3 knjige za sve situacije
3 Bücher für alle Situationen
3 книги на все случаи жизни
3 books for all situations
Dragi moji, dobro mi došli,
Dear|my|well|to me|you have come
My dear ones, welcome,
ovo je moj YouTube kanal, ja sam Slavica Squire
this is my YouTube channel, I am Slavica Squire
i svakog četvrtka ovde imate
and|every|Thursday|here|you have
and every Thursday you have here
savete kako da kreirate život i posao
advice on how to create a life and business
koje ćete da obožavate.
which|you will|to|adore
that you will love.
Danas imam za vas predlog
Today|I have|for|you|suggestion
Today I have a suggestion for you
3 knjige koje su mi stvarno mnogo značile.
books|that|are|to me|really|much|meant
3 books that have really meant a lot to me.
Znam da sam već to radila,
I know|that|I|already|that|did
I know I've done this before,
ali mnogi od vas su mi pisali da želite
but|many|of|you|are|to me|written|that|you want
but many of you have written to me that you want
još predloga knjiga,
more book suggestions,
i evo ja sam odabrala za vas
and here I have chosen for you
3 knjige koje su stvarno fantastične,
3 books that are truly fantastic,
i pokrivaju različite oblasti vašeg života.
and cover different areas of your life.
Dragi moji, ostanite do kraja ovog videa
Dear|my|stay|until|the end|this|
My dear ones, stay until the end of this video
da vidite šta je moj današnji predlog za vas
to see what my today's suggestion for you is.
a pre toga, ako niste još,
and|before|that|if|you are not|yet
and before that, if you haven't yet,
pritisnite SUBSCRIBE i pritisnite zvonce,
press SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell,
kako biste uvek bili redovno obaveštavani,
how|you would|always|be|regularly|informed
so you can always be regularly notified,
šta ovde ima korisno da možete da naučite
what|here|is|useful|that|you can|to|learn
about what useful things you can learn here.
promislite i
think about it|and
think and
time kreirate svoj fantastičan život.
when|you create|your|fantastic|life
in doing so, you create your fantastic life.
Dragi moji, prva knjiga koju sam
My dear ones, the first book that I
namenila za vas da vam predložim
intended to suggest to you
je "Veština ljubavi" od bračnog para Biddulph.
|The Skill|of Love|by|married|couple|Biddulph
is "The Skill of Love" by the married couple Biddulph.
Oni su napisali mnogo dobrih knjiga,
They have written many good books,
Ali ja zaista želim da vam predložim da
But|I|really|want|to|you (plural/formal)|suggest|to
But I really want to suggest that you
krenete od ove.
you start|from|this
start with this one.
To je fantastična knjiga
This is a fantastic book
koja vam na jednostavan način
which|to you|in a|simple|way
that simply shows you
osvetljava koliko je važno
how important it is
čuvati ljubav sa kojom se uđe u brak,
to preserve|love|with|which|reflexive pronoun|enters|into|marriage
to preserve the love with which you enter marriage,
i da se ona sama od sebe sačuvati neće
and|that|herself|she|alone|from|herself|will save|will not
and that she will not save herself by herself
već da vi morate nešto da uradite.
but that you have to do something.
I ovde imate mnogo dobrih predloga
And here you have many good suggestions
šta je to što možete lako da uradite
what|is|that|that|you can|easily|to|do
of what you can easily do
da sačuvate svoju ljubav
to preserve your love
i da vam deca u toj ljubavi odrastaju
and|that|your||in|that|love|grow up
and for your children to grow up in that love
i da čitava vaša porodica
and for your whole family
uživa zato što ta vaša ljubav cveta
to enjoy because your love is flourishing
jer to je srž i srce
because that is the essence and heart
vaše porodice i
of your family and
inače možda i vašeg života.
perhaps even your life.
Jer ako vam se tu klima,
Because|if|to you|reflexive pronoun|here|air conditioning
Because if the atmosphere there is bad,
onda je jako teško imati
then|is|very|hard|to have
then it is very difficult to have
na drugim poljima
in other areas
energije da iznesete druge stvari.
energy|to|carry out|other|things
the energy to carry out other things.
Ako u kući imate ljubav, ako sačuvate brak,
If|in|the house|you have|love|if|you preserve|marriage
If you have love in the house, if you preserve the marriage,
ako ga negujete i ako je divan,
if|him|you nurture|and|if|is|wonderful
if you nurture it and if it is wonderful,
odatle dobijate energiju za puno drugih stvari u svom životu.
from there|you get|energy|for|many|other|things|in|your|life
from there you gain energy for many other things in your life.
Znači, bračni par Biddulph, oni su NLP treneri,
So, the Biddulph couple, they are NLP trainers,
napisali su i još neke druge knjige,
they wrote|(auxiliary verb)|and|some|other|other|books
they have written some other books as well,
od kojih jednu takođe od srca preporučujem,
from|which|one|also|from|heart|I recommend
of which I also wholeheartedly recommend one,
a to je "Tajna srećne dece".
and|it|is|The Secret|happy|children
and that is "The Secret of Happy Children."
Ako negde nađete, obavezno kupite
If|somewhere|you find|обязательно|buy
If you find it anywhere, be sure to buy
i jednu i drugu.
both|one|and|the other
both of them.
Naročito za vas koji imate decu, "Tajna srećne dece" je super,
Especially|for|you|who|have||The Secret|happy|children|is|great
Especially for those of you who have children, "The Secret of Happy Children" is great,
ali nemojte misliti da je samo za decu,
but don't think it's just for kids,
jako je korisna za odnose sa svim ljudima.
it's very useful for relationships with all people.
Već sam vam preporučila, u stvari, dve knjige.
Already|I|to you|recommended|in|fact|two|books
I have already recommended, in fact, two books to you.
i imam još dve za vas.
and|I have|two more|two|for|you
and I have two more for you.
Druga knjiga koju želim da vam preporučim, odnosno, sad ispade još i treća,
Second|book|that|I want|to|you|recommend|or rather|now|turned out|even|and|third
The second book I want to recommend to you, or rather, it turns out to be the third,
je "Kako razmišljaju milioneri".
is "How Millionaires Think."
Deluje možda malo banalno,
It seems|maybe|a little|banal
It may seem a bit trivial,
ali je jako zanimljivo
but it is very interesting
kada pročitate tu knjigu.
when|you read|that|book
when you read that book.
Ja sam je pročitala u jednom dahu
I read it in one breath
jednoga dana
one day
znam tačno i gde sam sedela kada sam je pročitala,
I know|exactly|and|where|I|was sitting|when|I|it|read
I know exactly where I was sitting when I read it,
Bukvalno u jednom danu sam je pročitala,
I literally read it in one day,
jer je jako zanimljiva,
because it is very interesting,
i sadrži principe i načine razmišljanja
and|contains||and|ways|of thinking
and it contains principles and ways of thinking.
koji su drugačiji od prosečnih ljudi.
who are different from average people.
I jako je interesantno da prođete kroz to
It|very|is|interesting|to|go through|through|that
And it is very interesting to go through that
da razmislite gde ste vi
to think about where you are
da upišete možda
to maybe write down
sve te neke principe razmišljanja za sebe
all those principles of thinking for yourself
i da razmislite u kojoj meri možete to da prihvatite.
and|to|think|in|what|measure|you can|that|to|accept
and to consider to what extent you can accept that.
Ne radi se o tome da ćete preko noći postati milioner,
It doesn't|work|reflexive pronoun|about|that|you|will|overnight|night|become|millionaire
It's not about becoming a millionaire overnight,
zato što ste pročitali ovu knjigu,
because|that|you (plural/formal)|read|this|book
just because you read this book,
ali ono što možete da uradite je
but|what|that|you can|to|do|is
but what you can do is
da unapredite svoj način razmišljanja
improve your way of thinking
da unapredite svoje stavove,
improve your attitudes,
koji će možda vremenom imati efekat
which|will|maybe|over time|have|effect
which may have an effect over time
i na vaš život i otvoriti prostor tome
and|to|your|life|and|open|space|to it
and on your life and open space for that
da na drugi način
to think in a different way
razmišljate o novcu, o prilivu novca
you think|about|money|about|inflow|of money
about money, about the inflow of money
o tome gde vi u stvari kočite to
about where you are actually blocking it
i da možda otvorite neki prostor u svom životu
and maybe open some space in your life
za veći priliv novca
for|greater|influx|of money
for a greater influx of money
radeći ono što volite i ono što
doing what you love and what
i inače možda i radite,
and|otherwise|maybe|and|you work
you might already be doing,
samo da tome na neki drugi način pristupite.
just approach it in some other way.
Od srca vam preporučujem jer znam da mi ovde
From|heart|to you|recommend|because|I know|that|to me|here
I wholeheartedly recommend it to you because I know that here,
na ovim prostorima naročito,
especially in these areas,
jedan totalno, ugrađen u vaspitanju,
one totally ingrained in upbringing,
pogrešan stav o novcu
wrong attitude towards money
i ovo može da vas malo razdrma
and|this|can|to|you|a little|shake up
and this can shake you up a bit
i da vam da neke nove ideje.
and give you some new ideas.
Poslušajte me, pročitajte i malo
Listen to me|me|read|and|a little
Listen to me, read a little and
uzmite sveščicu i prepišite
take a notebook and write down
nekoliko stvari koje su vama najvažnije.
several|things|that|are|to you|most important
a few things that are most important to you.
I treća knjiga, odnosno, sad već četvrta,
And|third|book|or rather|now|already|fourth
And the third book, or rather, now the fourth,
koju preporučujem,
which|I recommend
that I recommend,
su "Atomske navike".
is "Atomic Habits".
Fantastična knjiga
Fantastic book
Baš sam srećna da je izašla kod nas
I am really happy that it has been released here
izdavačka kuća "Finesa",
publishing house "Finesa",
James Clear
James Clear
je čovek koji je napisao ovu knjigu,
is the man who wrote this book,
ja sam gledala njegove intervjue
I have watched his interviews
čitala sam ovu knjigu, prostudirala sam je malo,
I read|(past tense marker)|this|book|I studied|(past tense marker)|it|a little
I have read this book, I studied it a bit,
neke stvari sam čak, ne samo za sebe
I have even tried some things, not just for myself.
isprobala, nego i preporučujem mojim polaznicima na
I tried|but|and|I recommend|my|students|on
I recommend them to my students in
našim edukacijama da obavezno
our training sessions to definitely
uzmu, jer ustvari
they take|because|actually
take, because actually
sticanje nove navike je ključ.
acquiring a new habit is key.
Ono što čini naš život, ono što čini
What makes our life, what makes
uspeh, su u stvari, naše navike.
success, are actually our habits.
Jer, ako su nam navike u skladu sa onim što
Because, if our habits are in line with what
želimo da postignemo, u skladu sa našim ciljevima,
we want|to|achieve|in|accordance|with|our|goals
we want to achieve, in accordance with our goals,
onda možemo da postignemo fantastične ciljeve.
then|we can|to|achieve|fantastic|goals
then we can achieve fantastic goals.
Ali ako naše navike
But if our habits
su u suprotnosti sa onim što želimo da postignemo,
are|in|opposition|to|what|that|we want|to|achieve
are in contradiction with what we want to achieve,
biće jako teško i moraćemo da menjamo navike.
it will be|very|difficult|and|we will have to|to|change|habits
it will be very difficult and we will have to change our habits.
A kako se to radi,
And how is that done,
stoji lepo sve u ovoj knjizi.
everything is nicely explained in this book.
Znači, postoji nekoliko pravila
So|there are|several|rules
So, there are several rules
koja su u knjizi lepo opisana,
which|are|in|the book|beautifully|described
which are beautifully described in the book,
sa fantastičnim primerima,
with fantastic examples,
gde će vam dati mnogo ideja šta možete da uradite,
where|will|to you|give|many|ideas|what|you can|to|do
that will give you many ideas on what you can do,
na onim poljima gde znate da vas nešto koči.
on|those|fields|where|you know|that|you|something|holds back
in those areas where you know something is holding you back.
Ima možda mnogo stvari koje biste voleli
There are|maybe|many|things|that|you would|like
There may be many things you would like
da uradite drugačije, koje biste svakodnevno voleli da radite drugačije,
to|do|differently|which|you would|daily|liked|to|do|differently
to do differently, things you would like to do differently every day,
ali vas nešto koči,
but|you|something|holds back
but something is holding you back,
i ovde ćete dobiti naučno objašnjenje
and|here|you will|receive|scientific|explanation
and here you will get a scientific explanation
šta vas koči, šta vi možete da uradite na svakodnevnom
what|you|holds back|what|you|can|to|do|in|daily
what is holding you back, what can you do on a daily
planu, kako biste zaista korak po korak
basis, to truly step by step
stekli dobre navike koje vas vode u jedan fantastičan
develop good habits that lead you to a fantastic
i uspešan život i posao
and successful life and career
koji ćete da obožavate.
which|you will|to|adore
which you will adore.
Dragi moji, ako su vam saveti koje vam dajem interesantni,
Dear|my|if|are|to you|advice|that|to you|I give|interesting
My dear ones, if the advice I give you is interesting,
pritisnite LIKE i podelite
press LIKE and share
kopirajte link i podelite sa nekim prijateljima,
copy the link and share it with some friends,
pošaljite im negde u inbox,
send|to them|somewhere|in|inbox
send it to their inbox,
da pogledaju i oni ili podelite na svom wall-u na Facebook-u
so they can take a look or share it on your wall on Facebook
ili gde god volite,
or|where|ever|you love
or wherever you like,
jer možda bude i drugim ljudima interesantno
because|maybe|will be|to|other|people|interesting
because it might be interesting to other people too.
u vašem okruženju
in your environment
da neke stavove menjaju,
that some attitudes change,
da rade na sebi, da čitaju knjige,
to work on themselves, to read books,
ja se nadam da vam je to bilo interesantno.
I|reflexive pronoun|hope|that|to you|is|it|was|interesting
I hope you found that interesting.
Pišite mi dole, takođe, ako želite još nekih predloga ili
Write|to me|below|also|if|you want|any|some|suggestions|or
Write to me below, also, if you want any more suggestions or
ili šta još želite da snimam za vas,
or|what|else|you want|to|record|for|you
or what else you want me to record for you,
jer mi vaši predlozi mnogo znače.
because|to me|your|suggestions|much|mean
because your suggestions mean a lot to me.
Hvala vam na podršci, hvala što me pratite,
Thank you|you (formal)|for|support|thank you|that|me|follow
Thank you for your support, thank you for following me,
i vidimo se sledećeg četvrtka.
and|we see|each other|next|Thursday
and see you next Thursday.
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