1 장 용의 기운을 받고 태어나다
chapter|the energy of a dragon|energy|receiving energy|be born
Kapitel 1 Vom Drachen geboren
Chapter 1 Born with Dragon Spirit
Capítulo 1 Nacido del dragón
Chapitre 1 Né du dragon
Capitolo 1 Nato dal drago
1章 龍の気を受けて生まれる
Hoofdstuk 1 Geboren uit de draak
Capítulo 1 Nascido do Dragão
Глава 1 Рожденный драконом
Bölüm 1 Ejderhanın Doğuşu
Розділ 1 Народжений драконом
第1章 天生龙气
第1章 天生龍氣
조선 시대 한양에 홍 대감이 살았는데 집안은 조상 대대로 높은 벼슬을 지낸 훌륭한 가문이었다.
|Dynastie|in Hanyang|Hong Dae-gam|Herr|lived|Familie|Ahnen|von Generation zu Generation|hohen|||hervorragend|Familie
Joseon Dynasty|era|in Hanyang|Hong|nobleman|lived in|family background|ancestors|for generations|high-ranking|official position|held office|noble distinguished|noble family
Während der Joseon-Dynastie lebte Hong Dae-gam in Hanyang, und seine Familie war eine große Familie, deren Vorfahren über Generationen hinweg hohe Ämter bekleidet hatten.
During the Joseon Dynasty, Hong Daegam lived in Hanyang, and his family was a great family whose ancestors had held high office for generations.
홍대감은 어질고 덕이 많아 백성들이 존경하고 잘 따랐으며 임금님도 홍대감을 믿고 의지했다.
Hong Daegam|wise and virtuous|virtue|many virtues|the people|respected and followed||followed him|the king|Lord Hong|trusted|relied on
Hong Dae-gam was kind and virtuous, so the people respected and followed him, and the king trusted and relied on him.
홍 대감에게는 두 명의 아들이 있었는데, 첫째 인형은 정실부인에게 태어난 적자이고 둘째 길동은 서자였으나 총명하기가 남달랐다.
|Lord Hong|two|two sons|sons|there were|firstborn son|the first son|the main wife|born to|legitimate son|second son|Gildong|illegitimate son|intelligence|extraordinary
Hong had two sons, the first, Doll, was the defeated son born to Lady Zheng Shil, and the second, Gil Dong, was a bastard son, but he was different in intellect.
길동이 태어난 배경은 이러하다.
Gildong||background is|is as follows
So wurde Gildong geboren.
This is how Gildong was born.
어느 날 홍 대감은 사랑방에 앉아 글을 읽다가 깜빡 잠이 들었는데 꿈에서 경치 좋은 곳을 혼자 걷고 있었다.
|||nobleman|the drawing room|||reading|dozing off|sleeping|I was sleeping|in a dream|scenic place||place|alone|walking alone|I was
One day, Hong Dagam was sitting in the love room, reading, when he fell asleep, and in his dream, he was walking alone in a scenic place.
숲속 이곳저곳을 한참 구경하다가 시원하게 쏟아지는 폭포 앞에 이르렀다.
in the forest|here and there|for a while|sightseeing|refreshingly|pouring down|waterfall|in front of|I arrived at
We wandered through the woods until we came to a cascading waterfall.
그런데 갑자기 홍 대감이 서 있는 바위가 소리를 내며 흔들리더니 푸른 용 한 마리가 물줄기를 타고 솟아올랐다.
|suddenly|||standing|standing|rock|sound|making a sound|was shaking|blue|dragon||one dragon|water stream|riding the current|rose up
Suddenly, the rock on which Red Dagger stood shook with a noise, and a blue dragon leapt out of the water.
용은 순식간에 홍 대감에게 달려들더니 피할 틈도 없이 입 속으로 쑤욱 들어왔다.
In a flash, the dragon lunged at Hong Dagam and sank into his mouth, leaving him no time to dodge.
홍 대감은 깜짝 놀라 꿈에서 깨어났다.
Mr Hong|Lord Hong|suddenly|||
Hong Dagam was startled out of his dream.
신기한 꿈을 꾸고 난 홍 대감은 마음속으로 크게 기뻐하며 생각했다.
After having such a wonderful dream, Hong Dagam was overjoyed and thought to himself.
‘용꿈은 우리 집안에 귀한 아들이 태어날 좋은 꿈이야!'
'The dragon dream is a good dream that a precious son will be born to our family!
홍 대감은 바로 정실부인인 유 씨부인의 방으로 갔다.
Mr. Hong went straight to Mrs. Yu's room.
하지만 유 씨부인이 잠자리를 거절하여 방을 나올 수밖에 없었다.
However, Mrs. Yu refused to sleep with him, so he had to leave the room.
홍 대감은 유 씨 부인이 데려온 종인 춘섬과의 사이에서 아이를 갖게 되었다.
Hong Dae-gam had a child with Chun-sum, a servant brought in by Mrs. Yu.
재주와 덕이 있는 춘섬은 홍 대감의 아이를 갖게 되고 열 달 내내 몸가짐을 바르게 하고 마음을 편안하게 가졌다.
talent|virtue||Chunseom|Hong|chief attendant||have||||throughout|posture|properly|||comfortably|had
Chun-seom, who was gifted and virtuous, became pregnant with Hong Dagam's child, and for ten months she kept her body in good shape and her mind at ease.
나쁜 말이나 거친 행동을 삼가고 바르고 좋은 생각만 했다.
I didn't say anything bad, didn't do anything harsh, and thought only good thoughts.
이런 춘섬을 좋게 여긴 홍 대감은 춘섬을 두 번째 부인으로 맞이하였다.
|concubine||regarded|Hong|Hong Dae-gam|concubine|||second wife|welcomed
Hong Daoguang was so pleased with Chunxu that he took her as his second wife.
마침내 열 달이 지나고 춘섬은 아이를 낳았다.
finally||ten months||||gave birth
Finally, ten months passed and Chunxum gave birth to a child.
용꿈을 꾸고 얻은 아이는 튼튼하고 잘생긴 사내아이였다.
The child she got was a strong, handsome boy.
신기하게도 아이의 왼쪽 다리에는 북두칠성 모양의 붉은 점 일곱 개가 있었다.
amazingly|||on|Big Dipper|star-shaped|red||||
Curiously, the child's left leg had seven red dots in the shape of the Big Dipper.
홍 대감은 아이에게 ‘길동'이라는 이름을 지어 주었다.
Hong Dagam named the child Gildong.
길동은 어머니의 보살핌을 받으며 무럭무럭 자랐다.
Gildong grew up under the care of his mother.
글을 배울 나이가 되자 길동도 다른 아이들처럼 서당에 다녔다.
writing||||Gil-dong||like other children|to the private school|went
When he was old enough to learn to read, Gil-dong attended a school like any other child.
서당에는 좋은 집안 도령들이 많이 다녔는데 그 가운데 길동이 가장 똑똑했다.
in the private school|||young gentlemen||hung out||among|||was the smartest
There were many good family elders in the hall, and Jidong was the smartest of them all.
훈장님은 길동을 볼 때마다 속으로 안타까워했다.
the lord|Gil-dong|see||inwardly|felt sorry
Every time he looked at Gil Dong, he felt sorry for him.
‘아까운 아이야.
'Wasteful child.
서자로 태어나지 않았다면 장차 크게 될 아이인데…….'
as a prince|not born|had not been born|will|||child
If he wasn't born a bastard, he's going to be a big boy.......'
어느 날 길동은 같은 서당 도령들에게 매를 맞게 되었다.
||||tutor|to the young gentlemen|a beating|to|
One day, Gildong was beaten by the elders of the same hall.
자신들은 다 외우지 못한 어려운 책을 길동만 처음부터 끝까지 줄줄 외워 훈장님께 칭찬을 받았기 때문이다.
they||memorize||||Gil-dong|from the beginning||line by line|memorized|to the teacher|praise|received|
He was praised by the general for memorizing a difficult book from beginning to end that they could not finish.
서자에다 나이까지 어린 길동이 형님뻘인 자신들보다 똑똑한 게 자존심이 상했던 것이다.
until|even age|||older brother|themselves|||pride|was hurt|
The younger Gil-dong, who was also a seoja, was smarter than their older brother, and they were proud.
“흥, 서자인 주제에 잘난 척하기는!”
satisfaction|servant|theme|act superior|to pretend
"Awww, how smug of me to be a bibliophile!"
“서당 다니며 글을 배운다고 다 같은 신분인 줄 아느냐?
tutor|while working|writing|learn|||social status||know
"You think just because you go to a bookstore and learn to read, you're all the same?
네 아버지가 정승이면 뭐 하냐?
||if he is the president||do
What's your father doing if he's Jung Seung?
어머니가 천한 노비인데!
My mother is a lowly noble!
공부해 봐야 아무 소용없을걸!
||any|won't be of any use
No point in studying!
도령들은 길동을 담벼락에 몰아붙이고는 마구 때렸다.
young lords||against the wall|shoved|wildly|hit
They pinned him against the wall and beat him.
코피가 나도록 얻어맞고 돌아온 길동은 아무 잘못 없이 맞은 것도 억울했지만 그것보다 서자라는 말에 몹시 가슴이 아팠다.
the beating|as myself|beaten|||anything|wrongdoing||received||was unjust||father|in his words|deeply||ached
Gil-dong, who came back with a bloody nose, felt bad that he was beaten without doing anything wrong, but more than that, he felt terrible that he was called Seo-ja.
서자는 내 아버지가 정승이어도, 내가 글을 배워도 아무 소용이 없구나.'
even if my father were a prime minister|||even if he were a prime minister|||learn|anything|use|it's no use
A bastard's father may be a monk, and my learning to write is of no use.
길동은 어깨를 들썩이며 한참을 울었다.
|shoulders|with his shoulders shaking|for a long time|cried
Gildong shook his shoulders and cried for a long time.
하지만 언제까지 울고만 있지 않았다.
||just crying||
But I wasn't going to cry forever.
며칠이 지나자 마음을 다잡고 다시 서당을 오가며 더 열심히 공부했다.
After a few days, I regained my composure and went back to the library to study harder.