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Portuguese Alphabet Pronunciation, Alfabeto Português

Alfabeto Português

A a

árvore, amêndoa

B b

boca, banheiro

C c

casa, cerveja

d d

diamante, dinheiro

E e

escolha, encontro

F f

fórmula, familia

G g

gênio, gato

H h

história, hotel

I i

igreja, inteligência

J j

jovem, João

K k

kiwi, karaokê

L l

lábio, limão

M m

mão, medo

N n

novo, nada

O o

olho, opinião

P p

poder, paz

Q q

queimar, quiosque

R r

rei, razão

S s

sabedoria, sorte

T t

tudo, trabalho

U u

uva, único

V v

valor, vinte

W w

Walter, Wanderlândia

X x

xadrez, xícara

Y y

yoga, yen

Z z

zoológico, zombaria

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Alfabeto Português Португальский алфавит| Alphabet (1)|Portugiesisch Portuguese alphabet|Portuguese Alphabet Alfabeto Português|Alfabeto Português Alfabeto Portugués| Portugiesisches Alphabet Πορτογαλικό αλφάβητο Portuguese Alphabet alfabeto portugués الفبای پرتغالی Alphabet portugais Alfabeto portoghese ポルトガル語アルファベット 포르투갈어 알파벳 Portugees alfabet Alfabet portugalski Alfabeto Português Португальский алфавит Portugisiska alfabetet Portekizce Alfabe Португальська абетка 葡萄牙语字母表 葡萄牙語字母表

A a a|a To the|The to A(1)|eine o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

árvore, amêndoa дерево, миндаль|миндальное дерево amandier|amandier Tree|Almond tree, almond amêndoa|amêndoa Baum|Mandelbaum almendro|almendra Baum, Mandel tree, almond árbol, almendra boom, amandel árvore, amêndoa 树,杏仁

B b B majuscule| Sure, could you please provide the specific text or context for "<B>" and "<B b>"?|<b> in <B b> B|b(1) Bb B b B b

boca, banheiro рот, ванная|рот, ванная комната bouche|toilettes Mund|Mund, Toilette mouth|Bathroom |baño Mund, Badezimmer mouth, bathroom mond, badkamer 嘴巴,浴室

C c Celsius|c minuscule In the context of <C c>, <C> translates to "with".|Speed of light C(1)|<C c> c c C c cc

casa, cerveja maison|bière House|Beer Haus| |cerveza Haus Bier home, beer cerveza de la casa huis, bier 房子,啤酒

d d |de of the|<d> |I'm sorry, but I need more context to provide an accurate translation. Could you please provide the full phrase or sentence? dd d d d d

diamante, dinheiro бриллиант, деньги|деньги diamant|argent Diamond, money|Money |Geld Geld, Diamant diamond, money diamant, geld 钻石,金钱

E e et| <E>|is |Und Und ist And and

escolha, encontro выбор, встреча| choix|rencontre Wahl, Treffen|Treffen choice|meeting wählen, Datum choose, date elegir, fecha keuze, ontmoeting

F f |f minuscule Function of f|function f F f F f

fórmula, familia формула, семья|формула, семейство formule| Formel, Familie|Formel, Familie formula, family|family Formelfamilie formula family 公式,家庭

G g <G> в контексте <G g>| G majuscule| <G> in <G g>|function g at 1 |<G g> Gg G g G g

gênio, gato гений, кот| Genie, Katze|Genie, Katze genius, cat|genius, cat |gato geniale Katze genius cat geniale kat 天才,猫

H h H majuscule|h minuscule Height|Height |<H h> H(1)| H h H h

história, hotel Geschichte|Hotelgeschichte History, hotel|Hotel Geschichte, Hotel history, hotel geschiedenis, hotel

I i я| je| I|in i i

igreja, inteligência церковь, интеллект|интеллект церкви église|intelligence Kirche|Intelligenz church|church intelligence |inteligencia Kirche, Intelligenz church, intelligence kerk, intelligentie 教堂,智慧

J j |je <J>|<j> in the context of <J j> translates to "letter J". J(1)| J j Jj J j

jovem, João молодой человек, Жоао| jeune|João junger Mann, João|Junger, João young man, João|young man, João Jung, John young john jonge jan 年轻人,约翰

K k Переведите <K> в контексте <K k>. Не более 3 слов.| K majuscule| Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated.|<k> |<k> im Kontext von <K k> K k

kiwi, karaokê киви, караоке|караоке kiwi, karaoke|karaoke kiwi, karaoke 猕猴桃,卡拉ok

L l L| <L>|The letter L l l L l

lábio, limão губа, лимон|губа, лимон lèvre| Lippe, Zitrone|Lippe, Zitrone Lip|Lemon |limón Lippe, Zitrone lip, lemon lippen, citroen 唇,柠檬

M m masculin|Monsieur <M> in <M m>: "in the context"|less than meter |Meter M m M m

mão, medo рука| main|peur Hand, Angst|Hand, Angst Hand|fear mano| Hand, Angst hand fear handen, angst 手, 恐惧

N n N n| Number|lowercase letter |<n> in <N n> N n N n

novo, nada nouveau| neu, nichts|nichts Neues Nothing new|nothing new neu, nichts new, nothing 新的, 无

O o The "O"| o o o

olho, opinião глаз, мнение|Мнение œil|opinion Auge, Meinung|Meinung eye, opinion|Point of view |opinión Auge, Meinung eye, opinion oog, mening

P p Paragraph|In the context P p

poder, paz сила, мир|мир pouvoir|paix Macht, Frieden|Macht, Frieden Power, peace|peace Macht, Frieden power, peace kracht, vrede 力量,和平

Q q question| Please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated from Portuguese to English.|Could you please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated? |Please provide the specific Portuguese text you would like translated into German. Q(1)| Q q Q q

queimar, quiosque сжигать|киоск brûler|kiosque brennen, Kiosk|Kiosk verbrennen burn, kiosk|kiosk quemar|quiosco brennen, Kiosk burn kiosk kiosk verbranden 燃烧,亭子

R r R de la lettre| <R> im Kontext von <R r>.|<r> im Kontext von <R r> <R>| R(1)| R r R r

rei, razão король, причина|король, разум roi|raison König, Vernunft|Vernunft king, reason|reason König, Vernunft king reason koning, rede 国王,理性

S s S majuscule| Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated.|S s |Please provide the specific Portuguese text you would like translated into German. S s S s

sabedoria, sorte мудрость| sagesse|chance Weisheit, Glück|Weisheit, Glück Wisdom, luck|Luck sabiduría| Weisheit, Glück wisdom, luck wijsheid, geluk 智慧,运气

T t type générique| <T> in <T t>|temperature T t

tudo, trabalho everything, work|work alles, Arbeit all work All Het werk

U u U majuscule| Underlined|under in the U u u

uva, único виноград, уникальный| raisin|unique grape, unique|single Traube, einzigartig grape, single uva, único 葡萄,唯一

V v Vitesse de la lumière| <V> in <V v>|<V v> |<V v> V v v V v V v

valor, vinte значение, двадцать| valeur|vingt Value, twenty|<value, twenty> |veinte Wert, zwanzig value, twenty waarde, twintig 价值,二十

W w Переведите <W> в контексте <W w>. Максимум 3 слова.| W majuscule|lettre majuscule Victory| |I'm sorry, but I need more context to provide an accurate translation. Could you please provide a bit more information or clarify the sentence? W(1)| W w W w

Walter, Wanderlândia Вальтер, Вандерландия|Вандерландия |Wanderland Walter, Wanderlândia|Walter, Wanderland Walter, Wanderlândia|Wanderland |Wanderland Walter, Wanderlândia Walter, Wanderlandia Walter, Wanderlândia

X x X| Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated from Portuguese to English.|Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the specific text or context you need translated? |Sure, please provide the specific Portuguese text you would like translated into German. X x X x

xadrez, xícara шахматы, чашка|чашка échecs|tasse Schach, Tasse|Tasse Chess, cup|chess, cup ajedrez|taza Schach, Becher chess cup schaken, beker xadrez, xícara xadrez, xícara

Y y Y| Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated from Portuguese to English.|Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase in Portuguese that you would like translated to English. |Please provide the specific Portuguese text "<y>" and the context "<Y y>" for accurate translation. Y(1) y| Y y

yoga, yen йога, йен|йена, йога |yen Yoga, Yen|Verlangen nach Yoga yoga, desire|Desire |yen Yoga, Yen yoga, yen

Z z Переведите <Z> в контексте <Z z>. Не более 3 слов.| Z z| <Z>|<z> |Sorry, I need more context to provide an accurate translation. Could you please provide the full sentence or a bit more information? Z z Z z

zoológico, zombaria зоопарк, насмешка|издевательство zoo|moquerie Zoo, Spott|Spott, Hohn zoo, mockery|mockery |zombaría Zoo, Spott und Hohn zoo mockery dierentuin, spot