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Quid Es Tu?, Quid es tu? – tertium

Quid es tu? – tertium

Quid Es Tu? - Tertium

Iōsēphus: Salvēte, audītōrēs! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus.

Lebbaeus: Salvēte, amīcī! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus.

Iōsēphus: Spērō vōs esse bene. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae.

Lebbaeus: rēctē, dīxistī! ut valēs hodiē, amīce?

Iōsēphus: valeō. [amīcī rīdent] et tū, Lebbaee?

Lebbaeus: valeō bene.

Iōsēphus: ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō:

Lebbaeus: Modo optimō!

Iōsēphus: [cōnstat] sīcut nōmen “Caesar.” aut “Cicerō”

Lebbaeus: Ō! Caesar et Cicerō. Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar, Cicerō”

Iōsēphus: Āh! Cicerō.

Lebbaeus: [rīdet] Ita. Hodiē, ego partem agō sīcut vocābulum. Itaque, vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis.

Iōsēphus: Audītōrēs, quid est Lebbaeus? Cognōscere volumus. Certē est homō, sed quam partem Lebbaeus agit? Estne animal? Estne planta? Estne rēs aut obiectum? Quid est? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. Quid es tū, Lebbaee?

[Mūsica cantat]

Iōsēphus: Prīmum, Lebbaee, dīc mihi.

Lebbaeus: Quid?

Iōsēphus: Esne animal?

Lebbaeus: Hodiē nōn sum animal.

Iōsēphus: Esne planta sīcut arbor? - exemplī grātiā -

Lebbaeus: nōn - [Iōsēphus loquitur] - sīcut arbor sīcut flōs sīcut multae plantae nōn sum.

Iōsēphus: Ergō tū es rēs.

Lebbaeus: Sīc. Ego sum rēs.

Iōsēphus: Esne rēs in urbe?

Lebbaeus: Hominēs in urbe mē vident.

Iōsēphus: esne tū rēs ūtilis?

Lebbaeus: nōn. Ego nōn sum rēs ūtilis sed hominēs et animālia mē ūtuntur.

Iōsēphus: Esne tū rēs facta? Et [Lebbaeus mīrātur] aut manū facta?

Lebbaeus: manū facta. Ego nōn sum facta aut manū facta.

Iōsēphus: Ergō tū es - [Lebbaeus loquitur] - nātūrā

Lebbaeus: - Ego! - [rīdet] Certē, ego sum in nātūrā.

Iōsēphus: Tū es rēs nātūrālis.

Lebbaeus: Ita. Rēs nātūrālis sum.

Iōsēphus: Habitatne in tē aliquis? Sīcut avis aut animal.

Lebbaeus: Omnia in mē habitant. Sed rēs sub terrā in mē nōn habitant.

Iōsēphus: Dīc mihi iterum.

Lebbaeus: Ita.

Iōsēphus: sub terrā.

Lebbaeus: sub terrā rēs fortasse animālia fortasse alia sub terrā in mē nōn habitant.

Iōsēphus: Bene. Habitantne omnia in tē praeter animālia quae sub terrā habitant?

Lebbaeus: Certē. Tū rēctē dīxistī.

Iōsēphus: Sīcut hominēs sīcut canēs et fēlēs et equī et avēs. Quid dē piscibus?

Lebbaeus: Piscēs in mē nōn habitant. Sed, ego multa videō. Ego animālia, ego quoque hominēs et plantās videō.

Iōsēphus: Intelligō. Intelligō. Lebbaee, esne tū caelum?

Lebbaeus: Certē! Tū rēctē dīvīnāvistī!

Iōsēphus: Eugē! Eugē! [rīdet] ego rēctē dīvīnāvī!

Lebbaeus: [cōnstat] bene. Dē mē -

Iōsēphus: dīc mihi

Lebbaeus: - nārrābō.

Iōsēphus: dē tē.

Lebbaeus: Ita. ego timeō tempestātēs quia fulgurēs sonitōs maximōs faciunt. Ego timeō tempestātēs sed perplacent mihi nūbēs quia sine nūbibus fortasse ego sum nūdus.

[amīcī rīdent]

Iōsēphus: Cum tū es serēnum. . serēnus.

Lebbaeus: Et ego quoque habeō alia vestīmenta quia in nocte stēllae sīcut gemmae, stēllae sīcut gemmae sunt vestīmenta mea.

Iōsēphus: Et fulgent et fulgent.

Lebbaeus: ita. Fulgent. Stēllae fulgent

Iōsēphus: Pulcherrimē. Pulcherrimē.

Lebbaeus: ita. ita. [Iōsēphus rīdet] et quoque carmina avium mī perplacent. Sōl est amīcus meus.

Iōsēphus: Et lūna quoque.

Lebbaeus: et lūna. Et multae planētae.

Iōsēphus: Cūr fulgurēs tē terrent?

Lebbaeus: Quia sonitōs maximōs. . sonitōs magnōs et. .

Iōsēphus: Ō! Amīcē

Lebbaeus: Ego timeō.

Iōsēphus: Parte metū. Parte metū.

Lebbaeus: Fulgurēs et tempestātēs mihi displacent. Sed pluvia aliquandō mihi placent.

Iōsēphus: Cūr?

Lebbaeus: Sonus pluviae est placidus et requiēscō dum nūbēs pluunt.

Iōsēphus: [rīdet] Tū es poēta.

[amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Ita ego sum poēta. Et poētae dē mē multa scrīpsērunt.

Iōsēphus: vēra est.

Lebbaeus: Amīce, tempus fugit.

Iōsēphus: Ēheu! Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem caelī ēgit! Actor semper bonus erat.

Lebbaeus: Ō! Grātiās.

Iōsēphus: Nōnne cōnsentītis? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus bene respondit. Audītōrēs, dīvīnāvistis vocābulum?

Lebbaeus: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

Iōsēphus: Optimē audīvistis et nōs multās grātiās vōbīs agimus!

Lebbaeus: grātiās plūrimās!

Iōsēphus: ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. Valēte!

Lebbaeus: in proximum!

[Mūsica cantat]

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Quid es tu? – tertium What|||third was bist du - der dritte what are you – the third qué vas a - El tercero ce que vous êtes - le troisième wat ben je - de derde kim jesteś – trzeci o que você está - o terceiro що ти? - третій

**Quid Es Tu? What are you? - Tertium** The third option - Third

**Iōsēphus:** Salvēte, audītōrēs! Joseph||listeners Josephus: Hail, hearers! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus. My name is Josephus.

**Lebbaeus:** Salvēte, amīcī! Lebbaeus|| Lebbaeus: Hail, friends! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus. ||I am called| And my name is Lebbaeus.

**Iōsēphus:** Spērō vōs esse bene. Joseph: I hope you are well. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae. This is||show||||||||||||||| This is our catchphrase called "WHAT ARE YOU?" I, Josephus, and my friend, Lebbaeus, are masters of the Latin language.

**Lebbaeus**: rēctē, dīxistī! Lebbaeus: right, right! ut valēs hodiē, amīce? |are you well|| Wie geht es dir heute mein Freund? how are you today, my friend?

**Iōsēphus**: valeō. |I am well Josephus: I'll be fine. __[amīcī rīdent]__ et tū, Lebbaee? ||||Lebbaeus [they laugh] and you, Lebba?

**Lebbaeus:** valeō bene. Lebbaeus: I am well.

**Iōsēphus:** ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō: |as|you heard||pronounces|||ecclesiastical manner Josephus: as you have heard, Lebbaeus pronounces the words in an ecclesiastical manner:

**Lebbaeus:** Modo optimō! |"Just now"|"very good" Lebbaeus: Just the best!

**Iōsēphus:** __[cōnstat]__ sīcut nōmen “Caesar.” aut “Cicerō” ||just like||Caesar|or|Cicero Josephus: [stands] like the name "Caesar." or "Cicero"

**Lebbaeus:** Ō! Caesar et Cicerō. ||Cicero Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar, Cicerō” Josephus||words||classical manner|like, as||| Josephus pronounces the words in a classical way: as the name "Caesar, Cicero"

**Iōsēphus:** Āh! Joseph|Ah! Cicerō.

**Lebbaeus:** __[rīdet]__ Ita. ||Thus Lebbaeus: [laughs] Yes. Hodiē, ego partem agō sīcut vocābulum. ||||as| Today, I play the part as a vocabulary. Itaque, vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis. Therefore||||||divine|You must Therefore, you and my friend have to use the word dīvīnā.

**Iōsēphus:** Audītōrēs, quid est Lebbaeus? |listeners||| Josephus: Listen, what is Lebbaeus? Cognōscere volumus. "To learn"|we want We want to know. Certē est homō, sed quam partem Lebbaeus agit? |||||||acts or plays He is certainly a man, but what part does Lebbaeus play? Estne animal? Is it an animal? Estne planta? |the plant Is it a plant? Estne rēs aut obiectum? |thing|or|object Is it a thing or an object? Quid est? What is? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. ||||divine|"we must" You and I will have to guess the vocabulary. Quid es tū, Lebbaee? |||Lebbaeus What are you, Lebba?

__[Mūsica cantat]__ Music sings| [sings music]

**Iōsēphus:** Prīmum, Lebbaee, dīc mihi. |First||tell| |||mów| Josephus: First, Lebbaeus, this is for me.

**Lebbaeus:** Quid? |What? Lebbaeus: What?

**Iōsēphus:** Esne animal? Joseph: Are you an animal?

**Lebbaeus:** Hodiē nōn sum animal. |today||| Lebbaeus: Today I am not an animal.

**Iōsēphus:** Esne planta sīcut arbor? ||plant|like|tree Joseph: Are you a plant like a tree? - exemplī grātiā - for example|for example - for example -

**Lebbaeus:** nōn - __[Iōsēphus loquitur]__ - sīcut arbor sīcut flōs sīcut multae plantae nōn sum. |||speaks|as|tree||flower||many|many plants|| Lebbaeus: I am not - [Josephus speaks] - I am not like a tree or a flower or many plants.

**Iōsēphus:** Ergō tū es rēs. |Therefore|||thing Josephus: So you are right.

**Lebbaeus:** Sīc. |Thus |Tak Lebbaeus: Yes. Ego sum rēs. ||thing or matter I am the thing.

**Iōsēphus:** Esne rēs in urbe? |Is it|||the city Josephus: Are you in the city?

**Lebbaeus:** Hominēs in urbe mē vident. |||||see Lebbaeus: The men in the city see me. Леббей: Мужчины в городе видят меня.

**Iōsēphus:** esne tū rēs ūtilis? ||||useful Josephus: Are you of any use? Джозефус: От тебя есть какая-нибудь польза?

**Lebbaeus:** nōn. Lebbaeus: no. Ego nōn sum rēs ūtilis sed hominēs et animālia mē ūtuntur. ||||useful||||animals||use me ||||||||||używają mnie I am not a useful thing, but men and animals use me. Я не полезная вещь, но меня используют люди и животные.

**Iōsēphus:** Esne tū rēs facta? |"Are you"|||done Josephus: Are you done? Джозефус: Ты закончил? Et __[Lebbaeus mīrātur]__ aut manū facta? |Lebbaeus|"wonders"|or|"by hand"|made And [Lebbaeus marvels] or made by hand? А [Леббей удивляется] или сделано вручную?

**Lebbaeus:** manū facta. |hand made|made by hand ||czyny Lebbaeus: made by hand. Леббей: сделано вручную. Ego nōn sum facta aut manū facta. I am not made or made by hand. Я не сделан вручную.

**Iōsēphus:** Ergō tū es - __[Lebbaeus loquitur]__ - nātūrā |Therefore|||||by nature Josephus: Ergō tū es - [Lebbaeus speaks] - nātūrā Иосиф Флавий: Ergo tū es - [Леббей говорит] - natura

**Lebbaeus:** - Ego! Lebbaeus: - Me! Леббей: - Я! - __[rīdet]__ Certē, ego sum in nātūrā. - [laughs] Certainly, I am in nature. - [смеется] Конечно, я на природе.

**Iōsēphus:** Tū es rēs nātūrālis. ||||natural Josephus: You are a natural thing. Джозефус: Ты — естественная вещь.

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Леббей: Да. Rēs nātūrālis sum. I am a natural person. Я физическое лицо.

**Iōsēphus:** Habitatne in tē aliquis? |Does live||"in you"|someone Josephus: Does anyone live in you? Иосиф Флавий: Кто-нибудь живет в тебе? Sīcut avis aut animal. |bird|| |ptak|| Like a bird or an animal. Как птица или животное.

**Lebbaeus:** Omnia in mē habitant. |All|||"dwell" Lebbaeus: All things dwell in me. Леббей: Все вещи обитают во мне. Sed rēs sub terrā in mē nōn habitant. ||under||||| But things under the earth do not dwell in the earth. Но то, что под землей, не обитает в земле.

**Iōsēphus:** Dīc mihi iterum. |tell||again Josephus: Tell me again. Джозефус: Расскажи мне еще раз.

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes.

**Iōsēphus:** sub terrā. |under|under the ground Josephus: under the earth. Иосиф Флавий: под землей.

**Lebbaeus:** sub terrā rēs fortasse animālia fortasse alia sub terrā in mē nōn habitant. |under|||perhaps||perhaps|other|||||| Lebbaeus: under the earth there are perhaps animals, perhaps other things that do not live under the earth. Леббей: Под землей, возможно, есть животные, возможно, и другие существа, которые не живут под землей.

**Iōsēphus:** Bene. Joseph| Joseph: Well. Джозеф: Ну. Habitantne omnia in tē praeter animālia quae sub terrā habitant? Do all live|"everything" or "all things"|||"except for"||that, which||| Do all things live in the earth except the animals that live under the earth? Все ли существа живут на земле, кроме животных, живущих под землей?

**Lebbaeus:** Certē. Lebbaeus: Certainly. Tū rēctē dīxistī. |correctly|you said You are right. Ты прав.

**Iōsēphus:** Sīcut hominēs sīcut canēs et fēlēs et equī et avēs. ||||dogs||cats||horses||birds Josephus: Like men, like dogs and cats and horses and birds. Иосиф Флавий: Как люди, как собаки, кошки, лошади и птицы. Quid dē piscibus? |about|"About the fish?" What about the fish? А что насчет рыбы?

**Lebbaeus:** Piscēs in mē nōn habitant. Lebbaeus: Pisces live in the mē nōn. Леббей: Рыбы живут в меноне. Sed, ego multa videō. ||many things|I see But, I see a lot. Но я вижу многое. Ego animālia, ego quoque hominēs et plantās videō. |||also|humans||plants|I see I see animals, I also see people and plants. Я вижу животных, я также вижу людей и растения.

**Iōsēphus:** Intelligō. |I understand Joseph: I understand. Джозефус: Я понимаю. Intelligō. I understand. Rozumiem I understand. Я понимаю. Lebbaee, esne tū caelum? Lebbaee|||sky Lebba, are you the sky? Лебба, ты небо?

**Lebbaeus:** Certē! Lebbaeus: Certainly! Леббей: Конечно! Tū rēctē dīvīnāvistī! ||You guessed correctly! Tū rēctē dīvīnāvistī! Ты ректе дивинависти!

**Iōsēphus:** Eugē! |Well done! Josephus: Eugee! Джозефус: Юджи! Eugē! Hooray! Euge! __[rīdet]__ ego rēctē dīvīnāvī! |||I guessed right! [rīdet] I rēctē dīvīnāvī! [ридет] Я читаю дивинави!

**Lebbaeus:** __[cōnstat]__ bene. Lebbaeus: [stands] well. Dē mē - About me| Dē mē -

**Iōsēphus:** dīc mihi Josephus: That's me

**Lebbaeus:** - nārrābō. |I will tell Lebbaeus: - nārrābō.

**Iōsēphus:** dē tē. Joseph|about| Josephus: day.

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. ego timeō tempestātēs quia fulgurēs sonitōs maximōs faciunt. |I fear|"storms"|because|lightning bolts|loud noises|very loud noises|"they make" I fear storms because the lightnings make the loudest noises. Я боюсь бури, потому что молнии издают самые громкие звуки. Я боюся бурі, тому що блискавки видають найгучніші звуки. Ego timeō tempestātēs sed perplacent mihi nūbēs quia sine nūbibus fortasse ego sum nūdus. |I fear|storms||"are very pleasing"|to me|clouds|because|without|"the clouds"|perhaps||I am|exposed I am afraid of storms, but I like nubs because without nubs perhaps I am a nudist. Я боюсь штормов, но мне нравятся нубы, потому что без них я, наверное, нудист.

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Iōsēphus:** Cum tū es serēnum. |When|||calm Josephus: When you are calm. Джозефус: Когда ты спокоен. . serēnus. Calm.

**Lebbaeus:** Et ego quoque habeō alia vestīmenta quia in nocte stēllae sīcut gemmae, stēllae sīcut gemmae sunt vestīmenta mea. ||I|also||other|clothes|because|in|night|stars|like|gems|stars|like|gems|are|clothes|my Lebbaeus: And I also have other clothes because in the night the stars are like gems, my clothes are stars like gems. Леббей: А еще у меня есть другая одежда, потому что ночью звезды подобны драгоценным камням, моя одежда — звезды, подобные драгоценным камням.

**Iōsēphus:** Et fulgent et fulgent. |and|shine brightly|and|shine Josephus: And they shine and shine. Иосиф Флавий: И они сияют и сияют.

**Lebbaeus:** ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Леббеус: Да. Fulgent. Они сияют Stēllae fulgent |shine The stars are shining

**Iōsēphus:** Pulcherrimē. |"Very beautifully." Josephus: Beautiful. Pulcherrimē. Very beautiful.

**Lebbaeus:** ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. ita. __[Iōsēphus rīdet]__ et quoque carmina avium mī perplacent. Joseph|||also|songs of birds|birds' songs|to me|please me [Josephus laughs] and the songs of the birds also please me. [Иосиф смеется] и пение птиц мне тоже нравится. Sōl est amīcus meus. The sun||| He is only my friend. Он всего лишь мой друг.

**Iōsēphus:** Et lūna quoque. ||moon| Josephus: And the moon too. Джозефус: И луна тоже.

**Lebbaeus:** et lūna. Lebbaeus: and the moon. Леббей: и луна. Et multae planētae. ||planets And many planets. И множество планет.

**Iōsēphus:** Cūr fulgurēs tē terrent? |Why|lightning||frighten Josephus: Why do the lightnings frighten you? Иосиф Флавий: Почему тебя пугают молнии?

**Lebbaeus:** Quia sonitōs maximōs. Lebbaeus||sounds|greatest sounds Lebbaeus: Because they are loud. Леббей: Потому что они громкие. . . sonitōs magnōs et. loud sounds|loud| loud sounds and .

**Iōsēphus:** Ō! Amīcē "My friend" Friend Друг

**Lebbaeus:** Ego timeō. ||I fear Lebbaeus: I am afraid. Леббей: Я боюсь.

**Iōsēphus:** Parte metū. |"Partly"|with fear Josephus: On the part of fear. Иосиф Флавий: Со стороны страха. Parte metū. part|fear On the part of fear. Со стороны страха.

**Lebbaeus:** Fulgurēs et tempestātēs mihi displacent. Lebbaeus|Lightning||storms||displease me Lebbaeus: I dislike lightning and storms. Леббей: Я не люблю молнии и грозы. Sed pluvia aliquandō mihi placent. But|rain|sometimes|to me|please me But I like the rain once in a while. Но мне нравится дождь время от времени.

**Iōsēphus:** Cūr? |Why Josephus: Heart? Джозефус: Сердце?

**Lebbaeus:** Sonus pluviae est placidus et requiēscō dum nūbēs pluunt. |Sound|rain's||calm||I rest|while|clouds|rain down Lebbaeus: The sound of the rain is calm and restful while the clouds are raining. Леббей: Звук дождя тихий и умиротворяющий, пока льют облака.

**Iōsēphus:** __[rīdet]__ Tū es poēta. ||||poet Josephus: [laughs] You are a poet. Джозефус: [смеется] Ты поэт.

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Lebbaeus:** Ita ego sum poēta. |yes|||poet Lebbaeus: Yes, I am a poet. Леббеус: Да, я поэт. Et poētae dē mē multa scrīpsērunt. |"the poets"|||many things|"have written" And the poets of that day wrote many things. И поэты того времени написали многое.

**Iōsēphus:** vēra est. |"true"|is Josephus: It is true. Джозефус: Это правда.

**Lebbaeus:** Amīce, tempus fugit. Lebbaeus||time|time flies Lebbaeus: My friend, time flies.

**Iōsēphus:** Ēheu! |Alas! Josephus: Alas! Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem caelī ēgit! the audience||||"of the sky"|performed Listeners, today Lebbaeus played a part in heaven! Слушатели, сегодня Леббей побывал на небесах! Actor semper bonus erat. The actor|always|good|was He was always a good actor. Он всегда был хорошим актером.

**Lebbaeus:** Ō! Lebbaeus: Oh! Grātiās. Thank you

**Iōsēphus:** Nōnne cōnsentītis? |Surely|"Do you agree?" Josephus: Don't you agree? Джозефус: Ты не согласен? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus bene respondit. to him|many||asked|||| You asked him many questions and Lebbaeus answered well. Вы задали ему много вопросов, и Леббей хорошо на них ответил. Audītōrēs, dīvīnāvistis vocābulum? |you have divined| Did you hear the word dīvīnā?

**Lebbaeus:** spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse! ||||have divined Lebbaeus: Spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

**Iōsēphus:** Optimē audīvistis et nōs multās grātiās vōbīs agimus! |Very well||and||||to you|we give Josephus: You have heard very well and we thank you very much! Джозефус: Вы очень хорошо меня услышали, и мы вам большое спасибо!

**Lebbaeus:** grātiās plūrimās! ||many thanks Lebbaeus: many thanks! Леббеус: большое спасибо!

**Iōsēphus:** ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. |performance||finished| Josephus: Our ācroāma is finished. Иосиф Флавий: Наша акроама закончена. Valēte! Goodbye! До свидания!

**Lebbaeus:** in proximum! ||"to the next" Lebbaeus: to the next! Леббей: к следующему!

__[Mūsica cantat]__ [sings music]