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LingQ Mini Stories, 7 - Jacōbus in officīnā mūnere fungitur

Jacōbus in officīnā mūnere fungitur.

Cotīdiē negōtiōsissimus est.

Multōs congressūs cum ēmptōribus gerit.

Hī congressūs Jacōbō nōn placent.

Eōs taediōsissimōs esse putat.

Aliī ēmptōrēs Jacōbō benignī sunt.

Aliī autem benignī nōn sunt.

Jacōbus longās pausās prāndiī facit.

Quīntā hōrā, licet eī domum īre.

Cotīdiē exspectat dum hōra quīnta adveniat.

Haec est eadem fābula ā Jacōbō nārrāta.

In officīnā mūnere fungor.

Cotīdiē negōtiōsissimus sum.

Multōs congressūs cum ēmptōribus gerō.

Hī congressūs mihi nōn placent.

Eōs taediōsissimōs esse putō.

Aliī ēmptōrēs mihi benignī sunt.

Aliī autem benignī nōn sunt.

Longās pausās prāndiī faciō.

Quīntā hōrā mihi licet domum īre.

Cotīdiē exspectō dum hōra quīnta adveniat.


1) Jacōbus in officīnā mūnere fungitur. Fungiturne Jacōbus mūnere in lūdō? Nōn, Jacōbus in officīnā mūnere fungitur.

2) Cotīdiē Jacōbus negōtiōsissimus est. Estne Jacōbus negōtiōsissimus? Ita, cotīdiē Jacōbus negōtiōsissimus est.

3) Jacōbus multōs congressūs cum emptōribus gerit. Paucōsne congressūs gerit Jacōbus? Nōn, Jacōbus multōs congressūs cum emptōribus gerit.

4) Jacōbus hōs congressūs taediōsōs esse putat. Putatne Jacōbus eōs taediōsōs esse? Ita, Jacōbus eōs congressūs taediōsōs esse putat.

5) Aliī emptōrēs benignī sunt. Omnēsne emptōrēs benignī sunt? Nōn, aliī emptōrēs benignī sunt, aliī benignī nōn sunt.

6) Jacōbus longās pausās prandiī facit. Brevēsne pausās prandiī Jacōbus facit? immō, nōn brevēs pausās prandiī facit. longās pausās prandiī facit.

7) quīntā hōrā, Jacōbō licet domum īre. licetne Jacōbō quartā hōrā domum īre? immō, quīntā hōrā eī licet domum īre.

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Jacōbus in officīnā mūnere fungitur. James||the workshop|the work|performs a task James|in|workshop|"with a duty"|performs duties Santiago||||desempeña Jakub||warsztat, pracownia, biuro|pracą|pełni funkcję James arbeitet im Büro. James works in the office. ジェームズはオフィスで働いています。

Cotīdiē negōtiōsissimus est. |Muy ocupado| every day|very busy|is |most busy| Codziennie|Bardzo zajęty| He is very busy every day. 彼は毎日とても忙しいです。

Multōs congressūs cum ēmptōribus gerit. many|meetings|with|with buyers|has |meetings||the buyers|holds meetings |congresos||con los compradores|realiza |spotkania|z|nabywcami|prowadzi Er hat viele Treffen mit Käufern. He has many meetings with buyers. 彼はバイヤーと何度も打ち合わせをしている。

Hī congressūs Jacōbō nōn placent. these||Jacob|| These|meetings|to Jacob|| Estos|||| Te spotkania Jacoba|spotkania||| Jacob gefielen diese Treffen nicht. These meetings did not please Jacob. ヤコブはこうした集会が好きではありませんでした。

Eōs taediōsissimōs esse putat. |los más aburridos|ser|piensa que them|"Very tedious"|to be|"thinks" them|most tedious|to be|thinks Ich|bardzo nudnych|być|uważa Er findet sie sehr langweilig. He thinks they are very boring. 彼はそれらがとても退屈だと思っている。

Aliī ēmptōrēs Jacōbō benignī sunt. Other buyers are|buyers||kind to| some|buyers||kind| otros|||| Inni|||życzliwi| Andere Käufer sind freundlich zu Jacob. other buyers are kind to Jacob. Другие покупатели добры к Джейкобу.

Aliī autem benignī nōn sunt. some|however|kind|| |however||| |sin embargo||| |jednakże||| Aber andere sind nicht freundlich. but to others they are not kind. しかし、他の人は優しくありません。 Но другие не добры.

Jacōbus longās pausās prāndiī facit. James|long|long breaks|lunch| |long pauses|long breaks|lunch break|takes |||del almuerzo|hace ||przerwy obiadowe|obiadu| James macht lange Mittagspausen. James takes long breaks for lunch. ジェームスは昼食のために長い休憩を取ります。

Quīntā hōrā, licet eī domum īre. fifth||it is permitted||| Fifth||is allowed|him|home|to go ||wolno mu||| quinta||puede||| In der fünften Stunde dürfen Sie zu seinem Haus gehen. In the fifth hour, you may go to his house.

Cotīdiē exspectat dum hōra quīnta adveniat. Every day|waits for|until|hour|fifth hour|arrives ||until|fifth hour|fifth hour|arrives ||hasta que||| Jeden Tag wartet er, bis die fünfte Stunde kommt. He waits daily until the fifth hour arrives. 彼は毎日5時間が来るまで待ちます。

Haec est eadem fābula ā Jacōbō nārrāta. This|is|the same|story||| ||the same|||| This is the same fable told by Jacob.

In officīnā mūnere fungor. in|the workshop||perform ||the duty|I perform |||cumplir con |||pełnię funkcję Ich arbeite im Büro. I work in the office.

Cotīdiē negōtiōsissimus sum. |"Very busy"| I am very busy every day.

Multōs congressūs cum ēmptōribus gerō. ||||I conduct "Many"|meetings||with buyers|I have |||compradores|llevo a cabo |spotkania||| I have many meetings with buyers.

Hī congressūs mihi nōn placent. these|||| |spotkania||| I don't like these meetings.

Eōs taediōsissimōs esse putō. them|the most tiresome|to be|I think |||I think |||pienso I think they are very boring.

Aliī ēmptōrēs mihi benignī sunt. Others|"buyers"||kind| Other buyers are kind to me.

Aliī autem benignī nōn sunt. |however||| ||||nie są but to others they are not kind.

Longās pausās prāndiī faciō. long|long pauses|lunch break|I take |||I make Ich mache lange Mittagspausen. I take long lunch breaks.

Quīntā hōrā mihi licet domum īre. ||to me|"it is allowed"||to go |piątej godzinie|||| At five o'clock I may go home.

Cotīdiē exspectō dum hōra quīnta adveniat. |I wait for|until|hour|fifth|arrives |I wait|||| I wait daily until the fifth hour arrives.

Quaestiōnēs. Questions.

1) Jacōbus in officīnā mūnere fungitur. |||the work|performs a duty |||the work|performs a task 1) James arbeitet im Büro. 1) James works in the office. 1) Джеймс работает в офисе. Fungiturne Jacōbus mūnere in lūdō? Does James serve?||role||the game does James function|||| Czy Jakub pracuje?|||| Spielt James eine Rolle im Spiel? Does Jacob play a role in the game? Играет ли Джейкоб какую-либо роль в игре? Nōn, Jacōbus in officīnā mūnere fungitur. No, James works in the office. Нет, Джеймс работает в офисе.

2) Cotīdiē Jacōbus negōtiōsissimus est. |James|most industrious| 2) James is very busy every day. 2) Джеймс очень занят каждый день. Estne Jacōbus negōtiōsissimus? Is James very busy? Ita, cotīdiē Jacōbus negōtiōsissimus est. |||very busy| Yes, James is very busy every day.

3) Jacōbus multōs congressūs cum emptōribus gerit. James|many|meetings|with|buyers|holds ||||the buyers| |wielu|||| 3) James has many meetings with buyers. Paucōsne congressūs gerit Jacōbus? "Does he hold few"||does James attend| few||| pocos||| Does Jacob hold a few meetings? Джейкоб проводит несколько собраний? Nōn, Jacōbus multōs congressūs cum emptōribus gerit. |||||the buyers| No, James has many meetings with buyers. Нет, у Джеймса много встреч с покупателями.

4) Jacōbus hōs congressūs taediōsōs esse putat. |these||tedious|| |these||tedious|| |a estos|||| 4) James thinks these meetings are boring. 4) Джеймс считает эти встречи скучными. Putatne Jacōbus eōs taediōsōs esse? Does think||them|boring|to be does James think|||| Does James think they are boring? Джеймс считает их скучными? Ita, Jacōbus eōs congressūs taediōsōs esse putat. ||||||thinks ||||tediosos|| Yes, James thinks those meetings are boring.

5) Aliī emptōrēs benignī sunt. |buyers|kind| |buyers|| 5) Manche Käufer sind freundlich. 5) Some buyers are kind. Omnēsne emptōrēs benignī sunt? Are all|buyers|| all||| Are all the buyers kind? Все покупатели добрые? Nōn, aliī emptōrēs benignī sunt, aliī benignī nōn sunt. no, some buyers are kind, others are not.

6) Jacōbus longās pausās prandiī facit. ||long pauses|of lunch| |||of lunch| 6) James takes long lunch breaks. Brevēsne pausās prandiī Jacōbus facit? Short||lunch|| shortly|||| breve|||| Does Jacob take short breaks for lunch? immō, nōn brevēs pausās prandiī facit. ||pocas||de comer| on the contrary||short||| ||not brief||| wręcz przeciwnie||||| no, he does not take short breaks for lunch. longās pausās prandiī facit. he takes long lunch breaks.

7) quīntā hōrā, Jacōbō licet domum īre. ||Jacob|it is allowed|| 7) In the fifth hour, Jacob is allowed to go home. licetne Jacōbō quartā hōrā domum īre? is it permitted||fourth||| is it permitted||fourth||| es permitido||||| Darf Jacob um vier Uhr nach Hause gehen? Is Jacob allowed to go home at four o'clock? immō, quīntā hōrā eī licet domum īre. on the contrary|fifth||||| nay, he may go home at five o'clock.