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Crash Course: English Literature, Shakespeare's Sonnets: Crash Course Literature 304 - YouTube (2)

Shakespeare's Sonnets: Crash Course Literature 304 - YouTube (2)

But for me at least, the best line of the poem is when he writes that “love is not time's fool.”

True love, to Shakespeare, is not beholden to time. It doesn't answer to time. It somehow transcends time.

And lastly, let's take a brief look at Sonnet 130, one of the ones addressed to the dark lady.

This sonnet is almost a parody, a send-up of Petrarch's sonnets about the lovely Laura, whom he barely knew.

That weird Renaissance worship of the person you met just one time, 20 years ago,

and the constant exploration of every facet of their beauty, their mouth, their eyes, their cheeks, their hair.

It gets a little overwhelming.

In sonnet 130, Shakespeare simultaneously does that, and refuses to do it.

Like, If he suggested that a summer's day wasn't a good enough descriptor of his beloved,

now he's suggesting that if you compare his mistress to any of the typical stuff

—suns, roses, perfume— she's going to fall very short.

Her breasts are the color of dun, her hair is like black wires, sometimes her breath smells.

This strange descriptive aggression characterizes many of the late sonnets,

where the poet seems to feel ashamed about being attracted to this woman.

But again, there's a twist in the end, as there is with every good sonnet's final couplet.

“And yet by heaven I think my love as rare/ As any she belied by false compare.”

Shakespeare isn't saying, look, my mistress has onion breath.

Instead, the speaker is instead saying, all of you other poets have been exaggerating like crazy including past me.

If you were actually going to describe people realistically, his lover would be as beautiful as any other.

So take that, coral and perfume, and summer days.

And for me at least, that humanization of the romantic other is more romantic,

and ultimately more loving than any summer's day.

And plus, she's gonna get to live forever!

Well, not actually. Because we're all going to die.

Even the species is going to cease to exist.

Thanks for watching Crash Course Literature. See you next week.

Well, actually, I can't guarantee that I'll see you next week.

But I will, so long as YouTube lives, and eyes can see.

Crash Course is filmed here in the Chad and Stacy Emigholz Studio.

It's made by all of these nice people and it's made possible thanks to your support on Patreon,

which is a voluntary subscription service that allows you to support Crash Course directly,

so we can keep it free for everyone forever.

Over at Patreon you can also get amazing perks, so please check it out at patreon.com/crashcourse

Thank you again for watching and as we say in my hometown: Don't Forget To Be Awesome.

Shakespeare's Sonnets: Crash Course Literature 304 - YouTube (2) Los Sonetos de Shakespeare: Crash Course Literatura 304 - YouTube (2) Сонети Шекспіра: Прискорений курс з літератури 304 - YouTube (2)

But for me at least, the best line of the poem is when he writes that “love is not time's fool.” لكن بالنِّسبة لي، أجملُ بيتٍ في القصيدة هو عندما كتب أنَّ "الحب يقاوم كل تصاريف الزمن"

True love, to Shakespeare, is not beholden to time. It doesn't answer to time. It somehow transcends time. الحبُّ الحقيقيُّ، بالنِّسبة لشكسبير، ليس مدينًا للوقت، ولا يهتمُّ به؛ بل هو الذَّي يتجاوزه.

And lastly, let's take a brief look at Sonnet 130, one of the ones addressed to the dark lady. وأخيراً، لِنُلقي نظرةً سريعة على السُّونيتة 130، وهي إحدى السُّونيتات المُوجَّهةِ للسَّيِّدة السَّمراء.

This sonnet is almost a parody, a send-up of Petrarch's sonnets about the lovely Laura, whom he barely knew. تعتبر هذه السُّونيتة ساخرة تقريباً، وهي محاكاة لسونيتات (بترارك) عن الجميلة (لاوورا)، الَّتي بالكادِ عَرَفها.

That weird Renaissance worship of the person you met just one time, 20 years ago, ذلك التَّبجيلُ الغريب في عصر النهضة الإنجليزي لشخص قابَلتَهُ لمرَّةٍ فقط، قبل عشرين سنة،

and the constant exploration of every facet of their beauty, their mouth, their eyes, their cheeks, their hair. والاستكشاف المستمر لكلَّ مظهرٍ من مظاهر جمالهم، أثغارهم، وعيونهم، وخدودهم، وشعورِهم.

It gets a little overwhelming. يصبح الأمر جيَّاشاً قليلاً.

In sonnet 130, Shakespeare simultaneously does that, and refuses to do it. في السُّونيتة 130، فعل ذلك ورفض فعله في آنٍ واحد.

Like, If he suggested that a summer's day wasn't a good enough descriptor of his beloved, مثل عندما لمَّح أنَّ وصفه لمحبوبه "بيوم صيفٍ" لم يكن جيداً كفاية،

now he's suggesting that if you compare his mistress to any of the typical stuff والآن هو يشير إلى أنَّك لو شبَّهت عشيقته بأيٍّ من الأشياء الاعتياديَّة:

—suns, roses, perfume— she's going to fall very short. كالشَّمس، والورود، والعطور؛ فإنَّها ستذبل خلال وقتٍ قصير. -güneşler, güller, parfümler- çok yetersiz kalacak.

Her breasts are the color of dun, her hair is like black wires, sometimes her breath smells. صدرها أشهب، شعرها مثل الأسلاك السَّوداء، أنفاسها تَنبعثُ منها رائحة في بعض الأحيان.

This strange descriptive aggression characterizes many of the late sonnets, هذا الهجوم الوصفيُّ الغريب يشخِّص حالة العديد من السُّونيتات الأخيرة،

where the poet seems to feel ashamed about being attracted to this woman. حيث يبدو أن الشَّاعر يشعر بالخزي لكونه منجذباً لهذه المرأة.

But again, there's a twist in the end, as there is with every good sonnet's final couplet. لكن مرةً أخرى، هنالك منعطفٌ في النِّهاية كما يحدث في المقطع الزَّوجي الأخير من كلِّ سونيتةٍ جيِّدة.

“And yet by heaven I think my love as rare/ As any she belied by false compare.” "لكنني قسمًا بربي لا أرى بحبيبتي إلا الجمال وتكذب التشبيه زيفًا بالبدائع فهى نادرة المثال" "Ama yine de aşkımın nadir olduğunu düşünüyorum/ Sahte karşılaştırmalarla yalanladığı kadar."

Shakespeare isn't saying, look, my mistress has onion breath. (شكسبير) هنا لا يقول: انظروا، لأنفاس عشيقتي رائحة كرائحة البصل،

Instead, the speaker is instead saying, all of you other poets have been exaggerating like crazy including past me. بل يقول: جميعكم أيها الشعراء، بما فيكم أنا في الماضيِّ؛ شديدو المبالغة بالوصف.

If you were actually going to describe people realistically, his lover would be as beautiful as any other. إذا كنتم ستصفون النَّاس بواقعيَّة، فسيكون جمال محبوبكم كجمال أيِّ شخص آخر.

So take that, coral and perfume, and summer days. لذا استخدموا كلمات كهذه للتَّوصيف: "مرجان، وعطر، وأيَّام صيف. توضيح:(شكسبير يريد أن يقول ان حبيبته ليست إلهة، وهو هنا يرفض المقارنات المبالغ فيها والشائعة في عصره.)

And for me at least, that humanization of the romantic other is more romantic, وبالنِّسبة لي على الأقل، فإنَّ أنسَنة الطَّرف الآخر أمرٌ أكثر رومانسيةً،

and ultimately more loving than any summer's day. وبطبيعة الحال أكثر محبَّة من أيِّ يوم صيف.

And plus, she's gonna get to live forever! بالإضافة إلى أنَّه سيتسنَّى لها أن تعيش إلى الأبد!

Well, not actually. Because we're all going to die. حسنًا، ليس إلى هذه الدَّرجه. لأنَّنا سنموت جميعاً في النِّهاية.

Even the species is going to cease to exist. كحال جميع الأصناف الحيَّة الَّتي ستفنى.

Thanks for watching Crash Course Literature. See you next week. شكرا لمشاهدتكم (كراش كورس) الأدب. أراكم في الأسبوع المقبل.

Well, actually, I can't guarantee that I'll see you next week. حسناً، في الواقع لا أضمن لكم أنَّكم سترونني الأسبوع المقبل.

But I will, so long as YouTube lives, and eyes can see. ولكنِّي سأفعل، ما دام اليوتيوب، وبأعين الناس البصر.

Crash Course is filmed here in the Chad and Stacy Emigholz Studio. تم تصوير (كراش كورس) هنا في استوديو (تشاد وستايسي إيميكولز).

It's made by all of these nice people and it's made possible thanks to your support on Patreon, وقُدِّمَ لكم بمساعدةٍ من هؤلاء الأشخاص الَّلطيفين وبدعمكم من خلال (باتريون)،

which is a voluntary subscription service that allows you to support Crash Course directly, وهي خدمة اشتراك تطوعيَّة، تسمح لك بدعم (كراش كورس) مباشرةً،

so we can keep it free for everyone forever. كي نتمكَّن من ابقائه مجانياً للكل، وإلى الأبد.

Over at Patreon you can also get amazing perks, so please check it out at patreon.com/crashcourse وهناك في (باتريون) يمكنك أيضاً الحصول على مزايا رائعة. لذلك من فضلك تصفح موقعهم التالي: patreon.com/crashcourse

Thank you again for watching and as we say in my hometown: Don't Forget To Be Awesome. شكرا لكم مجدَّداً لمتابعتكم، وكما نقول في بلدتي: " لا تنس أن تكون رائعاً". ترجمة: فريق أترجم autrjim@