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E-Books (english-e-reader), Tildy's Moment

Tildy's Moment

Bogle's Family Restaurant on Eighth Avenue is not a famous place, but if you need a large cheap meal, then Bogle's is the place for you. There are twelve tables in the room, six on each side. Bogle himself sits at the desk by the door and takes the money. There are also two waitresses and a Voice. The Voice comes from the kitchen.

At the time of my story, one of the waitresses was called Aileen. She was tall, beautiful and full of life. The name of the other waitress was Tildy. She was small, fat and was not beautiful.

Most of the people who came to eat at Bogle's were men, and they loved the beautiful Aileen. They were happy to wait a long time for their meals because they could look at her. Aileen knew how to hold a conversation with twelve people and work hard at the same time. And all the men wanted to take Aileen dancing or give her presents. One gave her a gold ring and one gave her a little dog.

And poor Tildy?

In the busy, noisy restaurant men's eyes did not follow Tildy. Nobody laughed and talked with her. Nobody asked her to go dancing, and nobody gave her presents. She was a good waitress, but when she stood by the tables, the men looked round her to see Aileen.

But Tildy was happy to work with no thanks, she was happy to see the men with Aileen, she was happy to know that the men loved Aileen. She was Aileen's friend. But deep inside, she, too, wanted a man to love her.

Tildy listened to all Aileen's stories. One day Aileen came in with a black eye. A man hit her because she did not want to kiss him. 'How wonderful to have a black eye for love!' Tildy thought.

One of the men who came to Bogle's was a young man called Mr Seeders. He was a small, thin man, and he worked in an office. He knew that Aileen was not interested in him, so he sat at one of Tildy's tables, said nothing, and ate his fish.

One day when Mr Seeders came in for his meal, he drank too much beer. He finished his fish, got up, put his arm round Tildy, kissed her loudly, and walked out of the restaurant.

For a few seconds Tildy just stood there. Then Aileen said to her, 'Why, Tildy! You bad girl! I must watch you. I don't want to lose my men to you!'

Suddenly Tildy's world changed. She understood now that men could like her and want her as much as Aileen. She, Tildy, could have a love-life, too. Her eyes were bright, and her face was pink. She wanted to tell everybody her secret. When the restaurant was quiet, she went and stood by Bogle's desk.

'Do you know what a man in the restaurant did to me today?' she said. 'He put his arm round me and he kissed me!'

'Really!' Bogle answered. This was good for business. 'Next week you'll get a dollar a week more.'

And when, in the evening, the restaurant was busy again, Tildy put down the food on the tables and said quietly, 'Do you know what a man in the restaurant did to me today? He put his arm round me and kissed me!'

Some of the men in the restaurant were surprised; some of them said, 'Well done!' Men began to smile and say nice things to her. Tildy was very happy. Love was now possible in her grey life.

For two days Mr Seeders did not come again, and in that time Tildy was a different woman. She wore bright clothes, did her hair differently, and she looked taller and thinner. Now she was a real woman because someone loved her. She felt excited, and a little afraid. What would Mr Seeders do the next time he came in?

At four o'clock in the afternoon of the third day, Mr Seeders came in. There were no people at the tables, and Aileen and Tildy were working at the back of the restaurant. Mr Seeders walked up to them.

Tildy looked at him, and she could not speak. Mr Seeders' face was very red, and he looked uncomfortable.

'Miss Tildy,' he said, 'I want to say that I'm sorry for what I did to you a few days ago. It was the drink, you see. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm very sorry.'

And Mr Seeders left.

But Tildy ran into the kitchen, and she began to cry. She could not stop crying. She was no longer beautiful. No man loved her. No man wanted her. The kiss meant nothing to Mr Seeders. Tildy did not like him very much, but the kiss was important to her - and now there was nothing.

But she still had her friend, and Aileen put her arm round Tildy. Aileen did not really understand, but she said, 'Don't be unhappy, Tildy. That little Seeders has got a face like a dead potato! He's nothing. A real man never says sorry!'


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Tildy's Moment Момент Тилди| Tildys| Tildy's Moment El momento de Tildy ティルディの瞬間 O momento de Tildy Момент Тильды 蒂尔迪的时刻

Bogle's Family Restaurant on Eighth Avenue is not a famous place, but if you need a large cheap meal, then Bogle's is the place for you. ||||Achter||||||||||||||||Bogle's||||| There are twelve tables in the room, six on each side. Bogle himself sits at the desk by the door and takes the money. Bogle|||||||||||| Сам Богл сідає за стіл біля дверей і бере гроші. There are also two waitresses and a Voice. ||||Kellnerinnen||| 2人のウェイトレスと1人の声もあります。 The Voice comes from the kitchen. 声は台所から来ます。 Голос долинає з кухні.

At the time of my story, one of the waitresses was called Aileen. ||||||||||||Aileen 私の話の時、ウェイトレスの一人はアイリーンと呼ばれていました。 She was tall, beautiful and full of life. 彼女は背が高く、美しく、活気にあふれていました。 The name of the other waitress was Tildy. |||||||Tildy She was small, fat and was not beautiful.

Most of the people who came to eat at Bogle's were men, and they loved the beautiful Aileen. They were happy to wait a long time for their meals because they could look at her. Вони із задоволенням довго чекали на їжу, бо могли дивитися на неї. Aileen knew how to hold a conversation with twelve people and work hard at the same time. アイリーンは12人と会話をすると同時に一生懸命働く方法を知っていました。 And all the men wanted to take Aileen dancing or give her presents. そして、すべての男性はアイリーンのダンスをしたり、彼女にプレゼントを贈りたいと思っていました。 One gave her a gold ring and one gave her a little dog.

And poor Tildy?

In the busy, noisy restaurant men's eyes did not follow Tildy. |||||der Männer||||| Nobody laughed and talked with her. 誰も笑ったり彼女と話したりしませんでした。 Nobody asked her to go dancing, and nobody gave her presents. She was a good waitress, but when she stood by the tables, the men looked round her to see Aileen. ||||||||стояла||||||||||| 彼女は良いウェイトレスでした、しかし彼女がテーブルのそばに立ったとき、男性はアイリーンを見るために彼女の周りを見ました。

But Tildy was happy to work with no thanks, she was happy to see the men with Aileen, she was happy to know that the men loved Aileen. しかし、ティルディは感謝せずに仕事をすることができ、アイリーンと一緒に男性に会うことができ、男性がアイリーンを愛していることを知って幸せでした。 She was Aileen's friend. ||Aileens| But deep inside, she, too, wanted a man to love her. しかし、奥深くで、彼女もまた、男性に彼女を愛してもらいたかったのです。

Tildy listened to all Aileen's stories. ティルディはアイリーンのすべての話を聞いた。 One day Aileen came in with a black eye. ある日、アイリーンは黒い目でやって来ました。 A man hit her because she did not want to kiss him. 彼女が彼にキスしたくなかったので、男は彼女を殴った。 'How wonderful to have a black eye for love!' 「愛に黒い目を持っているなんて素晴らしい!」 "Як чудово мати синці під очима від кохання! Tildy thought.

One of the men who came to Bogle's was a young man called Mr Seeders. ||||||||||||||Seeders He was a small, thin man, and he worked in an office. ||||худой||||||| He knew that Aileen was not interested in him, so he sat at one of Tildy's tables, said nothing, and ate his fish. |||||||||||сел||||||||||| |||||||||||||||Tildys|||||||

One day when Mr Seeders came in for his meal, he drank too much beer. ある日、シーダーズ氏が食事に来たとき、彼はビールを飲みすぎました。 He finished his fish, got up, put his arm round Tildy, kissed her loudly, and walked out of the restaurant. |||||||||||||громко чмокнул|||||| |||||||||||gab ihr einen Kuss|||||||| 彼は魚を食べ終え、起き上がり、ティルディに腕をまわし、彼女に大声でキスをし、レストランを出た。 Він доїв рибу, підвівся, обійняв Тільді, голосно поцілував її і вийшов з ресторану.

For a few seconds Tildy just stood there. 数秒間、ティルディはただそこに立っていました。 Then Aileen said to her, 'Why, Tildy! You bad girl! あなたは悪い女の子! I must watch you. 私はあなたを見なければなりません。 I don't want to lose my men to you!' ||||потерять|||| 私はあなたに私の部下を失いたくない!」

Suddenly Tildy's world changed. 突然ティルディの世界が変わりました。 She understood now that men could like her and want her as much as Aileen. Sie verstand jetzt, dass Männer sie mögen und genauso begehren konnten wie Aileen. 彼女は今、男性が彼女を好きで、アイリーンと同じくらい彼女を欲しがっていることを理解しました。 She, Tildy, could have a love-life, too. 彼女、ティルディもラブライフを過ごすことができました。 Her eyes were bright, and her face was pink. |||яркие||||| She wanted to tell everybody her secret. When the restaurant was quiet, she went and stood by Bogle's desk.

'Do you know what a man in the restaurant did to me today?' 「今日、レストランの男が私に何をしたか知っていますか?」 she said. 'He put his arm round me and he kissed me!'

'Really!' Bogle answered. Bogle| This was good for business. 'Next week you'll get a dollar a week more.' 「来週はさらに1週間1ドルもらえるでしょう。」 "Наступного тижня отримаєш на долар більше".

And when, in the evening, the restaurant was busy again, Tildy put down the food on the tables and said quietly, 'Do you know what a man in the restaurant did to me today? ||||||||||||||||||||тихо||||||||||||| А коли ввечері в ресторані знову було багато людей, Тільді поставила їжу на столи і тихо сказала: "Знаєте, що зі мною сьогодні зробив один чоловік у ресторані? He put his arm round me and kissed me!'

Some of the men in the restaurant were surprised; some of them said, 'Well done!' レストランの男性の何人かは驚いた。彼らの何人かは、「よくやった!」と言いました。 Деякі чоловіки в ресторані були здивовані, деякі з них сказали: "Молодець!". Men began to smile and say nice things to her. |начали|||||||| 男性は笑顔で彼女にいいことを言い始めました。 Tildy was very happy. Love was now possible in her grey life. 彼女の灰色の人生で愛は今や可能でした。

For two days Mr Seeders did not come again, and in that time Tildy was a different woman. シーダーズ氏は2日間二度と来ませんでした、そしてその時ティルディは別の女性でした。 Два дні пан Сідерс не з'являвся, і за цей час Тільді стала зовсім іншою жінкою. She wore bright clothes, did her hair differently, and she looked taller and thinner. ||яркая|||||||||выше|| 彼女は明るい服を着て、髪の毛のやり方を変え、背が高くて細く見えました。 Now she was a real woman because someone loved her. Тепер вона була справжньою жінкою, бо хтось її любив. She felt excited, and a little afraid. What would Mr Seeders do the next time he came in? シーダーズ氏が次に入ってきたときはどうしますか? Що б зробив пан Сідерс, якби прийшов наступного разу?

At four o'clock in the afternoon of the third day, Mr Seeders came in. 3日目の午後4時にシーダーズ氏が入ってきた。 There were no people at the tables, and Aileen and Tildy were working at the back of the restaurant. За столиками не було людей, а Айлін і Тільді працювали в глибині ресторану. Mr Seeders walked up to them. シーダーズ氏は彼らに近づきました。

Tildy looked at him, and she could not speak. Mr Seeders' face was very red, and he looked uncomfortable.

'Miss Tildy,' he said, 'I want to say that I'm sorry for what I did to you a few days ago. It was the drink, you see. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm very sorry.'

And Mr Seeders left.

But Tildy ran into the kitchen, and she began to cry. She could not stop crying. She was no longer beautiful. No man loved her. No man wanted her. The kiss meant nothing to Mr Seeders. ||означал|||| Tildy did not like him very much, but the kiss was important to her - and now there was nothing.

But she still had her friend, and Aileen put her arm round Tildy. ||всё ещё|||||||||| Aileen did not really understand, but she said, 'Don't be unhappy, Tildy. That little Seeders has got a face like a dead potato! あの小さなシーダーは死んだジャガイモのような顔をしています! У цього маленького Сіяча обличчя, як у мертвої картоплини! He's nothing. Він ніщо. A real man never says sorry!' 本物の男は決してごめんなさいとは言いません!」 Справжній чоловік ніколи не вибачається!