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I love jokes. I could listen to people telling jokes all day. I laugh at even the silliest of jokes. In fact, I love silly jokes. I still laugh at the jokes I laughed at when I was a child. I'm not so good at telling jokes. I have just a few of my favourite ones that I tell. They're pretty funny. I think telling jokes is a real skill. You need confidence, timing and you need to know when to deliver the punch line. Some of my jokes don't work with people from other countries. They don't get them. It's also interesting to see how American and British jokes are different. I listen to American comedians but can't see what's funny. I also love practical jokes. Playing jokes on other people is very funny – as long as they see the funny side.

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Jokes Piadas

I love jokes. I could listen to people telling jokes all day. I laugh at even the silliest of jokes. In fact, I love silly jokes. I still laugh at the jokes I laughed at when I was a child. I'm not so good at telling jokes. I have just a few of my favourite ones that I tell. They're pretty funny. I think telling jokes is a real skill. You need confidence, timing and you need to know when to deliver the punch line. Some of my jokes don't work with people from other countries. They don't get them. It's also interesting to see how American and British jokes are different. I listen to American comedians but can't see what's funny. アメリカのコメディアンの話を聞いていますが、何が面白いのかわかりません。 I also love practical jokes. Playing jokes on other people is very funny – as long as they see the funny side. 他の人に冗談を言うのは非常に面白いです–彼らが面白い面を見る限り。