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Latin Odyssey, Cyclops Pars Tertia

Cyclops Pars Tertia

Pars Tertia

prima luce Polyphemus caecus speluncam aperuit et oves liberavit. iratissimus erat. homines igitur in terga ovium diligenter quaerebat. Ulixes tamen consilium callidum cepit. comites se celare sub ovibus iussit. Polyphemus in exitu speluncae stabat sed Ulixem comitesque invenire non poterat quod sub ovibus celati erant.

ubi ex spelunca effugerunt Ulixes comitesque ad navem cucurrerunt et navem celeriter conscenderunt. dum tamen ab insula navigabant, Ulixes magna cum voce clamavit, “Cyclops, comites meos consumpsisti sed nunc Iuppiter te punivit!”

ubi hoc audivit, Polyphemus ad litus festinavit et saxa in navem iecit. “cur hoc facis?” comites Ulixi inquiunt, “gigas navem paene delevit!”

sed ille iratissimus erat. “ego Ulixes te fefelli, Polypheme” clamabat. ubi hoc audivit, Polyphemus patrem Neptunum rogavit ut Ulixem puniret. saxum ingens a monte rapuit et summa vi in navem iecit. Ulixes tamen tutus ab insula Cyclopum navigavit.

Cyclops Pars Tertia ||Third Part Cyclops Teil drei Cyclops Part Three Cíclope, tercera parte Ciclope parte terza サイクロプス パート 3 Cyclopen deel drie Cyklop, część trzecia Ciclope Parte Três Tepegöz Bölüm Üç Циклоп Частина третя

Pars Tertia |Third part Part Three

prima luce Polyphemus caecus speluncam aperuit et oves liberavit. "at first light"|"at first light"||blind|cave|opened||the sheep|set free At first light, the blind Polyphemus opened the cave and released the sheep. 最初に明るくなると、盲目のポリフェムスが洞窟を開け、羊を解放しました。 iratissimus erat. most angry| angry. homines igitur in terga ovium diligenter quaerebat. "the men"|"therefore" or "thus"||backs of sheep|sheep's backs|carefully|was searching for So back to the sheep diligently seeking. そこで彼は羊の後ろにいる人たちを注意深く探しました。 Ulixes tamen consilium callidum cepit. Ulysses|"nevertheless"|"plan" or "clever plan"|clever|"took" Ulysses still had a clever plan. しかし、オデュッセウスは賢明な計画を立てました。 comites se celare sub ovibus iussit. companions|themselves|"to hide"|under|"the sheep"|ordered he ordered his companions to hide himself under the sheep. 彼は伯爵に羊の下に身を隠すように命じた。 Polyphemus in exitu speluncae stabat sed Ulixem comitesque invenire non poterat quod sub ovibus celati erant. ||at the exit|cave's entrance|"was standing"|but||"and companions"|find||"was not able"|because|under|the sheep|hidden under| But a Ulysses in Polyphemus, who in the end of the of the cave, stood largely concealed beneath the sheep, and his suite were to find that it was not able to. ポリュペモスは洞窟の出口に立っていましたが、オデュッセウスとその仲間たちは羊の下に隠れていて見つけることができませんでした。

ubi ex spelunca effugerunt Ulixes comitesque ad navem cucurrerunt et navem celeriter conscenderunt. "when"|||"they escaped"||and his companions|||ran to|||quickly|boarded the ship the ship of Ulysses and his suite to the ship, ran up, and when he discovered from the cave of the escaped of you out quickly detected. 洞窟から脱出すると、オデュッセウスとその仲間たちは船に駆け寄り、すぐに乗り込みました。 dum tamen ab insula navigabant, Ulixes magna cum voce clamavit, “Cyclops, comites meos consumpsisti sed nunc Iuppiter te punivit!” while|"however"|from||were sailing||great||loud voice|shouted||companions|my companions|"you consumed"|"but"|"now"|Jupiter||has punished |sin embargo||||||||||||||||| While still on the island sailed Ulysses large with a loud voice, "Cyclops consumed my companions punished, but now on you!" 彼らがまだ島から出航している間に、ユリシーズは大声で叫びました。「サイクロプス、あなたは私の仲間を食い尽くしましたが、今はジュピターがあなたを罰したのです!」

ubi hoc audivit, Polyphemus ad litus festinavit et saxa in navem iecit. "when" or "where"|this|"heard this"|||shore|hurried to||rocks|||"threw" or "cast" When he heard the blinded to the beach quickly got into the boat rocks shot. ポリュペモスはこれを聞くと、急いで岸に向かい、船に石を投げました。 “cur hoc facis?” comites Ulixi inquiunt, “gigas navem paene delevit!” "Why"|this|"you do"|companions|of Ulysses|they say|giant||almost|almost destroyed |||||dicen|||| "Why are you doing this?" Ulysses companions say, the "giant ship almost deleted!" "なぜあなたはこれをやっている?"オデュッセウスの仲間たちは、「巨人が船をほとんど破壊しそうになった!」と言っています。

sed ille iratissimus erat. but he was very angry. しかし彼はとても怒っていました。 “ego Ulixes te fefelli, Polypheme” clamabat. I|||"I deceived"|Polyphemus|was shouting "I fail to Ulysses, Polyphemus," called out. 「私オデュッセウスはあなたを騙しました、ポリュペモス」と彼は叫びました。 ubi hoc audivit, Polyphemus patrem Neptunum rogavit ut Ulixem puniret. ||||"his father Neptune"|Neptune|"asked" or "begged"|"to" or "that"||"might punish" |||||Neptuno|||| When he heard the blinded father Poseidon asked to punish Ulysses. これを聞いたポリュペモスは父ネプテューヌにユリシーズを罰するよう頼んだ。 saxum ingens a monte rapuit et summa vi in navem iecit. "large rock"|huge|from|"from the mountain"|"seized" or "snatched"||great force|with force|||"he/she/it threw" Mount abducted from a huge sum of force shot on the board. 彼は山から大きな石をひったくって、それを船に向かって強い力で投げました。 Ulixes tamen tutus ab insula Cyclopum navigavit. |However|"safe"|from||of the Cyclopes|"sailed away" Odysseus, however, sailed safely from the island of the Cyclopes. しかし、オデュッセウスはキュクロプス島から無事に航海しました。