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Ulixes (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles), Ulixes 8 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Ulixes 8 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Sub vesperum Polyphemus ad speluncam rediit, et eodem modo quo antea cenavit. Tum Ulixes utrem vini prompsit, quem forte (id quod ei erat saluti) secum attulerat; et postquam magnum poculum vino complevit, monstrum ad bibendum provocavit. Polyphemus, qui numquam antea vinum gustaverat, totum poculum statim exhausit; quod cum fecisset, tantam voluptatem percepit ut iterum et tertium poculum repleri iusserit. Tum, cum quaesivisset quo nomine Ulixes appellaretur, ille respondit se Neminem appellari; quod cum audivisset, Polyphemus ita locutus est: "Hanc, tibi gratiam pro tanto beneficio referam; te postremum omnium devorabo." Hoc cum dixisset, cibo vinoque gravis recubuit et brevi tempore somno oppressus est. Tum Ulixes sociis convocatis, "Habemus," inquit, "quam petiimus facultatem; ne igitur tantam occasionem rei gerendae omittamus."

Ulixes 8 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles) Ulysses 8 (Ritchie's Fables Easy)

Sub vesperum Polyphemus ad speluncam rediit, et eodem modo quo antea cenavit. |||||||||||"dined" 夕方|夕方に||||||||||夕食を食べた In the evening Polyphemus returned to the cave, and had dine in the same manner as before. 夕方になると、ポリュペモスは洞窟に戻り、以前と同じように夕食をとった。 Tum Ulixes utrem vini prompsit, quem forte (id quod ei erat saluti) secum attulerat; et postquam magnum poculum vino complevit, monstrum ad bibendum provocavit. |||of wine|"brought out"|||that which||||for his safety||had brought with||||cup||filled up||||challenged to drink |||ワイン||||||||||持ってきた||||||満たした|||飲むこと|飲むよう誘った Then Ulysses brought forth a bottle of wine, which he had perhaps brought with him (which was his safety); and after he had finished a great cup of wine, he provoked a monster to drink. そして、ウリクセスは偶然持参していた(彼にとって幸運だった)ワインの皮袋を取り出し、大きなカップにワインを注ぎ、怪物を飲み比べるように挑発した。 Polyphemus, qui numquam antea vinum gustaverat, totum poculum statim exhausit; quod cum fecisset, tantam voluptatem percepit ut iterum et tertium poculum repleri iusserit. |||||had tasted||cup||drained completely||||||"he felt"|||||cup or goblet|"to be refilled"|"ordered to be" |||||味わったことがある|||||||||喜び|||||||| Polyphemus, who had never before tasted wine, immediately emptied the whole cup; When he had done this, he felt so great pleasure that he ordered the cup to be filled again and for the third time. ポリュペモスは以前にワインを味わったことがなかったので、カップをすぐに空にしました。それをした後、とてつもない喜びを感じ、再び、さらに3杯注いでもらうよう命じました。 Tum, cum quaesivisset quo nomine Ulixes appellaretur, ille respondit se Neminem appellari; quod cum audivisset, Polyphemus ita locutus est: "Hanc, tibi gratiam pro tanto beneficio referam; te postremum omnium devorabo." ||"had asked"||||"was called"||||No one||||had heard it|||||||||||"I will repay"||"last of all"||"I will devour" ||尋ねた||||||||||||聞いたとき|||言った||このことを|||||恩恵|恩返しする||最後に||食べ尽くす Then, when he had asked by what name Ulysses was called, he replied that no one was named; When he had heard this, Polyphemus said thus: "I will return this favor to you for such a kindness; I will devour you the last of all." ユリクセスがどんな名前で呼ばれているか尋ねたとき、彼は自分を誰とも呼んでいないと答えた。それを聞いたポリュペーモスはこう言った:「私はこの恩恵に報いるために、最後にあなたをみんなの中で食べる。」 Hoc cum dixisset, cibo vinoque gravis recubuit et brevi tempore somno oppressus est. ||||and wine||lay down|||||overcome by sleep| ||||||横たわった|||||眠りに落ちた| When he had said this, he leaned back heavily on food and wine, and for a short time was overwhelmed by sleep. 彼がこれを言った後、食べ物とワインで満ちるとすぐに横になり、すぐに眠りに落ちた。 Tum Ulixes sociis convocatis, "Habemus," inquit, "quam petiimus facultatem; ne igitur tantam occasionem rei gerendae omittamus." |||||he said||we sought|opportunity||||||"of being done"|"let us not omit" |||||||求めた|||||||行動の機会|逃してはならない Then Ulysses called his allies, "We have," he said, "the opportunity which we have desired; lest, therefore, we should omit such an opportunity for success." そこでウリクセスは仲間を集めて、「私たちが望んでいた機会を手に入れた。だからこの重要な事を怠らないように。」と言った。