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LingQ Mini Stories, 4 - mea fīlia, bona discipula

Mea fīlia cotīdiē ad lūdum it.

Lūdus eī valdē placet.

Proba est discipula in lūdō.

Magistrī fīliam meam amant.

Mea fīlia habet etiam multōs amīcōs amīcāsque.

Amīca summa ejus est Amāta.

Amātae scientia et mathēmatica placent.

Meae fīliae placent litterae et historia.

Invicem sē adjuvant pēnsa domestica perficientēs.

Dīligenter student et bonās notās accipiunt.

Haec est eadem fābula ā meā fīliā nārrāta.

Cotīdiē ad lūdum eō.

Lūdus mihi valdē placet.

Sum discipula proba in lūdō.

Magistrī mē amant.

Etiam multōs amīcōs amīcāsque habeō.

Amīca summa mea est Amāta.

Eī scientia et mathēmatica placent.

Placent mihi litterae et historia.

Nōs invicem adjuvāmus pēnsa domestica perficientēs.

Dīligenter studēmus et bonās notās accipimus.


1) Fīlia cotīdiē ad lūdum it. Itne cotīdiē fīlia ad lūdum? Sīc, cotīdiē ad lūdum it.

2) Lūdus fīliae valdē placet. Placetne eī lūdus? Sīc, lūdus eī placet.

3) Fīlia est discipula proba. Estne discipula improba? Nōn discipula improba, sed discipula proba est fīlia.

4) Magistrī fīliam amant. Amantne magistrī fīliam? Sīc, magistrī fīliam amant.

5) Amīca fīliae summa 'Amāta' vocātur. Vocāturne amīca ejus 'Jūlia'? Nōn 'Jūlia', sed 'Amāta' vocātur amīca fīliae.

6) Amātae scientia et mathēmatica placent. Placentne eī litterae et historia? Nōn litterae et historia, sed scientia et mathēmatica eī placent.

7) Fīlia et Amāta bonās notās accipiunt. Accipitne bonās notās fīlia? Etiam, et fīlia et Amāta bonās notās accipiunt.

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Mea fīlia cotīdiē ad lūdum it. My|daughter|every day|to|school|goes Ihre Tochter geht jeden Tag spielen. my daughter goes to play every day. Su hija va a jugar todos los días. Sa fille va jouer tous les jours. Sua figlia va a giocare tutti i giorni. 彼女の娘は毎日遊びに行きます。 A filha dela vai brincar todos os dias. моя дочь ходит играть каждый день. моя дочка щодня ходить грати. 她的女儿每天都去玩。

Lūdus eī valdē placet. The game|to him|very|pleases Das Spiel gefällt ihm sehr gut. He likes the game very much. Le gusta mucho el juego. Il aime beaucoup le jeu. 彼はゲームがとても好きです。 Ele gosta muito do jogo.

Proba est discipula in lūdō. Proba|is|a student|in|school Der Test ist ein Schüler im Spiel. she is a good student in the game. La prueba es un estudiante en el juego. テストはゲーム内の生徒です。 O teste é um aluno no jogo. Тест студент в игре.

Magistrī fīliam meam amant. The teachers|daughter|my|love Die Lehrer lieben meine Tochter. The teachers love my daughter. Los maestros aman a mi hija. Les professeurs adorent ma fille. 先生たちは私の娘を愛しています。 Os professores amam minha filha.

Mea fīlia habet etiam multōs amīcōs amīcāsque. My|daughter|has|also|many|male friends|and female friends Auch meine Tochter hat viele Freunde und Freundinnen. my daughter also has many friends and girlfriends. Minha filha também tem muitos amigos e namoradas.

Amīca summa ejus est Amāta. The friend|greatest|her|is|Amata Sein größter Freund ist Amāta. His greatest friend is Amāta. Su mejor amigo es Amāta. Son plus grand ami est Amāta. 彼の親友はアマタです。 Seu maior amigo é Amata. Его лучший друг — Амата.

Amātae scientia et mathēmatica placent. Amata|science|and|mathematics|please Sie mögen Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik. They like science and mathematics. Les gustan las ciencias y las matemáticas. Ils aiment les sciences et les mathématiques. 彼らは科学と数学が好きです。 Eles gostam de ciências e matemática. Они любят науку и математику.

Meae fīliae placent litterae et historia. My|daughter|please|the letters|and|history My daughter likes literature and history. A mi hija le gusta la literatura y la historia. Ma fille aime la littérature et l'histoire. Minha filha gosta de literatura e história. Моя дочка любить літературу та історію.

Invicem sē adjuvant pēnsa domestica perficientēs. mutually|themselves|help|tasks|domestic|completing Im Gegenzug übernehmen sie ergänzende Hausarbeiten. they will fulfill each other's adjuvant domestic duties. A su vez, realizarán tareas domésticas auxiliares. À leur tour, ils effectueront des tâches ménagères adjuvantes. 代わりに、彼らは補助的な家事を実行します。 Por sua vez, eles realizarão tarefas domésticas adjuvantes.

Dīligenter student et bonās notās accipiunt. Diligently|they study|and|good|grades|they receive Sie lernen fleißig und bekommen gute Noten. they study hard and get good grades. Ils étudient dur et obtiennent de bonnes notes. 彼らは熱心に勉強し、良い成績を収めています。 Eles estudam muito e tiram boas notas. Вони старанно вчаться і отримують хороші оцінки.

Haec est eadem fābula ā meā fīliā nārrāta. This|is|same|story|by|my|daughter|told This is the same story told to my daughter. C'est la même histoire racontée à ma fille.

Cotīdiē ad lūdum eō. Every day|to|school|I go every day at the expense of him.

Lūdus mihi valdē placet. The game|to me|very|pleases Mir gefällt das Spiel sehr gut. I like the game very much. J'aime beaucoup le jeu.

Sum discipula proba in lūdō. I am|student|diligent|in|school Ich bin Student, probiere es im Spiel aus. I am a student of the game. 学生なのでゲームで試してみてください。

Magistrī mē amant. The teachers|me|love they love teachers.

Etiam multōs amīcōs amīcāsque habeō. Also|many|male friends|and female friends|I have I also have many friends and female friends.

Amīca summa mea est Amāta. The friend|greatest|my|is|Amata Amāta is my best friend.

Eī scientia et mathēmatica placent. He|science|and|mathematics|likes He likes science and mathematics.

Placent mihi litterae et historia. Please|to me|the letters|and|history I like literature and history.

Nōs invicem adjuvāmus pēnsa domestica perficientēs. We|mutually|help|tasks|domestic|completing Wir halfen uns gegenseitig bei der Erledigung der Hausarbeiten. we helped each other to complete the household chores. 私たちはお互いに助け合って家事を完了しました。

Dīligenter studēmus et bonās notās accipimus. Diligently|we study|and|good|grades|we receive We study hard and get good grades. 私たちは一生懸命勉強して良い成績を収めています。

Quaestiōnēs. Questions Questions.

1) Fīlia cotīdiē ad lūdum it. The daughter|every day|to|school|goes 1) The daughter goes to play every day. 1) Дочь ходит играть каждый день. Itne cotīdiē fīlia ad lūdum? How much|daily|daughter|to|school Is it every day that the daughter is at fault? Sīc, cotīdiē ad lūdum it. Thus|every day|to|school|he goes so, every day he goes to play.

2) Lūdus fīliae valdē placet. The game|of the daughter|very|pleases 2) I like my daughter's game very much. 2) La fille aime beaucoup le jeu. 2) 娘はそのゲームがとても好きです。 Placetne eī lūdus? Does it please|him|school Does he like the game? Sīc, lūdus eī placet. Yes|the game|to him|pleases yes, he likes the game.

3) Fīlia est discipula proba. The daughter|is|student|good 3) Die Tochter ist eine gute Schülerin. 3) prove that the daughter is a student. 3) 娘は良い学生です。 Estne discipula improba? Is (she)|student|naughty Is she a bad student? Nōn discipula improba, sed discipula proba est fīlia. Not|student|bad|but|student|good|is|daughter The daughter is not a bad disciple, but a good disciple.

4) Magistrī fīliam amant. The teachers|daughter|love 4) they love the teacher's daughter. Amantne magistrī fīliam? Do they love|the teacher|daughter do they love the teacher's daughter? Sīc, magistrī fīliam amant. Thus|the teachers|daughter|love Yes, they love the teacher's daughter. Oui, ils aiment la fille du professeur.

5) Amīca fīliae summa 'Amāta' vocātur. The friend|of the daughter|the highest||is called 5) The daughter's best friend is called 'Amāta'. Vocāturne amīca ejus 'Jūlia'? Will you call|friend|her|Julia Hat seine Freundin ihn „Julia“ genannt? Did he call his girlfriend 'Julia'? Nōn 'Jūlia', sed 'Amāta' vocātur amīca fīliae. Not||but||is called|friend|of the daughter not 'Julia', but 'Beloved' is called the daughter's friend. L'amie de la fille ne s'appelle pas « Jūlia », mais « Amāta ».

6) Amātae scientia et mathēmatica placent. to Amata|science|and|mathematics|please 6) They like science and mathematics. Placentne eī litterae et historia? Do they please|him|the letters|and|history Mag er Literatur und Geschichte? Does he like literature and history? Nōn litterae et historia, sed scientia et mathēmatica eī placent. Not|letters|and|history|but|science|and|mathematics|to him|are pleasing He likes not literature and history, but science and mathematics.

7) Fīlia et Amāta bonās notās accipiunt. The daughter|and|Amata|good|grades|receive 7) Daughter and Beloved receive good marks. Accipitne bonās notās fīlia? Does she receive|good|grades|daughter Does the daughter receive good marks? Etiam, et fīlia et Amāta bonās notās accipiunt. Yes|and|daughter|and|Amata|good|grades|receive also, both the daughter and the Beloved receive good marks.