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Liber Psalmorum, Psalmi 1-30, Psalmus 020

Psalmus 020

1 In finem. Psalmus David. 2 Domine, in virtute tua lætabitur rex, et super salutare tuum exsultabit vehementer. 3 Desiderium cordis ejus tribuisti ei, et voluntate labiorum ejus non fraudasti eum. 4 Quoniam prævenisti eum in benedictionibus dulcedinis ; posuisti in capite ejus coronam de lapide pretioso. 5 Vitam petiit a te, et tribuisti ei longitudinem dierum, in sæculum, et in sæculum sæculi. 6 Magna est gloria ejus in salutari tuo ; gloriam et magnum decorem impones super eum. 7 Quoniam dabis eum in benedictionem in sæculum sæculi ; lætificabis eum in gaudio cum vultu tuo. 8 Quoniam rex sperat in Domino, et in misericordia Altissimi non commovebitur. 9 Inveniatur manus tua omnibus inimicis tuis ; dextera tua inveniat omnes qui te oderunt. 10 Pones eos ut clibanum ignis in tempore vultus tui : Dominus in ira sua conturbabit eos, et devorabit eos ignis. 11 Fructum eorum de terra perdes, et semen eorum a filiis hominum, 12 quoniam declinaverunt in te mala ; cogitaverunt consilia quæ non potuerunt stabilire. 13 Quoniam pones eos dorsum ; in reliquiis tuis præparabis vultum eorum. 14 Exaltare, Domine, in virtute tua ; cantabimus et psallemus virtutes tuas.

Psalmus 020 Psalm 020 Psalm 020 Salmo 020 詩篇020 Psalm 020 Salmo 020

1 In finem. A la fin de 1. Psalmus David. 2 Domine, in virtute tua lætabitur rex, et super salutare tuum exsultabit vehementer. ||by your power|||||||||vehemently |||||||||||muito intensamente 2 O Lord, the king will rejoice in your power, and he will greatly exult over your salvation. 3 Desiderium cordis ejus tribuisti ei, et voluntate labiorum ejus non fraudasti eum. |||you have granted|||will||||you did not deceive| Desejo||||||||||| 3 You gave him the desire of his heart, and did not deceive him with the desire of his lips. 4 Quoniam prævenisti eum in benedictionibus dulcedinis ; posuisti in capite ejus coronam de lapide pretioso. |You have prevented|||blessings|of sweetness|you placed||||crown||stone|precious stone |Antecipaste.||||doçura|||em sua cabeça||||pedra preciosa| 4 Because thou hast prevented him in the blessings of sweetness; You put a crown of precious stone on his head. 5 Vitam petiit a te, et tribuisti ei longitudinem dierum, in sæculum, et in sæculum sæculi. |asked||||you granted||length of days|of days|||||| |pediu||||||||||||| 5 He asked for life from you, and you gave him length of days, forever and ever. 6 Magna est gloria ejus in salutari tuo ; gloriam et magnum decorem impones super eum. ||||||||||great beauty|you will place|| ||||||||||grande esplendor||| 6 His glory is great in saving you; You will put glory and great beauty upon him. 7 Quoniam dabis eum in benedictionem in sæculum sæculi ; lætificabis eum in gaudio cum vultu tuo. ||||blessing||||You will make him joyful|||||face| |||||||||||||teu rosto| 7 For you will give him as a blessing for ever and ever; You will make him rejoice with your face. 8 Quoniam rex sperat in Domino, et in misericordia Altissimi non commovebitur. ||||||||||will not be moved 8 For the king trusts in the Lord, and in the mercy of the Most High he will not be moved. 9 Inveniatur manus tua omnibus inimicis tuis ; dextera tua inveniat omnes qui te oderunt. Let it be found||||||||may be found||||hate you ||||||||||||te odeiam 9 Let your hand be found against all your enemies; let your right hand find all who hate you. 10 Pones eos ut clibanum ignis in tempore vultus tui : Dominus in ira sua conturbabit eos, et devorabit eos ignis. You will place|||oven||||your face||||||will disturb|||will devour|| |||fornalha de fogo||||||||||perturbará||||| 10 You will set them as a furnace of fire in the time of your appearance: the Lord will disturb them in his anger, and the fire will devour them. 11 Fructum eorum de terra perdes, et semen eorum a filiis hominum, 12 quoniam declinaverunt in te mala ; cogitaverunt consilia quæ non potuerunt stabilire. ||||||||||||have deviated||||they thought|||||establish ||||||descendência deles||||||se desviaram para||||pensaram em planos|planos|||não puderam|estabelecer 11 You will destroy their fruit from the earth, and their seed from the children of men, 12 because evils have declined in you; they thought of plans which they could not establish. 13 Quoniam pones eos dorsum ; in reliquiis tuis præparabis vultum eorum. |||||the rest||you will prepare|face| |||costas deles||restos deles|||| 13 Because you will put them behind; you will prepare their face in your remains. 14 Exaltare, Domine, in virtute tua ; cantabimus et psallemus virtutes tuas. |||||we will sing||we will sing|virtues| |||||||entoaremos louvores|| 14 Exalt, Lord, in your power; we will sing and praise your virtues.