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Incerti autoris "Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri", Pars II, 1

Pars II, 1

Puella timens, ne amatorem perderet, tristis est facta; respiciens ad patrem ait:

Bone rex et pater optime, placeat tibi, ut Appollonius hodie ditatus abscedat, et qnod illi donavimus a malis ne rapiatur.

Tunc rex festinus jussit sibi assignari aulam, ubi honeste quiesceret. Puella vero amore accensa inquietam habuit noctem, mane vero cubiculum patris adiit. Quam ut vidit pater, dixit:

Quid est hoc, quod praeter consuetudinem ita mane evigilasti?

Puella ait: Requiem habere non potero, et ideo, carissime pater peto, ut me tradas juveni ad doctrinandam, quod potero artem musicam et alia addiscere.

Rex haec audiens gavisus est, jussit ad se juvenem vocari, cui ait:

Apolloni, filia mea multum cupit artem tuam addiscere; ideo rogo te, ut ei ostendas omnia, quae nosti, et ego mercedem condignam retribuam.

Et ille: Domine, paratus sum voluntati vestrae satisfacere.

Docuit puellam, sicut ipse didicit; post haec puella prae nimio amore juvenis infirmatur.

Rex ut vidit filiam suam incurrisse aegritudinem, subito medicos vocavit, illi vero venas et singulas partes corporis tangebant et nullam aegritudinem invenerunt. Post paucos dies tres juvenes nobilissimi, qui per longum tempus filiam in matrimonium petierant, regem una voce pariter salutaverunt.

Quos intuens rex ait: Qua de causa venistis?

At illi: Quia saepius nobis promisistis uni ex nobis dare filiam vestram in matrimonium; propter quod hodie simul venimus; cives tui sumus, divites et ex nobilibus parentibus geniti, et ideo de tribus tibi elige, quem vis habere generum.

Rex ait: Non apto tempore me interpellastis. Filia mea studiis vacat et ob amorem studiorum imbecillis jacet. Sed ne videar vobis nimis diferre, scribite in codicillis vestris nomina vestra et dotis quantitatem, quae transmittam filiae meae, ut ipsa eligat, quem voluerit.

Illi hoc fecerunt, rex accepit scripturam et legit, signavitque, dedit Apollonio, dicens:

Tolle, magister, has scripturas et trade discipulae tuae!

Apollonius recepit scripturas et puellae portavit.

Puella ut vidit, quem diligebat, ait: Magister, quid est, quod solus introisti in cubiculum?

Apollonius ait: Sume codicillos, quos tibi misit pater tuus, et lege!

Puella codices aperuit et legit tria nomina petitorum, projectisque codicillis respiciens Appollonium dixit:

Magister Appolloni, utrum non doles, quod alteri debeo in matrimonium tradi?

Et ille: Non, quia omne, quod est tibi honor, erit et commodum meum.

Ait puella: Magister, si me amares, doleres.

Haec dicens rescripsit, signavit codicillos, traditque Apollonio, ut eos regi deferret, et scripsit haec:

Rex et pater optime, quoniam clementia permisit mihi, ut rescribam, rescribo: Illum naufragum volo in conjugem habere.

Rex cum legissit voluntatem puellae, ignorans, quem naufragum diceret, respiciens ad juvenes ait:

Quis vestrum naufragium passus est?

Unus ex illis nomine Ardonius dixit: Ego passus sum naufragium.

Alius ait: Morbus te consumat nec salvus nec sanus sis, cum sciam te coetaneum meum! Portam civitatis numquam exiisti! Ubi naufragium fecisti?

Rex cum non invenisset, quis eorum naufragium fecisset, respexit Apollonium dicens:

Tolle codicillos et lege! Potest enim fieri, quod ego non noverim; tu intelligis, qui praesens fuisti.

Appollonius acceptis codicillis velociter percurrit, et ut sensit se amari, erubuit.

Cui rex ait: Apolloni, invenisti naufragum?

At ille prae rubore pauca dixit; rex vero cum intellexit, quod filia eum voluit, aliis ait:

Dum tempus fuerit, veniam ad vos. Illi vero valedicentes recesserunt. Ipse vero solus introivit ad filiam suam et ait : Quem tibi elegisti conjugem?

Illa autem prostravit se cum lacrimis et ait:

Pater carissime, naufragum Apollonium peto.

Rex cum lacrimas filiae suae vidisset, levavit eam a terra et sic alloquitur dicens:

Nata dulcis, noli de aliqua re cogitare, quia talem concupisti, quem et ego; ut enim vidi, quia et amando factus sum pater, diem tibi nuptiarum sine mora constituam.

Postera ergo die vocantur amici vicinarum urbium ad regem, quibus ait:

Carissimi, filia mea vult nubere Apollonio magistro suo; peto itaque, ut vobis omnibus sit laetitia, quia filia mea prudenti viro sociatur. Haec igitur dicens constituit diem nuptiarum.

Quae cito concepit, et dum puerum in utero haberet, accidit, quod cum ambularet cum rege Apollonio viro suo juxta litus maris, vidit navem speciosam. Cognovit eam Apollonius, quod esset de patria sua; conversus ad nauclerum ait: Unde venis?

At ille: A Tyro.

Appollonius ait: Patriam meam nominasti.

Alter respondit: Ergo Tyrus es tu?

Et ille: Ut dicis.

Nauclerus ait: Nosti aliquem patriae illius principem, nomine Appollonius?

Nauclerus dixit: Peto ubicumque illum videris, dicas ei, ut gaudeat et exultet, quia rex Antiochus fulmine percussus est cum filia sua, opes autem regni Antiochiae reservantur Apollonio.

Apollonius, ut hoc audivit, plenus gaudio ad conjugem suam ait:

Peto itaque, ut me abire permittas ad percipiendum regnum.

Illa ut audivit, profusis lacrimis ait:

O domine, si in longinquo itinere esses constitutus, ad partum meum festinare debueras, et modo recedere velis, cum juxta me sis; sed si hoc velis, pariter navigemus.

Et veniens ad patrem ait:

O pater, laetare et gaude, quia saevissimus rex Antiochus cum filia sua dei judicio in fulmine percussus est, opes autem et diademata nobis sunt reservata. Permitte me navigare cum viro meo!

Ait rex: Permitto.

Illa respiciens Apollonium ait: Magister Appolloni, accipe ex indulgentia patris mei auri ducenta talenta, argenti libras quadringentas vestemque copiosam, servos viginti, decem ancillas.

Quibus ait: Afferte, quod promisi! Et praesentibus amicis exposito triclinio jussu reginae allata sunt omnia. Quo facto levaverunt se omnes et licenciati discesserunt.

Appollonius ait: Bone rex miserorum misericors et tu regina amatrix studiorum et dilectrix philosophiae, valete!

Et respiciens famulos, quos sibi regina donaverat, ait:

Attollite, famuli, haec, quae mihi data sunt, et eamus et hospitium quaeramus.

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Pars II, 1 |II Teil II, 1 Part II, 1 Partie II, 1 Parte II, 1

Puella timens, ne amatorem perderet, tristis est facta; respiciens ad patrem ait: |||lover|she might lose||||||| |||恋人|||||||| The girl, fearing lest she should destroy her lover, became sad; looking at his father he said: La ragazza, temendo di distruggere il suo amante, si rattristò; guardando suo padre disse: 愛人を失うことを恐れている少女は、悲しくなった。彼女は父を振り返り、言った:

Bone rex et pater optime, placeat tibi, ut Appollonius hodie ditatus abscedat, et qnod illi donavimus a malis ne rapiatur. ||||very well|may it please|||Appollonius||wealthy|may he depart||what||we have given||evils||he be seized ||||||||アポロニウス|||||||||||奪われないように Good king and excellent father, let it please you that Appollinius, being made rich today, depart, and that what we have bestowed on him should not be taken away from the wicked. Bon roi et très bon père, qu'Apollonios parte aujourd'hui riche, et que ce que nous lui avons donné ne soit pas ravi par les méchants. Buon re e ottimo padre, ti piaccia che Apollonio parta oggi ricco e che ciò che gli abbiamo dato non venga portato via dai malvagi. 良き王よ、そして最高の父よ、アポロニウスが今日裕福で去ることをお許しください、そして私たちが彼に贈ったものが悪から奪われないように。

Tunc rex festinus jussit sibi assignari aulam, ubi honeste quiesceret. ||hasty|||be assigned|the palace||honorably|he might rest |||||||||静かに休む Then the king in haste ordered the palace to be assigned to him, where he should rest honorably. Alors le roi ordonna en toute hâte qu'on lui assignât une salle où il pourrait se reposer honorablement. その時、王は急いで、彼が立派に休むことができる宮殿を割り当てるように命じた。 Puella vero amore accensa inquietam habuit noctem, mane vero cubiculum patris adiit. the girl|||inflamed|restless|she had|the night|morning||||she went to ||||不安な||||||| But the girl, aroused by love, had a restless night, and in the morning went to her father's chamber. Mais la jeune fille, enflammée d'amour, passa une nuit agitée, mais le matin elle se rendit dans la chambre de son père. Ma la ragazza, infiammata dall'amore, trascorse una notte agitata, ma al mattino andò nella stanza di suo padre. 少女は本当に愛に燃え、夜は不安な夜を過ごした。しかし朝、父の部屋に行った。 Quam ut vidit pater, dixit: As soon as the father saw it he said Comme le père l'a vu, il a dit : 父がそれを見て言った:

Quid est hoc, quod praeter consuetudinem ita mane evigilasti? |||||custom|||you have awakened |||||習慣||| What is this that you woke up so early in the morning? Qu'est-ce qui fait que tu te réveilles si tôt le matin ? これはどういうことだ、いつもと違ってこんなに早く目を覚ましたのか?

Puella ait: Requiem habere non potero, et ideo, carissime pater peto, ut me tradas juveni ad doctrinandam, quod potero artem musicam et alia addiscere. ||rest|||I will be able||therefore||||||hand over|||teaching||I will be able|||||to learn ||||||||||||||||教育するための|||||||学ぶ The girl said, "I can't have rest, and for that reason, my dearest father, I beg you to hand me over to the young man for learning what I can do to learn music and other things." La jeune fille dit : Je ne pourrai pas me reposer, et c'est pourquoi, mon très cher père, je te prie de m'envoyer étudier chez les jeunes, afin que j'apprenne l'art de la musique et d'autres choses. La fanciulla disse: Non potrò riposarmi, e perciò, mio carissimo padre, ti prego di mandarmi dai giovani a studiare, affinché possa imparare l'arte della musica e altre cose. 少女は言った: "安息を得ることができません。だからこそ、最愛の父よ、私を若者に引き渡して、私が音楽の技術や他のことを学ぶことができるようにしてください。"

Rex haec audiens gavisus est, jussit ad se juvenem vocari, cui ait: |||he rejoiced||||||to be called|| |||喜んだ|||||||その人に| The king, upon hearing these things, was overjoyed, and ordered a young man to be called to him; Le roi fut heureux en entendant ces choses, et ordonna qu'on appelle le jeune homme, auquel il dit : 王はこれを聞いて喜び、若者を呼ぶように命じ、こう言った:

Apolloni, filia mea multum cupit artem tuam addiscere; ideo rogo te, ut ei ostendas omnia, quae nosti, et ego mercedem condignam retribuam. |||very much|desires|||to learn||I ask||||||||||reward|worthy|I will reward |||||||||||||見せてあげて|||知っていること|||報酬|適切な|報いる Apollonius, my daughter desires to learn your art much; therefore I beg you to show him all that you know, and I will repay him a worthy reward. Apollon, ma fille désire beaucoup apprendre votre art ; c'est pourquoi je te supplie de lui montrer tout ce que tu sais, et je lui rendrai une digne récompense. Apollo, mia figlia è molto desiderosa di apprendere la tua arte; perciò ti prego di mostrargli tutto quello che sai, e gli ripagherò una degna ricompensa. アポロニ、私の娘はあなたの技術を学びたがっています。だからお願いです、彼女にあなたが知っているすべてを教えてください、そして私は適切な報酬をお渡しします。

Et ille: Domine, paratus sum voluntati vestrae satisfacere. ||Lord|ready||to your will|your|to satisfy |||||意志||満たすこと And he said, "Lord, I am ready to satisfy your will." Et il dit : Seigneur, je suis prêt à satisfaire ta volonté. そして彼は言った。「主よ、私はあなたの意志に応える準備ができています。」

Docuit puellam, sicut ipse didicit; post haec puella prae nimio amore juvenis infirmatur. taught|the girl|as||||||with excessive|excessive|||falls ill |||||||||過剰な|||弱くなる He taught the girl, as he himself learned; After this the girl is weakened because of the young man's excessive love. Il enseigna à la jeune fille, comme lui-même l'avait appris ; après cela, la jeune fille est affaiblie par l'amour excessif du jeune homme. Insegnò alla ragazza, come lui stesso aveva imparato; dopodiché la ragazza viene indebolita dall'eccessivo amore del giovane. 彼は少女に教えた。彼自身が学んだように。その後、少女は若者への過度の愛のために病気になった。

Rex ut vidit filiam suam incurrisse aegritudinem, subito medicos vocavit, illi vero venas et singulas partes corporis tangebant et nullam aegritudinem invenerunt. |||||to have fallen into|sickness||doctors|||indeed|veins||each|||they touched||no|sickness|they found |||||病気になった|||||||静脈|||||触れていた|||| When the king saw that his daughter had incurred an illness, he suddenly called the physicians; Lorsque le roi vit que sa fille était malade, il appela immédiatement les médecins, mais ils touchèrent les veines et toutes les parties du corps et ne trouvèrent aucune maladie. Quando il re vide che sua figlia era malata, chiamò subito i medici, ma questi le toccarono le vene e ogni parte del corpo e non trovarono alcuna malattia. 王は娘が病気になっているのを見て、すぐに医者を呼んだ。彼らは血管や体の各部分に触れたが、病気は見つからなかった。 Post paucos dies tres juvenes nobilissimi, qui per longum tempus filiam in matrimonium petierant, regem una voce pariter salutaverunt. |few|days||young men|most noble||||||||had sought|the king|one|voice|together|greeted |||||最も高貴な|||||||||||||挨拶した After a few days, three most noble young men, who for a long time had sought a daughter in marriage, greeted the king with one voice. Au bout de quelques jours, les trois jeunes gens nobles, qui demandaient depuis longtemps leur fille en mariage, saluèrent le roi d'une seule voix. 数日後、非常に高貴な三人の若者たちが、長い間王女を妻に求めていたが、王に一斉に挨拶した。

Quos intuens rex ait: Qua de causa venistis? |looking at||||||you have come 彼ら|||||||来たのか The king looked at them and said, "Where are you from?" Le roi, les regardant, dit : Pour quelle raison êtes-vous venus ? Il re, guardandoli, disse: Per quale motivo siete venuti? それを見た王は言った。「何のために来たのか?」

At illi: Quia saepius nobis promisistis uni ex nobis dare filiam vestram in matrimonium; propter quod hodie simul venimus; cives tui sumus, divites et ex nobilibus parentibus geniti, et ideo de tribus tibi elige, quem vis habere generum. |||more often||you have promised|one|||||your|||on account of|||"together"|we have come||||rich|||noble||born||||||choose||||son-in-law |||しばしば||||||||||||||||||||||貴族||生まれた者|||||あなたに|選んでください||||義理の息子 But to him: Because you have often promised us to give your daughter in marriage to one of us; for which reason we came together today; we are your citizens, rich and born of noble parents, and therefore choose for yourself from among the tribes whom you wish to have as sons-in-law. Mais à lui : Parce que tu nous as souvent promis de donner ta fille en mariage à l'un de nous ; c'est pourquoi nous nous sommes réunis aujourd'hui ; nous sommes vos citoyens, riches et nés de parents nobles, et choisissons donc vous-même parmi les tribus ceux que vous souhaitez avoir pour gendres. 彼らは答えた。「あなたは私たちのうちの一人に娘を嫁にやると何度も約束したから、今日、私たちは一緒に来た。私たちはあなたの市民であり、裕福で高貴な家柄から生まれた者たちです。だから、三人の中から、望む人物を婿として選んでください。」

Rex ait: Non apto tempore me interpellastis. ||not|suitable|||you interrupt |||適切な||| The king said, "You did not interrupt me at an appropriate time." Le roi dit : Vous ne m'avez pas interrompu au bon moment. 王は言った:あなたたちは私を適切な時に妨げていません。 Filia mea studiis vacat et ob amorem studiorum imbecillis jacet. ||studies|is devoted||||of studies|weak|lies |||||||学問|| My daughter is free from studies and lies weak because of her love of studies. Ma fille est occupée par ses études et, par amour de ses études, elle est faible. Mia figlia è occupata negli studi e per amore degli studi giace debole. 私の娘は勉強に専念しており、学問への愛のために弱く横たわっています。 Sed ne videar vobis nimis diferre, scribite in codicillis vestris nomina vestra et dotis quantitatem, quae transmittam filiae meae, ut ipsa eligat, quem voluerit. ||I seem||too|to differ|write||the tablets|||your||dowry amount|amount||I will send|||||she may choose||she will want ||見える|||||||||||嫁入りの|量||送る||||||| But lest I seem to put it off too much for you, write your names in your notebooks and the amount of the dowry that I will send over to my daughter, so that she may choose whomever she wants. Mais pour qu'on ne voie pas que vous soyez trop différents, écrivez vos noms dans vos codicilles, et le montant de votre dot, qui sera transmise à ma fille, afin qu'elle choisisse qui elle veut. Ma affinché non si veda che differite troppo, scrivete i vostri nomi nei codici e comunicate l'importo della dote che sarà trasmessa a mia figlia, affinché possa scegliere chi vuole. しかし、あなたたちにあまり遅れているように見えたくないので、あなたたちの名前と私の娘に送る持参金の額を、あなたたちのメモに書いてください。彼女が好きな人を選べるように。

Illi hoc fecerunt, rex accepit scripturam et legit, signavitque, dedit Apollonio, dicens: ||they did|||the writing||he read|and he signed||to Apollonius| ||彼らはした||||||||| They did this, the king received the writing, and read it, and signed it, and gave it to Apollonius, saying: Ils firent cela, le roi prit l'écrit, le lut, le signa et le remit à Apollonius, en disant : 彼らはこれをしました、王は文書を受け取り、読んで、署名し、アポロニウスに渡して言った:

Tolle, magister, has scripturas et trade discipulae tuae! ||these|scriptures||give|to your student| ||||||生徒| Take, teacher, these scriptures and deliver them to your students! Prenez ces Écritures, professeur, et donnez-les à vos élèves ! Prendi queste scritture, insegnante, e dalle ai tuoi studenti! 取ってください、先生、この文書をあなたの弟子に渡してください!

Apollonius recepit scripturas et puellae portavit. |received|writings|||he carried ||書類||| Apollonius received the scriptures and carried it to the girl. Apollonius reçut les écrits et porta les filles. アポロニウスは文書を受け取り、少女たちに持って行きました。

Puella ut vidit, quem diligebat, ait: Magister, quid est, quod solus introisti in cubiculum? |when|||she loved|||||||you entered|| ||||愛していた|||||||||部屋 When the girl saw whom she loved, she said, "Teacher, what is it that you entered the room alone?" Quand la jeune fille vit qui elle aimait, elle dit : Maître, pourquoi es-tu entré seul dans la chambre ? 女の子は、彼女が愛している人を見て言った: "先生、あなたはなぜ一人で部屋に入ったのですか?"

Apollonius ait: Sume codicillos, quos tibi misit pater tuus, et lege! ||take|the notes|||sent|||| |||小さな巻物||||||| Apollonius said: Take the little books that your father sent you and read them! Apollonius dit : Prends les petits livres que ton père t'a envoyés et lis-les ! アポロニウスは言った: "君の父が君に送った文書を取り、それを読んで!"

Puella codices aperuit et legit tria nomina petitorum, projectisque codicillis respiciens Appollonium dixit: |the books|opened|||||of the petitioners|and having thrown|||Appollo| |||||||求職者|投げ捨てた|小さな巻物|looking at|| The girl opened the manuscripts and read the three names of the petitioners; La jeune fille ouvrit les manuscrits et lut les trois noms des pétitionnaires, et Apollonius, regardant les manuscrits, dit : La ragazza aprì i manoscritti e lesse i tre nomi dei firmatari, e Apollonio, guardando i manoscritti, disse: 女の子は文書を開いて、三つの応募者の名前を読み、その文書を投げ捨てながらアポロニウスを見て言った:

Magister Appolloni, utrum non doles, quod alteri debeo in matrimonium tradi? |Apollonius|whether||you are hurt||to another|I owe|||to be given |アポロニ||||||||| Master Apollo, do you not grieve that I ought to be handed over to another in marriage? Maître Apollonius, ne vous affligez-vous pas de devoir me donner en mariage à un autre ? Maestro Apolloni, non ti addolora che io debba essere data in sposa ad un altro? アポロニウス先生、私は他の誰かに結婚させられることを悲しんでいませんか?

Et ille: Non, quia omne, quod est tibi honor, erit et commodum meum. ||||||||honor|will be||advantage| ||||||||名誉|||| And he said: No, because everything that is yours will be my honor and my advantage. Et lui : Non, car tout ce qui est ton honneur sera aussi mon avantage. E lui: No, perché tutto ciò che è il tuo onore sarà anche il mio vantaggio. 彼は言った:いいえ、なぜならあなたにとっての名誉は、私にとっても利益だからです。

Ait puella: Magister, si me amares, doleres. ||Master|||loved|you would be sad |||||愛して| The girl said, "Teacher, if you loved me, you would be sorry." La jeune fille dit : Maître, si vous m'aimiez, vous le regretteriez. La ragazza disse: Maestro, se mi amassi, te ne pentiresti. 少女は言った:先生、もし私を愛していたら、あなたは悲しむでしょう。

Haec dicens rescripsit, signavit codicillos, traditque Apollonio, ut eos regi deferret, et scripsit haec: ||he wrote|he signed||and he hands over|||||he should deliver||he wrote| |||署名した|||||||||| Having said these things, he wrote back, signed the note, and delivered it to Apollonius, that he might bring them to the king; and he wrote these things: En disant ces choses, il répondit, signa les codicilles et les remit à Apollonius pour qu'il les apporte au roi, et il écrivit ces choses : Detto questo, rispose, firmò i codicilli e li consegnò ad Apollonio perché li portasse al re, e scrisse queste cose: これを言って、彼は書面を返し、印を押し、アポロニウスに渡して、それを王に持参させ、これを書いた:

Rex et pater optime, quoniam clementia permisit mihi, ut rescribam, rescribo: Illum naufragum volo in conjugem habere. ||||since|mercy|has allowed|||I write back|I write back||shipwrecked man|||spouse| ||||||||||書き直す|||||| Most excellent king and father, since clemency has allowed me to write back, I will write back: I want to have that shipwreck as my wife. Très bien roi et père, puisque la clémence m'a permis de réécrire, je réécris : je veux avoir ce naufragé pour épouse. Re e padre benissimo, poiché la clemenza mi ha permesso di riscrivere, riscrivo: voglio avere per sposo quel naufrago. 王と父上、恵みが私に再び書くことを許してくださったので、書きます:彼の難破者を配偶者として持ちたいのです。

Rex cum legissit voluntatem puellae, ignorans, quem naufragum diceret, respiciens ad juvenes ait: ||he had read|||not knowing|||he would say|||| |||||無知で||||||| When the king read the girl's will, not knowing whom he was talking about the shipwreck, he looked back at the young men and said, Lorsque le roi eut lu le testament de la jeune fille, ne sachant pas qui il devait appeler un naufrage, il regarda les jeunes gens et dit : 王は少女の意志を読み、それが誰の難破者であるか知らず、若者たちを見て言った:

Quis vestrum naufragium passus est? |||suffered| |あなたたちの||| Which of you suffered shipwreck? Qui d'entre vous a subi un accident ? Chi di voi ha subito un incidente? 誰があなたたちの中で難破したのですか?

Unus ex illis nomine Ardonius dixit: Ego passus sum naufragium. ||them||Ardonius||||| ||||アルドニウス||||| One of them by name Ardonius said: I have suffered a shipwreck. L'un d'eux, nommé Ardonius, dit : J'ai fait naufrage. そのうちの一人、アルドニウスという名前の者が言った:私は難破しました。

Alius ait: Morbus te consumat nec salvus nec sanus sis, cum sciam te coetaneum meum! another||disease||may consume||safe||sane|you are||I know||my contemporary| ||病気|||||||||||同年代の人| Another said: Disease consumes you and you are neither safe nor healthy, since I know you are my age! Un autre a dit : La maladie vous consume et vous n’êtes ni en sécurité ni en bonne santé, puisque je sais que vous êtes mon contemporain ! Un altro ha detto: La malattia ti consuma e non sei né sicuro né sano, poiché so che sei mio contemporaneo! 別の者が言った:病があなたをむしばんで、私はあなたが同年代だと知っているのに、あなたが無事でも健康でもありませんように! Portam civitatis numquam exiisti! ||never|you have exited |||exist You never went out of the gate of the city! Vous n'avez jamais quitté la porte de la ville ! Non hai mai lasciato la porta della città! あなたは都市の門から決して出たことがない! Ubi naufragium fecisti? ||did Where did you wreck? Où as-tu fait naufrage ? あなたはどこで難破しましたか?

Rex cum non invenisset, quis eorum naufragium fecisset, respexit Apollonium dicens: |||||||had done||| When the king had not found which of them had caused the shipwreck, he looked back at Apollonius, saying, Le roi n'ayant pas découvert qui avait causé leur naufrage, il regarda Apollonius et dit : 王は誰が難破したのか見つけられず、アポロニウスを見て言った:

Tolle codicillos et lege! |notebooks|| Take the note and read! Prenez les livrets et lisez ! 素晴らしい小さな文書を読んでください! Potest enim fieri, quod ego non noverim; tu intelligis, qui praesens fuisti. ||||||I know||understand||present|you were ||起こること||||知っている||||| For it can be done which I did not know; you understand who you were present. Car il se peut que je ne le sache pas ; vous qui étiez présents, comprenez. Può darsi infatti che io non lo sappia; tu che eri presente, capisci. 私が知らないことがあっても、それは可能です。あなたは、そこに居合わせた人として理解しています。

Appollonius acceptis codicillis velociter percurrit, et ut sensit se amari, erubuit. |having received||quickly|he ran through|||he felt||to be loved|he blushed ||||||||||赤面した Appollonius, upon receiving the note, ran through quickly, and, as he felt that he was loved, was ashamed. Apollonius, ayant reçu les codicilles, les parcourut rapidement, et comme il se sentait aimé, il eut honte. Apollonio, dopo aver ricevuto i codicilli, li scorse velocemente e, sentendosi amato, si vergognò. アポロニウスは受け取った文書を素早く読み通し、自分が愛されていることを感じると、赤面しました。

Cui rex ait: Apolloni, invenisti naufragum? ||||you found| 誰が||||見つけた| And the king said to him: Apollonius, have you found the shipwreck? A qui le roi dit : Apollon, as-tu trouvé l'épave ? 王は言った:アポローニ、あなたは難破船の人を見つけましたか?

At ille prae rubore pauca dixit; rex vero cum intellexit, quod filia eum voluit, aliis ait: ||with embarrassment|blush|few|||||he understood||||wanted|| ||前に|赤面|||||||||||| But he spoke a few words out of embarrassment; But when the king understood what his daughter wanted him, he said to the others, Mais lui, en rougissant, dit quelques choses ; Mais quand le roi comprit que sa fille le voulait, il dit aux autres : Ma lui, arrossendo, disse alcune cose; Ma quando il re capì che sua figlia lo voleva, disse agli altri: 彼は赤面してほとんど何も言わなかった。しかし、王は彼の娘が彼を望んでいることを理解すると、他の者に言った:

Dum tempus fuerit, veniam ad vos. ||has been|I will come|| |||許可|| When the time comes, I will come to you. Pendant qu'il est temps, je viendrai vers vous. 時間が経てば、あなた方のところに行くでしょう。 Illi vero valedicentes recesserunt. ||saying farewell|departed ||別れを告げる| But they departed after saying good-bye. Mais ils sont partis après s'être dit au revoir. 彼らは確かに別れを告げて立ち去った。 Ipse vero solus introivit ad filiam suam et ait : Quem tibi elegisti conjugem? |||entered||||||||you have chosen| |||||||||||選んだ| But he himself went in alone to his daughter, and said: Whom didst thou choose for thy wife? Mais lui seul entra chez sa fille et lui dit : Qui as-tu choisi pour épouse ? 彼自身は一人で娘のところに入って言った:あなたは誰を配偶者として選びましたか?

Illa autem prostravit se cum lacrimis et ait: ||she prostrated|herself|||| She lay low with tears and said Et elle se prosterna en pleurant et dit : 彼女は涙を流しながら身を投げ出し、言った:

Pater carissime, naufragum Apollonium peto. |dear||| Dear father, I ask Apollonius the shipwreck. Cher père, je demande Apollonius naufragé. 親愛なる父よ、私は難破したアポロニウスを求めています。

Rex cum lacrimas filiae suae vidisset, levavit eam a terra et sic alloquitur dicens: ||||||he lifted||||||speaks to| ||||||lifted||||||| When the king saw the tears of his daughter, he lifted her up from the ground and spoke thus: Lorsque le roi vit les larmes de sa fille, il la releva de terre et lui dit ainsi : Quando il re vide le lacrime di sua figlia, la sollevò da terra e si rivolse a lei in questo modo, dicendo: 王は娘の涙を見て、彼女を地面から持ち上げ、こう言いました:

Nata dulcis, noli de aliqua re cogitare, quia talem concupisti, quem et ego; ut enim vidi, quia et amando factus sum pater, diem tibi nuptiarum sine mora constituam. Nata|sweet|||any|thing|to think||such|you desired|||||||||by loving|made|||||of the wedding||delay|I will set ||考えないでください||any|||||欲望を抱いた||||to||見た|||愛して||||||結婚|||設定する Sweet birth, do not think of any thing, because you have desired such a one, as I also; for as I have seen, since I have become a father in love, I will set a wedding day for you without delay. Douce naissance, ne pense à rien, parce que tu l'as désirée, comme moi aussi ; car, comme je l'ai vu, depuis que je suis devenu père amoureux, je fixerai sans délai le jour de votre mariage. Dolce nascita, non pensare a nulla, perché ne hai desiderato uno simile, come anch'io; poiché come ho visto, poiché sono diventato padre innamorato, ti fisserò senza indugio il giorno delle nozze. 甘い娘よ、何も心配しないでください、あなたが求めたものは私も求めたものだからです。私は愛することで父になったので、あなたの結婚式の日を遅くせずに決めましょう。

Postera ergo die vocantur amici vicinarum urbium ad regem, quibus ait: the next|therefore||they are called||of neighboring|of the cities|||to whom| |だから、次の日|日|呼ばれる||||||| The next day, therefore, the friends of the neighboring cities are called to the king, to whom he said: Le lendemain donc, les amis des villes voisines furent appelés auprès du roi, à qui il dit : それで翌日、近隣の都市の友人たちが王のもとに呼ばれ、彼に言うのです:

Carissimi, filia mea vult nubere Apollonio magistro suo; peto itaque, ut vobis omnibus sit laetitia, quia filia mea prudenti viro sociatur. dearest||||to marry||her teacher|||therefore||||there be|joy||||to a wise|man|is joined ||||結婚する||||||||||喜び||||||結婚する Dearest, my daughter wants to marry Apollonius, her teacher; I ask, therefore, that there may be joy for all of you, because my daughter is married to a wise man. Bien-aimée, ma fille veut épouser Apollonius, son maître ; Je demande donc qu'il y ait de la joie pour vous tous, car ma fille est mariée à un homme sage. 親愛なる皆さん、私の娘は彼女の師アポロニオと結婚したいと言っています。ですから、皆さんが喜んでいただけるようにお願い申し上げます。なぜなら、私の娘は賢い男性と結ばれるのですから。 Haec igitur dicens constituit diem nuptiarum. |||he decided|| |したがって|||| Therefore saying these things, he appointed the day of the wedding. En disant ces choses, il fixa le jour du mariage. これを言って、彼は結婚式の日を決めました。

Quae cito concepit, et dum puerum in utero haberet, accidit, quod cum ambularet cum rege Apollonio viro suo juxta litus maris, vidit navem speciosam. |quickly|gave birth|||||womb|was having|it happened|||was walking||king||||by the shore||of the sea|||beautiful |||||||||起こった|||歩いて||||||||海の|||美しい船 She soon conceived, and while she had a child in her womb, it happened that as she was walking with her husband King Apollonius by the seashore, she saw a beautiful ship. Elle conçut rapidement, et alors qu'elle avait un enfant dans son ventre, alors qu'elle se promenait avec son mari le roi Apollonius au bord de la mer, elle aperçut un beau navire. Ella concepì presto e, mentre aveva un bambino nel grembo, avvenne che mentre passeggiava con suo marito, il re Apollonio, lungo la riva del mare, vide una bellissima nave. 彼女は急に妊娠し、子供をお腹に抱えている間に、アポロニウス王と一緒に海岸を歩いていると、美しい船を見かけた。 Cognovit eam Apollonius, quod esset de patria sua; conversus ad nauclerum ait: Unde venis? he knew|her|||she was||||having turned||the ship's captain||from where|you come ||||||||||船長||| Apollonius knew that she was of his own country; turning to the pilot and said, "Where have you been?" Apollonius la reconnut comme étant de son pays ; Il se tourna vers le batelier et lui dit : D'où viens-tu ? Apollonio la riconobbe come originaria del suo paese; rivolgendosi al barcaiolo, disse: Da dove vieni? アポロニウスは彼女が故郷の出身であることを知り、船長に向かって言った:『どこから来たのですか?』

At ille: A Tyro. And he said: From Tyre. Mais lui : De Tyr. すると彼は言った:『ティロスからです。』

Appollonius ait: Patriam meam nominasti. ||||you named ||||名付けた Apollonius said: You have named my country. Apollonius dit : Vous avez nommé mon pays. アポロニウスは言った: あなたは私の故郷を呼びました。

Alter respondit: Ergo Tyrus es tu? 年齢||||| Another replied, "Are you then Tyrus?" L'autre répondit : Es-tu donc Tyrien ? もう一人は答えた: それなら、あなたはティルスの人ですか?

Et ille: Ut dicis. ||as| And he said: As you say. Et lui : Comme tu dis. そして彼は言った: あなたが言う通り。

Nauclerus ait: Nosti aliquem patriae illius principem, nomine Appollonius? Nauclerus||do you know|someone||of that||| |||someone||||| The captain said: "Do you know any prince of that country, by the name of Apollonius?" Le marin dit : Connaissez-vous un prince de ce pays nommé Apollonius ? ナウクレルスは言った: その国の特首の一人、名前はアポロニウスを知っていますか?

Nauclerus dixit: Peto ubicumque illum videris, dicas ei, ut gaudeat et exultet, quia rex Antiochus fulmine percussus est cum filia sua, opes autem regni Antiochiae reservantur Apollonio. |||wherever||you see|you say|||he may rejoice||he rejoices||||with lightning|struck|||||the resources|||of Antioch|are reserved| |||||見られる||||||喜びを表す||||雷に打たれた|打たれた|||||富||||| The captain said: I ask wheresoever you see him, tell him that he may be glad and exult, because king Antiochus was struck by a lightning with his daughter, and the wealth of the kingdom of Antioch is reserved to Apollonius. Le marin dit : Je t'en prie, partout où tu le verras, dis-lui de se réjouir et d'exulter, car le roi Antiochus a été frappé par la foudre avec sa fille, mais les richesses du royaume d'Antioche sont réservées à Apollonius. Il marinaio disse: Ti prego, ovunque lo vedi, digli che si rallegri ed esulti, perché il re Antioco è stato colpito da un fulmine con sua figlia, e le ricchezze del regno di Antiochia sono riservate ad Apollonio. ナウクレルスは言った: どこで彼に会ったとしても、彼に言って、喜びと歓喜をもっていてほしいとお願いしています。なぜなら、王アンティオクスは雷に打たれ、彼の娘と共に死にましたが、アンティオキア王国の財はアポロニウスのために保管されています。

Apollonius, ut hoc audivit, plenus gaudio ad conjugem suam ait: Apollonius, when he heard this, said to his wife full of joy Quand Apollonius entendit cela, il fut plein de joie et dit à son épouse : アポロニウスはこれを聞くと、喜びに満ちて彼の妻に言った:

Peto itaque, ut me abire permittas ad percipiendum regnum. ||||to depart|||perceiving| |||||||受け取ること| I ask therefore that you permit me to depart to receive the kingdom. Je vous demande donc de me permettre d'aller percevoir le royaume. それゆえ、私に王国を受け取るために去ることを許可してほしい。

Illa ut audivit, profusis lacrimis ait: |||with flowing|| As she heard the tears, she said Lorsqu'elle l'entendit, elle dit avec des larmes abondantes : 彼女がそれを聞くと、溢れんばかりの涙を流しながら言った:

O domine, si in longinquo itinere esses constitutus, ad partum meum festinare debueras, et modo recedere velis, cum juxta me sis; sed si hoc velis, pariter navigemus. ||||distant|journey|you were|established||birth||to hurry|you should have|||to withdraw|you wish|||||||||together|we may sail |||||||設立された|||||||今は|後退する|もしあなたが|||||||||| O lord, if you had been on a long journey, you ought to hasten to my birth, and you would only depart when you are near me; but if you wish this, we will sail together. O Seigneur, si tu étais parti pour un long voyage, tu aurais dû te hâter vers ma naissance et ne te retirerais que lorsque tu serais près de moi ; mais si cela vous plaît, nous naviguerons ensemble. O Signore, se fossi partito per un lungo viaggio, avresti dovuto affrettarti alla mia nascita, e ti saresti ritirato solo quando fossi vicino a me; ma se ti piace, navigheremo insieme. ああ、主よ、もしあなたが遠い旅にいるのなら、私の出産に急いで来るべきだった、そして今、近くにいるのに去ろうとしているのか;でも、もしそうするつもりなら、一緒に航海しよう。

Et veniens ad patrem ait: |coming||| And coming to his father he said Et s'approchant de son père, il dit : そして父のもとに来て言った:

O pater, laetare et gaude, quia saevissimus rex Antiochus cum filia sua dei judicio in fulmine percussus est, opes autem et diademata nobis sunt reservata. ||||rejoice||most savage||||||of God|judgment||||||||diadems|||reserved |||||||||||||裁き||||||||王冠||| O father, rejoice and be glad, because the most cruel king Antiochus and his daughter have been struck by lightning in the judgment of God, but riches and diadems have been reserved for us. Ô père, réjouis-toi et sois dans l'allégresse, car le roi le plus cruel Antiochus et sa fille ont été frappés par la foudre au jugement de Dieu, mais les richesses et les diadèmes nous ont été réservés. お父さん、喜び楽しんでください。なぜなら、非常に残忍な王アンティオクスが神の裁きによって雷で打たれ、私たちには豊かな財産と王冠が残されているからです。 Permitte me navigare cum viro meo! allow||||| 許可して||||| Let me sail with my husband! Laissez-moi naviguer avec mon mari ! 私の夫と一緒に航海することを許可してください!

Ait rex: Permitto. ||I allow ||許可する 王よ: 許可します。

Illa respiciens Apollonium ait: Magister Appolloni, accipe ex indulgentia patris mei auri ducenta talenta, argenti libras quadringentas vestemque copiosam, servos viginti, decem ancillas. ||||||receive||indulgence||||two hundred|||pounds|four hundred|and a plentiful garment|plentiful|twenty slaves|twenty||maids ||||||||||||二百||||||豊富な||||女奴隷 She, looking at Apollonius, said: Master Apollonius, receive from my father's indulgence two hundred tons of gold, four hundred pounds of silver, and abundant clothing, twenty servants, and ten maids. Elle, regardant Apollonius, dit : Maître Apollonius, recevez de l'indulgence de mon père deux cents tonnes d'or, quatre cents livres d'argent et des vêtements abondants, vingt serviteurs et dix servantes. 彼女はアポロニウスを見つめながら言った: アポロニウス先生、私の父の寛大さから金二百タレント、銀四百ポンド、豊富な衣服、20人の奴隷、10人の女奴隷を受け取ってください。

Quibus ait: Afferte, quod promisi! to whom||bring||I promised ||持って来い|| To whom he said: Bring what I promised. Il leur dit : Apportez ce que j'ai promis ! 彼は言った: 約束したものを持って来てください! Et praesentibus amicis exposito triclinio jussu reginae allata sunt omnia. |with the friends present||exposed|dining room|by the order||brought|| ||||食卓|命令で|||| And when the present friends had landed in the dining-room, all things were brought by order of the queen. Et en présence des amis présents, tout fut apporté à la salle à manger sur ordre de la reine. E alla presenza degli amici presenti, per ordine della regina, tutto fu portato nella sala da pranzo. そして現在の友人たちが女王の命令で正餐室に全てが持ち込まれた。 Quo facto levaverunt se omnes et licenciati discesserunt. ||they raised||||the graduates|departed ||||||免許を得た| When this was done, they all lifted up, and took leave. Quand cela fut fait, ils se soulagèrent tous et la licence partit. そうして彼らは皆立ち上がり、許可を得て去っていった。

Appollonius ait: Bone rex miserorum misericors et tu regina amatrix studiorum et dilectrix philosophiae, valete! ||||of the wretched|merciful|||queen|lover|||beloved|of philosophy|farewell |||||||||||||哲学| Appollinius said: "Good king of the wretched, merciful queen, lover of studies and lover of philosophy, farewell!" Apollonius dit : Adieu, roi miséricordieux des pauvres, et toi, reine, amante des études et amante de la philosophie ! アポロニウスは言った:哀れな者の慈悲深い王よ、また学問の愛好者であり哲学の愛人である女王よ、さようなら!

Et respiciens famulos, quos sibi regina donaverat, ait: ||servants||||had given| ||家来たち||||| And looking at the servants whom the queen had given him, he said: Et regardant les serviteurs que la reine lui avait donnés, il dit : そして、彼は自分に与えられた使用人たちを振り返り、言った:

Attollite, famuli, haec, quae mihi data sunt, et eamus et hospitium quaeramus. lift|servants||||given|||let us go||hospitality|let us seek |従者|||||||||| Take up, my servants, these things which have been given to me, and let us go and seek an inn. Prenez, mes serviteurs, ces choses qui m'ont été données, et allons chercher une auberge. さあ、使用人たちよ、私に与えられたこれらを持ち上げて、進んで、宿を探そう。