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E-Books (english-e-reader), Zorro - Chapter 1-3

Zorro - Chapter 1-3

Chapter one

A Stormy Night

Reina de Los Angeles is a Spanish village in southern California.

In the village there is a military presidio with Spanish soldiers and their horses. There is also a Spanish church called a mission. The Spanish friars live here. All around the village there are big homes with patios.

Tonight there is a terrible storm and it is raining. Inside the village tavern there are soldiers and other men. They are eating and drinking. Sergeant Pedro Gonzales is at the tavern. He is a big, strong man.

"What a horrible night! It always rains in February. Where is Zorro on this stormy night?" asks one soldier.

"Zorro! Don't say that name! He is a bandit and a criminal,'' says Sergeant Gonzales.

"He is the terror of southern California,'' says another soldier.

"People say that he takes from the rich and gives to the poor. He is a friend of the natives and the friars. He punishes dishonest people," says an old man.

"Ha! Zorro is a big mystery. Who is he? Where is he from? He wears a black mask and no one can see his face. He travels on the El Camino Real on his fast horse. He is very good with his sword," says the Sergeant.

"Yes, and he leaves his mark - the Z - everywhere," says the old man.

"No one can stop him. The Governor of California offers a big reward for the capture of Zorro," says one soldier.

At that moment a man enters the tavern. He is young and handsome. He has black hair and dark eyes. He has fine clothes.

"Don Diego Vega, my friend!" says Sergeant Gonzales. "Your clothes are wet. Why are you out on this rainy night?"

Don Diego smiles and says, "I am going home, but I am cold and wet. I want something to drink."

"Come and stand near the fire," says the Sergeant. "Here is a glass of wine."

"Thank you, my friend," says Don Diego.

"We are talking about Zorro. Everyone is scared of him, but I am not! I am ready to fight Zorro and win! I am a champion with the sword. What do you think, Don Diego?" asks the Sergeant. "Everyone talks about this mysterious man with a mask. Many people say good things about him," says Don Diego.

"I want to fight him and capture him! I want the big reward," says Sergeant Gonzales.

"No, no! Don't talk about fighting. I hate fighting and I hate violence. I think Zorro is sincere. He punishes only bad people. He protects the poor, the natives and the friars. Let Zorro do his work," says Don Diego.

"You are a kind man. You like music and poetry. You don't understand, my friend. You are rich and noble," says the Sergeant.

Don Diego smiles and says, "It's 6 p.m. I must return to my hacienda. Good night everyone." He opens the tavern door and goes out into the rain.

Chapter two

A Surprise Visit

At 7 p.m. the door of tavern opens. Sergeant Gonzales and the other soldiers are standing near the fire. They are talking about Don Diego Vega and his rich family. They turn around and see a man. He is dressed in black. He has a black mask and a black sombrero. It is Zorro!

"Good evening! My name is Zorro!" says the masked man.

The men in the tavern are very surprised and scared.

Sergeant Gonzales looks at him carefully and says, "What do you want, bandit?"

Zorro laughs loudly. He looks at Sergeant Gonzales and says," I am here to punish you, Sergeant!"

"What do you mean?" says the Sergeant.

"You beat the poor natives. I am a friend of the natives. I am here to punish you."

"You idiot! The governor wants you dead or alive!" says Sergeant Gonzales. He pulls out his sword and wants to fight.

At that moment Zorro pulls out a pistol. He watches everyone carefully.

Sergeant Gonzales looks at the pistol and says, "Courageous men don't use pistols. They use swords. Perhaps you are not courageous, Zorro?"

"This pistol is necessary because you have many friends in this tavern. Everyone must go near the fire and stay there!" says Zorro. "Now I have a pistol in my left hand and a sword in my right hand. I am ready to punish you."

"Fight, senor!" says the Sergeant.

They start fighting. Their swords move quickly and make a lot of noise. The two men are good fighters. Zorro is fast and light. Sergeant Gonzales is slow and heavy. Zorro jumps onto a table. Then he jumps onto a chair. The fight continues and Sergeant Gonzales' sword falls onto the floor. His face is white. He is scared. Zorro slaps his face and says, "This is your punishment." Then he makes a Z on the Sergeant's shirt with his sword.

Zorro runs to the window. He opens it and says, "Good evening, gentlemen!" He jumps out of the window and disappears.

Chapter three

The Pulido Hacienda

The next day is warm and sunny. Don Diego gets on his beautiful horse. He rides to Don Carlos Pulido's big hacienda.

Don Carlos is a good friend of Don Diego's family. Both families are rich and important. But the Governor does not like Don Carlos. He creates problems for him. He wants to take Don Carlos' land.

Don Carlos is happy to see his friend. "Good morning, Don Diego. What a nice surprise! Come and sit in the patio."

"Thank you. I am here to say something very important," says Don Diego. "I am almost 25 years old. My father wants me to get married and start a family. I am not interested in marriage. I think love and marriage are boring but I must obey my father. How old is your daughter Lolita?" asks Don Diego.

"Lolita is 18 years old and she is very beautiful," answers Don Carlos.

"You have a fine family. With your permission ', I want to marry your daughter," says Don Diego.

Don Carlos smiles and is happy. "This is an honour for our family. You have my permission! Do you want to see Lolita?"

"I think I must!" answers Don Diego.

Don Carlos calls her and she comes to the patio. Lolita is a lovely girl with long black hair and dark eyes.

"Good morning, senorita. There is something I must tell you," says Don Diego smiling. "I want to marry you and your father approves."

"Oh, senor!" exclaims Lolita. "You want to marry me!" She is surprised and her face is red.

"Think about it today. One of my servants can bring me your answer tomorrow."

"But why can't you come tomorrow?" asks Lolita.

"Oh, your hacienda is far. I get tired when I ride my horse. I prefer to stay at home and rest."

"What! You want to marry me and you don't want to visit me! Is this your idea of love? I want to marry a strong, romantic man. You are young and rich, but you are not strong or romantic! Do you have a heart?" says Lolita. She is angry. She runs away and tells her mother.

Doha Catalina says, "You are lucky, Lolita. Don Diego is very rich. He comes from a noble family. The Governor likes his family. This is a big opportunity for our family."

In the afternoon Lolita is alone in the patio. She is thinking about Don Diego. Suddenly she hears a noise and turns around. She sees standing in front of her. "Zorro!" she whispers.

"Don't be afraid, senorita. I only punish corrupt people. I like your father because he is honest. I am here to admire your beauty."

"What! You must go away. You are in great danger," says Lolita.

"You are beautiful and kind, Lolita," says Zorro. "Let me kiss your hand." Zorro takes her small hand and kisses it. Lolita looks into his eyes and smiles. Then she runs into the house. "What a courageous man! He is a bandit but I like him," Lolita thinks.

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Zorro - Chapter 1-3 Zorro| Zorro - Kapitel 1-3 Zorro - Capítulo 1-3 Zorro - Chapitre 1-3 ゾロ - 第1章~第3章 조로 - 1-3장 Zorro - Rozdział 1-3 Zorro - Capítulo 1-3 Зорро - Розділ 1-3 佐罗-第1-3章 佐罗 - 第 1-3 章

Chapter one

**A Stormy Night** |Turbulent| |Fırtınalı| |tempestuosa| 嵐の夜 Uma noite de tempestade một đêm giông bão

Reina de Los Angeles is a Spanish village in southern California. ||||||||em|| Reina de Los Angelesは、南カリフォルニアにあるスペインの村です。 Reina de Los Angeles là một ngôi làng Tây Ban Nha ở miền nam California.

In the village there is a military presidio with Spanish soldiers and their horses. |||||jedna|||||||| ||small community|||||military fortification|||||the soldiers'| |||||||askeri garnizon|||||| na||||||||||||| 村には、スペインの兵士とその馬がいる軍のプレシディオがあります。 Trong làng có một tổng thống quân đội với những người lính Tây Ban Nha và ngựa của họ. There is also a Spanish church called a mission. ミッションと呼ばれるスペインの教会もあります。 미션이라는 스페인 교회도 있습니다. Ngoài ra còn có một nhà thờ Tây Ban Nha được gọi là một nhiệm vụ. The Spanish friars live here. ti||františkáni|| ||religious brothers|| スペインの修道士はここに住んでいます。 Os frades espanhóis vivem aqui. Các tu sĩ Tây Ban Nha sống ở đây. All around the village there are big homes with patios. Všude||||se||velké|||terasami |throughout||small community||||large houses||outdoor living spaces |||||||||avlular 村のいたるところにパティオのある大きな家があります。 Por toda a aldeia há grandes casas com pátios. Khắp làng đều có những ngôi nhà lớn có hàng hiên.

Tonight there is a terrible storm and it is raining. |je|||||||| This evening||||||||| |||||fırtına|||| ||||terrível||||| 今夜はひどい嵐があり、雨が降っています。 Inside the village tavern there are soldiers and other men. |||hostinec||||a|| |||village pub|||||| |||köy meyhanesi|||||| 村の居酒屋の中には兵士や他の男性がいます。 Bên trong quán rượu của làng có những người lính và những người đàn ông khác. They are eating and drinking. oni|||| 彼らは食べたり飲んだりしています。 Sergeant Pedro Gonzales is at the tavern. ペドロゴンザレス軍曹が居酒屋にいます。 Trung sĩ Pedro Gonzales đang ở quán rượu. He is a big, strong man. 彼は大きくて強い人です。

"What a horrible night! 「なんて恐ろしい夜だ! "Thật là một đêm kinh hoàng! It always rains in February. vždy|||| 2月はいつも雨が降ります。 Where is Zorro on this stormy night?" Kde|||||bouřlivé| |||||turbulent, tempestuous, wild| |||||tempestuosa| この嵐の夜、ゾロはどこにいるの?」 Zorro ở đâu trong đêm giông bão này?” asks one soldier. 一人の兵士に尋ねます。 hỏi một người lính.

"Zorro! 「ゾロ! Don't say that name! ||the name| その名前を言わないでください! He is a bandit and a criminal,'' says Sergeant Gonzales. on||člen|||člen|||| ||||||criminoso||| 彼は盗賊であり犯罪者です」とゴンザレス軍曹は言います。 Anh ta là một tên cướp và một tên tội phạm'', Trung sĩ Gonzales nói.

"He is the terror of southern California,'' says another soldier. on||||||||| |||fearsome figure|||||| 「彼は南カリフォルニアの恐怖です」と別の兵士は言います。 "Ông ta là nỗi kinh hoàng của miền nam California," một người lính khác nói.

"People say that he takes from the rich and gives to the poor. Lidé|||on|||||a|||| as pessoas|||||||||||| 「人々は彼が金持ちから取って貧しい人に与えると言います。 He is a friend of the natives and the friars. On|||||||a||františkáni 彼は先住民と兄弟たちの友人です。 Anh ấy là bạn của người bản xứ và anh em tu sĩ. He punishes dishonest people," says an old man. on||||||| 彼は不誠実な人々を罰する」と老人は言う。 Ông ấy trừng phạt những kẻ không trung thực," một ông già nói.

"Ha! 「はっ! Zorro is a big mystery. Zorro|||| ゾロは大きな謎です。 Zorro là một bí ẩn lớn. Who is he? kdo|| 彼は誰? Where is he from? Odkud||| 彼はどこから来ましたか? He wears a black mask and no one can see his face. on|||||a|||||| 彼は黒いマスクをかぶっていて、誰も彼の顔を見ることができません。 He travels on the El Camino Real on his fast horse. |||||||na||| |||||The Royal Road||||swift| |||||||||rápido| 彼は速い馬に乗ってエルカミノレアルを旅します。 Anh ấy đi trên El Camino Real trên con ngựa nhanh của mình. He is very good with his sword," says the Sergeant. on||||||||| 彼は剣がとても上手です」と軍曹は言います。 그는 검을 아주 잘 다룹니다." 하사가 말합니다.

"Yes, and he leaves his mark - the Z - everywhere," says the old man. |a||||||||||| |||||signature or symbol|||all over the place|||| |||parte|||||por toda parte|diz|o|| 「はい、そして彼はどこにでも彼のマーク-Z-を残します」と老人は言います。 "Vâng, và anh ấy để lại dấu ấn của mình - chữ Z - ở khắp mọi nơi," ông già nói.

"No one can stop him. Nikdo|||| 「誰も彼を止めることはできません。 The Governor of California offers a big reward for the capture of Zorro," says one soldier. guvernér|||||a||||ten|zachycení||||| ||||provides|||bounty|||||||| |o governador||||||recompensa|||||||um| カリフォルニア州知事はゾロの捕獲に対して大きな報酬を提供します」とある兵士は言います。 Thống đốc bang California treo thưởng lớn cho ai bắt được Zorro," một người lính nói.

At that moment a man enters the tavern. v||||||| |||||||taberna その瞬間、男が居酒屋に入る。 He is young and handsome. on|||| ||||attractive ||||bonito 彼は若くてハンサムです。 He has black hair and dark eyes. on|||||| |||||escuros| 彼は黒い髪と黒い目をしています。 He has fine clothes. on||| ||boas| 彼は上品な服を着ています。 Anh ấy có quần áo đẹp.

"Don Diego Vega, my friend!" 「怪傑ゾロ、私の友達!」 says Sergeant Gonzales. ゴンザレス軍曹は言います。 "Your clothes are wet. tvé||| |||Damp |||molhadas 「あなたの服は濡れています。 Why are you out on this rainy night?" proč||||||| ||||||wet and stormy| ||||nesta|nesta|| なんでこの雨の夜に出かけるの?」

Don Diego smiles and says, "I am going home, but I am cold and wet. |||||||||ale||||| ドン・ディエゴは微笑んで言った、「私は家に帰りますが、私は寒くて濡れています。 I want something to drink." 何か飲みたい」

"Come and stand near the fire," says the Sergeant. přijď|||||||| ||Remain upright|||||| ||ficar|||||| 「来て、火のそばに立ってください」と軍曹は言います。 "Here is a glass of wine." tady||||| 「これがグラスワインです。」

"Thank you, my friend," says Don Diego. 「ありがとう、私の友達」とドン・ディエゴは言います。

"We are talking about Zorro. We|||| 「私たちはゾロについて話している。 Everyone is scared of him, but I am not! |||de||||| 誰もが彼を怖がっていますが、私はそうではありません! I am ready to fight Zorro and win! ゾロと戦って勝つ準備ができています! I am a champion with the sword. What do you think, Don Diego?" ドン・ディエゴ、どう思いますか?」 asks the Sergeant. 軍曹に尋ねます。 "Everyone talks about this mysterious man with a mask. ||||enigmatic|||| 「誰もがこの謎の男についてマスクを持って話します。 Many people say good things about him," says Don Diego. Mnoho||||||||| 多くの人が彼について良いことを言っています」とドン・ディエゴは言います。

"I want to fight him and capture him! ||||||zajmout| ||||||capturar|ele 「私は彼と戦い、彼を捕まえたい! I want the big reward," says Sergeant Gonzales. ||||recompensa||| 大きな報酬が欲しい」とゴンザレス軍曹は言う。

"No, no! 「いや、いや! Don't talk about fighting. Nehovoř||| 戦いについて話さないでください。 Đừng nói về chiến đấu. I hate fighting and I hate violence. 私は戦いが嫌いで、暴力が嫌いです。 Tôi ghét đánh nhau và tôi ghét bạo lực. I think Zorro is sincere. ||||upřímný ゾロは誠実だと思います。 Tôi nghĩ Zorro chân thành. He punishes only bad people. on|||| 彼は悪い人だけを罰します。 He protects the poor, the natives and the friars. On||||||||bratři |||os pobres||||| 彼は貧しい人々、先住民、兄弟たちを守ります。 Ông bảo vệ người nghèo, người bản xứ và tu sĩ. Let Zorro do his work," says Don Diego. nech||||||| ゾロに仕事を任せてください」とドンディエゴは言います。 Hãy để Zorro làm công việc của mình," Don Diego nói.

"You are a kind man. ty|||| |||gentil| 「あなたは親切な人です。 “Anh là một người đàn ông tốt bụng. You like music and poetry. ty|||| ||||poesia あなたは音楽と詩が好きです。 You don't understand, my friend. Ty|||| 分かりません、私の友人。 You are rich and noble," says the Sergeant. ty||||urozený||| あなたは金持ちで高貴です」と軍曹は言います。 Bạn giàu có và cao quý," Trung sĩ nói.

Don Diego smiles and says, "It's 6 p.m. ドンディエゴは微笑んでこう言います。「午後6時です。 I must return to my hacienda. |||||hacienda |devo|||| 私は自分のハシエンダに戻らなければなりません。 Tôi phải trở về hacienda của mình. Good night everyone." ||todos おやすみなさい、皆さん。" He opens the tavern door and goes out into the rain. on|||||a||||| |||||||para fora||a| 彼は居酒屋のドアを開けて雨の中へ出かけます。

Chapter two 第2章

**A Surprise Visit** náhlá||

At 7 p.m. à|| the door of tavern opens. Sergeant Gonzales and the other soldiers are standing near the fire. They are talking about Don Diego Vega and his rich family. They turn around and see a man. He is dressed in black. He has a black mask and a black sombrero. on||||||||klobouk sombrero It is Zorro!

"Good evening! My name is Zorro!" Moje||| says the masked man. říká|||

The men in the tavern are very surprised and scared. ti|||||||||

Sergeant Gonzales looks at him carefully and says, "What do you want, bandit?" seržant||||||||||||bandito |||||with scrutiny|||||||

Zorro laughs loudly. Zorro|| ||with great volume He looks at Sergeant Gonzales and says," I am here to punish you, Sergeant!"

"What do you mean?" says the Sergeant.

"You beat the poor natives. ty||||domorodce "Bạn đánh bại những người bản địa nghèo. I am a friend of the natives. I am here to punish you."

"You idiot! ty| The governor wants you dead or alive!" ten|||||| ||||||not dead says Sergeant Gonzales. He pulls out his sword and wants to fight. on||||||||

At that moment Zorro pulls out a pistol. v||||||pistoli| He watches everyone carefully. on||| The man||| |observa||

Sergeant Gonzales looks at the pistol and says, "Courageous men don't use pistols. seržant|||||||||||| Trung sĩ Gonzales nhìn khẩu súng lục và nói, "Những người dũng cảm không sử dụng súng lục. They use swords. oni|| Perhaps you are not courageous, Zorro?"

"This pistol is necessary because you have many friends in this tavern. tato||||protože||||||| "Khẩu súng này là cần thiết bởi vì bạn có nhiều bạn bè trong quán rượu này. Everyone must go near the fire and stay there!" ||||||||at that place Mọi người phải đến gần ngọn lửa và ở yên đó!" says Zorro. "Now I have a pistol in my left hand and a sword in my right hand. teď|||||||||a|||||| I am ready to punish you."

"Fight, senor!" |pane says the Sergeant.

They start fighting. Oni|| Their swords move quickly and make a lot of noise. jejich||||a||||| |||||||||clashing sounds |||||||||barulho The two men are good fighters. ti||||| Zorro is fast and light. Zorro|||| ||||nimble Sergeant Gonzales is slow and heavy. seržant||||| Zorro jumps onto a table. Zorro|||| Then he jumps onto a chair. The fight continues and Sergeant Gonzales' sword falls onto the floor. ta||||seržant|||||| Cuộc chiến tiếp tục và thanh kiếm của Trung sĩ Gonzales rơi xuống sàn. His face is white. jeho||| He is scared. on|| Zorro slaps his face and says, "This is your punishment." Zorro|plácne|||||tohle||| |||||||||Consequence |||||||||castigo Zorro tát vào mặt anh ta và nói: "Đây là hình phạt của bạn." Then he makes a Z on the Sergeant's shirt with his sword. |on|||||||||| Sau đó, anh ta tạo chữ Z trên áo của Trung sĩ bằng thanh kiếm của mình.

Zorro runs to the window. Zorro|||| He opens it and says, "Good evening, gentlemen!" |||||||men He jumps out of the window and disappears. on se|||||||

Chapter three

**The Pulido Hacienda** |The Polished Estate| Pulido Hacienda

The next day is warm and sunny. ta|||||| Don Diego gets on his beautiful horse. don|||||| He rides to Don Carlos Pulido's big hacienda. on||||||| |travels by horse||||||large estate Anh ấy cưỡi ngựa đến hacienda lớn của Don Carlos Pulido.

Don Carlos is a good friend of Don Diego's family. don|Karel|||||||| |||||||||Don Diego's relatives Both families are rich and important. obě||||| Both families||||| 두 가족 모두 부유하고 중요한 존재입니다. Cả hai gia đình đều giàu có và quan trọng. But the Governor does not like Don Carlos. |||||is not fond of|| 하지만 주지사는 돈 카를로스를 좋아하지 않습니다. He creates problems for him. on|||| 그는 그에게 문제를 일으킵니다. Anh ta tạo ra vấn đề cho anh ta. He wants to take Don Carlos' land. on|||||| ||||||property 그는 돈 카를로스의 땅을 차지하려고 합니다. Anh ta muốn chiếm đất của Don Carlos.

Don Carlos is happy to see his friend. don||||||| "Good morning, Don Diego. What a nice surprise! Jaká||| Come and sit in the patio." přijď|||||na terase |||||outdoor seating area |||||Veranda

"Thank you. I am here to say something very important," says Don Diego. "I am almost 25 years old. I|||| My father wants me to get married and start a family. Můj||||aby|||||| My|||||||||| ||||||casado|||| I am not interested in marriage. |||||casamento I think love and marriage are boring but I must obey my father. |||||||ale||||| ||||||||||follow the wishes|| ||||casamento||||||obedecer a|| How old is your daughter Lolita?" 딸 로리타는 몇 살인가요?" asks Don Diego.

"Lolita is 18 years old and she is very beautiful," answers Don Carlos.

"You have a fine family. ty|||| With your permission ', I want to marry your daughter," says Don Diego. s vaším svolen||||||||||| |||||||your||||

Don Carlos smiles and is happy. Don||||| |||||content "This is an honour for our family. Toto|||||| “Đây là niềm vinh dự cho gia đình chúng tôi. You have my permission! Ty||| Do you want to see Lolita?" chceš|||||

"I think I must!" answers Don Diego. responds||

Don Carlos calls her and she comes to the patio. Don|Carlos|||||||| Lolita is a lovely girl with long black hair and dark eyes. Lolita||a||||dlouhými|||||

"Good morning, senorita. ||slečno There is something I must tell you," says Don Diego smiling. Tam|||||||||| |||||inform you about|||||with a smile Có một điều tôi phải nói với bạn," Don Diego mỉm cười nói. "I want to marry you and your father approves." ||||||||schvaluje ||||||||gives his consent ||||||||onaylıyor ||||||||aprova

"Oh, senor!" exclaims Lolita. shouts| exclama| "You want to marry me!" Ty|||| She is surprised and her face is red. ona||||||| ||taken aback|||||

"Think about it today. přemýš||| "Pense nisso hoje. "Hãy nghĩ về nó ngày hôm nay. One of my servants can bring me your answer tomorrow." Jeden||||||||| |||||||||the next day 내 하인 중 한 명이 내일 답을 가져다 줄 것입니다." Um dos meus criados pode trazer-me a sua resposta amanhã". Một trong những người hầu của tôi có thể mang đến cho tôi câu trả lời của bạn vào ngày mai."

"But why can't you come tomorrow?" Ale||||| "Mas porque é que não podes vir amanhã?" “Nhưng tại sao ngày mai anh không thể đến?” asks Lolita.

"Oh, your hacienda is far. ||estate|| "Oh, a vossa fazenda é longe. I get tired when I ride my horse. Tôi cảm thấy mệt mỏi khi cưỡi ngựa. I prefer to stay at home and rest." |||||my place||relax or sleep

"What! You want to marry me and you don't want to visit me! Ty|||||a|||||| Is this your idea of love? je||||| Đây có phải là ý tưởng của bạn về tình yêu? I want to marry a strong, romantic man. |desire|||||loving and passionate| You are young and rich, but you are not strong or romantic! ty|||||ale|ty||||| Do you have a heart?" says Lolita. She is angry. She runs away and tells her mother. Ona||||||

Doha Catalina says, "You are lucky, Lolita. Don Diego is very rich. He comes from a noble family. on||||| ||||aristocratic| The Governor likes his family. This is a big opportunity for our family." Toto|||||||

In the afternoon Lolita is alone in the patio. odpoledne|||Lolita||||| She is thinking about Don Diego. Suddenly she hears a noise and turns around. All of a sudden||||||| She sees standing in front of her. ona|||||| "Zorro!" "Zorro!" she whispers. |speaks softly cô ấy thì thầm.

"Don't be afraid, senorita. neboj se||| I only punish corrupt people. |||korupční| Eu só castigo os corruptos. Tôi chỉ trừng phạt những kẻ tham nhũng. I like your father because he is honest. I am here to admire your beauty." ||||||your attractiveness Tôi ở đây để chiêm ngưỡng vẻ đẹp của bạn."

"What! exclamation of surprise You must go away. Ty||| Tens de te ir embora. You are in great danger," says Lolita. Ty|||||| Bạn đang gặp nguy hiểm lớn," Lolita nói.

"You are beautiful and kind, Lolita," says Zorro. You||||||| Você||||||| "Bạn xinh đẹp và tốt bụng, Lolita," Zorro nói. "Let me kiss your hand." dovolte|||| Zorro takes her small hand and kisses it. Zorro||||||| Lolita looks into his eyes and smiles. Lolita|||||| Then she runs into the house. "What a courageous man! Jaký||| He is a bandit but I like him," Lolita thinks. on||||ale||||| |||||||||pensa Він бандит, але він мені подобається», — вважає Лоліта.