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Incerti autoris "Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri", Pars III, 3

Pars III, 3

Apollonius audiens omnia haec signa certissima, exclamavit voce magna et ait:

O domine misericors, qui conspicis caelum et abyssum, et omnia secreta patefacis, benedictum sit nomen tuum!

Cum haec dixisset, cecidit super amplexus Tharsiae filiae suae et osculatus est eam cum laetitia et prae gaudio flevit amare et ait:

O dulcissima nata mea et unica, dimidium animae meae, non moriar propter te; inveni, propter quam volui mori!

Alta voce clamabat dicens: Currite, famuli, currite, amici, currite, omnes, et miseriae meae finem imponite! Inveni quam perdideram, scilicet unicam filiam meam.

Audito clamore, famuli currerunt, currit inter illos Athenagora princeps, et descendentibus illis in navem, invenerunt illum flentem prae gaudio super collum filiae suae et dicentem:

Ecce filia mea, quam lugeo, dimidium animae meae! Jam volo vivere.

Omnes prae gaudio cum eo flebant. Tunc erigens se Apollonius, projectis vestibus lugubribus, indutus est vestibus mundissimis et omnes dixerunt:

O domine, quam similis est filia tua vobis! Si non esset aliud experimentum, sufficeret ejus similitudo ad probandum, eam esse filiam tuam!

Tunc filia bis, ter, quater osculata est patrem et ait:

O pater, benedictus deus, qui mihi gratiam dedit, quod te videre potero, tecum vivere, tecum mori!

Et narravit ei, quomodo a lenone comparata et in lupanari esset posita, et quomodo deus virginitatem suam custodivit.

Audiens haec Athenagora, timens scilicet, ne filiam alteri in uxorem daret, misit se ad pedes Apollonii dicens:

Adjuro te per deum vivum, qui te patrem filiae restituit, ne alteri filiam des in conjugem, nisi mihi; sum enim princeps hujus civitatis, meo auxilio virgo permansit et me duce te patrem agnovit.

Cui AppoIIonius ait: Non possum tibi esse contrarius, quia multa pro filia mea fecisti, et ideo opto, ut sit uxor tua; et tunc restat, ut vindicet me a lenone.

Athenagora civitatem intravit convocatisque civibus dixit:

Ne pereat civitas propter unum impium! Sciatis ApoIIonium regem, patrem Tharsiae, huc venisse! Ecce classes navium properant cum grandi exercitu destruendam civitatem propter lenonem, qui filiam suam Tharsiam in lupanari constituit.

Hiis dictis concursus factus est et tanta commotio populi, ut nec viri nec feminae manerent, quin currerent omnes ad Apollonium regem, videndo eum et misericordiam ab eo petendo.

Ait Athenagora: Consulo ad hoc, ne destruatur civitas, deducatur ad eum leno. Captus est statim et ligatis manibus leno a tergo deducitur ad regem.

AppoIIonius regia veste indutus, tonso capite, diadema imposuit capiti suo, tribunal ascendit cum filia et civibus dixit:

Videtis Tharsiam virginem a patre suo hodie cognitam, cpuam cupidissiinus leno, quod erat in eo, ejus corruptionem confusionem perpetuam procurabat, nec amicitia sua, nec pretio, nec prece desistere volebat. Facite ergo filiae meae vindicationem!

Omnes una voce dixerunt: Domine, leno vivus comburatur, et divitiae ejus puellae dentur!

Protinus adducitur leno et coram omnibus in igne ponitur et totaliter comburitur. Tharsia ait villico:

Dono tibi libertatem, quia beneficio tuo et civium virgo permansi.

Et donavit ei ducentos aureos et libertatem, libertatem vero cunctis puellis coram se praesentatis perdonavit et dixit:

Quid de corpore vestro adtenus fuistis, ex hoc liberae estote!

Apollonius ad populum loquens: Gratias vobis de beneficiis vestris reddo, mihi et filiae meae factis; nunc ego tribuo vobis auri pondera quinquaginta.

Illi ei capita sua inclinabant, gratias referentes; cives omnes statuam Apollonii in medio civitatis statuerunt et in basi scripserunt: Tyro Apollonio restauratori domuum nostrarum et Tharsiae sanctissimae filiae ejus virgini.

Post paucos dies Apollonius tradidit filiam suam in conjugem Athenagorae cum ingenti laetitia totius civitatis et cum genero et filia navigans cum omnibus suis volens per Tharsum proficiscendo ad patriam suam ire, in somnis admonitus est per angelum, ut Ephesum iret et intraret in templum Ephesorum cum filia et genero suo, ibique omnes casus suos alta voce exponeret, quos passus esset a juventute sua; postea venerit Tharsum et vindicaret filiam suam.

Apollonius expergefactus omnia indicavit generi et filiae suae; illi autem dixerunt:

Fac, domine, quod tibi videtur bonum!

Tunc jussit gubernatori navigare Ephesum. Qui cum descendisset ratim, cum suis templum petiit, ubi conjux sua inter sacerdotes sanctae vixit; rogavit, ut templum aperiretur, quod factum est; haec audiens uxor ejus, quod quidam rex venerat cum filia et generi, gemmis regalibus ornavit caput suum et induit se veste purpurea et cum honesto comitatu templum intravit; erat enim nimis pulchra et ob nimium castitatis amorem asserebant omnes, nullam tam gratam, esse virginem.

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Pars III, 3 Part III, 3 Parte III, 3 Partie III, 3 Parte III, 3 Bölüm III, 3

Apollonius audiens omnia haec signa certissima, exclamavit voce magna et ait: ||||"signs"|||||| ||||signs|||||| Apollonius, hearing all these most certain signs, exclaimed with a loud voice and said: これらの確かな印をすべて聞いたアポロニウスは、大声で叫び、こう言った:

O domine misericors, qui conspicis caelum et abyssum, et omnia secreta patefacis, benedictum sit nomen tuum! ||||"you see"||||||||||| |||||||||||you reveal|blessed||| O merciful lord, who sees the heavens and the abyss, and reveals all secrets, blessed be your name! おお、慈悲深い主よ、あなたは天と深淵を見通し、すべての秘密を明らかにしてくださる、あなたの御名が祝福されますように!

Cum haec dixisset, cecidit super amplexus Tharsiae filiae suae et osculatus est eam cum laetitia et prae gaudio flevit amare et ait: |||fell||"embraces"|Tharsia's||||kissed||||||||wept bitterly||| ||||above||||||||||||for||he wept|to love|| When he had said these things, he fell upon the embrace of his daughter Tharsia and kissed her with joy and tears of happiness, and said: これを言った後、彼はタルシスの娘を抱きしめながら倒れ、喜びで彼女にキスをし、涙を流しながら激しく泣いてこう言った:

O dulcissima nata mea et unica, dimidium animae meae, non moriar propter te; inveni, propter quam volui mori! |sweetest|daughter|||only|half||||I will not die||||||I wanted| |||||||of my soul||||||found|||| O my sweetest and only born, half of my soul, I will not die for your sake; I have found what I wanted to die for! おお、甘美なる私の娘、唯一無二の存在よ、私はあなたのために死ぬことはない;私は見つけた、死にたいと思っていたその存在を!

Alta voce clamabat dicens: Currite, famuli, currite, amici, currite, omnes, et miseriae meae finem imponite! |||||servants||||||misery||end|"put an end" |||||servants|||||||||to impose He cried out with a loud voice, saying: Run, servants, run, friends, run, everyone, and put an end to my misery! 彼女は大声で叫びました:走れ、召使たちよ、走れ、友達よ、走れ、皆よ、そして私の苦しみに終止符を打て! Inveni quam perdideram, scilicet unicam filiam meam. ||I had lost|"namely"|only|| |||namely||| I found what I had lost, namely my only daughter. 私は失ったものを見つけた、つまり私の唯一の娘を。

Audito clamore, famuli currerunt, currit inter illos Athenagora princeps, et descendentibus illis in navem, invenerunt illum flentem prae gaudio super collum filiae suae et dicentem: |shouting|servants|ran||||Athenagoras leader|||"as they descended"||||||crying||with joy||neck|||| |||they ran||||||||||||||||||||| Hearing the cry, the servants ran, the prince Athenagoras ran between them, and when they got into the ship, they found him weeping for joy on the neck of his daughter and saying: 叫び声を聞いて、召使いたちは駆けつけた。その中にアテナゴラスの首领もいて、彼らが船に降りると、彼は娘の首に抱きつき、喜びのあまり泣いているのを見つけてこう言った:

Ecce filia mea, quam lugeo, dimidium animae meae! ||||I mourn|half|| ||||I mourn||| Behold my daughter, whom I mourn, half of my soul! 見よ、私の娘、私は彼女を悲しんでいる、私の魂の半分! Jam volo vivere. I already want to live. 私はもう生きたい。

Omnes prae gaudio cum eo flebant. |||||wept |with||||wept They all wept with him for joy. 彼らは皆、彼と共に喜びのあまり泣いていた。 Tunc erigens se Apollonius, projectis vestibus lugubribus, indutus est vestibus mundissimis et omnes dixerunt: |raising himself|||having been thrown||funeral|dressed|||most pure garments||| ||||||mourning||||||| Then Apollonius raised himself, cast off his mournful clothes, and put on the cleanest clothes, and all said: その時、アポロニウスは立ち上がり、悲しげな服を脱ぎ捨て、最も清らかな服を着て、皆が言った:

O domine, quam similis est filia tua vobis! O Lord, how like thy daughter is to thee! ああ、主よ、あなたの娘はあなたにどれほど似ているのでしょう! Si non esset aliud experimentum, sufficeret ejus similitudo ad probandum, eam esse filiam tuam! |||||it would suffice||similarity|||||| |||||||likeness|||||| If there were no other test, her likeness would suffice to prove that she is your daughter! もし他に実験がなければ、彼女があなたの娘であることを証明するのに彼女の類似性で十分です!

Tunc filia bis, ter, quater osculata est patrem et ait: ||twice||four times|kissed|||| ||twice||||||| Then the daughter kissed her father twice, thrice, four times and said: それから娘は父親に二度、三度、四度キスして言いました:

O pater, benedictus deus, qui mihi gratiam dedit, quod te videre potero, tecum vivere, tecum mori! |||||||||||||||to die O father, blessed God, who has given me the grace to see you, to live with you, to die with you! お父様、祝福された神よ、私に恩恵を与えてくださり、あなたに会えること、あなたと共に生きること、あなたと共に死ぬことができるのです!

Et narravit ei, quomodo a lenone comparata et in lupanari esset posita, et quomodo deus virginitatem suam custodivit. |||||pimp|procured, provided|||brothel||||||virginity||he preserved ||||||was bought|||||||||||he kept And he told her how she had been taken by a lion and placed in a foxhole, and how God had preserved her virginity. 彼は彼女に、どのように娼婦から買われ、娼館に置かれていたのか、そして神がどのように彼女の処女を守ったのかを語った。

Audiens haec Athenagora, timens scilicet, ne filiam alteri in uxorem daret, misit se ad pedes Apollonii dicens: ||||of course|||||||||||of Apollonius| When Athenagoras heard this, fearing, of course, that he might give his daughter in marriage to another, he threw himself at the feet of Apollonius, saying: これを聞いたアテナゴラスは、別の男に娘を嫁がせるのを恐れて、アポロニウスの足元に自らを投げ出し、こう言った:

Adjuro te per deum vivum, qui te patrem filiae restituit, ne alteri filiam des in conjugem, nisi mihi; sum enim princeps hujus civitatis, meo auxilio virgo permansit et me duce te patrem agnovit. I swear|||||||||he restored||||give||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||gives|||||||||||||残った|||||| I adjure thee, by the living God, who restored thee to the father of a daughter, that thou give not a daughter in marriage to another, but to me; for I am the prince of this city, and with my help he remained a virgin, and recognized me as his father, as his leader. 私は、生きている神にかけて誓う、あなたの娘の父を復活させた神にかけて、他の者に娘を妻として渡さないでください、私以外には;私はこの街の首長であり、私の助けによって処女は保たれ、私が導いたことであなたは父として認められました。

Cui AppoIIonius ait: Non possum tibi esse contrarius, quia multa pro filia mea fecisti, et ideo opto, ut sit uxor tua; et tunc restat, ut vindicet me a lenone. 誰に|||||||反対の|||||||||I wish|||||||残る||||| To which AppoIIonius said: I cannot be against you, because you have done many things for my daughter, and therefore I wish that she should be your wife; and then it remains to avenge me from the thief. アッポリオニウスは言った:私はあなたに反対することはできません。なぜなら、あなたは私の娘のために多くのことをしてくれたからです。そして、だからこそ、彼女があなたの妻になることを望みます。そうすれば、私を娼婦から救ってくれることになります。

Athenagora civitatem intravit convocatisque civibus dixit: |||市民を呼び集めて|| Athenagoras entered the city and called the citizens together and said: アテナゴラスは市に入り、市民を召集して言った:

Ne pereat civitas propter unum impium! |||||wicked man |||||不義な者 Let not the city perish because of one wicked man! 一人の不敬な者のために市が滅びてはいけない! Sciatis ApoIIonium regem, patrem Tharsiae, huc venisse! 知れ|||||| You should know that the king Apollonius, the father of Tharsia, has come here! アポロニウス王、タルシアの父がここに来たことを知れ! Ecce classes navium properant cum grandi exercitu destruendam civitatem propter lenonem, qui filiam suam Tharsiam in lupanari constituit. |||they hurry||||to destroy|||||||||| |||||||破壊されるべき|||||||||| Behold, fleets of ships are hurrying with a large army to destroy the city because of the pimp, who has placed his daughter Tharsia in a brothel. 見よ、船の艦隊が大軍と共に速やかに市を壊滅させるために進んでいる。理由は、彼が娘タルシアを売春宿に置いたからだ。

Hiis dictis concursus factus est et tanta commotio populi, ut nec viri nec feminae manerent, quin currerent omnes ad Apollonium regem, videndo eum et misericordiam ab eo petendo. ||rushing|||||commotion|||||||they remained|but||||||||||||seeking mercy ||||||||||||||留まった|が〜しないで||||||||||||求めて With these words, a commotion arose and such turmoil among the people that neither men nor women remained, but all ran to King Apollonius, to see him and seek mercy from him. これらの言葉が言われると、人々は動揺し、男女を問わず全ての者がアポロニウス王の元へ走り、彼を見て哀れみを乞うことになった。

Ait Athenagora: Consulo ad hoc, ne destruatur civitas, deducatur ad eum leno. ||I consult||||"be destroyed"|||||pimp ||相談||||破壊される||||| Athenagoras says: I advise that, in order to prevent the city from being destroyed, the pimp should be brought to him. アイテ・アテナゴラス: このことについて相談し、都市が壊されることがないように、売春婦を彼のもとに引きずっていけ。 Captus est statim et ligatis manibus leno a tergo deducitur ad regem. ||||"with hands bound"||||from behind||| ||||||奴||||| The pimp was immediately captured and with his hands tied behind his back, was brought to the king. 彼はすぐに捕らえられ、手を縛られた男は背後から王のもとに連行された。

AppoIIonius regia veste indutus, tonso capite, diadema imposuit capiti suo, tribunal ascendit cum filia et civibus dixit: ||||shorn||crown|||||||||| ||||髪を剃った||||頭に|||||||| Apollonius, dressed in royal garments, with his head shaved, placed a diadem on his head, ascended the throne with his daughter, and said to the citizens: アポロニウスは王の衣装を身にまとい、頭を剃られ、王冠を頭に置き、娘と市民と共に壇に上がり、言った:

Videtis Tharsiam virginem a patre suo hodie cognitam, cpuam cupidissiinus leno, quod erat in eo, ejus corruptionem confusionem perpetuam procurabat, nec amicitia sua, nec pretio, nec prece desistere volebat. ||||||today|known by father|whom|very eager|pimp||||||corruption|confusion|perpetual confusion|procured|||||price||"by prayer"|cease, stop| |||||||認識された||||||||||||調達していた||||||||| You see Tharsia, a virgin today known by her father, whom the very lustful pimp, desiring what was in her, was causing her constant corruption and shame, and neither by his friendship, nor by his money, nor by his pleading did he want to stop. 今日、父親によってタルシアの処女が認識されました。彼女の腐敗の永遠の混乱を引き起こすために、非常に欲深い売春婦である彼は、友人関係、金銭、祈りからも決して離れようとはしませんでした。 Facite ergo filiae meae vindicationem! "Do" or "Make"|||| 私の娘の|||| Therefore, make a case for my daughters! したがって、私の娘たちの無罪を認めてください!

Omnes una voce dixerunt: Domine, leno vivus comburatur, et divitiae ejus puellae dentur! ||||||alive|be burned alive||||| |||||売春婦|||||||与えられ All at once they said with one voice: Lord, let the pimp be burned alive, and his riches be given to the girls! 皆は一斉に言った:「主よ、生きた売春婦を焼き尽くし、彼女の財産を少女たちに与えよ!」

Protinus adducitur leno et coram omnibus in igne ponitur et totaliter comburitur. ||||before|||fire|||completely|is burned completely |連れてこられる||||||||||焼かれる Immediately the pimp is brought forward and placed in the fire before everyone and is completely burned. すぐに娼婦が連れてこられ、皆の前で火にかけられ、完全に焼かれる。 Tharsia ait villico: Tharsia said to the steward: タルシアは農夫に言った:

Dono tibi libertatem, quia beneficio tuo et civium virgo permansi. |||||||||remained a virgin |||||||||残りました I grant you your freedom, because by your kindness the virgin and the citizens have remained. あなたの恩恵によって、そして市民のおかげで、私は自由を与えられた。

Et donavit ei ducentos aureos et libertatem, libertatem vero cunctis puellis coram se praesentatis perdonavit et dixit: |||||||freedom||all||before||"presented before him"|forgave them|| |||||||||すべての少女たちに|||||許可した|| And she gave him two hundred gold pieces and freedom, but she forgave freedom to all the maidens presented before her and said: 彼は彼に二百の金貨と自由を与え、彼の前にいる全ての女性たちに自由を与え、こう言った:

Quid de corpore vestro adtenus fuistis, ex hoc liberae estote! ||||up to|||||"Be" or "become" |||||||||なりなさい What have you been so far about your body, be free from this? あなたたちの身体についてどのような状態であったか、これからは自由であれ!

Apollonius ad populum loquens: Gratias vobis de beneficiis vestris reddo, mihi et filiae meae factis; nunc ego tribuo vobis auri pondera quinquaginta. ||||||||your benefits||||||"done to us"||||||weights| ||||||||||||||||||||重さ| Apollonius speaking to the people: I thank you for your favors done to me and my daughter; Now I give you fifty weights of gold. アポロニウスは人々に語りかけた: あなたたちの恩恵に感謝します、私と私の娘に行われた事に対して; 今、私はあなたたちに金の重さ五十を授けます。

Illi ei capita sua inclinabant, gratias referentes; cives omnes statuam Apollonii in medio civitatis statuerunt et in basi scripserunt: Tyro Apollonio restauratori domuum nostrarum et Tharsiae sanctissimae filiae ejus virgini. ||||"were bowing"|||||||||||||base|they wrote|||to the restorer|||||||| 彼らは||||||感謝の意を表して|||||||||||||||修復者|||||||| They bowed their heads to him, giving thanks; All the citizens erected the statue of Apollonius in the center of the city, and wrote on the base: Tire Apollonius, the restorer of our houses, and his most holy daughter Tharsia, virgin. 彼は彼の頭を下げて感謝を示した。市民たちは皆、都市の真ん中にアポロニウスの像を建て、その基礎に次のように書いた:ティールのアポロニウス、我々の家の再建者、そしてタルシスの最も尊い娘である彼の処女。

Post paucos dies Apollonius tradidit filiam suam in conjugem Athenagorae cum ingenti laetitia totius civitatis et cum genero et filia navigans cum omnibus suis volens per Tharsum proficiscendo ad patriam suam ire, in somnis admonitus est per angelum, ut Ephesum iret et intraret in templum Ephesorum cum filia et genero suo, ibique omnes casus suos alta voce exponeret, quos passus esset a juventute sua; postea venerit Tharsum et vindicaret filiam suam. |||||||||Athenagoras||huge||||||||||||||||"setting out"||||to go||dreams|"warned" or "advised"||||||to go|||||||||||and there||||high||explain|||||||||||would avenge|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||出発して|||||||警告され|||天使||||||||||||||そこで||||||説明した|||||若い時|||後に|||復讐する|| After a few days, Apollonius gave his daughter in marriage to Athenagoras with the great joy of the entire city, and sailing with his son-in-law and daughter, he wanted to go back to his homeland through Tharsus, but he was warned in a dream by an angel to go to Ephesus and enter the temple of the Ephesians with his daughter and son-in-law, and there openly recount all his misfortunes he had suffered since his youth; afterwards he arrived in Tharsus and vindicated his daughter. 数日後、アポロニウスは娘をアテナゴラスの妻として引き渡し、全市民の喜びとともに、娘婿と一緒に、タルシスを出発して故郷に向かう航海を望んでいた。彼は夢の中で天使に告げられ、エフェソスに行き、娘と娘婿とともにエフェソスの神殿に入って、若い頃に経験したすべての苦難を大声で語るように勧められた。その後、彼はタルシスに戻り、自分の娘を救うために復讐を果たした。

Apollonius expergefactus omnia indicavit generi et filiae suae; illi autem dixerunt: |"having been awakened"||||||||| |目覚めたアポローニウス|||種族に|||||| Apollonius woke up and told everything to his son-in-law and daughter; they said: アポロニウスは目を覚まし、すべてを娘婿と娘に知らせたが、彼らはこう言った:

Fac, domine, quod tibi videtur bonum! ||||見える| Do, sir, what seems good to you! 神よ、あなたが良いと思うことを行ってください!

Tunc jussit gubernatori navigare Ephesum. ||"to the pilot"|| ||知事|| Then he ordered the governor to sail to Ephesus. その時、彼は船長にエフェソスへ航海するよう命じた。 Qui cum descendisset ratim, cum suis templum petiit, ubi conjux sua inter sacerdotes sanctae vixit; rogavit, ut templum aperiretur, quod factum est; haec audiens uxor ejus, quod quidam rex venerat cum filia et generi, gemmis regalibus ornavit caput suum et induit se veste purpurea et cum honesto comitatu templum intravit; erat enim nimis pulchra et ob nimium castitatis amorem asserebant omnes, nullam tam gratam, esse virginem. ||"had descended"|immediately||||sought|||||priests||lived||||"be opened"||||||||||||||||jewels|||||||||purple||||company|||||too|||for|"Too much"|of chastity||"were asserting"||||"pleasing" or "welcome"|| ||降りた|すぐに||||神殿に向かう||||||聖なる|||||開かれる|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||伴侶||||||||||純潔||主張していた||||喜ばしい|| When he had descended from the ship, he went with his followers to the temple where his wife had lived among the holy priestesses; he requested that the temple be opened, which was done; hearing this, his wife adorned her head with royal gems, dressed in purple robes, and with a noble retinue entered the temple; for she was very beautiful and because of her great love for chastity, everyone declared that no virgin was as pleasing as she. 彼が急いで降りて、自分の仲間と共に神殿を目指した。その場所は、彼の妻が聖職者たちの間で生活していたところであった。彼は神殿の扉を開けてほしいと頼んだが、それは叶った。これを聞いた彼の妻は、ある王が娘とともにやって来たことを知り、王家の宝石で自らの頭を飾り、紫の衣を身にまとい、立派なお供と共に神殿に入った。彼女はとても美しく、純潔の愛があまりにも強かったため、皆は一番魅力的な処女であると主張していた。