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E-Books (english-e-reader), Brains (2)

Brains (2)

Gina felt surprisingly good about the offer.

And I'll get recognition for my work?' Gina asked.

'Definitely' said Mr Dimitri.

'Mr Dimitri, I accept!'

There were smiles and goodbyes and, soon after, a happy Gina Capaldi left the room.

Mr Dimitri sat down, lit another cigar and watched the smoke rise up to the ceiling before it finally disappeared. He knew that business was not good when people asked too many questions. If people were made to be too smart they would do just that. And once they didn't get the answers they wanted, they might not buy things. And if they didn't buy things there would be no money to be made.

No-one would like that. No-one at all.

Miss Capaldi's work would be put away somewhere nice and safe. Somewhere secret. Along with all the other dangerous ideas. Like the car that ran on water, or the shoes that never wore out, or the battery that never stopped.

But he was glad to have Miss Capaldi. She was bright. He ought to give her something to do. Something that would make a lot of money. He picked up his telephone.

'Miss Epstein... See that Miss Capaldi is sent to the biological science centre. I want her to be a part of that three-legged chicken plan. She can do it, if anybody can. She's one smart lady. Oh, and Miss Epstein...'

'Yes, Mr Dimitri?' said Miss Epstein.

'I want you to see that a dangerous animal from one of our centres is killed. It's a monkey. His name is Max.'


Brains (2) Cerebros (2) Cerveaux (2) Cervelli (2) 두뇌 (2) Mózgi (2) Cérebros (2)

Gina felt surprisingly good about the offer.

And I'll get recognition for my work?' І я отримаю визнання за свою роботу? Gina asked.

'Definitely' said Mr Dimitri.

'Mr Dimitri, I accept!'

There were smiles and goodbyes and, soon after, a happy Gina Capaldi left the room.

Mr Dimitri sat down, lit another cigar and watched the smoke rise up to the ceiling before it finally disappeared. Пан Дмитро сів, запалив ще одну сигару і дивився, як дим піднімається до стелі, поки нарешті не розвіявся. He knew that business was not good when people asked too many questions. If people were made to be too smart they would do just that. Wenn man die Menschen dazu bringt, zu klug zu sein, würden sie genau das tun. Якби люди були надто розумними, вони б так і робили. And once they didn't get the answers they wanted, they might not buy things. Und wenn sie nicht die gewünschten Antworten erhalten haben, kaufen sie vielleicht nichts mehr. І якщо вони не отримають потрібних відповідей, вони можуть не купити товар. And if they didn't buy things there would be no money to be made.

No-one would like that. Нікому це не сподобається. No-one at all.

Miss Capaldi's work would be put away somewhere nice and safe. Роботи пані Капальді поклали б у якесь гарне та безпечне місце. Somewhere secret. Along with all the other dangerous ideas. Like the car that ran on water, or the shoes that never wore out, or the battery that never stopped.

But he was glad to have Miss Capaldi. She was bright. He ought to give her something to do. Він повинен дати їй якусь роботу. Something that would make a lot of money. He picked up his telephone.

'Miss Epstein... See that Miss Capaldi is sent to the biological science centre. — Мисс Эпштейн… Проследите, чтобы мисс Капальди отправили в биологический научный центр. "Міс Епштейн... Прослідкуйте, щоб міс Капальді відправили до біологічного наукового центру. I want her to be a part of that three-legged chicken plan. Я хочу, чтобы она была частью плана трехлапого цыпленка. Я хочу, щоб вона була частиною цього триногого плану. She can do it, if anybody can. She's one smart lady. Oh, and Miss Epstein...'

'Yes, Mr Dimitri?' said Miss Epstein.

'I want you to see that a dangerous animal from one of our centres is killed. Ich möchte, dass Sie dafür sorgen, dass ein gefährliches Tier aus einem unserer Zentren getötet wird. Je veux que vous fassiez en sorte qu'un animal dangereux de l'un de nos centres soit tué. "Я хочу, щоб ви побачили, що небезпечна тварина з одного з наших центрів була вбита. It's a monkey. His name is Max.'