to the law|correctly|quoting scriptures|saying|at|status|on|no|problem|possessive particle|then|happily|like that|at that moment|agreed|taking|past tense marker|Wu family|as|princess When Liu Bei heard Fa Zheng quoting the classics, saying that there was no problem in terms of name, he happily agreed and took Wu Shi as his queen. 噉 以後 呢 就 生 咗 兩個 仔 , 大仔 叫做 劉永 , 字公壽 , 二仔 叫做 劉理 , 字 奉 孝 , 噉 呢 啲 係 以後 嘅 事 喇 , 而家 就 唔 講 佢 。 then|in the future|particle|then|gave birth|past tense marker|two|sons|elder son|is called|Liu Wing||younger son|is called|Liu Lee|courtesy name|||then|||are|in the future|possessive particle|matters|particle|now|just|not|talk|about him So later on, two sons were born, the elder son was named Liu Yong, courtesy name Gongshou, and the younger son was named Liu Li, courtesy name Fengxiao. These are things for the future, so let's not talk about them now. 噉 啊 喺 劉備 統治 東西 兩 川 嘅 初期 啊 , 民安 國富 五穀豐登 , 好 妥當 啦 。 like this|particle|at|Liu Bei|ruled|east and west|two|rivers|possessive particle|early|particle|people safe|country rich|abundant harvest|very|stable|particle At the beginning of Liu Bei's rule over the two rivers, the people were safe, the country was prosperous, and the harvests were abundant. Everything was going well. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 荊州 有人 嚟 , 話 東吳 啊 向 關公 求婚 就 畀 關公 拒絕 咗 。 right|at|this|measure word|time|Jingzhou|someone|come|said|Eastern Wu|ah|to|Guan Gong|propose marriage|then|by|Guan Gong|rejected|past tense marker At this time, someone from Jingzhou came and said that Eastern Wu had proposed marriage to Guan Gong but was rejected by him. 孔明 一聽 就 話 喇 : 弊 喇 , 荊州 危險 喇 , 快 啲 派 人 去 替 關公 返 嚟 啦 。 Zhuge Liang|upon hearing|immediately|said|particle indicating completed action|bad|particle indicating completed action|Jingzhou|dangerous|particle indicating completed action|quickly|a little|send|people|to|help|Guan Gong|return|come|particle indicating completed action When Kongming heard this, he said: "This is bad, Jingzhou is in danger, we need to quickly send someone to bring Guan Gong back." 因為 關雲長 噉 樣 做 啊 , 完全 違背 咗 孔明 幫 劉備 制定 嘅 東 和 孫權 就 北拒 曹操 嘅 國策 吖 嘛 。 because|Guan Yu|like this|appearance|do|ah|completely|go against|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang|help|Liu Bei|formulate|possessive particle|east|and|Sun Quan|then|northward rejection|Cao Cao|possessive particle|national policy|ah|particle indicating obviousness Because Guan Yunchang's actions completely contradicted the national policy that Kongming had established with Liu Bei, which was to ally with Sun Quan against Cao Cao. 所以 而家 一 出現 噉 嘅 跡象 呢 吓 , 孔明 啊 非常 敏感 , 即刻 就 話 要 調 走 關雲長 。 so|now|one|appeared|like|possessive particle|sign|this|ah|Kongming|ah|very|sensitive|immediately|then|said|to|transfer|away|Guan Yu So now that such signs have appeared, Kongming is very sensitive and immediately said to transfer Guan Yu. 但 係 呢 隨後 荊州 派 嚟 報捷 嘅 使者 啊 一個 接 住 一個 噃。 ||this|afterwards|Jingzhou|sent|here|report victory|possessive particle|messenger|ah|one|||one|particle indicating a suggestion or conclusion However, shortly after, messengers from Jingzhou came one after another to report victories. 有 一日 , 關興 又 嚟 到 報告 話 水淹七軍 嘅 空前 勝利 添 。 there is|one day|Kwan Hing|again|came|to|report|said|flooding of the seven armies|possessive particle|unprecedented|victory|also One day, Guan Xing came to report an unprecedented victory of flooding the seven armies. 跟 住 又 有 報告 嚟 話 關公 喺 沿江 一帶 , 設立 烽火台 , 防守 非常 嚴密 , 萬無一失 嘅 噉 。 ||again|has|report|coming|said|Guan Gong|at|along the river|area|establish|beacon tower|defense|very|tight|foolproof|possessive particle|like this Then there was another report saying that Guan Gong had set up beacon towers along the river, with very tight defenses, ensuring nothing could go wrong. 故此 呢 , 劉備 啊 雖然 聽 孔明 噉 樣 講過 啊 , 都 仲 係 放心 。 therefore|question particle|Liu Bei|particle indicating realization|although|heard|Kongming|like that|manner|spoke|particle indicating realization|still|again|is|at ease Therefore, although Liu Bei heard Kongming say this, he still felt reassured. 點 知道 有 一日 , 劉備 覺得 坐立不安 , 周身 啲 肉 都 打震 。 how|to know|there is|one day|Liu Bei|felt|restless|all over the body|particle|flesh|all|trembled One day, Liu Bei felt restless, and his whole body was trembling. 到 咗 夜晚 瞓 極 瞓 唔 着 , 噉 佢 就 索性 起身 , 點 咗 支 蠟燭 睇 書 嘞 噃。 arrive|past tense marker|night|sleep|extremely||||then|he|then|simply|got up|lit|past tense marker|measure word for stick|candle|read|book|completed action particle|sentence-final particle When night came, he couldn't sleep at all, so he simply got up and lit a candle to read. 睇 睇 下 , 覺得 精神恍惚 , 神思 昏迷 , 就 伏 喺 張 枱 處 瞌 眼瞓 。 look|||feel|absent-minded|||then|lie down|at|the|table|in|| As he read, he felt disoriented and his mind was hazy, so he leaned on the table and dozed off. 啡 , 啡 , 噉 喺 房 處 吹 一 浸 冷風 , 嗰 支 蠟燭 熄下 又 着 返 , 個 火頭 呀 𠻘𠻘𠻘𠻘𠻘 噉 𠻘 下 𠻘 下 。 coffee||then|at|room|place|blow|one|soak|cold wind|that|measure word for stick|candle|extinguished|again|||measure word for things|flame|particle|flickering|like that|flicker|down|| Suddenly, a cold wind blew into the room, and the candle flickered out but then lit up again, the flame flickering. 咦 劉備 嶽 高頭 一睇 , 見到 有 個人 喺 燭光 之下 。 eh|Liu Bei|Yue|Gao Tou|at a glance|saw|there is|a person|at|candlelight|under Oh, Liu Bei looked up and saw a person under the candlelight. 劉備 就 問 佢 嘞 : 你 係 邊個 啊 ? 點解 半夜三更 嚟 我 個 寢室 啊 ? Liu Bei|then|asked|him|past tense marker|you|are|who|question particle|why|in the middle of the night|come|my|measure word|dormitory|question particle Liu Bei asked him: Who are you? Why are you coming to my bedroom in the middle of the night? 嗯 ? 嗰 個人 唔 答 噃。 hmm|that|person|not|answer|particle Hmm? That person didn't answer. 劉備 奇怪 喇 , 就 企 起身 仔細 噉 睇 下 , 哦 原來 係 關雲長 ! 見 佢 喺 燭光 之下 避來 避去 。 Liu Bei|strange|particle indicating realization|then|stand|up|carefully|like this|look|down|oh|originally|is|Guan Yu|saw|he|at|candlelight|under|| Liu Bei was puzzled, so he stood up and looked closely, oh it turned out to be Guan Yunchang! He saw him moving back and forth under the candlelight. 劉備 就 話 啦 : 二弟 , 唔 見 咁 耐 你好 吖 嘛 ? Liu Bei|then|said|particle|second brother|not|seen|so|long|you well|particle|question particle Liu Bei then said: Second brother, it's been a while since we last met, how are you? 咁 夜 嚟 到實 係 有 緊要 嘅 事 定 嘞 , 咩 事 啊 坐落 嚟 講啦 。 then|night|come||is|have|important|possessive particle|thing|or|particle indicating completed action|what|thing|particle for emphasis|sit down|come|speak So it must be something important to come at this hour, what is it? Sit down and tell me. 咦 ? 二弟 , 我同 你 係 兄弟 嚟 , 情同骨肉 , 點解 要 噉 樣 避開 我 啊 , 吓 ? eh|second younger brother||you|am|brothers|come|close as family|why|need to|||avoid|me|ah|huh Eh? Second brother, we are brothers, bonded like flesh and blood. Why are you avoiding me like this, huh? 兄長 , 請 你 起兵 , 同 小弟 報仇雪恨 喇 ! elder brother|please|you|raise troops|together|younger brother|take revenge|sentence-final particle Elder brother, please raise an army and help me take revenge! 呼 , 啡 , 一浸 冷風吹 嚟 , 唔 見 咗 關雲長 嘞 。 sigh|coffee|a sip|cold wind|comes|not|see|past tense marker|Guan Yun Chang|particle indicating completed action Huh, the cold wind just blew by, and I can't see Guan Yu anymore. 劉備 一下 扎醒 哈 , 原來 係 個 夢 ! Liu Bei|suddenly|woke up|ha|originally|is|a|dream Liu Bei suddenly woke up, it turns out it was a dream! 沊沊沊, 噹噹 噹 , 剛剛 係 三 更 。 sound of water flowing|||just now|is|| Deng deng deng, it was just the third watch. 嘩 劉備 個心 好 奇怪 , 即刻 出去 前 便 大殿 , 使人 請 咗 孔明 嚟 。 wow|Liu Bei||very|strange|immediately|go out|in front of|then|main hall|servant|invite|past tense marker|Kongming|come Wow, Liu Bei's heart is really strange. He immediately went out to the main hall and sent someone to invite Kong Ming. 好 快趣 孔明 嚟 到 嘞 , 劉備 就將 先頭 發 嘅 夢 啊 講 畀 孔明聽 。 good|quickly|Kongming|come|arrive|past tense particle|Liu Bei||first|send|possessive particle|dream|ah|tell|to|Kongming Kong Ming arrived very quickly. Liu Bei then told Kong Ming about the dream he had earlier. 孔明 就 話 : 呢 啲 不過 係 王上 你 個 心 思念 關公 , 故此 發個 噉 夢 啫 , 唔 使 咁 疑心 嘅 。 Kongming|then|said|||only|are|the king|you|possessive particle|heart|missing|Guan Gong|therefore||such|dream|only|not|need|so|suspicious|particle Kong Ming said: This is just the king's longing for Guan Gong, that's why you had such a dream. There's no need to be so suspicious. 劉備 啊 硬 係 擔心 , 孔明 一味 用 好話 嚟 到 寬解 佢 係 啦 。 Liu Bei|ah|really|is|worried|Kongming|always|using|kind words|to|arrive|comfort|him|is|particle Liu Bei is still worried, and Kong Ming keeps using kind words to comfort him. 孔明 安慰 咗 劉備 一輪 就 告辭 走 嘞 , 行到 出 嚟 中 門外 便 , 遇着 許靖 。 Zhuge Liang|comforted|past tense marker|Liu Bei|one round|then|took his leave|left|past tense marker|walked to|out|come|central|outside the gate|just|encountered|Xu Jing After comforting Liu Bei for a while, Kong Ming took his leave and, upon reaching the outer gate, encountered Xu Jing. 許靖話 喇 : 軍師 呀 , 我 剛剛 去 你 府上 要 報告 一件 機密 嘅 事情 啊 。 Xu Jing said|particle indicating a completed action|strategist|particle for emphasis|I|just|go|you|residence|need|report|one|confidential|possessive particle|matter|particle for emphasis Xu Jing said: "Military advisor, I just went to your residence to report a confidential matter." 誒 聽講 軍師 你 嚟 咗 王宮 , 所以 我 又 趕住 嚟 喇 。 hey|I heard|strategist|you|come|past tense marker|palace|so|I|again|in a hurry|come|completed action particle Hey, I heard that the military advisor came to the palace, so I rushed over. 咩 嘢 機密 事情 啊 ? what|thing|secret|matter|question particle What confidential matter is it? 軍師 呀 , 我 聽到 啊 , 外便 有人 傳說 啊 , 話 東吳 呂蒙 , 已經 攻陷 咗 荊州 , 關公 已經 遇害 。 military advisor|particle indicating surprise|I|heard|particle indicating realization|outside|someone|rumor|particle indicating surprise|saying|Eastern Wu|Lu Meng|already|captured|past tense marker|Jingzhou|Guan Gong|already|killed Military advisor, I heard that there are rumors outside saying that Lu Meng from Eastern Wu has already captured Jingzhou, and Guan Gong has been killed. 故此 特登 趕 嚟 , 報 畀 軍師 你 知 啊 。 therefore|specially|hurry|come|inform|to|strategist|you|know|ah That's why I specially rushed over to inform you, military advisor. 唉 ! 我 晚上 觀察 天文 , 見到 有粒 將星 跌落 喺 荊 楚 嘅 地方 , 已經 知道 雲長 必定 有禍 。 sigh|I|at night|observe|astronomy|saw|a|shooting star|fall|in|||possessive particle|place|already|knew|Yun Chang|definitely|will have misfortune Sigh! I was observing astronomy at night and saw a star falling in the land of Jingchu. I already knew that there would definitely be disaster for Cloud Long. 但 係 怕 王上 憂慮 , 故此 唔 敢講 唧 。 ||afraid|the king|worry|therefore|not|dare to speak|that But I was afraid that the king would worry, so I didn't dare to speak. 兩個 人 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 忽然 大殿 裏頭 行出 個人 嚟 一手 掹 住 孔明 嘅 衫袖 話 : two|people|currently|at|in|talking|continuous tense marker|suddenly|main hall|inside|walked out|that person|came|with one hand|pulling|holding|Kong Ming|possessive particle|sleeve|said The two people were talking when suddenly someone walked out of the main hall and grabbed Kongming's sleeve, saying: 噉 樣 嘅 凶信 你 哋 點解 要 瞞住 我 啊 ! like this|appearance|possessive particle|bad news|you|plural marker|why|have to|keep from|me|sentence-final particle Why are you hiding such ominous news from me?! 哦 ! 原來 係 劉備 啊 ! oh|originally|is|Liu Bei|ah Oh! It turns out to be Liu Bei! 孔明 、 許靖 都 解釋 話 喇 : 先頭 所講 嘅 都 係 傳聞 嘅 事 , 唔 能夠 信晒 㗎 , 請 王上 寬心 啦 唔 使 憂慮 嘅 。 Kongming|Xu Jing|both|explained|words|particle indicating completed action|earlier|what was said|possessive particle|all|are|rumor|possessive particle|matters|not|able to|believe completely|particle indicating certainty|please|Your Majesty|be at ease|particle indicating suggestion|||worry|possessive particle Kong Ming and Xu Jing explained: what was said earlier was all hearsay, and it cannot be fully trusted. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. 孤王 同雲長 誓同生死 , 佢 如果 遇難 咯 , 孤王 一個 人仲點 願 留 喺 人世 吖 ! the lonely king|with Yun Chang||he|if|encounters misfortune|particle indicating realization|the lonely king|one||willing|to stay|in|human world|particle indicating exclamation The Lonely King and Yun Chang vowed to live and die together. If he encounters misfortune, how could the Lonely King wish to remain in this world alone! 孔明同 許靖 正在 勸解 緊 劉備 , 侍從 嚟 稟奏 話 喇 馬良 、 伊籍 嚟 咗 喇 噉 。 |Xu Jing|is currently|persuading|continuous aspect marker|Liu Bei|attendant|come|report|saying|particle indicating completed action|Ma Liang|Yi Ji|come|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action|like this Kong Ming and Xu Jing were currently persuading Liu Bei when a servant came to report that Ma Liang and Yi Ji had arrived. 劉備 立即 召 佢 哋 入 嚟 問 有 咩 事 。 Liu Bei|immediately|summon|he|plural marker|come|in|ask|has|what|matter Liu Bei immediately summoned them in to ask what was the matter. 佢 哋 話 荊州 失守 , 關公 兵敗 求救 , 跟 住 呈 上表 章 。 they|plural marker|said|Jingzhou|fell|Guan Gong|defeated|sought help|following|continuous aspect marker|presenting|the above|document They said that Jingzhou had fallen, and Guan Gong was defeated and seeking help, then they presented a memorial. 劉備 都 未 嚟 得切 睇 啊 , 侍從 又 嚟 稟奏 話 荊州 廖化 到 。 Liu Bei|already|not|come|in time|see|ah|attendant|again|come|report|saying|Jingzhou|Liao Hua|arrived Liu Bei has not yet arrived, and the attendant has come to report that Liao Hua has arrived from Jingzhou. 劉備 慌忙 召 佢 入 嚟 。 Liu Bei|hurriedly|summoned|him|come|in Liu Bei hurriedly summoned him in. 廖化 一入 到 嚟 , 啪 聲 跪 喺 地 , 放聲大哭 。 Liao Hua|as soon as|arrived|here|bang|sound|knelt|at|ground|cried out loud As soon as Liao Hua entered, he knelt on the ground with a loud thud and cried out loudly. 然後 就 詳詳細細 噉 稟奏 畀 劉備 聽 , 話 劉封 、 孟達 唔 肯發 救兵 。 then|just|in great detail|like this|report|to|Liu Bei|listen|said|Liu Feng|Meng Da|not||reinforcements Then he detailed the situation to Liu Bei, saying that Liu Feng and Meng Da were unwilling to send reinforcements. 嘩 ! 當堂 驚到 劉備 變 咗 面色 : 啊 , 如 , 如果 係 噉 樣 , 我 二弟 , 嗯 冇 喇 ! wow|on the spot|shocked|Liu Bei|changed|past tense marker|complexion|ah|if|if|is|like this|situation|I|second brother|hmm|not|past tense marker Wow! Liu Bei was so shocked that his expression changed: Ah, if that's the case, my second brother, hmm, is gone! 孔明 話 : 劉封 、 孟達 竟然 咁 豈有此理 , 罪該萬死 ! Kongming|said|Liu Feng|Meng Da|actually|so|how can this be justified|deserves to die a thousand deaths Kongming said: Liu Feng and Meng Da are simply outrageous, they deserve to die a thousand deaths! 請 王上 寬心 , 等 我 親自 帶兵 去 救 荊襄之 急 。 please|Your Majesty|be at ease|wait|I|personally|lead the troops|to|rescue|Jingxiang's|urgent situation Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will personally lead the troops to rescue Jingxiang. 軍師 , 雲長 有 咩 嘢 三長兩短 , 孤王 斷斷 唔 願 一個 人 留 喺 人世 。 military advisor|Yun Chang|has|what|thing|unexpected misfortune|lonely king|definitely|not|willing|one|person|stay|in|human world Military advisor, what happened to Yun Chang? I absolutely do not want anyone to be left in this world. 孤王 聽 日 , 要 親自 帶 一支 軍隊 去 救雲長 ! the lonely king|heard|sun|must|personally|lead|a|army|to| I heard that I must personally lead an army to rescue Yun Chang! 劉備 於是 一方面 派 人 去 閬中 通知 張飛 , 一方面 派 人 會集 人馬 。 Liu Bei|then|on one hand|sent|people|to|Langzhong|inform|Zhang Fei|on the other hand|sent|people|gather|troops Liu Bei then sent someone to Langzhong to inform Zhang Fei, while also sending people to gather troops. 哎呀 未到 天光 , 連氣 幾次 啲 人 嚟 報告 話 : 關公 夜走臨 沮 , 畀 吳將 擒獲 , 大義凜然 唔 肯 失節 , 父子 歸天 ! oh no|not yet|dawn|continuously|several times|some|people|come|report|said|Guan Gong||at the river|by|Wu general|captured|with great righteousness|not|willing|lose integrity|father and son|die Oh no, it's not even dawn yet, and several people have come to report that Guan Gong was captured by Wu's general during the night, upholding righteousness and refusing to lose his integrity, father and son have passed away! 二弟 ! 二弟 啊 ! second younger brother||ah Second brother! Second brother! 劉備 大叫 一聲 , 暈倒 喺 地 嚟 。 Liu Bei|shouted|one time|fainted|at|ground|came Liu Bei shouted loudly and fainted on the ground. 噉 啊 大家 急忙 搶救 , 過 咗 一陣 先至醒 返 , 就 扶 佢 返 入 去 內 殿 。 then|ah|everyone|hurriedly|rescue|past|completed action marker|a while||return|||||inside|to|inner|hall Everyone hurriedly rushed to save him, and after a while, he finally woke up, and they helped him back into the inner hall. 孔明 就 勸 佢 話 : 王上 唔 好 悲傷 , 自古 話 死生有命 。 Kongming|then|advised|him|said|Your Majesty|not|very|sad|since ancient times|saying|life and death are predetermined Kongming advised him, saying: Your Majesty, do not be sad, as it has been said since ancient times that life and death are fated. 關公 , 平日 佢 剛強 而 又 驕傲 , 故此 今日 有 呢場 大禍 。 Guan Gong|usually|he|strong|and|also|proud|therefore|today|has|this|great disaster Guan Gong, usually strong and proud, has thus encountered this great disaster today. 王上 要 好好 保養 身體 , 慢慢 想 辦法 報仇 啊 。 Your Majesty|needs to|well|take care of|body|slowly|think of|a way|take revenge|ah Your Majesty needs to take good care of your health and slowly think of a way to take revenge. 孤王 , 同關 、 張 兩位 賢弟 , 桃園 結義 嘅 時候 , 誓同生死 。 lonely king|Tong Kwan|Cheung|two|virtuous brothers|Peach Garden|sworn brotherhood|possessive particle|time| Lonely King, together with the two virtuous brothers Guan and Zhang, swore to live and die together when they formed their brotherhood in the Peach Garden. 而家 , 雲長 , 已經 去世 咯 , 孤王點 能夠 獨享 富貴 呢 ! now|Yun Chang|already|passed away|particle indicating completed action||able to|enjoy alone|wealth and honor|question particle Now, Yun Chang has already passed away, how can the Lonely King enjoy wealth and honor alone! 說話 未 完 , 只見 關興 呼天搶地 嚎啕大哭 噉 嚟 到 。 speaking|not|finished|only saw|Kwan Hing|crying out to heaven and earth|crying loudly|like that|| Before finishing his words, Guan Xing was seen crying out loud and wailing. 劉備 一見 呀 大叫 一聲 又 試喊 到暈 咗 。 Liu Bei|upon seeing|ah|shouted|one time|again|tried to shout|until fainted|past tense marker Liu Bei saw it and shouted out loud, then tried to shout until he fainted. 噉 大家 救返 醒 佢 。 then|everyone|help|wake|him So everyone helped to wake him up. 如是者 啊 一日 喊暈 四五次 。 in this way|ah|one day|cried out of exhaustion|four or five times This went on for a day, fainting four or five times. 三日 咁 長 呀 , 一滴水 一粒 米 都 冇 入口 啊 。 three days|so|long|sentence-final particle|a drop of water|||all|have not|enter|sentence-final particle For three days like this, he didn't take a single drop of water or a grain of rice. 一味 喊 , 喊 到 眼 都 出血 。 incessantly|crying|||eyes|all|bled He just kept shouting, shouting until his eyes bled. 幾日 嚟 , 孔明同 埋 一班 大臣 呀 再三 噉 勸解 佢 。 a few days|later||together|a group of|ministers|sentence-final particle|repeatedly|like this|advised|him A few days ago, Kongming and a group of ministers repeatedly advised him. 劉備 就 話 喇 : 孤王同 東吳 誓不兩立 啊 ! Liu Bei|then|said|particle indicating completion||Eastern Wu||ah Liu Bei said: 'I, the king, swear that I will not coexist with Eastern Wu!' 孔明 話 : 聽講 東吳 將 關公 嘅 首級 , 獻 咗 畀 曹操 , 曹操 用 王侯 的 禮儀 安葬 同 祭 咗 佢 啊 。 Zhuge Liang|said|heard|Eastern Wu|will|Guan Yu|possessive particle|head|offer|past tense marker|to|Cao Cao|Cao Cao|used|nobility|possessive particle|rites|bury|and|sacrifice|past tense marker|him|final particle Kongming said: 'I heard that Eastern Wu presented Guan Gong's head to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao buried and honored him with the rites of a king.' 噉 係 乜嘢 意思 呢 軍師 ? then|is|what|meaning|this|strategist What does this mean, strategist? 呢 個 係 東吳 想 嫁禍於 曹操 , 曹操 睇 穿 佢 嘅 計謀 , 故此 就 用 厚禮 嚟 安葬 關公 , 使 王上 你將 怨恨 集中 喺 東吳 吖 嘛 。 this|measure word|is|Eastern Wu|wanted|frame the blame on|Cao Cao|Cao Cao|see|through|his|possessive particle|scheme|therefore|then|use|generous gifts|to|bury|Guan Gong|make|the king||hatred|concentrate|at|Eastern Wu|particle|particle This is Eastern Wu trying to frame Cao Cao. Cao Cao saw through their scheme, so he buried Guan Gong with great honors, making the king focus his resentment on Eastern Wu. 我 立即 就 起兵 向 東吳 問罪 , 要 報仇雪恨 ! I|immediately|then|raise troops|towards|Eastern Wu|seek justice|want|avenge and eliminate humiliation I will immediately raise an army to seek justice from Eastern Wu and take revenge! 唔 好 啊 ! 而家 東吳 正 係 想 我 哋 去 打 北魏 , 北魏 呢 , 亦 正 係 想 我 哋 去 打 東吳 。 not|good|particle|right now|Eastern Wu|currently|is|wants|we|plural marker|to go|fight|Northern Wei|Northern Wei|particle|also|currently|is|wants|we|plural marker|to go|fight|Eastern Wu No! Right now, Eastern Wu is trying to get us to fight Northern Wei, and Northern Wei is also trying to get us to fight Eastern Wu. 佢 哋 各 懷 詭計 , 都 係 想 睺 個 機會 嚟 取 利 嘅 。 They|plural marker|each|harbor|ulterior motives|all|are|want|seize|the|opportunity|in order to|gain|benefit|possessive particle They each have their own schemes and are looking for opportunities to gain benefits. 當前 , 王上 只 係 宜於 按兵不動 , 同關 公辦 咗 喪事 先 。 currently|the king|only|is|advisable|to hold back troops|||past tense marker|funeral|first At present, it is best for the king to remain still and handle the funeral matters with Guan Gong first. 等到 吳魏 不 和 咯 , 嗰 陣 趁勢 去 打 佢 哋 就 啱 喇 。 wait until|Wu Wei|not|fight|particle indicating realization|that|time|take advantage of the situation|go|fight|they|plural particle|then|right|particle indicating completion Once Wu and Wei are at odds, that would be the right time to take advantage and attack them. 各位 大臣 又 再三 噉 勸諫 , 劉備 噉 先肯 食飯 。 everyone|ministers|again|repeatedly|like that|advised|Liu Bei|like that||to eat The ministers repeatedly advised Liu Bei, and only then did he agree to eat. 傳令 東西 川 嘅 大小 將士 , 為 關公 掛孝 。 issue a command|east and west|river|possessive particle|size|soldiers|for|Guan Gong|wear mourning attire Orders were sent to the officers of the East and West Rivers to mourn for Guan Gong. 嗰 日 , 劉備 親自 出到 去 南門 招魂 祭奠 , 喊 咗 成日 喇 。 that|day|Liu Bei|personally|went out|to|South Gate|soul-recalling ceremony|memorial service|cried|past tense marker|all day|sentence-final particle That day, Liu Bei personally went to the South Gate to summon spirits and pay tribute, crying all day long. 噉 啊 劉備 呢 便 係 噉 嘞 , 曹操 又點 呢 ? like this|ah|Liu Bei|question particle|then|is|like this|particle indicating completed action|Cao Cao||question particle So, this is how Liu Bei is, but what about Cao Cao? 曹操 喺 洛陽 呀 有 單 嘢 仲大 啊 。 Cao Cao|at|Luoyang|particle|has|single|thing||particle Cao Cao has something even bigger in Luoyang.

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