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Crash Course: English Literature, 1984 by George Orwell, Part 1: Crash Course Literature 401 - YouTube (2)

1984 by George Orwell, Part 1: Crash Course Literature 401 - YouTube (2)

This foreshadows that language will become increasingly oppressive…

Which, of course, is bad news for Winston and his peers.

But there is some good news for the rest of humanity.

Because you will notice that the appendix is written in Standard English.

As many readers (including Thomas Pynchon and Margaret Atwood) have pointed out, this

suggests that free thought and its expression will ultimately prevail, and that language

will once again be rich and complex and free.

Thanks Thought Bubble.

So how do we get back to free language?

Well I'm a writer, and as such I'm almost professionally obligated to believe in the

power of language--and next week we'll go into more detail about the complicated relationship

between thoughts and language, but I think it's worth mentioning now that while we

don't think entirely in words, language does help give form and expression to complex

ideas within us.

I mean, that's part of what books attempt to do, but it's also something we're all

doing all day, because we think in language.

It's one of the primary ways we communicate our feelings and experiences to other people,

but it's also one of the primary ways we communicate that stuff within us.

And I think in 1984 Orwell argues that the restriction of language is ultimately a form

of restricting thought itself.

It's encouraging that Newspeak may ultimately fail, but it does make me wonder: what thoughts

can't I think because of the language that I've inherited?

Next time we'll also address a question that should be on your mind (since you're

watching this video on something very like a telescreen, possibly while in a government-funded

school where the government is deciding at least in part what you learn about):

What can 1984 teach us about our current political context and our relationship to what many

have called “surveillance” society?

And in a world where so many of us volunteer so much of ourselves to the public sphere,

is there value in private life?

Spoiler alert: I think so.

But we'll talk more about that next week.

Thanks for watching.

I'll see you then.

1984 by George Orwell, Part 1: Crash Course Literature 401 - YouTube (2) 1984 von George Orwell, Teil 1: Crashkurs Literatur 401 - YouTube (2) 1984 de George Orwell, Parte 1: Curso acelerado de literatura 401 - YouTube (2) 1984 de George Orwell, 1ère partie : Cours accéléré de littérature 401 - YouTube (2) 1984 di George Orwell, parte 1: Corso accelerato di letteratura 401 - YouTube (2) ジョージ・オーウェル著『1984年』第1部クラッシュコース文学401 - YouTube (2) Rok 1984 George'a Orwella, część 1: Crash Course Literatura 401 - YouTube (2) George Orwell'den 1984, Bölüm 1: Crash Course Edebiyat 401 - YouTube (2) "1984" Джорджа Орвелла, частина 1: Прискорений курс з літератури 401 - YouTube (2) 乔治·奥威尔 (George Orwell) 1984 年,第 1 部分:文学速成班 401 - YouTube (2)

This foreshadows that language will become increasingly oppressive… هذا ينذر بأنّ اللّغة ستصبح قمعيّة بشكل متزايد، isso mostra que a linguagem se tornará progressivamente opressiva... Это предсказывает, что язык продолжит быть более угнетающим,

Which, of course, is bad news for Winston and his peers. وهو بالطّبع خبر سيّئ لونستون وأقرانه. O que, é claro, significa problemas para Winston e seus pares. что, конечно, плохие новости для Уинстона и его товарищей.

But there is some good news for the rest of humanity. لكن هناك بعض الأخبار السّارة لبقية البشريّة. Mas há boas novas para o resto da humanidade. Но есть хорошие новости для всего остального человечества,

Because you will notice that the appendix is written in Standard English. لانّه من الممكن الملاحظة أنّ الملحق مكتوب باللغة الإنجليزية القياسية. Porque você notará que o Apêndice é escrito em Inglês Padrão. так как вы можете заметить, что Приложение написано на стандартизированном английском,

As many readers (including Thomas Pynchon and Margaret Atwood) have pointed out, this فالعديد من القرّاء، كتوماس بينشون ومارغريت آتوود، Como muitos leitores (incluindo Thomas Pynchon e Margaret Atwood) tem apontado, isso и как отметили многие читатели (такие как Томас Пинчон и Маргарет Этвуд), это

suggests that free thought and its expression will ultimately prevail, and that language إعتبروا هذا إشارة إلى أنّ الفكر الحرّ والتّعبير عنه سوف يسودان في نهاية المطاف. sugere que o livre pensamento e expressão prevalecerão em última instância, e que a linguagem предполагает, что свобода мыслей и их выражений в итоге победит, и что язык

will once again be rich and complex and free. وأنّ اللّغة ستكون مجدّدًا غنيّة راقية وحرّة. Gracias Burbuja del Pensamiento. será novamente rica e complexa e livre. снова однажды будет богатым, сложным и свободным.

Thanks Thought Bubble. شكرًا فقاعة الأفكار. Entonces ¿Cómo volvemos al lenguaje libre? Obrigado, Bolha do Pensamento. Спасибо, Thought Bubble.

So how do we get back to free language? إذًا كيف نعود إلى لغة حرّة؟ Então, como nós voltamos para a linguagem livre? Итак, как же нам вернуться к свободному языку?

Well I'm a writer, and as such I'm almost professionally obligated to believe in the أنا كاتب وهذا يجبرني على الإيمان بقوّة اللّغة، Bem, eu sou um escritor, e como tal eu sou praticamente profissionalmente obrigado a acreditar no Я, например, писатель, и поэтому почти профессионально обязан верить в

power of language--and next week we'll go into more detail about the complicated relationship وسنتناول الأسبوع المقبل مزيدًا من التّفاصيل poder da linguagem -- e na próxima semana nós vamos entrar em maiores detalhes sobre o relacionamento complicado силу языка, и на следующей неделе бы более детально обсудим сложные отношения

between thoughts and language, but I think it's worth mentioning now that while we حول العلاقة المعقّدة بين الأفكار واللّغة، لكنّني أعتقد أنه من الجدير بالذّكر الآن entre o pensamento e a linguagem, mas eu acredito que vale a pena mencionar agora que nós между мыслями и языком, но, думаю, стоит сейчас отметить, что даже если

don't think entirely in words, language does help give form and expression to complex أنه بينما لا نفكر حصرًا مستخدمين الكلمات، فإنّ اللغة تساعد في إعطاء الشّكل والصّياغة لأفكارنا المعقّدة. ideas dentro nuestro. não pensamos exclusivamente em palavras; a linguagem nos ajuda a dar forma e a expressar ideas мы не всегда думаем с помощью слов, язык всё же помогает давать форму и выразительность сложным

ideas within us. هذا جزء ممّا تحاول الكتب فعله، Quiero decir, eso es parte de lo que el libro intenta lograr, pero también es algo que todos complexas dentro de nós. идеям внутри нас.

I mean, that's part of what books attempt to do, but it's also something we're all Quer dizer, isso é uma parte do que os livros tentam fazer, mas isso é algo também que nós todos То есть это часть того, что стараются сделать книги, но ещё и то, что мы

doing all day, because we think in language. لأنّنا نفكّر باللّغة. fazemos todos os dias, porque nós pensamos em forma de linguagem. делаем каждый день, потому что мы думаем с помощью языка.

It's one of the primary ways we communicate our feelings and experiences to other people, إنّها إحدى الطرق الأساسية التي ننقل عبرها مشاعرنا وتجاربنا إلى الآخرين، Essa é uma das principais formas que nós comunicamos nossos sentimentos e experiências para as outras pessoas, Это один из важнейших способов передачи чувств и впечатлений другим людям,

but it's also one of the primary ways we communicate that stuff within us. لكنّها أيضًا إحدى الطّرق الأساسية للتواصل داخل أنفسنا. mas é também uma das principais formas que nós comunicamos essas coisas para nós mesmos. но также один из важнейших способов, которым мы понимаем всё внутри себя.

And I think in 1984 Orwell argues that the restriction of language is ultimately a form E eu acredito que em "1984" Orwell argumenta que a restrição da linguagem é em última instância uma forma И я думаю, что в "1984" Оруэлл показывает, что ограничения в языке - это форма

of restricting thought itself. de restringir o próprio pensamento. ограничения самих мыслей.

It's encouraging that Newspeak may ultimately fail, but it does make me wonder: what thoughts É encorajador que a Novafala possa no final falhar, mas isso me faz pensar: quais os pensamentos Это воодушевляет, что новояз может в итоге не достигнуть своих целей, но и заставляет задуматься: какие мысли

can't I think because of the language that I've inherited? que eu não posso pensar por causa da linguagem que eu herdei? я не могу думать из-за языка, который я перенял?

Next time we'll also address a question that should be on your mind (since you're في المرة القادمة سنتطرّق إلى سؤال يجب أن يدور في ذهنك(ي)، Na próxima semana nós discutiremos uma questão que deveria estar em sua mente (já que você В следующий раз мы также обратимся к вопросу, который должен быть у вас в голове (так как вы

watching this video on something very like a telescreen, possibly while in a government-funded نظرًا لمشاهدتك(ي) هذا الفيديو على شيء يشبه إلى حد كبير شاشة الرّصد، ربّما أثناء وجودك(ي) في مدرسة مموّلة حكوميًا está assistindo esse vídeo em algo parecido com uma tela, possivelmente enquanto está em uma escola financiada pelo governo смотрите это видео на чём-то похожем на телеэкран, возможно в государственном

school where the government is deciding at least in part what you learn about): حيث قد تكون الحكومة قرّرت جزئيًا ما يُعلّم : onde o governo está decidindo ao menos em parte o que você está apredendo): обучающем учреждении, где правительство хотя бы частично решает, чему вас надо научить):

What can 1984 teach us about our current political context and our relationship to what many O que 1984 pode nos ensinar sobre nosso contexto político atual e nossa relação com o que muitos Чему может "1984" научить нас в текущем политическом контексте и отношении к тому, что многие

have called “surveillance” society? tem chamados sociedade da "vigilâcia"? называют "обществом наблюдения"?

And in a world where so many of us volunteer so much of ourselves to the public sphere, وفي عالم يعطي فيه العديد منّا قدر كبير من أنفسنا للمجال العام، E em um mundo em que muitos de nós voluntariamente compartilham tanto de nós mesmos com a esfera pública, И в мире, где так много людей открывают себя публичной сфере,

is there value in private life? هل هناك قيمة في الحياة الخاصة ؟ existe valor na vida privada? есть ли ценность личной жизни?

Spoiler alert: I think so. تحذير "سبويلر": أعتقد ذلك. Spoiler: Eu acredito que sim. Спойлер: я думаю, что да,

But we'll talk more about that next week. Bom nós vamos falar mais sobre isso na próxima semana.

Thanks for watching. Obrigado por assistir.

I'll see you then. Nos vemos ahí. Nos vemos logo mais.