Bojan lovi let za Los Angeles.
Bojan is catching a flight to Los Angeles.
Tam ima pomembno predstavitev.
Zelo se boji, saj je to prvič, da bo govoril pred veliko publiko.
Very|himself|is afraid|because|it is|this|first time|that|will|speak|in front of|large|audience
He is very scared, as this is the first time he will be speaking in front of a big audience.
Njegov šef mu je povedal, da je zelo pomembno, da dobro opravi svoje delo.
His|boss|to him|(past tense verb)|told|that|(past tense verb)|very|important|to|well|performs|his|work
His boss told him it was very important to do a good job.
Rekel je, da je uspeh novega izdelka odvisen od njega.
He said|is|that|the|success|new|product|dependent|on|him
Bojan ne mara takega pritiska.
Bojan|does not|like|such|pressure
Boji se, da bo dobil odpoved, če naredi napako.
He fears|himself|that|will|receive|reprimand|if|makes|mistake
He is afraid that if he makes a mistake, he will be dismissed.
Vendar poskuša razmišljati pozitivno.
However|tries|to think|positively
Morda bo, če bo dobro opravil, namesto tega napredoval.
Maybe|he will|if|he|well|performs|instead of|this|advances
Perhaps, if he does well, he will be promoted instead.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Nocoj lovim let za Los Angeles.
Tonight|I catch|flight|to|Los|Angeles
Tam imam pomembno predstavitev.
There|I have|important|presentation
Zelo se bojim, saj je to prvič, da bom govoril pred veliko publiko.
Very|(reflexive pronoun)|am afraid|because|is|this|first time|that|I will|speak|in front of|large|audience
Moj šef je rekel, da je zelo pomembno, da dobro opravim svoje delo.
Rekel je, da je uspeh novega izdelka odvisen od mene.
He said|is|that|the|success|new|product|dependent|on|me
Ne maram takega pritiska.
I do not|like|such|pressure
I don't like that kind of pressure.
Bojim se, da bom dobil odpoved, če naredim napako.
I fear|reflexive pronoun|that|I will||reprimand|if|I make|mistake
I am afraid that if I make a mistake, I will be dismissed.
Vendar poskušam razmišljati pozitivno.
However|I try|to think|positively
Morda bom, če bom dobro opravil, namesto tega napredoval.
Maybe|I will|if|I|well|performed|instead of|this|advanced
Maybe if I do well, I'll get promoted instead.
Ena: Bojan nocoj lovi let za Los Angeles.
Kdaj Bojan lovi letalo?
Bojan nocoj lovi let za Los Angeles.
Dva: Tam ima pomembno prodajno predstavitev.
Kaj bo tam počel?
Tam ima pomembno prodajno predstavitev.
Tri: Zelo se boji, saj je to prvič, da bo govoril pred veliko publiko.
Three|Very|himself|is afraid|because|it is|this|first time|that|will|speak|in front of|large|audience
Zakaj se boji?
Why|(reflexive pronoun)|fears
Ker je prvič, da bo govoril pred veliko publiko.
Because|it is|the first time|that|will|speak|in front of|large|audience
Štiri: Njegov šef mu je povedal, da je zelo pomembno, da dobro opravi svoje delo.
Four|His|boss|to him|(past tense verb marker)|told|that|(past tense verb marker)|very|important|to|well|performs|his|work
Kaj mu je rekel njegov šef?
What|to him|(auxiliary verb)|said|his|boss
Njegov šef mu je povedal, da je zelo pomembno, da dobro opravi svoje delo.
His|boss|to him|(past tense verb)|told|that|(past tense verb)|very|important|to|well|performs|his|work
Pet: Rekel je, da je uspeh novega izdelka odvisen od njega.
|He said|is|that|the|success|new|product|dependent|on|him
Kaj je rekel?
Rekel je, da je uspeh novega izdelka odvisen od njega.
He said|is|that|the|success|new|product|dependent|on|him
Šest: Boji se, da bo dobil odpoved, če naredi napako.
Six|He is afraid|reflexive pronoun|that|will|receive|termination|if|he makes|mistake
Česa se boji?
Boji se, da bo dobil odpoved, če naredi napako.
He fears|himself|that|will|receive|reprimand|if|he makes|mistake
He is afraid that if he makes a mistake, he will be dismissed.
Sedem: Kljub temu poskuša pozitivno razmišljati.
Seven|Despite|that|tries|positively|to think
Kako poskuša razmišljati?
How|tries|to think
Poskuša razmišljati pozitivno.
He/She tries|to think|positively
Osem: Morda bo, če se bo dobro izšlo, napredoval.
Eight|Maybe|will|if|himself|will|well|turns out|advances
Kaj se lahko zgodi, če se bo dobro izšlo?
What|(reflexive particle)|can|happen|if|(reflexive particle)|will|well|turned out
Morda bo napredoval.