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English conversations with Beth #1 LMA007, DAMIJANA w BETH #2.1


Hi I hope that you are enjoying the BBQ with your family and your boyfriend and your neighbours.

I'm very jealous I can't wait for when I can also have a barbecue, it's so much fun and it makes me feel….

It puts me in the summer mood whenever I have a barbeque.

I'm also jealous of all of your holidays, especially the sailing one! I have always wanted to be able to sail or to go on a sailing holiday because I think it's so cool to just be able to choose where you're going and to visit different places.

I have also never visited the Croatian islands that would be something that I think is maybe on my bucket list it seems like it would be something very cool to do.

I'm excited to hear more about all of your holidays and your times in Croatia.

I also am very glad that you are the same as me, in that you love a lie in the morning that that makes me happy to know that it's not just me who can't function before a certain time in the morning.

So I will just leave you this little message but have lovely BBQ and I will see you tomorrow

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Hi I hope that you are enjoying the BBQ with your family and your boyfriend and your neighbours. |||||vagytok|||grillparti||||||||| Hi I hope that you are enjoying the BBQ with your family and your boyfriend and your neighbours. Szia, remélem, hogy élvezed a grillezést a családoddal, a barátoddal és a szomszédaiddal. こんにちは私はあなたがあなたの家族とあなたのボーイフレンドとあなたの隣人と一緒にバーベキューを楽しんでいることを願っています。 안녕하세요 가족, 남자친구, 이웃분들과 함께 즐거운 바베큐파티 되시길 바랍니다. Živjo, upam, da uživate na žaru s svojo družino, fantom in sosedi.

I'm very jealous I can't wait for when I can also have a barbecue, it's so much fun and it makes me feel…. ||irigy|||||||||||||||||||| I'm very jealous I can't wait for when I can also have a barbecue, it's so much fun and it makes me feel…. Nagyon irigykedem, alig várom, hogy én is grillezhessek, olyan jó móka és érzéssel tölt el..... とても嫉妬していて、バーベキューもできるのが待ちきれません。とても楽しくて、気分が良くなります…。 바베큐도 할 수 있어서 너무너무 부럽습니다. 너무 재미있고 기분이 좋습니다.... Zelo sem ljubosumna, komaj čakam, kdaj bom lahko tudi pekla žar, tako zabavno je in se počutim….

It puts me in the summer mood whenever I have a barbeque. |||||||||||grillezés It puts me in the summer mood whenever I have a barbeque. Nyári hangulatba hoz, amikor grillezek. バーベキューをするときはいつでも夏の気分になります。 바베큐 할 때마다 여름 분위기를 느끼게합니다. To me spravi v poletno razpoloženje, ko imam žar.

I'm also jealous of all of your holidays, especially the sailing one! I'm also jealous of all of your holidays, especially the sailing one! Én is irigykedem az összes nyaralásodra, különösen a vitorlázásra! Tudi jaz sem ljubosumen na vse tvoje praznike, še posebej na jadralske! I have always wanted to be able to sail or to go on a sailing holiday because I think it's so cool to just be able to choose where you're going and to visit different places. I have always wanted to be able to sail or to go on a sailing holiday because I think it's so cool to just be able to choose where you're going and to visit different places. Mindig is szerettem volna vitorlázni vagy vitorlás nyaralásra menni, mert szerintem annyira klassz dolog, hogy szabadon választhatod meg, hová mész, és különböző helyeket látogathatsz meg. Vedno sem si želel, da bi lahko jadral ali šel na jadralske počitnice, ker se mi zdi tako kul, da lahko samo izbiraš, kam greš, in obiščeš različne kraje.

I have also never visited the Croatian islands that would be something that I think is maybe on my bucket list it seems like it would be something very cool to do. ||||||horvát||||||||||||||||||||||||| I have also never visited the Croatian islands that would be something that I think is maybe on my bucket list it seems like it would be something very cool to do. Én még soha nem látogattam el a horvát szigetekre, ami azt hiszem, talán rajta van a bakancslistámon, úgy tűnik, hogy valami nagyon klassz dolog lenne. Prav tako še nikoli nisem obiskal hrvaških otokov, kar bi bilo nekaj, kar mislim, da je morda na mojem seznamu, zdi se, da bi bilo to nekaj zelo kul narediti.

I'm excited to hear more about all of your holidays and your times in Croatia. ||||||||||||||Horvátország Izgatottan várom, hogy többet halljak a nyaralásotokról és a Horvátországban töltött időtökről. Vesel sem, da bom izvedel več o vseh vaših počitnicah in času na Hrvaškem.

I also am very glad that you are the same as me, in that you love a lie in the morning that that makes me happy to know that it's not just me who can't function before a certain time in the morning. I also am very glad that you are the same as me, in that you love a lie in the morning that that makes me happy to know that it's not just me who can't function before a certain time in the morning. Annak is nagyon örülök, hogy te is ugyanolyan vagy, mint én, hogy szeretsz reggelente hazudni, ami boldoggá tesz, hogy nem csak én vagyok az, aki egy bizonyos reggeli időpont előtt nem tud működni.

So I will just leave you this little message but have lovely BBQ and I will see you tomorrow Szóval csak ezt a kis üzenetet hagyom neked, de jó grillezést, és holnap találkozunk.