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E-Books (english-e-reader), A Fine Wine (3)

A Fine Wine (3)

Daniel was glad to hear Justin praising him again but he had not got back his senses of taste or smell. He had had to pretend that he still had his famous 'nose' for wine, whereas he had actually been depending on his eyes and his experience in order to do his job. It hadn't been easy. Old Colbert was going to arrive soon, and he realised that he really would need the old man for the wine-tasting.

He was not happy about that.

Old Colbert was not used to dressing up in suits. He felt uncomfortable in a tie. He would much rather be in his old shirt, looking after his vineyard - he couldn't help thinking of it as still being his vineyard, though he knew it was no longer. Instead, here he was at the Happimart offices in London, being introduced to a room full of men like Daniel Appleby. And there was Appleby himself, wearing his ridiculous red jacket, smiling and holding a corkscrew. He was busy telling everybody all about 'Monsieur Colbert's marvellous wines' and how lucky he had been to be the man who had discovered them.

Appleby had told Colbert he owed him a favour and Colbert was not a man who forgot to pay back what he owed. Not at all.

Justin was smiling as he stood by the table full of empty wine glasses. He tapped a glass on the table with a spoon. It was surprisingly loud. Everybody turned around to look.

'Gentlemen,' he said, 'Monsieur Colbert has kindly agreed to bring along some more of his wonderful wines for us to taste today. This promises to be a treat indeed! Daniel, if you would be so kind...?'

Daniel turned to Colbert who then handed Daniel one of the bottles he had brought with him. 'This is one we made recently, Monsieur,' said Colbert. 'Shall we taste it first?'

Daniel smiled as he pulled out the cork and poured out a measure for the old man.

Justin had insisted that Daniel take charge of the wine tasting - it was his way of saying he trusted him. Fine - that suited Daniel. Now he could make sure that the wine was completely under his control. Just as he wanted. The photographers were all taking pictures and television cameras were pointing at him.

Good. He was enjoying himself.

Colbert lifted up his glass, smelled the liquid first, tasted it, then spat it from his mouth into a small metal bucket kept on the table at such occasions. He looked at Daniel and gave a little nod, barely noticeable to anybody else. That was the signal he had arranged with Colbert.

Now he could start showing off.

'My friends, Monsieur Colbert has been good enough to allow me to be the first to taste the latest wine from the Colbert vineyard.' Daniel paused to pour out a measure into his own glass from the newly opened bottle. 'If you would allow me...'

Daniel did what everybody had come to expect of him: he smelled the glass with his expert nose, breathed deeply, then took a mouthful of the deep red liquid, taking care to roll it carefully around his mouth before spitting it into a bucket.

Everybody waited while he looked upwards, as he always did before giving his judgement on a wine. Finally, he spoke.

'This wine is truly a fine example of a great wine, full of fruit and with excellent body. It is, to wine, what a Picasso painting is to art - a true masterpiece. One cannot taste a wine like this and not feel that one has tasted greatness. Monsieur Colbert - you have made a wine fit for the gods!'

'Well!' said Justin. 'Let's not waste time, gentleman. Your glasses, please.'

He poured some into everybody's glass before raising his own.

'Let's drink,' he said, 'to Monsieur Colbert, his great wines and the man who discovered them for Happimart - Daniel Appleby!'

Daniel felt proud as he saw everybody's glasses raised. Proud and glad that it was all over.

All of a sudden there was a rush to the wine buckets and the sound of loud coughing. Everybody spat out the contents of their glasses with a look of disgust on their faces.

'Vinegar!' said Justin. 'Red wine vinegar!'

'Oui, Monsieur,' said Colbert. 'Our latest - the best vinegar made from only the finest red wine, fit for the Emperor Napoleon himself, don't you think?'

And so it was: the best quality red wine vinegar one could find anywhere.

Justin turned to Daniel and stared at him. Justin looked very angry as the specially invited photographers took their pictures.

Daniel's face turned pale as he felt his career break into pieces like a glass that has been dropped on a hard floor. The other wine tasters didn't know where to look, though some of them began to laugh.

But none laughed as loudly as Monsieur Colbert, whose laughter filled Appleby's ears for the rest of his life.


A Fine Wine (3) Ein guter Wein (3) Un buen vino (3) 고급 와인 (3)

Daniel was glad to hear Justin praising him again but he had not got back his senses of taste or smell. He had had to pretend that he still had his famous 'nose' for wine, whereas he had actually been depending on his eyes and his experience in order to do his job. It hadn't been easy. Old Colbert was going to arrive soon, and he realised that he really would need the old man for the wine-tasting.

He was not happy about that.

Old Colbert was not used to dressing up in suits. He felt uncomfortable in a tie. He would much rather be in his old shirt, looking after his vineyard - he couldn't help thinking of it as still being his vineyard, though he knew it was no longer. Er wäre viel lieber in seinem alten Hemd und würde sich um seinen Weinberg kümmern - er konnte nicht umhin, sich vorzustellen, dass es immer noch sein Weinberg war, obwohl er wusste, dass er es nicht mehr war. Він волів би бути в старій сорочці, доглядаючи свій виноградник - він не міг не думати, що це все ще його виноградник, хоча знав, що це вже не його виноградник. Instead, here he was at the Happimart offices in London, being introduced to a room full of men like Daniel Appleby. Stattdessen befand er sich hier in den Happimart-Büros in London, wo er einem Raum voller Männer wie Daniel Appleby vorgestellt wurde. And there was Appleby himself, wearing his ridiculous red jacket, smiling and holding a corkscrew. Und da war Appleby selbst, in seiner lächerlichen roten Jacke, lächelnd und mit einem Korkenzieher in der Hand. He was busy telling everybody all about 'Monsieur Colbert's marvellous wines' and how lucky he had been to be the man who had discovered them. Er war damit beschäftigt, allen von "Monsieur Colberts wunderbaren Weinen" zu erzählen und davon, wie viel Glück er hatte, der Mann zu sein, der sie entdeckt hatte. Він був зайнятий тим, що розповідав усім про "чудові вина пана Кольбера" і про те, як йому пощастило бути людиною, яка їх відкрила.

Appleby had told Colbert he owed him a favour and Colbert was not a man who forgot to pay back what he owed. Appleby hatte Colbert gesagt, er schulde ihm einen Gefallen, und Colbert war kein Mann, der vergaß, seine Schulden zu begleichen. Епплбі сказав Колберту, що заборгував йому послугу, а Колберт не був людиною, яка забуває віддати борг. Not at all. Ganz und gar nicht.

Justin was smiling as he stood by the table full of empty wine glasses. Justin lächelte, als er an dem Tisch mit den leeren Weingläsern stand. He tapped a glass on the table with a spoon. Er klopfte mit einem Löffel ein Glas auf den Tisch. It was surprisingly loud. Everybody turned around to look. Alle drehten sich um und schauten.

'Gentlemen,' he said, 'Monsieur Colbert has kindly agreed to bring along some more of his wonderful wines for us to taste today. Meine Herren", sagte er, "Monsieur Colbert hat sich freundlicherweise bereit erklärt, noch einige seiner wunderbaren Weine mitzubringen, die wir heute verkosten können. This promises to be a treat indeed! Das verspricht ein wahrer Genuss zu werden! Це обіцяє бути справжнім святом! Daniel, if you would be so kind...?' Деніел, чи не будеш ти такий люб'язний...?

Daniel turned to Colbert who then handed Daniel one of the bottles he had brought with him. Daniel wandte sich an Colbert, der ihm eine der Flaschen reichte, die er mitgebracht hatte. 'This is one we made recently, Monsieur,' said Colbert. "Цю ми зробили нещодавно, мсьє", - сказав Кольбер. 'Shall we taste it first?'

Daniel smiled as he pulled out the cork and poured out a measure for the old man. Daniel lächelte, als er den Korken herauszog und dem alten Mann ein Maß einschenkte. Даніель посміхнувся, витягнув корок і налив старому мірку.

Justin had insisted that Daniel take charge of the wine tasting - it was his way of saying he trusted him. Justin hatte darauf bestanden, dass Daniel die Leitung der Weinprobe übernahm - das war seine Art zu sagen, dass er ihm vertraute. Джастін наполіг на тому, щоб Деніел очолив дегустацію - таким чином він хотів сказати, що довіряє йому. Fine - that suited Daniel. Gut - das passte Daniel. Now he could make sure that the wine was completely under his control. Jetzt konnte er sicherstellen, dass der Wein vollständig unter seiner Kontrolle war. Тепер він міг переконатися, що вино повністю під його контролем. Just as he wanted. Як він і хотів. The photographers were all taking pictures and television cameras were pointing at him. Die Fotografen machten alle Bilder und die Fernsehkameras waren auf ihn gerichtet.

Good. He was enjoying himself.

Colbert lifted up his glass, smelled the liquid first, tasted it, then spat it from his mouth into a small metal bucket kept on the table at such occasions. Colbert hob sein Glas, roch zuerst an der Flüssigkeit, schmeckte sie und spuckte sie dann aus seinem Mund in einen kleinen Metalleimer, der bei solchen Gelegenheiten auf dem Tisch steht. Колберт підняв склянку, спочатку понюхав рідину, спробував на смак, а потім виплюнув її з рота в маленьке металеве відерце, яке в таких випадках стоїть на столі. He looked at Daniel and gave a little nod, barely noticeable to anybody else. Er schaute Daniel an und nickte leicht, für alle anderen kaum wahrnehmbar. Він подивився на Даніеля і ледь помітно кивнув головою, ледь помітно для інших. That was the signal he had arranged with Colbert. Das war das Signal, das er mit Colbert vereinbart hatte. Це був сигнал, про який він домовився з Кольбером.

Now he could start showing off. Jetzt konnte er anfangen zu prahlen.

'My friends, Monsieur Colbert has been good enough to allow me to be the first to taste the latest wine from the Colbert vineyard.' Meine Freunde, Monsieur Colbert war so freundlich, mir zu erlauben, der Erste zu sein, der den neuesten Wein vom Weingut Colbert probiert. "Друзі мої, мсьє Кольбер був настільки люб'язний, що дозволив мені першим скуштувати свіже вино з виноградника Кольбера". Daniel paused to pour out a measure into his own glass from the newly opened bottle. Daniel hielt inne, um sich aus der frisch geöffneten Flasche einen Schluck in sein eigenes Glas zu gießen. 'If you would allow me...' 'Wenn Sie mir erlauben...'

Daniel did what everybody had come to expect of him: he smelled the glass with his expert nose, breathed deeply, then took a mouthful of the deep red liquid, taking care to roll it carefully around his mouth before spitting it into a bucket. Daniel tat das, was alle von ihm erwartet hatten: Er roch mit seiner erfahrenen Nase an dem Glas, atmete tief ein und nahm einen Schluck der tiefroten Flüssigkeit, wobei er sie vorsichtig im Mund hin und her rollte, bevor er sie in einen Eimer spuckte. Даниэль сделал то, чего все от него ожидали: он понюхал стакан своим опытным носом, глубоко вдохнул, затем набрал полный рот темно-красной жидкости, тщательно покатав ее вокруг рта, прежде чем выплюнуть ее в ведро. Даніель зробив те, чого всі від нього очікували: він понюхав склянку своїм досвідченим носом, глибоко вдихнув, а потім набрав повний рот темно-червоної рідини, ретельно розкачавши її в роті, перш ніж виплюнути у відро.

Everybody waited while he looked upwards, as he always did before giving his judgement on a wine. Alle warteten, während er nach oben blickte, wie er es immer tat, bevor er sein Urteil über einen Wein abgab. Всі чекали, поки він подивиться вгору, як він завжди робив перед тим, як виносити свій вирок про вино. Finally, he spoke.

'This wine is truly a fine example of a great wine, full of fruit and with excellent body. Dieser Wein ist wirklich ein schönes Beispiel für einen großen Wein, voller Frucht und mit ausgezeichnetem Körper. It is, to wine, what a Picasso painting is to art - a true masterpiece. Für den Wein ist er das, was ein Picasso-Gemälde für die Kunst ist - ein wahres Meisterwerk. One cannot taste a wine like this and not feel that one has tasted greatness. Man kann einen Wein wie diesen nicht probieren, ohne das Gefühl zu haben, dass man etwas Großes gekostet hat. Неможливо скуштувати таке вино і не відчути, що ти скуштував велич. Monsieur Colbert - you have made a wine fit for the gods!' Monsieur Colbert - Sie haben einen Wein gemacht, der den Göttern würdig ist!'

'Well!' Nun! said Justin. sagte Justin. 'Let's not waste time, gentleman. Lassen Sie uns keine Zeit verlieren, mein Herr. Your glasses, please.' Ihre Brille, bitte.'

He poured some into everybody's glass before raising his own. Er schenkte allen etwas ein, bevor er sein eigenes Glas erhob.

'Let's drink,' he said, 'to Monsieur Colbert, his great wines and the man who discovered them for Happimart - Daniel Appleby!' 'Trinken wir', sagte er, 'auf Monsieur Colbert, seine großen Weine und den Mann, der sie für Happimart entdeckt hat - Daniel Appleby!'

Daniel felt proud as he saw everybody's glasses raised. Daniel war stolz, als er sah, wie alle ihre Gläser erhoben. Proud and glad that it was all over. Stolz und froh, dass alles vorbei war. Гордий і радий, що все закінчилося.

All of a sudden there was a rush to the wine buckets and the sound of loud coughing. Plötzlich gab es einen Ansturm auf die Weinkübel und lautes Husten. Everybody spat out the contents of their glasses with a look of disgust on their faces. Alle spuckten den Inhalt ihrer Gläser mit einem angewiderten Gesichtsausdruck aus.

'Vinegar!' Essig! said Justin. 'Red wine vinegar!' Rotweinessig!

'Oui, Monsieur,' said Colbert. 'Oui, Monsieur', sagte Colbert. 'Our latest - the best vinegar made from only the finest red wine, fit for the Emperor Napoleon himself, don't you think?' Unser Neuester - der beste Essig aus feinstem Rotwein, der selbst Kaiser Napoleon würdig wäre, meinen Sie nicht? "Наш останній - найкращий оцет, виготовлений лише з найкращого червоного вина, гідний самого імператора Наполеона, чи не так?

And so it was: the best quality red wine vinegar one could find anywhere. Так воно і було: найякісніший червоний винний оцет, який тільки можна було знайти.

Justin turned to Daniel and stared at him. Justin looked very angry as the specially invited photographers took their pictures.

Daniel's face turned pale as he felt his career break into pieces like a glass that has been dropped on a hard floor. Обличчя Даніеля зблідло, коли він відчув, як його кар'єра розбивається на друзки, наче склянка, яку впустили на тверду підлогу. The other wine tasters didn't know where to look, though some of them began to laugh. Інші дегустатори не знали, куди дивитися, хоча деякі з них почали сміятися.

But none laughed as loudly as Monsieur Colbert, whose laughter filled Appleby's ears for the rest of his life. Но никто не смеялся так громко, как месье Кольбер, чей смех наполнял уши Эпплби всю оставшуюся жизнь. Але ніхто не сміявся так голосно, як пан Кольбер, чий сміх наповнював вуха Епплбі до кінця його життя.