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Linguam latinam discimus - Lateinisches Übungsbuch - Latin Primer, 010 Mare

010 Mare

Mare supra Italiam situm a Romanis superum appellatur. Sicilia Sardiniaque in mari infero sitae sunt. Navibus homines in maria penetrant. Coelum maris inferi salubre est. Scipio a Poenis ad flumen Ticinum proelio equestri superatus est. Vectigalia saepe magna et gravia sunt. A Livio egregia facta fortium virorum celebrata sunt. Marius ignobili genere natus est. Ingens multitudo piscium in omnibus maribus est. Amicorum studia paria sunt, pares sunt mores, pares sunt voluntates. A bono et honesto et sapienti viro laudari summa laus est. Ab Atheniensibus saepe pro libertate omnium civitatum Graeciae pugnatum est.

Vita brevis, ars longa. Studiis artium bonarum homines a fera et immiti vita ad humanitatem vocati sunt. In regionibus septemtrionalibus hieme per longum temporis spatium nox est. Aestate in regione nostra spatium noctium breve est. In media parte multarum urbium arx est in colle sita et muris firmata. Hieme proxima multae arbores horti nostri onere nivium curvatae sunt. In cacuminibus Alpium et reliquorum altorum montium nix aeterna est. Aqua fontium gelidorum, viatores, aestate calida recreamini ! Ingens est longitudo pontium ad urbem Vindobonam in flumine Danuvio factorum.

Saepe senex pauper est, qui iuvenis dives fuit. Romulus cum grege fortium iuvenum in regiam intravit et Amulium, fratrem avi, regno privavit. Mos senum est vetera tempora laudare, praesentia vituperare. Pueri pauperum hominum saepe melius educantur quam divitum. Beneficia patrum et matrum erga liberos magna sunt. Patrum nostrorum memoria multa, quae nunc vulgaria sunt, nondum nota fuerunt. Viri clari saepe in casa paupere et humili nati sunt. Discordia fratribus saepe perniciosa fuit. Consuetudine malorum hominum pueri et iuvenes saepe depravantur.

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010 Mare 010 Meer 010 Sea 010 mar 010 Mer 010 Mare 010 海 010 Zee 010 Morze 010 Mar 010 Море 010 Havet 010 Море

Mare supra Italiam situm a Romanis superum appellatur. The sea|"above" or "over"|"of Italy"|"located"||Romans|"upper" or "above"|"is called" The situation of Italy, is called by the Romans, that leads on high above the sea. イタリア上の海はローマ人によって上と呼ばれています。 Sicilia Sardiniaque in mari infero sitae sunt. Sicily|and Sardinia||"in the sea"|"lower" or "southern"|"are situated"| Sicily and Sardinia, located in the lower sea. シチリア島とサルデーニャ島は海底にあります。 Navibus homines in maria penetrant. With ships|||the seas|"penetrate" or "sail into" Ships to penetrate into the seas. 男たちは船に乗って海に入ります。 Coelum maris inferi salubre est. The sky|"of the sea"|lower sea|healthy| Der Himmel ist ein Meer der Hölle. Heaven to hell, saving the sea. 天国は地獄の海です。 Scipio a Poenis ad flumen Ticinum proelio equestri superatus est. Scipio was defeated||by the Carthaginians||river|Ticino River|"in battle"|cavalry battle|"was defeated"| Scipio crossed over from the Carthaginians to the river, Ticinum, the battle was commenced and was overcome. スキピオはティチーノ川で騎兵の戦いでポエニス族に敗れた。 Vectigalia saepe magna et gravia sunt. Taxes are often.||great||burdensome| Your taxes are often large and cumbersome. 税金は高額で重いことが多いです。 A Livio egregia facta fortium virorum celebrata sunt. By Livy|By Livy|outstanding|deeds|brave|"of brave men"|"celebrated"| A Livio noble deeds of the brave sacrifices. リウィウスは勇敢な人々の優れた行為を称賛した。 Marius ignobili genere natus est. Marius|low-born|lowly birth|born| Marius was born in a low family. マリウスは身分の低い家に生まれました。 Ingens multitudo piscium in omnibus maribus est. Huge|great number|"of fish"|||"in the seas"| The immense number of fish in all males. Amicorum studia paria sunt, pares sunt mores, pares sunt voluntates. "Of friends"|"endeavors"|equal||equals||"Character" or "customs"|equals||desires Die Interessen der Freunde sind gleich, ihre Manieren sind gleich, ihre Willen sind gleich. Among friends are equal, the studies states, are equal, the practices are, they are peers, the desires of the. 友達の利益は平等、マナーも意志も平等です。 A bono et honesto et sapienti viro laudari summa laus est. by a good|"by a good"||honorable||wise person|"man" or "person"|"to be praised"||high praise|"is" A good character and praised the wise man of the highest merit. 善良で正直で賢い人に褒められることは最高の褒め言葉です。 Ab Atheniensibus saepe pro libertate omnium civitatum Graeciae pugnatum est. "By the Athenians"|"by the Athenians"|||for freedom||"of the states"|"of Greece"|"was fought"| Athenians have often fought for the liberation of the whole of Greece. アテネ人はギリシャ全州の自由のためにしばしば戦った。

Vita brevis, ars longa. Life|short|art|lasting Life is short, art is long. 人生は短く、芸術は長い。 Studiis artium bonarum homines a fera et immiti vita ad humanitatem vocati sunt. "by studies"|liberal arts|"good arts"|"human beings"|"by studies"|wild beast||cruel|wild life|"to" or "toward"|"civilization" or "refinement"|called to humanity| Durch das Studium der schönen Künste wurden die Menschen von einem wilden und gnadenlosen Leben in die Zivilisation berufen. Studies in liberal arts and the harsh life of humans from the wild to civilization are invited. 美術の研究によって、人々は野蛮で無慈悲な生活から文明へ呼び出されました。 In regionibus septemtrionalibus hieme per longum temporis spatium nox est. |"in regions"|northern regions|"in winter"|||"of time"|period of time|night| In the countries of northern winter for a long period of time is night. 北国では冬は夜が長いです。 Aestate in regione nostra spatium noctium breve est. In summer||||"length" or "duration"|"of the nights"|short| In our country, in the summer nights, the distance is short. 我が国の夏は夜の数が短いです。 In media parte multarum urbium arx est in colle sita et muris firmata. |In the middle|middle|"of many"|"of the cities"|citadel|||"on a hill"|situated||walls|fortified At the heart of the strength of the side of the walls of many of the cities, and is located on the hill of the citadel. 多くの都市の中心には、丘の上に位置し、城壁で強化されたセンターがあります。 Hieme proxima multae arbores horti nostri onere nivium curvatae sunt. |next|many|trees|garden|"of our"|weight|of the snow|bent down| In the winter, the snow next to the burden of our many trees of the garden, they are curved. 昨年の冬、庭の多くの木が雪の重みで曲がってしまいました。 In cacuminibus Alpium et reliquorum altorum montium nix aeterna est. |"on the peaks"|"of the Alps"||"of the rest"|"high mountains"|"of the mountains"||eternal| At the top of the high mountains of the Alps and the remaining snow is forever. アルプスやその他の高い山々の頂上には永遠の雪が降り続きます。 Aqua fontium gelidorum, viatores, aestate calida recreamini ! |cold springs|"of icy"|travelers||hot|refresh yourselves Reisende, erfrischen Sie sich im heißen Sommer mit dem kalten Wasser der Quellen! Water flowing cold water, passengers, hot summer refreshing! 旅行者の皆さん、暑い夏は冷たい温泉でリフレッシュしてください! Ingens est longitudo pontium ad urbem Vindobonam in flumine Danuvio factorum. Vast||length|of the bridges||the city|"to Vienna"||"in the river"|the Danube|"having been made" Über die Donau bis zur Stadt Wien wurden zahlreiche Brücken gebaut. The factors of the length of the bridges of the Danube in the river to the city of Vienna, is the great. ドナウ川にはウィーン市に至るまで長い橋が架けられています。

Saepe senex pauper est, qui iuvenis dives fuit. |old man|poor person|||young man|rich man|"has been" Oft ist ein alter Mann arm, der in jungen Jahren reich war. Often, the old man is poor and the rich young man. 若い頃は裕福だった老人が貧しいことがよくあります。 Romulus cum grege fortium iuvenum in regiam intravit et Amulium, fratrem avi, regno privavit. ||with a group|brave men|young men||the palace|entered||Amulius|brother of grandfather|grandfather|"of the kingdom"|deprived of power Romulus betrat mit einer Gruppe tapferer junger Männer den königlichen Palast und entzog Amulius, dem Bruder seines Großvaters, das Königreich. Of young men he went in into the palace of the mighty men, and with the flock, out of Amulius, Romulus, brother of the grandfather, the kingdom hath withheld. ロムルスは勇敢な若者たちを率いて王宮に入り、祖父の弟であるアムリウスから王国を奪いました。 Mos senum est vetera tempora laudare, praesentia vituperare. Custom|"of old men"||old times|times|to praise|present times|criticize It is an old, old times praise presence is to blame. 昔を称賛し、現在を非難するのが昔の人の習慣である。 Pueri pauperum hominum saepe melius educantur quam divitum. The boys|of poor people|||better educated|are better educated||"of the rich" Boys poor people are often better educated than the rich. 貧しい人々の子供たちは、多くの場合、裕福な人々よりも高い教育を受けています。 Beneficia patrum et matrum erga liberos magna sunt. Benefits|"of the fathers"||mothers'|toward|children|| The benefits of our fathers and mothers toward their children, they are great. 父親と母親が子供たちに与える恩恵は大きいです。 Patrum nostrorum memoria multa, quae nunc vulgaria sunt, nondum nota fuerunt. |"of our"|||"which" or "that were"||commonplace things||not yet|known|"were known" Many of our memory, which is now commonplace, but were not yet known. 今では有名になっている私たちの父親の記憶の多くは、まだ知られていませんでした。 Viri clari saepe in casa paupere et humili nati sunt. men|"famous" or "renowned"|||humble home|humble||humble|"born" or "have been born"| In deference which are often poor and humble hut born. 有名人は貧しい貧しい家庭に生まれることが多い。 Discordia fratribus saepe perniciosa fuit. "Discord"|"to the brothers"||harmful| Brother, often destructive. 兄弟の不和はしばしば破壊的なものでした。 Consuetudine malorum hominum pueri et iuvenes saepe depravantur. By the habit|"of bad men"||||young men||are corrupted Bad habits of children and young people are often contaminated. 子どもや若者は、悪人の習慣によって堕落することがよくあります。