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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 115

話 說 孟獲 啊 見到 諸葛亮 撤兵 , 就 親自 率領 前鋒 部隊 , 一直 追到 去 洱 河邊 。 仲派 人 上山 斬竹 嚟 做 竹排 , 準備 渡河 去 追擊 蜀 軍 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 翻 起 狂風 喎 , 突然 之間 , 四周圍 火起 。 戰鼓 就 擂到 天崩地裂 咁 響 , 嘩 嗨 ! 蜀兵 殺 到 嚟 喇 ! 啲 蠻兵 啊 大亂 喇 。 孟獲 慌 嘞 , 急急 帶住 同族 嘅 蠻 兵 , 殺 開條 血路 , 直奔 舊寨 。 返到 去 喇 , 誰知 趙雲帶 住 一彪 人馬 , 喺 寨 內 殺出 嚟 , 嘩 不得了 ! 孟獲 慌忙 退返 去 西洱河 , 就 專門 混 啲 深山 靜僻 嘅 地方 行 。 行行 下 , 忽然間 又 撞 着 馬岱 , 帶住 一彪 軍馬 殺出 嚟 截住 。 打到 孟獲 呀 , 只 係 剩返 幾十個 殘兵 敗 卒 跟 住 尾 , 就 趯 咗 入 去 山谷 裏頭 。 佢 啱 啱 轉過 咗 山口 , 見到 喺 一座 大樹林 嘅 前 便 啊 , 有 幾十人 簇擁 住 一架 車 。 車上 便 , 孔明 端端正正 坐響 處 , 哈哈大笑 噉 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 蠻 王孟獲 , 你 一敗塗地 嚟 到 呢 處 , 我 等 咗 你好 耐 㗎 喇 。 啊 ! 我 中 咗 此人 嘅 詭計 , 三次 羞辱 。 而家 , 喺 呢 度 遇到 佢 喇 , 真 係 好彩 , 你 哋 搏命 衝上去 , 將 佢 連 人 帶 車 , 斬成 粉碎 , 衝啊 ! 孟獲 一馬當先 , 帶 住 嗰 班 蠻 兵 𠽤 呖 𡃈𠽤 呖 𡃈𠽤 呖 𡃈 就 發狂 噉 衝到 樹林 前 便 咯 喎 。 景轟沙 一聲 踩 正 陷坑 , 跌晒落 去 。 只見 喺 樹林 裏 便 啊 , 魏延帶 住 幾百名 士兵 衝出 嚟 , 將孟 獲同 啲 蠻兵 逐個 逐個 掹 出 嚟 用 繩 綁 實 。 孔明 首先 去 到 營寨 , 招安 啲 蠻兵 , 與 及 各甸 酋長 壯丁 。 孔明 叫 人用 酒用 肉 嚟 招待 佢 哋 , 好好 噉 撫慰 一番 , 然後 釋放 佢 哋 走 。 噉 嗰 啲 蠻 兵 當然 係 感激 到極 啦 。 過 咗 一陣 , 張翼 押 孟優 嚟 嘞 。 孔明 就 教訓 佢 話 : 你 阿哥 非常 愚蠢 啊 , 你 啊 應該 勸 下 佢 至 係 㗎 嘛 。 而家 , 畀 我 捉 咗 四次 嘞 , 仲有 咩 嘢 面目 見 人 啦 。 孟優真 係 醜到 無地自容 , 跪 喺 處 伏 喺 地 嚟 , 懇求 免 佢 一 死 。 孔明 就 話 喇 : 我 如果 要 殺 你 就 唔 使 等到 今日 喇 , 我仲 係 留返 你 條命 , 放 你 返去 , 你 好好 地 勸 下 你 阿哥 啦 。 人 嚟 , 放開 佢 。 孔明 叫 武士 解 咗 啲 繩索 , 放開 孟優 。 孟 優流 住 眼淚 叩頭 拜謝 噉 就 走 咗 喇 。 過 咗 一陣 , 魏延押 孟獲 嚟 喇 。 孔明 就 詐家意 發惡 喎 , 一拍 張 枱 喝 佢 話 : 孟獲 , 你 今次 又 畀 我 捉住 嘞 , 仲有 咩 嘢 說話 講 ? 我 , 誤中 詭計 , 死不瞑目 啊 ! 刀斧手 ! 有 ! 將孟獲 拉出去 , 斬 ! 哼 ! 你 如果 有膽 , 再放 我 返去 , 我 , 一定 要報 呢 四次 被 擒 之 恨 喇 ! 咩 嘢 話 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 人 嚟 , 放開 佢 ! 孔明 哈哈大笑 , 叫 人 放開 孟獲 。 攞 酒 嚟 畀 佢 飲 等 佢 定下 驚 , 然後 叫 佢 坐 低 。 孔明 話 喇 : 我 四次 對 你 都 係 以禮相待 , 你 噉 都 仲 唔 服 , 點解 呢 ? 我 , 雖然 係 個 未開化 嘅 人 , 之 唔 係 , 好似 丞相 你 噉 , 專施 詭計 , 我 , 點肯 服 啊 ? 如果 我 再 放 你 返去 , 你仲能 唔 能夠 再戰 一場 呢 ? 得 ! 丞相 , 如果 再 捉 到 我 , 我 , 就 一心 投降 , 獻晒本 洞 嘅 財物 , 嚟 到 勞軍 , 我 , 發誓 再 唔 作反 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好 啦 好 啦 , 噉 你 走 啦 。 孟獲 高高興興 叩頭 拜祭 就 走 人 喇 。 哈哈 ! 孟獲 都 習慣 晒 㗎 喇 。 噉 孟獲 出去 之後 , 聚集 返 各 洞 嘅 壯丁 有 幾千人 , 就 一直 向 住 南 便行 。 呢 一日 , 孟獲 行行 下 就 見到 前 便 沙塵 滾滾 , 有 一隊 兵 嚟 緊 喎 。 等 行到 埋 嚟 一 睇 , 哦 , 原來 係 細佬孟優 收拾 殘兵 重整旗鼓 , 嚟 同 大佬 報仇 啊 ! 兩 兄弟 見到 面 就 抱頭痛哭 , 嘰哩 呱 啦 就 大家 都將 被 擒 以後 嘅 事 啊 講 咗 一輪 。 孟優 收尾 就 話 喇 : 我 哋 打親 都 輸 , 蜀兵 打親 都 贏 嘅 , 我 哋 好 難 同 佢 對敵 㗎 喎 。 不如 搵 啲 偏僻 嘅 山洞 , 避開 下先 , 唔 好 出 嚟 。 嗰 啲 蜀 兵 捱 唔 住 啲 暑熱 , 自然 就 會 撤退 㗎 嘞 。 噉 , 避去 邊度 好 呢 ? 由 呢 處 去 西南 便 有 個 洞 , 叫做 禿 龍洞 。 洞主朵 思 大王 , 同 我 交情 極之 深厚 嘅 , 去 投奔 佢 啦 。 孟獲 同意 嘞 , 就 叫 孟優 啊 去 禿 龍洞 , 搵 着 朵 思 大王 講 一聲 先 。 朵思 大王 就 好 歡迎 啊 , 連忙 帶住 蠻兵 出 嚟 迎接 。 孟獲入 到 去 嘞 , 彼此 行過禮 。 噉 孟獲 呢 , 就將 幾次 畀 諸葛亮 打敗 嘅 經過 , 講晒 畀 朵 思 大王 聽 。 朵 思話 : 大王 你 寬心 啦 。 若果 蜀兵 嚟 到 啊 , 就要 佢 一 人 一 馬 都 唔 返 得 扯 , 同 諸葛亮 一齊 死 喺 呢 處 啊 。 噉 , 就 好極 喇 , 你 , 你 有 乜嘢 好計 呢 ? 朵思 大王 就講 畀 孟獲 聽 嘞 。 原來 啊 , 呢 個 禿 龍洞 呢 , 就 只有 兩條路 入得 嚟 嘅 啫 。 喺 東北方 有 條路 , 就 係 孟獲 兩 兄弟 行 嚟 嗰 條 喇 。 呢 條路 呢 , 地勢 就 平坦 , 土地 肥沃 , 啲 水 係 甜水 嚟 , 好靚水 , 人馬 都 可以 通行 。 但 係 呢 , 如果 用 啲 樹木 啊 石頭 噉 塞斷 住 洞口 , 噉 就算 有 百萬 人馬 都 打 唔 入 嚟 嘅 噃。 另外 喺 西北方 仲有 一條 路 , 嗰 處 山嶺 險惡 , 道路 狹窄 , 其中 有 啲 小路 呢 就 佈滿 毒蛇 毒蟲 。 一到 黃昏時候 呀 , 啲 山嵐 瘴氣 就 含 含聲 升起 嚟 㗎 喇 。 一直 到 第日 , 未 、 申 、 酉 三個 時辰 , 誒 即 係 用 而 家 嘅 說話 講呢 , 即 係 中午 一點 到 下午 七點 呢 段時間 啊 , 噉 先至 可以 往來 通行 嘅 。 呢條 路 嘅 一帶 呀 , 啲 水 唔 飲得 㗎 , 人馬 都 難行 , 而且 呢 處 呀 仲有 四個 毒泉 添 嘅 噃。 一個 就 叫做 啞泉 , 啲 水 係 有 啲 甜味 嘅 , 但 係 如果 飲 咗 佢 呢 , 即刻 就 唔 會講 嘢 㗎 喇 , 不 出 十日 就 必死 。 第二個 泉 就 叫做 滅泉 , 嗰 度 啲 水 呀 , 嗶 嗶 吧 啦 直情 好似 滾水 噉 樣 , 啲 人 若果 用 嚟 洗身 就爛 皮爛肉 就 爛到 入骨 就 死 㗎 喇 。 第三個 就 叫做 黑泉 , 啲 水 呢 就 唔 係 黑 嘅 , 係 清清 地 㗎 喎 , 如果 擠 咗 啲 喺 身 嚟 呀 哈 , 噉 就 會 手腳 變黑 而 死 㗎 。 第四個 叫做 柔泉 , 啲 水 就 冷到 冰 噉 嘅 , 啲 人 如果 飲 咗 佢 呢 , 喉嚨 就 會 冇 晒 暖氣 , 周身 軟 顂顂 噉 就 死 㗎 喇 。 噉 啊 據說 呢 處 地方 啊 , 雀鳥 都 冇 隻 嘅 。 只有 漢朝 伏波 將軍 馬 援 就 曾經 渡過 唧 , 以後 就 再 冇 人 嚟 過 㗎 喇 。 馬 援 係 邊個 呢 ? 馬 援 係 漢朝 嘅 名將 , 距離 孔明 呢 一陣 啊 有 一百七 廿 幾年 㗎 喇 。 噉 啊 朵 思 大王 口 水花 噴噴 就 介紹 完 呢 兩條路 嘅 情形 之後 呢 佢 就 話 喇 : 我 哋 呢 , 塞斷 咗 東北 嗰 條 大路 , 大王 你 就 可以 平平安安 , 穩穩 陣陣 喺 敝 洞 住 落 嚟 喇 。 蜀兵 若果 見到 東路 截斷 咗 , 就 必定 由 西路 入 嚟 啦 。 噉 一路 佢 冇 水 飲 喇 , 見到 呢 四個 泉 , 實 要 喺 度 飲水 嘅 。 一飲親 呀 , 就算 佢 有 百萬 人馬 ,冚𠾴唥 都 要 返 去 舊時 嗰 處 喇 ! 你估 使用 刀槍 嘅 咩 ? 哎呀 歡喜 到 孟獲 呀 眉開眼笑 : 今日 , 我 先 至 有 立腳 之地 啊 ! 諸葛亮 啊 , 諸葛亮 , 任 你 有 神機妙算 , 你 呀 都 難以 施展 啊 ! 四個 毒 泉 嘅 水 , 就 同 我 , 報清 咗 敗兵 之恨 啊 ! 嗯 哼 哼哼哈哈 哈哈 , 嗯 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 從此 之後 呢 , 孟獲 孟優 兩 兄弟 呀 , 日日 都 同朵 思 大王 飲酒作樂 , 就 以 為 梗贏 㗎 喇 。 而家 講下 孔明 , 佢 好 耐 都 唔 見 孟 獲 帶兵 嚟 打 , 就 下令 全軍 就 離開 西洱河 , 向 住 南 便 推進 。 呢 個 時候 正 係 六月 啊 , 個 日頭 呀 好似 火 噉 , 熱到 不堪 啊 , 行起 軍 嚟 真 係 辛苦 個 咯 。 有 一日 , 孔明 統率 大軍 正在 行進 緊 , 哨馬 忽然 嚟 報告 話 : 報 ! 稟告 丞相 , 孟獲 退 咗 去 禿 龍洞 , 匿 埋 唔 出 嚟 。 將 洞口 嘅 要道 塞斷 , 裏 便 有 兵 把守 , 山嶺 險惡 , 唔 能夠 前進 啊 。 孔明聽 咗 就 請 呂凱 嚟 問 嘞 , 呂凱話 : 呢 處 啲 路 , 我 只 係 聽聞 過個 啫 , 詳細 情形 都 唔 知 㗎 。 蔣琬 就 話 喇 : 孟獲 四次 被 擒 , 已經 嚇到 慌 晒 喇 , 仲點 敢 出 嚟 吖 。 目前 天氣炎熱 啊 , 人馬 疲乏 , 繼續 打落 去 都 冇 乜 好處 咯 , 不如 班師 回國 罷啦 。 孔明 話 喇 : 如果 噉 樣 呀 , 我 哋 就 正中 孟獲 之計 喇 。 我 哋 嘅 軍隊 一退 , 佢 必定 趁勢 嚟 追 我 哋 嘅 。 而家 已經 嚟 到 呢 處 咯 , 點有 返 轉頭 之理 㗎 ? 孔明 就 於是 命令 王平 , 帶領 幾百名 軍士 做 前鋒 。 同時 又 叫 新 投降 過 嚟 嘅 蠻 兵 引路 , 噉 啊 跟 住 西北方 嘅 小路 呢 , 進入 禿 龍洞 境界 喇 。 行行 下 , 前 便 嚟 到 一個 泉 。 噉 當時 人 又 渴時 馬 又 渴 , 都 爭住 飲 啲 泉水 嘞 噃。 飲 完水 , 王平 探明 咗 有條 噉 嘅 路 唄 , 就 返去 報告 孔明 啦 。 點 知道 佢 哋 返 到 大本營 , 個個 都 啞 晒 唔 會講 嘢 , 只 係 一味 噉 指住 個 口唧 。 弊 喇 , 孔明 嚇 咗 一驚 , 知道 王平 佢 哋 實 係 中毒 喇 , 就 坐 架車 , 帶住 幾十個 人 前去 睇 下 。 去 到 嗰 個 泉 呀 , 只見 一潭 清水 , 嘩 嗨 , 綠到 烏黑 烏黑 噉 色 嘅 , 深到 唔 見 底 , 啲 寒氣 呀 一浸 浸 噉 撲 埋 嚟 。 孔明 落 咗 車 , 行 上個 山坡 望下 。 見到 四周圍 峰連峰 就 嶺 接嶺 , 樹木 好多 , 唯獨 是 呢 就 唔 聽聞 雀鳥 嘅 鳴叫聲 噃, 個心 就 好 奇怪 喇 。 噉 佢 四圍 咁 望 , 忽然間 見到 遠遠 個 山崗 上 便 啊 , 有 一間 古廟 噃。 好 ! 去 睇 下 至 得 。 孔明 就 唔 怕 辛苦 ,摱 住 啲 山藤拉住 啲 樹仔 , 一步 一步 噉 行 過去 。 去 到 喇 , 原來 係 一間 用 石頭 起 嘅 廟 。 裏 便 有 一位 將軍 嘅 塑像 , 就 好 莊嚴 噉 坐響 處 。 旁邊 有塊 石碑 , 孔明 行埋 去 睇 下 啲 碑文 , 哦 原來 係 漢朝 伏波 將軍 馬 援 嘅 廟 嚟 啊 。 當年 啊 , 馬 援 因為 平蠻 就 嚟 到 呢 處 , 收尾 啲 當地 土人 呢 就 立 咗 間 廟 嚟 拜 佢 。 於是 孔明 恭恭敬敬 噉 對 住 伏波 將軍 嘅 神像 啊 , 再三 跪拜 , 佢 禱告 話 : 我 諸葛亮 , 接受 咗 先帝 託孤 嘅 重任 , 今日 , 奉 咗 聖旨 , 嚟 到 呢 度 平蠻 。 希望 平定 南蠻 之後 , 就 討伐 北魏 、 東吳 , 重 安漢室 。 而家 , 啲 軍士 唔 熟悉 地理 , 飲錯 咗 毒水 唔 出得聲 。 萬望 尊臣 顧念 本朝 恩義 , 通靈 顯聖 , 保佑 三軍 ! 孔明 祈禱 完 , 就 起身 行出 間 廟 想 搵 當地 嘅 土人 , 了解 下 情況 。 誒 ? 忽然間 見到 對面 山有 個伯爺 公 , 篤 住 支 拐杖 行緊過 嚟 噃。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 個伯爺 公行 到 嚟 喇 。 孔明 見到 佢 個 樣 呀 都 生 得 好 奇特 嘅 , 就 請 個伯爺 公入 去 廟裏 便 , 彼此 行過禮 就 打 對面 噉 坐 喺 嚿 大石 上 便 。 孔明問 佢 : 老伯 高姓大名 啊 ? 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 誒 老夫 久聞 大國 丞相 嘅 大名 , 嘿嘿 , 今日 得以 拜見 , 非常 榮幸 啊 。 我 哋 蠻方 啲 人 , 多得 丞相 活命 , 真 係 感恩 不 淺 啊 。 係 喇 老伯 , 我 哋 啲 軍士 飲 咗 呢 處 嘅 泉水 都 啞 咗 唔 曉 出聲 , 點解 呢 吓 ? 哦 , 軍士 所 飲 嘅 水 啊 , 係 啞 泉 嘅 水 啊 。 嘿嘿 呢 啲 水 呀 , 飲 咗 就 唔 曉 出聲 , 幾日 之後 , 就 會 死 㗎 喇 。 除 咗 呢 個 啞泉 之外 呢 , 仲有 三個 毒泉 添 㗎 。 嗱, 東南 便 有 一個 泉 , 啲 水 誒 極冷 嘅 , 若果 飲 咗 啲 水 呀 , 喉嚨 就 冇 晒 暖氣 , 周身 軟弱無力 噉 就 死 㗎 , 誒 叫做 柔泉 。 正南方 有個 泉 , 叫做 黑泉 啊 , 啲 人 若果 瀄 到 啲 水 喺 身 呢 , 手腳 都 會 變黑 而 死 㗎 。 西南 便 又 有 個 泉 , 啲 水 直情 好似 滾水 咁 熱 嘅 。 啲 人 如果 唔 知道 , 用 啲 水 嚟 洗身 呀 , 皮肉 都 會爛 晒 噉 死 㗎 , 叫做 滅泉 。 呢 , 敝 鄉 呢 四個 泉 呀 , 都 係 好 毒 好 毒 嘅 , 冇 藥醫得 㗎 。 而且 山嵐 瘴氣 又 極其 嚴重 , 唯有 未 、 申 、 酉 三個 時辰 先至 可以 來往 。 其餘 嘅 時間 , 都 係 充滿 瘴氣 , 碰親 就 死 㗎 。 哎呀 ! 如果 噉 樣 , 蠻方 就 冇 辦法 平定 咯 。 蠻方 唔 能夠 平定 , 又點 能夠 併吞 東吳 、 北魏 , 重興 漢室 呢 ? 唉 噉 樣 辜負 先帝 託孤 嘅 重任 , 真 係 生不如死 咯 。 啊 丞相 呀 , 丞相 唔 使 咁 擔心 嘅 , 等 老夫 指引 你 去 一 笪 地方 , 就 可以 搵 到 辦法 嚟 解毒 嘅 喇 。 哦 ? 老伯 有 咩 嘢 高見 請 多多指教 , 多多指教 。 嗱, 丞相 你 由 呢 處 , 向 住 正西 嗰 便 行 幾 里 路 啦 , 誒 就 見到 有個 山谷 。 行入 去 二十里 度 , 就 有 一條 山溪 , 叫做 萬 安溪 啊 。 裏 便 有 個 能 人 喺 處 住 , 外號 叫做 萬安 隱者 , 誒 係 係 , 萬安 隱者 啊 。 誒 呢 個人 , 冇 離開 條山 溪 幾十年 個 咯 , 嘿嘿 , 誒 佢 住 嗰 間 茅屋 後 便 呢 , 有個 泉水 , 叫做 安樂 泉 , 誒 。 噉 啊 凡 係 有人 中 咗 毒 啊 , 打 嗰 啲 泉水 飲 咗 呢 , 就 即刻 好返 㗎 嘞 , 嗯 , 係 啊 即刻 就 好 嘅 。 誒 , 啲 人 如果 生瘡 啊 , 生 癩 啊 , 誒 或者 畀 啲 瘴氣 感親 啊 噉 呢 , 誒 就 喺 萬 安溪 處 洗身 , 就 自然 會 好 返 冇 事 㗎 嘞 , 誒 真 係 好靈 㗎 哈哈 。 誒 仲有 添 噃, 喺 佢 嘅 茅屋 前 便 啊 , 誒 生 咗 有 種草 , 叫做 薤葉 芸香 。 啲 人 如果 含住 一塊 葉 喺 口裏 頭 嚟 呀 , 就 唔 怕 瘴氣 嘅 喇 。 丞相 你 快 啲 去 嗰 度 求 下 佢 啦 。 多謝 老伯 指點 , 承蒙 老伯 活命之恩 實在 係 不勝感激 , 請問 高姓大名 啊 ? 我 係 本地 嘅 山神 , 奉 咗 伏波 將軍 之命 , 特意 前 嚟 指引 㗎 。 個伯爺 公 講完 , 就行 咗 入間 廟 。 喝 一聲 , 嘩 嗨 ! 廟 後 便 埲 石壁 呀 , 即刻 就 裂開 。 伯爺 公行 入去 , 嘩聲 下 , 石壁 合返 埋 就 唔 見 咗 人 嘞 。 孔明 就 驚訝 到極 喇 , 再次 入廟 拜 過伏波 將軍 神像 , 然後 就 混舊 路 落山 , 坐車 返去 大本營 嘞 。 第 日 , 孔明 啊 吩咐 準備 好 香燭 、 禮物 , 帶 埋 王平 同 嗰 班 啞 咗 個 軍士 啊 , 趕路 去 山神 指引 嘅 地方 咯 噃。 噉 一路行 , 入 咗 山谷 , 跟 住 啲 小路 行 咗 約莫 二十幾 里 。 嘩 嗨 好 靚 啊 啲 環境 啊 ! 只見 高松 古柏 , 翠竹 紅花 環繞 住 一座 山莊 。 喺 啲 籬笆 之內 呢 , 有 幾間 茅屋 。 行到 呢 處 呀 , 遠遠 就 覺得 馨香 撲鼻 嘞 。 孔明 就 即刻 精神 晒 啊 , 好 歡喜 噉 , 行到 山莊 門口 拍門 。 冇 幾耐 , 有個 細路 仔行 出 嚟 。 孔明 正話 想 通報 姓名 , 哈都 未 開口 唧 , 又 見到 有 個人 , 頭戴 竹帽 , 腳踏 草鞋 , 着件 白袍 攬條 黑 腰帶 , 眼珠 係 碧綠色 嘅 , 頭髮 係 黃色 嘅 , 滿面笑容 噉 行出 嚟 話 : 你 就 係 漢 丞相 喇 係 嘛 ? 哦 ! 老先生 點 知道 嘅 呢 ? 哈哈哈哈 , 久 聞丞相 率兵 南征 , 點會 唔 知 呢 ? 丞相 請入 嚟 坐 啦 。 就 帶 咗 孔明入 去 草堂 , 互相 行過禮 分開 賓主 坐落 。 孔明 話 : 我 呢 次 奉 咗 聖旨 , 率領 大軍 嚟 到 就 係 想 平定 蠻邦 , 使到 大家 過 好日子 啊 。 點知 孟獲 啊 潛伏 喺 禿 龍洞 , 我 哋 啲 軍士 飲錯 咗 啞泉 啲 水 , 性命 十分 危險 。 昨日 , 承蒙 伏波 將軍 顯聖 , 話 老先生 呢 處 有 藥泉 , 可以 解毒 醫病 。 希望 老先生 做下 好事 , 賜 啲 神水 嚟 救返 啲 軍士 啦 。 哦 乜 說話 呢 乜 說話 呢 , 諒 老夫 係 個 山野 廢人 , 又 使 乜 勞煩 丞相 大駕 親臨 吖 。 啊 啲 泉水 就 喺 屋後 便 嚟 唧 。 於是 個 隱士 啊 就 吩咐 個 細路 仔 , 帶 王平 同 嗰 班 啞 兵 去 到 茅屋 後 便 嘅 安樂 泉 嗰 處 , 打 啲 水 嚟 飲 。 哈一飲 咗 , 就 吐 咗 好多 痰 出 嚟 , 誒 即刻 就 能夠 開聲講 說話 喇 。 然 之後 呢 , 個 細路 仔 又 帶 啲 兵士 去 萬 安溪 洗身 。 隱士 啊 陪 孔明 喺 草堂 坐 , 用 啲 柏子 茶 、 松花 菜 嚟 款待 孔明 。 個 隱士 話 喇 : 呢 處 嘅 蠻 洞 好多 毒蛇 毒蟲 , 更 兼 啲 柳花 飄 咗 落 去 溪水 泉水 裏 便 , 啲 水 唔 飲得 㗎 。 丞相 你 叫 人 掘井 啦 , 打 啲 井水 嚟 飲 就 冇 事 喇 。 孔明 又 求個 隱士 畀 啲 薤葉 芸香 佢 。 隱士 話 得 吖 , 叫 啲 兵士 鍾 意摘 幾多 就 摘 幾多 , 話 人人 個口 含住 一片 葉 , 自然 就 唔 怕 瘴氣 㗎 喇 噉 。 收尾 孔明問 : 老先生 高姓大名 啊 ? 我 係 孟 獲 嘅 大佬 , 孟節 啊 。 吓 ? 啊 丞相 你 唔 使 咁 驚奇 嘅 , 我 父母 生 咗 三個 仔 , 大仔 就 係 老夫 孟節 , 第二 係 孟獲 , 第三 係 孟優 。 現時 父母 都 死 咗 咯 , 兩個 細 佬 嘅 為 人 十分 強悍 兇惡 , 不歸 王法 。 我 屢屢 勸 佢 哋 佢 哋 都 唔 肯 聽 。 所以 , 我 就 更名改姓 , 隱居 喺 呢 處 。 而家 我 呢 兩個 壞 鬼 細佬作 反 , 又 勞煩 丞相 深入 不毛之地 咁 辛苦 , 我 孟節 真 係 罪該萬死 啊 ! 唉 , 確係 十隻 指頭 有 長短 啊 , 老先生 , 等 我 稟奏 天子 , 立 老先生 你 做 王 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 呵呵 老夫 就 係 為 咗 討厭 功名利祿 , 所以 先至 趯 咗 嚟 呢 處匿 埋 啫 , 我 再 冇 貪圖 富貴 嘅 意思 喇 。 孔明見 佢 唔 肯出 嚟 做 王 , 又 攞 出 金銀 禮物 要 送 畀 佢 , 孟節 亦 都 堅決 推辭 唔 肯收 。 孔明 見到 孟節 真 係 咁 誠懇 , 唯有 感慨 一番 就 向 佢 告別 , 帶 啲 人 返 扯 喇 。 孔明 返到 營寨 , 立即 命令 啲 軍士 掘井 啊 。 哈 誰知 掘 到 廿 幾丈 深 嘞 , 仲 係 一滴水 都 唔 見 嘅 。 連氣掘 咗 十幾 笪 地方 都 係 噉 噃, 搞 到 人心惶惶 個個 都 驚 晒 。 當晚 喺 半夜 嘅 時候 , 孔明 當天 焚起 一爐 香 , 跪 喺 度 祈禱 : 臣 , 諸葛亮 , 無才 無德 , 仰承 大漢 之福 , 接受命令 平定 蠻方 。 今日 , 途中 缺水 , 人馬 枯渴 。 倘若 上天 唔 係 要 滅絕 大漢 , 就 請 上天 立即 賜給 甘泉 。 如果 氣數 已經 盡咯 , 臣 諸葛亮 等 , 就 情願 死 喺 呢 處 啊 。 孔明 當晚 向天 祈禱 咗 之後 , 到 咗 第朝 早 , 嘩好 嘢 啊 , 個個 井 都 湧 滿靚 靚 嘅 水 啊 ! 嘿有 水 萬事 足咯 ! 於是 孔明 嘅 大軍 啊 , 就 安然 噉 由 小路 一直 進入 禿 龍洞 前 便 嚟 到 扎落 營寨 嘞 。 啲 蠻兵 探聽到 消息 , 飛快 噉 去 報告 孟獲 : 誒 大王 啊 弊 喇弊 喇 ! 啲 蜀 兵 呀 唔 怕 瘴氣 , 又 有 水 飲 , 唔 怕 頸 渴 , 四個 毒泉 都 唔 靈 嘞 噃。 有 冇 睇 錯 啊 我 唔 信 ! 朵思 大王 唔 信 嘞 , 親自 同孟 獲行 上 高山 去 瞭望 下 情況 。 哎呀 ! 果然 見到 啲 蜀 兵 呀 安然無事 , 大擔 細擔 噉 喺 度 擔水 、 煮飯 、 餵 馬 。 哎呀 , 朵思 見到 呀 , 驚到 毛管眼 都 豎起 晒 。 哎 大王 啊 , 諸葛亮 嗰 啲 兵 誒 真 係 神兵 嚟 㗎 ! 理 佢 神兵 唔 神兵 , 我 , 兩 兄弟 , 實行 要同 蜀 兵 決一死戰 ! 寧願 戰死 , 都 唔 肯 束手 受 綁 啊 ! 噉 又 係 啊 , 誒 如果 大王 打敗 咗 呀 , 嗯 我 嘅 妻子兒女 亦 都 冇 命 㗎 喇 。 我 哋 一 於 殺 牛 劏 馬 , 大賞 兵丁 , 要 佢 哋 搏 命 直衝 蜀兵 營寨 噉 至會 打贏 㗎 ! 於是 就 大 飲大食 , 賞賜 啲 蠻兵 。 噉 啊 正話 要 出發 嘅 時候 呢 , 蠻兵 就 嚟 報告 話 銀冶洞 二十一 洞主 楊鋒 , 帶 咗 三萬 兵 嚟 到 助戰 啊 噉 。 嗨 , 孟獲 高興 啊 佢 話 : 啊 , 得 喇 ! 有兵 嚟 幫 我 , 實贏 喇 ! 即刻 就 同朵 思 大王 出洞 迎接 嘞 。 楊鋒 啊 帶兵 入到 嚟 禿 龍洞 , 佢 同 孟 獲 話 喇 : 我 有 三萬 精兵 , 個個 身披 鐵甲 , 能夠 飛 山越嶺 , 足以 頂得住 蜀兵 百萬 啊 。 我仲有 五個 仔 , 都 係 武藝高強 嘅 , 而家前 嚟 幫助 大王 啊 ! 講完 , 楊鋒 就 叫 佢 嗰 五個 仔入 嚟 拜見 孟獲 。 嘩 嗰 五個 後 生仔 呀 威風凜凜 , 個個 都 好似 老 虎仔 噉 嘅 。 孟獲 歡喜 到極 啦 , 就 吩咐 擺酒 , 款待 楊鋒 父子 嘞 。

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話 說 孟獲 啊 見到 諸葛亮 撤兵 , 就 親自 率領 前鋒 部隊 , 一直 追到 去 洱 河邊 。 speech|said|Meng Huo|ah|saw|Zhuge Liang|retreat|then|personally|led|vanguard|troops|continuously|chased to|the|Er|riverside It is said that Meng Huo saw Zhuge Liang retreating, so he personally led the vanguard troops and chased all the way to the banks of the Er River. 仲派 人 上山 斬竹 嚟 做 竹排 , 準備 渡河 去 追擊 蜀 軍 嘞 。 still send|people|up the mountain|chop bamboo|come|make|bamboo raft|prepare|cross river|to|pursue|Shu|army|past tense particle He even sent people up the mountain to cut bamboo to make bamboo rafts, preparing to cross the river to pursue the Shu army. 呢 一日 , 翻 起 狂風 喎 , 突然 之間 , 四周圍 火起 。 this|day|suddenly|rise|strong wind|particle indicating certainty|suddenly|in between|all around|fire broke out On that day, a fierce wind arose, and suddenly, fire broke out all around. 戰鼓 就 擂到 天崩地裂 咁 響 , 嘩 嗨 ! 蜀兵 殺 到 嚟 喇 ! war drum|then|beat until|heaven and earth collapse|so|loud|wow|hi|Shu soldiers|kill|arrive|here|particle indicating action completion The war drums sounded so loud that it seemed like the sky was collapsing and the earth was splitting, wow! The Shu soldiers are coming! 啲 蠻兵 啊 大亂 喇 。 plural marker|barbarian soldiers|ah|great chaos|particle indicating completed action The barbarian soldiers are in chaos. 孟獲 慌 嘞 , 急急 帶住 同族 嘅 蠻 兵 , 殺 開條 血路 , 直奔 舊寨 。 Meng Huo|panicked|past tense particle|hurriedly|brought|his tribesmen|possessive particle|barbarian|soldiers|kill||bloody path|straight towards|old fort Meng Huo was in a panic, urgently leading his fellow tribesmen to cut a bloody path straight to the old fort. 返到 去 喇 , 誰知 趙雲帶 住 一彪 人馬 , 喺 寨 內 殺出 嚟 , 嘩 不得了 ! return|home|particle indicating completed action|who would have thought||with|a group of|soldiers|at|camp|inside|charge out|come|wow|incredible Upon returning, who would have thought that Zhao Yun was leading a group of soldiers, charging out from the fort, it was quite a sight! 孟獲 慌忙 退返 去 西洱河 , 就 專門 混 啲 深山 靜僻 嘅 地方 行 。 Meng Huo|hurriedly|retreated|to|the West Er River|then|specifically|to wander|some|deep mountains|secluded|possessive particle|places|walk In a hurry, Meng Huo retreated back to the West Er River, specifically moving through the secluded and quiet areas of the deep mountains. 行行 下 , 忽然間 又 撞 着 馬岱 , 帶住 一彪 軍馬 殺出 嚟 截住 。 walking|down|suddenly|again|bump|past tense marker|Ma Dai|leading|a group of|war horses|charging out|here|intercepting As he was walking, he suddenly ran into Ma Dai, who was leading a group of cavalry to intercept him. 打到 孟獲 呀 , 只 係 剩返 幾十個 殘兵 敗 卒 跟 住 尾 , 就 趯 咗 入 去 山谷 裏頭 。 defeated|Meng Huo|particle|only|is|remaining|a few dozen|remnants of soldiers|defeated|soldiers|follow|particle|tail|then|rushed|past tense particle|enter|into|valley|inside In the fight against Meng Huo, only a few dozen remnants of his defeated soldiers were left following behind, and they rushed into the valley. 佢 啱 啱 轉過 咗 山口 , 見到 喺 一座 大樹林 嘅 前 便 啊 , 有 幾十人 簇擁 住 一架 車 。 he|||turned|past tense marker|mountain pass|saw|at|a|large forest|possessive particle|front|then|particle|there are|dozens of people|crowding around|around|a|car He just turned around the mountain pass and saw in front of a large forest, there were dozens of people crowding around a car. 車上 便 , 孔明 端端正正 坐響 處 , 哈哈大笑 噉 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 蠻 王孟獲 , 你 一敗塗地 嚟 到 呢 處 , 我 等 咗 你好 耐 㗎 喇 。 on the car|then|Kongming|sitting upright|sitting in a loud manner|place|laughing heartily|like that|said|haha|ha|barbarian||you|utterly defeated|||this|place|I|wait|past tense marker|you|long|sentence final particle|past action particle In the car, Kongming was sitting upright, laughing heartily and saying: "Hahaha, Meng Huo, you have come here defeated, I have been waiting for you for a long time." 啊 ! 我 中 咗 此人 嘅 詭計 , 三次 羞辱 。 ah|I|fall for|past tense marker|this person|possessive particle|trick|three times|humiliation Ah! I fell for this person's trick, three times humiliated. 而家 , 喺 呢 度 遇到 佢 喇 , 真 係 好彩 , 你 哋 搏命 衝上去 , 將 佢 連 人 帶 車 , 斬成 粉碎 , 衝啊 ! now|at|this|place|encountered|him|particle indicating completed action|||lucky|||risking your lives|rushed up|to take|him|including|person|vehicle|vehicle|cut into|pieces|rush Now, encountering him here is really lucky, you all fight your way up, take him and the car, and smash them to pieces, charge! 孟獲 一馬當先 , 帶 住 嗰 班 蠻 兵 𠽤 呖 𡃈𠽤 呖 𡃈𠽤 呖 𡃈 就 發狂 噉 衝到 樹林 前 便 咯 喎 。 Meng Huo|leading the charge|||that|group|barbarian|soldiers|fight|sound particle|||||sound particle|then|went crazy|like this|rushed to|forest|in front of|then|sound particle|sound particle Meng Huo took the lead, leading that group of barbarian soldiers, charging madly towards the front of the forest. 景轟沙 一聲 踩 正 陷坑 , 跌晒落 去 。 Jing Hong Sha|with one sound|step|right|pit|fall completely|down Jing Hong Sha stepped into a pit with a loud sound and fell down. 只見 喺 樹林 裏 便 啊 , 魏延帶 住 幾百名 士兵 衝出 嚟 , 將孟 獲同 啲 蠻兵 逐個 逐個 掹 出 嚟 用 繩 綁 實 。 only saw|in|forest|inside|then|ah||with|several hundred|soldiers|charged out|here|||the|barbarian soldiers|one by one|one by one|pull|out|here|using|rope|tie|securely Suddenly, from the forest, Wei Yan led hundreds of soldiers charging out, capturing Meng Huo and the barbarian soldiers one by one and tying them up with ropes. 孔明 首先 去 到 營寨 , 招安 啲 蠻兵 , 與 及 各甸 酋長 壯丁 。 Zhuge Liang|first|||camp|recruited|particle indicating plural|barbarian soldiers|and|also|various|chieftains|able-bodied men Kong Ming first went to the camp to persuade the barbarian soldiers and the strong men from various tribes. 孔明 叫 人用 酒用 肉 嚟 招待 佢 哋 , 好好 噉 撫慰 一番 , 然後 釋放 佢 哋 走 。 Kongming|asked|||meat|to come|entertain|he|they|very well|like this|comfort|a bit|then|release|he|they|leave Kong Ming asked people to treat them with wine and meat, comforting them well, and then released them. 噉 嗰 啲 蠻 兵 當然 係 感激 到極 啦 。 like this|that|plural marker|quite|soldiers|of course|are|grateful|extremely|sentence-final particle Of course, the barbarian soldiers were extremely grateful. 過 咗 一陣 , 張翼 押 孟優 嚟 嘞 。 past|completed action marker|a moment|Zhang Yi|escort|Meng You|come|past action marker After a while, Zhang Yi brought Meng You here. 孔明 就 教訓 佢 話 : 你 阿哥 非常 愚蠢 啊 , 你 啊 應該 勸 下 佢 至 係 㗎 嘛 。 Kongming|then|taught|him|said|you|older brother|very|stupid|particle|you|particle|should|persuade|a little|him|until|is|particle|particle Kong Ming scolded him, saying: Your brother is very foolish, you should persuade him. 而家 , 畀 我 捉 咗 四次 嘞 , 仲有 咩 嘢 面目 見 人 啦 。 now|by|I|caught|past tense marker|four times|sentence-final particle|still have|what|thing|face|see|people|sentence-final particle Now, I've caught you four times, what face do you have left to see people? 孟優真 係 醜到 無地自容 , 跪 喺 處 伏 喺 地 嚟 , 懇求 免 佢 一 死 。 Meng Yau-jan|is|so ugly|can't show his face anywhere|kneeling|at|place|lying|on|ground|came|pleading|spare|him|one|death Meng You was truly ashamed to the point of being unable to show his face, kneeling on the ground, begging for his life. 孔明 就 話 喇 : 我 如果 要 殺 你 就 唔 使 等到 今日 喇 , 我仲 係 留返 你 條命 , 放 你 返去 , 你 好好 地 勸 下 你 阿哥 啦 。 Kongming|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|if|want to|kill|you|then|not|need|wait until|today|particle indicating completed action||am|leave back|you||let|you||you|properly|adverbial particle|advise|to|you|older brother|particle indicating suggestion Kong Ming said: If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have waited until today. I still spare your life, go back and persuade your brother well. 人 嚟 , 放開 佢 。 person|come|let go|him Let him go. 孔明 叫 武士 解 咗 啲 繩索 , 放開 孟優 。 Kongming|called|warrior|untied|past tense marker|plural marker|ropes|released|Mengyou Kong Ming instructed the warrior to untie the ropes and release Meng You. 孟 優流 住 眼淚 叩頭 拜謝 噉 就 走 咗 喇 。 Meng|Youliu|stop|tears|bow|thank|like this|then|leave|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Meng You, with tears streaming down his face, bowed in gratitude and then left. 過 咗 一陣 , 魏延押 孟獲 嚟 喇 。 past|completed action particle|a while||Meng Huo|come|completed action particle After a while, Wei Yan brought Meng Huo. 孔明 就 詐家意 發惡 喎 , 一拍 張 枱 喝 佢 話 : 孟獲 , 你 今次 又 畀 我 捉住 嘞 , 仲有 咩 嘢 說話 講 ? Kongming|then|deceive|act wickedly|particle indicating realization|with a slap|measure word for tables|table|scold|he|said|Meng Huo|you|this time|again|by|I|caught|particle indicating completed action|still have|what|thing|conversation|to say Kong Ming pretended to be angry, slammed the table, and shouted at him, saying: Meng Huo, you have been caught by me again this time, what else is there to say? 我 , 誤中 詭計 , 死不瞑目 啊 ! I|fell for|trick|died with eyes wide open|ah I, caught in a trap, cannot die with my eyes closed! 刀斧手 ! knife and axe wielder The executioner! 有 ! have Yes! 將孟獲 拉出去 , 斬 ! ||behead Take Meng Huo out and behead him! 哼 ! 你 如果 有膽 , 再放 我 返去 , 我 , 一定 要報 呢 四次 被 擒 之 恨 喇 ! hum|you|if|have the guts|let go again|I|go back|I|definitely|will take revenge|this|four times|passive marker|captured|possessive particle|hatred|final particle Hmph! If you have the guts, let me go back, I will definitely seek revenge for the four times I was captured! 咩 嘢 話 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 人 嚟 , 放開 佢 ! what|thing|said|hahaha||person|come|let go|him/her What are you talking about? Hahaha, hahaha, let him go! 孔明 哈哈大笑 , 叫 人 放開 孟獲 。 Kongming|laughed heartily|shouted|people|let go of|Meng Huo Kong Ming laughed heartily and told people to let Meng Huo go. 攞 酒 嚟 畀 佢 飲 等 佢 定下 驚 , 然後 叫 佢 坐 低 。 take|alcohol|here|give|him|drink|wait|he|calm down|scared|then|tell|him|sit|down Get some wine for him to drink to calm his fears, and then tell him to sit down. 孔明 話 喇 : 我 四次 對 你 都 係 以禮相待 , 你 噉 都 仲 唔 服 , 點解 呢 ? Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action|I|four times|towards|you|all|am|treating with respect|you|like this|still|even|not|convinced|why|question particle Kong Ming said: I have treated you with respect four times, yet you still refuse to submit, why is that? 我 , 雖然 係 個 未開化 嘅 人 , 之 唔 係 , 好似 丞相 你 噉 , 專施 詭計 , 我 , 點肯 服 啊 ? I|although|am|classifier for people|uncivilized|possessive particle|person|particle indicating contrast|not|am|like|prime minister|you|like that|specialize in|deceit|I|how could|submit|particle indicating exclamation I, although I am an uncivilized person, unlike you, Prime Minister, who only schemes, how can I possibly submit? 如果 我 再 放 你 返去 , 你仲能 唔 能夠 再戰 一場 呢 ? if|I|again|let|you|go back|can you still|not|able to|fight again|one match|question particle If I let you go back again, will you still be able to fight one more battle? 得 ! 丞相 , 如果 再 捉 到 我 , 我 , 就 一心 投降 , 獻晒本 洞 嘅 財物 , 嚟 到 勞軍 , 我 , 發誓 再 唔 作反 ! okay|Prime Minister|if|again|||I|I||||||||||||swear|again|not|rebel Sure! Prime Minister, if I get caught again, I will wholeheartedly surrender, offer all the treasures of my cave to support the army, and I swear I will never rebel again! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好 啦 好 啦 , 噉 你 走 啦 。 hahaha||||||then|you|| Hahaha, alright, alright, then you can leave. 孟獲 高高興興 叩頭 拜祭 就 走 人 喇 。 Meng Huo|happily|kowtow|worship|then|leave|people|particle indicating completed action Meng Huo happily bowed and worshipped before leaving. 哈哈 ! 孟獲 都 習慣 晒 㗎 喇 。 haha|Meng Huo|all|accustomed|fully|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Haha! Meng Huo is already used to it. 噉 孟獲 出去 之後 , 聚集 返 各 洞 嘅 壯丁 有 幾千人 , 就 一直 向 住 南 便行 。 then|Meng Huo|go out|after|gathered|back|each|village|possessive particle|strong men|have|several thousand people|then|continuously|towards|live|south| After Meng Huo went out, he gathered several thousand strong men from each cave and marched south. 呢 一日 , 孟獲 行行 下 就 見到 前 便 沙塵 滾滾 , 有 一隊 兵 嚟 緊 喎 。 this|one day|Meng Huo|walking|down|then|saw|ahead|just|dust|rolling|there is|a group of|soldiers|coming|soon|particle indicating certainty On this day, as Meng Huo was walking, he saw a cloud of dust ahead; a troop of soldiers was approaching. 等 行到 埋 嚟 一 睇 , 哦 , 原來 係 細佬孟優 收拾 殘兵 重整旗鼓 , 嚟 同 大佬 報仇 啊 ! wait|walk to|together|come|one|look|oh|originally|is||clean up|remnants of soldiers|regroup|come|with|older brother|take revenge|ah When they got closer, they realized it was his younger brother Meng You gathering the remnants of the army to regroup and seek revenge! 兩 兄弟 見到 面 就 抱頭痛哭 , 嘰哩 呱 啦 就 大家 都將 被 擒 以後 嘅 事 啊 講 咗 一輪 。 two|brothers|saw|face|then|hugged each other and cried|chattering|talking|particle|then|everyone||be|captured|after|possessive particle|things|particle|talked|past tense marker|a round The two brothers embraced and cried when they met, and they all shared stories about what happened after they were captured. 孟優 收尾 就 話 喇 : 我 哋 打親 都 輸 , 蜀兵 打親 都 贏 嘅 , 我 哋 好 難 同 佢 對敵 㗎 喎 。 Meng Yau|wrap up|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|plural marker|fight|all|lose|Shu soldiers|fight|all|win|particle indicating possession|I|plural marker|very|difficult|with|him|compete|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating realization Meng You concluded by saying: We have lost in battle, and the Shu soldiers have won; it will be very difficult for us to confront them. 不如 搵 啲 偏僻 嘅 山洞 , 避開 下先 , 唔 好 出 嚟 。 why not|find|some|remote|possessive particle|cave|avoid||||| How about we find some remote caves to hide in for a while and not come out? 嗰 啲 蜀 兵 捱 唔 住 啲 暑熱 , 自然 就 會 撤退 㗎 嘞 。 that|plural marker|Shu|soldiers|endure|not|able to|plural marker|heat|naturally|then|will|retreat|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Those Shu soldiers can't stand the heat, so they will naturally retreat. 噉 , 避去 邊度 好 呢 ? then|avoid|where|good|question particle So, where should we go? 由 呢 處 去 西南 便 有 個 洞 , 叫做 禿 龍洞 。 from|this|place|go|southwest|then|there is|a|cave|called|bald| There is a cave to the southwest from here, called the Bald Dragon Cave. 洞主朵 思 大王 , 同 我 交情 極之 深厚 嘅 , 去 投奔 佢 啦 。 the owner of the cave|Si|great king|with|I|friendship|extremely|deep|possessive particle|go|seek refuge|him|particle indicating suggestion The cave owner, King Dosi, has a very close relationship with me, so let's go seek refuge with him. 孟獲 同意 嘞 , 就 叫 孟優 啊 去 禿 龍洞 , 搵 着 朵 思 大王 講 一聲 先 。 Meng Huo|agreed|past tense marker|then|called|Meng You|particle|go|bald|Dragon Cave|find||Diao|Si|great king|tell||first Meng Huo agreed, and then asked Meng You to go to Tu Long Cave to inform King Duo Si first. 朵思 大王 就 好 歡迎 啊 , 連忙 帶住 蠻兵 出 嚟 迎接 。 Dorsey|King|then|very|welcome|ah|hurriedly|bringing|barbarian soldiers|out|here|to greet King Duo Si was very welcoming and quickly brought the barbarian soldiers out to greet. 孟獲入 到 去 嘞 , 彼此 行過禮 。 |arrive|go|past tense marker|each other| When Meng Huo entered, they exchanged greetings. 噉 孟獲 呢 , 就將 幾次 畀 諸葛亮 打敗 嘅 經過 , 講晒 畀 朵 思 大王 聽 。 then|Meng Huo|this||several times|by|Zhuge Liang|defeated|possessive particle|experience|tell everything|to|||great king|listen Then Meng Huo recounted to King Duo Si the several times he had been defeated by Zhuge Liang. 朵 思話 : 大王 你 寬心 啦 。 a measure word for flowers|thinking|great king|you|be at ease|particle indicating a suggestion or reassurance King Duo Si said: "My lord, you can rest assured." 若果 蜀兵 嚟 到 啊 , 就要 佢 一 人 一 馬 都 唔 返 得 扯 , 同 諸葛亮 一齊 死 喺 呢 處 啊 。 if|Shu soldiers|come|arrive|particle|then must|he|one|person|one|horse|all|not|return|able|pull|together|Zhuge Liang|together|die|at|this|place|particle If the Shu army comes here, then not a single one of them should return, they should all die here together with Zhuge Liang. 噉 , 就 好極 喇 , 你 , 你 有 乜嘢 好計 呢 ? then|just|extremely good|particle indicating completed action|you|you|have|what|good idea|question particle Then, that would be great, what good plan do you have? 朵思 大王 就講 畀 孟獲 聽 嘞 。 Duosi|King||to|Meng Huo|hear|past tense particle King Duosi told Meng Huo. 原來 啊 , 呢 個 禿 龍洞 呢 , 就 只有 兩條路 入得 嚟 嘅 啫 。 it turns out|ah|this|measure word for places|bald|Lung Tong|this|then|only|two roads|can enter|come|particle indicating possession or modification|only It turns out that this Bald Dragon Cave only has two paths to enter. 喺 東北方 有 條路 , 就 係 孟獲 兩 兄弟 行 嚟 嗰 條 喇 。 at|northeast|there is||then|is|Meng Huo|two|brothers|walk|come|that|measure word for road|sentence-final particle There is a path in the northeast, which is the one that Meng Huo's two brothers came through. 呢 條路 呢 , 地勢 就 平坦 , 土地 肥沃 , 啲 水 係 甜水 嚟 , 好靚水 , 人馬 都 可以 通行 。 this||this|terrain|then|flat|land|fertile|plural marker|water|is|fresh water|coming|very nice water|people and horses|all|can|pass This road here is flat, the land is fertile, the water is sweet, it's beautiful water, and both people and horses can pass through. 但 係 呢 , 如果 用 啲 樹木 啊 石頭 噉 塞斷 住 洞口 , 噉 就算 有 百萬 人馬 都 打 唔 入 嚟 嘅 噃。 ||this|if|use|some|trees|particle|stones|then|block|at|entrance|then|even if|have|million|troops|all|break|not|enter|come|particle| However, if you block the entrance with trees and stones, then even if there are a million people and horses, they won't be able to get in. 另外 喺 西北方 仲有 一條 路 , 嗰 處 山嶺 險惡 , 道路 狹窄 , 其中 有 啲 小路 呢 就 佈滿 毒蛇 毒蟲 。 additionally|at|northwest|there is still|one|road|that|place|mountain range|treacherous|road|narrow|among them|there are|some|small paths|this|then|filled with|venomous snakes|poisonous insects Additionally, there is another road in the northwest, where the mountains are treacherous, and the road is narrow, with some paths filled with poisonous snakes and insects. 一到 黃昏時候 呀 , 啲 山嵐 瘴氣 就 含 含聲 升起 嚟 㗎 喇 。 when it arrives|dusk|particle indicating exclamation|plural marker|mountain mist|poisonous gas|then|||rises|here|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion As soon as it gets to dusk, the mountain miasma rises up. 一直 到 第日 , 未 、 申 、 酉 三個 時辰 , 誒 即 係 用 而 家 嘅 說話 講呢 , 即 係 中午 一點 到 下午 七點 呢 段時間 啊 , 噉 先至 可以 往來 通行 嘅 。 continuously|until|next day|not yet|3 PM|5 PM|three|time periods|ah|||using|||possessive particle|language|saying this|||noon|1 PM|until|afternoon|7 PM|this||ah|then|only then|can|back and forth|passage|possessive particle Only during the hours of the Rat, Snake, and Rooster, which is to say from one o'clock in the afternoon to seven o'clock in the evening, can people come and go. 呢條 路 嘅 一帶 呀 , 啲 水 唔 飲得 㗎 , 人馬 都 難行 , 而且 呢 處 呀 仲有 四個 毒泉 添 嘅 噃。 this|road|possessive particle|area|sentence-final particle|plural marker|water|not|drinkable|sentence-final particle|people and horses|all|hard to travel|moreover|this|place|sentence-final particle|still have|four|poisonous springs|additionally|possessive particle| This area of the road, the water is not drinkable, and it's hard for people and horses to pass. Moreover, there are four poisonous springs here. 一個 就 叫做 啞泉 , 啲 水 係 有 啲 甜味 嘅 , 但 係 如果 飲 咗 佢 呢 , 即刻 就 唔 會講 嘢 㗎 喇 , 不 出 十日 就 必死 。 a|then|is called|dumb spring|some|water|is|has|a little|sweetness|particle indicating possession|||if|drink|past tense marker|it|this|immediately|then|not||things|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|not|within|ten days|then|certain to die One is called the Mute Spring, the water has a bit of sweetness, but if you drink it, you will immediately lose your ability to speak, and within ten days, you will definitely die. 第二個 泉 就 叫做 滅泉 , 嗰 度 啲 水 呀 , 嗶 嗶 吧 啦 直情 好似 滾水 噉 樣 , 啲 人 若果 用 嚟 洗身 就爛 皮爛肉 就 爛到 入骨 就 死 㗎 喇 。 second|spring|then|is called|deadly spring|that|place|the|water|particle|bubbling|bubbling|particle|particle|simply|like|boiling water|like|appearance|the|people|if|use|to|wash body||skin and flesh|then|rotten to|the bone|then|die|particle|particle The second spring is called the Extinguishing Spring, the water there is bubbling, it looks just like boiling water. If people use it to wash their bodies, their skin and flesh will rot down to the bone, and they will die. 第三個 就 叫做 黑泉 , 啲 水 呢 就 唔 係 黑 嘅 , 係 清清 地 㗎 喎 , 如果 擠 咗 啲 喺 身 嚟 呀 哈 , 噉 就 會 手腳 變黑 而 死 㗎 。 the third|then|is called|Black Spring|the|water|particle|then|not|is|black|particle|is|clear|particle|particle|particle|if|squeeze|past tense marker|some|on|body|particle|particle|haha|then|then|will|hands and feet|turn black|and|die|particle The third one is called the Black Spring, the water is not black, it is clear. If you splash some on your body, your hands and feet will turn black and you will die. 第四個 叫做 柔泉 , 啲 水 就 冷到 冰 噉 嘅 , 啲 人 如果 飲 咗 佢 呢 , 喉嚨 就 會 冇 晒 暖氣 , 周身 軟 顂顂 噉 就 死 㗎 喇 。 the fourth|is called|Soft Spring|the|water|then|cold to|ice|like|particle|the|people|if|drink|past tense marker|it|particle|throat|then|will|have no|completely|warmth|whole body|soft|weak|like|then|die|particle|particle The fourth is called the Soft Spring, the water is as cold as ice. If people drink it, their throat will lose all warmth, and their whole body will become soft and they will die. 噉 啊 據說 呢 處 地方 啊 , 雀鳥 都 冇 隻 嘅 。 like this|particle|it is said|this|place|area|particle|birds|all|have not|measure word|possessive particle Well, it is said that there are no birds in this place. 只有 漢朝 伏波 將軍 馬 援 就 曾經 渡過 唧 , 以後 就 再 冇 人 嚟 過 㗎 喇 。 only|Han Dynasty|Fubo|general|horse|Yuan|then|once|crossed|Jik|afterwards|then|again|no|people|come|past||particle Only General Ma Yuan of the Han Dynasty has ever crossed here, and after that, no one has come again. 馬 援 係 邊個 呢 ? 馬 援 係 漢朝 嘅 名將 , 距離 孔明 呢 一陣 啊 有 一百七 廿 幾年 㗎 喇 。 Ma|Yuan|is|who|question particle|Ma|Yuan|is|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|famous general|distance|Kongming|question particle|moment|ah|has|170|20||sentence-final particle|past action particle Who is Ma Yuan? Ma Yuan is a famous general of the Han Dynasty, and he lived about one hundred and twenty years after Kongming. 噉 啊 朵 思 大王 口 水花 噴噴 就 介紹 完 呢 兩條路 嘅 情形 之後 呢 佢 就 話 喇 : like this|ah|classifier for flowers|Si (name)|king|mouth|water splash|spraying|then|introduce|finished|this|two roads|possessive particle|situation|after|this|he|then|said|particle indicating completed action So after introducing the situation of these two roads with a lot of enthusiasm, the king said: 我 哋 呢 , 塞斷 咗 東北 嗰 條 大路 , 大王 你 就 可以 平平安安 , 穩穩 陣陣 喺 敝 洞 住 落 嚟 喇 。 ||question particle|block|past tense marker|northeast|that|measure word for roads|main road|great king|you|then|can|safely|||at|humble|cave|live|down|come|completed action particle We have blocked the main road to the northeast, so you can stay safely and securely in our cave. 蜀兵 若果 見到 東路 截斷 咗 , 就 必定 由 西路 入 嚟 啦 。 Shu soldiers|if|see|East Road|cut off|past tense marker|then|definitely|from|West Road|enter|come|sentence final particle If the Shu army sees that the eastern route is cut off, they will definitely come in from the western route. 噉 一路 佢 冇 水 飲 喇 , 見到 呢 四個 泉 , 實 要 喺 度 飲水 嘅 。 then|all the time|he|has no|water|drink|particle indicating completed action|saw|this|four|springs|really|need|at|place|drink water|particle indicating possession So all the way they have no water to drink, and upon seeing these four springs, they really need to drink water here. 一飲親 呀 , 就算 佢 有 百萬 人馬 ,冚𠾴唥 都 要 返 去 舊時 嗰 處 喇 ! after drinking|particle|even if|he|has|million|troops|all together|all|must|return|to|past|that|place|particle Once they drink, even if they have a million troops, they will have to return to where they were before! 你估 使用 刀槍 嘅 咩 ? |use|weapons|possessive particle|question particle What do you think about using knives and guns? 哎呀 歡喜 到 孟獲 呀 眉開眼笑 : 今日 , 我 先 至 有 立腳 之地 啊 ! oh no|happy|to|Meng Huo|particle|smiling broadly|today|I|first|arrive|have|standing||particle Oh, Meng Huo is so happy, smiling broadly: Today, I finally have a place to stand! 諸葛亮 啊 , 諸葛亮 , 任 你 有 神機妙算 , 你 呀 都 難以 施展 啊 ! Zhuge Liang|ah||no matter|you|have|brilliant strategies|||all|difficult to|execute|ah Zhuge Liang, ah, Zhuge Liang, no matter how brilliant your strategies are, you still find it difficult to implement them! 四個 毒 泉 嘅 水 , 就 同 我 , 報清 咗 敗兵 之恨 啊 ! four|poison|spring|possessive particle|water|then|with|I|clear up|past tense marker|defeated soldier||exclamatory particle The water from the four poisonous springs is just like me, avenging the hatred of the defeated soldiers! 嗯 哼 哼哼哈哈 哈哈 , 嗯 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 um|hm|hee hee ha ha|ha ha|um|ha ha ha|ha ha ha Hmm, hehehe, haha, haha, hmm, hahahaha, hahahaha. 從此 之後 呢 , 孟獲 孟優 兩 兄弟 呀 , 日日 都 同朵 思 大王 飲酒作樂 , 就 以 為 梗贏 㗎 喇 。 from then on|after|question particle|Meng Huo|Meng Yiu|two|brothers|particle indicating exclamation|every day|all||Si|great king|drinking and having fun|then||||particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action From then on, the two brothers Meng Huo and Meng You would drink and have fun with King Diao Si every day, thinking they were sure to win. 而家 講下 孔明 , 佢 好 耐 都 唔 見 孟 獲 帶兵 嚟 打 , 就 下令 全軍 就 離開 西洱河 , 向 住 南 便 推進 。 now|talk about|Kongming|he|very|long|already|not|see|||lead troops|here|fight|then|ordered|the whole army|then|leave|the West Er River|||south|then|advance Now let's talk about Kongming. He hadn't seen Meng Huo leading troops to fight for a long time, so he ordered the entire army to leave the West Er River and advance south. 呢 個 時候 正 係 六月 啊 , 個 日頭 呀 好似 火 噉 , 熱到 不堪 啊 , 行起 軍 嚟 真 係 辛苦 個 咯 。 this|measure word|time|just|is|June|particle|measure word|sun|particle|seems|fire|like|hot to the point of|unbearable|particle|marching|army|come|really|is|hard|measure word|particle At this time, it is June, and the sun is like fire, so hot that it is unbearable. Marching is really tough. 有 一日 , 孔明 統率 大軍 正在 行進 緊 , 哨馬 忽然 嚟 報告 話 : 報 ! 稟告 丞相 , 孟獲 退 咗 去 禿 龍洞 , 匿 埋 唔 出 嚟 。 there is|one day|Kongming|commanded|large army|currently|marching|in progress|scout horse|suddenly|came|to report|saying|report|to inform|Prime Minister|Meng Huo|retreated|past tense marker|to|bald||hiding|completely|not|coming|out One day, Kongming was leading the army and was on the move when a scout suddenly reported: "Report! I inform the Prime Minister that Meng Huo has retreated to Tuluong Cave and is hiding inside." 將 洞口 嘅 要道 塞斷 , 裏 便 有 兵 把守 , 山嶺 險惡 , 唔 能夠 前進 啊 。 block|cave entrance|possessive particle|vital road|cut off|inside|then|have|soldiers|guarding|mountains|treacherous|not|able to|advance|sentence-final particle Block the main road at the cave entrance, and there will be soldiers guarding it. The mountains are treacherous, and we cannot advance. 孔明聽 咗 就 請 呂凱 嚟 問 嘞 , 呂凱話 : |past tense marker|then|invited|Lue Kai|to come|ask|sentence-final particle|Lue Kai said Upon hearing this, Kongming called for Lu Kai to ask. Lu Kai said: 呢 處 啲 路 , 我 只 係 聽聞 過個 啫 , 詳細 情形 都 唔 知 㗎 。 this|place|plural marker|road|I|only|am|heard||particle|detailed|situation|also|not|know|particle I have only heard about the roads here, but I do not know the detailed situation. 蔣琬 就 話 喇 : 孟獲 四次 被 擒 , 已經 嚇到 慌 晒 喇 , 仲點 敢 出 嚟 吖 。 Jiang Wan|then|said|particle indicating completed action|Meng Huo|four times|passive marker|captured|already|scared to the point of panic|panicked|completely|particle indicating completed action||dare|come out|out|particle indicating a question or emphasis Jiang Wan said: Meng Huo has been captured four times, and he is already scared to death, how can he dare to come out? 目前 天氣炎熱 啊 , 人馬 疲乏 , 繼續 打落 去 都 冇 乜 好處 咯 , 不如 班師 回國 罷啦 。 currently||particle|soldiers|tired|continue|||all|have no|any|benefits|particle|might as well|troops|return to country|give up The weather is hot right now, and the troops are exhausted. Continuing to fight has no benefits, so it would be better for the troops to return home. 孔明 話 喇 : 如果 噉 樣 呀 , 我 哋 就 正中 孟獲 之計 喇 。 Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action|if|like this|appearance|particle indicating surprise|I|we|then|right in|Meng Huo||particle indicating completed action Kong Ming said: If that's the case, we are falling right into Meng Huo's trap. 我 哋 嘅 軍隊 一退 , 佢 必定 趁勢 嚟 追 我 哋 嘅 。 ||possessive particle|army|retreats|he|definitely|take advantage of the situation|come|chase|||possessive particle If our army retreats, he will definitely take the opportunity to pursue us. 而家 已經 嚟 到 呢 處 咯 , 點有 返 轉頭 之理 㗎 ? now|already|||||particle indicating completed action|how is there|return|turning back|reason|particle indicating emphasis Now that we have come this far, how can we turn back? 孔明 就 於是 命令 王平 , 帶領 幾百名 軍士 做 前鋒 。 Kongming|then|so|ordered|Wang Ping|to lead|several hundred|soldiers|to be|vanguard Kongming then ordered Wang Ping to lead a few hundred soldiers as the vanguard. 同時 又 叫 新 投降 過 嚟 嘅 蠻 兵 引路 , 噉 啊 跟 住 西北方 嘅 小路 呢 , 進入 禿 龍洞 境界 喇 。 at the same time|also|to call|new|surrender|past|come|possessive particle|barbarian|soldier|guide|then|ah|||northwest|possessive particle|small road|particle indicating a question or suggestion|enter|||boundary|particle indicating completion At the same time, he also called upon the newly surrendered barbarian soldiers to guide them, following the small path to the northwest, entering the territory of Tuluong Cave. 行行 下 , 前 便 嚟 到 一個 泉 。 walk|down|in front|then|come|arrive|one|spring As they walked on, they soon arrived at a spring. 噉 當時 人 又 渴時 馬 又 渴 , 都 爭住 飲 啲 泉水 嘞 噃。 then|at that time|people|also|when thirsty|horse|also|thirsty|all|competing to|drink|some|spring water|past action particle|sentence-final particle At that time, both the people and the horses were thirsty, and they all rushed to drink from the spring. 飲 完水 , 王平 探明 咗 有條 噉 嘅 路 唄 , 就 返去 報告 孔明 啦 。 drink||Wang Ping|find out|past tense marker||like that|possessive particle|road|particle indicating suggestion|then|return|report|Kong Ming|particle indicating completion After drinking the water, Wang Ping discovered that there was a path, so he returned to report to Kongming. 點 知道 佢 哋 返 到 大本營 , 個個 都 啞 晒 唔 會講 嘢 , 只 係 一味 噉 指住 個 口唧 。 how|to know|he|they|return|to|base camp|everyone|all|mute|completely|not||thing|only|is|mindlessly|like that|pointing at|the|mouth How to know that when they returned to the base, everyone was dumbfounded and wouldn't speak, only pointing at their mouths. 弊 喇 , 孔明 嚇 咗 一驚 , 知道 王平 佢 哋 實 係 中毒 喇 , 就 坐 架車 , 帶住 幾十個 人 前去 睇 下 。 wrong|particle indicating completed action|Kongming|scare|past tense marker|a fright|knew|Wang Ping|he|they|really|are|poisoned|particle indicating completed action|then|sit||brought|several dozen|people|go forward|see|particle indicating action completion Oh no, Kongming was startled and realized that Wang Ping and the others were actually poisoned, so he got in the car and took dozens of people to check it out. 去 到 嗰 個 泉 呀 , 只見 一潭 清水 , 嘩 嗨 , 綠到 烏黑 烏黑 噉 色 嘅 , 深到 唔 見 底 , 啲 寒氣 呀 一浸 浸 噉 撲 埋 嚟 。 go|to|that|measure word|spring|particle|only saw|a pool|clear water|wow|hey|green to the point of|pitch black|pitch black|like|color|possessive particle|deep to the point of|not|see|bottom|particle for plural|coldness|particle|one dip|soak|like|rush|towards|come When they arrived at that spring, they only saw a pool of clear water, wow, it was so green that it looked black, and it was so deep that you couldn't see the bottom, the cold air rushed in like a wave. 孔明 落 咗 車 , 行 上個 山坡 望下 。 Kongming|get off|past tense marker|vehicle|walk|last|hillside|take a look Kongming got out of the car and walked up the hillside to take a look. 見到 四周圍 峰連峰 就 嶺 接嶺 , 樹木 好多 , 唯獨 是 呢 就 唔 聽聞 雀鳥 嘅 鳴叫聲 噃, 個心 就 好 奇怪 喇 。 saw|all around|peaks upon peaks|then|ridges|connected ridges|trees|many|only|is|this|then|not|heard|birds|possessive particle|chirping|particle indicating realization|heart|then|very|strange|particle indicating change of state He saw peaks connecting all around, with many trees, but there was no sound of birds chirping, which made him feel very strange. 噉 佢 四圍 咁 望 , 忽然間 見到 遠遠 個 山崗 上 便 啊 , 有 一間 古廟 噃。 like this|he|all around|so|looked|suddenly|saw|far away|the|hill|on|then|ah|there is|a|ancient temple|particle indicating certainty So he looked around, and suddenly saw in the distance on the hill, there was an ancient temple. 好 ! 去 睇 下 至 得 。 good|go|see|next|until|okay Great! Let's go take a look. 孔明 就 唔 怕 辛苦 ,摱 住 啲 山藤拉住 啲 樹仔 , 一步 一步 噉 行 過去 。 Kongming|then|not|afraid|hardship|||plural marker||plural marker|sapling|one step|one step|like that|walk|over Kong Ming was not afraid of hardship, holding onto the vines and trees, he walked over step by step. 去 到 喇 , 原來 係 一間 用 石頭 起 嘅 廟 。 go|arrive|particle indicating completed action|originally|is|a|using|stone|built|possessive particle|temple When he arrived, it turned out to be a temple built of stone. 裏 便 有 一位 將軍 嘅 塑像 , 就 好 莊嚴 噉 坐響 處 。 inside|then|has|one|general|possessive particle|statue|just|very|solemn|like that|sitting in|place Inside, there was a statue of a general, sitting there very solemnly. 旁邊 有塊 石碑 , 孔明 行埋 去 睇 下 啲 碑文 , 哦 原來 係 漢朝 伏波 將軍 馬 援 嘅 廟 嚟 啊 。 next to||stone tablet|Kongming|walked over|to|look|at|the|inscriptions|oh|originally|is|Han Dynasty|Fubo|general|Ma|Yuan|possessive particle|temple|come|ah Next to it, there is a stone tablet. Kongming walks over to take a look at the inscriptions. Oh, it turns out to be the temple of General Ma Yuan from the Han Dynasty. 當年 啊 , 馬 援 因為 平蠻 就 嚟 到 呢 處 , 收尾 啲 當地 土人 呢 就 立 咗 間 廟 嚟 拜 佢 。 that year|ah|Ma|Yun|because|pacifying the barbarians|then|came|to|this|place|to finish|plural marker|local|indigenous people|this|then|built|past tense marker|measure word for buildings|temple|for|worship|him Back then, Ma Yuan came to this place to pacify the barbarians, and the local tribes built a temple to worship him. 於是 孔明 恭恭敬敬 噉 對 住 伏波 將軍 嘅 神像 啊 , 再三 跪拜 , 佢 禱告 話 : then|Kongming|respectfully|like this|||Fubo|general|possessive particle|statue|ah|repeatedly|bowed|he|prayed|said So, Kongming respectfully faced the statue of General Ma Yuan, knelt down repeatedly, and prayed saying: 我 諸葛亮 , 接受 咗 先帝 託孤 嘅 重任 , 今日 , 奉 咗 聖旨 , 嚟 到 呢 度 平蠻 。 I|Zhuge Liang|accepted|past tense marker|late emperor|entrusted with the care of the heir|possessive particle|heavy responsibility|today|received||imperial decree|||this|place|pacify the barbarians I, Zhuge Liang, have accepted the heavy responsibility entrusted by the late emperor. Today, I have come here under the imperial decree to pacify the barbarians. 希望 平定 南蠻 之後 , 就 討伐 北魏 、 東吳 , 重 安漢室 。 hope|pacify|Southern barbarians|after|then|attack|Northern Wei|Eastern Wu|restore| I hope that after pacifying the southern barbarians, I can then attack the Northern Wei and Eastern Wu, and restore peace to the Han dynasty. 而家 , 啲 軍士 唔 熟悉 地理 , 飲錯 咗 毒水 唔 出得聲 。 now|the|soldiers|not|familiar with|geography|drank the wrong|past tense marker|poison water|not| Right now, the soldiers are not familiar with the geography and drank the wrong poison without making a sound. 萬望 尊臣 顧念 本朝 恩義 , 通靈 顯聖 , 保佑 三軍 ! I sincerely hope|esteemed minister|consideration|current dynasty|grace and favor|communication with spirits|manifestation of divine power|bless|three armies I hope the esteemed officials will consider the grace of our dynasty, communicate with the spirits, and bless the three armies! 孔明 祈禱 完 , 就 起身 行出 間 廟 想 搵 當地 嘅 土人 , 了解 下 情況 。 Kongming|pray|finished|then|got up|walked out|the|temple|wanted|to find|local|possessive particle|indigenous people|to understand|a little|situation After Kongming finished praying, he got up and walked out of the temple to find the local people to understand the situation. 誒 ? 忽然間 見到 對面 山有 個伯爺 公 , 篤 住 支 拐杖 行緊過 嚟 噃。 eh|suddenly|saw|across|||grandpa|leaning|on|(classifier for long objects)|cane||here|particle Eh? Suddenly, I saw an old man on the opposite mountain, walking over with a cane. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 個伯爺 公行 到 嚟 喇 。 passed|past tense marker|not|long||walking|arrive|here|completed action particle Not long after, the old man arrived. 孔明 見到 佢 個 樣 呀 都 生 得 好 奇特 嘅 , 就 請 個伯爺 公入 去 廟裏 便 , 彼此 行過禮 就 打 對面 噉 坐 喺 嚿 大石 上 便 。 Kong Ming|saw|he|(measure word)|appearance|particle|also|||very|peculiar|particle|then|invited|||to go|inside the temple|then|each other|exchanged greetings|then|to play|opposite|like that|to sit|at|(measure word)|big rock|on|then Kong Ming saw that his appearance was quite peculiar, so he invited the old man into the temple. After exchanging greetings, they sat facing each other on a large stone. 孔明問 佢 : 老伯 高姓大名 啊 ? |him|old man||question particle Kong Ming asked him: "What is your surname and full name, old man?" 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 誒 老夫 久聞 大國 丞相 嘅 大名 , 嘿嘿 , 今日 得以 拜見 , 非常 榮幸 啊 。 hehe||eh|I (old man)|have long heard of|great nation|prime minister|possessive particle|great name||today|able to|meet|very|honored|ah Hehe, hehe, I have long heard of the great name of the Prime Minister of the great nation. Hehe, today I am honored to meet you. 我 哋 蠻方 啲 人 , 多得 丞相 活命 , 真 係 感恩 不 淺 啊 。 we|plural marker|Manfang|measure word|people|thanks to|Prime Minister|spared|really|is|grateful|not|shallow|ah particle We, the people of the barbarian tribes, owe our lives to the Prime Minister. We are truly very grateful. 係 喇 老伯 , 我 哋 啲 軍士 飲 咗 呢 處 嘅 泉水 都 啞 咗 唔 曉 出聲 , 點解 呢 吓 ? yes|particle|old man|I|we|plural marker|soldiers|drink|past tense marker|this|place|possessive particle|spring water|all|mute|past tense marker|not|know|make sound|why|particle|question particle Yes, old man, our soldiers who drank the spring water here have become mute and cannot make a sound. Why is that? 哦 , 軍士 所 飲 嘅 水 啊 , 係 啞 泉 嘅 水 啊 。 oh|soldier|that|drink|possessive particle|water|ah|is|mute|spring|possessive particle|water|ah Oh, the water that the soldiers drink is the water from the mute spring. 嘿嘿 呢 啲 水 呀 , 飲 咗 就 唔 曉 出聲 , 幾日 之後 , 就 會 死 㗎 喇 。 hehe|this|plural marker|water|sentence-final particle|drink|past tense marker|then|not|able to|make noise|a few days|later|then|will|die|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Hehe, this water, once you drink it, you won't be able to make a sound, and after a few days, you will die. 除 咗 呢 個 啞泉 之外 呢 , 仲有 三個 毒泉 添 㗎 。 except|past tense marker|this|measure word|dumb spring|besides||there are still|three|poisonous springs|also|sentence-final particle Besides this mute spring, there are also three other poisonous springs. 嗱, 東南 便 有 一個 泉 , 啲 水 誒 極冷 嘅 , 若果 飲 咗 啲 水 呀 , 喉嚨 就 冇 晒 暖氣 , 周身 軟弱無力 噉 就 死 㗎 , 誒 叫做 柔泉 。 well|southeast|then|has|a|spring|the|water|ah|extremely cold|particle indicating possession|if|drink|past tense marker|the|water|particle indicating a question|throat|then|has no|completely|warmth|whole body|weak and powerless|like that|then|die|particle indicating certainty|ah|called|soft spring Look, to the southeast, there is a spring, the water is extremely cold, if you drink this water, your throat will lose all warmth, and you will feel weak all over and die. It's called the soft spring. 正南方 有個 泉 , 叫做 黑泉 啊 , 啲 人 若果 瀄 到 啲 水 喺 身 呢 , 手腳 都 會 變黑 而 死 㗎 。 due south|there is|spring|called|Black Spring|ah|the|people|if|drink|to|the|water|on|body|this|hands and feet|all|will|turn black|and|die|particle indicating certainty To the south, there is a spring called the black spring, if people come into contact with this water, their hands and feet will turn black and they will die. 西南 便 又 有 個 泉 , 啲 水 直情 好似 滾水 咁 熱 嘅 。 southwest|then|again|has|a|spring|the|water|simply|like|boiling water|so|hot|particle In the southwest, there is a spring, and the water is extremely hot, almost like boiling water. 啲 人 如果 唔 知道 , 用 啲 水 嚟 洗身 呀 , 皮肉 都 會爛 晒 噉 死 㗎 , 叫做 滅泉 。 these|people|if|not|know|use|some|water|to|wash body|sentence final particle|flesh|all||completely|like that|die|sentence final particle|called|extinguishing spring If people are not aware and use this water to wash themselves, their skin will rot and they could die; this is called a deadly spring. 呢 , 敝 鄉 呢 四個 泉 呀 , 都 係 好 毒 好 毒 嘅 , 冇 藥醫得 㗎 。 this|my|hometown|this|four|springs|particle|all|are|very|poisonous|very|poisonous|particle|no||particle In our village, these four springs are all very toxic, and there is no medicine that can cure it. 而且 山嵐 瘴氣 又 極其 嚴重 , 唯有 未 、 申 、 酉 三個 時辰 先至 可以 來往 。 moreover|mountain mist|miasma|again|extremely|severe|only|the 5th hour of the day|the 9th hour of the day|the 10th hour of the day|three|time periods|only then|can|travel Moreover, the mountain miasma is extremely severe, and one can only travel during the hours of the Rat, Snake, and Rooster. 其餘 嘅 時間 , 都 係 充滿 瘴氣 , 碰親 就 死 㗎 。 the rest|possessive particle|time|also|is|filled with|poisonous gas|touched|then|die|sentence-final particle At other times, the area is filled with miasma, and coming into contact with it will result in death. 哎呀 ! 如果 噉 樣 , 蠻方 就 冇 辦法 平定 咯 。 oh no|if|like this|situation|barbarian|then|has no|way|pacify|particle indicating finality Oh no! If that's the case, the barbarian side won't be able to pacify things. 蠻方 唔 能夠 平定 , 又點 能夠 併吞 東吳 、 北魏 , 重興 漢室 呢 ? barbarian tribes|not|able to|pacify||able to|conquer|Eastern Wu|Northern Wei|restore|Han dynasty|question particle If the barbarian side cannot pacify, how can they possibly annex Eastern Wu and Northern Wei, and restore the Han dynasty? 唉 噉 樣 辜負 先帝 託孤 嘅 重任 , 真 係 生不如死 咯 。 sigh|like this|appearance|let down|late emperor|entrusted with the care of the heir|possessive particle|heavy responsibility|really|is|better off dead|sentence-final particle Sigh, to let down the heavy responsibility entrusted by the late emperor is truly worse than death. 啊 丞相 呀 , 丞相 唔 使 咁 擔心 嘅 , 等 老夫 指引 你 去 一 笪 地方 , 就 可以 搵 到 辦法 嚟 解毒 嘅 喇 。 ah|Prime Minister|particle||not|need|so|worried|particle|let|I (old man)|guide|you|go|one|specific|place|then|can|find|to|method|to come|detoxify|particle|particle Ah, Prime Minister, you don't need to worry so much. Let me guide you to a certain place, and you will be able to find a way to detoxify. 哦 ? 老伯 有 咩 嘢 高見 請 多多指教 , 多多指教 。 oh|old man|has|what|thing|high opinion|please|give me more guidance|give me more guidance Oh? Old man, what insights do you have? Please share more. 嗱, 丞相 你 由 呢 處 , 向 住 正西 嗰 便 行 幾 里 路 啦 , 誒 就 見到 有個 山谷 。 well|Prime Minister|you|from|this|place|facing|towards|due west|that|then|walk|several|miles|road|particle|eh|then|see|there is a|valley Well, Prime Minister, from here, just head west for a few miles, and you will see a valley. 行入 去 二十里 度 , 就 有 一條 山溪 , 叫做 萬 安溪 啊 。 walk in|go|twenty miles|distance|then|there is|a|mountain stream|called|||ah If you go in for about twenty miles, there is a mountain stream called Wan'an Stream. 裏 便 有 個 能 人 喺 處 住 , 外號 叫做 萬安 隱者 , 誒 係 係 , 萬安 隱者 啊 。 inside|then|has|a|capable|person|at|place|lives|nickname|called|Wan An|hermit|eh|is|is|Wan An|hermit|ah There lives a capable person there, known by the nickname Wan'an Hermit, yes, that's right, Wan'an Hermit. 誒 呢 個人 , 冇 離開 條山 溪 幾十年 個 咯 , 嘿嘿 , 誒 佢 住 嗰 間 茅屋 後 便 呢 , 有個 泉水 , 叫做 安樂 泉 , 誒 。 hey|this|person|not|leave||stream|several decades|particle|final particle|hehe|hey|||||||||||||| This person hasn't left the mountain stream for decades, haha, and behind his thatched cottage, there is a spring called the Happy Spring. 噉 啊 凡 係 有人 中 咗 毒 啊 , 打 嗰 啲 泉水 飲 咗 呢 , 就 即刻 好返 㗎 嘞 , 嗯 , 係 啊 即刻 就 好 嘅 。 like this|particle|as long as|is|someone|infected|past tense marker|poison|particle|drink|those|plural marker|spring water|drink|past tense marker|particle|then|immediately|recover|particle|particle|hmm|is|particle|immediately|then|well|particle So, anyone who has been poisoned, if they drink from that spring, will immediately feel better, yes, they will feel better right away. 誒 , 啲 人 如果 生瘡 啊 , 生 癩 啊 , 誒 或者 畀 啲 瘴氣 感親 啊 噉 呢 , 誒 就 喺 萬 安溪 處 洗身 , 就 自然 會 好 返 冇 事 㗎 嘞 , 誒 真 係 好靈 㗎 哈哈 。 hey|some|people|if|get sores|ah|||ah||||||||then|this||then|at|||place|wash|then|naturally|will|||no|issues|particle|particle||really|is|very effective|particle|haha Hey, if people have sores, or leprosy, or if they are affected by miasma, then they can wash themselves in the Wan'an River, and they will naturally get better, no problem at all. It's really effective, haha. 誒 仲有 添 噃, 喺 佢 嘅 茅屋 前 便 啊 , 誒 生 咗 有 種草 , 叫做 薤葉 芸香 。 hey|still have|additional|particle|at|he|possessive particle|thatched hut|in front of|then|particle||||have|type of grass|called|garlic leaf|coriander Oh, and there's more, in front of his hut, there is a kind of grass that grows, called garlic leaf herb. 啲 人 如果 含住 一塊 葉 喺 口裏 頭 嚟 呀 , 就 唔 怕 瘴氣 嘅 喇 。 these|people|if|holding|a piece of|leaf|in|mouth|head|come|particle|then|not|afraid|poisonous gas|particle|particle If people hold a leaf in their mouth, they won't be afraid of miasma. 丞相 你 快 啲 去 嗰 度 求 下 佢 啦 。 Prime Minister|you|||go|||ask|for a favor|he|particle indicating suggestion or urging Prime Minister, you should hurry over there and ask him. 多謝 老伯 指點 , 承蒙 老伯 活命之恩 實在 係 不勝感激 , 請問 高姓大名 啊 ? thank you|old man|guidance|thanks to||life-saving grace|really|is|extremely grateful|may I ask||question particle Thank you, old man, for your guidance. I am truly grateful for your life-saving grace. May I ask for your esteemed name? 我 係 本地 嘅 山神 , 奉 咗 伏波 將軍 之命 , 特意 前 嚟 指引 㗎 。 I|am|local|possessive particle|mountain god|in service of|past tense marker|Fubo|general||specially|forward|come|guide|sentence-final particle I am the local mountain god, sent by General Fubo to specially come here to guide you. 個伯爺 公 講完 , 就行 咗 入間 廟 。 |grandpa|finished talking||past tense marker|into the|temple After the old man finished speaking, he walked into the temple. 喝 一聲 , 嘩 嗨 ! 廟 後 便 埲 石壁 呀 , 即刻 就 裂開 。 shout|one sound|wow|hi|temple|behind|then|hit|rock wall|particle|immediately|then|cracked With a shout, wow! The stone wall behind the temple immediately cracked open. 伯爺 公行 入去 , 嘩聲 下 , 石壁 合返 埋 就 唔 見 咗 人 嘞 。 grandfather|public transport|go in|noise|down|rock wall|||then|not|see|past tense marker|person|sentence final particle The old man walked in, and with a wow, the stone wall closed up and he disappeared. 孔明 就 驚訝 到極 喇 , 再次 入廟 拜 過伏波 將軍 神像 , 然後 就 混舊 路 落山 , 坐車 返去 大本營 嘞 。 Kongming|then|surprised|to the extreme|particle indicating completed action|again|entered the temple|worshipped|the God of the Fubo General|general|statue|then|then|took the old|road|descended the mountain|took a car|returned to|headquarters|particle indicating completed action Kongming was extremely surprised, and after paying respects to the statue of General Fubo in the temple again, he took the old path down the mountain and went back to the base. 第 日 , 孔明 啊 吩咐 準備 好 香燭 、 禮物 , 帶 埋 王平 同 嗰 班 啞 咗 個 軍士 啊 , 趕路 去 山神 指引 嘅 地方 咯 噃。 the|day|Kongming|ah|instructed|prepare|well|incense and candles|gifts|bring|along|Wang Ping|with|that|group|mute|past tense marker|classifier|soldier|ah|hurry|to|mountain god|guide|possessive particle|place|sentence-final particle| On that day, Kongming instructed to prepare incense and gifts, bringing along Wang Ping and those mute soldiers, to hurry to the place indicated by the mountain god. 噉 一路行 , 入 咗 山谷 , 跟 住 啲 小路 行 咗 約莫 二十幾 里 。 then||enter|past tense marker|valley|||some|small paths|walk|past tense marker|approximately|twenty something|miles So they walked along the path, entering the valley, and followed the small road for about twenty miles. 嘩 嗨 好 靚 啊 啲 環境 啊 ! 只見 高松 古柏 , 翠竹 紅花 環繞 住 一座 山莊 。 wow|hi|very|beautiful|particle|more|environment|particle|only see|tall pine|ancient cypress|green bamboo|red flowers|surrounding|around||villa Wow, the environment is so beautiful! One can see tall pines and ancient cypresses, surrounded by green bamboo and red flowers around a villa. 喺 啲 籬笆 之內 呢 , 有 幾間 茅屋 。 at|plural marker|fence|inside|question particle|there are|several|huts Inside the fences, there are several thatched cottages. 行到 呢 處 呀 , 遠遠 就 覺得 馨香 撲鼻 嘞 。 walk to|this|place|particle|from afar|then|felt|fragrance|overwhelming|particle When they reached this place, they could smell a fragrant aroma from afar. 孔明 就 即刻 精神 晒 啊 , 好 歡喜 噉 , 行到 山莊 門口 拍門 。 Kongming|then|immediately|energetic|completely|ah|very|happy|like this|walking to|villa|door|knock on the door Kong Ming immediately felt excited, very happy, and walked to the door of the mountain lodge to knock. 冇 幾耐 , 有個 細路 仔行 出 嚟 。 not|long||||out|come After a while, a little boy came out. 孔明 正話 想 通報 姓名 , 哈都 未 開口 唧 , 又 見到 有 個人 , 頭戴 竹帽 , 腳踏 草鞋 , 着件 白袍 攬條 黑 腰帶 , 眼珠 係 碧綠色 嘅 , 頭髮 係 黃色 嘅 , 滿面笑容 噉 行出 嚟 話 : Kong Ming|really|want|to report|name|Ha Dou|not yet|opened his mouth|to speak|again|saw|there is|a person|wearing on his head|bamboo hat|wearing on his feet|straw sandals|wearing a|white robe|holding a|black|belt|eyeball|is|emerald green|possessive particle|hair|is|yellow|possessive particle||like that|walked out|here|said Kong Ming was about to introduce himself, but before he could say anything, he saw a person wearing a bamboo hat, straw sandals, a white robe with a black belt, with green eyes and yellow hair, who came out smiling and said: 你 就 係 漢 丞相 喇 係 嘛 ? you|just|are|Han|Prime Minister|sentence-final particle|are|question particle You must be the Han Prime Minister, right? 哦 ! 老先生 點 知道 嘅 呢 ? oh|old man|how|knows|possessive particle|question particle Oh! How did you know, old sir? 哈哈哈哈 , 久 聞丞相 率兵 南征 , 點會 唔 知 呢 ? 丞相 請入 嚟 坐 啦 。 Hahaha|||lead troops|southward campaign|how could|||this|Prime Minister|please come in|here|sit|particle indicating suggestion or invitation Hahaha, I've long heard that the Prime Minister is leading troops south, how could I not know this? Please come in and have a seat. 就 帶 咗 孔明入 去 草堂 , 互相 行過禮 分開 賓主 坐落 。 then|bring|past tense marker||to|grass hall|mutually||separate|host and guest|seated He brought Kongming into the straw hut, and they exchanged greetings before sitting down separately as host and guest. 孔明 話 : 我 呢 次 奉 咗 聖旨 , 率領 大軍 嚟 到 就 係 想 平定 蠻邦 , 使到 大家 過 好日子 啊 。 Kongming|said|I|this|time|received|past tense marker|imperial decree|lead|army|come|here|just|is|want|pacify|barbarian states|so that|everyone|live|good life|ah Kongming said: This time I am here on the emperor's orders, leading a large army to pacify the barbarian tribes, so that everyone can live a good life. 點知 孟獲 啊 潛伏 喺 禿 龍洞 , 我 哋 啲 軍士 飲錯 咗 啞泉 啲 水 , 性命 十分 危險 。 who would have known|Meng Huo|ah|lurking|in|bald|Dragon Cave|I|we|possessive particle|soldiers|drank the wrong|past tense marker|mute spring|possessive particle|water|life|very|dangerous Little did I know that Meng Huo is hiding in the Tulu Cave, and our soldiers drank the water from the mute spring, putting their lives in great danger. 昨日 , 承蒙 伏波 將軍 顯聖 , 話 老先生 呢 處 有 藥泉 , 可以 解毒 醫病 。 yesterday|thanks to|General Fubo|general|showing divine power|said|old gentleman|this|place|has|medicinal spring|can|detoxify|cure illness Yesterday, thanks to General Fubo's divine intervention, it was said that there is a medicinal spring here that can detoxify and heal. 希望 老先生 做下 好事 , 賜 啲 神水 嚟 救返 啲 軍士 啦 。 hope|old man|do a little|good deed|grant|some|holy water|to|save|some|soldiers|particle I hope the old man can do a good deed and provide some holy water to save the soldiers. 哦 乜 說話 呢 乜 說話 呢 , 諒 老夫 係 個 山野 廢人 , 又 使 乜 勞煩 丞相 大駕 親臨 吖 。 oh|what|talking|particle|what|talking|particle|surely|I (old man)|am|particle|rural|useless person|again|need|what|trouble|Prime Minister|your esteemed presence|personally come|particle Oh, what are you talking about? I am just a useless hermit in the mountains, why would I trouble the Prime Minister to come here personally? 啊 啲 泉水 就 喺 屋後 便 嚟 唧 。 ah|particle indicating plural|spring water|then|at|behind the house|quickly|come|squirt Ah, the spring water is just behind the house. 於是 個 隱士 啊 就 吩咐 個 細路 仔 , 帶 王平 同 嗰 班 啞 兵 去 到 茅屋 後 便 嘅 安樂 泉 嗰 處 , 打 啲 水 嚟 飲 。 then|(measure word)|hermit|(particle)|then|instructed|(measure word)|||to bring|Wang Ping|with|that|group|mute|soldiers|||thatched hut|behind|soon|(possessive particle)|happy|spring|that|place|to fetch|some|water|to come|to drink So the hermit instructed the little boy to take Wang Ping and those mute soldiers to the place behind the thatched cottage where the spring is, to fetch some water to drink. 哈一飲 咗 , 就 吐 咗 好多 痰 出 嚟 , 誒 即刻 就 能夠 開聲講 說話 喇 。 took a sip|past tense marker|then|spit|past tense marker|a lot of|phlegm|out|come|ah|immediately|then|able to||conversation|sentence-final particle After drinking it, he spat out a lot of phlegm, and immediately he was able to speak. 然 之後 呢 , 個 細路 仔 又 帶 啲 兵士 去 萬 安溪 洗身 。 then|after|question particle|the|||again|brought|some|soldiers|to go|||bathe Then, the little boy took some soldiers to wash themselves in Wan'an Creek. 隱士 啊 陪 孔明 喺 草堂 坐 , 用 啲 柏子 茶 、 松花 菜 嚟 款待 孔明 。 hermit|ah|accompany|Kongming|at|grass hall|sit|use|some|cypress|tea|pine flower|dish|to|entertain|Kongming The hermit accompanied Kongming in the cottage, using cedar tea and pine flower dishes to entertain Kongming. 個 隱士 話 喇 : 呢 處 嘅 蠻 洞 好多 毒蛇 毒蟲 , 更 兼 啲 柳花 飄 咗 落 去 溪水 泉水 裏 便 , 啲 水 唔 飲得 㗎 。 the|hermit|said|particle indicating completed action|this|place|possessive particle|quite|cave|many|poisonous snakes|poisonous insects|even|in addition|plural marker|willow catkins|floating|past tense marker|falling|into|stream water|spring water|inside|then|plural marker|water|not|drinkable|particle indicating a question or emphasis The hermit said: There are many poisonous snakes and insects in this barbarian cave, and the willow flowers that have fallen into the creek and spring water make the water undrinkable. 丞相 你 叫 人 掘井 啦 , 打 啲 井水 嚟 飲 就 冇 事 喇 。 Prime Minister|you|to tell|people|to dig a well|sentence-final particle|to fetch|some|well water|to come|to drink|then|have not|problem|sentence-final particle Prime Minister, you should have someone dig a well, and drinking the well water will be fine. 孔明 又 求個 隱士 畀 啲 薤葉 芸香 佢 。 Kongming|again|ask for a|hermit|to give|some|garlic leaves|parsley|him Kongming also asked the hermit for some garlic leaves and herbs. 隱士 話 得 吖 , 叫 啲 兵士 鍾 意摘 幾多 就 摘 幾多 , 話 人人 個口 含住 一片 葉 , 自然 就 唔 怕 瘴氣 㗎 喇 噉 。 hermit|said|okay|particle|told|some|soldiers|||how many|then|pick|how many|said|everyone|mouth|holding|a piece of|leaf|naturally|then|not|afraid|miasma|particle|particle|like this The hermit said, it's fine, let the soldiers pick as many as they like, and if everyone has a leaf in their mouth, they won't be afraid of the miasma. 收尾 孔明問 : 老先生 高姓大名 啊 ? wrapping up||old gentleman||question particle At the end, Kongming asked: What is your esteemed name, old sir? 我 係 孟 獲 嘅 大佬 , 孟節 啊 。 I|am|||possessive particle|big brother|Meng Jie|sentence-final particle I am Meng Huo's elder brother, Meng Jie. 吓 ? huh Huh? 啊 丞相 你 唔 使 咁 驚奇 嘅 , 我 父母 生 咗 三個 仔 , 大仔 就 係 老夫 孟節 , 第二 係 孟獲 , 第三 係 孟優 。 ah|Prime Minister|you|not|need|so|surprised|particle|I|parents|gave birth|past tense marker|three|sons|eldest son|just|is|old man|Meng Jie|second|is|Meng Huo|third|is|Meng You Ah, Prime Minister, you don't need to be so surprised, my parents had three sons, the eldest is me, Meng Jie, the second is Meng Huo, and the third is Meng You. 現時 父母 都 死 咗 咯 , 兩個 細 佬 嘅 為 人 十分 強悍 兇惡 , 不歸 王法 。 currently|parents|all|dead|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|two|||possessive particle|||very|strong|vicious|not subject to|the law Currently, both parents have passed away, and the two younger brothers are very fierce and ruthless, disregarding the law. 我 屢屢 勸 佢 哋 佢 哋 都 唔 肯 聽 。 I|repeatedly|advised|he||he||all|not|willing|listen I have repeatedly advised them, but they refuse to listen. 所以 , 我 就 更名改姓 , 隱居 喺 呢 處 。 so|I|then|changed my name and surname|live in seclusion|at|this|place So, I changed my name and surname, and have been living in seclusion here. 而家 我 呢 兩個 壞 鬼 細佬作 反 , 又 勞煩 丞相 深入 不毛之地 咁 辛苦 , 我 孟節 真 係 罪該萬死 啊 ! now|I|these|two|bad|spirits||rebellion|again|trouble|Prime Minister|deeply|barren land|so|hard work|I|Mengjie|really|am|deserving of death a thousand times|ah Now these two bad boys are rebelling, and it troubles the Prime Minister to go deep into this desolate place so painfully; I, Meng Jie, truly deserve to die a thousand deaths! 唉 , 確係 十隻 指頭 有 長短 啊 , 老先生 , 等 我 稟奏 天子 , 立 老先生 你 做 王 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? sigh|really|ten|fingers|have|different lengths|particle|old man|let|I|report|emperor|appoint|old man|you|be|king|like this|good|not|good|particle Alas, indeed, there are long and short fingers, old sir. How about I report to the Emperor and have you appointed as king? 呵呵 老夫 就 係 為 咗 討厭 功名利祿 , 所以 先至 趯 咗 嚟 呢 處匿 埋 啫 , 我 再 冇 貪圖 富貴 嘅 意思 喇 。 haha|I (old man)|just|am|for|past tense marker|hate|fame and fortune|so|only then|came|past tense marker|here|this|||only|I|again|not have|desire for|wealth and status|possessive particle|intention|completed action particle Haha, I, an old man, am here to avoid fame and fortune, so I came to hide in this place. I no longer have any desire for wealth and nobility. 孔明見 佢 唔 肯出 嚟 做 王 , 又 攞 出 金銀 禮物 要 送 畀 佢 , 孟節 亦 都 堅決 推辭 唔 肯收 。 |he|not|||be|king|also|||gold and silver|gifts|wanted|||him|Mengjie|||firmly|declined|not|willing to accept Kongming saw that he was unwilling to come out to be king, and took out gold and silver gifts to send to him, but Mengjie firmly declined to accept them. 孔明 見到 孟節 真 係 咁 誠懇 , 唯有 感慨 一番 就 向 佢 告別 , 帶 啲 人 返 扯 喇 。 Kongming|saw|Mengjie|really|is|so|sincere|only|sigh|a bit|then|to|him|say goodbye|take|some|people|return|pull|particle indicating completed action Seeing that Mengjie was truly sincere, Kongming could only express his feelings and bid him farewell, then took his people back. 孔明 返到 營寨 , 立即 命令 啲 軍士 掘井 啊 。 Kongming|returned to|camp|immediately|ordered|the|soldiers|dig a well|ah When Kongming returned to the camp, he immediately ordered the soldiers to dig a well. 哈 誰知 掘 到 廿 幾丈 深 嘞 , 仲 係 一滴水 都 唔 見 嘅 。 ha|who would have thought|dig|to|twenty|several feet|deep|past tense particle|still|is|a drop of water|at all|not|seen|particle indicating possession or emphasis Who would have thought that after digging more than twenty zhang deep, not a single drop of water could be found. 連氣掘 咗 十幾 笪 地方 都 係 噉 噃, 搞 到 人心惶惶 個個 都 驚 晒 。 digging continuously|past tense marker|more than ten|holes|places|all|are|like this|particle indicating agreement|||people to be anxious|everyone|all|scared|completely The air has been dug up in more than ten places, causing everyone to be anxious and scared. 當晚 喺 半夜 嘅 時候 , 孔明 當天 焚起 一爐 香 , 跪 喺 度 祈禱 : that night|at|midnight|possessive particle|time|Kongming|that day|burned|a burner|incense|knelt|at|there|prayed That night, in the middle of the night, Kongming lit a stove of incense and knelt down to pray. 臣 , 諸葛亮 , 無才 無德 , 仰承 大漢 之福 , 接受命令 平定 蠻方 。 I|Zhuge Liang|talentless|unvirtuous|relying on|Han Dynasty|||pacifying|barbarian tribes I, Zhuge Liang, lacking talent and virtue, rely on the blessings of the Han Dynasty to accept the order to pacify the barbarian tribes. 今日 , 途中 缺水 , 人馬 枯渴 。 today|on the way|lack of water|people and horses|thirsty Today, we are lacking water on the way, and both people and horses are parched. 倘若 上天 唔 係 要 滅絕 大漢 , 就 請 上天 立即 賜給 甘泉 。 if|heaven|not|is|wants|to exterminate|Han people|then|please|heaven|immediately|grant|sweet spring If heaven does not wish to destroy the Han Dynasty, then please grant us sweet springs immediately. 如果 氣數 已經 盡咯 , 臣 諸葛亮 等 , 就 情願 死 喺 呢 處 啊 。 if|lifespan|already|exhausted|your servant|Zhuge Liang|and others|then|would rather|die|at|this|place|ah particle If the fate has already run out, then I, Zhuge Liang, would rather die here. 孔明 當晚 向天 祈禱 咗 之後 , 到 咗 第朝 早 , 嘩好 嘢 啊 , 個個 井 都 湧 滿靚 靚 嘅 水 啊 ! Kongming|that night|to heaven|prayed|past tense marker|after|arrived|past tense marker|the next morning|early|wow|thing|particle|every|well|all|gushed|||possessive particle|water|particle That night, Kongming prayed to the heavens, and by the next morning, wow, what a miracle, every well was filled with beautiful water! 嘿有 水 萬事 足咯 ! |water|everything|is sufficient With water, everything is sufficient! 於是 孔明 嘅 大軍 啊 , 就 安然 噉 由 小路 一直 進入 禿 龍洞 前 便 嚟 到 扎落 營寨 嘞 。 then|Kongming|possessive particle|large army|sentence-final particle|then|safely|like that|from|small road|continuously|entered|bald||before|then|come|arrive|set up|camp|completed action particle Thus, Kongming's army safely entered the Tulu Cave through a small path and arrived at the camp. 啲 蠻兵 探聽到 消息 , 飛快 噉 去 報告 孟獲 : 誒 大王 啊 弊 喇弊 喇 ! plural marker|barbarian soldiers|heard|news|quickly|like this|to go|report|Meng Huo|hey|great king|ah|defeat||past tense marker The barbarian soldiers heard the news and quickly reported to Meng Huo: "Hey, my lord, it's bad news!" 啲 蜀 兵 呀 唔 怕 瘴氣 , 又 有 水 飲 , 唔 怕 頸 渴 , 四個 毒泉 都 唔 靈 嘞 噃。 plural marker|Shu|soldiers|sentence-final particle|not|afraid|miasma|also|have|water|to drink|not|afraid|throat|thirsty|four|poisonous springs|all|not|effective|past action particle| The Shu soldiers are not afraid of the miasma, and they have water to drink, so they are not afraid of thirst. The four poisonous springs are not effective at all. 有 冇 睇 錯 啊 我 唔 信 ! have|not have|read|wrong|particle|I|not|believe Did I see it wrong? I don't believe it! 朵思 大王 唔 信 嘞 , 親自 同孟 獲行 上 高山 去 瞭望 下 情況 。 Dorsey|King|not|believe|past tense marker|personally||Huo Hang|up|mountain|go|survey|down|situation King Duosi doesn't believe it either, so he personally went with Meng Huo to the high mountain to observe the situation. 哎呀 ! 果然 見到 啲 蜀 兵 呀 安然無事 , 大擔 細擔 噉 喺 度 擔水 、 煮飯 、 餵 馬 。 oh no|as expected|seeing|plural marker|Shu|soldiers|sentence-final particle|safe and sound|large burden|small burden|like that|at|location particle|carrying water|cooking rice|feeding|horse Oh! Indeed, he saw the Shu soldiers safe and sound, carrying water, cooking, and feeding horses. 哎呀 , 朵思 見到 呀 , 驚到 毛管眼 都 豎起 晒 。 oh no|Dorsey|saw|particle|was so scared|hair standing up|all|stood up|completely Oh, when Duosi saw this, he was so shocked that his hair stood on end. 哎 大王 啊 , 諸葛亮 嗰 啲 兵 誒 真 係 神兵 嚟 㗎 ! hey|king|ah|Zhuge Liang|that|plural marker|soldiers|eh|really|are|divine soldiers|come|sentence-final particle Ah, my king, Zhuge Liang's troops are truly divine soldiers! 理 佢 神兵 唔 神兵 , 我 , 兩 兄弟 , 實行 要同 蜀 兵 決一死戰 ! reason|he|divine soldier|not|divine soldier|I|two|brothers|actually||Shu|soldiers| Regardless of whether they are divine soldiers or not, we, the two brothers, must fight to the death against the Shu soldiers! 寧願 戰死 , 都 唔 肯 束手 受 綁 啊 ! would rather|die in battle|still|not|willing|with hands tied|be|bound|ah I would rather die in battle than be captured! 噉 又 係 啊 , 誒 如果 大王 打敗 咗 呀 , 嗯 我 嘅 妻子兒女 亦 都 冇 命 㗎 喇 。 then|again|is|ah|hey|if|the king|defeated|past tense marker|ah|hmm|I|possessive particle||also|all|have not|life|sentence-final particle|completed action particle That's right, if the king is defeated, my wife and children will also be doomed. 我 哋 一 於 殺 牛 劏 馬 , 大賞 兵丁 , 要 佢 哋 搏 命 直衝 蜀兵 營寨 噉 至會 打贏 㗎 ! ||||kill|cow|butcher|horse|reward|soldiers|need|||||charge straight into|Shu soldiers|camp|like this||win|particle indicating certainty Let's slaughter cattle and horses, reward the soldiers generously, and urge them to fight for their lives straight into the Shu soldiers' camp to win! 於是 就 大 飲大食 , 賞賜 啲 蠻兵 。 then|immediately|big|eat and drink|reward|some|barbarian soldiers So, they indulged in feasting and rewarded the barbarian soldiers. 噉 啊 正話 要 出發 嘅 時候 呢 , 蠻兵 就 嚟 報告 話 銀冶洞 二十一 洞主 楊鋒 , 帶 咗 三萬 兵 嚟 到 助戰 啊 噉 。 then|ah|just when|need to|depart|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|barbarian soldiers|then|come|report|saying|Silver Mine Cave|twenty-one|cave lord|Yang Feng|bring|past tense marker|thirty thousand|soldiers|||assist in battle|ah|then At that moment, just as they were about to set off, the barbarian soldiers reported that the master of Silver Mine Cave, Yang Feng, had brought thirty thousand troops to assist in the battle. 嗨 , 孟獲 高興 啊 佢 話 : 啊 , 得 喇 ! 有兵 嚟 幫 我 , 實贏 喇 ! Hi|Meng Huo|happy|ah|he|said||okay|particle indicating completed action||come|help|me|definitely win|particle indicating completed action Ah, Meng Huo was very happy and said: Ah, great! There are soldiers coming to help me, we will definitely win! 即刻 就 同朵 思 大王 出洞 迎接 嘞 。 immediately|then|with the same flower|Si|king|come out of the cave|welcome|past action particle Immediately, he went out of the cave to welcome the great king. 楊鋒 啊 帶兵 入到 嚟 禿 龍洞 , 佢 同 孟 獲 話 喇 : Yang Feng|ah|lead troops|entered|here|bald|Dragon Cave|he|with|||said|particle indicating completed action When Yang Feng led his troops into the Bald Dragon Cave, he spoke to Meng Huo: 我 有 三萬 精兵 , 個個 身披 鐵甲 , 能夠 飛 山越嶺 , 足以 頂得住 蜀兵 百萬 啊 。 I|have|thirty thousand|elite soldiers|each|wearing|armor|able to|fly|over mountains and ridges|sufficient to|withstand|Shu soldiers|one million|ah I have thirty thousand elite soldiers, all clad in armor, capable of flying over mountains and ridges, enough to withstand a million Shu soldiers. 我仲有 五個 仔 , 都 係 武藝高強 嘅 , 而家前 嚟 幫助 大王 啊 ! |five|sons|all|are|highly skilled in martial arts|possessive particle||come|help|the great king|ah particle I also have five sons, all skilled in martial arts, who have come to assist the king! 講完 , 楊鋒 就 叫 佢 嗰 五個 仔入 嚟 拜見 孟獲 。 after speaking|Yang Feng|then|called|him|those|five||here|to pay respects to|Meng Huo After speaking, Yang Feng called his five sons in to pay their respects to Meng Huo. 嘩 嗰 五個 後 生仔 呀 威風凜凜 , 個個 都 好似 老 虎仔 噉 嘅 。 wow|those|five|||particle|imposing|each one|all|looks like|||like|particle Wow, those five young men are imposing, each one looks like a little tiger. 孟獲 歡喜 到極 啦 , 就 吩咐 擺酒 , 款待 楊鋒 父子 嘞 。 Meng Huo|happy|to the extreme|particle|then|ordered|to hold a banquet|to entertain|Yang Feng|father and son|particle Meng Huo was extremely pleased and ordered a feast to entertain Yang Feng and his sons.

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