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Psalmi Selecti, Lectio 2: Psalmus I (Pianum)

Lectio 2: Psalmus I (Pianum)

1 Beatus vir, qui non sequitur consilium impiorum, Et viam peccatorum non ingreditur, Et in conventu protervorum non sedet; 2 Sed in lege Domini voluptas eius est, Et de lege eius meditatur die ac nocte. 3 Et est tamquam arbor Plantata iuxta rivos aquarum, Quae fructum praebet tempore suo, Cuiusque folia non marcescunt, Et quaecumque facit, prospere procedunt. 4 Non sic impii, non sic; Sed tamquam palea, quam dissipat ventus. 5 Ideo non consistent impii in iudicio, Neque peccatores in concilio iustorum. 6 Quoniam Dominus curat viam iustorum, Et via impiorum peribit.

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Lectio 2: Psalmus I (Pianum) |||Pian chant Lesson 2: Psalm 1 (Piano) Lição 2: Salmo 1 (Piano) Урок 2: Псалом 1 (фортепиано)

1 Beatus vir, qui non sequitur consilium impiorum, Et viam peccatorum non ingreditur, Et in conventu protervorum non sedet; 2 Sed in lege Domini voluptas eius est, Et de lege eius meditatur die ac nocte. |||||||||||enters|||assembly|insolent men|||||law||delight|||||||"meditates on"||| 1 Blessed is the man who does not follow the counsel of the way of sinners does not enter into the community of infidels to be seated; 2 However, for the pleasure of it, and on his law he meditates day and night. 1 Блажен человек, который не следует совету нечестивых, и не вступает на путь грешников, и не сидит в обществе нечестивых; 2 Но в законе Господнем он радуется, и о законе Своем размышляет он день и ночь. 3 Et est tamquam arbor Plantata iuxta rivos aquarum, Quae fructum praebet tempore suo, Cuiusque folia non marcescunt, Et quaecumque facit, prospere procedunt. ||like|tree|Planted by streams|"beside" or "near"|"streams" or "rivers"|"of waters"|||"bears"|in time||"Whose"|||do not wither||whatever|does|"successfully"|"prosper" 3 And it is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in its season, whose leaves do not wither, and whatever it does, it prospers. 3 И оно подобно дереву, посаженному при потоках вод, которое приносит плод во время свое, листья которого не вянут, и во всем, что оно ни делает, успеет. 4 Non sic impii, non sic; Sed tamquam palea, quam dissipat ventus. |thus|wicked ones||||"like" or "as"|chaff blown away||"scatters"|wind 4 Не так нечестивцы, не так; Но как солома, которую развеивает ветер. 5 Ideo non consistent impii in iudicio, Neque peccatores in concilio iustorum. Therefore||stand firm|||"in the judgment"|Nor||in|| 5 That is why the wicked are not consistent in judgment, nor sinners in the council of the righteous. 5 Вот почему нечестивые непостоянны в суждении, а грешники — в совете праведных. 6 Quoniam Dominus curat viam iustorum, Et via impiorum peribit. For the Lord|The Lord|guides||of the righteous||||"will perish" 6 For the Lord takes care of the way of the righteous, and the way of the wicked will perish. 6 Ибо Господь хранит путь праведных, а путь нечестивых погибнет.