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Scorpio Martianus videos, From the River to the Fields | Comprehensible Input in Latin | A Flumine Ad Agros

From the River to the Fields | Comprehensible Input in Latin | A Flumine Ad Agros

Cum puer essem, quasi tōtam vītam dēgī in Pennsylvāniā.

Atque inde ex annō praeteritō rūrsus incolō hanc lepidam terram.

Sed, etsī pedēs meī nunc tangunt ipsam terram Pennsylvāniānam,

post mē vidēmus novam Caesarēam.

Rēctissimē: haec est alia regiō; illīc est Nova Caesarēa

etsī hīc est Pennsylvānia.

Atque fīnis inter Novam Caesarēam et Pennsylvāniam est scīlicet Flumen Delawārium.

Flūmen Delawārium plērumque fluit ā septentriōnibus ad merīdiānum,

sed hāc* in parte*

est angulus, est parvus angulus

quō fluit, dīcāmus, 'horizontāliter', quia spectāmus

spectāmus septentriōnēs, ubi est Nova Caesarea ex hāc parte

et tunc post aliquot chīliometra rūrsus fluit ad merīdiānum.

Vidēmus flūctūs trānsīre.

Hīc vidēmus in mediō Flūmine Delawāriō

īnsulam parvam et in altissimīs arboribus hujus īnsulae

nōnnumquam cōnspicī possunt aquilae, aquilae Americānae, calvae quae vocantur.

Illīc autem est Nova Caesarēa.

Itaque Flūmen Delawārium sīc fluit, sed quid est hoc? Estne flūmen?

Nōn est! Est rīvulus.

Tunc vidēmus aquam fluere ex tubīs — quid est hoc? Unde fluit aqua?

Videāmus. Oho! Alia aqua? Quid est haec aqua?

Em! Est canālis. Nōn canālis in YouTube.

Est canālis vērus, multō verior est canālis.

Canālis est Delawāriī.

Et abhinc nescioquot annōs, saltem saeculum, hic canālis strūctus est ut

possent hominēs asellīs moventibus et portantibus

ratēs cum mercibus

quia nōn fluit — est sēmistabilis aqua.

Haec est causa cūr vidēmus etiam hīc aquam fluere

cum nimis est aqua: ēfluit ē canālī in rīvulum;

Ō ecce mē; est umbra — nōn vidētur, ubi est — ubi sum; āh! ecce: umbrula mea vidētur in aquā.

Et rīvulus fluit in flūmen Delawārium. Hīc autem est canālis.

Et canālis numquam fluit praeter aquula ista, numquam fluit in Flūmen Delawārium.

Illīc autem est rīvulus vel aquula.

Est aquula. Et haec aquula vel rīvulus vel parvus rīvus

fluit jūxtā domum meam quae est illīc in eā parte.

Fortasse paulo melius poterimus intellegere strūctūram hujus cōnflūxūs

Rūrsus Flūmen Delawārium

sīc fluit; rīvulus, aquula ēfluit in Flūmen Delawārium

et trāns rīvum, trāns rīvulum

est pōns ubi modo stābam.

Et hic pōns est pōns prō canālī!

Aqua canālis fluit (sī fluit; nōn multum fluit, sed paullum fluit)

fluit trāns pontem — est pōns prō aquā.

Est quasi aquaeductus; nōn tam bene strūctus ut aquaeductus, sed ita est.

Atque hīc vidēmus aqulam vel rīvulum fluere sub pontem canālis in Flūmen Delawārium.

Nōnne mīrum? Inde ā pueritiā meā dēmīror hanc rem.

Ecce rīvulus fluit hūc sub pontem canālis iterum īnfluit Flūmen Delawārium.

Nōnne mīrum!

Et hīc animī causā

hominēs ambulant, currunt, birotā agunt, et fruuntur

quia ut vidētur hominēs nōn jam ūtuntur hōc canālī

methodō trānsportūs, certē; haud necesse est.

Praeservātur animī causā: ad reficiendōs animōs, certē.

Dum multa nix erat, nōn saepe mihi placēbat exīre domum quia

fiērī nōn poterat, etiam perambulāre nivēs tam altās

sed jam fruor vēre — jam vēr (estne vēr? crēdō vēr — estne vēr? Est mēnse Mārtiō, sīc, mēnse Mārtiō vēr incipit). Vēr est!

Jam fruor sōle, sōl lūcet in caelō.

Et vidēmus nōndum frondēre arborēs: folia nōn exiērunt ex arboribus.

Sed post aliquot hebdomadēs hae arborēs omnēs viridēs erunt, omnēs virēscent*.

Satis pulchrum mihi vidētur: scintillās sōlis hīc cōnspicī in canālī.

Nōn est aqua pūrissima, vel nōn mihi vidētur.

Est quasi lacus longissimus.

Sōl lūcet in caelō.

Arborēs autem nōndum frondent

etsī vēr approprinquat.

Ventus incrēbrēscit.

Dum ventus incrēbrēscit strepitus est inter arborēs; crepitus est.

Cōnspiciō domum tabulīs sōlāribus tēctam

Hīc vidēmus arborem

quae ceciderat fortasse annō praeteritō et jam jacet trāns canālem

et hominēs quī cūrant hās rēs etiam secuērunt arborem

ut birotae et hominēs trānsīre possint.

Fortasse scītis nōs posse nōn male numerāre annōs vītae hujus arboris

sī ānulōs numerāmus.

Aestimō pinguī Minervā quasi dīmidium saeculum vīxisse hanc arborem

Cantus lepidārum aviculārum cor meum laetat.

Anatēs! Anatēs volant.

Hīc vidēmus parvulum rīvulum, parvulam aquulam ēfluere

sub viā raedāriā in canālem.

Semper est canālis Delawāriī.

Ānserēs! Ānserēs canunt!

Aspicite! Per strepitum ventī vōx ānseris audītur.

Ecce duo ānserēs Canadiēnsēs sunt.

Atque illīc ānserēs et anatēs natant. Nant. Nantēs avēs.

Ventus iterum incrēbscrēscit sed spērō fore ut possītis mē audīre

Canālis dūcit hūc ad agrōs.

Hī agrī vel fundus vocātur Trauger's fundus

atque tot decennia — nōn sum certus quot decennia Trauger ipse agricola

hīc agrōs colit: agricola'st, nōnne?

Vidēmus stagnum artificiāle ad ānserēs et anatēs esse.


Jam ad agrōs agimus.

Māter mea dīcit mihi sē portāsse mē ipsulum īnfantulum umerīs suīs hāc ipsā viā cum ego puerulus essem.

Volant anatēs!

Illīc sunt ānserēs albae. Pulchrae sunt.

An fortasse sunt magnī anatēs albī*.

Nōn sum certus dē generibus.

Et haec est via quam soleō ambulāre cotīdiē.

Est simplex locus.

Haec arva nōn sunt cactea

ut in annīs praeteritīs quondam ambulābam.

Sed placent.

Voluī etiam vōbīs commendāre (hoc est cōnsilium dandī certē)

sī hoc genus spectāculī vōbīs placet*

ut nōmen dētis (hoc est cōnscrībātis, subscrībātis)

Oh! Anatēs!

Ut subscrībātis canālī amīcissimī meī Alexiī Cosānī.

Alexius quasi cotīdiē novās pelliculās facit ubi loquitur Latīnē dē variīs argūmentīs.

Sunt contenta optima, meā opīniōne.

Et oportet subscrībere etiam ejus canālī.

Vōs omnēs impertiō multā salūte. Valēte!

From the River to the Fields | Comprehensible Input in Latin | A Flumine Ad Agros |||||田野|||||||| De|Du|||||Compréhensible||||||| ||river|||To the Fields|Easily understood|river fields||||From the river|To the|Fields Vom Fluss zu den Feldern | Verständliche Eingabe in Latein | Vom Fluss zu den Feldern From the River to the Fields | Comprehensible Input in Latin | From the River to the Fields Del Río a los Campos | Entrada comprensible en latín | Del río a los campos De la rivière aux champs | Entrée compréhensible en latin | De la rivière aux champs Dal fiume ai campi | Input comprensibile in latino | Dal fiume ai campi 川から野原へ |ラテン語でのわかりやすい入力 |川から野原へ Van de rivier naar de velden | Begrijpelijke invoer in het Latijn | Van de rivier naar de velden Od rzeki na pola | Zrozumiałe wprowadzanie w języku łacińskim | Od rzeki do pól Do Rio aos Campos | Entrada compreensível em latim | Do rio aos campos От реки к полям | Разборчивый ввод на латинице | От реки к полям Från floden till fälten | Förståelig inmatning på latin | Från floden till fälten Nehirden Tarlalara | Latince Anlaşılır Giriş | Nehirden Tarlalara Від річки до поля | Зрозуміле введення латиницею | Від Річки до Поля 从河流到田野|可理解的拉丁语输入 |从河流到田野

Cum puer essem, quasi tōtam vītam dēgī in Pennsylvāniā. 當|||||||| "When"|boy|"I was"|"as if"|entire|entire life|spent|"in" or "within"|in Pennsylvania When I was a boy, I spent almost my whole life in Pennsylvania. Quando eu era criança, morei na Pensilvânia. Коли я був дитиною, я жив у Пенсільванії. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我住在宾夕法尼亚州。

Atque inde ex annō praeteritō rūrsus incolō hanc lepidam terram. And so|"from there"|from|year|past year|"once again"|dwell in|this|charming| And since last year I've been living again in this lovely land. E desde o ano passado voltei a habitar esta linda terra. І от з минулого року я знову живу на цій чудовій землі. 从去年开始,我回到了这片美丽的土地上居住。

Sed, etsī pedēs meī nunc tangunt ipsam terram Pennsylvāniānam, |"even if"|feet|||"touch"|"itself" or "the very"||Pennsylvanian land But, although my feet are now touching Pennsylvania soil, Mas, embora meus pés agora toquem o solo da Pensilvânia, Але, хоча мої ноги зараз торкаються самої землі Пенсильванії, 但是,尽管我的脚现在已经踏上了宾夕法尼亚州的土地,

post mē vidēmus novam Caesarēam. ||we see||new Rome po měsíci jsme viděli novou Caesareu. behind me we see New Jersey. depois de um mês vimos uma nova Cesaréia. після мене ми бачимо нову Цезарію. 一个月后,我们看到了一个新的凯撒利亚。

Rēctissimē: haec est alia regiō; illīc est Nova Caesarēa "Very correctly"||||region|"over there"|||New Jersey Thats right: this is another state; that's New Jersey there Muito precisamente: esta é outra região; Há Nova Cesaréia 非常准确:这是另一个区域;有新凯撒利亚

etsī hīc est Pennsylvānia. "even though"|||Pennsylvania even though here is Pennsylvania. 虽然这是宾夕法尼亚州。

Atque fīnis inter Novam Caesarēam et Pennsylvāniam est scīlicet Flumen Delawārium. |boundary||New Jersey|New Jersey||Pennsylvania||"namely"||Delaware River And the border between NJ and PA is of course the Delaware River. E a fronteira entre Nova Cesaréia e Pensilvânia é, obviamente, o rio Delawari. 而新凯撒利亚和宾夕法尼亚的分界线当然是德拉瓦里河。

Flūmen Delawārium plērumque fluit ā septentriōnibus ad merīdiānum, |Delaware River|mostly|flows|"from the"|"from the north"||south or southward The Delaware River mainly flows from north to south, O rio Delawārium flui principalmente de norte a sul, Delawārium 河主要从北流向南。

sed hāc* in parte* but here mas nesta parte 但在这部分

est angulus, est parvus angulus |small corner|||small corner there is a bend, a little corner 它是一个角落,它是一个小角落

quō fluit, dīcāmus, 'horizontāliter', quia spectāmus ||"let us say"|horizontally||"we observe" where it flow, shall we say, horizontally, because we are looking onde flui, dizemos, 'horizontalmente', porque estamos olhando para ele 它流动的地方,我们说,“水平地”,因为我们正在看着它

spectāmus septentriōnēs, ubi est Nova Caesarea ex hāc parte |the north||||New Jersey|from|| north, where NJ is olhamos para o norte, onde fica Nova Cesaréia deste lado 我们向北看,从这一边看新凯撒利亚

et tunc post aliquot chīliometra rūrsus fluit ad merīdiānum. |"then"||a few|kilometers||||to the south and then a few kilometers later towards the south again. e então, depois de alguns quilômetros, o rio corre para o sul. 然后,几公里后,河流向南流去。

Vidēmus flūctūs trānsīre. |waves crossing over|"to cross" We see the waves going by. Veremos as ondas passarem. 我们会看到海浪过去。

Hīc vidēmus in mediō Flūmine Delawāriō |||"in the middle"|"in the river"|Delaware River Here we see in the middle of the Delaware River Vimos isso no meio do rio Delaware 我们在特拉华河中看到了它

īnsulam parvam et in altissimīs arboribus hujus īnsulae small island|"small" or "little"|||"very tall"|||"of this island" a small island, and the highest trees of this island uma pequena ilha e nas árvores mais altas desta ilha 一个小岛,在这个岛上最高的树上

nōnnumquam cōnspicī possunt aquilae, aquilae Americānae, calvae quae vocantur. "Sometimes"|be seen||||American bald eagles|bald||"are called" eagles can sometimes be spotted, American bald eagles. Águias, águias americanas, as chamadas águias americanas, às vezes podem ser vistas. 有时可以看到鹰、美洲鹰,即所谓的白头鹰。

Illīc autem est Nova Caesarēa. "Over there"|||| But that's NJ. E há Nova Cesaréia. 还有新凯撒利亚。

Itaque Flūmen Delawārium sīc fluit, sed quid est hoc? Estne flūmen? ||Delaware River|"thus" or "in this way"||||||| So the Delaware River flows like this, but what's this? Is this the river? Então o rio Delawārium flui assim, mas o que é isso? É um rio? 所以 Delawārium 河是这样流动的,但这是什么?是一条河吗?

Nōn est! Est rīvulus. |||small stream Nope! It's a stream. Não é! É um rio. 它不是!这是一条河。

Tunc vidēmus aquam fluere ex tubīs — quid est hoc? Unde fluit aqua? |||flow||from the pipes|||||| Then we see some water flowing out of pipes — what's this? Where is this water coming from? Então vimos água fluindo dos canos - o que é isso? De onde flui a água? 然后我们看到水从管道中流出——这是什么?水是从哪里流出来的?

Videāmus. Oho! Alia aqua? Quid est haec aqua? "Let us see"|Oh!|||||| Let's see. Ahah! Another body of water? What is this water? Vamos ver. Oh! Outra água? O que é essa água? 让我们来看看。哦!别的水?这是什么水?

Em! Est canālis. Nōn canālis in YouTube. <Em> translates to "Look!"||channel|||| Here we go! It's a canal. Not a channel in YouTube. 嗯!这是一条运河。 YouTube 上没有频道。

Est canālis vērus, multō verior est canālis. ||true channel|much more|more truthful|| It's a real canal, much more real canal. 频道是真实的,频道更真实。

Canālis est Delawāriī. ||of Delaware It's the Delaware Canal. 频道是 Delawariī。

Et abhinc nescioquot annōs, saltem saeculum, hic canālis strūctus est ut "And"|"ago"|"I don't know"||"at least"|century|||was constructed|| And some years ago, at least a century, this canal was built E há muitos anos, pelo menos um século, este canal foi construído como 许多年前,至少一个世纪,这条运河是作为

possent hominēs asellīs moventibus et portantibus |"people" or "human beings"|"by little donkeys"|moving|| so people could transport by means of donkeys eles poderiam ser homens movendo-se e carregando cavalos 他们可能是搬运马匹的人

ratēs cum mercibus "ships with goods"||"with goods" barges with goods jangadas com mercadorias 货筏

quia nōn fluit — est sēmistabilis aqua. ||||half-stable| because it doesn't flow — it's a fairly stable body of water. porque não flui - é água semiestável. 因为它不流动——它是半稳定的水。

Haec est causa cūr vidēmus etiam hīc aquam fluere This is the reason that we see water flow even here Esta é a razão pela qual também vimos água fluindo aqui 这也是我们在这里也看到水流的原因

cum nimis est aqua: ēfluit ē canālī in rīvulum; |too much|||flows out of||from the channel||small stream when there's too much water: it drains out of the canal into the stream. quando há muita água: ela flui pelo canal até o rio;

Ō ecce mē; est umbra — nōn vidētur, ubi est — ubi sum; āh! ecce: umbrula mea vidētur in aquā. |behold|||shadow||"is seen"|||||||little shadow||||in the water O there I am; there's my shawod — you can't see it, where is it — where am I; ah! there I am: my little shadow in the water. Ō 看我;有一个影子——看不见,在它所在的地方——我所在的地方;啊!看哪,我的影子会出现在水中。

Et rīvulus fluit in flūmen Delawārium. Hīc autem est canālis. And the stream flows into the Delaware River. But this is the canal. 这条河流入德拉瓦里河。这就是频道。

Et canālis numquam fluit praeter aquula ista, numquam fluit in Flūmen Delawārium. |||||small stream|||||| And the canal never flows except for that little bit of water, never folws into the Delaware River.

Illīc autem est rīvulus vel aquula. "There"||||| There however is a small stream.

Est aquula. Et haec aquula vel rīvulus vel parvus rīvus |||||||||small stream It's a stream. And thi stream

fluit jūxtā domum meam quae est illīc in eā parte. |next to|||||"over there"||"in that"| flow by my house where is over there.

Fortasse paulo melius poterimus intellegere strūctūram hujus cōnflūxūs "Perhaps"|"a little"||"we will be able"||the structure of||"confluence" or "meeting point" Maybe we can understand the structure of this junction a little better

Rūrsus Flūmen Delawārium Again the Delaware River

sīc fluit; rīvulus, aquula ēfluit in Flūmen Delawārium ||||flows out into||| flows like this; the stream flows out into the Delaware River

et trāns rīvum, trāns rīvulum |across|"the stream"|| and across the stream

est pōns ubi modo stābam. |bridge|||"I was standing" is a bridge which I was just standing on.

Et hic pōns est pōns prō canālī! And|||||| And this bridge is a bridge for the canal!

Aqua canālis fluit (sī fluit; nōn multum fluit, sed paullum fluit) |||||||||a little bit| The water of the canal flows (if it flows; it doesn't flow much, but it flows a little)

fluit trāns pontem — est pōns prō aquā. it flows across the bridge — it's a bridge for water.

Est quasi aquaeductus; nōn tam bene strūctus ut aquaeductus, sed ita est. ||water channel||||well-constructed||water channel||| Kind of like an aqueduct; not as well built at an aqueduct, but it's like that.

Atque hīc vidēmus aqulam vel rīvulum fluere sub pontem canālis in Flūmen Delawārium. |||eagle|or|||||||| And here we see the stream flow under the bridge of the canal into the Delaware River.

Nōnne mīrum? Inde ā pueritiā meā dēmīror hanc rem. |wonderful thing|||from my childhood||marvel at||thing It's that crazy? I've wondered at that since I was young.

Ecce rīvulus fluit hūc sub pontem canālis iterum īnfluit Flūmen Delawārium. |||here|||||flows into|| Here: there stream flows here under the canal bridge, and flows again into the Delaware River.

Nōnne mīrum! Isn't it amazing!| Isn't that weird!

Et hīc animī causā ||"of the mind"| And here for the sake of recreation

hominēs ambulant, currunt, birotā agunt, et fruuntur ||"run"|ride bicycles|ride bikes||"enjoy themselves" people walk, run, ride bikes, and enjoy it

quia ut vidētur hominēs nōn jam ūtuntur hōc canālī |||||||this channel| because as you can see people don't use this canal anymore

methodō trānsportūs, certē; haud necesse est. By method|transportation method|||| as a means of transport, for sure; it's hardly needed.

Praeservātur animī causā: ad reficiendōs animōs, certē. It is preserved||||"refreshing"|spirits| It's preserved for recreation, naturally.

Dum multa nix erat, nōn saepe mihi placēbat exīre domum quia ||much snow|||||"was pleasing"|"to leave"|| When there was a lot of snow, I didn't like to go out of the house very much since

fiērī nōn poterat, etiam perambulāre nivēs tam altās "to be done"||||walk through|snow so deep||"so deep" it wasn't possible even to walk through such high snow

sed jam fruor vēre — jam vēr (estne vēr? crēdō vēr — estne vēr? Est mēnse Mārtiō, sīc, mēnse Mārtiō vēr incipit). Vēr est! ||"I enjoy"|"spring"||spring|||"I believe"|||||"in the month"|in March||"in the month"|in March|||| but now I'm enjoying the spring (is it spring? I think it's spring — is it spring? It's in March, yes, spring begins in March). It's spring!

Jam fruor sōle, sōl lūcet in caelō. |I enjoy|the sun||"shines"||"in the sky" Now I'm enjoying the sun; the sun shines in the sky.

Et vidēmus nōndum frondēre arborēs: folia nōn exiērunt ex arboribus. ||"not yet"|leaf out||||have come out|| We don't see the trees leafing out yet: the leaves haven't come out of the trees.

Sed post aliquot hebdomadēs hae arborēs omnēs viridēs erunt, omnēs virēscent*. |||weeks||||green|||will turn green But in a few weeks these trees will all be green.

Satis pulchrum mihi vidētur: scintillās sōlis hīc cōnspicī in canālī. |"beautiful enough"|||"sparks" or "glimmers"|"of the sun"|||| This is lovely: the sparkles of the sun can be seen in the canal.

Nōn est aqua pūrissima, vel nōn mihi vidētur. |||"very pure"|||| It's not the cleanest water, or it doesn't seem so.

Est quasi lacus longissimus. ||lake|very long It's like a really long lake.

Sōl lūcet in caelō. The sun is shining in the sky.

Arborēs autem nōndum frondent |||are not leafy But the trees aren't leafing out yet

etsī vēr approprinquat. "even though"||"approaches" even though spring is on the way.

Ventus incrēbrēscit. |The wind strengthens. The wind is picking up.

Dum ventus incrēbrēscit strepitus est inter arborēs; crepitus est. ||grows stronger|noise||||crackling sound| While the wind is picking up, the trees are creaking.

Cōnspiciō domum tabulīs sōlāribus tēctam I see|the house|solar panels|solar panels|covered with I see a house with solar panels.

Hīc vidēmus arborem ||the tree Here we see a tree

quae ceciderat fortasse annō praeteritō et jam jacet trāns canālem |"had fallen"|||last year|||lies||across the channel which fell maybe last year and now is lying across the canal

et hominēs quī cūrant hās rēs etiam secuērunt arborem |||"care for"|these things|||"cut down"| and people who take care of these things have cut the tree

ut birotae et hominēs trānsīre possint. |bicycles|||| so that bikes and people can pass.

Fortasse scītis nōs posse nōn male numerāre annōs vītae hujus arboris |"you know"|||||count|years of life|"of this tree's life"|| Maybe you know that we can count the years of a tree's life

sī ānulōs numerāmus. |"the rings"|we count if we count the rings.

Aestimō pinguī Minervā quasi dīmidium saeculum vīxisse hanc arborem "I estimate"|"rich" or "fat"|by Minerva's wisdom||half|half a century|"to have lived"|| I guess that this tree lived roughly half a century.

Cantus lepidārum aviculārum cor meum laetat. Song|"charming" or "delightful"|"of little birds"|||"Gladdens" or "delights" The song of the pleasant birds gladdens my heart.

Anatēs! Anatēs volant. Ducks||fly Ducks! The ducks are flying.

Hīc vidēmus parvulum rīvulum, parvulam aquulam ēfluere |||small stream|tiny little stream|small amount of water|flowing out Here we see a little book flow

sub viā raedāriā in canālem. |under the road|carriage road|| out from under the road into the canal.

Semper est canālis Delawāriī. It's still the Delaware Canal.

Ānserēs! Ānserēs canunt! Geese! Geese sing!|the geese|"are singing" Geese! The geese are singing.

Aspicite! Per strepitum ventī vōx ānseris audītur. "Look!"||noise|"of the wind"|voice|"of the goose"|"is heard" Look! Through the noise of the wind the voice of the goose is heard.

Ecce duo ānserēs Canadiēnsēs sunt. |||Canadian geese| There are two Canadian geese here.

Atque illīc ānserēs et anatēs natant. Nant. Nantēs avēs. |"there"|||ducks||Swim|swimming| And there, there are geese and ducks swiming. They swim. Water fowel.

Ventus iterum incrēbscrēscit sed spērō fore ut possītis mē audīre ||The wind increases|||"will be"||"you can"||"to hear" The wind is picking up again but I hope that you can hear me

Canālis dūcit hūc ad agrōs. |"leads"|||the fields The canal leads here to the fields.

Hī agrī vel fundus vocātur Trauger's fundus These|fields||farm or estate|"is called"|Trauger's|farm or estate These fields, this the farm is called Trauger's Farm

atque tot decennia — nōn sum certus quot decennia Trauger ipse agricola ||"decades"|||"certain" or "sure"|||Trauger the farmer||farmer and so many decades — I'm not sure how many decades Trauger the farmer himself

hīc agrōs colit: agricola'st, nōnne? |fields|"tends"|He's a farmer.| has been tending these fields: he's the farmer.

Vidēmus stagnum artificiāle ad ānserēs et anatēs esse. |artificial pond|artificial||geese||ducks| We see there is an artificial pond for geese and ducks.

Rānula! Little frog! Froglet!

Jam ad agrōs agimus. Now we are heading to the fields.

Māter mea dīcit mihi sē portāsse mē ipsulum īnfantulum umerīs suīs hāc ipsā viā cum ego puerulus essem. ||||herself|"to have carried"||my very self|little baby boy|"on her shoulders"|her own||this very way||||little boy| My mother tells me she carried me on her shoulders when I was a little infant, on this very path when I was a little boy.

Volant anatēs! They fly|"Ducks" The ducks are flying!

Illīc sunt ānserēs albae. Pulchrae sunt. "There"||geese||"They are beautiful."| There are white geese. They're lovely.

An fortasse sunt magnī anatēs albī*. |"perhaps"||great||white ducks Or maybe they're big white ducks.

Nōn sum certus dē generibus. ||||"types" or "kinds" I'm not sure about the genera.

Et haec est via quam soleō ambulāre cotīdiē. |||||I usually|to walk| And this is the path that I tend to walk daily.

Est simplex locus. It is|| It's a simple place.

Haec arva nōn sunt cactea |fields|||cactus-filled These aren't cactus fields

ut in annīs praeteritīs quondam ambulābam. ||"in years"|"past" or "bygone"||"I used to walk" like I used to walk in years past.

Sed placent. |They are pleasing. But I like them.

Voluī etiam vōbīs commendāre (hoc est cōnsilium dandī certē) "I wanted"||"to you all"|"to recommend"|||plan|giving| I wanted to recommend

sī hoc genus spectāculī vōbīs placet* |||show|| if you like this kind of video

ut nōmen dētis (hoc est cōnscrībātis, subscrībātis) ||you give|||enroll or register|you subscribe to to subscribe

Oh! Anatēs! Oh! Duck!| Oh! Ducks!

Ut subscrībātis canālī amīcissimī meī Alexiī Cosānī. |||very dear friends||of Alexios|Cossinius To subscribe to the channel of my dear friend Alexius Cosanus.

Alexius quasi cotīdiē novās pelliculās facit ubi loquitur Latīnē dē variīs argūmentīs. Alexius almost daily|||new|films|||||||topics Alexius makes videos pretty much every day where he talks in Latin about all kinds of topics.

Sunt contenta optima, meā opīniōne. |very satisfactory|||"in my opinion" They're great content, in my opinion.

Et oportet subscrībere etiam ejus canālī. ||subscribe to it||| And you should subscribe to his channel.

Vōs omnēs impertiō multā salūte. Valēte! ||I bestow|much|good health| I send you all my warm regards. Bye!