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Self-Help - Youtube, How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (2)

How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (2)

If you are trying to eliminate a bad habit, You can only rely on self-control in the short-term.

Cutting off bad habits at the source is a more reliable solution and one of the most practical

ways to eliminate a bad habit is to make it invisible. Eliminate it from your environment.

For example

Put your phone in another room for a few hours if you have trouble getting work done.

Put junk food out of sight or remove it from your house if you are trying to lose weight.

Law 2

Making it Attractive

When we expect to be rewarded, we take action. The more rewarding an action is,

the more likely we are to repeat it until it becomes a habit.

Hence, the first step to forming good habits is to make them more attractive.

Understanding how dopamine affects your body will help you


Our motivation levels are affected by dopamine, a hormone and neurotransmitter. We are more

motivated to act when our dopamine levels rise. By measuring dopamine,

scientists can pinpoint the exact moment at which a craving occurs. It was once assumed

that dopamine was just about pleasure, but now we know it's vital to many neurological functions,

including motivation, memory, learning, punishment as well as voluntary movement.

“Gambling addicts have a dopamine spike right before they place a bet, not after they win”.

Let's dive deeper into dopamine spikes.

Using social media, eating junk food and taking drugs are all associated

with high levels of dopamine and are highly habit forming.

The hormone dopamine is released not only when we experience pleasure,

but also when we anticipate it. Think about before going on a vacation.

Sometimes the thinking and anticipation of the vacation is better than the actual vacation.

Seeing the junk food you desire surges dopamine, not after eating it.

Drug addicts increase dopamine when they see the drugs, not after taking them.

The craving is what causes us to take action in the first place.

Making our habits attractive is vital because it is the expectation of a rewarding experience

that drives us to act. Here, you can use a strategy known as….

Temptation bundling

The temptation bundling process makes a habit more attractive by combining an action we need to do

with one we want to do. For example you could bundle watching Netflix

(something you want to do) with working out (something you need to do).

Temptation bundling applies a psychology principle known as Premack's Principle.

Developed by professor David Premack, the Premack principle states,

"More probable behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors."

In other words, even if you're not looking forward to doing some exercise,

you'll become conditioned to do it because you get to do something else you really enjoy.

Group Influence

“We are continually wondering "What will others

think of me?" and altering our behavior based on the answer.”

We are influenced by the people closest to us, and the groups we belong to.

If you are trying to build a new habit, one of the best ways to reinforce the habit

is to find and become part of a culture where that habit is the norm.

If you want to get into better shape, surround yourself with fit people.

If you want to read more, join a book club.

Primal motivators : The source of cravings

In your normal everyday life you wouldn't say something to yourself like

“I want to eat this pizza because I need to consume this food to survive”

Surface level cravings are merely manifestations of our deeper underlying motives.

And these underlying motives guide our behavior.

Here are some examples of underlying motives:

Conserving energy

Obtaining food and water Finding love and reproducing

Connecting and bonding with others Winning social acceptance and approval

Reducing uncertainty Achieving status and prestige

Your brain did not evolve with a desire to smoke cigarettes, check Instagram every 5 minutes or to

play video games. Online platforms and products do not invent new motivations, but rather appeal

to the underlying motives of human nature that we already have to gain our attention.

“Your habits are modern-day solutions to ancient desires.

New versions of old vices. The underlying motives behind human nature remain the same”

People who have the underlying motive of connecting with others may jump onto Facebook,

others seeking the underlying motive of finding love and reproducing may sign up for Tinder.

Reducing uncertainty, there's Google for that. Seeking social acceptance, there is Instagram.

Reprogramming your brain to enjoy hard habits

“You can make hard habits more attractive if you

can learn to associate them with a positive experience.”

By highlighting the benefits of a habit rather than its downsides,

you can quickly reprogram your mind and make it seem more appealing. For example,

Fitness = health and wellbeing and not fatigue.

Cleaning the house = an environment conducive to peace of mind and not wasted time.

Saving money = future financial freedom and not sacrifice.

These subtle shifts in mindset aren't magic, but they can

change your feelings toward some habits or situations.

Make it Unattractive.

To break a bad habit, do the same but highlight the benefits of NOT doing that habit

to make it as unattractive to keep doing as possible.

Law 3 - Make it Easy

How long does it actually take to form a new habit?

During habit formation, a behavior becomes increasingly automatic as it is repeated. As

you repeat an activity, your brain changes in order to become more efficient at it.

Long before neuroscientists dug into the process of forming habits,

repetition was known as a powerful tool for establishing habits. You activate particular

neural circuits associated with habits every time you repeat them. So framing habit

formation in terms of time is flawed. It should be framed in terms of the number of repetitions.

Reducing Friction : The Law of Least Effort

The more energy required, the less likely it is to happen. It takes almost no energy to get into

the habit of reading one page of a book each day. Habits are more likely to occur when they

require less energy. The bigger the obstacle, the more friction there is between you and the

desired outcome. If you need to travel 20 minutes out of your way to go to the gym,

chances are you will not. If your gym is located on your commute to work, you will greatly decrease

the friction. By making your good habits more convenient, you're more likely to stick to them.

Your life will be easier if you find ways to reduce friction

rather than trying to solve it. In order to build better habits, we have to find ways to reduce

friction associated with our good habits and increase friction associated with our bad habits

Prime the environment for use

By automating or setting up your environment, you can reduce the friction for future action,

e.g. “I will lay out my workout clothes at night so I can get up and get moving in the morning.”

Or to prepare a healthier breakfast, place the pan on the stove,

and gather the ingredients the night before. Again to reduce any friction.

Using the Two-Minute Rule to Stop Procrastinating

Using the "2-minute rule" can help you establish small habits that will lead

to habit momentum and success in bigger goals. Find a simple, 2-minute version of your desired

habit. You want to scale down your desired outcome. Running a marathon becomes putting

on your shoes and stretching for 2 minutes. Reading an hour per day becomes reading one

page. You need to get the routine anchored in place and then slowly build up the difficulty.

After you have mastered the 2-minute habit, you can progress to the next phase;

To make something more difficult,

think about ways you can create barriers of friction between yourself and the bad habit.

Make it as impractical as possible.

If you want to watch less TV, unplug the TV after each use

and put the remote in an inconvenient location.

When you go shopping, leave your credit cards under the seat of your car

if you have a bad habit of spontaneous spending.

Do anything you can to make your Bad habits less likely to occur.

Law 4 -Make it satisfying

The most important rule of behavior change

A feeling of pleasure is a message to the brain:

"This feels good. Let's repeat this next time." When you experience pleasure,

your brain learns that a behavior is worth remembering and repeating.

"What is immediately rewarded is repeated. What is immediately punished is avoided".

The first Three habits increase your chances of doing the habit this time.

The last law increases your chances of repeating the habit next time.

The Mismatch between immediate and delayed returns

It is common for us to feel good about our immediate results, but bad about

our long-term outcomes when we practice bad habits. It is the opposite with good habits:

the immediate result is unpleasant, but the ultimate outcome is satisfying.

A certain amount of success in just about every field involves

ignoring an immediate reward for a long-term one.

It is best to add a little immediate pleasure to the habits that will pay off in the long run

and a little pain to those that won't.

How to stick with good habits everyday

QUOTE “The vital thing

in getting a habit to stick is to feel successful—even if it's in a small way.

The feeling of success is a signal that your habit paid off and that the work was worth the effort.”

It is satisfying to make progress, and you can monitor your progress using visual measures,

such as moving paper clips, hairpins, or marbles. These “little wins” can go a long way.

For example, for each sales call you make today, move a marble from one jar to the complete jar.

For Each 25 minutes of writing, move a paperclip

Visual measurements can take many forms: diet journals,

workout logs, download progress bars, or even page numbers in a book.

Keeping a habit tracker may be the best method to monitor your progress.

Using a habit tracker is a simple way to determine whether you did a particular habit.

How to recover quickly when your habits break down

In spite of your best efforts, it is inevitable that life will interrupt you at some point.

A bad day at work, a bad performance, or a bad workout can happen to anyone.

When you're having a bad day, you don't realize how valuable it is to just show up.

“Lost days hurt you more than successful days help you.”

Don't break the chain of continuity. Missing twice is the start of a bad habit; never do it. On a bad

day, it's better to do 10 sit ups (instead of your normal 50) than not do them at all.

Breaking a bad habit: Make it Unsatisfying

How an accountability partner can change everything.

A behavior is less likely to occur when pain is immediate.

Being held accountable by a partner is a good way to keep your desired habits in check.

We all want to be liked and respected, so we would rather just avoid the punishment.

For example - I owe you $10 every time I miss a workout,

plus the respect I lose for failing to do what I said I would!

Behavior is more likely to be influenced by concrete, and immediate consequences.

The Habit Contract

You can create a habit contract to hold yourself accountable,

just as governments use laws to hold citizens accountable.

You can create a habit contract either verbally or in writing, which makes it

clear that you will honor a particular habit and that there will be punishments if you do not.

You can then use your accountability partners to enforce that contract.

Ok so it's one thing to read a book, but another to actually apply it to your life.

So i'm going to try and visually represent how I have personally

How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (2) |||||||атомные||резюме||| cómo||convertirse en|||||||||| Wie man 37,78-mal besser in allem wird | Atomic Habits Zusammenfassung (von James Clear) (2) How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) (2) Cómo ser 37,78 veces mejor en cualquier cosa | Resumen de Atomic Habits (por James Clear) (2) Comment devenir 37,78 fois meilleur dans n'importe quel domaine | Résumé de Atomic Habits (par James Clear) (2) 何事も37.78倍うまくなる方法|アトミックハビットのまとめ(ジェームス・クリア著) (2) 무엇이든 37.78배 더 잘하는 방법 | 원자 습관 요약 (제임스 클리어 저) (2) (2) Kā kļūt 37,78 reizes labākam | Atomic Habits summary (autors James Clear) (2) Jak stać się 37,78 razy lepszym w czymkolwiek | Podsumowanie Atomic Habits (autor: James Clear) (2) Como tornar-se 37,78 vezes melhor em qualquer coisa | Resumo dos hábitos atómicos (por James Clear) (2) Как стать в 37,78 раза лучше во всем | Краткое изложение "Атомные привычки" (автор Джеймс Клир) (2) Herhangi bir şeyde nasıl 37,78 kat daha iyi olunur | Atomik Alışkanlıklar özeti (James Clear tarafından) (2) Як стати в 37,78 разів кращим у будь-чому | Атомні звички короткий виклад (автор Джеймс Клір) (2) 如何在任何事情上变得更好 37.78 倍 |原子习惯总结(作者:James Clear)(2) 如何在任何事情上變得更好 37.78 倍 |原子習慣總結(作者:James Clear)(2)

If you are trying to eliminate a bad habit, You  can only rely on self-control in the short-term. |||||устранить|||||||полагаться||||||| |||||||||||오직|의지하다||||||| |||||eliminar|||||||depender de||||||| Si está intentando eliminar un mal hábito, sólo puede confiar en el autocontrol a corto plazo.

Cutting off bad habits at the source is a more  reliable solution and one of the most practical ||||||Quelle||||||||||| Eliminating||||||||||||||||| ||||||en origen||||fiable|solución más fiable||||||práctica Couper les mauvaises habitudes à la source est une solution plus fiable et l'une des plus pratiques Ļaunu ieradumu izskaušana pašā to rašanās vietā ir drošāks risinājums un viens no praktiskākajiem.

ways to eliminate a bad habit is to make it  invisible. Eliminate it from your environment. |||||||||||Устранить||||окружение ||||||||||unsichtbar machen||||| ||||||||||out of sight|Remove||||surroundings or setting maneras||||||||||invisible|||||entorno veids, kā novērst slikto ieradumu, ir padarīt to neredzamu. Izdzēsiet to no savas vides.

For example |por ejemplo

Put your phone in another room for a few  hours if you have trouble getting work done. ||||||||||si|||||travail| Pon tu teléfono en otra habitación durante unas horas si tienes problemas para trabajar. Ja jums ir grūtības paveikt darbu, uz dažām stundām nolieciet tālruni citā telpā.

Put junk food out of sight or remove it from  your house if you are trying to lose weight. |мусор||||||||||||||||| |comida chatarra||||||||||||||||| Ja cenšaties zaudēt svaru, novietojiet neveselīgu pārtiku no redzesloka vai izņemiet to no mājas.

Law 2

Making it Attractive ||Eye-catching Hacerlo atractivo Pievilcības nodrošināšana

When we expect to be rewarded, we take  action. The more rewarding an action is, |||||||||||вознаграждающий||| Quand|||||||prendre||||||| ||erwarten|||belohnt||||||||| |||||||||||satisfying||| |||||recompensado|||acción|||gratificante||acción| Cuando esperamos ser recompensados, actuamos. Cuanto más gratificante es una acción,

the more likely we are to repeat  it until it becomes a habit. le|||||||||||| más probable es que lo repitamos hasta que se convierta en un hábito.

Hence, the first step to forming good  habits is to make them more attractive. Следовательно||||||||||||| Daher||||||||||||| Therefore|||||creating|||||||| Por lo tanto||||||||||||| De ahí que el primer paso para formar buenos hábitos sea hacerlos más atractivos.

Understanding how dopamine  affects your body will help you ||дофамин|||||| ||Neurotransmitter|||||| ||dopamina|||||| Comprender cómo afecta la dopamina a su organismo le ayudará a

DOPAMINE & FEEDBACK LOOPS |обратная связь|петли |Rétroaction| ||Bucles de retroalimentación

Our motivation levels are affected by dopamine,  a hormone and neurotransmitter. We are more ||уровни||||||гормон||нейромедиатор||| ||||||||||chemical messenger||| ||||||||||neurotransmisor|||

motivated to act when our dopamine  levels rise. By measuring dopamine, мотивированны к действию|||||||||измеряя| |||||||aumentan||| motivados a actuar cuando aumentan nuestros niveles de dopamina. Midiendo la dopamina,

scientists can pinpoint the exact moment at  which a craving occurs. It was once assumed ||определить||||||||происходит||||предполагалось |||le|||||||se produit|Cela||| ||genau bestimmen|||||||Verlangen|||||angenommen ||정확히 찾아내다|||||||||||| ||identificar con precisión||exacto|||||ansia|||||se asumía los científicos pueden señalar el momento exacto en el que ocurre un antojo. Anteriormente se asumía

that dopamine was just about pleasure, but now we  know it's vital to many neurological functions, ||||||||||||||неврологических|функций мозга ||||||||||||||neurológicas| que la dopamina solo se trataba del placer, pero ahora sabemos que es vital para muchas funciones neurológicas,

including motivation, memory, learning,  punishment as well as voluntary movement. |мотивация|||||||добровольный| |||apprentissage|||||| ||||Bestrafung|wie|||| ||||castigo||||| incluyendo la motivación, la memoria, el aprendizaje, el castigo y el movimiento voluntario.

“Gambling addicts have a dopamine spike right  before they place a bet, not after they win”. |зависимые||||всплеск||||||ставку|||| |Süchtige|||||||||||||| Apuestas|adictos||||aumento repentino||||||apuesta|||| "Los adictos al juego tienen un pico de dopamina justo antes de apostar, no después de ganar". "Les personnes dépendantes des jeux d'argent ont un pic de dopamine juste avant de placer un pari, et non après avoir gagné. "Azartspēļu atkarīgajiem dopamīna uzplūds ir tieši pirms likmju izdarīšanas, nevis pēc uzvaras."

Let's dive deeper into dopamine spikes. |||||всплески |Profundicemos en||||picos Profundicemos en los picos de dopamina. Voyons plus en détail les pics de dopamine. Padziļināti izpētīsim dopamīna kāpumus.

Using social media, eating junk food  and taking drugs are all associated |||||||consumiendo drogas||||

with high levels of dopamine  and are highly habit forming. |||||||очень|| |altos||||||||formadores de hábitos con altos niveles de dopamina y son altamente adictivos. avec des niveaux élevés de dopamine et qui entraînent une forte accoutumance.

The hormone dopamine is released not  only when we experience pleasure, ||||выпускается|||||| |hormona|||liberada|||||| La hormona dopamina se libera no sólo cuando experimentamos placer,

but also when we anticipate it. Think about before going on a vacation. ||||ожидаем|||||||| sino también cuando nos anticipamos. Piensa en ello antes de irte de vacaciones.

Sometimes the thinking and anticipation of the  vacation is better than the actual vacation. |||||||vacances|||||| ||das Nachdenken|||||Urlaub|||||eigentliche| ||||anticipación||||||que||realidad| A veces, pensar y anticipar las vacaciones es mejor que las vacaciones en sí.

Seeing the junk food you desire  surges dopamine, not after eating it. ||мусор|||желаете|всплески||||| |||||deseas|aumenta||||| Ver la comida basura que deseas aumenta la dopamina, no después de comerla. Le fait de voir la malbouffe que vous désirez fait monter la dopamine, mais pas après l'avoir mangée. Redzot vēlamo neveselīgo pārtiku, dopamīna līmenis paaugstinās, nevis pēc tās ēšanas.

Drug addicts increase dopamine when they  see the drugs, not after taking them. drogas||aumentan|||||||||| Narkotiku atkarīgajiem dopamīna līmenis palielinās, kad viņi redz narkotikas, nevis pēc to lietošanas.

The craving is what causes us to  take action in the first place. |жажда||||||||||| Le|||||||||||| |Das Verlangen||||||||||| |El anhelo||||||||||| El ansia es lo que nos lleva a actuar en primer lugar.

Making our habits attractive is vital because  it is the expectation of a rewarding experience |||||||||||||lohnend| ||||||||||expectativa|||| Hacer que nuestros hábitos sean atractivos es vital porque es la expectativa de una experiencia gratificante

that drives us to act. Here, you  can use a strategy known as…. ||||||||||estrategia|| que nos impulsa a actuar. En este caso, puede utilizar una estrategia conocida como....

Temptation bundling |упаковка искушений |regroupement de tentations 유혹 묶기|유혹 묶기 |agrupamento tentación|Agrupación de tentaciones Agrupación de tentaciones Liasse de tentation Kārdināšanas saišķošana

The temptation bundling process makes a habit more  attractive by combining an action we need to do ||||||||||сочетая|||||| El proceso de agrupación de tentaciones hace que un hábito sea más atractivo al combinar una acción que necesitamos hacer Kārdināšanas process padara ieradumu pievilcīgāku, apvienojot darbību, kas mums ir jādara.

with one we want to do. For example  you could bundle watching Netflix ||||||||||||Нетфликс ||||||||||juntar|| ||||||||||Agrupar|| con otra que queramos hacer. Por ejemplo se podría agrupar viendo Netflix avec une activité que nous voulons faire. Par exemple, vous pouvez regrouper les activités de visionnage de Netflix. ar vienu, ko mēs vēlamies darīt. Piemēram, jūs varētu sasaistīt Netflix skatīšanos

(something you want to do) with  working out (something you need to do). (algo que quieres hacer) con hacer ejercicio (algo que necesitas hacer). (kaut ko vēlaties darīt) ar treniņiem (kaut ko, kas jums ir jādara).

Temptation bundling applies a psychology  principle known as Premack's Principle. ||применяется||психология||||Принцип Премака| Versuchung||||||||| ||||||conhecido||| La agrupación de tentaciones aplica un principio psicológico conocido como Principio de Premack.

Developed by professor David Premack,  the Premack principle states, ||||Премак||||

"More probable behaviors will  reinforce less probable behaviors." ||||усиливать|||поведения Plus probable|probables||renforceront|||| |wahrscheinlicher|||||| ||comportamientos||reforzar||| "Comportamientos más probables reforzarán comportamientos menos probables".

In other words, even if you're not  looking forward to doing some exercise,

you'll become conditioned to do it because  you get to do something else you really enjoy. ||приученным||||||||||||| te condicionarás a hacerlo porque puedes hacer otra cosa que realmente disfrutas.

Group Influence

“We are continually wondering "What will others ||постоянно|||| "Nos preguntamos continuamente "¿Qué harán los demás

think of me?" and altering our  behavior based on the answer.” ||||изменяя||поведение|||| ||||modifiant|||||| ||||alterando|||||| ||||modificando|||||| piensa de mí?" y alterar nuestro comportamiento en función de la respuesta".

We are influenced by the people closest  to us, and the groups we belong to. |||||||||||||принадлежим к| ||influenciados|||||||||||pertenecemos a| Nos influyen las personas más cercanas a nosotros y los grupos a los que pertenecemos.

If you are trying to build a new habit,  one of the best ways to reinforce the habit |||||||||||||||verstärken||

is to find and become part of a  culture where that habit is the norm. ||||||||||||||norma es encontrar y formar parte de una cultura en la que ese hábito sea la norma.

If you want to get into better shape,  surround yourself with fit people. |||||||форма|окружить|||| Si|||||||forme physique||||| ||möchtest||||bessere|Form||||| |||||||||||en forma| Si quieres mejorar tu forma física, rodéate de gente en forma. Si vous voulez être en meilleure forme, entourez-vous de personnes en bonne santé.

If you want to read more, join a book club.

Primal motivators : The source of cravings первичный|мотиваторы||||желания Primarios|Motivadores primarios||||ansias Motivadores primarios : El origen de los antojos

In your normal everyday life you  wouldn't say something to yourself like |||повседневный||||||||

“I want to eat this pizza because I  need to consume this food to survive” ||||||||||потреблять||||

Surface level cravings are merely  manifestations of our deeper underlying motives. Oberflächliche Verlangen||||lediglich|Manifestationen||||| Superficiales||Ansias superficiales||simplemente|||||subyacentes| Los antojos superficiales no son más que manifestaciones de nuestros motivos subyacentes más profundos. Les envies superficielles ne sont que des manifestations de nos motivations sous-jacentes les plus profondes. Virspusējās alkas ir tikai mūsu dziļāko motīvu izpausmes.

And these underlying motives guide our behavior. Et|||||| ||zugrunde liegend|||| Y estos motivos subyacentes guían nuestro comportamiento.

Here are some examples of underlying motives: |||||основные| ||||||Here are some examples of underlying motives: Voici quelques exemples de motifs sous-jacents. |||||subyacentes|

Conserving energy Сохранение| Energie sparen| Conservando| Enerģijas taupīšana

Obtaining food and water Finding love and reproducing Получение|||||||размножение Beschaffung||||||| |||||||reproduciéndose Se nourrir et s'abreuver Trouver l'amour et se reproduire Pārtikas un ūdens iegūšana Mīlestības meklēšana un vairošanās

Connecting and bonding with others Winning social acceptance and approval ||связь||||||| ||se lier||||||| |||||||||Anerkennung ||Vinculación||||||| Conectar y establecer vínculos con los demás Ganar aceptación y aprobación social Se connecter et se lier aux autres Gagner l'acceptation et l'approbation sociales Saziņa un saikne ar citiem Uzvarēt sociālo pieņemšanu un apstiprinājumu.

Reducing uncertainty Achieving status and prestige Снижая|неопределенность||||престиж |incertidumbre|Lograr||| Réduire l'incertitude Obtenir un statut et du prestige

Your brain did not evolve with a desire to smoke  cigarettes, check Instagram every 5 minutes or to ||||развиваться||||||||проверять Инстаграм|||| ||||entwickeln sich nicht|||||||||||| ||||evolucionar|||deseo de||||||||| Tu cerebro no evolucionó con el deseo de fumar cigarrillos, consultar Instagram cada 5 minutos o

play video games. Online platforms and products  do not invent new motivations, but rather appeal |||||||||||мотивации||| |||||||||||||sondern vielmehr| |||||||||inventar|||||Atraen jugar a videojuegos. Las plataformas y los productos en línea no inventan nuevas motivaciones, sino que apelan

to the underlying motives of human nature  that we already have to gain our attention. ||||||||||||получить выгоду|| a los motivos subyacentes de la naturaleza humana que ya tenemos para llamar nuestra atención.

“Your habits are modern-day  solutions to ancient desires. |||||решения|||желания |習慣||||||| |||||||antiguos|deseos "Vos habitudes sont des solutions modernes à des désirs anciens. "Jūsu paradumi ir mūsdienīgi risinājumi senām vēlmēm.

New versions of old vices. The underlying  motives behind human nature remain the same” |версии|||пороки||||||||| ||||vicios antiguos renovados|||||||permanecen|| De nouvelles versions de vieux vices. Les motivations sous-jacentes à la nature humaine restent les mêmes"

People who have the underlying motive of  connecting with others may jump onto Facebook, Las personas que tienen el motivo subyacente de conectar con otros pueden lanzarse a Facebook,

others seeking the underlying motive of finding  love and reproducing may sign up for Tinder. ||||||||||||||Тиндер |buscando||||||||||||| otros que buscan el motivo subyacente de encontrar el amor y reproducirse pueden apuntarse a Tinder. les autres, qui cherchent à trouver l'amour et à se reproduire, peuvent s'inscrire sur Tinder. citi, kas vēlas atrast mīlestību un vairoties, var reģistrēties Tinder.

Reducing uncertainty, there's Google for that.  Seeking social acceptance, there is Instagram. |||Гугл|||||||| Réduire||||||||||| ||||||探し求める||||| |incertidumbre|||||||||| Reducir la incertidumbre, para eso está Google. Buscando la aceptación social, está Instagram. Pour réduire l'incertitude, il y a Google. En quête d'acceptation sociale, il y a Instagram.

Reprogramming your brain to enjoy hard habits перепрограммирование|||||| Reprogramar el cerebro para disfrutar de los hábitos difíciles

“You can make hard habits more attractive if you "Puedes hacer que los hábitos difíciles sean más atractivos si

can learn to associate them  with a positive experience.” |||ассоциировать||||| puede aprender a asociarlos con una experiencia positiva".

By highlighting the benefits of a  habit rather than its downsides, |подчеркивая||преимущества|||||||недостатки |||||||anstatt||| ||||||||||단점 |resaltar|||||||||desventajas Resaltando los beneficios de un hábito en lugar de sus inconvenientes, Uzsverot ieraduma priekšrocības, nevis trūkumus,

you can quickly reprogram your mind and  make it seem more appealing. For example, |||перепрограммировать|||||||||| |||||||||||ansprechender erscheinen lassen|| |||||||||||más atractivo|| puedes reprogramar rápidamente tu mente y hacer que te parezca más atractivo. Por ejemplo, vous pouvez rapidement reprogrammer votre esprit et le rendre plus attrayant. En voici un exemple,

Fitness = health and wellbeing and not fatigue. фитнес|||благополучие|||усталость ||||||Müdigkeit ||||||疲労 |||bienestar||| Fitness = salud y bienestar y no fatiga.

Cleaning the house = an environment conducive  to peace of mind and not wasted time. ||||окружение|способствующий|||||||| |||||도움이 되는|||||||| |||||propicio||tranquilidad|||||tiempo perdido| Limpiar la casa = un entorno propicio para la tranquilidad y no para perder el tiempo. Nettoyer la maison = un environnement propice à la tranquillité d'esprit et non à la perte de temps.

Saving money = future financial  freedom and not sacrifice. |||||||жертва |||||||sacrificio Ahorrar dinero = libertad financiera futura y no sacrificio.

These subtle shifts in mindset  aren't magic, but they can ||изменения||умственное состояние||магия||| |||||ne sont pas|||| Estos sutiles cambios de mentalidad no son mágicos, pero pueden Šīs smalkās pārmaiņas domāšanas veidā nav maģiskas, taču tās var.

change your feelings toward  some habits or situations. ||sentimientos|||||

Make it Unattractive. ||непривлекательным Rendre peu attrayant.|| ||poco atractiva Hazlo poco atractivo.

To break a bad habit, do the same but  highlight the benefits of NOT doing that habit |||||||||подчеркнуть||||||| |||||faire|||mais|||||||| Para romper un mal hábito, haz lo mismo pero resalta los beneficios de NO hacer ese hábito Pour rompre avec une mauvaise habitude, faites la même chose mais mettez en avant les avantages de NE PAS prendre cette habitude.

to make it as unattractive  to keep doing as possible. para que sea lo menos atractivo posible seguir haciéndolo.

Law 3 - Make it Easy |Rendre||

How long does it actually  take to form a new habit? ¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en crear un nuevo hábito?

During habit formation, a behavior becomes  increasingly automatic as it is repeated. As ||формирование||||||||||

you repeat an activity, your brain changes  in order to become more efficient at it. ||||||||um zu|||||| |||actividad|||||||||||

Long before neuroscientists dug  into the process of forming habits, ||нейробиологи||||||| |||파고들기 전|||||| ||神経科学者たち||||||| |||investigaron profundamente|||||| Mucho antes de que los neurocientíficos indagaran en el proceso de formación de hábitos, Bien avant que les neuroscientifiques ne se penchent sur le processus de formation des habitudes,

repetition was known as a powerful tool for  establishing habits. You activate particular ||||||||установления|||активируете| atkārtošana bija pazīstama kā spēcīgs ieradumu veidošanas līdzeklis. Jūs aktivizējat īpašu

neural circuits associated with habits  every time you repeat them. So framing habit нейронные|сети||||||||||формирование привычки| |neuronale Schaltkreise||||||||||Rahmen von Gewohnheiten| |||||||||||구조화하기| |||||||||||enmarcando hábito| circuitos neuronales asociados a los hábitos cada vez que los repites. Así que enmarcar el hábito nervu ķēdes, kas saistītas ar ieradumiem katru reizi, kad tos atkārtojat. Tātad ieradumu ierāmēšana

formation in terms of time is flawed. It should  be framed in terms of the number of repetitions. ||||||неправильный||||определённый|||||||повторений ||Bedingungen||||fehlerhaft||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||繰り返し回数 ||||||||||enmarcado||||||| La formación en términos de tiempo es errónea. Debería plantearse en términos de número de repeticiones. veidošanās laika izteiksmē ir kļūdaina. Tas būtu jāformulē atkārtojumu skaita izteiksmē.

Reducing Friction : The Law of Least Effort Снижение|трение||Закон||наименьшего|Упорство |Reibung reduzieren||||| |||||Menor| Reducir la fricción: la ley del mínimo esfuerzo Berzes samazināšana : mazāko pūļu likums

The more energy required, the less likely it is  to happen. It takes almost no energy to get into |||erforderlich||||||||||||||| Cuanta más energía se necesita, menos probable es que ocurra. Casi no se necesita energía para entrar en

the habit of reading one page of a book each  day. Habits are more likely to occur when they |||||||||||Habitudes||||||| el hábito de leer una página de un libro cada día. Los hábitos son más probables cuando

require less energy. The bigger the obstacle,  the more friction there is between you and the |||||||||трение|||||| requieren menos energía. Cuanto mayor sea el obstáculo, mayor será la fricción entre usted y el obstáculo.

desired outcome. If you need to travel 20  minutes out of your way to go to the gym, |результат||||||||||||||| souhaité|||||||||||||||| resultado deseado. Si tienes que desplazarte 20 minutos para ir al gimnasio,

chances are you will not. If your gym is located  on your commute to work, you will greatly decrease ||||||||||||поездка||||||уменьшить ||||||||||||||||||verringern |||||||||||||||||en gran medida| lo más probable es que no. Si su gimnasio está situado en su trayecto al trabajo, disminuirá considerablemente ir liela varbūtība, ka tā nebūs. Ja jūsu sporta zāle atrodas ceļā uz darbu, jūs ievērojami samazināsiet

the friction. By making your good habits more  convenient, you're more likely to stick to them. ||||||||удобным||||||| ||||||||praktisch||||||| la fricción. Si tus buenos hábitos te resultan más cómodos, es más probable que los mantengas. berzi. Padarot savus labos ieradumus ērtākus, ir lielāka iespējamība, ka jūs tos ievērosiet.

Your life will be easier if you  find ways to reduce friction ||||||||||уменьшить|трение |||||||trouvez|||| Jūsu dzīve būs vieglāka, ja atradīsiet veidus, kā samazināt berzi.

rather than trying to solve it. In order to build  better habits, we have to find ways to reduce eher||||lösen|||||||||müssen||||| en lugar de intentar solucionarlo. Para crear mejores hábitos, tenemos que encontrar formas de reducir

friction associated with our good habits and  increase friction associated with our bad habits |verbunden mit|||||||||||| berzi, kas saistīta ar mūsu labajiem ieradumiem, un palielināt berzi, kas saistīta ar mūsu sliktajiem ieradumiem.

Prime the environment for use Préparer|||| preparar|||| Preparar el entorno para su uso Préparer l'environnement à l'utilisation Sagatavojiet vidi lietošanai

By automating or setting up your environment,  you can reduce the friction for future action, |автоматизация||||||||||||| En|||||||||||||| ||||||Umgebung einrichten|||||||| |automatizando||||||||||||| Al automatizar o configurar su entorno, puede reducir la fricción para futuras acciones, Automatizējot vai iestatot vidi, varat samazināt turpmāko darbību nepieciešamību,

e.g. “I will lay out my workout clothes at night  so I can get up and get moving in the morning.” |||||||тренировка|||||||||||||| ||||auslegen||||||||||aufstehen und loslegen||||||| Por ejemplo: "Voy a tender mi ropa de entrenamiento por la noche para poder levantarme y ponerme en marcha por la mañana". Piemēram, "Es vakarā izkārtoju treniņtērpu, lai no rīta varētu piecelties un sākt kustēties."

Or to prepare a healthier breakfast,  place the pan on the stove, ||||более здоровый||||сковорода|||плита ||||||||Pfanne|||Herd O para preparar un desayuno más sano, pon la sartén al fuego,

and gather the ingredients the night  before. Again to reduce any friction. |собрать||ингредиенты||||||уменьшить||трение |reúne||ingredientes|||||||| y reunir los ingredientes la noche anterior. De nuevo para reducir cualquier fricción.

Using the Two-Minute Rule to Stop Procrastinating |||||||Прокрастинировать |||||||procrastinando

Using the "2-minute rule" can help you  establish small habits that will lead |||||||установить привычки||||| Utilizar la "regla de los 2 minutos" puede ayudarle a establecer pequeños hábitos que le llevarán a

to habit momentum and success in bigger goals. Find a simple, 2-minute version of your desired ||импульс||||||||||||| para el impulso del hábito y el éxito en objetivos mayores. Encuentre una versión sencilla, de 2 minutos, de lo que desea

habit. You want to scale down your desired  outcome. Running a marathon becomes putting |||||||||||поставить цель|| |Vous||à l'habitude de|||||||||| hábito. Quieres reducir la escala de tu resultado deseado. Correr un maratón se convierte en poner ieradums. Jūs vēlaties samazināt vēlamo rezultātu. Maratona skriešana kļūst par

on your shoes and stretching for 2 minutes.  Reading an hour per day becomes reading one |||||||Lecture||||||| ponerse los zapatos y estirarse durante 2 minutos. Leer una hora al día se convierte en leer una uzvilkt apavus un 2 minūtes stiepties. Lasīt stundu dienā kļūst par vienu stundu lasīšanas

page. You need to get the routine anchored in  place and then slowly build up the difficulty. |||||||закрепленный||||||||| |Vous||||||||||||||| |||||||verankert||Ort||||||| |||||||고정된||||||||| |||||||anclada||||||||| página. Tienes que afianzar la rutina y luego ir aumentando la dificultad poco a poco. lapa. Jums ir nepieciešams nostiprināt rutīnas un pēc tam lēnām paaugstināt grūtības pakāpi.

After you have mastered the 2-minute  habit, you can progress to the next phase;

To make something more difficult,

think about ways you can create barriers of  friction between yourself and the bad habit. ||||||барьеры||||||||

Make it as impractical as possible. |||непрактичным|| Rendre||||| Padariet to pēc iespējas nepraktiskāku.

If you want to watch less TV,  unplug the TV after each use |||||||выключить||||| Si quieres ver menos la tele, desenchúfala después de cada uso

and put the remote in an inconvenient location. |||пульт|||неудобное| |||Fernbedienung|||ungünstig| y poner el mando en un lugar inconveniente. un novietojiet tālvadības pulti neērtā vietā.

When you go shopping, leave your  credit cards under the seat of your car

if you have a bad habit of spontaneous spending.

Do anything you can to make your  Bad habits less likely to occur. ||||||||||менее вероятно||происходить Haz todo lo posible para que tus malos hábitos tengan menos probabilidades de producirse.

Law 4 -Make it satisfying |||satisfactorio

The most important rule of behavior change

A feeling of pleasure is a message to the brain: |sensación|||||mensaje|||

"This feels good. Let's repeat this next  time." When you experience pleasure, |se siente||||||||||

your brain learns that a behavior  is worth remembering and repeating. ||учит|||||||| |||||||wertvoll||| ||aprende|||||vale la pena|||repetir

"What is immediately rewarded is repeated. What is immediately punished is avoided". |||||||||||избегалось |||belohnt||||||bestraft|| ||inmediatamente|||||||castigado||evitado "Lo que se recompensa inmediatamente se repite. Lo que se castiga inmediatamente se evita". "Tas, kas tiek uzreiz atalgots, tiek atkārtots. No tā, kas tiek nekavējoties sodīts, izvairās."

The first Three habits increase your  chances of doing the habit this time. Los tres primeros hábitos aumentan tus posibilidades de realizar el hábito esta vez.

The last law increases your chances  of repeating the habit next time. |||увеличивает|||||||| |la última|ley|aumenta|||||||| La última ley aumenta tus posibilidades de repetir el hábito la próxima vez.

The Mismatch between immediate and delayed returns |несоответствие||||| |desajuste||inmediatas||retornos retrasados|retornos Desajuste entre rendimiento inmediato y diferido Neatbilstība starp tūlītēju un novēlotu peļņu

It is common for us to feel good about  our immediate results, but bad about Es habitual que nos sintamos bien con nuestros resultados inmediatos, pero mal con

our long-term outcomes when we practice bad  habits. It is the opposite with good habits: |||результаты привычек|||||||||||| nuestros resultados a largo plazo cuando practicamos malos hábitos. Lo contrario ocurre con los buenos hábitos:

the immediate result is unpleasant,  but the ultimate outcome is satisfying. el resultado inmediato es desagradable, pero el resultado final es satisfactorio. le résultat immédiat est désagréable, mais le résultat final est satisfaisant.

A certain amount of success in  just about every field involves |определённый|||||||||включает в себя Cierto grado de éxito en casi todos los campos implica

ignoring an immediate reward for a long-term one. ignorando una recompensa inmediata por una a largo plazo.

It is best to add a little immediate pleasure  to the habits that will pay off in the long run Es mejor añadir un poco de placer inmediato a los hábitos que darán sus frutos a largo plazo Il est préférable d'ajouter un petit plaisir immédiat aux habitudes qui s'avéreront payantes à long terme

and a little pain to those that won't.

How to stick with good habits everyday Cómo mantener los buenos hábitos todos los días

QUOTE “The vital thing жизненно важное||| cita||| CITA "Lo esencial

in getting a habit to stick is to feel  successful—even if it's in a small way. ||||||||||||es|||| |||||||||exitoso||||||| para conseguir que un hábito se mantenga es sentirse exitoso, aunque sea en lo más mínimo.

The feeling of success is a signal that your habit  paid off and that the work was worth the effort.” ||||||||||sich ausgezahlt||||||||| La sensación de éxito es una señal de que tu hábito ha merecido la pena y de que el trabajo ha valido la pena". Le sentiment de réussite est le signe que votre habitude a porté ses fruits et que le travail en valait la peine".

It is satisfying to make progress, and you can  monitor your progress using visual measures, |||||||||монитор||||визуальные показатели| Es satisfactorio progresar, y puedes controlar tus progresos utilizando medidas visuales,

such as moving paper clips, hairpins, or  marbles. These “little wins” can go a long way. ||||скрепки|заколки||шарики|||||||| |||||épingles à cheveux||billes|||||||| |||||Haarnadeln||Murmel|||||||| como mover clips, horquillas o canicas. Estas "pequeñas victorias" pueden llegar muy lejos. comme des trombones, des épingles à cheveux ou des billes. Ces "petites victoires" peuvent s'avérer très utiles. piemēram, papīra saspraudes, matu saspraudes vai bumbiņas. Šīs "mazās uzvaras" var būt ļoti nozīmīgas.

For example, for each sales call you make today,  move a marble from one jar to the complete jar. ||||||||||||||банка|||| ||||||||||||||Glasbehälter|||| Por ejemplo, por cada llamada de ventas que hagas hoy, mueve una canica de un tarro al tarro completo. Par exemple, pour chaque visite de vente que vous effectuez aujourd'hui, déplacez une bille d'un bocal à l'autre. Piemēram, par katru pārdošanas zvanu, ko šodien veicat, pārvietojiet vienu bumbiņu no vienas burciņas uz otru.

For Each 25 minutes of writing, move a paperclip |||||||скрепка Por cada 25 minutos de escritura, mueve un clip Par katrām 25 rakstīšanas minūtēm pārvietojiet papīra saspraudi.

Visual measurements can take  many forms: diet journals, |измерения||||||журналы питания Vizuālie mērījumi var būt dažādi: diētas žurnāli,

workout logs, download progress  bars, or even page numbers in a book. ||скачать||||||||| registros de entrenamiento, barras de progreso de descargas o incluso números de página de un libro. treniņu žurnālus, lejupielādes progresa joslas vai pat lapu numurus grāmatā.

Keeping a habit tracker may be the  best method to monitor your progress. |||трекер||||||||| |||Gewohnheits-Tracker||||||||| Llevar un registro de hábitos puede ser el mejor método para controlar tus progresos.

Using a habit tracker is a simple way to determine  whether you did a particular habit. |||||||||определить|||||| |||||||||feststellen|||||| ||||||||||si||||| Utilizar un rastreador de hábitos es una forma sencilla de determinar si has realizado un hábito concreto. L'utilisation d'un outil de suivi des habitudes est un moyen simple de déterminer si vous avez adopté une habitude particulière.

How to recover quickly when your habits break down ||||lorsque|||| Cómo recuperarse rápidamente cuando se rompen los hábitos Kā ātri atgūties, ja jūsu paradumi sabojājas

In spite of your best efforts, it is inevitable  that life will interrupt you at some point. |несмотря на||||усилия|||неизбежный|||||||| |Trotz|trotz||||||unvermeidlich|||||||| |a pesar de||||||||||||||| A pesar de tus mejores esfuerzos, es inevitable que la vida te interrumpa en algún momento.

A bad day at work, a bad performance,  or a bad workout can happen to anyone. |||||||выступление|||||||| Un mal día en el trabajo, una mala actuación o un mal entrenamiento pueden ocurrirle a cualquiera. Slikta diena darbā, slikta darba izpilde vai slikta treniņa var gadīties ikvienam.

When you're having a bad day, you don't  realize how valuable it is to just show up. ||||||||||ценный|||||| ||||||tu|||||||||| ||||||||||||||einfach|| Cuando tienes un mal día, no te das cuenta de lo valioso que es simplemente aparecer. Kad jums ir slikta diena, jūs neapjaušat, cik vērtīgi ir vienkārši parādīties.

“Lost days hurt you more than  successful days help you.” Verlorene||||||||| "Los días perdidos te hacen más daño que los días de éxito te ayudan". "Les journées perdues vous font plus de mal que les journées réussies ne vous aident. "Zaudētās dienas tev kaitē vairāk nekā veiksmīgās dienas tev palīdz."

Don't break the chain of continuity. Missing twice  is the start of a bad habit; never do it. On a bad |||||непрерывность||||||||||||||| No rompas la cadena de continuidad. Faltar dos veces es el comienzo de un mal hábito; no lo hagas nunca. En una mala Nepārtrauciet nepārtrauktības ķēdi. Divreiz izlaist ir slikta ieraduma sākums; nekad tā nedariet. Par sliktu

day, it's better to do 10 sit ups (instead  of your normal 50) than not do them at all. ||||||скручивания|||||||||| día, es mejor hacer 10 abdominales (en lugar de las 50 habituales) que no hacerlas en absoluto.

Breaking a bad habit: Make it Unsatisfying ||||||недовольным Sliktā ieraduma laušana: Padariet to neapmierinošu

How an accountability partner  can change everything. ||ответственность|||| ||responsabilidad compartida|||| Cómo un socio responsable puede cambiarlo todo. Kā atbildības partneris var mainīt visu.

A behavior is less likely to  occur when pain is immediate. |поведение|||вероятно||произойти||||немедленный |Verhalten|||wahrscheinlicher|||||| ||||||||||inmediata Es menos probable que se produzca un comportamiento cuando el dolor es inmediato. Uzvedība ir mazāk iespējama, ja sāpes ir tūlītējas.

Being held accountable by a partner is a good  way to keep your desired habits in check. ||ответственный|||||||||||||| ||verantwortlich|||||||||||||| ||책임을 지는|||||||||||||| |sostenido|responsable|||||||||||||| Rendir cuentas a un compañero es una buena forma de mantener a raya los hábitos que uno desea. Le fait d'être tenu pour responsable par un partenaire est un bon moyen de garder le contrôle sur les habitudes souhaitées. Partnera atbildība ir labs veids, kā kontrolēt vēlamos ieradumus.

We all want to be liked and respected, so  we would rather just avoid the punishment. ||||||||||würden lieber|lieber|||| Todos queremos que nos quieran y nos respeten, así que preferimos evitar el castigo.

For example - I owe you $10  every time I miss a workout, ||Je|||||||| Piemēram, es esmu tev parādā 10 dolārus katru reizi, kad nokavēju treniņu,

plus the respect I lose for  failing to do what I said I would! ||||||провал||||||| ¡además del respeto que pierdo por no hacer lo que dije que haría! plus le respect que je perds pour ne pas avoir fait ce que j'avais dit !

Behavior is more likely to be influenced  by concrete, and immediate consequences. |||||||||||последствия ||||||beeinflusst|durch|konkrete||| Es más probable que el comportamiento se vea influido por consecuencias concretas e inmediatas. Uzvedību biežāk ietekmē konkrētas un tūlītējas sekas.

The Habit Contract Paradumu līgums

You can create a habit contract  to hold yourself accountable, |||||||||ответственный |||||||||verantwortlich Vous pouvez créer un contrat d'habitudes pour vous responsabiliser, Varat izveidot ieraduma līgumu, lai uzņemtos atbildību,

just as governments use laws  to hold citizens accountable. ||правительства|||||| ||||||||responsables de leurs actes ||los gobiernos||||||responsables ante la ley

You can create a habit contract either  verbally or in writing, which makes it |||||||устно||||||

clear that you will honor a particular habit and  that there will be punishments if you do not. ||||уважать привычку|||||||||наказания|||| |||||||||||||Strafen|||| skaidri norādiet, ka jūs ievērosiet konkrēto ieradumu un ka jums būs sodi, ja to nedarīsiet.

You can then use your accountability  partners to enforce that contract. ||||||||принять меры|| ||||||||durchsetzen|| ||||||||hacer cumplir||

Ok so it's one thing to read a book, but  another to actually apply it to your life. |||||||||||||anwenden|||| C'est une chose de lire un livre, mais c'en est une autre de l'appliquer dans sa vie.

So i'm going to try and visually  represent how I have personally ||||||визуально||||| Also||||||||||| ||||||visualmente|||||personalmente Tātad es esmu gatavojas mēģināt un vizuāli attēlot, kā es personīgi esmu