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Ulixes (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles), Ulixes 10 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Ulixes 10 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Polyphemus ubi socios suos abiisse sensit, furore atque amentia impulsus Ulixem iterum quaerere coepit; tandem cum portam invenisset, saxum quo obstructa erat amovit, ut pecus in agros exiret. Tum ipse in introitu consedit, et ut quaeque ovis ad hunc locum venerat, eius tergum manibus tractabat, ne viri inter ovis exire possent. Quod cum animadvertisset Ulixes, intellexit omnem spem salutis in dolo magis quam in virtute poni. Itaque hoc consilium iniit. Primum tris quas vidit pinguissimas ex ovibus delegit, quas cum inter se viminibus coniunxisset, unum ex sociis suis ventribus earum ita subiecit ut omnino lateret; deinde ovis hominem secum ferentis ad portam egit. Id accidit quod fore suspicatus erat. Polyphemus enim postquam terga ovium manibus tractavit, eas praeterire passus est. Ulixes ubi rem tam feliciter evenisse vidit, omnis socios suos ex ordine eodem modo emisit; quo facto ipse novissimus evasit.

Ulixes 10 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles) Ulysses 10 (Ritchies einfache Geschichten) Ulysses 10 (Ritchie's Easy Stories) Ulysse 10 (Les histoires faciles de Ritchie)

Polyphemus ubi socios suos abiisse sensit, furore atque amentia impulsus Ulixem iterum quaerere coepit; tandem cum portam invenisset, saxum quo obstructa erat amovit, ut pecus in agros exiret. ||||"had gone away"||fury and madness|and madness|madness or frenzy|driven by impulse|||seek out again||at last||||rock||blocked by||"removed"||"the flock"||the fields| ||||去ったことを||||狂気||||探し始めた|||||見つけた|||ふさがれた||取り除いた|||||出るために When Polyphemus perceived that his allies had gone, impelled by fury and madness, he began to seek again for Odysseus; At length, when he had found the gate, he removed the stone by which it had been blocked up, that the cattle might go out into the fields. ポリュペモスは仲間が去ったことを感じると、狂気と狂気に駆られ、ウリクセスを再び探し始めました。ついに、彼は門を見つけ、塞がれていた岩を動かし、家畜が野原に出るようにしました。 Tum ipse in introitu consedit, et ut quaeque ovis ad hunc locum venerat, eius tergum manibus tractabat, ne viri inter ovis exire possent. |||entrance|sat down|||each one|sheep||||||back||was handling|||||| ||||||||羊||||来ていた|||||||||出ること| Then he sat down at the entrance, and as each sheep had come to this place, he handled his back with his hands, lest the men might escape among the sheep. それから彼は入口に座り、そしてどの羊がこの場所にやって来たとき、その背中を手で触れて、男たちが羊の中から出られないようにしました。 Quod cum animadvertisset Ulixes, intellexit omnem spem salutis in dolo magis quam in virtute poni. |||||||||in trickery|||||"to be placed" ||気づいた|||すべての||安全|||||||置かれる When Ulysses observed this, he realized that all hope of salvation is placed in deceit rather than in valor. ウリクセスが気づいたとき、彼はすべての救いの希望が勇気よりも策略にかかっていることを理解しました。 Itaque hoc consilium iniit. |||"he/she/it began" |||考えを抱いた And so he took this counsel. したがって、彼はこの計画を立てた。 Primum tris quas vidit pinguissimas ex ovibus delegit, quas cum inter se viminibus coniunxisset, unum ex sociis suis ventribus earum ita subiecit ut omnino lateret; deinde ovis hominem secum ferentis ad portam egit. |"three"|||"very fat"|||"chose" or "selected"|||||"with twigs"|"had joined together"|||||"bellies of them"|||"placed under"||completely|"might hide"|||||carrying with them|||"drove" |三匹|「それらを」||最も太った||||||||しなやかな枝|結びつけた|||||腹部に|||隠した|||隠れていた||||一緒に|運ぶ||| The first of the three, which he saw, he selected the fattest of the sheep; then he played the man who was bringing the sheep to the gate. 最初に見た3匹の最も太っている羊を選び出し、それらを互いに藁で繋いだ後、仲間の1人にその羊たちの腹部を隠れるように押し付けた。その後、羊が人間を運んでいることに気づいて彼らを門に導いた。 Id accidit quod fore suspicatus erat. That|"happened"||would happen|had suspected| ||||予期した| That was what he thought would happen. 彼が予想していたことが起こった。 Polyphemus enim postquam terga ovium manibus tractavit, eas praeterire passus est. Polyphemus|||backs of sheep|||handled||pass by|allowed to pass| ||||||||通り過ぎる|通過させた| For Polyphemus, after he had treated the sheep with his hands, suffered them to pass by. ポリュペモスは、羊の背中を手で触れた後、彼女たちを通過させた。 Ulixes ubi rem tam feliciter evenisse vidit, omnis socios suos ex ordine eodem modo emisit; quo facto ipse novissimus evasit. ||||successfully|"had happened successfully"|||||||||||||last of all|escaped last |||||||||||順番に|||送り出した||||最後の者|脱出した When Ulysses saw that the affair had turned out so successful, he sent out all his allies in the same manner; by which act he himself escaped with the last. ユリクシーズがそんなに幸運なことが起こったと見て、彼はすべての仲間を同じように順番に解放した。彼自身も最後に逃げ出した。