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Epitome Historiae Sacrae, Lhomond Epitome 11: Moises ab aquis servatus

Lhomond Epitome 11: Moises ab aquis servatus

81. Post Iosephi mortem Hebraeos Aegyptii persequuntur

Interea posteri Iacobi, seu Hebraei, numero aucti sunt mirum in modum, et eorum multitudo crescens in dies metum incutiebat Aegyptiis. Rex novus solio potitus est, qui Iosephum non viderat, nec merita eius recordabatur. Is igitur, ut Hebraeos opprimeret, primum duris illos laboribus conficiebat; deinde edixit etiam ut parvuli eorum recens nati in flumen proiicerentur.

82. Nascitur Moises

Mulier Hebraea peperit fîlium, quem quum videret elegantem, voluit servare. Quare abscondit eum tribus mensibus: sed quum non posset eum diutius occultare, sumpsit fiscellam scirpeam, quam linivit bitumine ac pice. Deinde posuit intus infantulum, et exposuit eum inter arundines ripae fluminis. Habebat secum unam comitem sororem pueri, quam iussit stare procul, ut eventum rei exploraret.

83. Pharaonis filia infantis miserita ab aquis eum servat

Mox filia Pharaonis venit ad flumen ut ablueret corpus. Prospexit fiscellam in arundinibus haerentem, misitque illuc unam e famulabus suis. Aperta fiscella, cernens parvulum vagientem, miserita est illius: "Iste est," inquit, "unus ex infantibus Hebraeorum. " Tunc soror pueri accedens: "Visne," ait, "ut arcessam mulierem Hebraeam, quae nutriat parvulum?" et vocavit matrem. Cui filia Pharaonis puerum alendum dedit, promissa mercede. Itaque mater nutrivit puerum, et adultum reddidit filiae Pharaonis, quae illum adoptavit et nominavit Mosem, id est, "servatum ab aquis".

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Lhomond Epitome 11: Moises ab aquis servatus ||Moses saved from waters|||saved Lhomond Epitome 11: Moses aus dem Wasser gerettet Lhomond Epitome 11: Moses saved from the waters Lhomond Epitome 11 : Moïse sauvé des eaux Lhomond Epítome 11: Moisés salvo das águas

81\\. Post Iosephi mortem Hebraeos Aegyptii persequuntur |||the Hebrews|| After the death of Joseph the Egyptians persecuted the Hebrews

Interea posteri Iacobi, seu Hebraei, numero aucti sunt mirum in modum, et eorum multitudo crescens in dies metum incutiebat Aegyptiis. |"descendants" or "future generations"||or|||"increased"||"wonderful manner"||||||growing|||fear|"was causing fear"| In the mean time the descendants of James, or Hebrews, increased in number in an extraordinary manner, and their increasing number began to alarm the Egyptians. Rex novus solio potitus est, qui Iosephum non viderat, nec merita eius recordabatur. |new||"took possession of"|||||||||"did not remember" The new king gained the throne, who had not seen Josephus, nor remembered his merits. Is igitur, ut Hebraeos opprimeret, primum duris illos laboribus conficiebat; deinde edixit etiam ut parvuli eorum recens nati in flumen proiicerentur. ||||"to oppress"|||||was exhausting||"he decreed"|||||newly born||||be thrown into He, therefore, to crush the Hebrews, first finished them with hard labors; then he also issued an order that their newly-born children should be cast into the river.

82\\. Nascitur Moises Moses is born.| Moises is born

Mulier Hebraea peperit fîlium, quem quum videret elegantem, voluit servare. |Hebrew woman|"gave birth to"|son||||handsome|| A Hebrew woman gave birth to a son whom he wanted to save when he saw a beautiful woman. Quare abscondit eum tribus mensibus: sed quum non posset eum diutius occultare, sumpsit fiscellam scirpeam, quam linivit bitumine ac pice. "Wherefore" or "Why"||||"months"||||||"any longer"|"to hide"|"She took"|wicker basket|reed basket|"which"|smeared with pitch||and with pitch|with pitch Therefore he hid him for three months: but when he could not hide him any longer, he took up a papyrus basket, which he had lined it with bitumen and pitch. Deinde posuit intus infantulum, et exposuit eum inter arundines ripae fluminis. ||inside|little child|||||reeds of riverbank|riverbank| Then he put the little child within, and laid him among the reeds on the bank of the river. Habebat secum unam comitem sororem pueri, quam iussit stare procul, ut eventum rei exploraret. |||companion|||||stand at distance|at a distance||outcome of event||"might investigate" He had with him one companion, the sister of the boy, whom he ordered to stand at a distance, to ascertain the outcome of the affair.

83\\. Pharaonis filia infantis miserita ab aquis eum servat ||of the child|took pity on||||saves him The pity of Pharaoh's infant daughter saves him from the waters

Mox filia Pharaonis venit ad flumen ut ablueret corpus. "Soon"|||||||to wash| Prospexit fiscellam in arundinibus haerentem, misitque illuc unam e famulabus suis. She saw|small basket||"in the reeds"|"stuck in"|"and sent"||||one of her servants| He looked down at the little basket sticking on the reeds, and sent one of his maids thither. Aperta fiscella, cernens parvulum vagientem, miserita est illius: "Iste est," inquit, "unus ex infantibus Hebraeorum. |basket|"seeing" or "perceiving"||crying baby boy|"had pity on"||||||||"infants" or "babies"|Hebrews' children "  Tunc soror pueri accedens: "Visne," ait, "ut arcessam mulierem Hebraeam, quae nutriat parvulum?" ||||"Do you want"|||"I may summon"||Hebrew woman||nurse| "Then the sister of the boy approached: "Would you like," she said, "to bring a Hebrew woman to nurse the little one?" et vocavit matrem. Cui filia Pharaonis puerum alendum dedit, promissa mercede. ||||to be raised||"promised" or "agreed upon"|"with wages" To whom the daughter of Pharaoh gave the child to be reared, promised a reward. Itaque mater nutrivit puerum, et adultum reddidit filiae Pharaonis, quae illum adoptavit et nominavit Mosem, id est, "servatum ab aquis". ||"nourished"|||grown-up||||||adopted him|||Moses||||| Therefore the mother nursed the child and made it grown up to the daughter of Pharaoh, who adopted him and named Moses, that is, "saved by the waters".