Delictum in armis nuclearibus portandis
Verbrechen||Waffen|nuklearen|Transport von
25.10.2007, klo 11.39
Mense Augusto in USA accidit, ut aeroplanum B52, sex cuspidibus nuclearibus oneratum, trans Americam septentrionalem volaret.
im Monat|August||Vereinigten Staaten|geschah||das Flugzeug|||mit sechs Atomsprengköpfen||beladen|über|Nordamerika|Nordamerika|flog über
Ağustos ayında|Ağustos|||oldu||uçak|||dişleriyle||yüklenmiş||Amerika|kuzey|uçtu
||||it happened|||||with six||||||would fly
Ille volatus inter delicta in armis nuclearibus tractandis gravissima habetur.
Dieser|Flug|unter|Verbrechen||||Umgang mit|sehr schwerwiegend|gilt als
o|uçuş|arasındaki|suçlar|||nükleer|yönetilmesi|çok ciddi|sayılır
That flight is considered one of the most serious crimes in dealing with nuclear weapons.
Moderatores exercitus aerei affirmant similes errores numquam ante factos esse.
die Moderatoren|Luftstreitkräfte|Luftstreitkräfte|behaupten|ähnliche|Fehler|niemals|vor|gemacht worden|
Air Force commanders claim that similar errors have never been made before.
Quattuor colonelli propter illud peccatum a munere amoti sunt.
Four colonels were removed from office because of that sin.
Gorbatshov novum motum condidit
Gorbatshov founded a new movement
25.10.2007, klo 11.38
Mihail Gorbatshov, pristinus moderator Unionis Sovieticae, in Russia Foederationem socio-democraticam condidit.
Mihail Gorbatshov, the former leader of the Soviet Union, founded the Social-Democratic Federation in Russia.
Propositum est ante comitia parlamentaria mense Decembri futura pro democratia libera pugnare.
The aim is to fight for a free democracy before the upcoming parliamentary elections in December.
Foederatio a Gorbashov condita non est in repertorium factionum officialiter relata neque rebus sic stantibus comitiis intererit.
|||founded||||||||nor|||standing||it will participate
The federation founded by Gorbashov is not officially included in the party register, nor will it take part in the current elections.
Gorbatshov ab anno bis millesimo primo (2001) usque ad annum bis millesimum sextum (2006) factioni socio-democraticae Russiae praeerat, cui non contigit, ut delegati eius in Dumam crearentur.
||||||up to||||||||||was in charge|||it happened||||||
From the year two thousand one (2001) to the year two thousand six (2006), Gorbatshov was in charge of the social-democratic party of Russia, which did not happen to have its delegates created in the Duma.
In comitiis Decembribus victoriam verisimiliter reportabit factio Russia Unita, cuius candidatus principalis erit praesidens Vladimir Putin.
||||likely||||||||will be|||
In the December elections, victory will probably be won by the United Russia party, whose main candidate will be President Vladimir Putin.
Pingues vectores periculum
Fat passengers are a risk
25.10.2007, klo 11.37
Societas aeronautica SAS (Scandinavian Airline System) censet vectores pinguiores quam ante periculum facere.
||||||||||||to do
The aeronautical company SAS (Scandinavian Airline System) believes that fatter passengers pose a risk.
Ante decem annos magistratus Europaei de securitate aeroplanorum responsales virum cum sarcinis manualibus pondo duodenonaginta, feminam septuaginta chiliogrammata esse aestimaverunt.
Ten years ago, the European officials responsible for the security of airplanes estimated that a man with manual luggage weighed 19 kilograms, a woman seventy kilograms.
Nunc autem medium pondus tribus chiliogrammatis maius est.
|||weight|of three||greater|
But now the average weight is three kilograms more.
Ideo societas SAS anno proximo viginti milia vectorum ad pondus medium probandum pensabit.
|||||||||weight|||will weigh
Therefore, the company SAS next year will weigh 20,000 passengers to test the average weight.
Magistratus aeronautici periculum ex pinguitudine hominum ortum bene intellegunt, nam pondus aeroplani vel una tonna opinione maius ad stabilitatem, consumptionem carburantis, longitudinem aerodromi suam vim et effectum habet.
The aeronautical authorities are well aware of the danger arising from the obesity of people, for the weight of an airplane, or one ton of opinion, has a greater influence on stability, fuel consumption, the length of the aerodrome, its power and efficiency.
Lex de servitiis sexualibus
Law on sexual services
25.10.2007, klo 11.36
In Finnia lex lata est, ne servitia sexualia a victimis proxenetismi aut commercii hominum emerentur.
|||law|||||||||||be purchased
In Finland, a law has been passed to prevent the purchase of sexual services from victims of pimping or human trafficking.
Emptio autem ab aliis prostitutis lege non vetatur.
|||||||is not prohibited
But buying from other prostitutes is not prohibited by law.
Nemo ex illa lege, quae a mense Octobri anni bis millesimi sexti valet, adhuc damnatus est.
||||||||||||is valid|still||
No one has yet been convicted of that law, which has been in force since October of the year two thousand and six.
Emptori enim difficile est scire, an prostituta sit victima necne.
|||||||||or not
It is difficult for the buyer to know whether the victim is a prostitute or not.
Neque, etsi emptor id scivisset, vigiles rem facile comprobare possunt.
nor||buyer||he had known|||||
Nor, even if the buyer knew it, can the police easily prove the matter.
Ideo Anne Holmlund, ministra rerum interiorum Finniae, censet hodierno statu rerum clarius et melius esse, si emptio servitiorum sexualium omnino vetetur aut permittatur.
|||||||thinks|||||||||||||is prohibited||
Therefore, Anne Holmlund, the minister of the interior of Finland, believes that the current state of affairs would be clearer and better if the purchase of sexual services is completely prohibited or allowed.
Kimi Räikkönen victor
25.10.2007, klo 11.35
Ultimum huius anni certamen in serie autoraedarum Formula 1 Paulopoli, in urbe Brasiliae, die Dominico factum est.
The last race of this year's Formula 1 racing series took place in Paulo, in the city of Brazil, on Sunday.
Kimi Räikkönen Finnus non tantum huius certaminis sed etiam totius seriei victoriam reportavit.
Finn Kimi Räikkönen won not only this race but also the entire series.
Inter ergasteria autocinetica plurima puncta adepta est officina Ferrari, cuius auriga Räikkönen est.
Among the car factories, the Ferrari factory, whose driver is Räikkönen, has received the most points.