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Liber Psalmorum, Psalmi 91-120, Psalmus 092

Psalmus 092

1 Laus cantici ipsi David, in die ante sabbatum, quando fundata est terra.

Dominus regnavit, decorem indutus est : indutus est Dominus fortitudinem, et præcinxit se. Etenim firmavit orbem terræ, qui non commovebitur. 2 Parata sedes tua ex tunc ; a sæculo tu es. 3 Elevaverunt flumina, Domine, elevaverunt flumina vocem suam ; elevaverunt flumina fluctus suos, 4 a vocibus aquarum multarum. Mirabiles elationes maris ; mirabilis in altis Dominus. 5 Testimonia tua credibilia facta sunt nimis ; domum tuam decet sanctitudo, Domine, in longitudinem dierum.

Psalmus 092 Psalm 092 Psaume 092

1 Laus cantici ipsi David, in die ante sabbatum, quando fundata est terra. |||||||||founded|| 1 Praise song for the day before the Sabbath, when the earth was founded.

Dominus regnavit, decorem indutus est : indutus est Dominus fortitudinem, et præcinxit se. |has reigned||clothed dressed|||||||| The Lord reigned, he was clothed with beauty: the Lord was clothed with strength, and girded himself. Etenim firmavit orbem terræ, qui non commovebitur. Indeed|he has established||||| Indeed, he established the world of the earth, which will not be shaken. 2 Parata sedes tua ex tunc ; a sæculo tu es. Prepared|||||||| 2 Your seat has been prepared since then; You are from the world. 3 Elevaverunt flumina, Domine, elevaverunt flumina vocem suam ; elevaverunt flumina fluctus suos, 4 a vocibus aquarum multarum. They lifted||||||||||||voices|| 3 The rivers have lifted up, Lord, the rivers have lifted up their voice; the rivers lifted up their waves, 4 by the voices of many waters. Mirabiles elationes maris ; mirabilis in altis Dominus. wonderful|waves||||high| Wunderbare Erhebungen des Meeres; der Herr ist wunderbar in der Höhe. The waves of the sea are wonderful; The Lord is wonderful on high. 5 Testimonia tua credibilia facta sunt nimis ; domum tuam decet sanctitudo, Domine, in longitudinem dierum. ||your testimonies are credible|||||||holiness|||| 5 Deine Zeugnisse sind zu glaubwürdig geworden; Heiligkeit geziemt deinem Haus, Herr, für die Länge der Tage. 5 Your testimonies have become too credible; holiness befits your house, Lord, for the length of days.