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Mille Fabulae, Fabulae 1-20

Fabulae 1-20

1) Leo et Canis

Occurrit canis leoni et iocatur, “Quid tu, miser, exhaustus inedia, percurris silvas et devia? Me specta pinguem ac nitidum, atque haec non labore consequor, sed otio.” Tum leo, “Habes tu quidem tuas epulas, sed habes stolide etiam vincula. Tu servus esto, qui servire potes; equidem sum liber, nec servire volo.”

2) Leo Iratus et Puteus

Leo olim, iratus et odio furens, dum leonem alium elapsum quaerit quem mactet, in puteum offendit. Inspicit; suam imaginem in liquore pictam videt. Sibi credit hunc hostem adesse quem vult; irruit, et perit.

Saepe furiosi plus sibi quam aliis nocent.

3) Leo Furens et Caprea

Conspecto leone furente, “O miseram et infelicem conditionem bestiarum,” inquit caprea, “siquidem etiam furiosos habiturae sumus leones, quorum mentis et rationis compotum saevitiam intolerabilem esse experimur.”

4) Leo et Tauri Duo

In duos tauros leo faciebat impetum, lautas sibi epulas quaerens. Illi, coniunctis viribus, opponunt cornua, medios ne irruere possit leo. Duobus ergo impar leo viribus, dolo agere coepit, sicque est allocutus alterum, “Amicum tuum si prodideris mihi, incolumem hinc ego te dimittam.” Qua usus fraude, facili utrumque necavit negotio.

5) Leo, Lepus, et Cerva

Leo, dormientem leporem nactus, confestim eum devorare parabat. Cervam interim praetereuntem conspicatus, relicto lepore, eam persequi coepit. Lepus interea, strepitu excitatus, inde fugam abripuit. Leo autem, postquam cervam longe est insecutus nec eam adsequi potuit, ad leporem reversus est. Sed eum quoque fuga elapsum cum reperisset, “Ego mehercule digna patior,” inquit, “quia, paratam in manibus escam reiiciens, incertam volui spem sequi.”

6) Leo et Equus

Venit ad equum comedendum leo. Carens autem prae senecta viribus, meditari coepit artem. Medicumque se esse profitetur verborumque ambagibus equum moratur. Equus dolo dolum, artem opponit arti; fingit se dudum in loco spinoso pupugisse pedem oratque ut inspiciens sentem medicus educat. Paret leo, at equus multa vi calcem leoni impingit et se continuo conicit in pedes. Leo, vix tandem ad se rediens, ictu enim prope exanimatus fuerat, “Pretium,” inquit, “fero ob stultitiam, et is iure effugit. Dolum enim dolo ultus est.”

7) Leo et Unicornis

Leo, fingens se infirmum, obviavit, claudicans, unicorni, adversario suo capitali et salutato eo dixit, “Qualitercumque actum fuerit inter nos hactenus, remittatur hinc inde, quod ego ulterius nulli nocere potero, prout vides, senio et variis incommodis debilitatus. Sed multum affectarem semel loqui cum coniuge mea, quae est in deserto, ante meam mortem et peterem a te ut accommodare mihi velis cornu tuum pro podio habendo in itinere, quia satis longum et forte est. Tibi remittam illud quam cito ad coniugem pervenero, et ad hoc tibi do fidem meam.” Unicornis vero, dictis eius omnibus credens et ipsius confictae miseriae compatiens, commodavit cornu suum et sic remansit inermis. Leo vero, modicum progrediens, fecit insultum in unicornem et, proprio cornu graviter vulnerans, devicit eum.

8) Leaena et Ursa

Erat leaena duos habens catulos. Exit autem ad venandum et venit quidam venator et catulos occidit et cum ipsorum pellibus discessit. Hoc videns, leaena contristata valde flebat. Ursa vero, tristitiam eius videns, venit ad eam dixitque ei, “Cur tristaris?” Illa respondit, “Quia venator catulos meos interfecit.” Ursa dixit, “Noli tristari; desine flere, quia passa es quod fecisti. Dic mihi, quid his annis comedisti?” Leaena respondit, “Carnes animalium.” Dixit ursa, “Quis tibi dabat?” Et ipsa, “Ego capiebam.” Et ursa, “Animalia quae capiebas parentes habebant?” Et illa, “Habebant.” Ursa ait, “Sic de filiis tristabantur ut tu nunc de tuis, et ipsa passa es sicut tu faciebas.” Haec audiens, leaena siluit et paenituit et, carnes comedere desinens, fructus manducare incepit.

9) Leaena et Sus

Sus et leaena litigabant ad invicem. Sus autem dixit leaenae, “Et tu, in quo te iactas, pro qua re tantam elevaris in superbiam? Labor tuus inanis est, et cum per annum unum labores, non potest habere nisi catulum unum. Ego fecunda et grata sum hominibus, et per duos quosque menses porto quattuordecim porcellos.” Respondit, “Verum est, sed tu paris porcellos, ego leonem.”

Exemplum est verbosi, qui multa loquitur inutilia. Sapiens autem paucis contentus est verbis.

10) Leonis Filius et Homo

Leo filio praecipiebat ne cum homine depugnaret, sed dicta eius filii animum non tangebant. Cum adolevisset, progreditur videtque in agro boves et rogat num homines sint; illi se homines esse negant, sed iugum ab homine impositum portare dicunt. Tum equum conspicatur et rogat num homo sit. “Minime,” inquit; “ego equus, sed homini servio.” Paulo post, quendam cernit in silva, ligna cuneis findentem. “Homo videris esse,” inquit; “pugnabis igitur mecum.” “Maxime,” inquit ille; “sed, quaeso te, distrahe prius hanc arborem.” Leo mox ungulas arboris fissurae incutit et dimovit ut cuneus excideret, et sic captus est. Omnibus vero viribus adhibitis, pedes de ligno retraxit ac ad suum patrem pedibus cruentis reversus est, et ait, “Mi pater, si paruissem monitis tuis, ungulas non amisissem.”

11) Leo et Iaculator

Quidam, iaculandi peritus, in montem venatum profectus est. Animalia, ubi eum conspexerunt, quaelibet sibi fuga consuluere. Leo solus eum in pugnam provocavit. Tunc venator, iaculum emittens et leonem feriens, “Nuntium meum hunc accipe,” inquit, “et qualis sit vide; haud mora ipse quoque ad te veniam.” Vulneratus leo in fugam protinus se coniecit. Quem cum vulpes ut animum sumeret et resisteret hortaretur, “Nequaquam,” ait, “me decipies, amica; si enim tam acerbum nuntium habet, cum ipse venerit, haud sane potero sustinere.”

12) Leo Amatorius et Silvanus

Leo silvani cuiusdam filiam perdite amavit et patrem virginis sollicitabat ut illi virgo in matrimonium daretur. Respondebat silvanus filiam esse tenellam et delicatulam virginem et numquam hamatos eius ungues dentesque passuram. Passus est igitur leo dentes et ungues evelli ut virgine frueretur. Quod cum vidisset pater, fustibus leoni involabat et longius imbellem abigebat.

Fabula indicat vesaniam inutilis amoris, propter quem pretiosissima perdimus et captivitatem patimur.

13) Leo et Homo, Concertantes

Homo et leo inter se concertabant quis eorum esset superior et, cum venissent ut quaererent huius altercationis testimonium ad monumentum ubi erat pictura quomodo ab homine leo suffocaretur, ostendit leoni homo testimonium in pictura. Cui leo sic ait, “Hoc ab homine pictum est. Nam si leo pingere posset, pinxisset quomodo leo suffocasset hominem. Veni mecum et dabo tibi verum testimonium.” Deduxit leo hominem ad amphitheatrum, et ostendit illi veram fidem quomodo homo a leone suffocatur et dixit homini, “Hoc testimonium non est color, sed opus in veritate factum.”

14) Leo in Stabulum Ingressus

Leo in agricolae stabulum ingressus erat, quem cum agricola comprehendere vellet, stabuli portam continuo clausit. Belua ita inclusa, cum egredi ullo modo nequiret, primum quidem pecudes discerpsit, ac deinde ad boves quoque sternendos se convertit. Tunc sibi agricola metuens, ianuam subito reseravit. Ita, leone digresso, cum mulier gementem virum vidisset, “Tibi quidem digna,” ait, “evenere. Quonam enim consilio eum hic claudere voluisti, quem procul etiam formidare oportebat?”

15) Leo et Pastor

Leo, errans, spinam calcavit et illico ad pastorem, cauda blandiens, venit, cui ait, “Non perturberis. Auxilium a te imploro; non indigeo esca.” Sublatum hominis posuit in gremio pedem. Pastor spinam exemit pede. Redit in silvas leo. Post autem, pastor falso incusatur crimine et ludis proximis emissis bestiis proiicitur. Passim dum discurrunt ferae, eum agnovit leo, qui fuerat medicatus. Sublatum rursus pastori ponit in gremio pedem. Hoc rex ut cognovit, leoni iussit parci et mansuetum pastorem dimitti parentibus.

Bene gerenti numquam poterunt adversariorum praevalere supplicia.

16) Leo, Vacca, Capra, et Ovis

Societatem aliquando iunxerant leo, vacca, capra, et ovis. Cervum permagnum cum cepissent, leo praedam divisit in quattuor partes aequales. Tum ita locutus est, “Prima pars mea est, quia sum leo; secundum mihi tribuetis, quia sum fortissimus; tertiam mihi sumo propter egregium laborem meum; quartam qui tetigerit, iram meam excitabit.” Sic totam praedam solus retinuit.

17) Leo Epulum Faciens

Leo epulum opipare apparateque ceteris brutis animalibus exhibebat, in quo gallinae, turdi et huiusmodi avium carnes, partim assae, partim elixae erant. Hoc cani, feli, et ceteris animalibus carnivoris gratum admodum erat. Cetera autem, quaecumque herbis hordeoque vescuntur, huiusmodi convivium ut insipidum damnabant.

Fabula indicat quam difficile sit variae vulgi voluntati satisfacere.

18) Leo et Catus

Contigit quod animalia invitata sunt a leone ad magnum prandium. Fuit invitatus catus. Quaerebat leo quid libentius comederet, volens singulis satisfacere. Et ait catus, “Rattos et mures.” Cogitavit leo, “Nisi omnes haberent de hoc ferculo, esset villania.” Tandem facit venire ferculum generale de rattis, et catus optime comedit. Alii murmuraverunt, dicentes, “Fi, fi! Quid apponitur nobis?” Et totum prandium propter hoc maculatum est.

Sic plerique faciunt magnum convivium; tandem sunt ibi quidam cati et nihil placet eis nisi habeant immundam ebrietatem, et gratia illorum omnes tam volentes quam nolentes retinentur usque ad noctem ut omnes possint inebriare.

19) Leo et Acies Eius

Leo, rex quadrupedum, adversus volucres pugnaturus, suorum acies instruebat. Interrogatus autem ab urso quid ei asini inertia aut leporis timiditas ad victoriam conferre possent, quos ibi inter ceteros milites adesse cernebat, respondit, “Asinus tubae suae clangore milites ad pugnam concitabit; lepus vero ob pedum celeritatem tabellarii fungetur officio.”

Fabula significat neminem adeo contemptibilem qui aliqua re nobis prodesse non possit.

20) Leo Rex et Regia Eius

Rex leo quondam animo instituit singulas quibus imperitabat ferarum gentes recensere; ergo clientes subditosque cuiusque generis ad se legatos mittere iussit. Epistola sigillo regio munita circumfertur: Regem mense integro clientes excepturum in aula; magnum apparari convivium. Hac munificentia princeps suis suam indicabat potentiam. In regiam eos vocat. Quae regia? Ossuarium, cuius fetor nauseam provocat! Ursus nares reclusit. Displicuit; rex offensus ursum fastidiosum ad Plutonis regna detrusit. Huic asperitati applausit simia; iram, ungues, speluncam regis putidam adulatoriis laudibus extulit. Verum, insulsa adulatio male accepta, poenas dedit. Rex ille leoninae gentis Caligulae consimilis fuit! Vulpi vicinae ait, “Quid olfacis? Dic, nec simula.” Illa vero, “Excusatam me habeas, quippe quae rheumate oppressam carentemque olfactu.” Ita vulpes se expedit.

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Fabulae 1-20 Geschichten Stories Fábulas Geschichten 1-20 Stories 1-20 Historias 1-20 Histoires 1 à 20 Storie 1-20 Historie 1-20 Histórias 1-20 Истории 1–20 Berättelser 1-20 Розповіді 1-20 故事1-20

1) Leo et Canis Löwe|| Lion|and|the dog Leão|| 1) The Lion and the Dog 1) 獅子と犬 1) Leão e Cachorro

Occurrit canis leoni et iocatur, “Quid tu, miser, exhaustus inedia, percurris silvas et devia? Der Hund begegnet||||scherzt|Was denn||armselig, elend, unglücklich||Hunger, Fasten, Entbehrung|||| Komt tegen|||||||||uithongering||||afgelegen paden 出会う||||||||||走り回る|||道を外れた encontrou||leão||brinca|||miserável|exausto de fome|fome extrema|atravessas|florestas||caminhos afastados "Meets" or "encounters"|dog|to the lion|"and"|"jokes" or "makes fun"|"What"|you|wretched one|"exhausted by hunger"|"lack of food"|"you traverse"|"the forests"|and|byways or paths Der Hund traf den Löwen und scherzte: „Warum rennst du elend und erschöpft vor Hunger durch den Wald und die Straßen?“ The dog meets the lion and jokes, 'Why, wretched one, exhausted from hunger, do you run through the woods and byways?' 犬は獅子に出会い、冗談を言う。「お前は、哀れな者よ、飢えに苦しんで森や曲がり角を走り回っているのか? O cachorro encontrou o leão e brincou: “Por que você, miserável, exausto de fome, corre pelos bosques e pelas ruas?” Пес зустрів лева і пожартував: «Чого ти, нещасний, змучений голодом, біжиш лісами та стежками? Me specta pinguem ac nitidum, atque haec non labore consequor, sed otio.” Tum leo, “Habes tu quidem tuas epulas, sed habes stolide etiam vincula. "Me" translates to "me" in English.|"Look at"|"fat" or "plump"|"and"|"shiny" or "sleek"|"and also"|"these things"|not|"by work"|"achieve" or "attain"|but|leisure, idleness, ease|"Then"|lion|"You have"||"indeed" or "certainly"|your meals|"Feasts" or "banquets"|but|you have|"foolishly" or "foolish one"|"even" or "also"|chains or bonds |olhe para mim|gordo||brilhante||||trabalho|conseguo||ócio|||tens||de fato||refeições, banquetes|||"tolamente"|também|correntes, grilhões, prisões |patrz na|grubego|i z|błyszczący||to te||pracy||||||||||||||| ||fat||||||||||||||||食事|||愚かにも|| Schau mich fett und glänzend an, und ich erreiche diese Dinge nicht durch Arbeit, sondern durch Freizeit. Dann sagte er: „Du hast zwar deine Feste, aber du hast auch deine törichten Fesseln. Look at me, fat and sleek, and I achieve these things not through hard work, but through ease.' Then the lion, 'You do indeed have your feasts, but foolishly you also have chains. 私を見ろ、太っていて輝かしい、そしてここにあるものは労働ではなく、暇によって手に入れたものだ。」すると獅子は、「お前は確かに自分の宴を持っているが、愚かにも束縛も持っている。」 Olhem para mim, gordo e brilhante, e não consigo essas coisas pelo trabalho, mas pelo lazer. Então ele disse: “Vocês realmente têm suas festas, mas também têm suas obrigações tolas. Подивіться на мене товстого та блискучого, і я досягаю цього не працею, а відпочинком. Тоді він сказав: «Ти справді маєш свої бенкети, але маєш і свої дурні узи. Tu servus esto, qui servire potes; equidem sum liber, nec servire volo.” "You"|"servant" or "slave"|"Be" or "you be"|who can serve|"to serve"|"You can serve"|"for my part"|I am|free person|"nor"|"to serve"|I want ||あなたの||to serve||||||to serve| ||seja|||pode|certamente|||||quero You be a slave, who can serve; I am free and do not want to serve.' 君は使いであるべきだ、使える者; 私は実際には自由であり、仕えたくはない。 Você é um servo que pode servir; na verdade, sou livre e não quero servir." Ти слуга, який може служити; справді я вільний і не хочу, щоб мені служили».

2) Leo Iratus et Puteus Angry Lion|Angry||Well |||井戸 |||Poço 2) Der wütende Löwe und der Brunnen 2) Angry Lion and Well 2) 怒れる獅子と井戸 2) O Leão Furioso e o Poço

Leo olim, iratus et odio furens, dum leonem alium elapsum quaerit quem mactet, in puteum offendit. |once|angry and furious||with hatred|raging with fury|while|lion|another lion|escaped|"seeks" or "is seeking"|whom to kill|"he may kill"|in the|well|"falls into" ||||||while||||||殺す||| |uma vez|||ódio|enfurecido de ódio||leão|outro|escapou|procura||mate, sacrifique, destrua||poço|caiu em Es war einmal ein Löwe, der wütend und wütend vor Hass war und auf der Suche nach einem anderen entflohenen Löwen, den er töten konnte, in einen Brunnen stolperte. Once a lion, enraged and furious with hatred, while in search of another lion that has escaped him to kill, he stumbles into a pit. Un lion autrefois, en colère et fou de haine, cherchant un autre lion échappé à dévorer, tomba dans un puits. かつて、獅子は怒りと憎しみに狂い、他の獅子を探して殺そうとしながら、井戸に出くわした。 Era uma vez um leão, furioso e furioso de ódio, enquanto procurava outro leão fugitivo para matar, tropeçou num poço. Inspicit; suam imaginem in liquore pictam videt. ||||liquide|| He/she/it looks at|its|image||liquid|painted in water| |||||描かれた| Observa||imagem||líquido|pintada|vê He inspects he sees his image painted in liquid. Il regarde; il voit son image peinte dans le liquide. 彼は、自分の姿を液体に描かれているのを見る。 Ele olha; ele vê sua imagem pintada em líquido. Sibi credit hunc hostem adesse quem vult; irruit, et perit. |crédit|||||||| to himself|credit|this|"enemy"|to be present|whom|wants|rushes in||"perishes" 自分に|与える|||||||| a si mesmo|acredita||inimigo|estar presente||quer|avança||morre He believes to himself that this enemy is near whom he will; he falls and perishes. Il se croit face à un ennemi qu'il veut; il se jette et périt. 彼は、自分が望む敵がここにいると信じている; 彼は突撃し、死ぬ。 Ele acredita que esse inimigo está presente em quem ele quer; entra correndo e morre.

Saepe furiosi plus sibi quam aliis nocent. ||||que|| "Often" or "frequently"|madmen|more|to themselves|than|others|harm themselves more |怒り狂った人||||| |furiosos|||||prejudicam Mad men often do more harm to themselves than to others. Souvent, les furieux nuisent plus à eux-mêmes qu'aux autres. 狂人はしばしば自分自身に他人よりも悪影響を及ぼす。 Frequentemente os furiosos prejudicam mais a si mesmos do que aos outros.

3) Leo Furens et Caprea |||chèvre |Furious Lion||Doe or goat |||山羊 |||Cabra selvagem 3) The Furious Lion and the Capri 3) Le Lion Furieux et la Chèvre 3) Leão Furioso e Cabra

Conspecto leone furente, “O miseram et infelicem conditionem bestiarum,” inquit caprea, “siquidem etiam furiosos habiturae sumus leones, quorum mentis et rationis compotum saevitiam intolerabilem esse experimur.” Au regard||||||malheureuse|condition|bêtes|||en effet|aussi||aurons||lions|dont les|de l'esprit||raison||||être|nous éprouvons Beholding|the lion|furious|O|wretched||unfortunate|state|beasts|says|the she-goat|"since indeed"|even|furious|"we will have"|we shall have|lions|whose|mind||reason|"in control"|cruelty|unbearable||we experience |ライオン|furente (furious)|||||||||実際に||||||||||||||経験する |||||||||||"já que"|||teremos de suportar|||||||são donos de|crueldade feroz intolerável|||experimentamos Als ich den wütenden Löwen ansah, sagte die Ziege: „O erbärmlicher und unglücklicher Zustand der Tiere“, „denn wir werden auch verrückte Löwen haben, deren Wildheit wir aufgrund der Kombination von Verstand und Vernunft als unerträglich empfinden.“ On seeing the raging lion, "What a miserable and unfortunate condition of the beast," said the roe, "for we are going to have even insane lions, whose savagery we experience as an intolerable measure of our mind and reason." A la vue du lion furieux, la chèvre dit : « O misérable et malheureux état des bêtes, car nous aurons même des lions furieux, dont nous expérimentons la sauvagerie intolérable, possédant l'esprit et la raison. » 暴れ狂う獅子を見て、”ああ、哀れで不幸な獣たちの運命よ” と山羊が言った、”もしも我々が理性を持たない狂暴な獅子を抱えることになるなら、その残虐さは耐え難いものとなるだろう。” Ao avistar o leão furioso, "Ó condição miserável e infeliz das bestas," disse a cabra, "se realmente teremos leões furiosos, dos quais experimentamos uma sana intolerável de sua mente e razão."

4) Leo et Tauri Duo ||taureaux| ||Taurus the Bull| ||牡牛座| 4) Leo and Taurus 4) 獅子と二頭の雄牛

In duos tauros leo faciebat impetum, lautas sibi epulas quaerens. |||||||||seeking |two|bulls|lion|was making|attack|sumptuous|for himself|sumptuous feasts|"seeking" or "in search of" ||||行動していた||||| ||||||refeições abundantes|||buscando para si The lion made an attack on two bulls, seeking a sumptuous banquet for him. Dans le cas de deux tauraux, le lion lançait une attaque, cherchant des festins pour lui-même. 獅子は二頭の雄牛に向かって襲いかかり、自らのために豪華な食事を求めていた。 Illi, coniunctis viribus, opponunt cornua, medios ne irruere possit leo. |||||||irruer|| "They" or "Those people"|"joined forces"|"with forces combined"|they oppose|horns|the middle|that|charge in|"may be able"| |||||||突進する|| |||"opõem"||os do meio||avançar com ímpeto|| Mit vereinten Kräften stellen sie sich den Hörnern entgegen, damit der Löwe nicht durch die Mitte stürmen kann. They, having combined their strength, oppose the horns, lest a lion may rush into the midst. Ils, unissant leurs forces, opposent leurs cornes pour empêcher le lion d'attaquer au milieu. 彼らは力を合わせて角を向け、獅子が襲いかかることができないようにした。 Duobus ergo impar leo viribus, dolo agere coepit, sicque est allocutus alterum, “Amicum tuum si prodideris mihi, incolumem hinc ego te dimittam.” Qua usus fraude, facili utrumque necavit negotio. ||||||agir||et ainsi||allocut|autre|ami|ton ami||trahirais||sain||||je te renverrai||usage|fraude trompeuse|facilement|les deux|il a tué|affaire "To two"|therefore|unequal in strength||"with strength"|"by deceit"|act with deceit|"began to act"|"and thus"||addressed|"the other one"|Your friend|your||"you betray"||safe and sound|"from here"|||"I will release"|by this trick|||with ease||"killed"|with ease ||||||||そのように|||||||裏切る||||||||||||| |||||astúcia, engano, fraude|||e assim||"dirigiu-se a"|||||trairás||||||"libertarei"|"Com essa"|usou|fraude: engano, trapaça, ardil|fácilmente|ambos|matou facilmente ambos|negócio fácil Deshalb begann er mit der Kraft der beiden seltsamen Löwen, betrügerisch zu handeln, und so wandte er sich an den anderen: „Wenn du mir deinen Freund verrätst, werde ich dich von hier in Sicherheit gehen lassen.“ Durch diesen Betrug brachte das Unternehmen beide leicht um. Therefore the lion, unequal in strength to two, began to act with cunning, and thus addressed the other, "If you betray your friend to me, I will let you go unharmed from here." Using this deceit, he easily killed both in the transaction. Le lion étant donc inférieur en force à deux, il a commencé à agir par ruse, et il s'est ainsi adressé à l'un d'eux, « Si tu me trahis ton ami, je te laisserai ici sain et sauf. » Ayant utilisé cette ruse, il a facilement tué les deux pour ses propres affaires. したがって、二人の力では匹敵しない獅子は、策略を使うことにした。そして、獅子はもう一方にこう言った。"もし友達を私に裏切れば、私は君を無事にここから解放しよう。" この詐欺を利用して、彼は双方を容易に取引で殺した。 Portanto, com a força dos dois leões estranhos, ele começou a agir de forma enganosa e, assim, dirigiu-se ao outro: "Se você trair seu amigo para mim, deixarei você sair daqui em segurança." Com esse uso de fraude, a empresa facilmente matou os dois.

5) Leo, Lepus, et Cerva |||Cerf |Hare||Hind (female deer) |||鹿座 |Lebre||Cervo fêmea 5) The Lion, the Hare, and the Deer 5) Lion, Lièvre et Cerf 5) 獅子、ウサギ、そして鹿

Leo, dormientem leporem nactus, confestim eum devorare parabat. |||||||préparait |sleeping|the hare|having found|at once|||"was preparing to" |眠っている||出会った|||| |||encontrando|imediatamente||| The Lion, having caught the sleeping hare, was immediately preparing to devour it. Le Lion, ayant attrapé un lièvre endormi, se préparait à l'engloutir sur-le-champ. レオは眠っているウサギを見つけたので、すぐにそれを食べようと準備していた。 Cervam interim praetereuntem conspicatus, relicto lepore, eam persequi coepit. |entre-temps||||||poursuivre| ||passing by|||||| ||通り過ぎる||ウサギを残して|||| |nesse momento|passando por ali|avistou||||| Meanwhile, seeing a deer passing by, he abandoned the hare and began to chase after it. Tout en cela, ayant aperçu une biche qui passait, il abandonna le lièvre et commença à la poursuivre. その間に、通り過ぎるシカを見つけたので、ウサギを残してそれを追い始めた。 Lepus interea, strepitu excitatus, inde fugam abripuit. ||||then|| ||noise||||"took flight" |その間|||||逃げ去った |Enquanto isso|||||fugiu rapidamente In the mean time the hare, roused by the noise, carried off the fugitives. Le lièvre, en attendant, effrayé par le bruit, a pris la fuite. その間、ウサギは物音に驚いて、逃げ出した。 Leo autem, postquam cervam longe est insecutus nec eam adsequi potuit, ad leporem reversus est. ||||||poursuivi|||||||reversed| ||"after"||from afar||pursued|"nor" or "and not"|her||"was able"|||returned to hare| |||||||||追いつく||||| ||||||perseguiu|||||||| But the lion, after having pursued the deer afar off, and could not catch it, returned to the hare. Cependant, le lion, après avoir poursuivi la biche de loin sans pouvoir l'atteindre, est retourné vers le lièvre. ライオンは、遠くから鹿を追いかけたが、追いつくことができず、兎の方に戻った。 Sed eum quoque fuga elapsum cum reperisset, “Ego mehercule digna patior,” inquit, “quia, paratam in manibus escam reiiciens, incertam volui spem sequi.” |||||||||digne|je souffre||||||nourriture|jetant|incerta||espoir incertain| ||"also" or "too"|flight, escape, exile|"having escaped"||he had found||By Hercules||||||||food in hand|throwing back|uncertain|||"to follow" ||||||||おおヘラクレスよ||||||||||||| ||||escapado||||||Eu sofro dignamente|||preparada|||isco, alimento, comida|rejeitando a oportunidade||quis seguir esperança|| But when he had discovered that flight had also escaped him, "I, by Hercules, deserve to suffer," he said, "because, by rejecting the prepared food in my hands, I wished to follow an uncertain hope." Mais lorsqu'il l'eut également trouvé échappé, il dit : « Par Hercule, je subis un sort digne de moi, car, ayant repoussé la proie à portée de main, j'ai voulu suivre une espérance incertaine. » しかし、彼は逃げ出した彼を見つけると、「私は本当に相応しい苦しみを受けている」と言った。「なぜなら、手の中の準備された餌を投げ捨てて、私は不確かな希望を追うことを望んだからだ。」

6) Leo et Equus ||Cheval ||Horse 6) The Lion and the Horse 6) Le lion et le cheval 6) ライオンと馬

Venit ad equum comedendum leo. |||à manger| ||the horse|to eat| |||食べるために| |||para comer| Der Löwe kam, um das Pferd zu fressen. The lion comes to eat the horse. Le lion est venu pour manger le cheval. ライオンが馬を食べに来た。 Carens autem prae senecta viribus, meditari coepit artem. |||vieillesse|||| "Lacking" or "being without"||in view of|"old age"|"strength" or "physical power"|"to practice"||the skill カレンス||||||| |||||refletir sobre a|| Da ihm aufgrund des Alters die Kraft fehlte, begann er, über Kunst zu meditieren. But lacking in strength because of his old age, he began to meditate on his art. Cependant, manquant de forces à cause de son âge avancé, il a commencé à méditer l'art. 老齢のために力を欠いているが、彼は技術を考え始めた。 Medicumque se esse profitetur verborumque ambagibus equum moratur. ||||et des mots||| "And a doctor"|||"Professes to be"|"and words"|circumlocutions||delays |||自己主張する||||遅れる E médico|||se declara||rodeios verbais||retarda Er gibt vor, ein Heiler zu sein, und hält mit seinen Worten das Pferd an. He confesses that he is a doctor and stays a horse with winding words. Il se déclare médecin et retarde le cheval par des détours de mots. 彼は医者であると主張し、言葉のもつれによって馬を遅らせる。 Equus dolo dolum, artem opponit arti; fingit se dudum in loco spinoso pupugisse pedem oratque ut inspiciens sentem medicus educat. ||ruse|l'art||||||||épineux|avoir piqué|pied|et demande||en regardant|souche|médecin|éduque |with trickery|trickery||"opposes" or "sets against"|to art|"pretends"||"for a while"|||thorny place|"had pricked"||"and begs"||examining|thorn or bramble||"draws out" ||||対抗する|技術|he pretends|||||とげのある|足を踏んだ||そして||見ている||| |com astúcia|Engano, truque, artimanha||||finge-se||há muito tempo|||espinhoso|ferido por espinhos||||examinando|espinho, espinheiro, cardo||retire espinho cuidadosamente Das Pferd widersetzt sich Trick dem Trick, Kunst dem Kunst; Er stellt sich vor, dass er sich kürzlich an einer dornigen Stelle den Fuß verletzt hat, und betet, dass der Arzt das Gefühl seiner Untersuchung wieder zum Ausdruck bringen möge. The horse deceives with cunning, art opposes art; pretending that it got stuck in a thorny place a while ago and begs for the doctor to remove the thorn as if inspecting. Le cheval avec ruse oppose un piège à l'art ; il feint d'avoir récemment blessé son pied dans un endroit épineux et demande au médecin, en regardant, de le guérir. 馬は巧妙さを持ち、技術を技術に対抗させる。彼は以前にとげの多い場所で足を刺してしまったと自らを装飾し、医者に刺を取り除くよう訴えている。 Paret leo, at equus multa vi calcem leoni impingit et se continuo conicit in pedes. Apparaît|||||||||||||| "Obeys"||||||"the heel"||"kicks"|||at once|"Throws himself"||on its feet ||||||かかと|||||||| |||||com força intensa|dá um coice||dá um coice||||se lança|| Der Löwe erscheint, aber das Pferd schlägt mit großer Wucht auf den Fuß des Löwen und wirft sich ihm sofort zu Füßen. The lion obeys, but the horse, with much force, kicks the lion with his heel and immediately springs to his feet. Le lion obéit, mais le cheval avec beaucoup de force frappe le lion au talon et se jette immédiatement sur ses pieds. ライオンが見える、一方で馬は非常に強い力でライオンに蹴りを入れ、自らをすぐに足に投げ出す。 Leo, vix tandem ad se rediens, ictu enim prope exanimatus fuerat, “Pretium,” inquit, “fero ob stultitiam, et is iure effugit. |||||||||presque mort||||||folie|||par le droit|s'est échappé |"scarcely"||||"returning to himself"|"blow" or "strike"|||almost lifeless||"The price"||"I bear"|"for"|foolishness||he|"rightly" or "by right"|"has escaped" ||||||一撃|indeed||||||||||||逃げた |||||retornando a si||||quase morto|||||||||de forma justa| Leo kam kaum wieder zu sich selbst, denn er war durch den Schlag fast ohnmächtig geworden. „Ich werde den Preis zahlen“, sagte er, „für meine Dummheit, und er ist mit gutem Recht davongekommen.“ The lion, barely recovering himself, for he had nearly been knocked out by the blow, says, "I pay the price for my foolishness, and he escapes rightly." Léon, à peine en train de revenir à lui, avait été presque anéanti par le coup, "Prix," dit-il, "je fais payer pour la stupidité, et il s'est échappé en toute légitimité." ライオンはやっと自分に戻り、衝撃でほぼ失神していた。「私は愚かさのために代償を受け入れる」と言った、「そして彼は正当な理由で逃げた。」 Dolum enim dolo ultus est.” |||vengé| |||avenged| |||復讐した| |||vingou com engano| Denn Betrug wird für Betrug gerächt. For deceit is revenge by deceit.” En effet, il a été vengé par la ruse." 狡猾な者が狡猾な者に復讐した。

7) Leo et Unicornis ||licorne ||The Unicorn ||Leão e Unicórnio 7) The lion and the unicorn 7) Léon et Licorne 7) 獅子とユニコーン

Leo, fingens se infirmum, obviavit, claudicans, unicorni, adversario suo capitali et salutato eo dixit, “Qualitercumque actum fuerit inter nos hactenus, remittatur hinc inde, quod ego ulterius nulli nocere potero, prout vides, senio et variis incommodis debilitatus. |||faible|||unicorn|ennemi||ennemi principal||salutation||a dit|Quoi qu'il en soit||aura|||jusqu'à présent|soit remis||||||à personne||je pourrai|||vieillesse|||inconvénients divers| |"pretending" or "feigning"||weak, feeble, sick|"met" or "encountered"|limping|unicorn, adversary, mortal|"his chief adversary"||||greeted him, said|||however it has|"done" or "has been done"||||until now|"be forgiven"|||||"any further"|to no one||"I will be"|as you see||||various ailments|"discomforts" or "inconveniences"|weakened by age |||弱い||足を引きずって||敵||首都の||||言った|いかなる場合でも|行われた||||これまでのところ|免除される|||||これ以上||||あなたが見るように||||||衰弱した |fingindo ser fraco|||encontrou-se com|mancando|||||||||De qualquer forma|foi feito||||até agora|seja perdoado mutuamente|||||mais além disso||||como você vê|||||| Leo, der vortäuschte, er sei schwach, traf humpelnd auf das Einhorn, seinen Hauptgegner, und nachdem er ihn gegrüßt hatte, sagte er: „Was auch immer bisher zwischen uns getan wurde, soll von nun an abgetan werden, denn ich werde es nicht tun.“ Wie Sie sehen, kann man niemandem mehr schaden, wenn man alt und durch verschiedene Gebrechen geschwächt ist.“ The lion, forming himself weak, met the lame, unicorn, and saluted his chief opponent, and said, "Whatever has been done among us thus far, let it be forgiven henceforth; Léon, feignant d'être faible, rencontra, boiteux, l'unicorne, son ennemi capital, et en le saluant, il dit : « Quoi qu'il ait pu se passer entre nous jusqu'à présent, que cela soit effacé, car je ne pourrai plus nuire à personne, comme tu peux le voir, affaibli par la vieillesse et divers maux. » 獅子は、自分が弱いふりをして、足を引きずりながら、彼の宿敵であるユニコーンに出会い、挨拶した上で言った。「これまでの私たちの間で行われたことは、今後はお互いに放棄されるべきです。私はもう誰にも危害を加えることはできません。見ての通り、年老いてさまざまな不都合で衰弱しています。」 Sed multum affectarem semel loqui cum coniuge mea, quae est in deserto, ante meam mortem et peterem a te ut accommodare mihi velis cornu tuum pro podio habendo in itinere, quia satis longum et forte est. ||affecterais|une fois|||mon épouse||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||once|to speak with||my spouse|||||"in the wilderness"|||||"I would seek"||||"to lend"|||horn|||walking stick|for having|||||||| |||一度||||||||砂漠に|||死||||||||||||||||||||| ||desejaria muito||||||||||||||||||emprestar teu bastão||||||bengala||||||||| Aber ich würde gerne vor meinem Tod mit meiner Frau sprechen, die in der Wüste ist, und ich möchte Sie bitten, mir mit Ihrem Horn entgegenzukommen, damit ich auf der Reise ein Podium habe, denn die Reise ist ziemlich lang und schwierig. But I aspired a lot once to chat with my wife, who is in the desert before my death, and ask you to ask me if you'd like to accommodate me by having your horn on the balcony for the trip, perhaps because it's long enough. Mais je désirerais beaucoup parler une fois avec ma conjointe, qui est dans le désert, avant ma mort, et je te demande de bien vouloir me prêter ta corne pour avoir un podium lors de mon voyage, car elle est assez longue et solide. しかし、私の死の前に、砂漠にいる妻と一度話すことができればと思っており、旅の途中で壇上を持つためにあなたの角を私に貸してほしいとお願いしています。なぜなら、それは十分長く強いからです。 Tibi remittam illud quam cito ad coniugem pervenero, et ad hoc tibi do fidem meam.” Unicornis vero, dictis eius omnibus credens et ipsius confictae miseriae compatiens, commodavit cornu suum et sic remansit inermis. ||cela|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |"I will send"|"that thing"||"as soon as"||spouse|||||||"my pledge"||||"his words"|||"believing"||"of him"|fabricated|"misery" or "distress"|feeling pity for|"lent" or "gave"||||||unarmed |返す|||||||||||与える|||||||||||作られた||同情して|貸した|||||残った|無防備 |||||||||||||||||||||||fingida miséria|||emprestou|||||| Ich werde es Ihnen zurückgeben, sobald ich meinen Ehepartner erreicht habe, und dafür gebe ich Ihnen meinen Glauben. Aber das Einhorn, das alles glaubte, was er gesagt hatte, und aus Mitleid mit seinem eigenen Elend, lieh ihm sein Horn und blieb daher unbewaffnet. I will send it to you as soon as I reach my spouse, and I give you my word for it. Believing all his words and sympathizing with the misery he had fabricated, the unicorn lent his horn and thus remained defenseless. Je te la renverrai dès que j'arriverai auprès de ma partenaire, et c'est à cela que je te fais confiance. » L'unicorne, croyant à tous ses propos et compatissant à la misère qu'il éprouvait, prêta sa corne et demeura ainsi sans défense. 私はそれをできるだけ早く妻に返しますので、それに対して私の信頼をお約束します。” しかしユニコーンは、彼のすべての言葉を信じ、彼の作り出した苦悩に同情し、彼の角を貸し、こうして無防備のままでした。 Leo vero, modicum progrediens, fecit insultum in unicornem et, proprio cornu graviter vulnerans, devicit eum. ||"a little"|||"an attack"||unicorn|||||"wounding gravely"|defeated him gravely| |||||||ユニコーン||||||| |||avançando um pouco||ataque violento|||||||ferindo gravemente|derrotou-o| Aber Leo, der ein wenig vorrückte, griff das Einhorn an, verwundete es schwer mit seinem eigenen Horn und besiegte es. The lion, advancing a little, made an attack on the unicorn and, severely wounding him with his own horn, defeated him. しかしライオンは少し進んでユニコーンに攻撃を仕掛け、自分の角で重傷を負わせ、彼を打ち負かしました。

8) Leaena et Ursa Lioness||Bear ||クマ Leoa|| 8) The Lioness and the Bear

Erat leaena duos habens catulos. |lioness|||young lions ||||子猫 ||||filhotes de leão The lioness had two cubs. Exit autem ad venandum et venit quidam venator et catulos occidit et cum ipsorum pellibus discessit. |||"to hunt"|||a certain|hunter|||"killed the cubs"|||"of them"|with their skins|he departed |||||||||子犬|||||| |porém||caçar|||||||||||com as peles|foi embora But as he went out to hunt, a certain hunter came and killed the cubs and left with their skins. Hoc videns, leaena contristata valde flebat. |seeing this||greatly saddened||was weeping |||悲しんでいる|| |||muito triste|| Seeing this, the lioness was very saddened and wept. Ursa vero, tristitiam eius videns, venit ad eam dixitque ei, “Cur tristaris?” Illa respondit, “Quia venator catulos meos interfecit.” Ursa dixit, “Noli tristari; desine flere, quia passa es quod fecisti. ||sorrow||seeing||||"and said"|||"are you sad"||"she replied"|||cubs|"my cubs"|"killed"|||||"Stop crying"|cry||suffered|||"you did" ||悲しみ|||||||||||||||||||||止めなさい|泣く|なぜなら|過ちを犯した||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||sofreste o que||| However, the bear, seeing her sadness, came to her and said, 'Why are you sad?' She replied, 'Because the hunter killed my cubs.' The bear said, 'Do not be sad; stop crying, because you are suffering what you have done.' Dic mihi, quid his annis comedisti?” Leaena respondit, “Carnes animalium.” Dixit ursa, “Quis tibi dabat?” Et ipsa, “Ego capiebam.” Et ursa, “Animalia quae capiebas parentes habebant?” Et illa, “Habebant.” Ursa ait, “Sic de filiis tristabantur ut tu nunc de tuis, et ipsa passa es sicut tu faciebas.” Haec audiens, leaena siluit et paenituit et, carnes comedere desinens, fructus manducare incepit. "Tell"|||"these"|years|You ate|lioness||Meats|"of animals"|||||||||||||||Parents|"Had"|||||said||||were saddened|||||your children|||||||"were doing"||hearing this|lioness|silenced||regretted||||||to eat| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||悲しんでいた||||||||||||||||||後悔した||||やめて||食べる| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||"Silenciou"||||||||| Tell me, what have you eaten these years? The lion replied, "The flesh of the animals." The bear said, "Who gave it to you?" And she said, "I was taking it." And the bear said, "The animals that you used to feed your parents had?" And she said, "They had." The bear said, "They were so saddened by your sons that you were now on your own, and you suffered as you did." On hearing these things, the lioness was silent and relented, and, ending up eating flesh, began to eat fruit. 「教えて、君はこの数年間何を食べていた?」ライオンは答えた。「動物の肉。」クマが言った。「誰が君に与えていた?」彼女は「私が捕まえていた。」と答えた。クマが「君が捕まえていた動物には親がいたの?」と聞くと、彼女は「いた。」と答えた。クマは言った。「彼らはあなたの息子のことで悲しんでいたのと同じように、あなたの息子について悲しんでいて、あなたもまた彼らのように苦しんでいた。」この話を聞いたライオンは黙り込み、悔やみ、肉を食べるのをやめて果物を食べ始めた。

9) Leaena et Sus ||Sow ||豚 ||Porca 9) Lion and Sus 9) ライオンと豚

Sus et leaena litigabant ad invicem. |||||"with each other" Sus (豚)||||| |||disputavam||entre si The pig and the lioness were quarreling with each other. 豚とライオンが互いに争っていた。 Sus autem dixit leaenae, “Et tu, in quo te iactas, pro qua re tantam elevaris in superbiam? |||"of the lioness"||||||"boast" or "show off"|||for what reason|so much|||pride ||||||||||||||高くなる|| |||||||||te vanglorias|||||se exaltares tanto|| But the pig said to the lioness, "And you, in what do you boast, for what reason do you elevate yourself in such pride?" 彼女はライオンに言った。「あなたもまた、何を誇っているのか、なぜそんなに高慢になったのか?」 Labor tuus inanis est, et cum per annum unum labores, non potest habere nisi catulum unum. |||||||||"you toil"||||"except"|puppy| ||||||||||||||子猫| ||inútil||||||||||||| Your labor is in vain, and even if you work for a year, you can only have one cub. あなたの努力は無駄であり、1年間働いても、子供は一匹しか得られない。 Ego fecunda et grata sum hominibus, et per duos quosque menses porto quattuordecim porcellos.” Respondit, “Verum est, sed tu paris porcellos, ego leonem.” "I"|||||||||||"I bear"||||||||||| |||||||||||運ぶ||||||||||| I am prolific and attractive to men, and I carry fourteen piglets every two months." He replied, "It is true, but you bear piglets, I am a lion." 私は多産で人々に喜ばれ、2ヶ月ごとに14匹の子豚を産む。」彼女は答えた。「確かにそうですが、あなたは子豚を産む、私はライオンを産む。」

Exemplum est verbosi, qui multa loquitur inutilia. |||||speaks| ||多弁な|||| ||falador|||| He is an example of a man who speaks useless things. 例としては、無駄なことをたくさん話す人がいる。 Sapiens autem paucis contentus est verbis. |||satisfeito|| But a wise man is content with a few words. しかし、賢者は少ない言葉に満足している。

10) Leonis Filius et Homo レオニス||| 10) The Son of the Lion and the Man 10) 獅子の息子と人間

Leo filio praecipiebat ne cum homine depugnaret, sed dicta eius filii animum non tangebant. ||was commanding||||||||||| ||命じていた||||戦う||||||| ||ordenava||||||||||| Leo befahl seinem Sohn, nicht mit einem Mann zu kämpfen, aber die Worte seines Sohnes berührten sein Herz nicht. Leo commanded his son not to fight with a man, but his son's words did not touch his heart. レオは息子に人と戦ってはいけないと命じたが、彼の言葉は息子の心に響かなかった。 Cum adolevisset, progreditur videtque in agro boves et rogat num homines sint; illi se homines esse negant, sed iugum ab homine impositum portare dicunt. |tivesse crescido|avança e vê||||||||||||||||||||| When he had grown up, he walks on and sees in the field oxen and asks if they are men; they deny being men, but say they carry the yoke imposed by man. 成長すると、彼は前に進み、畑で牛を見て、人間であるかどうか尋ねる。彼らは自分たちは人間ではないと否定するが、人間によって課されたくびきを運ぶと言う。 Tum equum conspicatur et rogat num homo sit. ||見る||||| ||vê||||| Then he spots a horse and asks if it is a man. それから彼は馬を目にし、人間であるかどうか尋ねる。 “Minime,” inquit; “ego equus, sed homini servio.” Paulo post, quendam cernit in silva, ligna cuneis findentem. |||||||||"a certain person"|"sees" or "perceives"|||"firewood" or "wood"||splitting ||||||||||見る||||| |||||||||||||lenha|cunhas de madeira|rachando lenha „Nein“, sagte er; „Ich bin ein Pferd, aber ich diene dem Menschen.“ Wenig später sieht er jemanden im Wald, der mit Keilen Holz hackt. "No," he says; "I am a horse, but I serve man." Shortly after, he sees someone in the woods, splitting wood with wedges. 「最小限に」と彼は言った。「私は馬ですが、人間に仕えています。」少し後、彼は森の中で、木をくさびで割っている人を見かけた。 “Não”, disse ele; "Eu sou um cavalo, mas sirvo ao homem." Pouco depois, ele vê alguém na floresta cortando lenha com cunhas. “Homo videris esse,” inquit; “pugnabis igitur mecum.” “Maxime,” inquit ille; “sed, quaeso te, distrahe prius hanc arborem.” Leo mox ungulas arboris fissurae incutit et dimovit ut cuneus excideret, et sic captus est. |||||||||||||distract|||||||||||moved||wedge|would fall out|||| |||||||||||||||||||爪|木の|亀裂|打ち込んだ||動かした||くさび|切り出すために|||| ||||Lutarás|||||||||"Despedace"|||||||||"Enfia"||separou||cunha de madeira|caísse fora|||| „Sie scheinen ein Mann zu sein“, sagte er; „Dann wirst du mit mir kämpfen.“ „Sehr sehr“, sagte er; „Aber ich flehe dich an, reiße zuerst diesen Baum nieder.“ Leo stieß bald mit seinen Hufen in die Baumspalte und ließ den Keil herausfallen, und so wurde er gefangen genommen. "You seem to be a man," he said; "You will fight with me." "Most of all," said he; "but, I beg you, pull this tree first." The lion soon strikes the hoofs of a cleft tree, and parted it so that a wedge might fall off, and so he was captured. 「あなたは人間であるように見える」と彼は言った。「だから私と戦います。」 「もちろん」とその人は言った。「でもお願いだから、その木をまずどかしてほしい。」ライオンはすぐに木の裂け目に爪を引っ掛けて動かし、くさびが外れたので、こうして捕まった。 Omnibus vero viribus adhibitis, pedes de ligno retraxit ac ad suum patrem pedibus cruentis reversus est, et ait, “Mi pater, si paruissem monitis tuis, ungulas non amisissem.” |||使用された||||引き戻した||||||血まみれの||||||||従っていたら|注意||||失わなかっただろう |||utilizadas||||recolheu||||||ensanguentados||||||||obedecido tivesse||||| Doch als er all seine Kraft aufwendete, zog er seine Füße vom Baum zurück und kehrte mit blutenden Füßen zu seinem Vater zurück und sagte: „Mein Vater, wenn ich auf deine Warnungen gehört hätte, hätte ich meine Hufe nicht verloren.“ With all his strength applied, he pulled his feet out of the wood and returned to his father with bloody feet, and said, "My father, if I had heeded your advice, I would not have lost my claws." そしてすべての力を振り絞って、木から足を引き抜き、血にまみれた足で父のもとに戻り、「父さん、もしあなたの忠告を聞いていたら、爪を失うことはなかっただろう」と言った。

11) Leo et Iaculator ||イアクラーター 11) Löwe und Bogenschütze 11) The Lion and the Spearman

Quidam, iaculandi peritus, in montem venatum profectus est. |of throwing|||||| |射撃||||狩りに|| |lançamento de dardos||||caçar|| Ein gewisser Mann, der geschickt im Schießen war, ging in den Bergen auf die Jagd. A certain man skilled in spear-throwing went hunting on the mountain. ある者が、射撃の達人として、狩猟のために山に出かけた。 Animalia, ubi eum conspexerunt, quaelibet sibi fuga consuluere. ||||any (of the)||| ||||||逃げる| |||"viram"|qualquer um|||"protegeram-se" Als jedes Tier ihn sah, berieten sie sich bei ihrer Flucht. The animals, when they saw him, each sought safety in flight. 動物たちは、彼を見つけると、それぞれ逃げることを決めた。 Leo solus eum in pugnam provocavit. ||||battle| |||||desafiou para lutar Leo allein forderte ihn zum Kampf heraus. The lion alone challenged him to a fight. ただ一頭のライオンだけが彼に戦いを挑んだ。 Tunc venator, iaculum emittens et leonem feriens, “Nuntium meum hunc accipe,” inquit, “et qualis sit vide; haud mora ipse quoque ad te veniam.” Vulneratus leo in fugam protinus se coniecit. ||||||striking the lion|||||||what kind||||||||||||||immediately||hurled himself |||投げる|||||||||||||without delay||||||||||||| |||lançando|||||||||||||||||||"Chegarei"|||||||se lançou Dann schoss der Jäger seinen Pfeil ab, schlug den Löwen und sagte: „Nehmen Sie diese meine Botschaft auf“ und sehen Sie, was sie ist; Ich werde unverzüglich zu Ihnen kommen. Der verwundete Löwe warf sich sofort in die Flucht. Then the hunter, throwing his spear and hitting the lion, said, "Receive my message, and see what kind of creature he is; without delay, I myself will come to you." The wounded lion immediately fled. Quem cum vulpes ut animum sumeret et resisteret hortaretur, “Nequaquam,” ait, “me decipies, amica; si enim tam acerbum nuntium habet, cum ipse venerit, haud sane potero sustinere.” ||fox|||||"would resist"||||||||||||||||||| |||||||抵抗する|||||だまされる|||||苦い||||||||| |||||recuperasse o ânimo||resistisse||De modo algum|||enganarás||||||||||||||suportar Als der Fuchs ihn drängte, Mut zu fassen und Widerstand zu leisten, sagte er: „Du wirst mich auf keinen Fall täuschen, mein Freund; denn wenn er selbst solch eine bittere Nachricht hat, werde ich es nicht ertragen können, wenn er selbst kommt. When the fox exhorted him to take up his mind and to resist him, he said, "You will not deceive me, darling; for if he has such a bitter message, when he himself comes, I will not be able to bear it.”

12) Leo Amatorius et Silvanus |Lover or Romantic||forest god |アマトリウス|| |Amoroso||Silvano 12) Leo Amatorius and Silvanus 12) レオ・アマトリウスとシルバヌス

Leo silvani cuiusdam filiam perdite amavit et patrem virginis sollicitabat ut illi virgo in matrimonium daretur. |of the forest|||desperately|||||was urging||||||"be given in marriage" |シルバニ|||||||||||||| ||||perdidamente||||||||||| Leo Silvani war verzweifelt in eine bestimmte Tochter verliebt und flehte den Vater des Mädchens an, ihm eine Jungfrau zur Frau zu geben. The lion loved the daughter of a certain sylvan desperately, and enticed the girl's father to marry her as a virgin. レオはある森の神の娘をひどく愛し、娘の父親にその娘と結婚させてほしいと懇願した。 Respondebat silvanus filiam esse tenellam et delicatulam virginem et numquam hamatos eius ungues dentesque passuram. |||||||young maiden||never|hampered||claws or nails|and teeth|would endure ||||若い|||||||||| ||||frágil||||||afiados||||suportaria The woodsman replied that the daughter was a tender and delicate girl and would never suffer her hooked nails and teeth. シルバヌスは、娘がまだ若くて繊細な乙女であり、彼女に釣り針のような爪や歯が痛むことは決してないだろうと言った。 Passus est igitur leo dentes et ungues evelli ut virgine frueretur. ||||||claws|to be plucked|||enjoy the maiden |||||||引き抜かれる||| |||||||ser arrancados|||desfrutasse de Therefore the lion suffered plucked teeth and claws to enjoy the virgin. だから、ライオンは牙と爪を引き抜かれ、処女性を享受した。 Quod cum vidisset pater, fustibus leoni involabat et longius imbellem abigebat. ||"had seen"||||"attacked the lion"||further away|unwarlike one|drove away ||||com paus||atacava com fúria|||indefeso|afastava Als sein Vater dies sah, flog er mit seinen Knüppeln auf den Löwen und vertrieb den armen Mann. When his father saw this, he flew at the clubs of a lion, and drove away the unwary men at a considerable distance. これを見た父は、ライオンに棒を投げつけ、さらに遠くへと打ちのめした。

Fabula indicat vesaniam inutilis amoris, propter quem pretiosissima perdimus et captivitatem patimur. |"points out"|madness|useless||||most precious things|we lose|||we suffer from ||||||||||囚われ| ||loucura||||||||cativeiro|sofremos Die Geschichte zeigt den Ärger der nutzlosen Liebe, durch die wir die wertvollsten Dinge verlieren und Gefangenschaft erleiden. The play reveals the madness of useless love, on account of which we lose our most precious possessions and suffer captivity. 物語は無駄な愛の狂気を示しており、それによって最も貴重なものを失い、囚われの身になることを経験する。

13) Leo et Homo, Concertantes |||Competing or Struggling |||協奏曲 13) The Lion and the Man, Contesting

Homo et leo inter se concertabant quis eorum esset superior et, cum venissent ut quaererent huius altercationis testimonium ad monumentum ubi erat pictura quomodo ab homine leo suffocaretur, ostendit leoni homo testimonium in pictura. |||among themselves||were competing||"of them"||more powerful|||||"to seek"|"of this"||testimony||monument||||||||was being strangled|||||| ||||||||||||彼らが来た||尋ねるために||口論の|||||||||||窒息させられる|||||| The man and the lion were in a contest to determine which of them was superior, and when they came to seek evidence of this altercation at a monument where there was a painting showing how the lion was being strangled by a man, the man pointed to the painting as evidence in favor of the lion. 人間とライオンは互いに誰が優れているか争っており、争いの証拠を求めるために描かれている絵がある碑に来たとき、男は絵の中でライオンが人間を窒息させる様子を示した。 Cui leo sic ait, “Hoc ab homine pictum est. |||||||painted by man| |||||||描かれた| To which the lion said, "This was painted by a man." それに対してライオンはこう言った。「これは人間によって描かれた。」 Nam si leo pingere posset, pinxisset quomodo leo suffocasset hominem. For||||||||| |||||描いただろう|どのように||| For if he could paint a lion, he would have painted how a lion would have smothered a man. もしライオンが絵を描けたなら、ライオンはどのように人間を窒息させたかを描いていただろう。 Veni mecum et dabo tibi verum testimonium.” Deduxit leo hominem ad amphitheatrum, et ostendit illi veram fidem quomodo homo a leone suffocatur et dixit homini, “Hoc testimonium non est color, sed opus in veritate factum.” |||"I will give"||||||||amphitheater||||true faith||||||||||||||illusion or pretense||work in truth||| |||||||||||円形劇場||||||||||窒息させられる||||||||||||| Come with me and I will give you true testimony.' The lion led the man to the amphitheater, and showed him true faith, how a man is suffocated by a lion, and said to the man, 'This testimony is not a lie, but a work done in truth.' 私と共に来て、あなたに真実の証を与えよう。” 獅子は男を円形劇場に導き、男に獅子に窒息させられる真実の信仰を示し、男に言った。「この証は色ではなく、真実に基づいて行われた作品です。」

14) Leo in Stabulum Ingressus |||Entered ||馬小屋| 14) The Lion Enters the Stable 14) 獅子が厩舎に入った

Leo in agricolae stabulum ingressus erat, quem cum agricola comprehendere vellet, stabuli portam continuo clausit. ||||had entered||||farmer's|||of the stable|||"closed" |||||||||||の厩舎||すぐに| Leo hatte den Stall des Bauern betreten, und als der Bauer ihn verhaften wollte, schloss er sofort die Stalltür. The lion had entered the farmer's stable, whom the farmer wanted to capture, and immediately closed the gate of the stable. 獅子は農夫の厩舎に入ろうとしたが、農夫が彼を捕まえようとすると、すぐに厩舎の扉を閉じた。 Belua ita inclusa, cum egredi ullo modo nequiret, primum quidem pecudes discerpsit, ac deinde ad boves quoque sternendos se convertit. Wild beast||enclosed|||"any"||"could not"|||livestock or cattle|discerpsit - tore apart||"then" or "next"||||to lay low||turned to ||閉じ込められた||||||||家畜||そして|||||倒すために||向かった Da das Tier so eingesperrt war und nicht in der Lage war, auf irgendeine Weise herauszukommen, riss es zunächst das Vieh in Stücke und machte sich dann daran, auch die Ochsen zu schlachten. The beast was so shut up, that, when it was unable to escape in any way, he first tore off the cattle, and then turned himself to the oxen to spread them also. 獣が閉じ込められ、どうしても出られなかったので、まず最初に家畜を引き裂き、その後牛を倒すために向かった。 Tunc sibi agricola metuens, ianuam subito reseravit. |||||plötzlich| |||fearing for himself||"Suddenly"|unlocked Dann öffnete der Bauer aus Angst um sich selbst plötzlich die Tür. Then the farmer, fearing for himself, suddenly unlocked the door. そのとき、恐れていた農夫は急にドアを開けた。 Ita, leone digresso, cum mulier gementem virum vidisset, “Tibi quidem digna,” ait, “evenere. |||||"seufzenden"|||||verdient hast|| ||having departed||woman||||||||"have happened" ||||||||||||起こるべき Als die Frau sah, wie der Mann dem Löwen nachjagte, sagte sie: So, when the lion had departed, and the woman saw her husband groaning, she said, 'You certainly deserve this.' そのように、獅子が去ったとき、女がうめいている男を見て、「君には本当にふさわしいことが起こった」と言った。 Quonam enim consilio eum hic claudere voluisti, quem procul etiam formidare oportebat?” Mit welchem Plan||||||||||| |||||"to imprison"|||||to fear|"ought to fear" ||||||||遠くに||恐れるべき| Denn mit welchem Plan wolltest du ihn hier einsperren, den er schon aus der Ferne hätte fürchten sollen? For by what plan did you want to shut him in here, whom you should have been afraid of even from afar? 一体、どういう意図で彼をここに閉じ込めようとしたのか、彼が遠くでも恐れるべき存在だったのに?

15) Leo et Pastor Löwe||Hirte ||Shepherd 15) The Lion and the Shepherd 15) 獅子と牧者

Leo, errans, spinam calcavit et illico ad pastorem, cauda blandiens, venit, cui ait, “Non perturberis. |umherirrend|Dorn|||||||||||| |wandering||"he/she/it trampled"||immediately||||caressing|||||"Do not be disturbed." |||||||羊飼い||||||| Der wandernde Löwe trat auf einen Dorn und kam sofort zum Hirten, streichelte seinen Schwanz und sagte zu ihm: „Lass dich nicht stören.“ The lion, wandering, stepped on a thorn and immediately came to the shepherd, wagging its tail, to whom he said, “Do not be disturbed. 獅子は迷いながらトゲを踏んでしまい、すぐに牧者のところに、尻尾を振りながらやって来て、こう言いました。「あなたには迷惑をかけません。」 Auxilium a te imploro; non indigeo esca.” Sublatum hominis posuit in gremio pedem. |||"I beg"|||food, bait, lure|"Taken away"||"he placed"||"lap" or "bosom"| ||||||food|人間の||placed||| Ich flehe Sie um Hilfe an; Ich brauche kein Essen. Er hob den Mann hoch und legte seinen Fuß in seinen Schoß. I ask for help from you; I do not need food.” He placed his foot on the man's lap. あなたに助けを求めます;食べ物は必要ありません。”人間の足を膝に置きました。 Pastor spinam exemit pede. ||removed| ||spike out| Der Hirte entfernte den Dorn mit seinem Fuß. The shepherd removed the thorn with his foot. 牧者は足から棘を取り除きました。 Redit in silvas leo. Returns||| レディット||| Der Löwe kehrt in den Wald zurück. The lion returns to the woods. ライオンは森に戻ります。 Post autem, pastor falso incusatur crimine et ludis proximis emissis bestiis proiicitur. ||||"is accused falsely"||||||to the beasts|is thrown to ||||||||||獣たち| Anschließend wird der Hirte fälschlicherweise eines Verbrechens beschuldigt und bei den nahegelegenen Spielen den wilden Tieren vorgeworfen. Later, the shepherd is falsely accused of a crime and is thrown to the wild beasts released at the next games. その後、牧者は偽の罪で非難され、近くの放たれた獣たちによって投げ出される。 Passim dum discurrunt ferae, eum agnovit leo, qui fuerat medicatus. "Here and there"|||||||||treated medically |||wild|||||| Während die Tiere vorbeiliefen, wurde er an einem bekleideten Löwen erkannt. As the wild beasts run about everywhere, the lion recognized him, who had treated him. 野生の獣たちがあちこちを走り回っている間、彼に気づいたのは、治療を受けたライオンだった。 Sublatum rursus pastori ponit in gremio pedem. ||"to the shepherd"|||| |再び||||| Wieder erhoben setzt er seinen Fuß auf den Schoß des Hirten. When he has been removed, he puts his foot on the shepherd's lap. 再び牧者を引き上げ、膝の上に足を置いた。 Hoc rex ut cognovit, leoni iussit parci et mansuetum pastorem dimitti parentibus. |||learned|||||tame or gentle|||to the parents ||||||||おとなしい||| Als der König davon erfuhr, befahl er, den Löwen zu verschonen und den zahmen Hirten seinen Eltern zu übergeben. As soon as the king learned this, he ordered the lion to be spared and the meek shepherd released to his parents. この王は知ると、ライオンに手加減するよう命じ、穏やかな牧者を両親のもとに帰すようにした。

Bene gerenti numquam poterunt adversariorum praevalere supplicia. |"to the one managing"||||| |||||優位に立つ| Wer sich gut benimmt, wird den Strafen seiner Gegner nie standhalten können. Those who perform well will never be able to overcome the punishments of the enemy. 善良な者には、決して敵の罰が及ぶことはできなかった。

16) Leo, Vacca, Capra, et Ovis ||||Sheep |うし||| 16) Lion, Cow, Goat, and Sheep 16) ライオン、牛、山羊、羊

Societatem aliquando iunxerant leo, vacca, capra, et ovis. ||||cow||| |||||山羊|| The lion, cow, goat, and sheep had once formed a partnership. かつて、ライオン、牛、ヤギ、羊が仲間になっていた。 Cervum permagnum cum cepissent, leo praedam divisit in quattuor partes aequales. |||"had captured"|||"divided" or "split into"||||equal parts |||||獲物||||| After capturing a very large deer, the lion divided the prey into four equal parts. 彼らが非常に大きな鹿を捕まえたとき、ライオンは獲物を4つの等しい部分に分けた。 Tum ita locutus est, “Prima pars mea est, quia sum leo; secundum mihi tribuetis, quia sum fortissimus; tertiam mihi sumo propter egregium laborem meum; quartam qui tetigerit, iram meam excitabit.” Sic totam praedam solus retinuit. |||||||||||||"you will give"||||||"I take"||outstanding|||||"has touched"|||||||| |||||||||||||あなたたちは与える||||||取る||優れた|||||触れる者|||引き起こす||||| Then he spoke thus, "The first part is mine, because I am a lion; you will give to me the second one, because I am the strongest; I take a third for myself on account of my excellent work; the fourth one who touches will stir up my anger." Thus he alone kept back all the spoil. するとライオンはこう言った。「私の第一の部分は私のものです。なぜなら私はライオンだからです。第二は私に与えられます。なぜなら私は最も強いからです。第三は私のすばらしい働きのために私が取ります。第四の部分に触れた者は、私の怒りを引き起こすでしょう。」こうして、彼は獲物全体を一人で保持した。

17) Leo Epulum Faciens |Feast or banquet|"Making" or "hosting" |宴会|宴を開く 17) The Lion Making a Feast

Leo epulum opipare apparateque ceteris brutis animalibus exhibebat, in quo gallinae, turdi et huiusmodi avium carnes, partim assae, partim elixae erant. ||sumptuously|and prepared||brutish animals|to the animals||||hens|thrushes||"of this kind"|||partly|roasted||boiled|"were prepared" ||豪華に|||||提供していた||||七面鳥||このような|||焼かれた|焼かれた||煮た| Leo überreichte den anderen Tieren Futtervorräte, in denen das Fleisch von Hühnern, Rebhühnern und ähnlichen Vögeln teils gebraten, teils gekocht war. The lion was displaying a feast sumptuously and elegantly to the other wild animals, in which the meat of chickens, thrushes, and similar birds, partly roasted, partly boiled, were offered. レオは他の獣たちに豪華な饗宴を提供し、そこでは鶏肉、つぐみ、その他の鳥の肉が、焼かれたものと煮込まれたものの両方として出されていた。 Hoc cani, feli, et ceteris animalibus carnivoris gratum admodum erat. ||||||"meat-eating"||| ||||||肉食動物||非常に| Dies war für Hunde, Katzen und andere fleischfressende Tiere sehr akzeptabel. This was very pleasing to the carnivorous dog, cat, and other animals. これは犬、猫、その他の肉食動物にとって非常に喜ばしいものだった。 Cetera autem, quaecumque herbis hordeoque vescuntur, huiusmodi convivium ut insipidum damnabant. ||"whatever things"|||feed on||banquet||tasteless meal|"were condemning" |||||食べる||||| Aber der Rest, der sich von Gras und Gerste ernährt, verurteilte diese Art von Festmahl als fade. But the rest, whatever herbs and barley they eat, they condemned as a tasteless banquet of this kind. しかし、それ以外の動物、つまり草やオーツを食べる動物は、このような饗宴を味気ないものとして非難していた。

Fabula indicat quam difficile sit variae vulgi voluntati satisfacere. |||||changing||| ||||||民衆の|| Die Geschichte zeigt, wie schwierig es ist, die unterschiedlichen Wünsche des einfachen Volkes zu befriedigen. The story tells how difficult it is to satisfy the various people's wishes. 物語は、様々な一般の人々の望みに応えることがどれほど難しいかを示しています。

18) Leo et Catus ||Cat or clever 18) The Lion and the Cat 18) 獅子と猫

Contigit quod animalia invitata sunt a leone ad magnum prandium. |||invited||||||midday meal 起こった||||||||| It happened that the animals were invited by the lion to a great feast. 獅子が大きな昼食のために動物たちを招待することが起きました。 Fuit invitatus catus. |"was invited"| The cat was invited. 招待された猫がいた。 Quaerebat leo quid libentius comederet, volens singulis satisfacere. |||more willingly|||individuals| |||より好んで|||各々に| The lion asked what he ate more willingly, desiring to satisfy each one. ライオンは何を一番好んで食べるかを尋ね、すべての者を満足させたいと思った。 Et ait catus, “Rattos et mures.” Cogitavit leo, “Nisi omnes haberent de hoc ferculo, esset villania.” Tandem facit venire ferculum generale de rattis, et catus optime comedit. ||||||Thought|||||||dish||villainy||makes||dish|||||||he ate |||||||||||||皿||無礼||||皿|一般的な||||||よく食べた And the cat said, "Ratti and mice." Leo thought, "Unless they had all of this dish, it would be a villany." At last he makes a general dish of rattis, and the cat eats very well. すると猫は言った、「ネズミとマウスだ。」ライオンは考えた、「もし皆にこの料理がなかったら、それは野蛮なことだ。」最終的に、ネズミの大皿を持ってきて、猫はとても美味しく食べた。 Alii murmuraverunt, dicentes, “Fi, fi! ||saying|| |彼らはささやいた||| Some murmured, saying, 'Be gone, be gone!' 他の者たちは囁いて言った、「フィ、フィ!」 Quid apponitur nobis?” Et totum prandium propter hoc maculatum est. ||||||||spotted| |何が置かれる|||||||斑点| What is served to us?” And the whole meal was stained because of this. 「私たちには何が提供されるのですか?」そして、このために全ての食事が汚されている。

Sic plerique faciunt magnum convivium; tandem sunt ibi quidam cati et nihil placet eis nisi habeant immundam ebrietatem, et gratia illorum omnes tam volentes quam nolentes retinentur usque ad noctem ut omnes possint inebriare. |most|do|||||||cats||||||they have|dirty|drunkenness|||of them|||willing|||are held|||night||||to get drunk |ほとんどの人||||||||||||||彼らが持つ||||||||||意に反して|留まる|||||||酔わせる So veranstalten die meisten Menschen ein großes Fest; Schließlich gibt es dort einige Katzen, und sie mögen nichts anderes als unreine Trunkenheit, und durch ihre Gnade werden alle, sowohl Willige als auch Unwillige, bis zum Einbruch der Dunkelheit festgehalten, damit sie alle betrunken sein können. Thus, most people hold a great feast; finally, there are some cats there, and nothing pleases them unless they have their filthy drunkenness, and by their grace, all, both willing and unwilling, are kept until nightfall so that all may become intoxicated. このように多くの人々は大きな宴会を開く;最後にそこにはいくつかの猫がいて、彼らが汚れた酔っぱらいでなければ何も気にしない、そして彼らの恩恵で全ての人々は望んでも望まなくても夜遅くまで留められ、皆が酔っ払うことができる。

19) Leo et Acies Eius ||army| ||軍団| 19) Leo and His Line 19) 獅子とその軍隊

Leo, rex quadrupedum, adversus volucres pugnaturus, suorum acies instruebat. |||against|||his troops||was arranging |||||fighting||隊列| Leo, der vierfüßige König, war im Begriff, gegen die Vögel zu kämpfen und stellte die Reihen seiner Männer auf. The lion, king of the four-legged animals, drew up the battle-fields of his men to fight against the birds. 獅子は四足歩行の王として、飛ぶ者たちと戦うために、自分の軍を整えていた。 Interrogatus autem ab urso quid ei asini inertia aut leporis timiditas ad victoriam conferre possent, quos ibi inter ceteros milites adesse cernebat, respondit, “Asinus tubae suae clangore milites ad pugnam concitabit; lepus vero ob pedum celeritatem tabellarii fungetur officio.” Questioned|||bear||||||hare|||victory||||||the others||||||||sound||||will incite||||of feet||light infantry|will perform|duty |||クマ|||ロバ|慣性||||||貢献する|||||||||||ラテン||音||||鼓舞する||||足の||投擲兵|役割を果たす| And being asked by a bear what cowardice or cowardice of the donkey might contribute to that victory, those whom he perceived to be among the other soldiers were present there, he replied, "The ass with the sound of his trumpet will stir up the soldiers to battle; but a hare, on account of the speed of his feet, shall perform the duty of a courier." しかし、クマに苦問を受け、そこで他の軍人たちの間にいるロバの鈍さやウサギの臆病さがいかに勝利に貢献できるかと尋ねられると、彼は答えた。「ロバはそのラッパの音で軍人たちを戦いに駆り立てるだろうし、ウサギはその足の速さで伝令の役割を果たすだろう。」

Fabula significat neminem adeo contemptibilem qui aliqua re nobis prodesse non possit. ||no one|||||||to be of use|| ||||軽蔑すべき||||||| The story means that no one is so contemptible that they cannot be of some use to us. 物語は、私たちに何かを助けることができないほど、誰も決して軽蔑されるような存在ではないことを意味します。

20) Leo Rex et Regia Eius 20) King Lion and His Kingdom 20) レオ・レックスとその王国

Rex leo quondam animo instituit singulas quibus imperitabat ferarum gentes recensere; ergo clientes subditosque cuiusque generis ad se legatos mittere iussit. ||once||established|||he ruled|wild animals||to review||clients|and subjects|of each|||||send| ||||意志を持って||||獣の||調査する|||||||||| Der König der Löwen hatte einmal vor, die Völker der Tiere aufzuzählen, von denen er nichts wusste; deshalb befahl er, Klienten und Untertanen aller Art als Botschafter zu ihm zu entsenden. The King Lion once resolved in his mind to list individually the wild beast nations over which he ruled; therefore he ordered clients and subjects of every kind to send ambassadors to him. かつてレオ王は、彼が支配していた獣の種を個別に数えることを心に決めました。それゆえ、彼は各種族の顧客や従属者に使者を送るよう命じました。 Epistola sigillo regio munita circumfertur: Regem mense integro clientes excepturum in aula; magnum apparari convivium. |seal||protected by|is carried|||entire month||will receive||||prepare| |||印章付き|carried around||一ヶ月|一ヶ月||||||盛大な| The letter is being circulated, sealed with the royal seal: The King will receive clients in the hall for a whole month; a great banquet is being prepared. 王の印章が施された書簡が回覧されている:王は一ヶ月間顧問たちを宮廷に招待し、大規模な宴会が準備されている。 Hac munificentia princeps suis suam indicabat potentiam. |munificence||||was indicating| |||||示していた| With this generosity, the prince was indicating his own power to his people. この寛大さによって、首長は自らの権力を示していた。 In regiam eos vocat. ||them to the palace| He calls them to the royal residence. 彼は彼らを王宮に呼び寄せている。 Quae regia? Which palace? どの王国? Ossuarium, cuius fetor nauseam provocat! bone repository||odor|nausea|provokes nausea 骨壷|||| The ossuary, whose stench induces nausea! 腐肉埋葬所、その悪臭が吐き気を催す! Ursus nares reclusit. bear|nostrils|opened wide ||閉じた The bear has opened its nostrils. クマは鼻を開いた。 Displicuit; rex offensus ursum fastidiosum ad Plutonis regna detrusit. displeased||offended|bear|fastidious||Pluto's||pushed ||||||冥王星の|| He was displeased; the king, offended, drove the troublesome bear to the realms of Pluto. 不悦があり、王は不快な熊を冥王プルートの王国に追放した。 Huic asperitati applausit simia; iram, ungues, speluncam regis putidam adulatoriis laudibus extulit. To this|harshness|applauded|the monkey|||||rotten|flattering praises||raised praised |||猿|||||||| The monkey applauded this harshness; it raised the king's foul cave with angry claws and flattering praises. この苛立ちに猿が拍手を送った;怒り、爪、王の腐った洞窟をお世辞の賛美で引き上げた。 Verum, insulsa adulatio male accepta, poenas dedit. |insipid|flattery|||punishments| |無意味な||||| However, insipid flattery was poorly received, and it paid the price. しかし、つまらないお世辞は悪く受け入れられ、罰を与えられた。 Rex ille leoninae gentis Caligulae consimilis fuit! ||of the lion||of Caligula|similar| ||ライオンの|||| That king was like Caligula of the lion-like race! その王は獅子の家系に似たカリグラであった! Vulpi vicinae ait, “Quid olfacis? |the nearby|||you smell キツネ|||| She says to the nearby fox, 'What do you smell?' 近くの狐は言った、「何を嗅いでいるの?」 Dic, nec simula.” Illa vero, “Excusatam me habeas, quippe quae rheumate oppressam carentemque olfactu.” Ita vulpes se expedit. ||pretend|||excused||have (you)|indeed||rheumatism|overcome|lacking|sense of smell||||gets ready ||simulate||||||確かに||リウマチ|圧迫された|嗅覚のない|嗅覚||||身をかわす Speak, don't pretend.' But she replied, 'Please excuse me, for I am overwhelmed by a cold and lacking in smell.' Thus the fox excuses herself. 言って、真似をしないで。」彼女は確かに、「ごめんなさい、私が風邪をひいていて嗅覚を失っているから。」そうして狐は身支度を整えた。